The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, January 08, 1906, Image 1
TORPEDODESTROYERSCRASH TOGETHER IN HAMPTON ROADS AND WARSHIPS MIX UP OFF NEW YORK. Norfolk, Vo., Jan. 8.—During a heavy blow yesterday in Hampton Roads, the torpedo boat destroyers Worden and Lawrence collided. The Worden was rammed and had' to bo conveyed to tho rayy yard by the Lawrence, which was uninjured. It is (reported that the .Worden's Injuries are not serious. Battleships In Trouble, New York, .Jan. 8.—While the bat tleship squadron, under command dh Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, was 'proceeding to sea yesterday after noon, the battleships Kearsage and Kentucky ran aground in the lower harbor off the west bank light. The Alabama and Illinois were following next in line, and before that' could alter their couse the Alabama collid ed with the Kentucky, striking her a glancing blow. The Illinois Just got clear of the tangle and proceeded down the bay, anchoring outside the bar with the flagship Maine. The ac cident occurred shortly after 1 p. ro. The Alabama remained by to ren der assistance to the Kentucky and Kearsarge, and distress messages were sent to the Brooklyn navy yard for tugs. At 2:45 o’clock the Kearsarge and Kentucky hofh were floated and start ed' for sea, accompanied by the Ala bama. The .Kentucky, however, was ordered back and returned to Thomp. klnsvllle, where she anchored late In tho ’a tertioon. The Maine, Illinois and Alabama, together with the Kearsarge remained off the bar until 5:20 o'clock, when they proceeded to sea. . They should arrive in Hampton Roads late tonight or early Tuesday morning. As soon as the Kentucky joins the Add m 100 Per Cent. to value of Your Farms ly using A merican Field ence fil Five Carloads just received at' Alt any Mact mery Co. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 8.—The Southern Cotton Association today issued a statement showing the percentage of cotton picked to January first to be 98.39. Cotton ginned to same date, 97.55. The figures by states are: Florida 99.99 and .A 9.98; Georgia 99.99 and 98.44; South Carolina 99.97 and 97.00; Texas 9S.03 and 97.45. IN THE SENATE Senator Tillman’s Resolu tion Called Up This Mbrning as a Subject of Debate. Washington, Jan. 8.—Santo Domin gan affairs and relations to the tlntted States were under discussion in the senate this morning. Senator Till man’s resolution requesting the Pres ident to Inform the senate aB to the existing status of Santo Domingo was called up as a subject of debate. “MOTHER MATCHES” DID * NOT DANCE WITH KING, Old Woman In Atlanta\8ays Story Is a Fable. Atlanta, Jpn. 8,-—While lying des perately ill at h<w home 187 Lnckie street, Miss Rowena Peyton, known from one end of Atlanta to the other as "Mother Matches," took occasion to deny the rumor that she hail once danced with King Edward VII of Eng land when that ruler was Prince of Wales, and on a visit to this country. Miss Peyton who is well advanced iu years and the victim of pneumonia. Is a granddaughter of Furse Peyton, a former member nf the 11 tilted States senate. A friend had heard the little story regarding the alleged 7 dancing episode and gave the story finch cir culation. Miss Peyton, while admitting she had- been to Washington about the time of the prince’s visit there, denied she had ever seen him, much less danced with" him. ATLANTA PLANS AN IMPOSING HIGHWAY. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 8.—It Is now an nounced that residents o' Peachtree road will widen that highway to eighty feet from Brookwood to the county limits and that the Georgia Railway and Electric company will extend the Peachtree street railway line to Buck- head in the northern part of the coun ty. When this ’work is done Atlanta will have a fine driveway ten miles long and a trolley line covering the entire distance. Peachtree road from Brookwood to Buokhead averages about 50 feet in width. Each property holder has'agreed to contribute enough land to increase this 30 feet—15 feet on either side. The root of Mr. Joseph EhrlletJ’s home on Commerce street caught fire about 12130 o'clock this afternoon, and the fire department was called out to extinguish the blase. The depart* ment responded promptly. The dam* age wav very slight. The City Court convened this morn ing for the January session' - The morning was a very busy ope, there being several convictions and pleas of guilty. No cases of special import ance were tried. fleet Admiral Evans probably will or der a court of Inquiry to Investigate the grounding of the two ships and the subsequent collision. FOR ■ SALE—Pattlson, shop property will be withdrawn from the market after Tuesday for. advanced price.' 6-3t ED. R. JONES. President s Message on Panama Canal— Decl^ res ^iVork is Being Done in Satisfactory Manner. Washington, Jan. S.—The President today transmitted to congress the annual reports of the Isthmian Canal Com mission and of the Panama Railroad Company, with Secre tary Taft’s letter and other papers. The President, in his message, declares that work on the canal is being done with "the utmost expedition, and in the most careful and thorough manner. He says the reports of inefficiency or misery on the Isthmus are without foundation, and courts the fullest investigation. He takes the stand that to do the work properly men/ of the widest experience and ability must be secured, and paicb.salaries commen surate with their ability. NET EARNINGS OF 0VE& THIRD OF A MILLION ADt- LARS, OR MORE THAN 5 PER' CENT. * Washington, Jan. 8.—The annual report of the -Panama Railroad Co. lor,the ten months ending with October as submitted to congress today, shows net earning^ ol three hundred and fllty-four "thousand dollars—slightly mbre than live per cent, of tl^e capital stock. The gross earnings increased nearly nineteen per coot, over the cor responding months of the previous year. The total earnings.of the steamship Hues of the company showed an In crease of more than twenty-live per cent, over the same ten months of the previous year. The- report recom mends an Increase in the carrying capacity of the steamships of the com pany and increased terminal facilities at New York. JOHN M.‘ PATTIS0N IS GOVERNOR OF OHIO. Was Inaugurated Today—Still Shows Effects of Recent Minnas. Columbus, O., Jan. 8.—John M. Pat tlson was inaugurated governor of Ohio today in the presence of a did tingulshed company. Five thousand troops were in the parade, which was reviewed by Governor Pattlson, who is still suffering from the effects of his recent illness. • LITTLE IRENE TIFT JACKSPN ID L It is Figured, that Atlan ta’s Receipts in. 1906 Will React}. Thdt Im pressive Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 8.—Estimated re ceipts of 12,000,000 will be apportion ed by the city finance committee at. ' Its meeting this afternoon, beginning at 3-o’clock at the city halt. ' All ,the city departments will make demands upon the committee for Increases In the approiVjatlons made to the various parts of the oily POverntaenL An ef fort will be made to havo included in the January apportionment sheet the 876,000 necessary to begin work on the Washington street viaduct which It Is prop used, shall bind the two sections of the city together at Waverly Place anil Courtland strei.L f , Falls From Joggling Board and Breaks Her Shoulder Blade. Shortly after noon today little Irene Tift Jackson, the 3-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Jackson, fell from a joggling board at her home on Tift street, and broke her shoulder blade. The broken member was set by Dr. P. L. Hilsmaa, and the little girl is resting comfortably this afternoon. 'The painful, accident will be great ly regretted by Irene's friends and those of her father and mother. NO MORE WORRY or trouble churn ing.- We can sell you a churn at a moderate price that will make butter as gobd as the best cream ery butter. In from 5 to 15 minntes, from sweet or sour milk. Ask. to see It at THE COUNTRY STORE. Phone 119. T. If. NELSON. Colored Citizens’ tyass Meeting. A mass meeting of Albany's colored citizens, led by representative busi ness and professional men, was .held yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at Bethel A. M. E. church. The object of the meeting being stated, the v fol lowing resolutions, offered by H. H, Williams, wero read and adopted: Whereas, A destructive storm hav ing passed through our city, in the midst of a portion thickly populated, destroying two lives, Injuring several others, and leaving many homeless and without anything upon which to subsist, such calling forth our sym pathy; therefore, be it Resolved, That we, In masB meeting assembled, do tender our sympathy and means for relief, although small. Resolved further, That we appre ciate the spirit of beneficence and prompt relief of our City Council in the sufferers’ behalf; while we also acknowledge appreciation for tho&q who uo willingly subscribed to a list circulated In the hands of our Brother Hardwick, praying tbe blessing, of the Giver of every Good and Perfect Gift upon them. , The meeting elected the following as permanent officers, through and by whom the interest Is subajrVed and business executed: H. H Williams, chairman; Rev. G. W. Williams, treasurer, and Rev. N. L Black, sec retary. Each pastor Is to act as special financial agent In aau among his con gregation. Any contributions left at Artesian Drug Co. will reach the desired end. Warhings Are Displayed on tjie Gulf Coast and Throughout the In terior. Waehlngton, Jan. 8.—Btorm warn ings are displayed on the OnV coast, and col^ wave warnings are dlBplnyed from the Ohio rlvor to the Gulf and" Atlantic coasts. ATLANTA VIRGINIANS TO HONOR R0BT. E. LEE, Departua: from the Old Custom to be Introduced InJWeorgla Capital, Atlanta, Jan. 8.—Atlanta women who are -Dative Virginians are to he Invited to partlcluato In the celebra tion of Gen. Robt. E. Lee’s birthday by members or the Virginia Society of Atlanta, which is to take place on the dVoning of January 19th. This le. a departure from the old custom, cud I board of consulting engineers as ON CANAL-THIS, TOGETHER WITH REPORT OF PANAMA RAILROAD CO., IS MADE PUBLIC. Washington, Jan. 8.—Letters of Sec- retatry of War Taft, transmitting the T annual report of the Isthmian Canal Commission and of the president of the Panama Railroad Co., togother, with other reports wero received by both branches, of congress today. The report of the canal commission has been made public. Secretary Taft advised President Roosevelt that there would be a ma jority and a minority report from 1 Is sure to prov» popular. Hereto fore, the ladies have played but a small part In the celebrations held by the society. The following ladles have been named to serve on thffways and moans committee in conjunction with officers of the society; Mrs. Sam. j). Jones, chairman; Mrs. J; B. Tho: son, Mra. R. B. Toy, Mrs. G. Matthewson, Mrs W. N. Mitchell, "Mrs. R. L. West, Mrs. W. W. Landrum and Mrs. I. N. Mitchell. The society has a membership of about 200 ATLANTA MAN IS AN EVERY DAY HERO Atlanta, Ga„ Jan. 8.-i-At the risk of his life, O. H-. Joni ' of (he retail depa*tment & G>e«g Hardware, a runaway mule and doing si od frojm Injury^ and: probable death, a number o' pedestrians at the confer of Whitehall and Alabama streets.'At ■ -this particular corner thousands of, persons puss dally, an dthere was op unusually large number of men, worn, en and children In the vicinity nf the corner, at the time *he frightened mil- mal dashed down the street. Seeing the danger to many. Mr. Jones ran Into the street,- caught hold " of tho bridle and by mal'' strength, brought tl e mule to a standstill. Cared Keyond All Question. -There were ernes for drunkonuq^s In the early days of this couutry, and from ,tlil«' account In the New York Gazette of May 7, 1772, we are told of a treatment that cured one patient be yond all possible question: “On Satur day last Mr. 'Montanny’B negro man, who had misbehaved himself and was a remarkable drunkard, was sent to Bridewell and underwent the usual dis cipline of the house for such oftinses— viz, a plentiful dose of warm water and salt to operate as an emetic and of lamp oil as a purge, in proportion to tbe constitution of tho patient. Of these he took about threcpiunrls of the one- and two and a half spoonfuls of the other; also a gill of New England rum, which operated very powerfully, attended with a violent sickness which obliged him to lie down, and betsroru 8 and 9 at night be was dlutjfve'fedto bo dead. He died of excessive drink ing, co-operating with discipline aid medicine. Sir. Dobbs, tbe operator, was Innocent of bis tnklng off.” the type of canal to be recommended; and expectB a cablegram from Chair- man Davis, who meets the forelgh members of the board in Bruesols to morrow, confirming the majority re port. Secretary Taft calls particular at tention to two transactions in the report of the president of the Panama Railroad, one covering the sale of railroad bonds and their subsequent repurchase by the government, as the sale was made without authority from ' the secretary or President. The ond covers the contract with J. Market for cotomlssary supplies, (feeding o; the ‘canal employes, the subsequent cancellation of the ' tract and refunding to Market ) " 'expense ho Inquired. Preside: isevelt's let!' nppri for sAle—aov»ral close h dencos. (5-3t) ED. R. JONES ■ r . M >ur Prescription 1 H When a man says, “Of course It’s no business of mine.” it Is a, sure sign that he Is going to Bn the best be can to make It his business. An Emergency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar Injuries, there le nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and. not only gives instant relief from pain, but cases the parts to heal In about one- Uhird the time required by the usual treatment. As It Is an antiseptic ail , danger from blood poisoning Is avoll- State Agent ed. Sold by Htlsman-Sale Drug Go. Won liu Promotion, The Duke of Clarence, afterward William IV„ once received a very adroit and humorous hint which be took In very good pnrt. He was vis iting Portsmouth and Inspecting the ships there when It happened that his guide over the “soventy^ours" was an aggrieved and battered m-ntennnt who had waited for promotion many years In vain. Ho seemed despised and for gotten. As this man removed' bis lint to salute royalty the duke observed that he was bald and said jestingly: "1 see, my friend, that you have not spared your hair In your country’s service." “Why, your royal blgbneBs,” was the quick answer, “it's a wonder 1 have any hair left, for so many young fel lows have stepped over my heed.” The duke laughed and made bis In spection of the fleet, but In a few days bis Portsmouth jtuido received an ap pointment ns captain. Dancing Class. , Those deslrihg to Join my class will please meet me at the Elks’ Home Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 8th, at 3 o’clock. it MISS CHLOEMILY GILBERT. ere And have them filled by experienced pharmacists with pure ingredientsjand; exactly in the manner that yourjphysician wants them compounded. m Flilsman-Sale I„CT r»i»18 j .... „ ■ „