The Albany daily herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1891-190?, May 14, 1906, Image 3
——"— INDSTINCT PRINT THE ALBANY DAILY HERALD, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1906. Thirty prominent Albanians fined for using too much WATER. Serves them right, they should use But six ot their games were with Americus. Is that a satisfactory ex pin nation? It ought to be. . Waycross Is also In the seventy henven of delight. It, too, has played a tew with the basement boys. Three more and then we see what Waycross Is like. The team plays there the last three days of this week. If we win, why we’ll deserve It, for Waycross has collected a strong ag gregation. The Cordele fans continue to talk about Richards. He hasn't done so very much this year, anyway. FAN-ATICS Flint Rock It sure looked good at one time. The team has shown that It Is to be feared, anyway. Three with the same crowd this week. The boys deserve the glad hand front the home folks. Whether they get It or not depends on you. Here’s to you, Alec, and the boys behind you. Rambarger Is as hard working a player as there Is In the league. The work of Snodgrass Is being no ticed all over the circuit Americus has signed a new third baseman—Kipp. Cassidy is doing some stick work for Valdosta these days. Crews, from Birmingham, has signed with Americus. He Is a pitcher. Hessler Is the best shortstop In the league—if we listen to the Columbus fans. The Americus papers are beginning .833 to get blue over the prospect is It .778 strange? .571' Lots of hits, runs and errors Is still .428 the fashion with all the clubs. .444 Deyo Is as nice a hitter as the Cor- .000 dele club has. At first Osment looked to be there, but he has gotten to strlk- • us Ing out with startling regularity, luse In this league many a pitcher will nth, operate In the outfield when not on the atle firing line. the Amerlcus's last game was the best Bnt one they have put up. the The players are getting plenty to do, all right. One week of solid work, It's a Ginger Ale. And there is no fine for using too much. Made only by Fortunate Missourians. “When I was a druggist, at Livonia, Mo.,” writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysvllle, Mo„ "three of my custom ers were permanently cured of con sumption by Dr. King's New Discov ery, and nre well and Btrong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found It unnecessary to do so.. I regard Dr. King’s New Discovery ns the most wonderful medicine In existence.” Sur est Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by Al bany Drug Co., druggists. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Ascot Albany, Ga, RESULTS SATURDAY. Columbus, 8; Albany, 7. Cordele, 7; Valdosta, 2. Waycross, 5; Americus, 4. Newest arrival Men’s Fine Hats. Color, pearl with black, white or gray bands; bound or raw edges. Special Value— GAMES TODAY. Columbus at Albany. Cordele at Valdosta. Americus at Waycross. Our “Gladiator" coffee Is the best, at the price, 1-lb, tins, 25o; 6-lb. tins, 22c; "Colana," 2-lb. tins, 05c; packnge coffees, 20c; bulk goods, 20c, 26o and SOc. lb. W. B. FIELDS. Then see our $1.00 special. Each pen is fully guaranteed. Made in chased holder and solid gold pens. We will refund your money if not satisfied with your purchase. We also carry a complete line of self filling pens from $2.50 up. Satisfaction or money back. IMPROVED SCHEDULE AND SER VICE TO COLUMBU8, OPELIKA, BIRMINGHAM /\ND THE WEST, DAILY, VIA CENTRAL OF GEOR GIA RAILWAY COMPANY. Yachts in Straws^have the Cut Prices— Leave Albany 11; 54 a.m. Arrive Americus 1:46p.m. Leave Americus 2:00 p. m. Arrive Columbus 4:25 p.m. Arlrve Opelika 5:15 p.m. Arrive Birmingham ........ 0:50 p. m. Arrive Memphis 9:00 a.m. Arrive Kansas City 7:40 a. m. Albany, Ga. For further Information^ apply to R. S. MORRIS, Commercial Agent, A 1, bany,- Ga., or S. A. Atkinson, Union Ticket Agent, Albany, Ga. Sale begins Wednesda; WAIT! .Good Groceries all the Time. i.P. Brown, President, If you want the best in the Grocery Line, and want the right prices, too, ’phone your orders to No. 91. pan** Opened Bualnxee 8oi' f . et.h, 1POC CAPITAL Power Motors, f. o. b. New York City: 1 H. P., $54; 2 H. P., $60; 3 H. P., $70; 5 H. P., $126. Albany Electrical blngllng nineteen times. Up till then SURPLUS. “ “ ' 15,000 we hafl held It. having made eighteen hits in n game with.Cordele. Lovelace has gone to his home In nn ^„ r f “ cll ' ty J“ ‘^ P „ banklnK bus ‘' „ . .. " . ness offered to customers. Brewton, Ala. He was a good man, have^beefa!" 8 Wasn,t “ ° ught 10 Savings Department. D.udley has a nice batting average Interest Allowed on Time Deposits, now. " The Cordele. management Is the sort that exnect8 great things of’Its teqm, gild If they don't get them, and quick, something happens. • Seven errors, our record In our last game, Is a good many, but a team that doesn’t make any errors doesn’t take any chances, consequently It plays mediocre ball. A lot pf Albany folks are talking about "sold games." Of course they know. The team is a little tired after its trip. Six straight games Is enough in cue week to fag them. Columbus bas lost only one so far. OFFICIAL 8CORE OF THE GAME. COLUMBUS- Cranston, c. Lewis, If. .... Fisher, ss. ... Hessler, 2b. .. Dillard, 3b. ... Westerfels, lb. Hamburg, rf. . Goodrich, of. . Mercer, p You will never get well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like Construction Co, 105 Broad St., Phone 415. Q. W. SAYE, President. ant prince of Chicago. Bent for me after I had treated his feet, which came very near frightening the wits out of me until hosalu. '•my feet are all right, but what I want you to do Is to tell me all about my own feet,” To be worried almost to death with corns, bun ions. ingrowing nails and porsplrlng font is absolutely unnecessary. I remove them In stantly wlthput pain or blood. It Is a most pleasing experience. Twenty-five cents a corn and It does not hurt -a ap ck. Strictly FOR SALE! It Makes Pale Cheeks-Pink It Is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable Ingredients, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc. It Is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the only medicine that Is certain to do you good. Try It. Sold by every drugged In $1.00 bottles Mrs. Williams does dainty sage mid hair dressing. Sculp treatnie and the morcel wove o specialty. And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer,, can be avoided by the use of l|“Motli8r’$ Friend.” This great re'medy jT is a God-send to women, carrying Eg them through their most critical ■ ordeal with safety and no pain. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, In strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms sad troubles. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladles’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, “YOU ARE FRIENDS of mine,” writes Mrs, F. L. Jones, of Gallatin, Tenn.: “For since taking Cardul I have gefned 35 lbs.; and am In better health than for the past 9 year*. I tell my husband that Cardui Is worth its Total Summary. Horae Run—Fisher. Two-base Hit#—Fisher (2); Ham burg, McCormack, Eldred. Three-base Hits—Hessler, Poole. Base on Balls—Off Mercer, 2; off Crosley, 2. Struck Out—By Mercer, 5; by Cros ley, 2. Earned Runs—Columbus, 8; Al bany, 3. Left on Bases—Cbldmbus, 6: Al bany, 4. Wild Pitch—2. Hit by Pitcher—Westerfels. Umpire—Coniff. Scorer—T. Foley. Time 1:55, Attendance 600. weight In gold to all suffering ladies,” No woman who uses ‘‘Mother’s Friend” need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of, mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. . The child is also healthy, strong and m kb m w ifwi wws SAMSON’S 13v lICaiLUjr | ouuug ftuu B3R good natured. Our book ESlfffl “Motherhood,” is worth jfl jfl its weight in gold to every ■ ■ woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. Horse Colic Cure Easily Gjven. Certain and Quick! 16 Doses, 50 Cents. Values in Marble and Granite for artistic work manship, and the finest material in AT AMERICUS. Innings— 123 466 789—R. H. B. Waycross . . ’000 220 000 1— 6 11 1 Americus . . 000 000 021 0- 4 10 4 Batteries — Wilson and Griffith; Crews and Westbrook. Time 2:00. Attendance 260. Umpire McGrath'. Headstones, etc., try The Albany Marble and Granite Works. Albany Vs. Columbus Can be used any time, anywhere, and, if light case, stock can be con tinued at work. W H. MILLER, Proprietor Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, AT CORDELE. Innings— 123 456 789—R. H. B. Valdosta. . . Q02'00P, O'OO— 2 7 5 Cordele •; . . . 822 000 00*— 7 8 1 Batteries —Cassidy and Walters; Sohnl and Harwood. Time 1:40. At tendance 300. Umpire Harris. W. E. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law, Room 4, Woolfolk Building. Albany, Ga. Best Cream and Fresh Candy. SELLtS IT rOK hKSS