The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 22, 1906, Image 2
THE ALBANY DAI„Y HERALD: THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1906. Albany Herald —BY THE— Herald Publishing Co. ). tX. Mclntoih President H. T. Mclntoih ;8«c. and Treai. . A. Davis Business Mgr. Every Aftornoon Except Sunday. Weekly (8 pages) Every Saturday. ~ TERM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION, lly Herald, one year....'.......$5.00 Herald, six months 2.50 Herald, three monthe 1.25 eekly Hrttld, 8 pages,’ dhe yesr 1.00 Dally All subscriptions payable In ad vance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known on application. Cards of thanks, resolutions of re. spect and obituary notices, other than those Which the paper Itself may give as a matter of news, will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents a line, ex cept when such notices are published by charltablo organizations, when a special rate will be named. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which a revenue Is to be derived, beyo/id a brief announcement, will be charged for at the rate of 6 cents a line. Office, second floor Postoffice Build- f Ing, corner Jaokson and Pine streets. The Herald deals with advertising agents by speofal contract only, and no advertising agent or agency Is au thorized, to take oontracts for adver tise m enta to be Inserted In thls paper. WIDENING THE POLITICAL HORI ZON/ Tbe suggestion made by Judge Al ton B. Patker, the latest unsuccessful Democratic candidate for the presi dency, that the time has come for the South to take the lead In the- party councils and to furnlBh the presiden tial candidate, has been very generally and variously commented upon by the presB, North and South, but of all the comments that we have seen, the In terpretation given to the New York er’s speech by the Philadelphia Record is to us the most pleasing. Under the caption, “Judge Parker’s Suggestion," the Record says: Of'lfp RM1V. THE HERALD 18 Official Organ of the City of Albany. Official Organ of Dougherty County. Official'Organ of Baker County. Official Organ of the Railroad Com mission of Georgia for the Second Congressional District. T?LgJPHONE8: Editorial Rooms and Business Of fice, 60. Composing Room and Job Printing Office, 60—S rings. If you see It In Tho Herald It’s so. If you advertise In Th» HantldT^ goes. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1906. ' Somebody Is writing some mighty good editorials In the Atlanta News. Tho best authorities are pretty well agreed that Tuesday night’s freeze wdb a knockout blow to the Elbcrta peaches. When Andy Hamilton has anything lo say, he says It with a “now I reckon you are sorry you didn’t let mo stay In Europe’’ air. Tho Cool Springs corve'spondent of the Moultrlo Observer wfltes, that Cool Springs Is n community without a cun- didatc. Here Is the shrewdest, bid, we have yet seen a community make for new settlors. Tho Macon News observes thnt “tho Journal continues to give Hoke Smith ovations throughout tho state ami tho Constitution makes Clark , Howell Just simply delight folks every- . where, while the othor four candidates are merely hitting the earth In high places und doing the best they can.” An Albany young hopeful of D was an attentive listener while his father and older brothors wore discussing the political situation In Georgia. Final ly he said: “Papa. Is Mr. Hoke Smith the man rvlmt appears so big In one paper nnd so little In tbe other?" ■ What an observant 9-year old. to bo HB&f So far from making a mere compli ment to his Southern hosts'or from being actuated by tho spirit of section allsm, the suggestion of Judge Alton B? Parker ns to the best Democratic candidate for President was intended to cause tbe. Democrats of the country tv widen their political horizon. A Irood deni of water will run under the bridge between now nnd t908. and In the meantime the hint of Judge Par ker will be. likely to receive the con sideration It deserves. Nothing could be more perverse In politics- than to mnke a geographical section a chiof factor’In nominations for President. Yet by common consent both portleB have excluded a large portion of the country, not from participation In the choice of a candidate, but from the nomination of any of Its -citizens, no matter how eminent and worthy of the presidency. After the lapse of nn entire gener ation It Is time that this tacit but rigid Political ostracism should cense; and that is what Judge Parker meant by his suggestion. If the Republicans can not go southward for a candidate for President for obvious -.reasonp the Democratic party In Its freedopi from sectionalism has the Whole country, from Maine to Texas, for the Held of Its presidential choice. Instead of af fording the least encouragement to sectionalism, the tendency of Judge Parker’s suggestion Is just the reverse of this spirit. , Mr. Bartholomew Is thoroughly ac quainted With Conditions In Georgia. Hq favor's the repeal'hf the fifteenth amendment He once delivered at Bacohton, Ga., his lecture on “Nuts to Craok;.-or,The North and South and the Nigger.” ! Hon. W. H. Fleming has shown that tbe grandfather's clause has never been before the coart and also shown how the court, In the Mississippi case, put the South on notice where a dis crimination was manifest and no torious; howsoever strong the dis claimer, the court would be compelled to take cognizance thereof. Yet, be cause Alabama and some other states have escaped, so far, the unthinking of our people do not realize the dan ger. Arrival and Departure of Train* at s ’• Albanjt, Ga.', In Effect Jan. 8. 1905. DEPARTURES: For Dothan, Floralla and Lock hart .’ 7:45 am For Dothan, Florala and Lock hart ....'4 3:50pm Fop Macon. Atlanta, Augus ts, Columbus. Savannah.. 4:05am For Macon, Atlanta, Colum bus, Montgomery, Troy.... 11:54am For Macoh, Atlanta, Savan nah..,, 9:00pm PI’LL-BET-YoO I ” The most tiresome and disgusting of all the small politicians and parti sans is the slmltn-headed fellow wt)ose chief slogan and principal stock In trade Is ’Tll-bet-you!” He goes about boasting and bluffing, and when confronted by sane argument or colfl facts he tries to bluff his way out by olforlng to bet that something thnt isn’t bo Is so, or that his choice of candidates will carry this county or that county—or that he Is sure of election. These small-fry partisans who can’t discuss politics nnd candidates with out offering to bet are the most dis gusting of all the village statesmen Ijnd polsy politicians. The ever-ready ’Tll-bet-you” Is the argument of a fool. The trustees of tho New York Life Insurance Company have brought suit against their former agent nnd lobby ist, Andrew Hanjjjtori, for an account ing. They ask him to show what he did with 31.635,000 of the company’s funds placed 111 bis hands. Thus It will be seen tho "curs” nre after the “yellow dog.” The trustees could hardly do less than to bring this ac tion after the defiant Albnuy speech of Hamilton. Tho sifting of the scan dal 111 the courts will be followed'with interest. Given Up to Die. B. Speigel, 1204 N. Virginia St„ Ev ansville, Ind., writes: “For over five years I was troubled With kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandop work entirely. I had three of the best physicians, who did me no good, and I was practically given up to die. Foley’s Kidney Cure was rec- oihmended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second -bottle I was entirely cured.” Why not let It help ybu? Hilsman- Saie Drug Co. Buy fresh Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Fire Tile, Lathi, Shingled, all'kinds of lumber and mouldings, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass and Putty, Mantels, Grates and Tile, Wall Paper and Paints at O. D. SMITH’S. ARRIVAL8: From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan 8:45 pm From Lockhart, Florala and Dothan ,11:40 am From Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta, Macon 7:25 am From Montgomery, Troy, Co lumbus, Atlanta, Macon... 3:40 pm From Atlanta, Savannah, Ma con, Montgomery, Colum bus .....11:30 pm ALL TRAIN8 DAILY. Drawing room sleeping cars be tween Albany and Atlanta on trains arriving at Albany at 7:25 a. m. and leaving Albany at 9:00 p. m. Parlor car between Albany and Atlanta on train arriving at Albany at 3:40 p. m. and leaving Albany at 11:54 a. m. For further information apply to S. A. Atkinson, Depot Ticket Agent or R S. Mprrls, Commercial Agent, Al- cany, Ga. SEED CANE—15,000 stalks of Red J Seed Cane for sale cheap. Apply to W. P. Haugaliook. 16-3w Brinson & Co., Wood and Goal, ’Phone 367. Prompt service. Patron age solicited. ’ We have received a large “sprinkling” of our new two-piece Spring and Sum mer Suit. The styles and patterns are all new and different from any that have ever been shown you before. The fits are as neat perfect as the artistic hand can make them. At This Season You Want Dried Fruit Prunes,, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Apples. All fresh and the highest grade possible To buy. And best of all they are very reason able. Smithfield Hams The most delicious cured meats ever placed on the market. They are cured in the most delicate way possible. y 25c a pound. Virginia Country Hams Another style and cure of delicious meats, as mild and sweet as you want. I7c 0 pound. y Xt often happens that the political *stajtoholder finds explanations embar rassing. Mr. Cornelius Bliss, treas- - urer of'the National Republican Com mittee, In bis disgust at the exposure Ot "yeltow ilog" contributions, refuses even to,look at a photographic copy of the $75,000 voucher bearing bis signa ture. The Philadelphia Record sag- ■ goBtu that later on, when the courts Shall - be called upon to unravel tbe tangle ot Insurance finance. Mr. Bliss ■ may prove more willing to take the : country Into Ills confidence. The freeze of night before Inst put tho poach crop to the bad and left a blackened trail through the truck gar dens of the state, but at Inst accounts hope still sprang eternal I11 the breast of the candidate, who consolingly pats tbe despondent fruit grower nnd truck er on the back nnd bids him cheer up —for all things will come out right on' election day. LOANS If you are in need of money, at reasonable rates, on good INVESTMENTS made for parties who have money to place. Best security. REAL ESTATE. CONSULT US Albany Real Estate Improvement and Investment Company, Uo ms 7 and 8 NVoolfolk Hldg. .j. < Daniel C. Betjeman, Mgr. WE ALSO HANDLE RENTS, INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS. W. W. Pace, T. N. Woolfolk, J. W. Walters, Directors. The Philadelphia Record makes this pungent comment on the lynching of ‘ tho negro at Chattanooga on Monday night: “The mob which took a con demned. negro from tbe Chattanooga A Northern Friend's Opinion. From tbe Macon Telegraph. Mr. .1. A. Bartholomew, of Naples, N. Y„ a man of travel and rending, well known in Dougherty and Mitch ell counties of our state, where lie has farming Interests, a Northern man who loves Georgia nnd her people, writing to a friend In Macon, says: “Hon. W. H. Fleming’s letter which I read In tho Macon Telegraph, brought out the most sensible views I have seen on Georgia affairs. I (jeprecate the drift In Georgia, if you •go in for ‘disfranchisement’ and un dertake to protect the illiterate whites JSjall and lynched him after he had been gj>. granted a stay of execution defied ■ by a grandfather’s clause, the case ■gi the Supreme Court. Therein it fol- j would go to the Supreme Court in full : lowed tho illustrious example ot our dress - Ym > havo P rocU ' irae ' 1 as t,ora captains of industry, many of whom defy the Supreme Court every day of Kthelr lives. And, the captains of lu- B’hnstry, who recognize only that ‘high er law* of which Andrew Hamilton has the house tops your object to disfran chise the negro nnd not the unedu cated whites. Your object Is notori ous, made so by your campaign speeches: nnd when the case goes before the Supreme 1 Court you would iget a decision that no Southern man ppmen, will be among the loudest in „ llke _ an(1 you wouW learn the denunciations of the Chatta- meaning of impudence! If no negro's nooga outrage." name could by hook or crook ever get J. K. PRAY. President. A. P. VASON. Vico President EDWIN STERNE, Cashier. The Citizens National Bank OF ALBANY, GA. Capital. - - $50,000. Solicits your banking business of every kind, confident ,of our ability to handle it to your satisfaction. Invites correspondence or a personal interview with those needing banking facilities. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Schedule Effective July 3 1905—90th Merldlsn Time. No. 60 NORTH No. 72 No. 8o I WEST | No. 79 2:10p. 2:89p. 2:64p, 3:66p. 5:15p. 9:35p. a: on 2:05 j. S:00p. Lv ..Albany., Lv ..Sasser.. Lv .pawson. Lv .Richland. Ar Columbus Ar ..Atlanta. Via A. A N. Lv ..Albany. Lv .Cordele. Ar Savannah Ar| 1: Ar|12: Arll2: Arlll: LrjlO: Lvl 6: Ry. I . Ar| 3: Arl 1: Lv 7: SOr.m. 53 p.m. 36p.m. 31a.m. 15u.m. 40a.m. 25p.m. 25p.m. : 16a.m. 2:10p.m. 4:16p.m. 5:47p.m. 6:23p.m. 7:45p.m. 11:30p.m. 6:00a.m. 2:65a.m. 7:16a.m. | ,5:44p.m. ..Albany.. Ar • Lumpkin. Ar Hurtsboro Ar • Ft. Davis. Ar N’tgomery Lv ..Selma.. Lv Pensacola Lv ..Mobile.. Lv NewOrleans Lv .St. Lonls. Lv 20p.m 12a.m 35a. m 5Ga.m 30a.m 15p.m On week days No. 110 leaves Albany at 6:30 a. m„ arriving Dawson 7:25 a. m. and Richland 8:45 a. m., connecting at Richland with trains for Columbus, Amerlcus and Savannah. No. 80. Through train to Columbus, making close connection at Rich land and Montgomery for all points West via L;-& N. and M. & O. R. Ry. at Columbus and Atlanta with all lines diverging for Eastern and North ern points. Full Information upon application to any SEABOARD Agent S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albany, Ga. W. P. SCRUGGS, T P. A., Savannah, Ga. CHARLES F. STEWART, A. G. P. A- Savannah,'Ga. ■ S. B. Brown & Co. Georgia Northern Railway Go. ALBANY - BOSTON LINE Read Down. Read Up. No. 4 I No. 2 1 Effective Feb. 23,1906. Daily | Daily | STATIONS. No. 1 Daily No. 3 Daily / 3:60pm| 7:30am|Lv. .. Albany •• Ar. 11:40am 8:20pm 4:44pm| 8:24amlAr. . TIcknor .. Lv. 10:40am 7:15pm 4:60pm| 8:30amlAr. .. Doerun .. Lv. 10:35am 7:10pm 5:30pm j 9:10am|Ar. . Moultrie . Lv. 10:00am 6:35pm 5:45pm| ljUjpmlLv. . Moultrie . Ar. 8:35am 5:15pm G :25pm! l:55pm|Ar. ... Pavo ... Lv. 7:50am 4:30pm 7:00pm| 2:30pm|Ar. .. Boston .. Lv. 7:20am 4:00pm Connections at Albany with S. A. L. Nos, 1 and 4 make connections at Albany to and from Cordele, Savan nah, Macon and Atlanta, via A. & N. All trains make connections at Albany to and from nil Central of Ga Ry. points, Including Atlanta, Macon, Amerlcus and Montgomery. Sleep Ing car service via C. of Ga. between Albany and Atlanta. Leave Albany 9 p. m. Returning, arrive Albany 7:25 a. m. Connections at Tloknor, via F. R. & N. E. for Pelham. Connections at Boston via A. C. L. for Quitman, Valdosta, Savannah, Jacksonville and points south. Connections at Moul trie via A. & B. for Tifton and Thomasville. S. A ATKINSON, U. T. A.. Albany, Ga. G. E. SMITH, Traffic Mgr., Moultrie, Ga. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. PASSENGER SCHEDULES. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES AT ALBANY, GA. IN EFFECT JANUARY 14, 1906. DEPARTURES For Waycross, Brunswick and Points South and East. Train No. 89 Leaves 12:50 am Train No. 96 Leaves 2:00 pm For Thomasville, Monticello and Points West. Train No. 71 Leaves ...4:00pm Train No. 73 Leaves 7:40am ARRIVALS From Waycross, Brunswick and Points South and East. Train No. 94 Arrives. Train No. 90 Arrives. .11:50 am . 3:20am From Thomasville, Monticello and Points West. Train No. 72 Arrives 11:36 art Train No. 74 Arrives 7:15 pit S. A. ATKINSON, U. T. A., Albanv. Ga. T. J. BOTTOMS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasville; Ga. ALBANY & NORTHERN ■ .-RY DAILY PASSENCER TRAIN SCHEDULES. NO. 18. Lv. Albany .... 12:OOnoon Ar. Cordele 1:25pm Ar. Savannah ...8:00pm S.A.L.Ry Ar. Macon 4:20pm G.S.&F.Ry Ar. Jacksonville 8:00pm G.S.&F.Ry Ar. Atlanta 7:60pm C.-of Ga. Ry NO. 16. Lv. Albany 4* 30pm Ar. Cordele 6:15pm Ar. Macon 9:35pm G.S.&F.Ry Ar. Helena ....i9:30pm S.A.L.Ry NO. 17. Lv. Savannah ...7:15am. S.A.L.I Lv. Atlanta 8:00am C. of Ga-I Lv. Macon 11:30am G.S.&F.1 Lv. Jacksonville 8:00am G. S. &F.I Lv. Cordele 2:10pm Ar. Albany 3:35pm NO. 15. Lv. Macon .. ..6:45am G. 8. & I Lv. Helena 5:30am S.A.L Lv. Cordele 9:30am Ar. Albany ....11:15am «. v. aasrsrsKwst.''-’ •— ., 8. A. ATKINSON, Union Ticket Agt. V P * o si C ?,u W8 ’ J. Q. ADAMS, Soliciting Freight 2nd Paraenger^nt INDSTINCT PRINT |