The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, April 28, 1906, Image 10
THE ALBANY DAILY 1 HERALD, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1906. CLARK & CO., IOTTON FUTURE BROKERS. ALBANY, GA. fembers Leading Exchanges. Private Leased Wires to New Orleans, Chica go and New York. INSTANTANEOUS EXECUTIONS. New Orleans Correspondents, Gibert & Clay—Cotton. New York Correspondents, C. D. Freeman & ,Co.—Cotton. Chicago Correspondent, Pringle, Fitch & Rankin—Grain. New York Correspondents, Marshall, Spader 8t Co.—Stocks . and Bonds. Correspondence Invited There is a uniformity about the quality of the : : : : Wines and Liquors Which we supply that pleases. Every new bottle opened will be found equal to those previ ously used. Our stock consists en irely of high grade goods. Thev are or fine rich flavor, full bodied and wei matured. Even the lowest priced wines will prove excellent table beverages. • OavU-Bsehun,* BInk Building THE OFFICE THEMARKETS TODAY’S FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC COTTON QUOTATIONS. Wheat, Corn, Meat and Coffee—Letters on the Cotton Market and the Opening and Closing .Quotations. Loeal Cotton Markst Low Middling lu Dem.nd only (sir, and some selling. New York Cotton Markot Pres Op'd High Low OIoso Close Msy li.oi uoe ll.oo July lo.ui lose loss 1001 October 10.88 10.80 10 87 10.8H 10.IW December 10 80 10.41 10,87 10 40 10.40 Spots quiet Mid. 1170. Bales-. Futures olossd sternly. Llvorpool Is due unchanged Monday. New Orleans Cottdn Markot. Prsr Op'd High Low OloseOlose Mar 10.07 11.01 10.07 11.00 1101 July mo 1U8 li.n n.14 October 10.88 10.84 10.80 10 118 1081 Docombor.... tO.81 10.84 10,81 10.88 10 05 Futures closed stendy. Spots steady. Mid. 1I6-10. Buies 1,000. Liverpool Cotton Market May-Jane. 5.88 JunoJuly.... — Hopt-Oet Oot-Nov Bales 7,000; Middlings 0.04; Receipts 8,000. Futures opened qolet and elosed qulot. CO RN—WH EAT—M EAT. Chicago, April 28.— Opening. Wheat—May 79 Wheat—July 78 7-8 Corn-May 46 7-8 Corn—July 46 Oats—May 82 3-8 Oats- July 30 7-8 Pork-May. 16.60 '’ork-July. 16.80 «rd—May 8.66 LRrd—July 8.70 Ribs-May. 8.47 Ribs—July. 8.60 Op’ Prer, 3pm Clone Close 8.K6 6.86 6.89 5.86 6 «6 6 90 8.70 6 70 6.74 6.03 6 62 6.66 Close. 79 6-8 79 6-8 46 2-4 46 1-8 32 3-8 30 7-8 16.66 15.77 8.60 8.65 8.46 8.60 COTTON PICKINGS. Furnished for Daily Herald Readers by Clark & Co, Liverpool simply followed our break of yesterday afternoon, and came 4 lower on futures and 3 on spots, Sales were 7,000 bales. Manchester reported a continued good trade with splendid Inquiry for delivery Into the spring of 1907. English spinners report the most prosperous year la the history of cot ton spinning in England, l^any of the mills will declare a dividend of 60 per cent. ' We opened unchanged to 2 lower. The market had few attractive feat ures. The amount In sight Is 1,650,000 bales Jess than last year. New Orleans factors were offered 50 points on May for good middling. Good grades are Just simply not to be had. After all, the man with the spots, like "the man behind the gun,” holds the hey to the situation. Rumors of big failures among the Now York underwriters were officially dented. I Li'dingftoriStable, K. HO’B’BS, Trop. jor H. MYERS. WH. E. MYERS. C. F. FRYER, President* Nan^gtr. Seo’y & Treats. CORTEZ CIGARS NEW ORLE^N8 COTTON LETTER By wire to Clark A Go. New Orleans, April 28.—Llvorpool was a little disappointing In showing a full response to the unnatural decline of the American markets, for It wsb rather thought that the foreign mar ket would display more strength, es pecially In the construction placed by the trade there on tho visible supply statement, which was more favorable than otherwise. Options closed seven, points lower than yesterday, and spot sales 7,700 bales at 3 pointB decline. No special features marked the day's trading In the local market. The falsity of yes terday's rumors, evidently put out for no other than manipulative purposes, primarily In stocks nnd sentimentality In cotton, seems to have shaken out what vestige of confidence there had remnlned, but while price changes were Inconsiderate, the steadiness of j I the markets’ undertone arose from the ! continued flrmneBs of the spot situa tion. „ ..’ The fair mill takings of 208,000 bales r | for tho week just ended, disproves In ’ | a largo measure the many denials that : have arisen from different sources of a. marked decline In the world's trade condition, and it Is nil the more satis- : factory In that it causes an Improve ment In the statistical position of the present crop, which will largely dlspol opinions still prevailing abroad that this season's total out-turn will be much In excess of the popular estl- ! mate. "I am intensely bullish and expect much Ibgher prices In the near future*” —Price. The week-end figures were satisfac tory to the most enthusiastic bull, but the spinners' takings were rather tame. Perhaps they could not buy. And now come those who say that unless there Is a sharp advance, say to 12 cents, the South will carry over at leaBt 300,000. The almanac "sharks” all predict stormy weather for the month of May. If they should happen to strike It, where will prices go? Ten forty for October, In the esti mation of some very Bmart people, discounts a crop of 12,500,000. er*~v ' — SYMPATHY AND MONEY For San Francisco Sufferers from the Cuban Congress. Havana, April 28.—A bill was Intro duced In the house yesterday express ing sympathy and appropriating $50,- 000 for the relief of the California suf ferers. CZAR TO APPOINT M, WITTE PRESIDENT. St. Petersburg, April 28. — Reports are circulated today that the Czar la to appoint Premlev Witte president of tho Council of the Empire. THE BEST SMOKE Albany Grocery Company. Wholesale Distributors. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. Notice Is hereby given to water con sumers that between the hours of 7 a. m. nnd 4 p. m. on Monday, April 30, the water mains on Jackson street from Pine to North and on Flint street from Washington to Monroe will be cut out of service In order to eliable plumbers to connect the new Tift street main. Those interested will be governed accordingly. * It WM. LOCKETT, Supt. Garden Hose Give Your Roses a Bath! We have just received a fresh stock of Hose and nozzles. Quality good, prices better. Phone 300. If we please you tell others, if not tell us. Sparks-Saxon Hardware Co. BS9JSI WARE & LELAND, ALBANY. GA. BBRSy® New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Association, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange, Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. PBIfATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL POUTS INSURES QUICKEST POSSIBLE EXECUTIONS. Albany office, Pine St., next to Postal Telegraph Co.'s office. Phone 68, I. J. KALMON, Mgr. ITO CUT OFF WATER | FOR NINE HOURS. Mains on Flint and Jackson Streets Will Be Dead Monday. Georgia Northern Railway Go. ' ALBANY - BOSTON LINE Read Down. Read Up. No. 4 Dally No. 2 Dally Effective Feb. 23,1906. STATIONS. No.l Dally 3:50pm 4:44pm 4:60pm 5:30pm 5:45pm| 6:25pml 7:00pm) 7:30am 8:24am 8;30am 9:l'0am l:15pm|Lv. l:65pm|Ar. 2:30pm|Ar. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. . Albany . Tlcknor . . Doorun . Moultrie Moultrie .. Pavo .. . Boston . Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. 11:40am 10:40am 10:35am 10:00am 8:35am 7:50am 7:20am No. 3 Dally 8:20pm 7:15pm 7:10pm 6:35pm 5:16pm 4:30pm 4:00pm Connections at Albany with S. A. L. - Nos. 1 and 4 make connections at Albany to and from Cordela. Savan nob, Macon and Atlanta, via A. & N. All traina make connections at Albany to and from all Central of Qa By. points. Including Atlanta, Macon, Americus and Montgomery. Sleep lag car service via C. of Ga. between Albany and AUanta. Leave Albany t p. m. Returning, arrive Albany 7: 25 a. m. Connections at Tlcknor, via F. R. 6 N. E. for Pelham. Connections at Beaton via A. C. L. for Quitman, Valdosta. Savannah, Jackaonville and polnta south. ConnecUons a? Monl via A. 4k B. for Tlfton and Thoms svllle. S. A, ATKINSON, U. T. A.. Albany On. O. E. SMITH, Traffic Mgr. Moultrie, Go. From 7 o’clock Monday morning till 4 o’clock Monday afternoon the city 1 water mains on Jackson street from Pine to North, nnd on Flint street from Washington to Monroe, will be, dead, as will be seen by reference to an official notice published elsewhere In this evening's Herald. | The withdrawal from service of the mains on these two streets will be necessary to enable W. S. Bell & Son,' who have the contract for extending the main westward on Tift 3treot from Monroe to Madison, to make the nec-' essary connection. It Is esUmated that nine hours will be required to do the work, and noUce Is given In order that those concerned may be prepared. WANTS. L08T PUR8E—Suitable reward will be paid for return of black purse; lost last night probably between de- pot and New Albany Hotel, contain ing $15 In currency, cards and other papers in nnme of C. C. Ball. Find er please return to New Albany Hotel. 4-28-lt WANTED — Active man wanted in each county to exhibit, demonstrate and advertise staple line; salary $13 weekly, $3 per day for expenses; no capital required; honesty and so briety more essential than expert ence. National Co., 720 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 4-27-4t STOLEN—From porch of Rev. Chas. T. Wright last night, one Hartford " Bicycle, extension handle bars and coaster brake. Suitable reward for return or information. Qulntard Wright 26-6t The fountains on the streets th°* serve as watering places for the Lot^j are well patronized these days. This sort of weather Is pretty hard on tho live stock. It Is bad enough to he hot and when It continues to stay dry It Is nearly unbearable tor them, and the places where they can stop to get an occasional drink are few and far be tween, anyway. FOR RENT—One nice 4-retom cottage, State Btreet—white people: $12.60 per month, payable In advance. See R. M. Thompson or Sam W. Smith. 4-27-2t COAT FOUND—The owner of a lost overcoat may recover same by call ing at Herald office. Identifying the coat and paying for this advertise- mtinf 4-97-9L We have just received another shipment of viisUm Schloss Bros. & Co.’s latest styles by ex press, to have them here for Chautauqua. •SCrflOSS BROS.-- Fine Clothes Makers BALTIMORE. NEW YORK. Prices from $10 to $1 Morris Mayers Depot, Albany, Ga. Fat Hens... Shipment just received. In perfect condition. 50 cents eai.n Plenty of Fresh Eggs, 20 cents per dozen. Beans and New Irish Potatoes, fresh from the truck wosn. All kinds of Seasonable Vegetables always on hann anj De liveries promptly made. Freeh Bread, Rolls and Cake dally. Grocer— *5\ £. *H\/SH”’ BaKer Broad Street. Morris Weslonky, President. D. W. James. W. 8. Boll, 1st Vico-Free. 2nd Vico-Prw. Joseph 8. Deris, P. W. Jonec. Caslier. Aits’t Cashier pirst National gank, ALBANY, QA. Capital $50,09* Surplus and Undivided Profits. 80,01)0 MONEY LOANED. Deposits received subject to Sight Draft A general banking business transacted. Rankers' and merchants! accounts solicited. jf Morris Weslosky, D. W. James. President VrPree F. H. Bates, Cashier. N. R. Dehon, Asst Cashier. Hurd National Bel OF ALBANY, QA CAPITAL $50,000.00- UNDjVIDED PROF1T8 .... 12,000.00 Solicits accounts 60 firms and Indw vlduala.