Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
Ttie Official Paper of the
Subscription Rates:
Oas year,$100 Six months, 50cents;
months, 25 cents. Payable in advance.
A fine son at L L Campbell's.
Dr. E W Green, of Atlanta, was
in town Saturday.
A mess of green corn at Alec
Berry's June 17th.
■ 4 IM » ■..... ..
■ New lot of buggies arrived at
T A & S E Berry's.
There is considerable sickness
throughout the county.
T A & S E Berty sell wagons on
time till fall for good notes.
J E Jackson will begin school at
Free Hope, the first Monday in Ju
W J Johnson is getting the ma¬
terial ready for his new store build¬
Mr, John Connor, ol Lumber Ci¬
ty, Ga., visited in Spring Place
this week.
The Excelsior bed spring com¬
pany is now in active operation in
this place.
Miss Ida Scott, of Dalton, is vis
iting Miss Florence ^McGhee, of
Now is the time to buy the Thom¬
as Smoothing Harrow. Call on
TA&S Berry.
L F Clark, Fort Mountain, Ga..
sells more and better goods at low¬
er prices than anybody.
Sheriff Curtiss, of Cherokee, was
in town last week, having official
business in the countv.
Mr Tivin and lady, of Macon,
visited Mr, E W Rembert’s family
ol May Hill, last week.
Rev, Isham Julian, of Tennessee,
is spending some time with his
daughter, Mrs. McKamy.
■— --
The Spring Place public school
to be taught by H L Pangle will
commence the second Monday in
July, 1885.
The new mayor and council of
Spring Place have been qualified
and are now going to work in bus¬
iness like manner.
The Centre Valley farmer's club
met. Saturday evening. Only
'twelve in attendance They take
no beef to Dalton on the 4th of
Mrs. Ed. T Moss gratefully ac¬
knowledges the kindly sympathy
and attention shown her by many
“stranger friends” of Spring Place,
during hor sudden illness.
The latest turn taken on agents
was by some young ladies in the
upper part of the county who po ¬
litely invited the agent into the
cotton field and after tendering
him a hoe let him alone in his glo -
Hon. S G Treadwell’s farm, one
and a half miles below town shows
np 125 acres iu cotton and 75 acres
in corn, both crops in capital con¬
dition. He buys neither hog nor
hominy. Cotton is his surplus and
hence his farming pays His hands
are active in brain aud strength
working with advantageous will
and power.
Mrs. Margaret Carney, wife of
Andrew Carney, died Friday night
last atter a brief illness. She was
born in Ireland, coming to this
country when quite young. Her
industry and kindness were special
ly commendable traits in character.
The burial at the O’neal family
ground on Sabbath was largely at¬
tended. To the sorrowing hns
band and children we extend our
sincerest condolence.
On last Saturday night John
Pulliam, a colored man who lived
about a mile and a half from town,
went to bed apparently as well as
be bad ever been, but to the sur¬
prise of the colored family with
whom he was living li8 was found
dead in bed Sunday morning. Cor
oner Holland held, an inquest over
the body on Sunday afternoon.
The jury after listening to the ev¬
idence retur led wi.h the following
verdict: That the deceased came to
his death from some eause un
The communication from DOT
did not reach us in time for publi¬
cation last week- He will please
send in one day sooner.
Various Sunday schools in the
county have bought new song
books and are learning a number
of beautiful tune-. Will Spring
Place be careless forever?
Homes in Murray for Sale,
If 3 ou are without a home, mauy
ol the sweets and pleasures of life
are beibg lost, and all on account
of your own negligence. Go at
once to Mrs. W J Johnson, general
agent for the New Home Sewing
Machine, and purchase for a nomi¬
nal sum one of the latest improved
extra working machines, then the
long continued wish for possessing
a new, desirable Home in this
country will be gratified.
During last week J H Gain was
out on the east side of Ball moun¬
tain looking after his cattle, when
suddenly, to hiB unhappy surprise,
a large black bear was seen brows
ing among the underbrush of the
lonely mountain side. The gen¬
tleman leveled a breech loading
shot gun which he bora upon his
shoulder, and discharged three
shots at the ferocious animal; some
of them taking effect caused the
bear to run wildly down the moun¬
tain, while the man well pleased
with Ihe course, left in the oppo¬
site direction.
NoTioE--Notice is hereby given
that at the next session of the Gen¬
eral Asseinbiy an act will be intro¬
duced entitled an act to incorpo¬
rate the town of Spring Place in
the county ot Murray, so as to ex¬
tend lhe limits of said town, to
authorize the commissioners to try
for any violation of the liquor laws;
and to further authorize and em¬
power the commissioners thereof
to exercise full police regulations
for the government of said town,
to levy and collect a property tax:
to expend all moneys raised in the
payment of a marshall and in re
airing 6ide walks, bridges and the
streets; to enforce the collections
of all fines and forfeitures by im¬
prisonment or execution.
*• :%
Murray County.
The geographical location of
Mutiay, as can be seen by refer¬
ence to the map, is quite as desir¬
able as that of any county in' the
state. Bounded on the north by
lhe State of Tennessee, on the east
by the counties of Fannin and
Gilmer, on the soulh by Gordon,
and on the west by Whitfield, she
is thus found pleasantly surround¬
ed wealth, intelligence aud moral¬
ity. And Dame Nature, we think,
has been more lavish in the be
stowments of numerous and vari¬
ous endowments upon this section
than upon any other of the pro¬
gressive ''empire state of the
south.” For here we find more ot
a blending, it seems, than else¬
where. Our countless resources,
which consist mainly of fine fertile
lands, rich deposites of valuable
minerals, a climate unequaled for
health, and the clear streams that
rush down from the mountains that
skirt us on the east furnish a wa
ter power which is vastly inesti¬
mable. The population of Mur¬
ray, as shown by the last census, is
8,503, containing no city or large
town, this is almost wholely a ru»
ral population. The wealth of the
county, as given by the last assess,
ment, is $1,395,951, which is only
| about a two thirds estimate of the
real value of the property.
Agriculture is receiving more al
tentionatihe tention at the nresent present m in Mnrrav Murray
than any other one thing in the
great field of industry. The coun¬
ty being interspersed, as it is, by
quite a number of creeks and
ers ,each supporting along its banks
a beautiful productive valley, which
is laid off into well tilled, finely
improved fai ms of different sizes.
And not only are the lands along
the Btreams valuable for agricultu
ral pursuits, but also tho uplands
throughout the county produce
abundant crops of cotton, wheat,
corn, clover, various kinds of
grasses and a number of other pay¬
ing growths. A little travel among
the ru ral districts is all that is need
e d to convice the doubtful that no
where in Georgia will be found
more thrifty farmers and beautiful
fields than in Murray.
Let every who is tired and sleepy
come to us and we will give him
rest—by putting on his bed our
comfort giving bed springs. We
have commenced lo manufacture
the popular Excelsior spring on an
extensive scale, and if you can’t
wait until one - of our waggons
comes to your housa, call up stairs
over the Cole stoie where we make
them and you shall be suppled
without money, and without
price—till you find they are what
you want, and then you can pay us
$5,00 iu -‘truck and turnover” and
not miss the pay, at the same time
getting more for less money than
ever be'ore. Call round if you
don‘t wish to purchase, and see
them made. Ask your neighbor
who has bought, what they are,
No one who has used them can at
ford to give them up, or will take
double what they cost and do with
out them. The physicians pro
nounce them healthier than any
other bed, and recomend them for
use in sickness. They are cooler
than any kind of bed and save
double their cost every year in
wear and tear of feathers and bed¬
ding. Try them and be convinced.
Ramsey. Ovbey, Moss & Co,
Hall's Chapel School.
The rail term of Hall’s Chapel
school will commence on the 1st
Monday in July next- It is located
about two and a half miles from
Cohutta Springs, in this county, in
a community noted for health, mor
ality and intelligence, affording at
present one of the first Sabbath
schools in the counfy. Foi all
branches taught in public schools
$1,00 per scholars per month and
higher branches rates in propor¬
Board can be obtained in the
best of families at from six to eight
dollars per month and those desir
ing to dormitory and beard them¬
selves can secure houses near the
school free of charge.
For further particulars address
D C Trimmier principal Lrugh
ridge Georgia.
J C Linn desires to cffl the at¬
tention of Iris numerous friends to
his new liue of family groceries
bought low for cash and will- be
sold cheaper than the cheapest for
cash or barter.
Win. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
legal business.
Georgia Murray county. sale
In pursuance of an order of
granted by the Hon, W H Ramsey
Ordinary of Mart ay county Georgia
I will sell befote the court house
in the Town of Spring Place G
on the 1st * Tuesday in July next
within the legal hours ofs&le Town
lots No. 6, 30, 31,33, and 34 lyieg Ga.,
in the town of Spring Place
Including all the land in the entire
block on wh ch the three story
brick house stood Terms of sale
one half the purchase money to
be paid on the 1st day of January
1886 with 7 per cent interest
thereon from the day of March
eighteen hundred and eighty five
and the other half to be Daid on
the 1-t day January eighteen with hun¬
dred and eighty seven inter¬
est at 7 per cent from the 16th
day of m irch eighteen hundred
anil eighty five a lien retained off
the pioperty unti 1 alt the purchase
money is paid said property is to
be sold for the benefit o, my ward
R Lattl . eU M iy 2 5 eighteen
hum ired and eighty five
5j M Kenner, Guardian.
A Business Notice.
All Dersons indebted to me either
by note or account will please come
forward and settle at once of I
will be compelled to put them out
tor collection. I also have judge¬
ments against a number of parties
that wi 1 be executed immediately
if not attended to. J. T. Henry.
Statx of Gkoboia MuRRAy County
Martba Weehunt. wife of R K
Weebunt, has applied for will exemp¬
tion of personaltv attwelve and I O’clock pass M.
upon ti e s uue
cn lhe 18th day of July 1885 at my
office. W H Ramsey,
Are you disturbed at night and
br ken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of
cutting teeth? If so, send at once
and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup for children teeth¬
ing. Its value is incalculable.. It
will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately, Depend upon i
mothers, there is no mistake about
it. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr
up for children teething is pleasant
to the taste, and is the prescrip¬
tion of one of the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale
by all druggisls throughout the
world. IT ice 25 cents a IclUc:.
: 0 :-
When not Professionally absent, all
can be found at his residence at
hours, day or night. Prompt and
careful attention given to all cases,
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
entrusted to him. fmar 6 ly
Dr. J. P- Fann,
Resident Dxntist
1st Sm pa All kinds of me¬
chanical and 0(.er
A ative Dentistry ex
eouted in first-class
A At. ArV- style, and at reas
- able The
pub SSJgig on rates.
Spy 'up Celluloid in partial Plate put
e lull setsof teeth at
reasonable rates.
Teeth ex trao t e d
without pain by the use of Squibb’s pureSul
phuric Ether. The patronage of the oitisens
of Murray county is respectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do thorn as good
work as they oan get in North Georgia, and
ns cheap as they oan get it done by any first
lass dentistin North Georgia.
Nashville, Chattanooga
& St. Louis Railway!
The Best Route to Louisville, Cinoicinnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago and tho North is via
Tike Best Route to St Louis and the West
is via McKenzie.
The Best Route to Wost Tennessee and
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex¬
as points is via McKenzie.
Don’t Forget It.
Be sure to buy your tickets over
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The Iiiexprlenced Travaler need not go
aiuiss, few changes are necessary, such as ere
unavoidable are made in Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
vitie'an^Loutsviiie'.'Nashviiie'and^Memphia, MoKenzio^_aAd^Lutie
Martin and st Louis,
Sleepers to all Texas poiuts. j
Call on or address Ga., |
A BWRENN.Trav. A., Chattanooga,Tenn Atlanta,
J II PEEBLES, T. A. Chattanooga,Tenn '
tt r T ROGERS,P. A.,
WL DAN LEV, G. P.& T. A.,
Nashvillo, Teiin.
.State of Gboroia Murray Countvy
Will be sold before the courthouse doorix :
the town of Spaing Place, to tho highest bid- i
der at public outcry, between the legal hours !
of sale on tho described first Tuesday in July next j j
tho following property to-wit:
One half interest in One aore of land off of j
lOtNo. 244,9th distriot and 3rd sootion lying '
in the town of Spring Place, Murray Co., Gn.
with all the buildings and improvements
thereon. One half intorost in a saw milt,
n°a n T l Tnd° f aT omfr nmcMnery’auacM
^:S!iB»iS8r&St a.
satisfy a jusiioe court fi fa from the 8*4 dist.
GM in favor of GL Moore against J OKing
and J P Kelly priu. and W C Carter Beou.
rity and W H Ramsey security on stay.
Property pointed out by the defendants.
Levy made and returned to me by D C
Kenner L. C. CL TERRY, Sheriff.
Georgia Murray couEty;
To all whom it may concern
C Henry and John L Cole
having in proper form applied to
me for permaneat letters of admin¬
istration on the estate of James P
Cole late of said county deceased
and I will pass upon said applica¬
tion on the fiist Monday in July
lg85 Witness my hand aud official
signature this 3 day of June 1885.
W H Ramsny.
“Palace Shoe and Hat Store’.
McKeldcn & Carlton,
35 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, p •
L. F. He nry & Co
New Store,
You can get good bargains and ready accommodations, A
full line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
ar, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flouralwayson hand.
Hughes & Law,
No. 9 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga
Give us a call when in the city, Wecansuit you in style
and price.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup, Le noil’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
€. N. VANCE,
SPRING PLACE, • •« • • Georgia.
- -{ DEALER, IN y .
General Merchandise 5
Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock CLOTHING of
and a good assortment cf WoUt'D Goods. Also, Sugar, Coffee,
Hardware, and in fact, everything usually kept in a First-class
g enera i store. Cheap for ca«h, or barter. [jan 8, ly
XJ aw U W —• s House,
Wtthin Ten Steps of tile Caa Shed
DaLTON, Georgia.
Every J thing? a new and first class,
A home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boaaders. Transient .
rales $2 per day. Liberal rate by
w-Aormonlh. Special ntn to
^ Tml7IO _ .
J Q. A. , LEWIS, 1 POpiietOT. 1 .
_ . _
Notice tO CoUtltV 1 Officers.
From this dale all legal adver¬
tising must positively bu paid or
pioperly vouched for in advance.
Considerable loss in the past com
pels us to make this unvarying rule.
The rates are fixed by law.
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Georgia,
Guarantees good work and
cheap rates-
Kenner &Hix,
Real Estate Agents,
Spring Plz.ce, Georgia.
Will buy and sell lands, and
loook after titles of lands
owned by non residents.
VT. W. f-\ Ugiesoy, 1 v_ V\ Dalton i,
Will supply farmers Of
Whitfield and Murray
counties with Bacon,
corn, flour and provi
cipnq B1UUO, OU f|Y| tilTIft U.UJ.O, Tl A.VallI A
jT1 the fall if theV ^ THalf ft
SatlSfaCtOFF , . _ . 1 X10t6S.
Dalton, Georgia,
We have hi ranged our uew
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs fynd will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies aud Enlargements a
Fo.ur Gem pictures or Fa
retypes made foi fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam¬
ine our work when id Dalton.
• • • / ;
Pictures . made , „ v
on cloudy as
well us any other day.
' "