Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The Official Paper of the
Subscription Bates:
On. jest,HOn Sis months, 50eents; Thrae
months, 25cants. Payable is advance.
"" Si
Where are you going oa the 4th?
New lot of buggies arrived at
TA&S£ Berry's.
Prof. Pangle is teaching book¬
keeping in our villag9 now.
------------------ ».« < -
T A & S E Beriy sell wagons on
time till fall for good notes.
Mrs. Oapt. Giddens began school
at her residence last Monday.
Mr. George Street, of Atlanta, is
visiting among his friends in Mur¬
The singing at Lone Cherry, was
'well attended last Sunday after¬
A great deal of sickness prevails
among the children throughout the
Mrs. Gertie Hix is visiting re¬
latives and friends in Cleveland,
Now is the time to buy the Thom¬
as Smoothing Harrow. Call on
T A & S Berry.
Miss Sallie Maddox, of Cedar
Ridge, spent a few days in town
daring the week.
Commencement at the‘Dahlone
ga College is reported to have
been qnite a success.
Mr. Frank Chapman, a genial
young gentleman of Dahlonega,
was in town Saturday,
Dr. J P Fann. of Dalton, will be
on hand next Tuesday ready to
wait on dental patients.
L F Clark, Fort Mountain, Ga.,
sells moie and better goods at low¬
er pnces.than anybody. .
Some of the town cats seem to
be more destructive among chick¬
ens than a Methodist preach er.
The buzz of the reaper and
crash of the cradle have almost
ceased, the harvest being about
The Spring Place public school
to be taught by H L Pangle will
commence the second Monday in
July, 1885.
Near 0 C Keiths ham the other
day a large chicken suake was kill¬
ed, measuring six feet find eleven
inches in length.
We feasted most gloriously on
a mess of green corn last Saturday
which was raised by the Indus
trious hand of Mrs. Lula McGhee.
Miss Lena Wofford 'after a pro¬
tracted absence, returned to her
home at Capfc. Tilton's last Satur¬
day accompanied by her step moth¬
er Mrs. Wofford.
We are now just in the dawn of
an abundant fruit crop, which is
fast maturing and ere,long the or¬
chard will be the , most common
aud pleasant place ot resort*
Old farmers say that the present
crop prospect is more flattering
than they have seen for years.
the rains will only continue a boun¬
tiful yield will be gathered, and a
year of better times will be wel¬
comed in by a delighted people.
As snake stories are very fash¬
ionable we give the following true
story: The other, day two large
chicken snakes about six feet in
length, climbed a long sleek pine
pole,in Mr-.Etheredge's yard, at
the top of which, was a martin box
in which there were seven young
martins, one of the reptiles ate
five ot the birds and the other two
and one of the birds eaten was an
old one.
Homes in Murray for Sale.
If you are without a home, many
oi the sweets and pleasures of life
are being lost, and all on account
of yonr own negligence. Go at
once to Mrs. W J Johnson, genera
agent for the New Home Sewing
, Machine, and purchase for a norm
nal sum one of the.latest improved
extra working machines, then the
long continued wish for possessing
anew, desirable Home in this
fOQRtry will be gratified.
When Shukespeare said: ‘*0
Frailly (hy name is woman.” He
was doubtless dreaming over some
memorable go by of his past life.
Murray County.
The mineral resomoes of Murray
have for a considerable time in the
past, attracted some attention, Ma¬
ny glowing, and in lact, quite fab¬
ulous stories have been told con¬
cerning the immense d posits of
metalic wealth that lie hidden a
rnong theCohutta mountains a
long th° eastern portion of the
county. But it is of a more recent
date that some tests have been
mads, showing that there is some¬
thing real in the long told tales of
the great worth of ‘‘North Georgia
mines.” During the present year
a number cf tests have been made
by experienced miners from vari¬
ous quarters, who say, that they
have taken some specimens of ore,
from the Murray mines, of the very
finest order. And we think all
that is needed to make this, rank
with the most popular mineral re
gions of the country, is capital and
labor to lay open the rock ribbed
bills and expose to the searching
eye of man their time secreted
Our olimate, like the .vhole of
“North Georgia,” is as. pleasant
and genial as an Italian summer,
noted for health, the first great es¬
sential to human happiness. Here
the people,are not environed by
endless fogs and mists, the greal
producers of down cast, melanchol
y souls,,hut the flsaky snows of
winter andgentle showers ot spring
arelquickly passed, and the way for
passing hours is almost,constantly
guided.ty a flood of light from a
silvery moon, or an ocean of flame
from the distant bud.
A Stranger Found Dead?
Two miles, east of Mr. Seth A.
Gregory's, near the Ellijav road,
June 28t.h, was found dead, by G.
W. Aly and others who were out
cattle hunting, a stranger, small in
statue,'supposed to be fifty or six¬
ty years of age, had been dead
some three months. They gave
the alarm at once and in a few
hours fifty men were on the spot.
It being out on the rugged moun
tain, the coroner's whereabouts
unknown, M W CloerJ. P. and C.
L. Terry Sheriff, deemed it advisa
ble to summons ; and empanel a
jury, and as quite a number of
our best eitizens^were present, the
jury was quickly made.
l'be jury; after being properly
sworn repaired to the place where
the remains were lying, and began
the investigation. The facts de¬
veloped were as , foIloWs: “Found
ihe boues of a man, inside of two
suits of clothing and on and about
his person were discovered two
pocket knives and one razor, (all
closed) one dollar in money, a lot
of ammunition and a Colts revol
ver. every barrel of which bad been
discharged, No paper -(.could be
found, nor indeed anything point
ing to the inentification of the
deceased.*’ Witnesses sworn Us
tified as follows-. Lee and Welborn
Williams stated thatjhe^ last of
March a man in dotage passed out
going toward Ellijav and that they
believe this to be the same person.
Lee Coirel testified ihat th ^cloth¬
ing fills the description of those
worn by a man who passed through
the last of march going either to
Dawson county Ga , or to Bunc¬
ombe county,N. C., where he has a
son living. A charitable Christian
lady gave a traveler dinner as he
was making.his way, through the
neighboheood the last of March.
Mrs. John^Gregory says she can
swear to the hat as the one worn
by the old man who called for din
nei in March last She says he
told her he had some children near
here and a son living either in
Dawson county Ga., oi Buncombe
county N' C., she does not remem
ber which. The verdict ol the jury
was: “that he had taken his own
life, by shooting himself-’ the act¬
ing coroner had bis remains all
nicely collected—placed in a box
and decently buried on the spot
where he was found. Hi* property
and the proceedings of
are-in the hands ot Mr. Oloer and
will be properly returned and ao
counted ior. Respl A T Logan.
For any information of deceased
A T Iogbn, P. M.
Mills Georgia. --
The Farmer's Club of Whitfield
county will give a grand barbecue
in Dalton next Saturday, and the
people of this county are invited
to atte id.
J 0 Linn desires to Call the at¬
tention of his numerous friends to
hit new line of family groceries
bought low for cash and will be
sold cheaper than the cheapest for
cash or barter.
Notice— Notice is hereby given
that at the next session of the Gen
eral Assembly an act will be intro
dneed entitled an act to incorpo¬
rate the town of Spring Place in
the county ot. Murray, so as to ex¬
tend <he limits of said town, to
authorize the commissioners to try
for any violation of the liquor laws;
aud to farther authorize and em¬
power the commissioners thereoi
to exercise full police regulations
for the government of said town,
to levy and colleot a property tax-,
to expend all moneys raised in the
payment of i marshall and in re
airing side walks, bridges and the
streets; to enforce the collections
of all fines and forfeitures by im¬
prisonment or execution.
Hall's Chapel School.
The rail term of Hall’s Chapel
school will commence on the 1st
Monday in July next* It is located
abouttwoanda halt miles from
Oobutta Springs, in this county, in
a community noted for health, mor
ality and intelligence, affording at
present one of the first Sabbath
schools in the county. Foi all
branches taught in public schools
$ 1<0 0 per scholars per month and
higher branches rates in propor¬
Board can be ’obtained in the
best of families at from six to eight
dollars per month and those desir¬
ing to dormitory and board them¬
selves can secure houses near the
school freejof charge.
For further particulars address
D 0 Trimmiar principal Lough
ndge Georgia.
Let every who is tired and sleepy
come to us and we will give him
rtefc—by putting on his bed our
comfort giving bed springs. We
have commenced lo manufacture
the popular Excelsior spring on an
extensive scale, and if you can’t
wait until one of our waggons
comes to your house, call up stairs
over the Cole store where we make
them and you’shall be suppled
without money, and without
price—till you find they are what
you want, and then you can pay us
$5,00 in “truck and turnover” and
not miss the pay, at the same time
getting more for less money than
ever before. Call round if you
don't wish to purchase, and see
them made. Ask your neighbor
who has bought, what thty are,
No one who has used the 41 can af¬
ford to give them up, or will take
double what they cost with
out them. The physifeians pro¬
nounce them healthier than any
other bed, and lecom'end them for
use in sickness. They are cooler
than any kind of bed ' and save
double their cost every year in
wear and tear of feathers and bed
ding. Try them and be convinced.
RAMSEY. OvBEY, Moss & Co.
Win. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
- - if
Spuing Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
legal business.
A Business Notice.
All Dersons indebted tome either
by note or account will please come
forward and settle at once of I
will be compelled to put them out
for collection. I also have judge¬
ments against a number of parties
that wil be executed immediately
if not attended lo. J. T. Henry.
Statu or Qcorgia Mubbaj Couxty
Martha Weehnnt. wife of R K
Weehunt, has applied for exemp
lion of personaltv and I will pass
upon ti e b m»o at.twelve ^Vlock M.
cn Ihe 15ih clay of July 1885 at my
office. W H Ramsky,
Are you disturbed at, night and
br ken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of
cutting t6elh? If so, send at once
and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslojv's
Soothing Syrup for children teeth¬
ing. Its value is incalculable. It
will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately. Depend upon i'
mothers, there is no mistakeabont
it. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr
up for children teething is pleasant
to the taste, and is the prescrip¬
tion of one ol the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale
byall druggists throughout, the
world. Price 25 cent3 a Lptue.
-; 0 :-
When not Professionally absent,
can be found at his residence at all
hours, day or night, Prompt and
careful attention given to all cases,
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
entrusted to him. Imar 6 ly
Dr. J. P- Faun,
Resioint Dentist
All kinds of me¬
jgi / chanical and Oj er
—*9 , ative Den tistry ex-■
III Sp ,-tjr ecu style, ted and in first-class at
9111 sv . The
Celluloid Plate put
np in partial or
y full sets of teeth at
1 reasonable rates.
5 *w|»jpsA'»' Teeth ex trao te d
without pain hy the use of Squibb 1 * pure Sul¬
phuric Ether. The patronage of the citizens
of Murray county is respectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do them as good
work as they can get in North Georgia, and
as oheap as they can get it done by any first
iass dentistin North Georgia.
Nashville, Chattanooga
& St. Louis Railway!
The Best Route to Louisville, Cineloinnatl,
Indianapolis, Nashville. Chicago and the North is via
The Best Route to St Leuis and the West
is via McKentie.
The Best Route to West Tennessee and
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas aud Tex
ae points it via McKenzie.
Don’t Forget It.
Be^sure to buy your tickets over
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The Inexprlenced Traveler need not go
amiss, fewohanges are necessary, such as ere
unavoidable are made in Union Depots,
Atlknth and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
Nashville and St Louis via -Columbus, Nash¬
ville and Louisville, Nashville mid Memphis, Lime
Martin and st Louis, MoKenzie oad
Rook, where connection is niaee with Through
Sleepers Call to all Texas poiuts.
on or address ■
A B WRENN.Tbav. A., Atlanta, Ga.,
J H PEEBLES, T. A. Chattanooga,Tenn
W T ROGERS,P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn
W L DANLEY, G. P.& T. A.,
Nashville, Tenn.
State op Georgia Murray Coustyt
the Will be sold before Place, the courthouse tho highest door is j
town of Spring to bid¬
der of sale at public the outcry, first Tuesday between the in legal July hours next j
on ;
the following described property to-wit: !
One half interests one acre of land off of
lOtNo. 244, 9th district and 3rd seotion ly-ng
in the town of Spring place,Murrey Co., Ga.
with all the buddings and improvements
thereon. One half interest in a saw mill,
consisting of one large circular saw, one car¬
riage and all other machinery attached
thereto including beltt and pulleys, one half
int-rest In a jig saw, one half interest in a
shiugle machine, one half interestt in a gag¬
ing saw, one half interest in a- turning lathe
Withal) the property the belts of and J 0 pulleys King and J Levied PKelly ou as to j 1
satisfy a jusiice court L fi fa from the 8!I4 dist. ,
G M in favor of G Moore against J C King
and J and P Kelly W Ratnsey priu. and W C Carter seou.
rity H security on stay.
Levy Proporty pointed out by the defendauts.
made and returnedto me by D C
Kenner L. C. CL TERRY,Sheriff,
Georgia Murray county;
To all whom it may concern*
James 0 Henry and John L Cole
having in proper form applied to
me for permanent letters of admin¬
istration on the estate of James P
Cole late of said county deceased
and I will pass udoii said applica¬
tion 1885 on Witness the fust Monday in July
my hand and official
signature this 3 day of June 1885
W H Ranisny.
“Palace Shoe and Hat Store’.
McKeldcn & Carllon,
35 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, Ga.
L. F. Henry & C i
• -—•
New Store,
You can get good bargains and ready accommodations. A
full line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
ai, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flour always on hand.
Hughes & Law
No. 9 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga
Give us a call when in the city, Wecansuit you in style
aud price.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup, Lrnoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the -latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
SPRING PLACE, -• • - • • Georgia.
General Merchandise 5
Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of
and a good assortment cf Wollcn Goods. Also, Sugar, Coffee,
Hardware, and in fact, everything usually kept In a First-class
b general store. Cheap for cash, or barter. [> n 8 > iy
T £k TXT 1 C H ft 11 fi ft
MJ A o xa v u o v ,
Wtthln Tell Steps of the Caa Shed
DALTON, Georgia.
Every thing new and first class.
home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boaaders. Transient
rales $2 per day. Liberal rate by
week or monlh. Special rates to
people of Murray county.
J, Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietor.
Notice to County Officers.
From tliie date all legal adver¬
tising must positively bu paid or
properly vouched for in advance.
Considerable loss in the past com
pels us to make this unvarying rule.
The rates are fixed by law.
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order am!
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Georgia,
Guarrantees good work and
cheap rates.
Kenner &Hix,
Real Estate Agent’s,
Spring Pl~ck, Georgia.
Will buy and sell lands, aud
loook after titles oi lands
owned by non residents.
O'. YV. OglGSby, DdltOZl ,
Will SUppI“ farmers Of
'Whitfield and Murray
counties with Bacon,
corn, flour and provi¬
sions, on time, payable
in the fall ? if they make
satisfactory notes.
Dalton, (JEOUU 1 A.
We have arranged our Mew
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs aud will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements 3
Four Gem pictures or Fa¬
ro types made to) fifty ecu to.
Do not fail to call and exam
■DO our work wlieu i u ](„lt„L.
Pictures made on cloudy m
ill a, any otUor day.