Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
TIIIIK!«im AUGUST *1, le*85.
To Our Country Teacher.
My dear brother: Doubtless
you are award that our posi¬
tion is not held in the high es¬
teem that its importance de
mantis. You have observed
that it is a mere stepping stone
to the various vocations of life;
that men falling in business,
men aspiring to business, men
and women unfit for ordinary
business, ruse themselves into
office, filch away our money,
cripple the intelligence of our
pupils and bring dishonor up
on our brotherhood, ami in¬
deed the saying has become al¬
most proverbial, that a man
who is too lazy tor any
vocation can teach school.
This is not as it should be.
The teacher is the master
steCrsman upon whose skill
count: y‘s iuture depends. If
our country is to advance, to
improve, to become more no¬
ble, to climb higher on the
scale of civilization and intelli
genet) the foundation of such
principles must be skillfully
laid in the hearts of our chil
dmi. Will we trust this work
this grandest ot all human
work, to the hands of those
whose interest is measured by
t lie number of dollars necessa¬
ry to enable them to enter the
business or profession of their
choice? There are many per¬
sons of this character who are
now filling positions as teachers,
And, as a general thing, they
are with us but not ot us.
They are with us for the mon
ey aud to injure our cause.
Is there no remedy for
evil? If there is none
should invent one. But let
begin with ourselves. We
must take a greater interest
and pride in our work. If im¬
position has brought
upon our profession, every sin¬
cere teacher should strive to
remove the shame. Not even
our patrons can do more to
diive insincerity from our ranks
than we. By applying our¬
selves to the interest of our
work, we create a demand for
none t >ther than those whose
interest is in the work. Tlien
let u- l'efo iu ourselves by do¬
ing all in our power to b ing
our work up to its proper po¬
sition—first in public senti¬
ment. We must associate
with oue another more; read
mole of the work of the great
men who have given their use¬
ful lives to this noble cause;
read the journals of the day
that are devoted to our inter¬
est, f. om which we learn more
about what our work is, what
our brethren are doing aud
how they are doing it.
But, above all, let us look in¬
to our own souls, iuto our ev¬
ery day walk, and improve
there. Are we light iu our
habits? Have we any habits
that we cannot commend to
pupils—yea, instruct them :
to adopt? If so, why not quit
them? Trilling as it n ay seem
if we rehearse vulgar stories,
u-e slang or by words, repeat
profanity, use tobacco, or par¬
take of an occasional dram, we
iiijuie the cause in which we
.«!!(*! and lower the human lam !
The wo k of every true
t -aelier is to elevate the mind
ot iris pupils, to raise it above
those potations—to institute
thought and habits of true no
bility and purity. This can
not be done effectually except
by precept and exatnple and
any teacher who persists in any
violation of true gentility, is
untrue to the proper interests
of education. Amicus.
A glance at Bill Arp’s mel -
aneboly face,the otherday, sug
gested the querry: Why are
all humorists gloomy? The
gieatest English wits and hum¬
orists lived lives of work and
pain. Artemas Ward always
seemed to be op the verge ot
tears. M. Quad, who comes
down this way nearly every
winter, is the most disconso¬
late and uncomfortable looking
tourist eve seen in this section.
Josh Billings has the air of a
man who has just seated him¬
self on a tack. Petroleum V.
Nasky looks fighting mad all
the time. Mark Twain wears
the injured look of a bad boy
who has been pulled out of bed
to see uncongenial company.
Sut Lovingood. who knocked
about Atlanta a little at the
beginning of the war, was a
gram and saturnine looking
man. They are all alike. They
don’t seem to enjoy life. Why
is it? -Ex.
When Mr. Ruskin was a bit
»* ‘
of a boy of three years he- as¬
tonished a photographer by
asking him why there were
holes in the carpet ol the gal¬
lery. In fact, he seemed to lie
able to see everything, for his
habits ot observation were
formed when he was a mere
child. This very early mental
discipline was due ,in part to
the lack of distracting associ
ates. His playmates were the
kittens and the rabbits and the
rosebushes. He admits that
he was too much alone,
The public will, no doubt,
receive with hearty approval
the appointment of lion. Thom¬
as F Greer as the judge of the
comity court of Gilmer by
Governor McDaniel. Colonel
Greer has long been a resident
of this place, during which
time he has held many enviable
honorable positions, and
this mark of executive favor,
unsought by him is quite grat
ifying to his many friends who
hail with deligct his advent
into the judicial realm.—The
Ellijay Courier.
Exchange of courtesies be¬
tween two Arizona editors.
From the Gila Howler: “The
lickspittle greaser who edits
the Ripsnorter lost his head
last week in trying to answer
us.” From the Ripsnorter:
“The reformed hum whose of¬
fice boy edits the Howler for
him, can’t lo.-*e his head, for he
has none.”—New York Trib¬
A dove flew in at an open
window of church in Danbury,
Conn, on Sunday morning, and
perching upon a gas jet just
over the preacher’s head re¬
mained there till the doxology
was sung.
Mr. John A Henry, who
makes speeches to the “blood
drinking” seeti n of Chicago
anarchists, declares education
to be a humbug. This is not
an expel t opinion
Scientific inquiry is being
made iuto the medical viitues
ot dogs tongues.
When the president left
Washington be was in prime
conditition. He took to the
woods to avoid the office seek¬
ers more than any thing els^.
Since the 4t.h of March he has
grown much stouter, which
show's that the cares of state
lest lightly upon his broad
shoulders, While the story
of his illness is not credited
here, yet further information
from the Auirondacks is anx"
iously awaited.
Larry Gantt aud Mr. Con¬
nell have not yet settled their
difficulty; but much danger is
nut apprehended.
Poetry, Music, Science.
Ibis beautiful constellation now
graces as never before our nation¬
al skies. Its soft, sweet influence
touches a responsive chord in the
great I eart of humanity. It is mak¬
ing golden the summit of Time's
rugged mountains and wreathing
with choicest flowers the Edenic
vales of earth. But we turn from
this pleasant theme to say the
times ate hard, therefore go to J
C linn’s for “Rock Bottom” prices
in flour, coffee, Bugar, rice, syrup
and the neat assortment of grocer
ies usually found in general stores.
Ghorqia, Murray County.
Under and in pursuance of the
power vested >n me by the last
will and testament of J James
L mb, late of ( harldston, S C-,
I will sell at public outcry between
the legal Hours of sale on Tuesday
Oct. ti, 1885, and from day to day
until completion of sale, before
the couit house in Dahlouega, Ga.,
the follow,ng lots of land iu Mur
ray Number county, Geoigia
.thirty-seven (37) and
cne hundred and twelve (112), both
in the 25th district and 2nd section
ol originally Cherokee. Each lot
containing 160 acres. Sold H3 the
property of the estatp^f J James
Lamb, deceased, for the purposes
of administration. The titles come
directly to him from the original
grants which will bo turned over to
purchaser with the other deeds. All
title papers can be examined tip to
day of sale it the oifice of H H
Perry, Gainesville, Ga. Terms of
sale: Cash. A. S. JOHNSTON,
Ext last will aDd teslameut oi J
James Limb, decased.
Stat* of Grorofa MtfRRAy County
L P Dunn has applied for exemp
tion of personaltv and I will pass
upon the s ime at twelve O’clock M.
cn the 12ih day of Aug 1885 at mv
office. W H Ramsky,
Calhoun ,Ga. SpringPiace,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legnlbusiness
Georgia Murray Counly.
To all whom itinay concern:
James A McKarny having in prop¬
er form applied to me for perma
nent letters of administration on
the estate of E L Miller late ot
said county deceased and I will
pas- upon said application on the
first hand Monday in J uly 18 5- Witness
my and official signature the
3 day ol June 1885.
W H Ramsey'.
A certain cure for Nervous
iniHili to v r Debility, Seminal Weak
-®E. E. BROWN, §►
The Jewfler.
Dalton, Georgia.
Watches, Clocks, Silver
War-), Sp- ctach's, <fcc.
Personal attention given to
to repairing. bank. Store next door
✓ Directory,
J. C. Fain, JudgeSuperior Court.
C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court.
p. L. Terry. Sheriff.
W. II. Ramsey, Ordinary.
T. J. Ovbey, Treasurer.
M. H. Bramblett, Tax Receiver.
W. D. Gregory, Tax Collector.
M. M. Bates, County Surveyor.
C. B Holland, Coroner.
Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, E, Water
house, Sr., S. L. Trimmier, John A. Berry,
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. K. Chastain, Pres.
S. H. Henry, Sec’y and County School Com¬
missioner, W. G. Harris, U. L. Pangle, John
G. Spruill.
Spring Plaoo—S24th Dist., S G Carter J. P.
H Heartsill N. P., 0 C Kenner and John
Childers Constables.
Ball Ground—825th Dist., W D Harteill
J. P., J A Black N. P., J M West and An¬
derson Black Constables
Eighth—984th Dist, IV K Lackey J. P.,
J H KuhnN. P., J M Fox and John Ingle
Doolittle—792udDist., W C D Gordon J P.
D E Humphreys N. P., J T Morrison Con.
Tenth—874th Dist., T J Bryant J. P., D C
Dunn Constable.
Alaculsa—1011th Dist., J II Oncal J. P,
J H Wilson N. P.,JD Baxter and E S How¬
ell Constables.
1013th Dist., M W Cloer J. P., B F C
Loughridge N. P., E L Bates and G W
Swanson Constables.
Shuck Pen—1039th Dist., E W Bond J. P.,
J B Bond and and W M Richards Constables.
Bull Pen—1291th Dist., J W Fincher, J P.
B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn and W 11
Brown Constables.
Arrival and Departure vf Nails.
Dalton—Departs 7 a, m. daily, arivos 5 pm.
Talking R ick—Departs 7 a. in. Saturday,
arrives 6 p. in. Friday.
Ellijay—Departs 7 a. m, Tuesiay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Cassville—Departs fi a ra Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday.
Connasauga—Departs fi a. rsday;
arrives 7 Thursday.
All porsons having demands a
gainst the festale of Elias Covington
late of Murray county <L ceased are
hereby notified to render in their
demands to tho undersigned accor¬
ding to law and all per-ous indebt¬
ed to said estate are required to
make immediate payment. This
the 18th day of June 1885.
J W Sorrows,
E H Covington.
On Five Years Time, at 8 per
cent, by Corbin Banking Oo., of
New York, on improved farms in
Murray county, Application
must be made through
dee 7, tf. Trammell Starr.
Statk op Georqia, Mnrray County.
To all whom it may con corn:
I R Phillips, Administrator of
the estate of Wiley Dudley decas¬
ed, has in due form applied to me
leave to sell the lands belonging
to the said estate, and said appli
cation will be heard on the first
Monday in September n xt Wit¬
ness my hand and offici d signa¬
ture. this the 5th day of Aug, 1885.
W H Ramsey. Ordinary.
Flour for Sale
At the Spring Place flouring
mills, situated nine miles east
ot Spring Place, on the waters
of Holly creek; first class family
flour is always kebt on hand
at the lowest cash price.
A. T. Logan.
All porsons having demands a.
gainst the estate of James P Cole
late of Mnrray county deceased
are hereby notified lo render in
t#eir demands to the undersigned
Hoarding to le w and all p ‘rsons
indebted to said estate are required
io make immediate payment. This
June 17 tb 1885.
James C Henry,
John L Cole,
Administrator’s J P Uole dec’d.
J. S, Barnett,
Agent for WALTER A.
WOOD’S Harvesting Machines,
u. Reapers, Mowers and Binders.
Also agent for FRICK <& CO’S
' g- Eclipse Ti action and Plowing En
gines, Saw' Mills, Vibrating Threshers, Cotton Gins, Grist
Mills, Cane Mills, and a General line of Machinery.
W ooten AND Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Dalton, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Millnery Store ot
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia. O
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery aud Straw Goods, oonsisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’and Children's Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Tics, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers, Ornamonts Ac. Our goods
were bought of tho Inrgcstand best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Tors, and will bo sold at very low
prices for cash.
.1. Iff. Hergen 9
Now' offers to the Planters ot Georgia the most powerful
STUMP EXTRACTOR ever invented, Given up
by the Leading Expert Machinists to 1 e more
powerful than any other device ever invent¬
ed. He will sell county rights or any num¬
ber of counties in the State of Georgia.
Good live men can make from $10 to
$12 a day with this machine rt any
season of the year. Parties that
mean business can address
J H. BERGSW, Woodlawn, or Dalton, G«
full size working machine can be seen at Dalton. Ga.^
Maccoboy Snuff.
Caution to Consumers.
As many inferior imitations have
appeared upon the market in pack
ages so close'y resembling ours as
to deceive the unwary, we would
request purchaser to see that the
red lithographed tin cans in which
it is packed always bear
Our Name and Trade-Mark.
In buying the imitation you pay
as much for an inferior article as
the genuine costs.
Be Sure Vou Obtain The Genuine.
Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco.
The Finest Sweet Navy Chewing To¬
bacco Made.
Beware of Imitations.
Stock and Convey
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND'S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people is much desired, and
especially those from Murray
W. Lufltuau. B. F. Carter. •
Attorneys at Law.
Spring Place Georgia.
Office over J P Cole & Co’s,
Optician and Jeweler,
ELRY &c.
nitailite B'hst.. Atlanta, Ga
State of Georgia, Murray County:
Nancy Moatrs 1 Murrap Superior Court,
VI Msreb adjourned tarns
Jas. T „ R. „ C MoatksJ ,
It 1885 .
of the appearing Sheriff to the Court from the return
that the def’t does not reside
in this county, and it further appearing that
she does notr, side in said state; Iti» there¬
fore ordered by the court that service be per¬
fected by publication in the North Georgia
I imks, a newspaper published in said oounty,
in terms of the law. March 2. 1885.
J C FAIN, J. S. C., C. C.
the above is a true extract from the min¬
utes of court. c. N. KING, Clerk.
with Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cut Chew¬
ing; Navy Clippings,and Blaok, Biown and
YellowSNUFFS are the best and obeapeg^
duality considered,