Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
vVith only a small amount ol
observation, any intelligent
person will be totally surprised
at the poverty of independence
among the people, not only
now, but through all past
It all things the feelings of
others are usually more tber
oughly consulted, than those of
the actor. Policy is the iron
handed ruler ot the nineteenth
century, and is worshiped by
the world at large. Some char¬
acters if left alone would not
express an independent thought
in a decade of ages, while the
ideas of others sparkle like the
twinkling stars from the azure
sky. Standing as we do in the
dawn of civilization, we have
a perlect right to think, and
investigate for ourselves. The
man who originates nothing
within himself but depends
entirely upon others, contrib¬
utes about as much to the hap ¬
piness of man-kind, as does the
mateless bird that sits upon
some distant mountain oak
and sings lier s ng of gfief un¬
heard by all creation.
When such a beiug dies his
deatli will attract about as
much attention as would the
absence of a single star from
the diamond decked canopy.
Good Water and Good Health
The summer is fairly upon
us, with sufficient to produce
fevers and other disorders, with
all who do not pursue a most
careful mode of living. It is a
season that makes heavy drafts
upon children, especially those
who have not passed entirely
beyond the teething petiod and
its after effects. It will not
be denied that pure drinking
water is one of the best ad¬
juncts of health, both in adults
and children. This is uotiead
ily attainable in the regions
below us, and even springs and
wells which are considered
puie are often the causes of
sickness in individuals and
communities. Even where
good and pure water is not at¬
tainable; the supply such as it
is may be greatly improved,
by simple precautions and with
little trouble. -Ex.
The inexcusable delays of
the law have dnven thousands
of litigants to insanity find
suicide. Justice Field’s idea,
that a delay in rendering jus¬
tice is in a sense a denial of
justice, is not exactly new, but
it is correct Many worthy
parties to lawsuits would be
better off to have their eases
thrown out of court, than to
have their litigation extended
fiorn year to year until their
means are wasted away and
their hopes so often blasted.
Another scene in the Viiginiiv
tragedy has closed, Cluverius
goes to a dungeon under the
sentence of death. The time,
the manner and style of his
protestation of innocence will
fail to shake the almost unani¬
mous opinion that the jury in
hi-case simply did its duty,
lb- 1ms tailed through counsel
or himself, to explain away a
single important link of tha
tvi t ilde chain that has been
Wound about him.
ChTttat»og^7an« SO.—The
Wasson Car and Foundry
Works assigned to-day to IL
Clay Evans. The liabilities
are $70,000, $50,000 of which
is due stockholders on notes.
The assets are uotniually $100,
000. The works are to bo con -
ducted lor nine mouths and
then closed out. The concern
will pay out dollar for dollar.
The failure is largely due to
The cholera is si ill raging
with disastrous effects in Spain.
King Alfonso proposed to visit
the infteted districts; but the
ministry declared their deter¬
mination to resign if be visited
that part of his Kingdom being
ravaged by the fearful disease.
It was finally determined that
the kiDg should not make the
visit and quiet was restored.
The poet and philosopher.
George W Childs, says: “Love
may be cast aside and killed
by neglect in the hot chase for
fortune, but no riches, however
great, qnn buy it back again.
Honor, truth and principle may
be sold for money, but the
wealth of the Indies cannot re¬
store them. Let us then learn
wisdom in all our exchanges.”
Congressman Reagan of Tex¬
as has made the very irapoitant
discovery that? President Cleve¬
land and his whole cabinet are
Republican' 1 . Reagan desires
of Texas but ;
to be governor
his late conduct will cause his
The following lines from
Popes p* ologue are said to ap¬
propriately describe the atti¬
tude of Englands greatest
statesman, Gladstone:
“No oornman object to your sight displays,
But what with pleasure llonven itself surveys;
A brave man struggling in the storms of late,
And greatly falling with a falling state!”
Desultory fighting continues
on the frontier. Several red
men bit the (Justlast week.
There is some talk of a negro
colonization. We can part witi
the “brother in black” without
tears or heart breaking.
The whole number of visit¬
ors to the New O.deans exhibi¬
was 1,158,840. The show
o.pen nearly as long as the
exhibition at Phila¬
which was visited by
A Michigan journalist is now
of Alaska. This is
encouraging to those of
same profession who are
The New York Graphic, is
unloading its dyspepsia on
“Georgia’s repudiated bonds”
and also on “that vulgar evan¬
C> gelist Sam Jones”
Five negroes were hang in
Elkhart Texas, recently, with
out ceremony, by indignant
citizens, for having committed
a brutal murder.
At a negro church frolic m
Virginia one of the miserable
heathenish crew cut the throat
of one of the brethern killing
him insta ntly.
The President has appointed
Frank Gordon, son of Gen.
John B Gordon, principle
clerk of the surveys of the gen¬
eral land office.
Lost in Gasun- re earthquake,
3,081 persons, ^0,000 houses
destroyed and 33,000 animals
Five hundred and forty one
Mormons left England last week
for Utah.
Sam Job I I to Tex.
as. Thousi ■-S-vstb prayers are
rising for him in liis grand
Mr. Pendleton U. S. minis ¬
ter to Russia was received last
week by the Em peri or Wil¬
Robert Treat Paine,-be¬
queaths $50,000 to Harvard
Uuiversity fo'r the endowment
of a professorship.
It is claimed that seventy
thousand dollars was found
not long since in the walls of
and old house in Cincinnati.
The great revival in Atlanta
continues with increasing inter
“Plin” White the infamous
swindler is now in a Boston
“If man is only a little lower
than the angels, then women
are angels.”
The French government has
decided to suppress the gaming
tables at Monte Carlo.
Baltimore’s late walking
match was a failure.
Carter Harrison’s election is
to be contested.
Dennis Kearney desires to
lie governor of California.
General Grant still lives.
Calhoun,Qa. 8pringPtace,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all logalbnsiness
Notice is hereby given that, there
will he a bill introduced the
next meeting of the Georgia legis¬
lature in July next to prohibit of non
resident citizens of the state Ga.
from herding or grazing stork in
the county of Murray and also to
prohibit non‘resident citizens of
the state ot Ga., tram fishing in
any of the streams in the county of
Murray other thar. by hook and
line and to fix penalties for viola¬
tion of the same. This June 17th
1885. W J Peeples.
Flour for Sale
At the Spring Place flouring
mills, situated uine miles east
of Spring Place, on the waters
of Holly creek; first class family
flour is always kebt on hand
at (he lowest cash price.
A. T. Logan.
h®E. E. BROWN,gs
Tiie Jeweler.
Dalton, Georgia
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, &e.
Personal attention given to
repairing. bank. Store next door
Georgia Murray County.
To all whom itmay concern:
James A McKarny having in prop¬
er form tip plied to me for perma
nent letters of adminis ration on
the estate of E L Miller late ot
suid county deceased and I will
pas- upon said application on the
first Monday in July IS 5- Witness
my hand and official signature the
3 day ot June 188-5.
W H Ramsey.
AH persons having demands a
gainst the estate of Elias Covington
late of Murray counly deceased are
hereby notified t>> render m their
demands to the undersigned accor¬
to law and all persons indebt¬
to said estate.are required This to
make immediate payment.
the 18th day of June 1885.
J W Sorrows,
£ 11 Coving ton
,* '
J. C, Fain, Jadg* Superior Court,
C. N, King, Clerk Superior Court.
C. L. Terry. Sheriff.
W, H. Ramsey, Ordinary.
T. J. Ovbey, Treasurer.
M. H. Bramblett, Tax Receiver.
W. D. Gregory, Tax Collector.
M. M. Bates, County Surveyor.
C. B Holland, Corouor.
Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, E. Water
house, Sr., S. L. Trimiuier, John A. Barry,
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. R, Chastain, Pros.
S. II. Henry, Seo’y and County School Com¬
missioner, W. G. Harris, II. L. Pangle, John
G. Spruill.
Spring Place—824th Diet., S G Carter J. P.
H Heartsill N. P., D C Kenner and John
Childers Constable*.
Ball Ground—825th Dist., W D Hartsill
J. P., J A Black N. P., J M West and An¬
derson Black Constables
Eighth—984th Dist., W K Lackey J. P.,
J H Kuhn N. P., J M Fox and John Ingle
Doolittle—792nd Dist., W C D Gordon J P.
D E Humphreys N. P., J T Morrison Con.
Tenth—874th Dist., T J Bryant J. P., D C
Dunn Constable.
Alacuisa—1011th Dist., J U Oneal J. P,
J H Wilson N, P., J D Baxter and E S How¬
ell Constables.
I0I3th Distl, M W doer J. P., B F C
Loughridge If. P., E L Bates and G W
Swanson Constables.
Shuok Pen—1039th Dist., E W Bond J. P.,
J B Bond and and W M Richards Constables.
Bull Pen—1291th Dist., J V/ Fincher, J P.
B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn and W H
Brown Constables.
Arrival and Departure of malls.
Dalton—Departs 7 a, m. daily, arives 5 pm.
TatkingRock—Departs7a. m. Saturday,
arrives 6 p. in. Friday.
Ellijay—Departs 7 a, m, 'Tues lay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Cassville—Departs 6am Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday.
Oonnasauga—Departs 8 a. rsday;
arrives 7 Thursday.
Will be sold before the court
house dcor in the town of Spring
Place, Ga., to t to highest bidder
at public out cry between the le¬
gal hours of hale on the 1st Tues
day July next the following wild
lands to-wit:
lot of land No. 272 in the twenty
sixth district and second section of
said county. Levied on by virtue
of a tax fi fa in favor of the state
and county against raid lot of’land
for (he year 1882
&lso at the same time and place
lot ot land No. 269 in the 26tn dis
trictand 2 r -d section of said county
Levied on bv virtue of and to sat¬
isfy a tax fi fa in favor of the state
and couoty against, said lot of land
for the years eighteen hundred
and eighty-two and eighteen hun¬
dred and eighty-three.
O. L. Terry, Sheriff.
On Five Years Time, at 8 per
cent, by Corbin Banking Go,, of
New York, on improved farms in
Murray county. Application
be made through
dec 7, if. Trammell St abb.
Grorgia, Murray County.
To all whom it may conoern; J R Phillips
having iu proper form applied to me for per¬
manent letters of administration on the es¬
tate of Wiley Dudley, late of said county.
This is to cite all and siugular the creditors
and next of kin of Wiley Dudley to be and
appear at my office within the time prescribed
by law and show cause, if any they can why
permanent administratsoN should not be
granted to J R Phillips on Wiley Dudley’s
estate the 1st Monday in June next. This
May 5th, 1885. W, H. RAMSEY,
All parsons having demands a.
the estate of Janies P Cole
of Murray county deceased
hereby notified to render in
demands to.the undersigned
to law and all p Arsons
to said estate are required
make immediate pavment. This
17 tb 1885.
James O Henry,
John L »Jole,
Administrator’s J 1' Cole dec’d.
>v4 HI . S. Barnett; ’
Agent for WALTER A.
WOOD’S Harvesting Machines,
Reapers, Mowers and Binders.
Also agent for FRICK & CO’S
Eclipse Ti action and Plowing En
giues, Saw Mills, Vibrating Threshers, Cotton Gins, Grist
Mills, Cane Mills, and a General line of Machinery.
Wooten AND Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Dalton, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Mltlnery Store ot
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortraentof Milinery and Straw 00033,consisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’and Children's Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Tics, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ao. Our goods
were bought of the largestand best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Tors, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
J. IS. Bergen
Now offers to the Planters of Georgia the most powerful
STUMP EXTRACTOR ever invented. Given up
by the Leading Expert, Machinists to 1-e more
powerful than any other device eve;- invent¬
ed. He will sell county l ights or any num¬
ber of counties in the Htate of Georgia.
Good live men can make from $10 to
$12 a day with this machine i t any
season of theyeai’. Hat ties that
( mean business can address
J H. BERGEN, Woocflawn, or Dalton, Gf
I2STA full size working machine can be seen at Dalton. Ga„J^,
Maccoboy Snuff.
Caution to Consumers.
As many inferior imitations have
appeared upon the market in pack
ages bo closely resembling ours as
to deceive the unwary, we would
request purchaser to see that th°
red lithographed tin cans in which
it is packed always bear
Our Name and Trade-Mark.
Iu buying the imitation you pay
as much for an inferior article as
the genuine costs.
Be Sure You Obtain The Genuine.
Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco.
The Finest Sweet Navy Chewing To¬
bacco Made.
Beware of Imitations.
Stock and Convey
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard, is kept iu connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people is. much desired, and
especially those from Murray
W. Luffinan. B. V. Carter.
Attorneys at Law.
Spuing Place, Georgia.
Office over J P Cole & Co’s,
st ere.
Optician and Jeweler,
ELRY *fec.
171iallite Wit St.. Atlanta, Ga
Stat* or Grorgia, Murray County;
Nancy Moatis } 7 MurraJ. Superior Court,
v« March adjourned term
Jas. It R. C Moatks J 1885.
of the appearing Sheriff t o the Court from the return
that the def’t does not reside
id this county, and it further appearing; that
she does notr-side in said state: It is there
fore ordered by the court that service be
fected by publication in the North per¬
Timks, a newspaper published in Georgia
in terms of the law. said county,
March 2, 1885.
J ° FAIN ’ JS C C.C.
The 1 he above h is • a true extract from - the -> min¬
utes of court. c. N. KING, Clerk.
with Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine CutChew
ing; Navy Clippings,and Black, Brown and
YellowSNUFFS are the best aud cheapest
duality considered.