North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, September 24, 1885, Image 2
North Georgia Times - J~ THUBSl) AY SEPTEMBER 24, I8S5. General Presentments. We, the grand jurors for the August and September adjour¬ ned terms ot Murray Superior court, respectfully submit the following genera] presentments: We have carefully traversed the circle of duties devolved on us and are pleased to report that while in some localities of our county, we find the exist¬ ence of some things, which as an orderly, law* abiding, tem ¬ perance people are to be de plo edj yet in looking over the county as a whole, we note progress and regard the situa¬ tion as hopeful. Through committees who have examined the matters embraced in the following, re port etc.: That the records of the pub¬ lic officers of the county have been thoroughly 7 examined and found correct and very m ally kept, for which they should be honored and certainly' deserve and have ouv thanks. That the public records of the county be placed in a place of more That the pauper farm under the superintendance of Mr. Ellis Daniel is in a prosperous condition, bids fair to make at least twelve bales of cotton, 200 bushels of corn, five or six thousand bundles of fodder, al¬ so about 65 bushels of pota¬ toes. The stock belonging to the farm are in good condition, the houses are substantial aud very comfortable indeed. The paupers themselves, ten in number, express their satisfac¬ tion. Moreover, provisions sufficient to run the fa; m for at least six weeks. Mr. Daniel deserves the thinks not only of our V) ).dy, but of the county generally for his efficiency in the management of this farm. That the N. P. and J. P. of the 824th (list., G. M., be pre¬ sented for failure to work the streets within the incorporate limits of Spring Place, and at the Sept, adjourned term solve that this grand jury com pliment the N. P. and J. P. of the 824th dist. for the woik they have had done on the streets since the August term. That the county board or the proper authority cause the gates on public roads in the county t<> be placed in good condition and kept so We di reet their special attention to the gates through the Edmond son and Durham farms on Holly Creek. The public roads in the county are in good condition except a portion of the road leading from the fed¬ eral road near Mrs. Jackson’s residence, in the 824th dist., to Spring Place, and also a portion of a new road leading from Durham’s bridge on Holly Creek through the 1291st dist. aud intersecting with the Spring Place and Dalton road near Co], Tibbs’ fa.m. Aud we also find the north end of the bridge across Holly Creek (known as the McMullin bridge) to be in bad condition. That the Ordinary be au¬ thorized to furnish each board of load commissioners with a c >py of the load law at the ex p use of the county. That the public buildings ate kept in as good condition ai the Jailor, under the circutn- stances, can keep them, The prisoners have been making a habit of urinating on the ]oeks aud chain and over the floor Their puipose is unknown un¬ less they think to cause the chains to lust and theieby making them earner to break. It has become extremely offen¬ sive and indecent. We recom¬ mend that the Sheriff and Jail¬ or have lull power to stop the above nuisance by mild meaus if possible, or extreme measu es it necessary. That the records of the N. Ps. and J. Ps. tire correctly and neatly kept, except the one for the 1039th cist. which is not kept in proper form. That l a Griffith be appoint Notary Public for the 972-tid dist., G. M.—vacancy caused by the resignation of David E. Humph eys. That Benjamin A Gregory be appintcd to fill a vacancy on the board ot education caused bv the resignation of Hugh L Pangle. That James Greer, who is sentenced to the chain gang, in the event ttat lie cannot be era ployed in said chain gang, in j jail s t ea of ‘l of the being confined be employed in the county, on the farm. That the propel authority pay to the respective chinches for the use ol their houses lor holding the present court in the event a charge is made, a reasonable amount. That the court house be built on the old site unless a location more suitable be do¬ nated. That it be built as soon as practicable and not to exceed in cost seven thousand dollars. That the per diem for jurors aud bailiffs be two dollars. That the county commission ers have foot logs placed across each ford of Holly Creek on the turn pike road between Seth A Gregory and the foot of the mountain above the rock house. That Wn, McClure Seth A Gregory an 1 AT Logan heap pointed by Ilis Honor as turn pike commissioners from Seth A Gregory’s to the county in the 1013th dist. In taking leave of the court we beg leave to express a high sense of our aprreciation of his Honor Judge J C Fain as an able impartial and efficient pie siding officer, and of his devo¬ tion to the interests of our couu ty. Also to to the Solicitor General, Col. Harris, we return oil thanks for his courteous treatment of our body and are pleased to testify to the indus¬ try, energy and ability he has brought to bear in the dis¬ charge of Ins duties. The Sheriff, too, has our thanks lor the strict performance of his duties. Aud to our bailiff, Daniel Dunn, we return our thanks for the faithful per¬ formance of his duties in the service of our body. And in conclusion we cannot adjourn without returning thanks to Thomas J Peeples, our Fore¬ man, for the faithful and effi¬ cient manner in which he has presided over our delibera¬ tions. T. J Peeples, Foreman. O.deredby the court that the within gene al present¬ ments fo’- the August aud Sep> teruher adjourned term be spread upon the mmutes of the court and published in the county paper. Done in open court this Sept. 18th, 1885. J. C. FAIN, J. S. C. C. C. I certify that the above is a true extract from the nnnutes of court. C. N, King, Clerk S. C. Bartow is a prohibition couu ty; but the;e are men in Bar¬ tow, as is other counties that have voted whiskey out, who yiolate the law and sell whis¬ key without license Sam Jones, as is hss custom, spoke very plainly on the subject last week at the great tent meeting and it is thought that some of the whiskey men had a hand in trying to blow up Jones’ buggy house with dyn¬ amite. No very serious dam¬ age. was done. Whiskey .men often grow desperate when good citizens try to protect so¬ ciety and see that the right¬ eous laws are executed. We give below a specimen of Jones’ manner of handling such eases: “Now I have had my say to you, I will talk to you and lea son with said you concerning the what I have and strictures I have made on you. But you and I can’t fight. I would as soon get into a pit with a man¬ gy bull dog, aud gnaw with him, as to fight with such low down scoundrels as you are. A man who will illieitly, sneak ingly perpetuate that a has traffic voted on a community it out, is too mean for me to be¬ little myself by a personal 1 en countei with him.” SALE OF VALUABLE LOTS OF LAND. Ohohou, Murray Coimrr. Under and in pursuance of the power vested < s me bv the last will and tes -2 ment of James L mb. late of Charleston, S O, I wifi sell at public outcry between the legal Hours of sale on Tuesday Oct. 6, 1885, and from day to day until completion of sale, befoie the couit house in Dahlonega, Ga., the lots of land in Mur¬ ray county, Geoigia Number thirty-seven (£l2), (37) and r ue hundred and twelve both in the 25th district and 2nd section of originally Cherokee. Each lot containing 160 acres. Sold as the property of the estate of James Lamb, deceased, for the purposes of administration. The titles come directly to him from the original grants which will be tnrned over to purchaser with (he other deeds, All title papers can be examined up to day of sale at the office of H H Perry, Gainesville, Ga. Terras ol' sale: Cash. A- S JOHNSTON, Ext last will and lestameut ox James Lamb, decased. O. N. STARR, trammrllstarr Calboun ,Ga. SpringPlace,Ga STARR & STARR Attorneys at Law, Prompt attention given to all legalbusiues? ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Georgia Murray Counly. To all whom itmay ooncevn: James A McKaray having in prop¬ er form applied to me for perma¬ nent letters of administration on the estate of E L Miller latent said county deceased and I will pas- upon said application on the first Monday in July 18 v 5. Witness my hand and official signature the 3 uay bf June 1S85. W H Ramsey. QME TREATMENT. A certain cure for Nervous ____ Debility, Seminal Weak The Recipes wim my ?racricofor 25 ^ ears ( DR. X. Wi lliams , 435 8. Haler St,, fiilwckw, Wn «®E. E. BROWN,§► The Jeweler. Dalton, Georgia. Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware, Spectacles, &c. Personal attention given to repairing. bank. Store next door to Directory, J. C. Fain, Judge Superior Court. C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court. C. L. Terry. Sheriff. W. II. Ramsey, Ordinary. T. J. Ovbcy, Treasurer. M. H. Bramblett, Tax Receiver. \V. D. Gregory, Tax Collector. M. M. Bates, County Surveyor. C. B Holland, Coronor. Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, B, Water house, Sr., S. L. Trimmier, John A. Berry, W. J. White. Board of Eduoation, M. K, Chastain, Pres. S. H. Henry, Seo ? y and County School Com¬ missioner, W. G. Harris, H. L. Pangle, John G. Spruill. JUSTICES. Spring Place—824th Dist., S Q Carter J. P. 11 Heartsill N. P., D C Kenner and John Childers Ccnstabies. Ball Ground—825th Dist., W D Hartsill J. P.. J A Black N. P., J M West and An¬ derson Black Constables Eighth—984th Dist , W K Laokey J. P., J H Kuhn N. P., J M Fox and John Ingle CoNstables. Doolittle—792nd Dist., IV C D Gordon J P. D E Humphreys N. P., J T Morrison Con. stable. Tenth—874tb Dist., T J Bryant J. P., D C Dunn Constable. Alaoulsa—1011th Dist., J H Oneal J. P, J H Wilson N. P., J D Baxter and E S How¬ ell Oonstables. 1013th Diet., M W Cloer J. P., B F C Loughridge N. P., E L Bates and G W Swanson Constables. Shuck Pen—1039th Dist., E W Bond J. P., J B Bond and and W M Richards Constables. Bull Pen—1291th Dist., J W Fincher, J P. B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn and W H Brown Constables. Arrival and Departure of Malls. Dalton—Departs 7 a, m. daily, arives 5 pm. daily. TalkingRook—Departs 7a. m. Saturday, arrives 6 p. m. Friday. Ellijay—Departs 7 a. m, Tueslay, Thurs¬ day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. v Cassville—Departs 6am Monday, Wed¬ nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Connasauga—Departs B a. rsday; arrives 7 Thursday. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 3 7 CREDITORS, All persons having demands a gainst the estate of Elias Covington late of Murray counly deceased are hereby notified to reuder in their demands to the undersigned accor¬ ding to law aud all per-ons indebt¬ ed to said estate are required to make immediate payment. This the 18th day of June 1885. J W Sorrows, E H Covington. MONEY TO LOAN, On Five Years Tune, at 8 per cent, by Corbin Banking Co., of New York, on improved farms in Murray county. . Application must be made through dec 7, tf. Trammell Starr. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Statu of Georgia, Mnrray County. To all whom it may concern: f 11 Phillips. Administrator of the estate of Wiley Dudley decas ed, has in due form applied to me leave to sell the lands belonging to 1 he said estate, and said appli cation will be heard on the first Monday in September n-^xt Wit¬ ness mv hand and official signa¬ ture. this the 5tb day of Aug, 1885. W H Ramsey Ordinary. Flour for Sale At the Spring Place flouring mills, situated nine miles east ot Spring Place, on the waters of Holly creek; first class family flour is always kebt ou hand at the lowest cash price. A. T. Logan. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS, AH persons having demands a. gainst the estate of James P Cole late of Murray county deceased their are hereby notified 1o render in demands to the undersigned according to Isw and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pavment. This June 17tb 1885. James C Henry, Administrator’s John L Uole, J P Cole dec’d. -f’ J. S. Barnett, DALTON, GEORGIA. gines, Saw Mills, Vibrating Threshers, Cotton Gins, Grist Mills, Cane Mills, and a General line of Machinery. GO TO W ooten AND Holmes, Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Dalton, Georgia. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION! Just Received at the Miiiuery Store ot J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Gooda,consisting of Straw Bonnets and Ladies’and Children's Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Reek and Sash Ribbons, Vil ret Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments &o. Our goods were bought of the largest and best importing Houses in Balti¬ more and New Tors, and will be sold at very low prices for cash. J. H. Bergen, Now offers to the Planters ot Georgia the most " powerful STUMP EXTRACTOR ever invented.' Given up by the Leading Expert Machinists to be more powerful than any other device ever invent¬ ed. He will sell county rights or any nnm bt*r of counties in the htate of Georgia. Good live men can make from $10 to $12 a day with this machine rtany season of the year. Parties that mean business can address J H. BERGEN, Woodlawn, or Dalton, Gf |2f”A full size working machine can be seen at Dalton. Ga.^ LOKILLARD’ S Maccoboy Snuff*. Caution to Consumers. As many inferior imitations have appeared upon the market in pack¬ ages so closely resembling ours as to deceive the unwary, we would request purchaser to see that the red lithographed tin cans Jin which it is packed always bear Our Name and Trade-Mark. In buying the imitation von pay as much for an inferior article as the genuine costs. Be Sure You Obtain The Genuine. LORILLARD’S CLIMAX Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco. Finest Sweet Navy Chewing To¬ bacco Made. Beware of Imitations. and Convey ances For hire or sale at JESSE HOLLAND’S Livery Stable in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon Yard is kept in connection therewith. The patronage of the people 8 much desired, and especially those from Murray Couoty. W. LuXfman. J*. F. Carter. LUFFMAN& CARTER Attorneys at Law. Spring Place, Georgia. Office over J P Cole & Co’s, store. ER LAWSHE, Optician and Jeweler, -DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW ELRYtfcc. 47liallite W h st.. Atlauta, Ga DIVORCE NOTICE. State of Georgia, Murray County} Nakct Moatks 1 Murrap Superior Court, J*8. va J > March adjourned term R. C Moatks 1885. It appearing to the Court from the return of the Sheriff that the dert does not reaide in this onunty, and it further appearing that she does not reside in said state: Itis there¬ fore ordered by the court that service be per¬ fected by publication in the North Georgia Times, a newspaper published in said county, in terms of the law. March 2, 1885. J C FAIN, J. S. C., C.C. The above is a true extract from the mln utes of court. C. N. KING, Clerk. BO YOU KNOW THAT LORILLARD’S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag; Robs Leaf Fine CntChew ing; Navy Clippings,and Black, Biown »4 VeltowSNUFFS are the best and ebeapeft duality considered.