Newspaper Page Text
Tm jisrap oimim,
Tlte out) Pritt-r published mi tlir At lantlt-
JC t.ui* llaitrnad between sinvanuitli
and Yalilostn.
LCCA L 1) £ 1’ A R T M E N T
Mr. Geo B. Mabry, of Baxley,
spent s-rural days iu town last week.
“As ever your washer woman” i- tlio
way it now appeals wh n the “mum”
is up.
The price of shad is 75 ents a pair
in Jesnp. This is putting the marks
up rather h gh.
We took a trip up to
last Saturday, and found the woods
along ahnost the entire line on fire.
We l ave heard Considerable com
plaint about >he management of the
Express ' file.; in the past few days.
The Sheriff will sell several pieces
of land mxt Tuesday. The Receive r
will also st l the Gicat Southern
We are pleased to learn that the
B ibtist Church here will be completed
in a short time Work is now pro
gressing vat idly.
Wayne County Superior Court will
convne on Monday, the I‘2th day of
Marc’ . .Tun is, witnesses, &c , should
take notice, and appear
A party of sportsman went out
about two mil s from town last
W' dnesday and were gone only n few
hours when they returned with two
About the next thing we expect to
bo called to do is to announce tile fu
neral of some of tlio “small boys”
around towu who are in the habit of
jumping ou rains while tiny are in
Won tice anew turpeu'ine still su
ing up ou the Atlantic & Gulf Rai -
road between N s. 7 and 7|. The
mcessory buildings are being c n
btrucfvd, while a large number < f box
es have already been
Now that the labors of the Legisla
ture is over for the present session,
we know it is a pleasure to the citi
zens of Pu roe County to know that
their Representative has the adm nis
trali tr of the entire State.
The wrecked cars of the freight
train smal lup that occured ou the
A & G. Riilvad on the night of the
18th inst passed down the rood on a
sp‘cial train last Wednesday. Judg
ing from the fragments anil disabled
cars it was almost as bad as Ashtabula.
A mw iiutlnd that cures Coughs
Coids, Bronchitis and Coi,sumption. Dr,
J. 11. M, Lean’s C"Ugh & Lung FLaling
Globules. Ab they dissolve in your
mouth, a heabug gas is generated and
inhaled, permeates and conus in direct
contact will erne Throat au I Lung dis
eases Trial Boxes, by mail, 25cts. Dr.
J H McLean, 31 4 Chestnut. St. L. uis.
Some Btops should be taken at once
to secure the election of our wry best
men to the Constitutional Convention.
Oar district Appl.og, Pierce and
Wayne, is entitled to but two dele
gates, and to secure harmony and be
able to contend with a'l independent
candidates who may present tbem
soiv- s Wo want our ttiongest and
most influ utpil men to represent us,
we tbcruiore suggest that a convention
of tlio three counties be called at the
earliest practical time, and sett e upon
two men in the district, regardless to
ttie county iu which they may live.
On Monday night the store oi Dr.
"W. 8. Middleton was entered and
considerable goods stole there
from, and susfici'Ui painted nt John
Seven, a negro who was living in towu,
and who left that night on the train
for B unswick Jobu ws-ut to No 1
M. & B. R, R. where he sloped
and was overtaken by a party who
vent in pursuit of him. He confessed
his guilt, aud stated that Jim Kinzic,
a negro boy employed at tlie Altama
lia House, was iuipl cated in the theft.
Jim was arrested and carried before
Judge Parker with John to answer
the charges Af'er Inadng the evi
dence Mr Parker discharged Jim;
aud John alone was committed to
await trial b fore the Superior Court.
Tue house was entered though a win
dow from the porch upstairs, and
Dr. M. is of the opiuiou that th< re
was more than one entered the store.
GiundJuby. — M J West bury, Aaron
Moody, J R Ogden, W G Harris. G W
O'Q.imiii, A 13 Purdoni, J J Everett,
■lsaac Gaiter. A R 13olin. D Liem, I. J
G rge. E II irper. C E Joyner, T S
Roberson, VV T J B yant, O F Lttle
field, Joshua Ciary, Heury R F <rf, T
,M Crosby, J R Roberson, T A O’Quin,
Josoua Harper, Isham Roberson, A II
•MeNici, J'-hn Massey, M West bury,
John T Bolitie't, John N Goodbread, J
AV AYes'bury, Joseph St.ikiand.
Fi:tit Jury. —D S Carter, J M
Knight, II VV Strickland, T AV Dent,
Jasper Edeufioid, P AVetver, David
MeGaulcy, J F Black, J J Suickland,
J F Highsmith, B AV Morgan, Willis
Clarey M 11 Bennett, Di! Bennett,
A M Daniels. David Raulerson, Ander
son Williams. A O'Quinn. Joseph
AVuinr’glit, B F Southwell, T P Lit
tle fie and. M S Highsmitb, Thomas Hoop
er, B O Middleton, H C Deveodorf, J
M Gitio. Isham Manning, AV A Jack
son, AV T Odum, S J Drawdr, AV B
Bennett. John G Rich. William Austin
Joel Grisly, W S Hilton, Stephen
You ask ev ry day, through tli* c J
uiiius of newspapers and hr your Diug
ist, to use sutiieilung f n Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint hat y u knew inditing
about; you get disc uraged si ending
money with bu; little success. Now to
give sat'Bfactory proof phut Gkeen’s
At gust Flower will cure you of djs
epsia aid L ver Complaint wi;h all its
effect, sueli as sour stomach, Sick Head
ache, Habitual Costiveness Palpitation
of the heart. Heart—burn Water brash,
coming up if food after (uling, low
►pitits, etc, wo ask yuto go your
Diuggi*t, R. F. Lest m;. and get a sam
ple tot tie Gu en’o August Floweu for
10 cents utiti try it, or a regular size
for 75 cents; uvi and ses will relive you.
January 1, 1877. —ly
An old physician, retired from ac
tive practice, having had placed in his
bauds by an East India Missionary the for
mula of a simple Vegetable remedy, for tile
spi edy and permanent Cm eofCousimidtion,
Bronchitis, Cat art li Asthma and ail Throat
aud Lung Affei tions, also a Positive and
Radical Cure for Nervous Del ility and m r
vous Complaints, after having thoroughly
Tested its wouderful curative powers in
thousands of eases, feels it his duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated
ov this inative, and a conscientious desire
to relieve human suffering, he will send
(free of charge) to all who desire it, this re
ceipt with full direction for successful usin;.
Send by return mail by addressing with
Camp, naming this paper.
Monroe Block, Syracuse, New York.
Corrected Weekly by IP. //. Whaley
& Sun,
4 Pound s of Coffee SI.OO
7 Pounds if Sugar. Extra C. 1.00
8 Pounds Sugar, Brown for 1.00
Lard, per lb .15
Smoked (J. R. si les, per lb .12
D. 8. Bacon per lt> .11
Corn, per bushel, .80
Oils, per bu-hel, . .70
Hay, I'l cw., $ 1.40
8. it. Flour, pel Barrel, 10 85
Flour per bariel.ftoiu $5.00 to 0.00
Hants, pet pound, . 1 8
Prints, per yard, .8 to .10
llotu spun, per yard .7 to .15
Yarn, 1 lb
Country, Produce.
Wool, .20
Hides, .10
Wax, 25
Tallow, .7
F.r'rs . I)
oc > _
Quickens. 15 to .30
ileasurer and Inspector.
500 Ave. #4.0Ofl?)5OO i 300 Ave #5.C0@5.25
too .. s.oli(r<jfioo I 400 .. C.00@(i.‘25
700 .. G.00@7.Q0 I 500 ..
| 000 .. 8.00@8.75
Way County Sheriff’s Sale,
GEORUIA WAyxb Counts.
Will be sold before the court house
door in the town of Jcsup of said county
between the 1 gal I ours of sale on the
6rst Tuesday iu April next, 1876, the
following property to-wit; Cue lot or
portion of land and improvements there
on, known in the plan if the township nf
Jesnp as lot or p• >r ion of fi t No. 4,
fronting on Broad street twenty-five
fret, and also at the same time a I t of
Blacksmith Tools, 'namely as follows: 1
Rebows, I Anvil, 2 Uamro -l’?, 2 pair?
Tongs, 1 (Jold Chisel. 1 Sledge, 2 Vices,
I Griudstnne 1 lot of Iron. 1 box Wood
tools, 1 lot Rpoke wood, 1 Screw PUte
and dies, levied oil and sold as the prop
erty of John Easterling to satisfy an ex
ecution is.-u:d from the Justice Court of
the 1255 District G M., in favor of
Godfrey Gdum vs. John Easterling,
principal, aid Willis Clarey, security.
Levy made and returned lo me by John
G. Smith. Levying Constable 1255 Dis
trict G. M of said county. Property
pointed not by Willis Ci irey, sccutity
Terms of rale cash—purchaser uaying
for utlc>. JN GOODBIIBAD,
Slietiff of Wayne Bounty.
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA —AA'aync County.
Will be sold before the Court House
door in the town of Jcsup, of said Coun
ty between ibe legal hours of sub on the
first Tuesday in April next, 1877, the
following property to wi : Four yokes of
oxen with yokes therein sail oxen.
Also one timber cart, four chains and
dogs.with all other attachments thereto
attached, or otherwise thereto beloogi l g
to Slid team aid cart, levied on and sold
as tße property of Ilichard M. Joyner
to satisfy an execution fiom the Supe
rior Court of said County, in fuvot
of A!ex. G. middlctoti vs. John Easter
ling, principle, and M AV. Surrcucy.
security, and Richard JI. Joyner as en
dorser, Property pointed out by Alex.
M. Middleton, plantiff in execution.
Terms of sale cash—purchaser paying
for titles Tiiis February 2G, 1877.
Sheriff of Wayne County, Georgia.
Assignees Sale.
AVil be sold in fr rt of G o Court
H us' i' Jrsup 'A u\ic Coun' v on the
first Toe-day il March nix', I'.iurtroi
aer sof lanr*-, tie property >t the ar-
S gin and istaie •( Dußigi.on A B ck,
Bankiupis. Sid f’r (Le ben tit of the
e edit'-rs of .-aid e-iato.
H A KM MUCK Assignee
Est te 1 1 Dußiguou A Bjck.Bunkiupts.
Sheriff's Sale.
G ItOßGlA—Wavne County.
Will be sold before the Court Rouse
door in the town of Jcsup f said chip.
'y between 'he legal hoots of salo/m
the first Tuesday in Apiil mx - , 1 77,
the following pro party to-wit: 290 acres
of Headlight laud in Third District of
said county, and known as the residence
"f Charles H. Joyner. And at the
same time 25 head of sti ck little, more
or less, mark and swtlllow-foik and undei
b t none n r an 1 crop in tl e other, all
evii and on aud s Id as the | roperty of
Cliarhs E. Joyner und r and hv virtur
ot an i x ou lion i-sued from the Supe
rior C urt of Bai l comity i > f.i\or of
D. Jauns Dillon vs Dh.n'ics K. Joyi er.
P.opcrty p i .tel out by plaintiff’s At
torney. Terms of sale cash—pnrhaer
pay ing for titles. This Feh 27, 1877.
Sin i iff. f Wayne C anty, Georgia.
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA —Wayne County
Will be sold before the court house
door in the towu of Jesnp of said
county between the legal hours of sale
on the first Tuesday in A| til next,
18g6 the following property to-wit;
One ltd of land in third distiiet of
originally Appling, to w Wayne Ccun
ty Number 32, containing tour hun
dred aid ninety acres more <T less;
Lovit and . n and sold under and by vir
tue of a Tax li. fa. issued from the Tax
Collector against Childs & Nickens
f.r taxes one ou said land f .r the year
1876. Terms of sale cash, purchaser
paying f r lilies. This Feb. 25, 1876
Sheriff of Wayne County.
eritt’s Sale.
GEOllGlA—Wayne County
Will be sold before the Court House
and or in the town of Jcsup if said
county between the legal hours of sale,
on the first Tuesday in March next
1877, the following property to-wb:
Two and a half acrer of land with all
improvements thereon, situated lying;
ano being in the town of Jcsup and ad
joining the lands and residence of O F
laii’l. field levied on ands Id as the
pr pei ly of R. J. A'kiiis to satisfy a tax
fi. 'a. issued front the Tax Collector of
sain county tgaiiist 1!. J. Akins for
the taxes due on said land and improve
ments for the year 1876. Terms of sale
cash purchaser paying for titles. This
January 30th, 1877
Sheriff of Wavne County.
I would respectfully nunouneo to
the citizens nf Jesnp ami surrounding
country that I have just received a
full line of--
I) R Y G 0 O I) S ,
nil f tlm In'■ rt s'v'e-, Ladies can
find my stock comp.etc tu make se
lections from.
I have also a complete assortment
nf first-class Shoes, consisting of
Ladies, Misses and Chilldrens
line sowed Shoes and Slippers
Full line of Crockery and Tinware,
Wood ware &c.
I have also a full assortment of
Fresh Drugs and Family
I have returned permanently to
Jesnp, and offer my Professional ser
vices to our citizens. Calls answered
promptly, dav or night
Z. W. LITTLE, M. I).
Legal Advert idug of Pierce
Application for Letters of Ad
GEORGIA— Piebck County.
Martha Smith, (widow) and J C.
Carter applies to mo for Letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of Seaburn
Smith deceased. These ate, therefore,
t n cite till persons interested 4 to be arid
appear at the Court of Ordinary to be
held in and for said county on the first
Monday in April next, to show cause, if
any tiiey can, why said application
should not he grante 1. Giveh under
my hand and rfficial signature this 21st
day of Febrnarv, 1877.
Will be srld before the Court House
door in the Town of Biacskbcar, on the
Ist Tuesday in March mx'; one town lot
half acre, more or less, bound on the
■ ast by A &G. II It. on the Soutli by
Jenkins land, on the AVest. by land be
longing to Mrs. A. KcMillian, and on
the North by Brantly and Burncy
i Sold to perfect titles.
Gard'ne and Trustee.
JLuok.-beir G Jau’y 21 ids
Sheriffs Sale.
G EORGIA—Way n e Coun ly.
Will be sold beforatlio Court House
Do r in the town < f J, sup nf said
county between the legal hours if
sale on the first Tu slay in March u<x’,
1877. the following property, to-wit:
Cue lot of land No 416 in the Four'll
District of said enuntv, containing 490
ht s uitli nil improvements thutoon
L-vioil on and sold as the property of
Lucy M. Joyner to satisfy three tax fi.
fa’s is-u and from the Tux Collector of
said county against, respective patties
as follows; Tax Collector vs. Lucy M.
Joyner. Tax Collector vs. Joseph E.
Joyner. Tax C Ihctor vs. Joseph E.
Joyner as trustee for H. C. Joyner
Also one execution issued from the
Cuirt of Ordinary in favor of J :.c b 11
11 iberson, Ordinary of sail county
against Lucy M. J lyncr ns cot and
charges in the ease >f setting apart
Homestead Exemption on sai l above
mentioned ha of land No. 416. Terms
of sale cu It pureha-crjiaying for titles,
tills January 30. h 1577.
She 1 iff of Wayue County.
G EORGIA—Wayne County.
•- # * *
Will bo sold before tlio Court House
Door in the town of Jcsup of said
county between the legal li urs if sale
ou the fiiat Tuiß lay in March tux',
18*7. the following property to-wit:
One half lot of land in the township of
| Jcsup No. 76, hounded ns follows, on
tlio west by Bioud street, north by
John Dawson, niff the east by Randolph
Moody, on the south by Bryant George,
containing one hundred feet \vi le and
two hundred feet in length levied on
as the property of Jacob 11. Robots'll
to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa. issued from
tie Superior Court of said county, in
favor of Myers, Cohen & Cos. v. Jacob
R. Roberson Property pointed out
in Mortgage fi. fa. Sold at the risk of
William 11 Roberson, former purchas
er. Terms if sale easli—purchaser
paying for Piles. Thi- February I, 1877.
Sheriff of Wavne O >uut.v.
SI licit I FIT’S SALE.
GEORGIA Wayne Cou.ity.
Will be s"ld b' fnrc tLa Court House
Dnor in the town of Jcsup of said c 'un
t,y between the legal Imuis of sale on
tlio first Tip s lay in March next,
1877, the following property, tu-wii;
Three hundred acres of land hi re or
less, MUinted, lying and hi ing ill the
Third Disirct of said county and known
and distinguished as the residence nf
G, B, Goins, levied on and sold to Hitis
fy an execution issued from the Justice
Court of the 333rd Distiiet of said
County in favor of A J Strickland vs
G. B. Goins. Property pointed out
by defendant in ex euti >n Levy made
and returned to me by John T Harri
son, levying constable of 333rd District
of said county. Terms of sale cash
purchaser payingHor titles This Jan
uary 30 ill 1877.
81' nff of Wayne County.
Sheriffs Sulc.
GEORGIA —\V ny n e Cos n n ty.
Will bo blilii before tbo Court House
door in 'lie town of Jump of soi l conn
ty, between the legal hours of sale, on
the first Tuesday hi March next'
k'77, the following properly, to-wit:
Two hundred and forty-fivo acres f lot
of land No. 23 in ilio Tl ini District of
said county aad situated, lying and be
ing on the east sido of t ho A. & G Jt.
11, with all the improvements thereon
kn 1 wti as the James Mosley place and
levied on and sdd as the property of
James Motley to satisfy a tax ft. fa. is
>ued from the Tax | Collector for taxes
duo on saidjot of land. Terms of sale
cash-—purchaser pay ini' for titles. This
February; 3, 1877-
Sheriff of Wayne County.
Sheriff’s Sale.
G E ORGIA Wayne County.
Will be so and before the Court House
door in tho town of Jcsup of said coun
ty between the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in March next,
1877, 'he fnllowii g property to-wit.
One hundred acres, m< re or Ess. of
land with all improvements thereon,
situated, lying and in the north corner
of lot No. 23, in tbc Third District of
said county, and kuown and dist'n.'uisb
ed as the n siiledce of I. i). Bennett,
levied on and sold as the property of 1
D. Bennett to satisfy a tax (1. fa is
sued from tho Tax Collector of said
county for taxes due on said, land and
improve nenis for the year 1876 Tot ms
of sale cash—purchaser paying for ti
tles, This February I, 1877.
Sheriff of Wayne County.
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEOEGIA— Wayne C' Uriiy.
AA'ill be sold before the Court House
floor in the town of Josup, rf said
County, between the legal hours of ,!<■
on the first Tu eday in March next,
1877; the followiug property to wit :
Two five year old cows, color, white,
marked crop and split in each ear, lev
ied on and sold as the property of Fi
ler Mosley, Jr, to satisfy a tax fi. fa.
issued from the Tax Collector of said
county, for the taxes due on said men
Honed property for tire year IB7G.
Terms of sale cash, Purchaser paying
for titles This February 3, 1877.
, Bueiifi of Wayne County.
ID reivers Advertisement of Sale of
the Great Southern Uid way of
Georgia, its franchises, light and
way, &c.
By virtue of an order of the S' perior
Court of the County of Wayne and
State at Georgia passed at the Septem
ber Tit in 1876 <t sahl Court in tin
case of Goodyear & Harris foj- u-o of
the Southern & Atlantic Telegraph
Company and othe s vs. The Great
Southern Railway Cos. nd othrr*—
I'hicli older recites that W. H. Wha
ley & Son,Plaintiffs in attachments vs.
G. S. Railway Cos., reduced by Judg
ment are respondents, that seivices Iwi
li in duly perleited ou the G eat
Southern Rail way,C nip.iny its Officer
and Agents by publication in Hie
HinosvilleG .Zotte and Savannah Nrws
once a month for four mouths prim
to the said Septemb-r T. riu 1876 if
Wayne Slip Ii r Court, in accordance
with an order to perfect sot vice taken
at the March Term 1876 of Wayne
Superior Court, that said Railway Cos.
have failed to appear and answer in
said cause upon the Equity side of s’ id
Court. That the Bill and amendinents
of said Complainants allego that said
G. S Raihvay Cos are insolvent that
the answer of W. 11. Wits'ey & Son
respondents ad nits that the proferty
of said Road in Georgia con-dsiing oi
i's l'luiJ bed and right of wav, are ü
bandon and dy said Cos. its olliocrs and
agents, and has been for a long tim •,
aid is detero l ating in value, ami
which oul is that, I, J .tncs F King,
Receiver, shall s"II said light of way,
road-bed fianchis 'S and nppoi tainanci s
ibcieto belonging of the said G. S.
Railway C'., of Georgia, first giving
u tice of said sale ouco a week fot sik'y
days iu the Savannah Morning News,
Jesnp Sentinel and Macon Telegraph
and Messenger, and the New York
Herald orn'o a week for sixty days, on
the C urt House door in Wavne Coun
ty at Jcsup, Geo., between 10 o’clock a.
tu. and 4. o’c uck p, m., of that day, anil
'hall bung the funds raised by said
sa'o into C urt at the Mn'ch Term,
1877 of said Wayne Superior and
also by virtue of a suppb mental order
in Slid cause dated December 1(5, 1876,
in Chambers at Brunswick, Geo., which
provides for a postponement "1 -aid
sale until the first Tuesday i" March,
1 877, and ut which tune said property
is to be sold < n the same G mis and
conditions as in said original onbrsit
I, J ames F. King, It e iver is said
cause, wld sill lie property of the
Great South rn ltiihvay Cos., in Goor
gia—consisting of a ri o hi if way cx
tending from Milieu in s.ud State lo
the Florida line, and traversing (ho
counties of Wayne and Camden in said
S'atfjttith the franchise, road-bed und
and all mid singular the property aid
appurtenances both real und personal of
the said G. S. Railway Cos., in Georgia
it public outcry to to the liighes and
best hi filer at t' e Court li u o door
io the Bounty ol W.: >iic at Jeuup, Goo.,
on the fir.-t Tuesday in March 1877 the
same being the s'xllr day < f March 1877
between the hours of 10 a. in. ana 4
p m. of that day. Terms flash.
Receiver nf G. S. Railway ('>. of Geo.
P st Office Y\ aynetville, Wayne C"..
Georgia. dcc27-tda
Baden Pitotific Ft.futi Cohn.—This
corn excels any other for bread and is
best for stock. It ripens six weeks ear
lier than anv othei kind, and grows
from G to Id ears on a stalk
The important points we claim for
this new variety of corn are these: I.
One stalk of this corn bears from 6 to
IdjCais; oi o bill with two stalks makes
from 10 to 25 ears —producing from one
acreof ground about tlirecor fur limes
as many bushels on the same soil and
with the same culture as the common
t corn 2 The corn is heavier in weight,
ins as large au ear, thinner bu-k, anil
makes corn meal. Im family use, sweeter
and more nutritious, and valuable for
feeding sti ck. 3 That i'will growand
produce a jr liinbh: crop on ground
where other enrn will not grow to mu
turity and. It lipctis cutlier and is not
liable to be caught by frost. 5. The
grains are largo, pure and white, and #u
ordinary yield is from 80 to 100 bushels
to the acre,on medium land.
A fine quality of Flour ran be made
fiom it. When ground it produces a
II iur analogous b tli in appearance and
taste to 11 our made from dob st white
wheat. Eveu au epicure waul 1 fail 1“
distinguish between bread made from the
two. The Corn shelled weighs 61 lbs to
the bushel wliioli is 5 tbo heavier iLan
any other quality.
1 Sn-k 81.00 6 Sacks Usd 50
3 '• 250 10 " 700
Each Sack contains 1,000 sound
grains. Sample stalks with the ears on
them will be sent out to Agents. Write
for Testimonials with terms to Agents.
Beware of swindlers; no one else has
the genuine seeds in this State except
myself. Some parties advertising this
corn and offering to send stalks, when
you order of them they write you that
their Sta'Ks are all gone. Bcmcmbcr
Audits get a good commission, and
wri tc for terms at once before the agency
for your County is given to someone else
jan2't-2m Cleveland, Tenet.
To sell a saleable article. Every
family’ need one No humbug. Ad
dress, REV. J. L. WILLIAMS.
Ornhnm. flpnmin.
Blacksmith and Wheelwright
TffE undersigned beget Jo inform the eiti
zensdfJesnp) and vicinity,that helms open
ed a Shop) in Jesnp). and is prepared to do
all kindsof Work iu his line, such as Wag
ons, Cuts, Buggies, Plows, and i very kind
of repining done in a Workmen-like man
ner. Cbm ges moderate.
Jaa. 3-tini BARVLS A- P VWCER.
And Louisville
One )oir for $2.2,"i. Two piapers for ittle
more tfmn the price of one. Send in $2.25
and receive year'home poper with tin Cou
rier Journal, thejbest, wittiest, brigliteet
and ablest Family papers in tlie country.
t Mexican Clover.
The new forage plant of the South.
The only hopa of this countryjfor the
permanent improvement of the* soil.
Good for forage, good for'green soil
ing and good for stock. For sale at
Lester’s Drug Store. Price 59 cents
ap ti 'kiige. Directi' ns on each pack
NoticJito Debtors and Creditor.
GEORGIA—Wayne County.
All p isons Imiing demands against
J hn Gil deceased, late of said eounly
and the estate ot said deceit el, are
hereby notili-d to present tlicni to the
uiub rsi 'tied, properly authenticated
within the time prescribed by law, and
allpirsous indebted to said {deceased
are lief, by tequpsteil to make immedi
ate pip ment. This the Khh day of
January 1*77.
Ad mil istrater on estate nf
j mlO-Gw JOHN GILL, dec’d.
Adrainistratir’s Dismission'
Gkuiuua- Wayno C.#nnt) r .
Whereas, JmneH A. Poppcll, and Jllizn
lM-tli Moody, Administr.itoi'K nf'the cstnto of
Ihv tc Moony, docoaed, applies to tlio un-
foi let tors of dißinisHinn, from
their iidministriiior.sliip; tlioiolon*, all per-
HoiiH •ouGt rnfjd arc lioroby rtaiuested to sliow
(if any they have) why said Admin
iati'iitoi'N, on tlr.* I rst Monday in April next.
Nhould not Im> discharged.
Given under my hand and seal of office,
this Ist day fit January 1H77.
jan 10-Jlm Ordinary W. C.
Importer of and Dealer in
Crockery, China, & Glass Ware
All kitida of House-Furnishing Goods,
T..hio cutlery. Silver Plated Ware,
Kerosene Lani| , Chandeliers. Toys,
&e.. A e ,
Jtteff*JiiHt reseived a largo lot of. Fancy
Goods suitable fur W and ding aud Holi
day Presents.
185& 187 Broughton St,, &J 27 Jefferson B*.
V/m. C. Crawford, ,E. P. Lovell.
me a nut n i\
Agricultural Implements,
Mecliuiiics’ Tools, Builders
Gmm, Pidols, Powder, Shot and
Sporting Goods,
Manufacturers of T in ware.
1 jr. HroiiKlitnnVSl., n;AVANNAII, CIA
H. Myers & Bros.
And Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
linmr Kjiateln. Simon Epstein,
I. Epstein & Bro.,
Staple k Fancy Dry Hoods,
And GenU? Furnishing Goods'
fill Congress St., Savannah, Georgia
l*irtlcul.iir attention phld to Country Omlcrtj, £l-Jy
If you w ihU to grow Vegetables for sale, read
Gardning for Profit!
If you winh to bfconx; a Commercial forirt, ref. 4
Practical Floriculture !
If you to Garden for ’Horne n* only, read
Gardning for Pleasure !
Price s’.so each, postpaid, by mail.
our f\T V fJXITTK for
Com but oil ‘ '* J ' HGM lUb 1577.
Numbering 17b pagt*, with 1 colored plate, bo*
F U E E!
to all our customers of past years, or to those
who have purchased any of the above books;
to others on receipt of 25cents. Plain Plant
or Seed Catalogue without plate; free to all
Beedmeu, Mari'et Gardenem Si Florist*.
-i5 Cor l land St., Now York