The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, March 22, 1906, Image 6
fry? THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD! THUR8DAY, MARCH 22, 1(06. Clip That Horse. Ditto That Mule. The Clipping Will be Easy With a t Power Clipper! af.'- m f: cpv CJK;, I; gfe ft *. Here is One. ,We Have Others. They Are; $6.75 to $15. 'AT HOME.- E. H. DENISON—DontUi J. W. DORSETT, DENTIST. Phono 413. Davis-Ex. Bank Bldg. April draws near. Eewer Gallons; Wears Longer. THE PEOPLE ALL Chautauciua begins exactly one month from today. Phone 280 for Stove Wood and Chips. ■ ■ Great Interest is being .manifested In the primary today. Jno. D. Twiggs, President. M. Weeloeky, Vice-President, P. 0. Tlcknor, Secretary and Manager. Office Telephone, 30. Manager’s Telephone, 112. ILBflNY INSURflNGE AGENCY ! , I . Offide, 8econd Story' S. B. Brown Building. Dlreotora—8. B. Brown, Jno. R. Whitehead, M. Weeloeky. Jno. DV flggs, T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker, F. O. Tlcknor. ) Leading Insurance Agency of South Georgia, representing twenty-five t the strongest Insurance companies In the world, with combined assets it over two hundred mtlllon dollars, among others the Aetna, Home of ' York, Insurance Co. of North America, Phoenix, Commercial Union, I all of the stock companies organised In tl\i State, 1* e., the Georgia Home ob Columbus, Atlanta Home and Atlanta-Blrffilngham of Atlanta. All classes of risks written, large lines, special haxards, farm proper- I ty and gin houses solicited. Wo Insure against Fire, Lightning, Torna- 1 does, ^ccldent and Health, Steam Boiler, Liability Insurance and Fidel ity Bonds placed In the best companies. If In need of any kind of Insur ance drop us a card or telephone any of the officers and a representative will call promptly. Call on your grocer for Roller King Flour.. Every sack guaranteed. 22-3t Cried, Give Vm Nenbro’a Rerptelde. This word of late has been In every* one's mouth, and many are wondering what the word elgnlSea, though no one haa yet been found,' who will deny that NEWBRO-S HERBICIDE does the wore. Well, for the Information of thouianda of people who like to know all about a good thing, we would say that HERBICIDE means, a destroyer or killer of ''Herpes," Now "Herpes" Is the family name of'a disease caused by; various vegetable par asites. A similar microbe causes dan- druff, Itching Bcalp, and falling hair; this Is the microbe that NEWBRO'S HERPI- CIDE promptly destroys: nfter which' the hair grows. Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10c, In stnmps for sample' to The Herplolde Co., Detroit, Mich. glhany tans t o.. Hinrtst Agents White Pearl Onion Plants for sale by G. M. Shackleford. 13-dtf Weak Eyes made Strong. See Dr. See. Eye. Hutchason. feb!2tf Yesterday waB the first day of spring, and today Is one of the most perfect that the season will bring ns. I fit the masses with scientifically fitted glasBeB. See Dr. See Eye Hutch ason. . 22-Gt A mad might hunt a long way be fore he would find a mote perfect day than this. No Wood famine In Albany now. Barron gets It by trainloads. FOR RENT.—Three-room cabins on Tift street, $1 per week. Gruger & Pace. The Chautauqua edition of The Her ald will be one of the most widely circulated and widely read papers ever Issued In the southern part of the state. FOR 8ALE—CHEAP. % acre, 2 houses, Broad St. over 20. per cent Interest. 22*2t NELSON & PEACOCK. Pays Winter, like the people who come here, likes Albany so well that It lust simply hates to leave, and won’t until summer makes It so hot for her she’ll have to go. * Albany Decorating Co., Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wnll Paper, Burlaps. Room Mouldings. Rumney Bldg. 'Phone 353. The froozo of night before last did a great deal of damage to vegetation i In this pnrt of tljo country, but nobody Is moping or complaining. The ruined vegetables have already been pulled up, and now seed have been dropped whore the others lately germinated. RANGES! city. We have a RANGE that Is first class In every respect 1 A RANGfe that la guaranteed to us. A RANGE that we guarantee. * A RANGE that heats a Hot-Water Boiler. | A RANGE that cooks well. A RANGE that you will be well pleased with. And a RANGE that we will sell you cheaper than you can buy In the Call and see our RANGE8 before you buy. A severe cold that may dovelop Into, pneumonia over night, can be cured quickly by tnklng Foley’s Honey and, Tar. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs. The genuine Is In a yellow package. Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. There will be something doing 'nmong the Juvenile baseball enthusi asts before many days. Local teams are being organized, and the keenest of rivalry will soon have them scrap ping tor the mastery all over the dia mond at the fair ground park. Plumbing Co, E P. HARRIS, Mgr. a JOSEPH S. DAVIS, JNO. R. WH ITEHEAD, R. H. WARREN, President. * V.-PretldenL Sec’y-Treas. apltal Stock $100,000.oo . HARRIS, Mgr. 102 Plat Street, Eist Slors el Rumney BalMlag. Then* 2(1 The largest and best selected stock of rough lumber in the city. Also flooring and ceiling. Cruger & Pace. The paving on Washington street Is going still—still being the proper word. It it were possible, the paving might go backwards. Anyhow, the or deal la nearly over, and the people of the city have become so used to It that a day or two more or less won’t count much. I A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race. Con stipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King’s Now Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort 25c at Albany Drug Co. CONSERVATOR OF PROSPERITY. Now In its new offices, corner Broad and Washington, this company a prepared to handle promptly all branches of Its buslneo. OUR LONA8 ON REAL ESTATE, whether to Improve same or not, can be made to suit convenience of borrower. On these loans' there are ‘ ■<0 COMMISSIONS. You get what yon borrow. If yon have a lot let i build your house, and atop house rent It will pay those who have deposited in bank, Idle and yielding no Income, to Investigate tbe facilities we aro offering on time deposits. Come in and let nrer. R. H. WARREN, Secretary-Treasurer. iK - i. : ■ ■ ' 'At ' ’ The people of Albany are fully sat isfied that this city Is large enough for an electric car line and a suitable ! park, and they- are not tearing their shirts over one, for they know that In a very short while both are going to be realities. The Carnival of Commerce, the am ateur performance for the benefit of tbe charity hospital Tuesday night, Il lustrated the well-known fact thnf Al bany has a large supply of good ama teur theatrical talent to draw from— in fact, an urtusually large supply. Tbe children and tbe grown-ups did well, and It Is gratifying lhat Albany the atre-goers patronized the performance so liberally, and that the hospital realized a snug sum from the enter tainment Light Housekeeping Is made doubly pleasant when you are using one of our . . . • i Don't frown—look pleasant If you are suffering from Indigestion or sour stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga., says: “I suffered more than 20 years with Indigestion. A friend recom mended Kodol. It relieved me In one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years." Kodol digests what you eat, relieves sour stomach, gas on stomach, belching, etc. Sold by Al bany Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drug Co. The drawing up of tbe contract for tbe Inauguration of. the express ser vice between Cordele and Albany, and tbe beginning of. the Improvements on tbe Central of Georgia yardB arq among the things that may be attrib uted to the Albany Business League, for, although both had been contem plated and talked about for some time, no definite stepB were taken until the League took tbe matters In hand. The League has several other projects on foot now, which may be consummated soon. ; Torture by 8avages. “Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes In the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the Intense suffering I endured for three months from Inflammation of the Kidneys,” says W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me. "Nothing helped me un til I tried Electric Bitters, three bot tles of which completely cured me.” Cures Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Blood disorders and Malaria: and re stores the wenlt and nervous to ro bust lienllh. Guaranteed by Albany Drue Co. Price 60c. WANTS. COTTAGE FOR RENT —On North St., near waterworks station; live rooms. Apply to Y. C. Rust. 21tf BOARDERS WANTED —Can accom modate two young men or couple. Apply to J. C. Hale, 98% Broad St. 20-3t FOR 8ALE —White Wyandottes, young laying hens, each (2. Extra large, vigorous, young cock, (1.50. Eggs for hatching, per 16, (1.50. J. W. McSweeney, at Mock and Raw- son’s. 20-3t l.OST FOB.—Lost, between Rawlins theatre and Albany Electrical & Construction Co., watch fob buckle with cross marked “L. B. S.” Re turn to this office and get reward. 15-tf (l Slo&n’sU Liniment 0 1 For Tonsilitte M Pace 2jTSof&mo\l The best safeguard against head ache, constipation and liver troubles la '.DeWltt’a Little Early Risers. Keep a | vial of these famous little pills In the l house and take a dose at bedtime when : you feel t|at the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don't gripe. Sold by Albany Drug Co., Hllsman-Sale Drag Co. Are You contemplating investing in real estate? If so, the Jones & Smith Title Guarantee & Loan Co. are the people you want to consult for these reasons: They guarantee the title to every piece of property they offer. They are responsible for any defects in the title they offer. i They have the most com plete list of desirable proper ties in and about the city. Vacant lots, nice houses, i and cheap tenant houses for sale. See Wm. E. SMITH, Real Estate Manager Jones 4k Smith T. G. & L. Co., Woolfolk Building. Blue Flame QuicK Meal Oil Stoves. . Saves fuel, saves your complexion, saves your temper. Oil in the tank •• and a match, and your fire is started and your stove is ready for business. Nothing nicer for pre- | serving fruit than one of these stoves. Sec :« our line. 1 The Steele Furniture and Hardware Store, Leaders in High Grade .Goods. Telephone No. 156 J S. REICH I 96 BroaJ Street No Dull Times Here. No waiting for business—but always making it. That first note of the spring campaign is heard, with the clatter of the hammer on the freshly arrived boxes, telling of new fabrics, m w prettinesss, fresh daintiness, as exemplified in the three hundred pieces of sprjng fabrics on our conuters. Selling Starts Briskly with the prettiest patterns already feeling the salesman’s scissors. Thosfe fashionable women had better bestir themselves while the choice exclus ive things are still here. S. REICH. Agent McCall Patterns. GUANO I * • We have a few hundred tons left ovei ALBANY WAREHOUSE COMPANY. OFFIOER8 : M. W. PACE, Preaidant A. F. VASON, Vlce-Presldtnt W. M. WILDER, 8ee. and Treaa. T. N. WOOLFOLK, I