Newspaper Page Text
North G eorgia Ti
VI* MUUl Paper of the
Mfeacrlptien Rates? - \
Hi«» Si* month,, M«nt«; Tkrw
tkt, II mu. Payable ia advaaee.
Henry M^ss has intermittent
Base ball invalids are becoming
quite common.
Thanks to Dr. Brown for the
fine peaches.
Fodder palling about over in
Snmsch valley.
Henry Swansea's little child died
a ten days ago.
Columbus Lough ridge is erecting
a nice new barn.
. We hope Mrs; W H Ramsey will
soon be convalescent.
Mr. Gideon Jackson driVes a
brand-new tip-top turnout.
Aaron Six moved to Doolittle,
near JofansoWa mill, this week.
W J Johnson will soon have bis
new store ready for occupancy.
Hits Lucy Holtz daw] istnrned
to her boms in Dalton Tuesday.
That's right fix op year side
walks and atop grand )ury talks.
JH Wilson has returned from
Taxes well pleased with his visit.
Farmers are revelling in the
fodder fields throughout ths coon
A wry profitable protracted
sating has just closed in Ala*
Miss Fining, of Fayetteville,
Testa., visited Dr, Keister's last
Get married n the advice of some
Who have just entered that sphere
of life,
Mr. Barnett, of Texas, and Miss
Beck, of Woodlawn, were married
Col. S M Garter and Joseph Mc
Entire, of Dalton, were in town on
The old Dnnn residence near
Ispqghridge, is being thoroughly
remodeled. t
Harry Dickerson, a Cincinnati
drummer, spent a lew days in town
last week.
John Pankey, who has been sick
with lever for some time, died a
few days ago.
E Waterhouse Sr. has returned
home and says be is greatly bene¬
fited in health.
The Beaver boys are improving
and we sincerely hope them a
speedy recovery.
James T Henry and family
returned home Monday Jrom a vis
it to Ohattooga connty
Casey camp meeting next Sun¬
day promises to be the biggest
thing of the season.
Cotton picking has commenced
And Murray's first bale will be on
the market ia a few day*
The eorn crop in Sumach valley
is almost unprecedented and hence
the farmer's heart is. glad-
Mrs. Bessie Smith of Blue
Springs, Teun., is visiting relatives
and friends in Spring Place.
W J Graves and Miss Bettie
Bookoilt were married 11 a. m. last
Sunday by Rev. W -T Hamby.
Rev. W C McCall filled his regu¬
lar appointment at the Baptist
church last Saturday and Sunday.
The members of the Baptist
church have made a timely im¬
provement in front of their ehuroh.
Hon. S G Treadwell has his saw
thill up and buzzing away through
the splendid timber about a mile
from tow*.
The North Georgia Association
will convene at Cool Springs Bap¬
tist-chnreh 17th instant A large
delegation is expected.
Col. T Star and Clerk O N K>n|
went on a flying visit to Tunne
Hill, last Friday night. Some spe¬
cial attraction for them does un
donbtedly reside in that direction,
as visits of late are becoming quite
Iriends fwi» Vic ^Hammoud visitec
near*-fiassler JMilis last
JPhe meeting at Pleasant. Valley
a* commenced un ler flattering
BanW Isenhowar. who has
been aiok with few ia now very
much improved.
Mr. Mosely, an expert printer
from Chicago has been spending a
few days at W H Steeds.
We learn that Judge Fain's
health has greatly improved, and
that he will be able to hold court
at this place next week.
The Sam Jones camp meeting
near Oartersville, begun last Tues¬
day, and of course the great di¬
vine will draw an immense crowd.
Tom Shields, the great walker,
is now engaged more agreeably—
hie infatnation makes him a wor¬
shipper at Cupid's wreath bound
The mob law te be grow*
ing in popularity, as Knoxville and
Chattanooga have been experien
cing some executions by this
Prohibition is gaining ground
in this eoonty as public sentiment
becomes more healthy. Some men
who were strong whisky men now
say let whisky go.
The campmeeting and the
meeting continued at Harrison
chapel resulted in 71 conversions,
a large number of reclamations
and additions to the chnreh.
We know nothing to suggest to
the kind lady, who desires to know
a remedy that will kill files, more
destrnotive than a muscular lady
with a ruffled temper and a good
sized brash in hand
Associate editor Hamby has been
away for the past two or three
weeks engaged in protracted meet¬
ings. We hope this will suffice as
an excuse for the fall off in the
newsiness of the Truss of this and
ie three past issues.
Following is a list of letters re¬
maining in the office at Spring
*lace. Ifnot called for by the
90th instant will be seat to the
dead letter offioe:
Ollie F Elkins, Randolph Pull¬
iam, Margaret Warress.
Wm. Aedkbsox, P- M.
I have placed all my individual
notes and accounts in the bands of
W C Martin for collection to meet
pressing demands against me.
payment must be made by the 1st
day of November next
Dennis Johnson.
At the time of writing the world
seems to be sleeping in the midst
of a nebnlous universe and camp
meeting aspirations are at a low
ebb, but a feeble spark of hope oc¬
casionally suggests that perhaps
the brightness which lingeis above
the clouds will break through in an
ocean of light, and none will be
prevented from attending the Ga
sey camp meeting on next Sun¬
The Cotton crop
The cotton orop up to a tew
weeks ago seemed to be the most
flattering that we fc)ave had in this
connty for years. But we notice
the cotton fields in the upper por¬
tion of the connty have had most
all the leaves eaten off the plant by
a worm which closely resembles
the eatterpillar. This worm will
do grest damage to the crop no
doubt, but to what extent it ib as
yet impossible to tell.
They Took the Ball and Bat.
The Windy Gap Reds played
tha Anderson Reds last Saturday
afternoon at the Spring Place
grounds. The game consumed
the greater part of the afternoon,
and resulted in 34 for the former to
16 for the latter. Bystanders
seemed to enjoy the game splen¬
didly, and all went off peaceably
and pleasantly -and without any
physical injury except a few brais¬
ed and broken fingers.
Wm. Barclay and Nelson Harris
went to the mountains two weeks
ago and while there discovered a
huge rattlesnake upon which they
fell with tiger like ferocity ant
with that enmity which exists be-
tween the hmnan and serpentine
race. Moreover, they did then and
there with malice aforethought bo
cruelly beat the said snake as that
he died of the wounds then and
there reoeivdd. In itB month ware
found eight fangs the longest three
fourths of an inch in length. Alsu
twelve rattles. Length four feet
Jetban Gregory died Saturday
evening at 6 o’clock, He had been
very ill tor several week* and his
death not a surprise to attend
ing physicians and those who had
watohel with grief stricken hifift
the progress of the Ha
was a man of great energy, Arm in
cairying oat his resolutions andot
almost iron constitution. Cense
quently he did not readily surren¬
der to disease. His suffering was
intense, bat he borejall as a good
soldier of the cross. His list
hours were hours of He
died quietly bat in greet peso*
The procession gathered at Sam
merour*s chapel, of which he was
a member. Then the large compe¬
«J began its mournful march i to
the family cemetery near the ill
mous Gregory farm on Holly Creak
That o'clock place was Sunday. reached A about goodly if
p. m.
number of masons were present
and the deoeasedwas interred with
masonic ceremonies by the side Of
his first wife. He was a substsa
tial friend to the cbuioh, liberal In
giving to aid, awake to her inter*
est*. For some time he baaboen
earnestly endeavoring to Kve every
day as if it were to be the Ia»t.
W« deeply sympathise with the
bereaved and pray that the teO&?
mercies. infinite compassion of our
God may rest upon them to git*
consolation in this hour of trial.
New lot of buggies arrived at
T A A.S E Berry's.
T A A S E Berry sell wagon* on
time till fall for good notes.
Now is the time to buy the Thom¬
as Smoothing Harrow. Call On
T A A S Berry. ;j,.
L F Clark, Fort Mountain, Ga.,
sells more and better goods at low*
er prices than anybody.
Wm. Martin will give speoial at¬
tention to the collection of notes,
aocoun|« and claim, of .11 hind,,
Any person desiring to p orM j lio
a first class farm lying on Sngar
Greek, in the southern portion of
iarray county, can obtain a bar*
gain by applying] to W D Heart
sill, Ooosawattee, Ga.
Road This.
If you haven't paid for your pa¬
per this year, don't forget that ws
would have the monev, and
will stop work any time to wait up¬
on any who may be so thoughtful
as to ask]the liberty;of handing ns
their subscription.
Money will do everything but
ceep a woman's tongue quiet.
Notice— Notiee is hereby given
to wllipersoug indebted to, or hav¬
ing claims against, the firm of King,
Kelly A Cole to make all settle¬
ments with, and payments to, the
undersigned as surviving members
of said firm- Settlements made
with any other penon will not be
recognized unless authorized by
us. This July 6,1885.
Kino k Kelly.
BumR *t wfaUk MM uMfenr *
no£Ud fro* on op yUt MU im «»
Wm. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
legal buriaess.
Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of
cutting teeth! If so, send at onoe
sad get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow*#
Soothing Syrup for children teeth¬
ing. Its value is incalculable. It
will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately. Depend upon i'
mothers, there is no mistake about
H. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr
fip for children teething is pleasant
to the taste, and is the prescrip¬
tion of one of the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for Bale
by all druggists throughout the
world. Price 25 cents a bottle.
-: 0 :-
When not Professionally absent,
ean be found at his residence ti all
hoars, day or night Prompt and
careful attention given to all cases,
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
entrusted to him. fmar-fi ly.
* EK Dr. J. P. Fann,
aii kind*of “•*
ttyn^es* at«!»"
onabu Th»
up*li P *r
full>.t»of tooth *t
xYo'thoxt' aoV* d
of XKfiSZ
"Murray county is rosneotfully solicited,
* ! aheap as tho; can get itdoneby any trst
i a88d6BhstiaNortha ® 0 r«'»
Nashville, Chattanooga
A St. Louis Railway!
The Beat Route to Louisville, Ciocleinuatl,
Indianapolis, ills. Chicago and tho North ia via
Tho Beat Route to St Lonia and tho Woat
ia via MoKonsie.
The Best Route to West Taanaaaao and
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex
ai points ia via MeKenaia.
Don’t Forgetty.
Be sure to buy your ticket* ever
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The 1 n ex pries ced Traveler need not go
ftttiiS; ftw obsogM Mr# iBMiurji each ai ere
uaaroidablearo madoin Union Depute,
Atlaeta and Naihvillo, Atlanta and Lonieville,
Nnahvllle and StLouif via Calambae, Naeh
vilU and Loots villa, Nashville and Memphis, Little
Martin and St Louie, MeKeneie mad
Rook, whero oounectiou is maee with Through
Sleepers to all Toxns points.
Coll on or address Ga.,
A B WRENN, Tbat. A., Chattanooga,Tonn Atlanta,
WT ROGERS,P. A., Chattanooga,
W h DANLEY.G. P.AT.A., Tonn.
Georgia Mnrrsy county;
To all whom it may concern*
James 0 Henry and John It Cole
having for in proper letters form applied of admin¬ to
me permaneat the of
istration on estate tames P
Cole late of said connty deceased
and I will pass unon said applica¬
tion on the first Monday in July
1885 Witness my hand and official
signature this 3 day of June 1885.
W H Bamsny.
“Palace Shoe and Hat Stoke’.
McKeldon & Carlton,
Atlanta, Ga.
Wbigit s Indian Vegetable Pills
ro* nu
And nil Bilious Complaints
A Business Notloo.
All persons indebted to me either
by note or account will please come
forward and settle at once m I
will be compelled to pat them oat
for collection. I also have judge¬
ment* against* number of parties
thatwil be executed immediately
if act attended to. J. T. Hemt.
L. F. Henry & Co’s,
New Store,
You can get good bargains and ready accommodations, A.
full line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
ar, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flouralwayson hand.
Hughes & Law,
No. 9 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga
Give us a call when in the city, We cansuit you in style
and price.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
t *
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
FORT MOUNTAIN, « • « e • • Georgia.
General Merchandise J
Keeps constantly SHOES, on hand READY a complete MADE atock CLOTHING of
and a good assortment cf Wollen Goods. Also, Sugar, Coffee,
Hardware, and Cheap in fact, everything cash, barter. usually kept ina First-class
general store. for or (jan 8, ly
Lewis House,
Wttfaln T» Stapn #f the Can Shed
Dalton, Georgia.
Every thing new and first class,
A home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boaaders. Transient
rates $2 per day. Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
peopls of Murray connty.
J. Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietor.
• '! Notice to County Officer*.
From this date all legal adver¬
tising must positively be paid or
pioperly vouched for in advance.
Considerable loss in the past com
pels us to make this unvarying rule.
The rates are fixed by law.
Wanamaker 9c Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing.faouse.
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Georgia,
Gnarrantees gaud work sad
cheap rates.
Ke nner & Mix,
Real Esta r« Agents,
Spring Place, Georgia.
Will buy and sell lands, and
book after titles of land*
owned by non residents.
G. W. Oglesby, Dalton,
will supply farmers of
Whitfield and Murray
counties with Bacon,
corn, floor and provi¬
sions, on time; payable
in the fail if they make
satisfactory notes.
Dalton, Georgia.
We have arranged our new
to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gera picture* or Ft!*
rotypek made ioi fifty cents.
Do: not ini! tooaiyrad exam
»ne our work .wjben ia Dalton. ^
Pictures made on cloudy aa
well aa any other day.