Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia*Times.
Ttie official Paper of the County,
Subscription Rated
On. y«ar, $1 00 Six months, 50eents; Three
months, IS cents. Payable in advance.
T J Ovbey is very sick this week.
Mrs. Wall, of this place is quite
Lee Bond has returned from the
Daly Gregory visited Chattanoo
ga this week.
OoL Heartsill has had his office
nicely painted.
The Georgia electric girls are
still in the ring.
New lot of buggies arrived at
T A & S E Berry's.
Fourth of July excursions are be
ginning to be planned.
Baseball playing is the most
popular sport of the day.
T A & 8 E Beny sell wagons on
time till fall for good notes.
MisB Katie Hix, of Cleveland,
is visiting relative in this place.
Ool. T R Jones and family, of
Dalton, are at Cohutta springs.
W J Peeples is doing some hand¬
some repairing on his residence.
The Sunday school at the Bap¬
tist church is in a flourishing con¬
Ciab grass is jubilating through
. out the broad cotton fields of the
Monroe Strawn is painting his
new ressidence in shining attrac¬
tive style,
The thermometers have been
dancing up to old hundred for the
past week.
S J Cole has returned from Tun¬
nel Hill, where he has been at¬
tending school.
Now is the time to buy the Thom¬
as Smoothing Harrow. Call on
T A & S Berry.
The funeral of Mrs. Dow Ooving
ington will be preached at Mt. Zi¬
on next Sunday.
This is (he season that girls ap¬
ply a great deal of salt to green
plums and apples.
Misses Laura Stafford and Ida
Ramsey, of Rock Creek, spent
Sunday night in town.
Some of the wheat fields begin
(o present a golden tint—the har¬
vest is near at hand.
L F Clark, Fort Mountain, Ga.,
sells more and better goods at low¬
er prices than anybody.
The woodlands echo with the
quivering, shrieking, curving and
cooing of the locust tribe.
There was a reasonable amount
of litigation at Woodlawn Jus¬
tice’s court last Saturday.
Wm. McKinney, after a long ill¬
ness, died last week and was hur¬
ried at Summerour‘8 ohapel.
The fence along the north side
of Ellijay street was upset by the
heavy wind Monday afternoon.
Jathan Gregory killed a rattle¬
snake last week ahout four feet in
length and wearing about 15 rat¬
Forest Tyson has taken orders
for about 300 copies of “Stcry of
the Bible” and ‘ Story of the Gos
Ool. B F Carter, who has been
located at this place for the past
year, expects to leave for northern
Texas soon.
The stock of goods belonging to
J P Cole’s estate was sold at pub
' lie outcry Friday and bought in bv
Armond Westfield, colored, kill¬
ed a huge chicken snake last week
near town measuring about seven
feet in length.
The communication from oar
Woodlawn correspondent failed to
reach us in time for publication.
He will please send in one day
Willie Randall, one of the beat
young men it was ever our pleas
ure to know, died in great triumph
last week i i Ellijay.
Rev. W C McCall, the pastor
of the Baptist church, preached
Saturday and Sunday to an im¬
mensely large audience.
The proprietors of the Legal
Tender mine seem to have unshak¬
en confidence m the value of its
mineral, as they again began work
last week.
Capt. Trivett o f Dalton spent
two days in town last week repre
senfing a ‘‘Benevolent Association’
that we are disposed to look upon
with hearty approval.
J C Linn desires to o«ll the at¬
tention of his numerous friends to
his new line of family groceries
bought low for cash and will be
sold cheaper than the cheapest for
cash or barter.
We learn that a few days ago
Messrs Osborn and Henry, travel¬
ing agents for the range stove,
drove their team into Coosawattee,
near Cartels store, and not know¬
ing the ford got into the suck-hole
where so many fatal accidents have
occurred. After a fearful scene of
several minutes, some men came
to their aid and they were brought
ashore almost exhausted, but in
scramble one of their mules was
On last Wednesday morning a
woman by the name ot Cornet,
carrying a mulatto male child about
eight months old, came to Mr.
George Smith's, living near Wood
awn, and hired to him to work on
the farm She took the child with
ler to the field, and being tired,
we suppose, of her dusky offspring
abandoned the child about ten
oclock leaving him alone in the
field, wl ere he was found by Mrs.
Elizabeth Morgan, who on the fol¬
lowing day brought him to the Or¬
dinary. The child was lmmediate
y taken to the poor house. The
whereabouts of woman is yet un¬
Oapt W W Giddens, says: That
on last Saturday night between
the hours often and twelve o’clock
alter he bad lallen upon his couch
of repose, some strane noise was
heard at the gate calling to see
nim- Mrs. Giddens who had not
yet retired, went to the door and
soon discovered that it was a ne
gi o who had been hired to Mr. Lee
Galt. The'negro said he would
like to hear some mnsic on the pi¬
ano, but the good lady thinking
it rather an untimely hour for the
sentiment of a dusky being to be
so wide a wake, rather hesitated
but finally cosen ted to gratify the
late visitor’s novel request. Again
the mingling of voices about the
gate attracted the Captain’s atten
tion. he arose and mustered up
some firearms and the darkey in
company with four or live others
who seemed to be waiting
double quicked off up the road.
A Bold Robery
gaturday eve last, as the sun
disappeared in.the west, represen
tatives oi different mountain clans
together with this wri ter could have
been seen climbing a rough, steep
ridge that is perhaps a cousin to
the solemn old Fort Mountain. Ar
med with axes, torch pine, bucket,
beegum, you may very intelligent
ly suppose our intention was
capture an army of bees who
of domestic life, had betook them¬
selves to the highlands. Bees had
been seen in large numbers enter¬
ing the tree, and of course had
deposited honey enough to satisfy
the cravings of the hungry, gath
ing troop. The axmen began their
work and soon the stately monarch
of the forest began to tremble—a
picture ot anxiety and curiosity
spread over several faces. Soon
with thundering crash the monarch
fell from his throne, and the honey
seekers made a rash for that part
of the tree entered by the bees,
and after anxious search failed to
find the honey; and no reward for
perspiration producing toil, slowly
wended their way back to the gen
era! rendezvous, and getting a con
siderable supply of courage, they
beseiged and oaptured a full
at John Gregory’s so that by
severance the goal was reached
enemy captured and the spoils en¬
joyed. If at first you don‘t
ceed try, try, again.
In our town years ago there was
several whiskey shopa. Men had
bat little ironble to get a drink
provided they were in posession
of the coppers. It is not so much
the <jase now. An old darkey, who
was probably not a very* good
judge of human nature, Tuesday
approached a preacher who was
Standing in a house where liquor
was once sold, advancing in a crip¬
pled sort of style and with a pe¬
culiarly pitiful and humble peep
from his Bucken and unflasumg
eyes spoke of days that are passed
and for ever gone when spirits
could be bought anywhere aud as
he spoke a mist gathered in his
mouth corners, and looking plead,
ingly into the pieachers eyes said
Can ye please guv me a drink; the
reply elicited was: if I could do you
anv good spiritually I would glad¬
ly do so, but I have nothing to d 0
whatever, with whiskey, and a
cloud swept over the already sable
lace and he hobbled away, carrying
a look of woe-begone dissaisfactiou
satisfied no doubt in his own mind,
than the former times were better
than these.
Homes in Murrayfor Sale.
If you are without a home, mauy
of the sweets aud pleasures of life
are being lost, and all on account
of your own negligeu° e - Go at
once to Mrs. W J Johnson, general
agent for the New Home Sewing
Machine, and purchase for a nomi¬
nal sum one of the latest improved
extra working machines, then the
long continued wish for possessing
a new desirable Home in this
, gratified.
country will be
Hall's Chapel School.
The rail term of Hall’s Ohapel
school will commence on the 1st
Monday in July next* It is located
about two and a half miles from
Cohntta Springs, in this county, in
a community noted for health, mor
ality and intelligence, affording at
present one of the first Sabbath
schools in the county. Fot all
branches taught in public schools
$1,00 per scholars per month and
higher branches rates in propor¬
Board can be obtained in the
best of families at from six to eight
dollars per month and those theiflk desij..
ing to dormitory and board
selves can secure houses near the
school free of charge.
For further particulars address
D O Trimmier principal Longh
ridge Georgia.__._
Georgia Murray county. order of sale
In pursuauce of an
granted by the Hon, W H Ramsey
Ordinary of Mari ay county Georgia
I will sell before the court house
in the Town of Spring Place G >..
on the 1st Tuesday in July Town next
within the legal hours ofsale
lots No. 6, 30, 31,33, and 34 lying
in the town of Spring Place Ga.,
Including all the land in the entire
block on wh ch the three story
brick house stood Terms of sale
one half the purchase money to
be paid on the 1st day of January
1886 with 7 per cent interest
thereon from the lfith day of March
eighteen hundred .and eighty five
and the other half to be Daid on
the 1st day januavy eighteen bun
dred and eighty seven with inter
® st at 7 P e [ cent f^om the 16th
„ .
| ^ghty^ve akenkfcained all the purchase ‘on
pjoperty until
money is paid said property is to
be sold for the benefit oi my ward
J E H Luttrell May 25 eighteen
iun re D Guardian.
g M Kenner,
administrators notice.
Georgia Murray County.
To all whom itmay concern:
James A McKamy having in prop¬
er form applied to me for pernja
nent letters of adminis ration on
the estate of E L Miller late of
said county deceased and I will
pass upon said application 5- on Witness the
first Monday in July 18
my hand and official aiguature the
3 day of June 1886.
VV H Ramsey.
Calhoun, Ga. SpringPlaoe.Ga.
Atto neys at Law,
Prompt attentioD given to all legal business
A Business Notice.
All persons indebted tome either
by note or account will please come
forward and settle at onoe oi I
will be compelled to put them out
tor collection. I also have judge¬
ments against a number of parties
that wil be executed immediately
if not amended to, : J. T. Henry.
Are you disturbed at uight and
br. ken of your rest by a*sick child
suffering and crying with pain of
cutting teeth? If so, send at once
and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup for children teeth¬
ing. Its value is incalculable. It
will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately. Depend upon i'
mothers, there is no mistake about
it. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr
up for children teething is pleasant
to the taste, and is the prescrip¬
tion of one of the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale
by all druggists throughout the
world. 1‘iice 25 cents a Lottie.
When not Professionally absent, all
can be found at, bis residence at
hours, day or night. Prompt and
careful attention given to all cases,
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
entrusted to him. fmar 6 ly
Dr. J. P- Fann,
Resident Dentist
All kinds of ma
ohanioftland i>jer
« ative Dentistry ex
ecutod in first-class
style, and at reas
onable rates. The
|£V Celluloid Plate put
up in partial or
full setsof teeth at
reasonable rates.
Teeth ex trao t e d
without pain by the use of Squibb’s pure Sul
phurio Ether- The patronage of the citizens
of Murray county is respeotfuiiy solicited,
With a guarantee that I will do them as good and
work as they can get in North Georgia,
as cheap as they can get it done by any first
jass dentistin North Georgia.
Nashville. Chattanooga
& St. Louis Railway!
The Best Route to Louisville, Cinoloinnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago and the North is via
The Best Route to StLouis and the West
is via MoKenzie.
The Best Route to West Tennessee and
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex¬
as points is via McKenzie.
Don’t Forget It.
Be sure to buy your tickets over
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The Inexprlenced Traveler need not go
amiss, few changes are necessary, suoh as ere
unavoidable are made in Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
Sleepers to all Texas poiuts. !
W T ROGERS,P. A., Chattanooga,Tenn
Nashville, Tenn.
Stats or Georgia Murray Countvy
Will be sold before the oourt house door in
the town of Spring Plaoe, to tho highest bid
der at public outcry, between the legal hours
of sale on the first Tuesday in July next j
the following described property to-wit:
One half interest in one acre of land off of
lOt No. 244,9th district and 3rd section lying
in the town of Spring piaoe, Murray Co., Ga.
with all the buildings and improvements
thereon. One half interest in a saw min,
and J P Kelly prin. and W C Carter seou.
rity and W II Ramsey security defendants. on stay.
Proporty pointed out by the
Levy made and returned to me by
Kenner L. c. c L terry, Sbeniff
Georgia l Murray county;
Jam°es GHemy ind Jota^Oote
having in proper letters form applied admin-. to
me for permaneat of
istration on the estate of James P
Cole late of said county deceased
and I will tbefiist pass upon Monday said applica¬ July
tion on in
3Q85 Witness my hand and official
signature this 3 day of June 1885
W H Ranisny.
“Palace Shoe and Hat Store’,
McKeldcn & Carlton,
35 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, Ga.
F. Henry & Co’s,
New Store,
You can get good bargains and ready accommodations. A
line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
Cigars, Tobacco', Meat and Flour always on band.
Huglic* & Law,
9 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga
Give us a call when in the city, Wecansuifc you in style
and price.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, 'Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee.
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
C. if. VANCE,
SPRING PLACE, • • a • Georgia. ^
—r—^ DEALER IN -
General Merchandise,
Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of
am } a good assortment cf WoUt'D Goods. :a ee,
Hardwwre, and ... fact, everything usual] in a First-class
8tore - c1k8 p t01 ' tasl1 ’ or ,,arter - Dan 8, ly
Lewis House.
Wtthin Ttu Steps of the Caa Shed
U ALTON ’ Georgia.
Every thing new and first class,
h ome for Commercial Travelers
boaaders. Transient . .
and Winter
rales*2p.rd.y. Liberal rate by
.dormant Special rate, to
people o( Murray county.
J Q A LEWIS „ Fr0 net01 .
- - - ’ P -
Notice to County Officers.
. jr rom this date all legal adver
i tisiDg must positively bo paid or
pioperly vouched for in advance.
Considerable loss in the past com
us to make this unvarying rule,
The rates are fixed by law.
Wanam&ker & BrOWIl,
Tlie largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Daltcn, Georgia,
t Guarrantees good work and
cheap rates.
Kenner &Hix,
Real Estate Agents,
Spring Pl-ck, Georgia.
Will buy and Bell lands, and
loook after titles of lands
owned by non residents.
/-* tty W* /-* Ugiesoy, t , t. , UftltOIl
\J*. .
Will supply farmers Of
Whitfield and Murray
COUUtieS With BaCO&,
com, flour and provi
sions,on time, payable
in the faii 5 if they make
satisfactory notes.
Dalton, Georgia,
We have ai ranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Fit*
retypes tuade.foi fifty cents.
Do not fail to call aud exain
j ne our work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
well as any other day.