Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, November 02, 1839, Image 2

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ICR OF IUY AND !Ut.L- . 4. O .UD IV’* S*0£K. phvtd: nni] when thcv mot ul tho banquet tin recusant h.id limbing wtiisu to enronmur but : cold ttnuinsylabU’S ami nveiteU eyes. The mnts (linear in both «lonn still'continued tp rngo without, and in 11 spile • f his ktdy love’s declaration that .dio was ill nt case. both Lord Devoreux and' Sir Philip- Paining* followed the tlitit). els to the large low pleasant rhamhnr, with tho rich gilding of in pauttellcii walls, itx gay windows and caived chimneys, where the young kinswomen, at*r» rounded by their fetnalo attendants, pursued thoir several avocations nt tho tapestry Isom tr the broidery finmo. For tho first five minutes n dead stlenco reign* ed in tho ajmtmunt. The Lady Helen was what an enomy would have called sttllsn, and a friend would have dignified by the natna of melancholy; and her handmaidens dutifully fob' lowed their lady’s example. Agnes was tlit first to speak, whilst her cousin was now amus ing hsisull'with entangling her gold and silver threads under ilie notion of winding thoin, and now filling up a rosebud with blue silk and n i'll ci i ing r 100 ton her bowi s son constantly bt ' appeared to lie upward* of tfriKSit'.—Norfoifs Wear, hi, 23»A ult. BARON’S DAUGUTER; on'st angling is to see tho fish tor golden oars the silver stream,- tlily devour the treacherous bait, i we for Beatrice '—Shnkspeate. pansy wiiiciinuun. . 'Wherefore so sad and silent, Helen mine?' was tho question of the fair Agnes Montrcssor to her fair cousin, the daughter end heir of the ’ ortl Scraps, ns followed by a goodly retinue title woman, grooms, and paxes, , with usolemn dignity that tnftht ■ l to the elder dames, tho narrow winding woodland path that divided the gln«*y mere, at the hide ol which they had hann fiyinj thoir falcons, from the ample park, dotted will noble groups of venerable-oaks, bathed in the sunshine that surrounded thu baron’s stately mansion of (Jiuni >?«pairO- ‘What hath truubled the,Helen,that thou sittest on thy jennet »■« mute as the merlin on thy wrist) Art iu.ii i wrath with thyac If for chiding the young Lord Devoreux front thy bridlo ruin? or—alack that a knight so lately from the gay court, uf 'lould know so little how to constrno ’• wishes when her word* say one er looks another!—is that same Ar* fallen into disgrace for the too thy bequests? What aileth then, iu tho heiress of these broad * *r grace the champion sttives minstrel at the board; thou er the saddle bow, as sad hath lost her mate—whilst mm, and thy very bower ml Cicily, are na blithe ns on thee, aweet cousin! This mor is flat treason against thy hap* /! Betrothed too to the man whutn veitUttne king’s command! and father's upprova I! roipomlml the fair Helen, in her palfrey, and turning in with an nir of desolation contrasted strongly with the sprightly de> of her voting kinswoman. ‘Have I not for melancholy, think’s thou, to be king's behest upon the Lord it Jovo me or love me nut he spouse tne? and to be the daughter wealthy baron, into whoso ear all ' in to ppnr false feigning?! oh! te indobt to fortune as thou inf's, tlmi I tuigth for onco hear words of last thou no FTench rondelny, or English madrigal to sing or to say, my Lord Devoreux? Noinin-*trei tale, or courtly jest to trace thy lady’s bower?” • Say, bow chanced the wooing betwixt Maxi imillian de .Moiitmeirenci, and Marguerite do Uethtine?” said Povtmigs, aiding his fair inis- tresi in her attempts to bring ‘about convorsa lion; -when I left the Chateau of St..Germain*, Mademoiselle has taken it into that silly head or hers that tho Count wood hsr for her bread lands, and the ntoro he rourted and fluttered the moro she disbelieved, until nt last it was a moot point whether the pretty heirers would tiol fling herself, and her fcil’s und vineyard*, olive grounds and all, into a nunnery, from mere dis* trust und suspicion. What might be the end of that love passage, Anhui?” "Why tho liule damsel improved day by day in mistrust and jealousy until, as thou say’st, (were n chance but she took refugo in the church from poor Maxitnillian’s luckless court ship. And suit chanced that one fafir summer NliW-YORrt.Oct.98, Atlrchnuls* Netting *1 the City Hotel.—\\\ ltd, journed meeting of Meichatits, Manufacturers, and Merchanics, was hold at the largo room of the City Hotel, on Saturday evening. The crowd assembled was, if possible, greator titan atony of tho previous meetings. Tho meeting was called to order by Thomas Denny lisq onwho<o motion Silas Brown was called to tho Chair, mu] William P. Miller apt pointed Secretary. Mr, Brown, on taking tho chair, bt icily ext plained the objects of tho meeting, when Mr. Duany.stnted that as Chairman of the Commit' tee of the last meeting, in pursuance with the in' strmqiniis. he cnllod on Friday morning ttpou Air. John I. Palmer whom he considered us one of the 'Merchants’ best friends,' and who was in tho-interest of the banks. To him he stated the object of his visit, and requested that ho would call at as early an hour fts possible a convention of tho Bunks and by before them the resolutions adopted at the previous mooting of the merchants The call was accordingly made by Mr. Pultner,— and at a Conventon v of tho Banks, all with a single exception, soul their delegates.* The proceediugs of the Convention of Banks was communicated in a letter to the Committee as follows; New York, Oct 2G, 1839. Gentleman—- Wo have to enclose to you Ilia resolutions adopted »t u meeting of tho several air. penny rosa.nnu requpataq silence 'Oa not he asked 'Merchantsmeet together' for tint transaction ol htiiiness.aud presarvo ordor and decorum? Let us,* said ho 'forget nil things olre, and attend tn tho bitsihesa Indore us—lot us here forget tlint a man is wupopu/undsewhere, or in other things, and whatever ho may have to eiTer, submit it to the sense of the tuouting who, lltnr it shall bo adopted or rejected. 1 Mr. Titppau again rose, ant? after some furtln Or nmnifestatinns of disnpprobalion, ho was peri mitted to road the following resolutions:— * Rtsolvul. That while wu cordially approve the determination ofthe banks to maintain specie payments, we confidently rely upon their dis* position and iutoniion to incieasn thob discount* and oiherwiso to aflbirl tho moat eflttclopl aid in their power to this comuioicial community at this distressing crisis. Resolved. That as tho in'nmsts of the merchants, niamifacturors and mechanic-*, and tho banks, are identical, reciprocal confidence and assist, mice are ab-*(>luinly necessary to preserve our moneyed institutions front disustor, und tho tra ding community from still greator distress, if not ruin. Resolved. That wo deprecate all hostile Orel ings towards any sistor ifity, or bctNveen any hanking iiistitiuiona in our own city and that we lookforwatd with sunguiNe hopo that tho govr eminent, the pimple and tho moneyed instilip lions of this country will cordially unita in plac ing tho cttrtoticy and fin.Tnciut affairs nf tho country in a sound and permanent condition. Resolved. That wo recommend to every mer chant, niurinfactuerer, and met hank) ill fno city tu atfar.d to naclt Other the most liberal assistance und generous confidence, and that it be the de. terntined resolution of every one present—so long as itdio practicable to sustain his credit mid meet his engagements—not to give up the ship morning, standing be»ide a close planted bower of rose and woodbine, the Chevalidt d'ilarconrt utid Jules de .Montrenter began to banter the banks, held yesterday, and called at your re. Count on his misdoubting mistress. •* i is pity her.^qtiolj 1 ilia chevalier, ‘for of a sit retv site’s the pretty spoiled child sighed: and it e—for 1 expect that the said rogue called tn Nature played beauties and heirroros same trick* iu the days of bluff king l|„| ns in the reign of our sovereign Indy Victor in —tt may bo that she really thought she would • nrefio flattery, evenf 1 - - Deveroux. hnpllfo-'in'rr 1 " 1 ' 01 . 1 * i'ii.aoma archness. Tor. the fairdst lady in France.' 'Nay.' replied Maxi* “•fi^'n'Uortense du Plessi* hath brighter eyes; end Adiun do Boaiilien a sweeter smile; Leocu* die de Bloudeville hath a finer shape, and for u hand and foot, the young countess'— what name had lollowed none can tell—for tho fair Mar* gueritednrted front the arbour und Montmorreiici who hud kn6wi, all the while that she was iislett. mg, caught her in Iris arms—ay. even as I shall catch anotlier.lialencr, ami said—'Oh fairest, sweetest, dearest,' now may I tell what he said, when I am thinking of none save (Use ! Of naught save that entire and perfect love which belongeth not to thy father’s broad lands, nor even to thy surpassing beauty, but to thine own most dear and precious self”—and catching her in his anna, his lip touched—did it touch?—her snowy brow.” • j?’,^ lcru was no traitor, no treachery,” con* tinned he, answering the half murmured ques* lion which *tole forth amidst her blushes and ft**’ i C# * l"* wm w * n di«g disconsolately uuiong trie ueachcn ireos within hearing of my Judy love, when mistress Agnes' desire prompted meintoo counter trial of saitciness. But I am pardoned! Full surely I urn pardoned, aud if ever again thou ahouldsl mi«truat my love or thmo-own beauty, thou hast but to take a uap iu tho warder's chair!” quest. We take the present opportunity to add. that \v« are satisfied liu what was said at the meeting, Irom what we know as well as tlmt from thu convention ofthe directors of the diflerem ianks that you may rely, that every consideration of !culiugaud interest will influence aud determine tho ditfureu banks to give all the relief in their power, consistent with'their obligations and determination m maintain specie payments. Respectfully your obediciit sort ants. C. W. LAWRfcINCE. * WM. M VERMILYfi. To Thomas Denny, P. II Schenck. Robert Jeffray, 0.1 hump son, J Amory, A. 0. Stout. O P. Dtsosway, f. S. Lathrop, Win, P, Miller, committee, &c. Al a li>a<tin ( ofllio ullic.r. oDhe «»varnl city Bank., held on Ihaavaiiin, aftlia ajili ofOcio. bor, Cofb.hu. \V I » w relic wa, callnd m ,| 10 .ban-, aud Will U. Vcrnulya appointed aecro- 'tno cbirman alalad ilia mealing had bean eallml at Ills ranueet uf a cum.niiteo appointed it a nioelir* ofin.rchinii, uienHlkotuteri and Whereupon, the following reeolntimii, ofler- od by ,Ur. l.dmuude, weru adoptedi thy Drat unnnltnauily, aud aacond with two dinon in, Itcsolctd, That lha banka ofthe City ofN„w lork ruiisi.aitd will inainiaiii specie ‘on and tlmt it is with —j' Kyi'S,7‘ lh i "". r “ ig "“ d have noticed tll.uheenag and ‘.uel.ining ./.in' Ox their fcl-OW Ciiracns in rrl.«ra»<io ... ought she perceived. ^ ; e , ro ,, s. really wanted was • i*• n«.*wer mid moro piquant fprin. WOI QAfASfSfAUI, Nay. and thy melancholy have no deeper —courtesy,sweet coz. I'll gng* "iilist thy broidured wimpte. ledtcim*. Heoirkctt, H* len ! r wind is gathering a tempest. ^OMbUClose beachenalley^ are as though lha very* blessed ^ parcel ot our council. Tim mth us to seek sholtor, will -Trom thoir sport by the me**. • lus full pace dearest! We these gallants to the great hall of -nd there thou must hide thee er e great carved chair. No! n there as though overwrought and the riding and full asleep; that and than when the and mistress,as SATURDAY EVENING, Nov. 3. Ifc3!>. - e .. .-5» ,. H .II||||||| f| sure r * C c Hi S6eu * ,n rL '^rsnce ^ •‘dan C7* It is said in the Cumberland papers that tune of the individuals concerned in perpetrat in, ouirnges eloug Ilia lino of Ilia.Canal (below Cumberland) have boon tried, convicted, and ’ Lord Dcverei h« and my v; vyith tl»o haw fistly as if t!i man wf ‘ stead of the •So said; for life and ly mansinu of II from tlio lake, lint Lady Helen’s cosiuiue Poynings, pass thro' icak r*ot us south- lennilens kiuswu. merry hqart. in* dcrope.' ousins -rode as reached the. good* before thu party me to adjust th'e lion, so that she .»..,r,,„v»ndb attitude wo, natural, ofler Agues end her wai! V, had v.ii,factory p( „of ,, ,7 ip womiin had retired Her old mine, pawing accidentally that wav having testified ,i unr.e like anxiety on thea.-nre ofher ctcbing cold, and oven evinced .omedii. position to awoken h.r by ivny of avertin'- the daeger: wftitrt Ilic good baron, hor raihor hap. peiung also to cross the luill, and eecino hi. da, ,ug, 01 h, beliovod. asleep, took incredible pains to nutigan; Ins iron (read, an I stifle, /r, r I, - - ll * e J"’B l » , Snf*word mid spur, le.t Id di-unU her slumbers, iu short, so one (oreiahlsen yes.-r, xercs for each, nnd.ono far ten yeoro. siiieen years GOVERNOR OP NEW JERSEY. . TheLegi.hnn.,, »f New Jersey eesembled on lko3otli uli., in joint ballet,and elected Willum P*(!jltS0T0a, Governor of the Smto.ond Joseph II. Cvhobloweh, ChiefJu.iico. ed,nimble was ti.a counterfeit, that the only pe7- (except those in -lie eecroi) noi i.ikhi, i„ •on (c . fa» , ?M , ‘/»>prite nmsi'itr" w.'.h^'wh’o Midi an expression wliich ' Counlerfbit, ouil to as he was, what r such a deceit prediction. Lord ... ..1. ' *“*“•"«« woo-cd the' e l.lllc ofthe frdcou iloivn and ’ .and fores, and a cer. high D..UC,dot. the SytK^Eh. 1 ^ ivl '° fiu « 1 “ A l f, a h ! J' l H ), ^"J fib8ll ” 1 ’*"i, d K " >" *lo'v voice. Alihoughhrrr eyes were closed Helen Tell with ebsoioto certainty that Lord Dovo.oox glanco how* f to'h r ; asleep!’ looksd up in liar ■eesn^d at once ta wonder, like an In . caula be the po-uibl At last, accurdiu; Devereux -iiali, and an the tain money matters i.\ boston. The Dai/y Advertiser x>f Saturday last snya- •ln Boston our Bauks are in a strong and safi* position; and discount moderately, and the t n.y pressure abating. U There will he but little or no demand for epecie to go abroad. Exchange enough will be created by the ueceesary fall of good, under the present pressure to prices which will meot the European markei.-ond money is so scarce tlui> ram,nance, will be delayed fo, the coming crops,' * • ® BANK SUSPENSION. Tekitemee -The Nashville Il'Mf of thb I8lh "It., after refofring to the Eastern Bank .us, pension, ays— B^oT.tt".' 1 ' h " r ,° w “ » «nMil«lion of Suded onni -rh'' "' kUl definite while the G.nerel PP2' may he forced to suspend." * 1 *“ IiSDUKA -The Chilic.11,0. Ohio, QnzcUe of •Iho 21il, Ult. slates that the Indiana Banks have suspended specie pnyments. /Weed That the necessity o'fsi further dimi nution ofthoir loans and discounts docs not now «.«, but dial ii would be unwise and in,""," dent to pledge themselves t „ „„y patOsuUr eouise winch uiighi be rendered fufileW events over which they may have no conlrhl. And. ilia , in Iho opininii of line meeting, iho view, of il»a sovoml boards of our •*'••>• *****Kw, as »«. Oil motion of Mr. Adams, it wir* f- c, io* r «ian and secrotalW of this meeting sign the proceedin','*, and transmit « copy of the same tu the committee. Wm ill V* Chuirnian. " • n ' M. Fannilye, Secretary. Mr. Denny ih.n, in belialfofthe Conimitte. siibinuted the following resoMflo,,,: *’ J'r'rd ’I'hs, linvlfg confidence in Die ability ofthe hank, tn ill.lSn both.lhemselve. and m puhhc, by extending their disconnts.we eainesi. ly recommend nepimef mutual' foihehrant'a o dncciimmo'lntuin among the bank-, <fc auumz porn,y*;mc„ky. le, ‘-‘ U,,, "« 11,8 our banking institution., in ll.ci,.present detel nunanontosupport the honor o? ,ho c 0 .tnnv by nrtnnlsmmg specie paymonts. ^ W.herouppit, ‘.Mr.Tuppun,alter rendering the resAtiniiuiH, remarked that as lie was coming tu Uio hall, he had mol a friend who advised him not to attend, saying thnt nine tenths of those who did attend, did so fur thu reason that 'they wore laboring under pecuniary embarrassments.' This, ha «.tid was true; mid was not the whole community Inhoritig under the *muo difficulty? Wiiat else could hruig together such an assem* hinge of tho New York merchants? Why else, ho disked, should wo sen heto, ihuso with gray hairs. At even supported by crutches, (ulloding to Mr. T. I'helps who sat near him ) Do we not all feel that we need something more than crutches to support us in our present crippled condition? [Tho resolutions offered .by Mr. Tuppan were laid on the table.] Mr. Llnvd again rose. He had no fault to And with iho cumse theconunitteo had adopted, but hn thought thev had lint gone far enough. He had understood that they were to ascertain and report definitely, what the bauks were able to Ho, and whntthey were disposod to do. We want something defiuhe in regard to these things w hich, though they ure regarded as uf minor consideration, will, l believe, prove of the greatest importance to the community. Oh motion, the amendment to tile second re* solution nf the committee was itdopiod: when the resolution us nineuded. with also the entire repnrtof the committee, was adopted. A ’motion to adjourn the meeting to Saturdiy evening next, was Inst. Home remarks were made by Col. W Stone, . When Air. Denny suggested that there - were lying upon the table certain resolutions (Air reppaii's) which had not been acted upon, xhese. he thought, coming from whatever man or woman thdy might, ought to he nc ed upon by the meeting. These resolutions ought to bs judged of by thomselves, without considering .from whom they came, or by whom they were proposed, and let them, if adopted, go forth to the wnridas (he *eniimi>Rt*onhe meeting. A motion to lay the resolutions on the table was rojocted; when. 1 On motion, they were adopted, as part ofthe regular prnceedingr Tin* following r»> ou*ly adopted: nesoltf d. That the thanks of ihi. m.etinz ate dua tu the cunimiiiso for thu f,i hful ,nai;n<r in which they ii.ive performed their duty. The meeting then adjourned sini die. ■ CHARLESTON. Oct, Accident on tho Charleston and I In mint t Rotul.—U \s long sinco wo hove boon coiled on to record .one. Long may It bo before we have to repent it. Yesterday tho upwatd and down ward trains of pnssanger car* run afoul ofcach other, and tho two Locomotives, tho Gonernl Haync’mid tho ‘Chari ston.' worn destroyed. Liitlo other damage was sustained, and wo tin* dorstand r.o passenger wn* hurt. This accident' fs, wo restimo, tho result of neglecting the wholesomo system thnt hod been establish-id and for so long a lime savad' travellers from acci* dents. Tho onginners ought to bo hold to a strict account.—Mercury. Our Industrious Chief—'The- Presidenthns loll tho business ofthe country to shift fur itself during the long space of three month*.. Who ever heard of the like before? ITJohn Quincy Adams had done tho like, the •Democrats’ would hnvo been in favor of ducking him in the Polo, mac liver.AT. C. Star. MARKI.-UiES IN HEAVEN, Said Celia to n reverend dean, •What reason can ho given, Since mairiagelsa holy thing, i in heaven?’ That they have none i They have,’said hn.'ns women there,' She qu-rk return’d the jest: Wmiion thero are, but I'm afraid They cab not find a priest-’ COADIBIICUIj JOVItNAL. LATEST DATES ruoM mykhhioi., : : from ii a v uk, : : : ! rnoM Montt.c, t : : t most N KW-Oltl.K 4NS, SAVANNAH IMPORTS. Nov-.1. Havana—04,1 Par uchr Eagle, from Havana—04, Idids, fi tea and 2 bbls Alolusso*. 3 boxes Sugar, 42,000- So 1 gars, and o quantity of Fruit. . SAVANNAH EXPORTS. Nov. 1. Per brig Pandora,for Boston—470 bales Cot* ton. BALTIMORE, Oct 2D.—Flour.—Tbo de. mind for Howard street Flour conjinuos active, and the sales are fully cqiihI :o tho receipts; On Saturday sale* were made fiom stores at $025, and also nt $637£; at which latter price we not* a sale of 200 barrels thu morning. -Wo now quote tl\Q store rate at $0 25 to $6 37J. aud tho wagon price at $10 124. City Al ills Flour continues in fuir demand with moderate sales ut $025 „ Whiskey—Centinue* in fuir demnnd.nnd sales are making at 394 cl* in libels, and 31 a 35 cts. in bbls. Tho wagon price of bbls is 27 cents exclusive of the barrel. Provisions.—Wo note sales on Snlurdny of several large purclts Western Middlings Bacon at 8 cts. aud of small lots at 54 cent*. YVo quote 8 to 84 cents as the extrome rates for prime Western Middlings, 7 td74 fi* Shoulders, and 10 cts for Hams. Baltimore cured Hams >134 cents. In barrel Provisions we hear of no trarrs* actioes. Sales of Lard No. I at 11 to 124 cts, according to condition. . Oen. L'»yd rose to enquire wliieli ofthe Banka liafi e°i b„ U " repr.w,$j Cta , , v J| ltl " B { . ' f /i* ?i n,, y r *l^b*dihat |ie catildutate thmiWf, n 01 ^ 01 ? ly ' ,h l! ,rt 11,8 ^'^ntiun, the only Bank not ropresemod was the 'Bank of Coltif On rv'*!?on.tho firetre. 0 !j J t; 3n pronosed U ib- rniHtnitiee, was then Adopted, though willfSnS expressions of dissent; * «*u»sonie ^i ? :hr u, " huiil,8 “ b #MI he adopted^ when. Jo* far us ' ™ AUGUSTA. Oct. 31. 7%e River.—The Savannah River is now nearly as low as nt any former period this sea son. • I he Founder's’ plantation -has again made itsapperance. with but liule further dam. age than loss of fenco. thaUh nf Auiiusta, Sfc — Tlio woalhnr ft,, ,| le past ivoeli |i<M benn >n mifiivorable to healil, (wmg very wenn,)* that we in,,.! .nil cnnlion Iln.su who Imvo nbiemed lli«m.elve., to rmnain where limy era e few <I„yi loiizer, for ilm tipie cunnoi be fiirdiatein whniHhoy- can return in «»fely, We are dai- ly looking fora front and until we have a heavv oim. Ihero will Im a risk in making the cilv a permanont residence. * Tho following death* by fever have occur* red since Ihursday last; Simeon YVa.k -r, rcsi- deni; Sander* Walker, do; Mr* Martha Shaw do; Ben mtttn Bunins, do; Larry Hay, do: and one negro in tho cniiniry. Bu.iiioM i] beginning lb etirogeiD." Aeniah ae we eJit wMam, tin, reeceipia or coiton bv •lognn and Roil Uoad during the pa.t week will reach 1200 bale., all uf which i. at id to bo' of excelluni (pialiiy by and fine ample! The de mand 1a pretty gued and purchuaora are daily making their appearance in market. The principal demand, Imwovor.i- for the northern marhe 1,1 " the way of remittance, ea exchange ia dilhciih o 1.0 had even el preaem exoihimin rates. I ho aalea during die week will read, llm.it mill lining r. v • . . ' ‘ ral| Clt PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 28.-Colton.-The market i* nearly bare of all descriptions—Sales in small lots of Upland and -Mobile nt 14 to 16 a IC4 cts, nt the latter prices for prime quality.— Some Alabama and Virginia nt 12} u I I cents. flour ahd Neal—The Flour market has vnri* ed coii«iderubly in price this week—Oil. Mon day sales were made at $0 60, oh Tuesday at 0 624 to C 75. Owing to increased mipplius, e lies were' made yesterday and today ut 0 GO fur shipment and hnino use—A few holders still »«k 6 624, though Flour car* be had at 6 50 for ® ! '* : *‘_ Stacks Vu«y light with a fair demand.—■ Ryu Hour and.Corn Meal ure scarce, and both have beon taken nt $4 25 per bbl in small par* jjd"- ®Ales of Buckwheat Meal iu half bbls nt $2 50 and in bug* at 2 25 per c\Vt, Provisions—Mess Pork bus been in good re* quest, und some lot* have been taken as remit* tuncen to New York. Sales of only fair to prime quality at $14 a 18 per bbl in large and small parcels—Bacon has heon in better request tho’ prices have no] varied since our Inst report—in Lurd, but few sales aro making. Rice—'The sale* have been trifling at 44 Ola ARRIVED SINCE^^H SchV Eagle, YVilov t]»w ^ f bAs t Baldwin, ill nlellb.'s ugaVpi,,:? t-J*i' I I upper iVt SUtnro. to order a M 0 ' «*h Steam packet Beaufort iv ■ CherMot^lO bourn, ,„j CHARLESTON, Nov, I ' II nviinut .lonmhoat Somlien,'. A “"I Cl Yualhio, via Sue, m " 8,lle '- ■Mseawi “WEsBsaBt'dESSr^ Liverpool hatnuo O.conla, Rio , BALTIMORE, Oct. Si)-a, 1 , NEM l KOe,’'2^ , 7'f’»M. Janolro; Cdvinjinn, Cemoafwtf’ 0,1,111 burgs barque Globo, Ttleete 1,1'"7 O' Mnhnzis; Angehoria, Turks rS j !!*« Nichols, Savannah "land; Q eo .1 .? l,l „»'M"u | ii|i Natchez. Si.il,, shin* St Leon, do; Ebro. Galvn.i Rohinson, Liverpool; Wlihnu.r ° n i roinJi i nii nn |nI 8 Mo,e *- FOR: p“ M el KS 11 ' Nov.ethVif" or to * ‘ lr r r-'«t*t« PH..;.go, .ppf, 0 ‘*^ Ail freight payable by.I,ip|',e* KINl MOV 2 will deport for Ih e .i £o 888 *.. •» Musa MORNING the 4tli Nav. at 8 o'cl freight or pa-.oge having ewullent, (laliuiie, apply on hoard, nr to mu , . c1 "' g h°RN4[ wood morning*"' " 88V8 ,0 * al “ ,l y evtrj ™ FOIt CHARLESTON Vi BEAUFORT, ' The .plendid nctr v, packet BEAU ' I \ f nm n • —— DISTRICT, Cni.t sun, will lenvo / bovo places [inland to Beaufort, and r from there to Charleston) every Aloinhv ing nlU o’clock,' For froiglu or n M „'., mg splendid ncniimmnslalion«,apn|vio ,h,'r* tairtkm board at Gmlina,tin's wlnlf no? 2 ' JOHN OUlLMABViv Savnmmli Tltesplan CorpTl T HE Iaet porfonnmico of thi» f hike piece on MONDAY Evi inatanq^rhen will be enacted (by queat) Homes’ muck AnMiniO * DOUGLAS. Tfie sovoml chamctcre by members ofiiio C Doors open nt 7 o’clock, iierfimnanr, post. Ticket., BO emu. DRAWING RECEIVED -HE fallowina are th- draivn ii.i T IIL.tallowing a _ Greeno and Pulaski Mouumenl Claes No. dD. 40 0 8 19 63 1C 70 43 31 Cl 43 25 Holders of prices will csll for the chit „ IVITHINGTOK’3 nov 2 Lot, and F.x. Uffiro. on Ilm Hat per lb. A „, Drafts oil IVow-Yorh, T a ^- Vi l'°r 8500, and one! $1000. I* or sale by A. BENNETT nov ~* No. 1, VVaring's Boildii Domestic LdiTiiiors. 46 BBLS. N.E. Rum NOTICE. The Pews ofthe Baptist Church In. Savon nab, will be ufflrred for solo on Monday, iho I III, day of November, 1839, to commence nt 3 o'clock, P. M. Terms made known on tho day of sale. Persons wishing lo obtain Pone will do well to title nd et the lime specified. By ordor of Ilm Powlmlders. 08130 W-W. WASH, Treasurer. i half pip, CoVotnandp, end for eule low firom nov 2 ice Brandy, landing from ’’ lo low fro GEORGE IUI.V PILOTS OF THE PORT OF SAVANNAH - I he following list ofP.loie is published by or er of the Board, for tho information ofull concerned. WII. II. BULLOCH, Sec’ry. Cnin’rs. Pilotage. BRANCH PILOTS. . Elijeh Broughton, Jo.ei,h Goddard, F.sq. rose,. He would go a. !• t^.5S°..!l-‘-"/jK” WU M lu -«’ i - 'vhieh wore •Sholooketh asleep!’ eonlhmed ilm knight. 'Indifferent well!' rejoined his companion a voice os dulling ns his words. 1 |?Hn a f ir wai the response. r 11 1 m a carontu.’ 'lndifierenl light*' 'And (i sweet voice iu a virolai.’ Tiidj flu rent—’ . ’Net,’ inlefriipllad the knighl. ‘thou art a very heretic In the mailer of beamy, on im fi(.«l, a I igan. Thy vary blood in frozen, that iake** •*• *•—^ M U thou •poakeat thus ofono of the fairgai jnnidei.s of King Henry’s court. If the Lady Htien be not n beauty, where will you find one?' ’Tlio dain.ol is indifferent fair,' replied the Lord Deveroux quietly. 'But Ilm Lady Cutlm- nno Ssudys hath a hour shape, and the Lady Piercy a prctii.iv foot Auri, fur a vuelai or o earanto.cmnumnd mo iu the blight eyed Pruvcui Ceie, too Imrgher'a wife of J,ynn». lloauiv quoiha! 1’hon ttilkcsl liltu llio squire of dames in the legond. liu! iho rain pours ortiaiu.’ Come and III show the n suit uf unnour fir tn Imvu figured,nt ilm Field of the .CJoih-of Gold, or wo)! havunhuiit wuii iho t...... ' Btefdebotltwi.tb llio rapiers,ar whotyou wilU-llmrs a good hour yet lo diodor, i'houhbeatm? at the rapiers. 1 have not mod my weapon against ono SO well-,killed as thyself this Imjfiyear. Cuino.n lacks an hour ofnuim, war'nil have tune tu breatlmr uursnlvea.’And oli the Loid Du y-" .;|r : loll’llio Loid Doterous match AUGUSTA BOARD OF HEALTH. Saiuruay, Oct. 20—12 M The Board report the death of ono negro m the country .during tho last ,„ only f . ur man : hours. SuRtiAV,.Oet. 27-12 W. The Board report the death ofone eld negto- I l )ara during the last twenty fi jar n - Mordat, Oct. 28—12 M, Tlm Board report „o death during fi,. |„„ twenty four hours. T»e<dav, Oct. 93—ia M The Board r.port one death, In the city, and one.u the country, from fev\r, 0 „d „„ 0 cb j w , eighteen months old, from worms, during , h , lust twenty four hours. YVkd.vesdav, Oct 30—12 AL The Board report no douth during the last twenty four hours. A. CUM.Y1ING, Mayor. Samuel Al. Thompson, Sec’ry. Anofhit Slaver.—A vessel; reported to u. an tho schooner Butterfly, ofNow York,’ arrived yesterday from Sierra Lcnno, having hoenc^p, " llislihrig ufVVar Dolphin, and . Af w 'firasf:f , .effi ,, , h b . 8 z: -ftunils too sjistained. Let the IthnkJ come fm ward „„d frankly tellwhat means belief Uioy can allurd, lei the tuerchfiiitx know at ohr« whaLlttay cfl" depend upon. The m.rch.ni. will then'come ms„mily P r«rward h atrd'Shi the Banka in any proper course they may sue, geit. Mr. Goddard concluded. 1.. disposed of a» fidlov.',: U4 „ w 10,34.„ BW „ t II. 174 at 11}. 19 at 11§. end ,ma • ■* * ■ • « -- --0 178 at 11A. About the same quantity, qpa sold iu the streets oil’wa ( go»is, nt rates similar to tl* ■ above . .. . — Ibir stock et the present time is bet wen 7 und 8000 bales. —YVequote old cotton 9a 114. new n’lJllJ faif demand. * 2 Our Grocery mid Dry Good, market is well supplied, and tho .took, of boll, are daily i„ Luke Christie, Paler Clark, Green Fleetwood, John Ii, Hniio, James King, John Fleetwood, John Low, Joseph Osborn, John Robbins, Stephen S, Timmons William While, ' William'Thar/nge, John Stevensorh ' concluded, submitting i5n0 idir.Hiit in .I.,. J: "T“ . ® i wo k, »°w of «"d our country frionds, by p U yj„ f iso. ~ ->>"•- ftlasa I Warn n» i.j./ i . 1 •* Moiving an aniendn.miuo ,',^3a.oh,' mid in lha opinion of this meeting that it is r S 8 *{ consistent wiih Hie uvowed object of largi their dirtcoutibi.' a * Mr. Denny said, that in justice Jo a portion of the committee, (among whom was hinuntn Ko ought to explain tha, the second re l« ion’ did noi precisely meet their »i(w. S l , ,i 1 „; 'hat th. Bank, ought to k, calladVZ,' m ia"elv‘ r \ r v"f 8S "| bl8 ' whhlheirown sa oly. We found no fault will, iho otijeol con, ofZngV b “^ , ' bul " w ' l b'llib J manner us n visit, can suit ihomselve's on ihe usual terms* they need apprehend no daisy, as wagons orJ plenty m town. , 8 Exchange.—On New York I. very scaree.nnd the broke,, are drawling at sight at 9 a 10 no , cent lor current notes, checks os Charleston 3 per cent for eitrrcnt notes, oml Savannah I tier cent. City money is word, I per cent nreml specie paying banks 4 por cent. P 1 it was die wish ofthe Committee that specie payments should bo condimud. bin it w.-io also h" w should^ bo-a,tended “ l lio Lomnmiee regrclled dial diey had it not in their power in'brmg this joyftrl news. I wasfrotfi ho want of inclination oi, the part of die Commilleo, that limy bad nut dona so-ihat they had not furnished "tho figures:” hut he ■ItaRano n 8 '" !“‘ ' bl0 , 1 ? f"" ,ro1 minds ofali tho B.iiik Directors. If there was thou nnv c«n* tee ° t0 | G £’ 8l |'! " ol l ‘ ,| kifpo" tho Commit, lee. l ie believed thnt thn Committee had dime 2M Wd ,'VH by 11,0 'osolution under which they had aciod, which was simply os fob lows, winch Mr. i). read: > Correspondence of the Philadelphia. V. S. Gazette NEW-YORK, Oct. 28 it is absolutely Impossible for individual James P, Den, CERTIFICATE PILOTS. JamesL. Minis. f or ]G fuel draughl. ,n J “ do John G. Sexton, do’ Ifi Hn Charles R. McKenzie, do 1G do Frederick Huntington, do J4 do Francis Wilson, John Mnrshall, Almorione Craig, William Jones, B James Spence, Manuel Joseph, John Makin, odt 30—r. • do do do 7 do do do do 12 do 12 do 12 do 12 do 9 do 9 do 9 do do do do do do do do do do "Resolved, Tlmt a Cotmniltoo ba appnmleil !g,!SmRn3P|gf»lf reqiiosrto ihe bonk, tlmt wlm seeks only to give a correct or,uuey market, lo make up his minrl lo nay D „,i live conclriajons ol, lire snhleei. rj,„„e J|lh e you that llurre is a certain feeling n r tnnfi u. 8 evinced ,o day. which ha. no, for some hme before: oihers, thnt ,|« H' 8 * Sion, gloom and sea city, aro us bad as eve? I incline myself ruihar lo llio taller opinion ‘ -WlockH aro again lower. U. S it.,,,1, * i, „ fell considerably. Merchants’ pap or il discount! ingot about 3A n 4 por cent., and but litila muhoy to bo hud on it Lain spoakinff - - 8 rule paper; whaiever comes below that (ETThe friends arid •acquaintances of Capt. Dsvm M. fe'in.y, "re reipecifiilly invited loot, lend Ins ftineral from M.ssri, Luddingion & 1 hompson s residence, cernsr of Drayton street and Buy lano, nt 4 o’eloek This Aftcrm PASUlvNGKRS ^ Per steam packet Uoaufiirt District fr,„„' ! Charleston Mr Crabtree and lady, Mis’. Barn well and snrvanl, Mr Noel and indy, Mr. An, Of first ' io jj “’. don *™'l«*( '''fiber prices, ami m'high os 9 a IU |ier cent, is sometimes paid. U post note. are unsaleable here.' AmlehasTeoe iniido nf sterling hills nt8 n 8<| (irom all tho hanking iiisihuiians of ihe ' city, in the eunrseonooiorrow, will, „ view to increase I2a I2J: ■ nvaminh'l'o a A "«"*-’ An agent wnsHom frnin thiscily onSsturdav to demand specie or cty money for ihe not,, of be8 " H In a isexpectudloroiuru on W?dng, ^.MissAnderslMraMerS^I cer, Mis. Howard, Mrs Sorrol.Miss Sorroland EH Mr , t,8dolrord “ ,ld W. 51 r. Ifollock, 2 ch Idron end servanl, Mis. Jolm.lon, Mis. S M J'dmston, J Sieddard, lady, 2 children end 2 sorvonts, Mrs Jones, Mia Robb, Miss Sliackol. ford, Mrs C C JoTies, 51rs Jones, Alias Giqq,p°q Mrs Leggatt, Miss E Jones, Mrs Aloxnuder 5 -.Gold.mi,l,„„d servum/Rev OO N Messrs Dawson, Cheves, Shnoitelfimi, Logg,. Colooek U.rnvvell, Jones, Co,Idler,, Cap, 1-1 Simlh.G b Harding, Henry, Waltlburg,. A,,' ItlOlltSSC'S. Qf; HIIP.8, and fi ti&rces Molnsirj, .. yU ed por schr. Eagle, from Havana, for solo low, by , nov2 L,BALDTO w Lntlis. /t ftAA EASTERN Lilli., •, a^axJU'xJ from brig Emma, an I i« L. BALDWIN: 215 aale by nov' UUCIOVIUIJT. Tff HALF bbls Bnckivlieal .B. XV 60 qrs d.) du 50 eighths do do, landing andfiirn'i nov 1 COPE St MIL • MOLASSES AND LAUD, T3 (flh HHI38 Cuba Midns.es -EL Mg 20kcgsLnrd, in .lore and forssl-* nov 1 COPE At MIPS j RAISINS'',AND COKDIALf. •fl gistft. BOXES fresh Raisin-. 55, 19. Martinique Cordinla,assorted.— Just received nnd for sale by nov 1 c. L. McM.SH- no A 1 FiR'RliN8 prime Go*}ten BallM, i ' colvotl pur brig 8avmnjia^sijJfa* A Stoves. N nssortmont Stoves, for sale by „„ nov 1 N. B. & II. WE® Gnus, lllflcsniid I’isIoH. A N assortment of Pistols, nnd eingloandd"* blfl barrel Fliut and Percussion Guni,W sale by V . N. B. & II. WEF.D- * by nov 1 214 Lonf ansi Crushed Sugnj’ UA BBLS nntl 5 boxes refined Loaf ““1“ £l\3 10 bbls Crushed Sugar 19 do Powdorod do „ .. ’ Received from tito Boston Sii*®ws!m5 andforsuloby J., BAI.IlP-i-’ riovl 214 FRESH TEAS MWB8MB1. Tj fs* 4 chests superior Bluck Fea tn p^P** JL 5 do Hyson do 10 4 do do do, it very sup’r article 12 do Imperial and Gunpowder “ 5 cases do do in caddys 1 bbl Nutmegs, 2 bags A!spic§ Just reesived and for sale by . ffaf r ocf 31 C, L. IIAilI8,hJTIOKFD A IM f V'Tf IlMCJIfRS. . ,L AND’ TONGUFS. T WO hundred and fifty Reynolds or Baltimore’ Hums 6 hhla smoked-Boof 8 do do Tongues 15 hogs LcaTLsrd Justmcerved odd fur.alo bv GOSRErV CBIEBiir PORTER. „h«i PORTER, . r , 1 ,i„u FBI WF.NTY FIVE boxes i Cheese, 15 casks I don f'orlor, > P and quarts. J ust rqeoivod atid tar “'"jJJgH, l.,l - j « ■ -4 ; -S * A m EM®