North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, August 27, 1885, Image 3

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    North Georgia Times.
THe D'ficlal Paper of the County,
Subscription Rate*:
One y«ar,$l On Six months, 50eents; Throe
months, 25 coots. Payable >o advance.
Jathan Gregory is very sick
Mrs. Carney died near Sumach
last week.
J T.Sargent, of Ac worth, w s in
town this week.
The love of green corn is the
toot of much evil.
----- ♦♦ *—---
Farmers have commenced pull¬
ing fodder this week.
The sick ones in the edge of
Whitfield are improving.
King & Kelly are* making their
saw mill whiz now a- days.
Rust on the cotton is complain
ed of in parts of the county.
Rev. Ballew moved in t>> Wood
lawn from Atlanta last week.
Hon. John L Galt has touched
the shores of homeland again.
Mrs. Murrow, of Rutledge, Ga.,
is visiting at Shorter Vining's.
Mrs. Crawford has been very ill
at Cohuttah Springs for some time.
William Morgan, of Bull Pen,
brought some fine fruit to town
ThomabN Cornet and Mary Cor¬
net were.married Saturday by Col.
R A Vining, of Fayetteville,
Tenn., is visiting relatives at
Mrs. E A Viuing, is visiting her
sous Berry and Shorter Vinitig at
Jimmie and Anderson Beaver
are very sick with fever near
Hassler Mills.
A N Nix. oi Llassler Mills, will
soon take charge of Mr, Dennis
Johnson's mi Is.
Col. L If Peeples, after a short
stay in the country, has moved
back to the village.
Miss Emma McGuee and Mrs.
Rosa Aberuethe, ol Atlanta, aie
visiting in the county.
■ 4 »«i»
Tom Burnstt and Clarinda Sis
son were married last Sunday eve
ning by Rev J O Linn
Miss Stanford, of South Georgia,
is visiting her grand-father, Eli
Stanford, near Sumach.
E A Fincher brought an eight
pound cat fish to town yesterday.
It was caught on a hook'
1 Misses Vining, of Marshallville,
Ga, are spending some time with
relatives in the county.
Yesterday the road leading from
Bramblett's old shop out by Steeds
to Murray camp ground was euf
J H Willson, Esq., is making
quite an extended tour in Texas he,
is uot very well pleased with the
great west.
The congregation at Cumberland
Shed was not so large last Sunday
as usual, though there was better
behavior w hich is hopeful.
The gentlemen.who are to com¬
pose the next grand jury together
with Sheriff Terry are specially in
vited to attend Murray campmeet
iug this week.
We learn that tlje Coosawattee
high school is in a flourishing con¬
dition under the management ot
Profs. Connally and Henry, now
numbering 110 students.
The grand jury said the Spring
Place streets-^must be worked
Hurrah! for the mandate, we think
■ the same thing; and «11 should work
without a dissenting voice.
D 0Trimmier's school at Hall's
Chapel is very prosperous condi
tion. Those neople have an excel¬
lent teacher and will do well to
give him a permanent school.
W E Tyson dug a hill of potatoes
last week and on one vine ho found
growing fluty two wish potatoes.
They grew so closely that some of
the potatoes crowded others clear
off the vine. In this patch a half
bushel planted has produced about
twenty. Let rivals copie forward.
The boys uio >.wfully wheuthey
think of spending fifteen days on
the streets.
Rev. Mr, Weaver, pastor of the
Cumberland Presbyterian church
at Fayetteville, T,-nn., preac ied an
excellent discourse at Centre Val¬
ley. last Thursday night. He was
on his way to the August meeting
at Snmach.
The Legal Tender tunnel is now
90 teet deep, e. ters the mountain
110 feet. The last assay is worth
S40.S0 per ton. This last assay
was the first ore taken from the
last vein struck. They are now 25
feet into the vein and the prospect
grows still more flattering. These
mines will yet cause a boom that
will be heard to the Pacific slope
On Tuesday last .fust when all
the merchants were closing their
doors to go to dinner, the alarm of
fire was given on the south side of
town. In a few minutes we learn¬
ed that the cause of the alarm was
the discovery of fire in the building
ofVornoerg& Henry’s grist mill
and cotton gin. Fire was first dis
covered in the top of the building,
wbioh must have blown hom the
smokestack and caught. When
discovered it was too far gone to
do anything but prolect the build
mgs near by. The residence of L
F Henry, ti e Metho list church and
Mr. Kelly’s barn caught several
times in the i oof but closely watch¬
ed until out of danger. The loss
is estimated to be about $1,500.
Murray Gounty Vindicated.
Much has been said in the news¬
papers during the pa t week, about
a band of masked men who visited
Dalton a few nights ago and se¬
verely threshed a goodly number
of her most disreputable, dissolute
characters. The special correspon¬
dent from Dalton to the Atlanta
Constitution, on last Friday, in a
short article upon the subject sta¬
ted that this was a masked mob
from Muirray county. While Mur
ray, it is true, has always been
kind and charitable to her neigh
bors, ever ready to lend to them a
helping hand in tli9 time of need,
yet, we must say tnat we feel very
confident that Murray had nothing
to do with this affair, and the
charge upon her, alluded to above,
must have had its origin either in
the imagination of the Dalton cor
respondent cr from some misinfor¬
mation on his part. Dalton seems
to he proud that such a thing has
occurred, because it has quieted,
at least f ir a time, an element of
crime which has been going on for
a season in that place to an unlim¬
ited degree The same kind of
correction has occuired in Murray,
though not on such a large scale,
at times when our society was af¬
flicted with such ulcerous charac
ters, whose cases it seemed the law
would not reach. So this, we sup¬
pose is the prime reason why our
county is charged with having par
ticipaledin the Dalton flogging.
vVe do not mean by this to impute
falsity to any one, but think more
consideration should be used before
attacking the reputation of a sister
A Thief Sh ot in the Back.
Marion Moreland, of this place,
hap been missing corn from his
field in the edge of town for sever¬
al days past. So on Monday night
last lie borrowed T J Ovbey's
breech loading double barrelled
shot gun and placed himself in a
wash which passes through the
corn, and thought he would see if
the nefarious rascal could be over¬
taken. About 12 o'clock he heard
a rustling noise in the corn which
he soon decided was the object of
his watching. In a short time a
man with a handeichiel tied round
his head, socks pulled on over his
shoes and tied over the foot of his
pants, bearing a large sack of corn
upon his back, made his appear¬
ance in the wash a short distance
from him. Moreland leveled his
gun and snapped twice, but the
third time her report roareci out od
the midnight air. like a signal gun
from some lonely post. At the
report ot the gun the corn-field
robber fell, but after scrambling
around on the ground for a moment
or two he succeeded m getting up
and moving off in a lively canter.
Moreland fired at him as he ran off,
t?ut don’t know whether he hit him
or not. The sack wps dropped at
the first shot, ^ith shot a hole two in
ehes in diametr through it.
Whoever he is must uddoubtediy
be traveling around with some lead
in bis back. Hope he will be
caught and punished to the ut
most extent, for prowling around
at night is fast becoming* one ot
the .i»ost harrassing evils of this
“A Thing of Beauty is a Joy For
Any one who does not possess
a love for the beautiful both in na¬
ture and in art should lose no time
in cultivating this; inspiring senti¬
ment. Love fof the beautiful
bl oms in flower yards, dances in
delight on the centre table quietly
rest upon parlor ^ceiling. Your
hooks, engravings and home ot na
mentations give excelhnt insight
to your taste. Yesterday morning
we were shown a brilliant picture
of industry,‘patience, perseverance
refinement, love for home and ad¬
miration for the exquisitely beauti
ful. We must acknowledge our¬
selves captured. We write of a
crazy quilt just finished by Mis.
M B Stuart, ot our town. In the
outset of a very meagre description
we must say that we saw nothing
on this line at the New Orleans
exposition that equals the one be¬
fore us. There are , in the quilt
293 stiches all of which are entire¬
ly different. There are 205 most
elegant designs. Among the de¬
signs we notice birds ten varieties,
tish true to nature, crosses, an¬
chors with hope writtenJnsilvery
letters just underneath, fruits of
many sorts, berries, spider in its
web, a glove think of try¬
ing on, Santa Claus with his bun
die of gifts, square and compass,
fans, spear .with wreath around it.
Mauy other. beauties we might
point out but want of space foibids.
Allow ns one other^mentiori: That
of a little boy and girl with satch¬
el and books^going to school in
the happy spring lime. The exe¬
cution throughout deserves toe
highest compliment.
New lot of buggies arrived at
T A & S E Berry's.
. ■ ——
T A & S E Beriy sell wagons on
time till fall for good notes.
Now is the time to buy the Thom¬
as Smoothing Harrow. Call on
T A & S Berry.
L F Clark, Fort Mountain, Ga.,
sells more and better goods at low¬
er prices than anybody.
Wm, Martin will give special at¬
tention to the collection of notes,
accounts and claims of all kinds.
Any person desiring to purchase
a first, class farm lying on Sugar
Greek, in the’ southern portion of
Murray county, can obtain a bar¬
gain by' applying to W D Heart
sill, Goosawattee, Ga.
Read This.
If you haven't paid for your pa¬
per this year, don't forget that we
would like to have the money, and
will stop work anytime to wait up¬
on any who may be so thoughtful
as to ask the liberty of handi.ig us
their subscription.
Money will do everything but
keep a.v.oman'sJtongue quiet.
Notice—N otiec is hereby given
to all persons indebted to, or hav
; ng claims against, the firm of King,
Kelly & Cole to make all settle¬
ments with, and payments to, the
undersigned as surviving members
of said firm Settlements made
with any other person will not be
recognized unless authorized by
us. This July 6, 1885.
King & Kelly.
DAMON&PEETS,“ and all
dealers in Type, D rc 30 es, Paper Cuvters, and
kinds cf Printing Rateriate, both New
Second-hand. A corrected list hand of prices for sale, is¬
sued weekly, cf r.11 material on
(much cf xrfcich r-ro genuine bargains) will be
mailed freo pn replication.
We can fumisli uaytaiag Don a Bodkin to
a C^liniiJer Press*
Wm. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
■%* ■
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
j e gal business.
Are you disturbed at uight and
br ken of y our rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain
cutting teeth? If so. send at once
and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's
Sootbiug Syrup for children teeth¬
ing. Its value is incalculable. It
will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately. Depend upon i
mothers, there is no mistake about
it. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr
• ip lor children teething is pleasant
to the taste, and is the prescrip¬
tion of one ol the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale
by all druggists throughout (he
world. 1’iice 25 cent3 a Lottie.
--: 0 -'-
When not Professionally residence absent, all
can be found at his at
hours, day or night. Prompt and
careful attention given to all cases,
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
entrusted to him. [mar 6 ly
Dr. J. P. Fanil,
Resident Dentist
All kinds of me
chanicaland O^or
ative Dentistry ex
if L i ecuted in first-class
•yA> style, and at reas
enable rotes. The
“"iXsTN • Celluloid Plate nut
&*j up in parrial or
fullsetsofteeth at
ps=- reasonable rates.
Teeth ex tra e ted
without pain by the use of Squibb’s pure Sul¬
phuric Ether. The patronage of the citizens
of Murray county is respectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do them as good
work as they oan get in North Georgia, and
aa cheap as they can get it done by any first
piss dentistin North Georgia.
Nashville, Chattanooga
& St, Louis Railway!
The Rest Route tn Louisville, Cinolcinnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago and the North is via
The Best Route to St Louis and the West
is via McKemie.
The Best Route to West Tennessee
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex¬
as points is via McKemie.
Don’t Forget It.
Be sure to buy your tickets over
N.. C. & St. L. lt’y.
The Inexprienced Traveler need not go
amiss, fow changes are necessary, such as ere
unavoidableare madein Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
Nashville and StLouisvia Columbus, Nash¬
ville and Louisville, Nashville and Memphis,
Martin and St Louis, McKenzie aid Little
Rook, where connection is maee with Through
Sleepers to all Texas poiuts.
Cali oil or address
A B WRENN.Tbav. A., Atlanta, Ga.,
J H PEEBLES, T. A. Chattanooga,Tenn Chattallooga.Tenn
Nashville, Tenn.
Georgia Murray county;
To all whom it mav concern
•James G Henry and John L Cole 1
having in proper form applied to
me for permaneat letters of admin¬
istration on the estate of James P
Cole late of said county deceased
and I will pass UDon said applica¬
tion on the that Monday in July i
s^rfatm'eTlds 3 diy of
W 11 Ramsny.
“Palace Shoe and Hat Store’.
McKeldcn & Carlton,
35 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, Ga.
Weight s Indian Vegetable Pills
And all Bilious Complaints
Safe to ing. take, rrice being purely vegetable; All Druggists. no grip¬
25 eta.
A Business Notioe.
All Dersons indebted to me either
by note or account will pleasecome
forward and settle at once nr I
will be compelled to put them out
tor collection. I also have judge¬
ments against a number of parties
that wif be executed immediately
if not attended to. J, T. Henly.
L. F. He wry & Co
New Store,
You can get good bargains and ready accommodations, A
lull line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
ar, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flour always ou hand.
Hughes & Law,
No. 9 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga
hats, underwear, half hose, neckwear
Give us a call when in the city, Wecansuit you in style
and price.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
- { DEALER IN y~ ---
General Merchandise,
Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of
and a good assortment of Wollcn Goods. Also, Sugar, Coffee,
Hardware, and in fact, everything usually kept in a First-class
general store. Cheap for cash, or barter. [jan 8, ly
I . ft ° w S 3 X*- H ft Vf 11 « S V ft v
. *
Within Ten Steps of the Caa Shed
r\. DALTO. Tn ,„. T , Georgia.
Every thing new and first class,
A home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boaaders. Transient
rates $2 per day. Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
people of Murray county.
J. Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietor.
Notice to County Officers.
From this date all legal adver
tising must positively bo paid or
ptoperly vouched for in advance.
Considerable loss in the past com
pels us to make this unvarying rule.
The rates are fixed by law.
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor,
D ALTON, Georgia,
Gnarrantees good work and
cheap rates.
Kenner & Hix,
Real Estate Agents,
Spring Pl^ce, Georgia,
Will buy and sell lands, and
loook after titles of lands
owned by non residents.
(x. W. Oglesby, Dalton,
Will supply farmers Of
Whitfield and Murray
counties with Bacon,
corn, flour and provi¬
sions, on time, payable
in the fall^ if they make
satisfactory notes.
Dalton, Georgia,
We have ai ranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies aud Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or
rotypes made toi fifty cents.
Do not fail to call aud exam¬
ine our work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudv as
well as any other day. 1