Newspaper Page Text
■ Wi:
S^IggSpp'.'/ ■ ■’ ';-v r ;
Five Carload
just received at
Has Been With Gbmpany
25 Years--Is Succeeded
by J. A. Wesson, of
Important Business of Last Day's Session.
Holding Now for 15 Cents.
y ■ After twenty-five years Spent in the
service of the Western Union.Tele,
graph Company, Mr. Y. C. Rust has
resigned the position of manager a!
the Albany office.
The change has already become ef
fective, Mr. Rust having bfeen suc
ceeded by Mr. J. A. Wesson, recently
of Americus. Mr. Wessoh has
Burned charge of the office, and has
already made the acquaintance of ,a
number of Albany business men. As
sistant District Superintendent Pee
ples has been in the office today, as
sisting the new manager to familiar
ize himself with his duties.
Many Albanians who have been resi
dents of the city ('or-more than twenty
years can not look back to the time
when Mr. Y. C. Rust was not in charge
of the local office of the Western
i Union.' He was operator in the days
when the office was a small one,-and
has remained jn control as increasing
business has necessitated the enlarge
ment of the establishment. His per
sonal popularity has always brought
custom to the Western Union’s tables,
Mr. Rust stated this morning to a
Herald man that he had resigned be
cause of the request of the company
that he give up all other Interests that
claimed Bis time and attention, so as
to be able to devote himself exeulslve-
ly to the business of the telegraph
company. Mr. RusB Is city clerk, haw
jng .Jfelfl.-that -position for a longer
time than he has been connected wltH
tKe Western Union. He declined to
resign this position, and to give up
other interests. Hence his resigna
Mr. Rust has not yet decided what
husinessr in addition to his duties as
city clerk, will claim his attention.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 13.—With the matter ot acreage the most Im
portant question yet unsettled, the Southern Cotton Association today
began the last day’s session.
The question of permanent headquarters, the election of officers, and
the proposition to establish an official organ will be settled by the ex
ecutive committee here next week.
The same committee will also arrange to put in effect a plan to hold
the remainder of the cotton crop ,for fifteen cents. One representative
from, each state and territory, one banker from each state and territory,
and five cotton men at large, constitute the committee to perfect the
plan for holding the balance o' the cotton crop for fltfeen cents.
The morning session was given to committee reports, the most Im
portant of which was,that of the acreage committee, which favored a re
duction of 25 per cent, of the acreage of 1904. This means an acreage
of 24,000,000 acres for the present year. The report was unanimously
adopted. —
John Temple Graves was intro duced and delivered an address.
Meeting Held in Savan
nah--Thomas Elected
President to Succeed
Guerry, Resigned.
Elected to Succeed McLar-
ty and Price—Resolu
tions of Regret atT Lat
ter’s Retirement. i
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 13.—Col. J. H. Estill’s
formal announcement of his candidacy for the
Democratic nomination for the governorship of
Georgia was given to the press today. It is very
brief. The full text follows:
To the Democratic Voters of Georgia :
In response to requests from many parts of the
State, but more especially from the people of
Loiter Georgia, and my own desire and ambition
to fill the highest office in your gift, I hereby an
nounce that I am a candidate for the Democratic
nomination for Governor.
Betweten this time and the primary election, I
shall endeavor to meet the people of the several
counties and discuss with them such questions as
shall be uppermost in the public mind. My
platform, other than the Constitution and Laws,
of Georgia,’ is the impartial enforcement of the
laws, and the treatment of all people, and every
interest, with justice and fairness. ,
Asking your support, I am,
Your fellow citizen,
J. H. Estill.
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 12,1906. .
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 12.—A meeting
of the Sonth Georgia Baseball League
was held here this afternoon, when
Goode Iff. Guerry, of Savannah, re
signed the presidency for business
reasons, and J. W. Thomas, of Savan
nah, was elected to succeed him.
The Police Commission held an Im
portant meeting shortly after noon to
day, disposing of several matters of
The resignations o’. Policemen W. A.
McLart/ and S. F. Price having been
accepted, the board elected as their
All those who have promised Christ,
mas offerings to the Baptist Ladies'
Missionary Society are requested to
send same to Mrs. J. B. Gilbert by
Monday next.
‘ Thomaavllla', and Brunswlok were., sucn8asgrs_.Messrs. Wv W. McDonald
dropped ffdm"'the league, leaving it — J TT T *- -"V- -—- x -
one of six cities: Columbus, Americus,
Albany, Cordele, Waycross and Val-
100 Per Cent.
to,value of
Your Farms
by using
Field )
dosta. May 3 was fixed as the open
ing date ’or the season.
It was announced that the National
Association had given the Georgia
league protection. The league pros
pects were declared to be bright.
Mr. Guerry, in resigning the presi
dency, does not give up his ownership
of the Columbus franchise.
Mr. Thomas, the new president of
the league, is the owner of the Al
bany franchise.
Chicago, Jan. 13. — Strangled to
death by three strands of fine copper
wire, the body of ,Mrs. Franklin Hol
lister, wife of a member of the Ty-
pothetae, was found today. A large
force of detectives was put to-work on
the mysterious murder.
Mrs. Hollister left home yesterday
morning, and falling to return last
night, the police were asked to find
Evidence Indicates that she had
been robbed and murdered during the
day and her body during the night
thrown on a trash pile, where it was
found. It also appeared, from.bruises
on the hands and head, that she made
desperate resistance.
A Boy Coulisses the Murder...
Chicago, Jan. 13. — Richard Ivins,
one of the boys who reported finding
the body of Mrs. Hollister, has con
fessed having committed the murder.
San Francisco, Jan. 13.—Willie Fit®,
gerald, of Brooklyn, and Willie Lewis,
of New York, last night battled 25
rounds to a draw at Colma.
and H. T. Lynch., Other applicants
were D. W. Gillespie, H. P. Wynne
and Jones, but McDonald and Lynch
were elected, both having had some
experience on the force and being en
dorsed by Chief Westbrook. It Is not
doubted that they will make efficient
members of the force.
Resolutions of regret at the retire
ment of Officers Price and McLarty
were, adopted, and copies will be pre
sented to these two long-time faithful
employes of the city.
Commissioner Wooten was appoint
ed a committee of one to go before
the city council at its next regular
meeting and present reasons why it is
urgent that the police force be imme
diately increased by aT least one man.
The commission recommended, some
time ago, that the Increase be made,
but cotincil failed to consider the mat
ter favorably.
Lost, pone! Disappeared! There
is mourning in Albany today among
the four Albanians who have consti
tuted themselves Into the Albany
Yacht Club. It’s this way. These
four gentlemen purchased a pretty
gasoline launch and they have been
plying down the Flint on hunting and
pleasure expeditions rather regularly.
Sunday night the launch was anchored
safely on the shores of the Flint, and
Monday morning all that was left was
a chain and a rope that had been ent
in twain. The sad news reached the
ears of the yachtsmen, and they be
gan a search, but all In vain. They
telegraphed Balnbridge, Tampa, Jack
sonville, and are now thinking of ca
bling to Cuba. ' It Is thought the
launch has been stolen.
$25. REWARD.
For arrest, with proof to convict, of
the party or parties that stole Thron-
ateeska No. 1, gasoline launch, from
Albany, where it was anchored on the
Flint. Suitable compensation to any
one who gives Information leading to
Its discovery.
8tillmore Air Line and Collins and
ReldVille Must Build Depot at Col
lins. >
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 13.—While In ses
sion yesterday, the state railroad
commission replied to Judge W. F.
five,- of Augusta,’ in' regard tO'hls-re-
quest for a special rate on material
used in the betterment of highways
to the effeot that it could not lay
down a general rule, but If special
shipments were contemplated, It
could probably arrange with the rail
roads to take them at reduced rates.
The reason given was that a rate ap
plying to road materials would also
have to be applied, if it became gen
eral, to the same materials used in
other lines of work.
The commission also decided that
the Stillmore Air Line and the Col
lins & ReidsvillB railroad could not
use with the Seaboard Air Line the
depotrbuilt by. the latter system at
Collins. According to the commis
sion, the former roads had agreed to
pay part of the expense of the depot,
but had failed to dt> so. They are
now requested to build their own de
pot at Collins.
FOR SALE—Several vacant lots, also
a number of residences, close In;
some for cash, others on terms.
Ed. R. ones. ’ 12-3t
- <
' * . ...
: .. - ■ !<?■ via
Messrs. Ed. R. Jones and Youel Hils-
man have purchased from Mr. P. W.
Jones a building lot at the corner of
Westbrook avenue and State street,
with a frontage of 210 feet. The prop-IFOR RENT—Several 1 to 5-mule
erty will be improved,'and a building j farms, close In. See S. W. Smith,
may be constructed on It. | ^ 13-6t
Mr. Hubert Young, of Macon, Is vis
iting ,his brother, Mr. E. B. Young,
Jr., at the New Albany.
Mr. D. J. DuPree, of Oakfleld, Is
looking after business Interests in the’
city today.
Mr. N. W. Wallace left Albany at
noon today for a pleasure trip of sev
eral days to Macon and Atlanta.
Mr. James O. Boone, who was to
leave the city tomorrow, has decided
to remain here several days longer.
He is a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Davis. Mr. Boone will go
from here to Americus.
Messrs. John and Henry Redding
leave the city tomorrow for Cuthbert,
where they will attend the celebration
of the 77th anniversary of the birth
of their father.
Capt. C. G. Herrick, of Pretoria, is
spending the day in Albany on busi
Miss Annette Gross, of. Chicago, Is
the guestjof Miss Tessle Gortatowsky
for a few days.
Mr. John Wooten, of Leary, is at
tending to business affairs In Albany
Meeting, of the University Trustees
In Atlanta Yesterday.
Atlanta, Ga.,. Jafl. 18.—At a meet;
ing of the board of trustees of the
University of Georgia pt,. the, state
capltoi yesterday it was decided to
aontlmie the summer school at the
college and let- Dean David C.' Bar-
row-, of the university faculty, con
tinue at the head of the Institution
until a successor to Chancellor Walter
B. Hill Is named. This eleotlon, it
was decided, will lie field some time
in April, Immediately following the
memorial services In honor o.' the
chancellor. '
The committee which Is to set n
date for the memorial Is composed of
Hon. N. E. Harris, Judge S, B.
Adams, Hon. Clark Howell, Col. Dud
ley M. Hughes and Judge B. H. Cal
loway. -
Tile resignation of Prof. J. H. Pat
terson, as physical director, ..was ac
cepted. Prof. E. L. Griggs was
named as his successor.
It was decided that Chancellor
Hill’s salary should be given to his
widow and that she shall occupy tjie
house furnished the chancellor until
a new chancellor has been chosen.
The schedule of the Atlantic Coast
Line Railway will he changed, the
change going Into effect tonight. The
train to Brunswick which has been
leaving here at 2:26 a. m. will leave
at 12:40, and will return at 3:20 a. m.
Instead of at 2:15.
Greatly In Demand.
Nothing Is more In demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system clean
ser, such as Dr. King’s New Life
Pills. They are lust what you need
to cure stomach and liver troubles.
Try them. At Albany Drug Co., 26c
The secret of successfully ridding
the system of a cold Is a thorough
evacuation of the bowels. Kennedy’s
Laxative Honey and Tar does this—
Liquid Cold Cure drives all cold out
of the system. Best for Cough's,
Croup, etc. Sold by Albany Drug Co.,
and Hllsman-Sale Drug Co.
Maple syrup In pint bottles, 2 for
25c; homemade apple jelly, 2 for 26c;
Libby’s plum pudding, 16e can; Van
Camp’s plum pudding, 20c can.
’Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
8lcl«enlng, Shivering Fits
Of Ague and Malaria can be relieved
and cured with Electric Bitters.. This
is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial
benefit In malaria, for It exerts a true
curative Influence on. the disease,
driving It entirely out of the system,
It Is much to be preferred to quin
ine, having pone of this drug’s bad
after-effects. E. S. Munday, of Hen
rietta',' Texas, writes: “My brother
bad jaundice, till he took Electric Bit
ters, which saved his life.” At Alba
ny iJrng Co. Price, 50c, guaranteed,
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 13.—The pleas
In abatement to tho Indictments found
last November agalst Greene ana Qay-
nor were read on the assembling of
the Federal court today. The pleas
set 1 up that the IndlotmentB were
drawn by a jury which had been Il
legally constituted. The government
attorney filed demurrers to the pleas,
and arguments began.
Following District Attorney Erwin,
A. ‘ A.' Lawrence, of the defendants*'
counsel, read a written reply criticis
ing the .court for the appointment ot
Special Jury Commissioner W, - S.
Vlest, of Valdosta, who, with the clerk
of the court, seleoted the list from
which the grand Jury was drawn.
Judge Speer promptly fined Law
rence $100 for contempt of court
Lawrence continued his address,
making no apology, after which a re
cess was announced.
FOR 8ALE—The Rdst home, 7 rooms,
105x106; Corner Jefferson and Flint
Ed.. R. 'Jones. . 12-3t
. '' '' ”” / .
New York, Jah. 13.—Ot Marshall
Field, of Chicago, who Is 111 at the,
Holland House here, It was reported
this morning that there was n,a change
In his condition. His physicians,, It
itlon, find said, tfiat" the'pneur
from which Mr. Field Is Buffering, h
not extended.
FOR SALE—Several vacant lots, also
a number of residences, close in;
some for cash, others on terms.
Ed. It. ones. 1 12-3t
P * — •
mmmmmm 1 ■mii'niiii—iiiii'iiwm
j ;:$*y§i8l
- .
; •/
And Lave
them filled
by experienced
with pure
in the manner
your physician
wants them
ft 5