Newspaper Page Text
R. A. Daniel. K. F. Lester
E ditori aii l I* r o p lie to r
Hnyes lias been declared President
by the Hit'll Juint Commission, and
will be inaugurated next Monday.
YVe think the Democratic lender* have
acted like a set of asses, and are en
titled to nothin*' bnt the contempt ••{
the whole people oj America. The
voteisof the United States went to
the polls on the 7tb dny of Novem
ber last, with patriotic leirfs, and
lected Samuel J. Tilden, of New
York, President, and Thomas A, II tn
dtickx, of Indiana, Vice President,
and they would have been inaugura
ted had"the Constitution hem regard
ed; but Congress had t > create that
National Returning Board, and by
that the people have lost the man of
their choice. On next Saturday the
labors of the present Congress end,
and end in disgrace, and to those
members who have been re-elected
that voted tor the High Returning
Board we say resign, and let the next
two years of your live* be spent in
earnest prayer, and befote this Ibe
passes away try and get the forgiv
ncss of yonr God, and your fellow man
for the blunder you have committed.
The United States Senate has
amended the legislative and judicial
appropriation bill so as to increase the
Presidential salary from 825,000 to
$50,000 the former figure having been
fixed by the House It is to bo hoped
the House will insist on the smaller
amount. It is not tilting that ihe
people should pay the larger salary
to da Judo executive whom they
never elected
It is a long time for an old man
Tilden to wait till IBHI fur aro-her
Presidential race. B sides, Dor yeais
produce immense changes, an 1 it is un
likely that any Eastern Democrat will
be chosen at that time to lead the party
io another victory or another dluoder.
Hayes meaks into the Presidency
under the plea that Congress has no
power to keen him ou l . Ho feloniously
tak'S w hat does iot belong to him, un
der 11 a wretched pretense ti nt the
stolen votis cannot be returned to their
rightful owner. — Albany Aryun.
- -
Whenever our party keeps still for
a while, and gets a chance to do a big
tiling, it has to go on and make a
d-d lop-eared fool of itsalf. Sam Gary.
Wh-t Tliry Think of Him at Home !
We copy the following from a Savan
nah Sunday paper of February 25th:
“That enterprise among merchants
stimulates trade, is u fuel too well
known to need any other comment, ex
cept the necessity of the putilio ro sup
port it, and in this wise show their ap
preciation. Thus enly villages "W
into towns, towns inter cities, and c, s
into business centres One ol our mot
eliterpiising inct<'lianis is Mr. Duvid
YVcisbeiu, who has drawn tiadc to this
iity from many section of this country,
winch have never before made our
city their market. Wo are awaic that
our own population patroniz i him to
very great e xtent, for one fmuy pass Ins
well-stocked Dry Goods House, 100
Broughton Street; at any hour ef the
day and find it crowded with custon.eis;
iud be well deserves it, for, from out
holy friends we are assured, thut Ins
* 1 rets OD the generality < f Diy Goods
much lower tbati cart bo had else
Isaac’s Nli'V YoIJK City JJneiNl'fs Di-
M v.—This is ibo title of a vul
u;i! \c w uk nf ooinmcrclul rofort-uoe, just
1 i' ly Waltkk Hi.toll & Cos, Prin
tris id pulibhers, of 11 Purk Place,
Kcw York It e otains a full and com
pute list of nil the inipoiteis, Jubbcis
I Manufnctums d.iiig business in
tlu great mctrrpolis, classified und ar
i.iigid by Trifles and Occupations,
IL giving tlieir street and number ad
,inss. It ian invaluable work for the
t entry Merchant. It tells hiui wlo ro
to alttftiu everything from u neciilo to a
t:: nr engine, of first or second bauds
Ti i wotk will be sent by the publishers
to at,y address, postage prrptiiJ, upon
tbe receipt ofilio prior, .which is os fol
low.-: Cloth, lull bi uiiil edition, per
e ; v. One Dollar; iloxible cloth bound,
' i.uiy-Pive cents; paper covers, Fifty
——- —■——-- - ——
Peon Weak Woman Miss Susan
Nipper, who lived in it small tene
11, if, a lone woman was quite fluster
i tbe other morning l>v an early call
'in a bachelor neigdbor.
"What do you come here nfbr V'
Mi*s Nipper
"i came to borrow matches,” he
meekly replied.
■ Miv ehrs! That's a likely story.
Wtiy don't you tnako a match? 1
k w v hat you came for.” said tbe
. : a rated old virgin, as she backed
ih'. bachelor into a corner. '‘You
v i o here to hug and kiss mo nearly
i. .i.'ath ! But you sbau t without
v.iUe the strongest, and the Lord
l:a ..*s you are.
Make the truth very and srg enable,
and there will he found plenty ,of per
>'o: i ready to tell it.
Homerville Items.
airamiigaiaarwii m■ i in
The town Commiss'oners have g'U
erously opened their l,e irts and had
two beautiful rows of shade Gets S' t
cut •* bich will add g>ea'ly to ti;e looks
j of our town.
Mr. M. M. Cat well has just reviv
ed a foil supply of liquors, and invite*
liis many frieuds to call ami see Inrr.
Mail is tv very clever ami nccommodii
titgge n I ' mnli, and vvb we uld be
speak for him n large* patronage
Notwirlrslai ding Ihe nat city of
money, and the; hardness of times our
town is improving daily Mr. V\ i!
limn H. Green, a lirst-cl >rs carper ter,
is now lu lding a very nice ehimh for
the Methodist, tvhicu will be couqle
ted in a slit rt time.
The firm of Holliday, Lane & Cos.
is now erecting two turpentine stills
to tuLe the place of tlie one run last
year. 0. B. Lone, one ef the linn, is
a tb rough going man, and we pn diet
for him a glorious harvest ns an ward
for iiis indu-try
Tire Academy tit this place is now
in charge of Prof. D. Kelsey, who iH a
thorough gentleman and scholar.
Those wishing to educate liter chil
dren should not lot this opportunity
pass as lli-y ui*y never have another
ueb a chance.
Me. Jno. A. 'Street, our very effi
cient Marshal, resigned bis commis
sion 'bis afternoon and takes bis
leave on tiro Ist of March for section
No. 8, A. & G. if. it, hh 8m ction Mas
ter. Mr Street made a very gproii pt,
e.ierge'ic and efficient Marshal, and
our town will miss him greatly.
Among the brightest ornaments in
the Georgia House of Renrcsenlativi s
is'this boy le gblator from Pierce, and
who is probably tiro younge-4 member
iim whom the State has evi r conlericel
ilds honor and dignity if * law-giver.
A. Id Coehriine, was Called by his Ito -
pic to verve them, with the eh ws if
youth upon Ids brow, and when they
rail him ni* her still, he cun read fn m
lire greatest chapter if human life, ex
peri'nee, and should he survive until
i nrth'e resting pi rion is reached, he can
I boast, "from my youth up 1 was a war
nin'. ’ A short time since Mr Coeh
l an, Deling that ihe tree iXp"Sod alike
to sionri and sunshine is die one to !"f
--(11 the I impest ol life, resolved that
iiiau also is in the making, and accord
ingly, \v l lln lit t,no <’o It in the world,
ho went out a stranger into the land,
i and so effectually did be establish him—
j self iu the minds and* hearts of the p o-
I pie, and the first vote bis maturing
yeurs e inib'ed him to cast was thrown
when hi* own name was involved in the
olrction. Mr Cochran adds to a hand
some por-ou and fascia vtitrg s I Ire*-, a
clear judgment and finely cultivated
mind, and Ins speeohea in ilia House
have displayed gieet research, legal
eondiiion and logical discti nmctit.
Tlio political horizon is ulwuy* Lung
: ‘t; darkness nml obscurity, ami often
it is haul in S' ini' scui-vr 'in pilgrim who
Inis wcui ily liulii el by tin; w.iy, i > tmie
the fill lucr you! Il w! O ouoe >t nil'll "lib
stroll blight uspira'io i. But "e provliot
foi' this > oil bit fu I und distinguish el sou
nf an eminent f.ilbcr, a btiglll Career ol
US' fulness uni honor, anil us we bid t us
ni"i nilig star ‘G and speed,’' we sliuil
hope io lrnoo its oourse, mouuiiiig
higher and liigl cr in tho fit niunienl of
political power.— Granted., uilhc Ayim
la Condilutunialitt
Onn Fifty cent Dor cf Dr. Janus
Fat.miuii SriiciKii', i- irarrivded to uc
-0 in o re itnmcdiutc uud jx rmmu nt
I’ood, th in cm bn nttnii oti by Fifty
Doi.laKS expt uded in any other known
mode of treatment. Speedily tenu ves
all hawkin'.', mici slug or other throat or
uascl trouble, and jniritivchj radical’y
cititt s the very worst and most inretrr
nle cusoa in from four t" twilve e ks.
Ordinary “ColLs in the head” disap
pear by the use of tlis Smc F'C iti a
sinplu night. After trying at I tl e Nasal
l)i uel i, Liquid Snuffs, high priced
quacks and other humbugs of t lie day,
and still finding yourself a sufferer
from this dang, nuts, fateful and loath
gome disease, try l)r. .lamia' agreeable
but jmsitivr and certain Specific, and
be ci itED ! Sent to at y address post
pni lon rieei| ti 1 price. 50 Cents and
81.(10 per box.
Address. PAUL JAMES, M 1).
GG Fulton Street, N. \.
Ao t nts wantid, both lady ' tid gen
tlemen. jai.4-ly
IS $lO 0 A YEAR 1J
A live, newsy pupcr from the I'npilnl, full
of oliiit, gossip, ci initial suet dies, poinj{iftphs
unit incut ions of all kimls. .lust ihc kind if
a paper to olive nvvoy bln, sand, give the
world a bright and cheerful look. A good
agent wanted in every toxn in the South,
to when] n liberal commission wilt bo f'anl.
souil stamp for n specimen copy or cnclcao
one dollar and reeeiv* t be pper for one von .
janS4 Atlanta, Ga
Winch can be (lone with one fouith the
usual expense, 1 y us rig ii r
(Fifteen Years Established,)
Flrc-proof, Water-proof, Durable' Eco
nomical and Ornamental.
A rnof may he covered widi a very
cheap shingle, and by application of rhi
.slate be made to lust from 20 to 25
years. Old r ofs can tie patched and
coated, looking mucu better and lasting
longer than new shingles without the
-late*, fnr
Ortr-fliirU the rof of Rc-itUiiitllrit.
The expci se of slating new sbingies
is oedy about the ce st ot simply laying
tin nr. Ti e paint is FiBE I’liOOF against
spark San jl Aping embcis, as may be
easily rested by any one.
! arid fur tin or ii on has no eqtreul, as it
] expands by heat, c ntracts by e‘dd||#hd
' xkvek cbacks tier scales. Roots cov
)<r* el with Tar Sheaiing Foil can be
made water-tight at a small expi nse,
and preserved for many years.
This iSlute Paint is
Two gal!oiis t will cover a hunivt] square
feet of shingle roof, while ou tin, iron,
fed’, matched boards, or any smooth
suiface. finm two quarts to one gallon
arc reeptiied to 100 sqnaro feet of sur
fuee, and ultough the paint has a heavy
body it is easily applied with a brush.
No Tar is tr-ed in (his Composli on,
thervfeiro it neither t racks in Winter,
nor i tins in. Bummer.
On decayed shingles, it fills up tlye
holes and penes, and gives anew sub
stantial roof that will la-t for years.
Cuki.ed on Warded shingles it brings
to their places, and keeps rlicm there.
It fills up all l.oles in fell roe>fs, stops
the leaks—and although a slow dryer,
rain decs not afiect it a few hours af
ter applying. As nearly all paints that
are black contain tab, be suie yen 0 1 -
iniu our genuine article,w hich (tor shin
gles roofs) is
when first a; plied, changing in about
a month to a uniform sUto color, and
is, to all inti n sand purposes slate.
our red color is usually preferred, as
one coat is -quarto live of any oidimi
ty paint. For.
Our bright bed is lie only reliable
Slate Paint ever introduced that will
e ff.clua'ly prevent dampness from p-ne
tinting and discoloring tin* plaster.
These paints aie also largely used on
out-hou es and fences, ot as priming
coal on "nc l.uidings,
O ly colors ate Choclate. Bid
Bnmn Ri d ami Orange.
MAY YOHK r isen |=lt!< K LIST.
5 Galb id, can and bt'X . . 8"> 50
10 ‘ kig . . . . .9 50
V 0 “ half barrel . 7". 1(5 00
40 ,l one IriTel . . . 30 00
Wo have in 8t"( k, of our own nianu
ficture, icofi 'g materials, etc., at tho
following low prices:
1000 rolls e xtra Rubber roofing, at
3 oints per square foot. (Or we wiil
furnish Rulber Um fing. Nails Caps
and Slate Paint for an entire uow rou
ai 4;, eeid- p> r rqnar foot )
2000 rolis 2-ply Tarred Roofing Fell
jat 11 cents per square foot.
RUt.O rolls 3 ply Tarred Roofing
| Fell, at 2> cents per square font.
200 rolls Tarred Sheaiing, :it b cent
per square fi.ot.
5000 gallons fine Enamel Paint,
mixed ready for use, on inside or out
siOe work, at B'd per gallon, all shades.
1 000 Bids Flute Flo' r . per hbl. $3 03
1000 “ Soapstone Flour *• 3 03
1000 *■ (rrafton Mineral 11 ;•? 03
1000 “ Mo'alic Paint,dry “ 300
Special pi ices per ton or load lots.
Ail orders imw be aceotupatiicd with
the money, or subject to 30 days draft
ou well known parties
102 A 104 Mi.ilin Line New York.
AVarrenteil count to any Pntasli In the
iimrtiet.niiit far superior to ( onren
trated l.yr tor all puriKisrs for
nliklt It is used
Pat tip in one pound mo'al cans, conven
ient for use in families for making hardand
soft soap, for denning pur) oses geneinlly.
Directions for making soap, etc., accompa
ny each can.
For cleaning type, presses, machinery,
paints, softening water, washing sinks and
fruit tree in the spring, it is unequalled for
excellence and convenience of package. For
sale by Groo, rs at 1 Druggists everywhere.
Visscher & Hall s Insecticide and Dis
infectant Powder is iuvalnabe for the
dis:ruction of the potatoe bug,cotton worm,
grasshoppers, mice, rats roaches, insects,
and vermin of all kinds. It is harmless to
men and animals, and far cheaper than Par
is green for the destruction of vermin. It
is also invalnble as a Disinfectant, purify
ing the air in hospitals and sick rooms mid
destroy ing the foul odors of sinks, cellars,
stablos. Ac. Put up in one pound cans.
For sale by Druggists and Grocers everv
w biro.
A IXSOHEK A H A LI, Manufacturers.
IX! Wall .'Hrev* New V o .
the Cheat dry goods H^>?t?E"
Oilers the following Price List for the i xanjinatvon <>f the
public, nil of whit h we guarantee to 1 c tlievt ry low
est Wliolesrlc prices, but at which prices
The intelligent public will understand, that it is an impossibility to rnbiio
ev t ry article se sell and to quote the prices, for in the first j luce, rl we ul I oc
cupy 100 much s| ace, and see■ lidiy, it would ' eit give on all articles sufficient
explanation, fir this lias'll, we are-willing in f iwnrd samples with free* 1
tached to ar.y me. who will write us fir the m, if tley will er tie se 3 re l
postage stamp, which at the- same time id* as a guaiantc e. vvlist the purchaser
lias to expect, tut plertsc do not write us to send y*u sanqhs of * vary thing
we hive, as many do. f r that is un impe ssibility, but mention such artich sp
which you ii'tend to ( cichasn.
Ox Oi;de s of Twenty 1 oiials am; Ovik we wu Pr-EivT the Fiiiicut
Money can be sent either by Express,*P. O. Money Otdet, Registe red Let
ter or Dialt oil Ci lliiljissiou Mciciiant, ir we will Slid g" ds t. O. D (eafii
m delivery) and il requested will extend the privilege, to . xauinie ihe goods
Uf re paying f.r them. We woulei|a!sn leg, not tooidei i" ons, uibss ]urllis
to tiling, i.avn the IV" n< y ready to f ivjf f I* 11. cm, as we do not ml) on credit.
As pen pic generally are; uiiacquainti and w.lli the Ex|t<ss charges, we will
here wnil publish them: Uj u> 5 pounds, 25 cents; ou2o | tiui.ds, 50 cell's; 21
io 40 [ouiius, 75 C'M ;41in50 pi unds, one dollar. Ftiinll patk igts vau ti
sent tbiuugh lltv. at 1 cent per 1 u ce.
Price List: colored Calico - at GJ CIS
Very lestjqoaiity Calileo - at 8
Augusta 3-4 brown shirting at 5£
Heavy 7-8 tiiown sliiilihg at 7
Heavie.-t 4 4 brown sbeiting at Si
G >oi) sen island 4-4 sliei'iii.y at 7^
\’cry bent soa island 4 4'heeling at 10
Best quality brown Drii ing at 10
Heavy biowu Osnaburgs - at 1 0
Bleached 3 4 shirting, as low a* 5
Bleached 32 inches wide shir!ing G^
Soft finished yard wide shirting at Si
Best quality yd. with shining at 10
Sheeting 2£ yard- wide - at 25
Georgia cheer*. - at 10
Geoigia stripes - - at 10
Hickory snipes - - at 10
Good checked ginjlitmis - at 10
B and ticking worlii 15 els. • st 10
(i"od feutht r ticking worth 2." cts at lGi
Bist feather liikii g ivi-i'tl j3O ets at ~0
Kentucky j ans * low a.* - - 10
Kentucky j ins worth 20 ce nts at 15
Kentucky jsans woi'h 30 cents at 20
Kentucky jeans worth 35 cents nl 25
K ntut'ky jeans worth 50 cents at 35
Wash po| I ins worth 20 cents at 10
Nice dress plaids worth 20 ots at. 12J
Opera flannel worth CO rents nt 40 ,
Ki and fliiiiliel.nil woi 1,27 ill. wide t 25
Black watei proof li yat us wine i* 75
Black walei proof l> si qu lity at 1.00 |
Blue' waterproof w ith 31.50 at 1.00
B ail; alj aea.double width, wortl 40 a(25 \
Bbruk alpaca,B<ik Inisb.wo th 50
Bapcr cambric, yd. wide worth 10 at 7
t will jean fur waist lining,worili 15 at 10
All linen shirt trout-, 20 in. leng at 25
11 ney enuib bed spreuua - at 75
Swiss muslin, as low as- 10
Curded pique, worth 20 tents - nt 10
Bpun yarn, best quality, a L 1 unch SI.OO
Hamburg edgings & in si r lions \ v ry cheap
Towels, 27 t: che long • ai 10
Tow ;ls, 3G 111 dies big - nl
Gents vvbile uudershnif, worth 40 at 25
Gents v 1 itv > lid. is ills worth 75 at 40
QiUts while nnoil.-liiiis wotih §1 at 50
We have n< w ri.tionvored to give an idr#, lo w west 11 go'ds and we know
it. as a positive fad, that e nil ikeapiT than any In nse in t is g r ' al
Judge now for yourself, you tie tint we arc not afraid to publish our
rices bocauee
We defy and do not
fear Competition,
That Otic may [uichasc me or two articles [enhance .-s rheap elsewhere,
is not a ju-t ciiuiiaii; some may give an uwav as a bait, to secure a
sale, which cannot be charge to us, for our reputation fer -
is already so well established, that it is useless for ns to offer any as’U-atice.
ICO Bror.gliton Street, Savar.i ah ; Georgia.
M. Eason desires his friends to know that he is in
our employ.
Mii’s heavy drilled drawers worth
GO cords ut - - -40
Mm’s white dress shirts, usually
sold at .50 - - at SIOO
Men’s vlilie eirss.* shirts, usually
sold ul 82 00 - - at SI 25
Men’s wlii'e uress shirts,'usually
so ill at 53.00 - at 81.50
Table oil cloili, 45 in. wi le, a yam 40
Linen table cl. th, 4 yards wide a' 25
]j!iii'ii table eb th In 11 <.r quj|ny id 40
Bull sewing llmad. 1G b.ills fi.r 3o
Gears iiii't Clark’s O. N I thread
a spin 1 - - G
Coals aul C'atk's per d> z n- G 5
Needle*, the viiy nest in me world
a paper - °
Ncei'lts, usually si Id for 10 ets. fi t 3
English i ins. 4 pjpeis lor . 25
American pins, 3 paprisf r - 10
Gents wiiite haii'tkt reluct-, 4 for 25
Gilds fui cy 1 roeltt <1 btiiH.k’i G ; or 20
Ladies cairihi ic in nimed l ts L r 5
Ladies all linen,curded i anuk’f 3 for 25
Gelils half tiusc as b*w as- - 4
Gents half hose .double In el and toe 10
Gints half hose, fancy striped - 10
Gen's half hose, English - - 12A
Getds half lies' , Eng'iiti. very best 25
Ladies huso, a good article * 10
Ladies bone an it ferior article 4 pi foi 2o
leiiiie* hose,a superior urt icle 2 |r lui 25
Ladies hose best English without
seems ... 25
Childrens and misses huge a go el
article • * * 0
!2d'Z a agate shirt buttons for * 5
Alpaca skill braid, a houiiih - 5
4 balls 1 f knitting or darning yarn fo. 2
D yln s, a piece - - 5
Doynes, tui key-red, a piece - - G^
Fi tuth \\ lialel one coi si ts - ‘SO
11 £h backed Ci übs a low us - 15
Ruffs fur the lice ka and. zon fur - 25
Beige fur Veils, per yard -40
1 buGon bia k kid gloves, small .* ze 50
2 I utton himk a' ii colored kids all
s Zcs - - - 75
• or TUB •
Murray Hill Publishing Cos.
all books—Plain Home Talk and Medical
Common Sense, which contains nearly 1,000 page#
of original matter, as entertaining as a fascinating
etory. Health and long life made easy for th
learned and unlearned. Crammed full of brand
new Ideas, w hich are cheering to the sick, and
intensely entertaining to those who are fortunate
enough to escape disease. It guards the reader
against the pitholes of human suffering, and
points the way of deliverance to those who are
already engulphed. By ail means, find out all
about it. It la for you. It s author, Dr. E.
B. Foote, of 120 Lexington Avenue, New
York, ia consulted by invalids at home and
abroad, in person and by letter, and has had tho
experience of nearly a quart er of a century
to the treatment of long standing and difficult dis
eases of every character; hence his ability to
write practical truths for the invalid reader. Ilia
consultations are free to the sick everywhere ;
hence hisimmensrt correspondence v iththeeick
over the globo You, reader, are at lib
erty to consult the able author of Plain Homo
Talk and Medical Common S< nse. Write Io him
and you will be struck with his Common Stnce.
Whatever your malady, you will receive light
Which will 'do you good, by investing only a
postage stamp, and writing to Dr. F. We wish
to interest you in both the doctor and his im
mortal book. The Book itself, which give#
satisfaction to all who read it, can be had of
agents, or of the publishers direct. Price, $3.25
for the standard edition. Cheap popular
edition, with all the matter and
Illustrations, neatly bound in mus
lin, $1.50. Sent by mail, postage prepaid,
on receipt of the price. 'A lady writes the au
thor: “I have always felt that you were th 4
physician of the world, from the fact of your
wonderful success and original ideas." One
reader say a— “ I have found it to be one of the
grandest works of the age.” Another says—“ I
would not be without it for twice its cost.”
Similar letters reach the author every day. Con
tents table free.
OAiniAr IN STORY; also by
VI Is9|\E| ■ Dr. Foote. Cheap edi-
OU BelcUIL lion. 5 vols. in 1, neatly
bound. $2; in r> separate vols. at $5 and $7.50,
according to binding. Sent by mail on receipt
of price. Just the thing for young people. Con
tents tabic free. a
• w
|>|A Publications. We can far
ill H/S if* uish all of I)u. Foote's popular
■JI |V f 3 Dime Publications on henlih and
kindred topics. ‘* OLD EYES MADE NEW
tells how to restore the sight and give up glasses,
without the aid of Doctor or Medicine. Half a
million have been issued already ! “Com fort
and cure for tub Ruptured” is a valuable
monograph for those who are afflicted with Rup
ture or Hernia. “PiiYSioLtKiiCAL Imfroj event
or Humanity,” relates to the subject of having
people bora right. “Physiological Marriage
gives the latest researches regarding the laws
Soveraing temperamental adaptation, Ac., Ac,
L Step Backward, reviewing inconsiderate
legislation concerning the Prevention of
Conception. “ Sperm atorrikka, or Sem
inal Weakness with evidence of its curability.
“ Crout, its causes, prevention and cure,” inval
uable to every mother having the care of small
children. ‘‘Cold Feet,” causes, prevention
and cure. Any one of the foregoing Dime
Publications will be sent by mail, postage pre
paid, on receipt of ten cents.
Ill” A I Til monthly, 10 page royal
ff*. I* II Ia H octavo, double column.
llLni. 116 Edited by Drs. Foots,
gen. and Jr. $1 per year with premiums.
Sample copy free.
Publication*. Wewillsup.
LUkla ply Du. Foote’s Free Publica
| flla Lg tions. “ Ct'ratmfous Adi ire fo the
Sick ” abroad as well as at home ,* a circular of
value to the sick. “ Evidences of Dr. \ 9
Success; ” a sixty page pamphlet, free bj mail.
—Send for them.'
a OSTEkSTTG 5,000 sood Agent*
AbfcN I &
publishing Company, 1-D Hast 28th btroeo.
If etc York .
Tlic Ladles’ Hand-Book/ ,
of valuable information to every
woman, OLD or YOUNG, *
Married or Single. LADIES ***
will thank ns for this 0 *****
II and-B oo k, and no /X / ******
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to placing it in L-feSS
hands of licrdaitgli SI Si
ters These Iland-A./ U U vJ U
Ves, but a r <^Fjp£r > aralysis, Apoplexy,
and all ner
for gea-,/s§ss/vous derangements ;
„.i.:, g Cause and Cure.
, /This Essay will be found
eula-/ ileeply interesting to all
ti°n./vfe-yiiervmts sufferers. BOTH
EITHER of the foregoing
any address. Address, with
*> /stamp, N. Y.P. Cos. .Bedford, Mass.
r'liesfhi fi
Horizontal Ice-Cream Freezer. I
. .. . 17 0 U Saloons, |
\ i Hotels, Imm- r(
\ AJv iU, ‘ or I ‘**B
l * Cream Ilamifac- |
j and!
f iwrfection of Us H
- work is entirely |
unequalled. The £
= closed head will save ico enough in one sea- K
{ son to pay for the machin ?. The tub requires fe
J but one filling to freeze. Sizes. Mb >4( quarts. E
| When in town to the Rig mo g
! ami see us, or send for uef.eriptivo circular r
! ami price-list. Very liberal arrarigemeutd
mm!o with the tnulo. The machines can
also be seen nt llte Centennial l.xhib., Agn
a cult’l Hall, Cor. Aisles U k N, Column Letter yj
I°* * N °' I(, ‘ C. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufr, 1
Blatchley’s Standard CncunHer and Grafton
Co.’B Pumps, with copper liuiugsold and new
styles, andall valuable improvements. Manu
facturing facilities greatly increased; stock
and assortment LARGE, prices SMALL.
When in town to the big Exhibition, call and
see us or send fur catalogue, with prices and
terms. §5
C. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufr,
50G Commerce Street, Philadelphia. ■
These pumps can bo seen atCenten’l Exhib., H
Agric’l Hall, Cor. Aisles 'J dt N, Column Let- I
V/y\ SH 5 O
But a man can earn with this WELL ATJGEB,
$25 Per Day SKnsa
any sire, and at the rate of 15<1ieet per day. Augers
made of C. '.-steel and warranted. Always suc
cessful In quicksand. Best tool in the world for
prospecting for coal and ore*. Farm, Township
and County rights for sale. Send 10 eta. and your
P. 0., Cos. and State, and get descriptive book with
Address Auger Cos., Si. Louis, Mt>
Flguf Sealer.
14U and 151 BAY STHKLT.
FAYA- X \H, - - - GEORG 'A.