Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The Official Paper «f the County,
Subscription Rates:
One year, $1 on Six montls, 50cents; Three
months, 25oenti. Payable n advance.
Cotton pickers are in demand.
Best seed wheat for saie by John
P Gregory.
If we remember correctly, it
rained last Sunday.
The equinoctial gale came blus¬
tering along this week
Rev. H D Gilbert, of Red Olay
was in the county "last week.
A black eye is some times the re¬
sult of heated Anglo-Saxon blood.
The cotton fields are white, and
many calls tor pickers are heard
throughout the country.
Dr. Greer, of Chattanooga, has
.rented Col. T Starr's residence,
and will move down soon.
W J Johnson has moved into
his new parlor store, *hieh is now
complete, tasty and shiny.
The rain from ♦he nor th this
week was suggesdve of the ap¬
proaching gloom of ice crested win¬
We’learn that Mr. F tyette Var.
nell is recovering from his hurt re¬
ceived by being thrown from a bug
gy last week.
During cotton ginning time you
oan get corn ground any day ex¬
cept Sunday at Steel & Co’s mill.
J (J Barksdale miller.
We are glad to congratulate our
friend J B Johnson, of Calhoun,
on his success in obtaining the ap
pointment as postmaster at that
The Anderson Reds played the
Windy Gap Reds, last Saturday
near the 1013th court ground. The
game resulted 22 for the Ander
sons to 5 for the Windy Gaps.
If there is a true bid against you
just go and give op, h cause Sh<-r
ift Terry will get yt ur corpus or
follow you to the wilds pf Atrica.
That's right Lewis Go your duty.
Fob Sale— The cheapest farm in
Georgia. Well improved. I also
have the selling of some valuable
mills. Terms easy. Apply at once
or address 0. Huckabaa, Cisco,
Murray county, G».
A Bargain for A||.
Will be sold, at public outcry,
on the third Tnursday, the 15th
day of October next, at my resi
dence, about two miles northeast
of Spring Place, all of my person
al property, consisting of horses,
cattle, hogs, household plunder,
etc. etc. Terms mostly cash. This
Sept, 23,1885.
Mrs. W A Andeison.
A series of services will begin
to-night (Thuisday) at the Metho¬
dist church. All are invited to
attend. We call for help upon all
Christians who see the great need
of a thorough genuine revival
religion in our town. Gcd is will¬
ing to bless us—are we ready to
accept His compassionate offer of
salvation. There are many pre¬
cious souls to be saved and many
believers who are in need of quick¬
ening. This being true, we cannot
afford to be indifferent.
The North Georgi Association
held a very harmonious session
at Cool Spring latt week. The at'
teendance was large and the meas
tires discussed of interest to all
whose ptivilege it was to attend.
The Sunday services wera rained
out which was probably advanta¬
geous to the cause. God ha been
peculiarly lavorable to His chil¬
dren this year m sending rain on
Sunday of our camp meetings and
assodiation. Thus thwarting the
circus and parade devotees.
A synoptical review of the most
important cases tried at the Au¬
gust term of the superior court
will be found below:
Charles H Mitchell vs Cecilia E
Mitchell, divorce; first verdict.
Jacob Moody vs David White ,
verdict for defendant.
Thomas Lowery vs Margaret
Lowery, divorce; first verdict
The State vs Samuel Dean, aim
larceuj: ■verviict Oi guiltyf
The State vs John Oockburn,
Bastardy, verdict of not guilty.
The State vs Jack iVhite, mis¬
demeanor, verdict of guilty.
The State V3 James Greer, lar¬
ceny from the house; verdict of
Tnc State vs Jut]son Galt, mis¬
demeanor; verdict of guilty
The State vs James Ridley, dis¬
turbing public worship; verdict of
not guilty.
The State vs Judson Galt, as
sualt with intent to murder, ver¬
dict guilty of an assault.
Fannie Johnson vs Dan’l John
son, divorce, second verdict.
Lizzie Bing vs Andrew Bing,
divorce; second verdict.
There are a great many cases on
the docket that were not ready for
trial at the above term of court.
Eugene W Beck, the Clayton,
Ga., wife murderer was taken from
his cell in the Gainesville .jail the
other day and carried to the town
in which the murder was commit¬
ted to stand his trial. After look¬
ing upon the ghastly form of his
lovely wife, Beck craved death, but
now since the passing of a num¬
ber ot months, he is content to
live. He declares if his life is
spared he will reiorm. The insan
ity dodge will De resorted to by
his counsel who are very able law¬
yers. This case gives a frightful
picture of what whisky will do for
a hitherto happy home. The hus¬
band sips the poisonous cup until
uatural affection is destjoyed, his
brain set on fire from hell's sul¬
phurous fountain, his manhood a
wreck, his hopes blighted, and then
with the fury of a devil incarnate
he cruelly murders the wife of his
bosom and mocks at the outpour¬
ing of her heart's blood. Our
blood chills at the indescribable
scene and we turn away and lilt our
voice to other men who drink the
cursed stuff and plead with them
to desist and profit by the example
of Eugene Beck, lest, a calamity as
dire in some moment oi' intoxica
tionovertake you.
Prohibition in Murray,
The liquor question is being more
universally discussed at the pres¬
ent than ever before, not only in
our own state, but in the different
states and most all the civilized
countrb s of the world- From ages
of experience humanity has learned
that intoxicating drink has sent
more curses upon the people than
a hundred other evils combined,
consequently the good citizens of
each country aro uniting in the
struggle to thrust the destructive
monster from their midst and save
the next generation from its ma
levolent influences. We do not
have to ask our readers to visit
some foieign place and there close
ly examine the effects of prohibi
tion, and then say whether it has
a beneficial tendency or not. But
let us only inspect the records of
our own county during the past
two years, or sinco the legal sale
of whisky has been voted out, and
we will find ourselves forced to
the conclusion that prohibiton
has proved to be vastly to the in¬
terest of the people, socially mor¬
ally religiously and financially. It
is tme that prohibition ia Murray
has not been entirely successful in
stoppping the sales of whisky
among our people for like all oth¬
er laws this has its violators. Our
laws against murder do not total¬
ly prevent this worst of crimes,
but only serve as a great protec¬
tion to the lives of our people,
and the more rigid our judiciary is
in executing these laws, just in
that proportion will they suppress
the commission of the crime. We
in Murray county, have prohibition
and it is the duty of al. good citi¬
zens who feel an interest in the
morals of the county, to do all in
their power to enforce the prohi¬
bition laws and thereby stop the
eale of whisky in our midst. We
believe that whisky has been con¬
stantly sold in our town the
past year, in the face of the courts
and the law, and now the people
have become tired of this pest,
and all law abiding citizens are
anxious to see it suppiessed. In
our opinion a man can engage in
nothing that will bring more dis
tressing scenes on the community
in which he moves, than selling
whisky, even if it were recognized
i by the laws of the land. How
shall this imposition on society be
endured? Willjtke parents of this
country allow tne characters of
their children ruined, and their fu¬
ture blighted on account of the
sale and distribution of poisonous
red liquor, when they might by
simply acting in accordance with
the dictates ot duty have it imme
dial ely suppressed? If you have
an old craving, hankering appetite
for strong drink which you think
beyond your control and must be
satiated at the risk of health and
hell, steal away at the silent hours
of night and procure from him who
is engaged in propagating crimes
and crushing intellects, that Plu¬
tonic potion, and suicide your life
and soul secretly; and while thus
engaged in self murder be sure
and close your doors m order that
your example may not be seen,
nor your influence felt beyond
your own hearth-stone. We hope
that the people may become so
thoroughly awake on this subject
that a grog shop or tippling room,
neither public nor secret, cau be
found in the state of Georgia.
Then will the people have gained
a victory for which humanity and
posterity will unite in chanling a
chorus of glory and gladness.
New lot of buggies arrived at
T A & S E Berry‘s.
T A & S E Berry sell wagons on
time till fall for good notes.
Now is the time to buy the Thom¬
as Smoothing Harrow. Call on
T A & S Berry.
L F Clark, Fort Mountain, Ga.,
sells more and better goods at low¬
er prices than anybody.
Wm. Martin will give special at¬
tention to the collection of notes,
aocounts and claims of all kinds.
Any person desiring to purchase
a first class farm lying on Sugar
Creek, in the southern portion of
Murray county, can obtain a bar¬
gain by applying to vV D Heart
sill, Coosa wattee, Ga.
I have placed all my individual
notes and accounts in the hands of
W C Martin for collection to meet
pressing demands against me.
payment must be made by the 1st
day of November next.
Dennis Johnson.
Read This.
If you haven't paid for your pa¬
per this year, don't forget that we
would like t o have the monev, and
will slop work any time to wait up¬
on any who any be so thoughtful
as to ask.th9 liberty of handing us
their subscription.
Money will do everything but
keep a woman's tongue quiet.
Poetry, Music, Science.
This beautiful constellation now
graces as never before our nation¬
al skies. Its soft, sweet influence
touches a responsive chord in the
great heart of humanity. It is mak¬
ing golden the summit of Time's
rugged mountains and wreathing
with choicest flowers the Edenic
vales of earth. But we turn from
this pleasant theme to s»y the
times are hard, therefore go to J
C Linn’s for “Hock Bottom” prices
in flour, coffee, sugar, lice, syrup
and the neat assortment of grccer
iesusually found in general stores.
dealers in Type, °resses, Paper Cutters, and
kinds of Printing Materials, both Now
Second-hand. A corrected list of prices sale, is¬
sued weekly, cf all material on hand for
(much cf which are gennino bargains) will be
mailed free on application.
We can furnish anything from a Bodkin to
a Cylinder Press.
cmnqrcn long experience in curiu“ diseases of the iiloou, Skin Wfl
Bonei.-Norvou» Debility, Impotency, and Mercurial Dr*»nlo
Affection WeakneM, Apecially Gonorrhoea, treated Syphilitic on scientific principles,
a for List of Ques¬
with safe and sure remedies. Call or write
tion to be answered by those desiring treatment theiraddr*a«,'k by nihil.
/Personaauffering from Rupture should send
\and iearo something to their advantage. It I* not a tru**./
Addream DR. BUTTS, IS N. 8th SL, St. tools Me*
Win. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
legal business.
Are you disturbed at. night and
brjken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of
cutting teeth? If bo, send at once
and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup for children teeth¬
ing. Its value is incalculable. It
will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately. Depend upon i'
mothers, there is no mistakeabout
it. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr
up for children teething is pleasant
to the taste, and is the prescrip¬
tion of one of the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale
by all druggists throughout the
world, l’rice 25 cent3 a Lcuic.
When not Professionally absent, all
can be found at his residence at
hours, day or night. Prompt and
careful attention given to all cases,
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
entrusted to him. [mar 6 ly.
Dr. J. P- Fann.
Rksidxnt Dh ntist
All kinds of me
f ative Dentistry ex¬
- . ecuted inSrst-class
lip WES reasonable onable Celluloid full style, op In setsof and rates. partial Plate teeth at rates. reas- The put or at
Teeth ex tra c t e d
without pain by the use of Squibb’s pureSul
phuric Ether. The patronage of the citisens
of Murray oounty is respectfully solioited,
with a guarantee that I will do them as good
work as they oan get in North Georgia, and
as eheap as they oanget itdoneby any flrst
jass dentistin North Georgia.
Nashville, Chattanooga
& St. Louis Railway!
The Best Route to Louisville, Cinoicinnatl,
Indianapolis, Chicago anil the North is Via
Tile Best Route to St Louis and the West
iB via McKentie.
The Best Route to West Tennessee and
Kentueky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex
as points is via McKenzie.
Don’t Forget It.
Be sure to buy your tickets over
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The luexprlewced Traveler nee% not go
amiss, fewohanges are neoessary, such as ere
unavoidable are made in Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
Nashville and StLouisvia Columbus, Nash¬
ville and Louisville, Nashville and Memphis,
Martin and St Louie, MoKenzie aad Little
Rook, where connection is maoe with Through
Sleepers to all Texas poiutB.
Gall on or address
A B WRENN,Tbav.A., Atlanta, Ga.,
J H PEEBLES, T. A. Chattanooga,Tenn Tenn
IV T ROGERS, P. A., Chattanooga,
W L DANLEY, G. P. & T. A.,
Nashville, Tenn.
Georgia Murray county;
To all whom it may concern
James 0 Henry and John L Cole
having in jiroper form applied to
me for perms neat letters of admin¬
istration on the estate of James P
Cole late of said county deceased
and I will pass upon said applica- j
tion on the fust Monday in July
1885 Witness my hand and official
signature this 3 day of June 1885.
W H liamsny.
“Palace Shoe and Hat Store’.
McKeldcn & Carlton,
35 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, Q a
Wright s Indian Vegetable Pills
And all Bilious Complaints
Safe to ing. take, l’rice being purely vegetable; AU Druggists. no grip¬
25 cts. ,
A Business Notice.
All persons indebted to me either
by note or account will please come
forward and settle at once ot I
will be compelled to put them out
for collection. I also have judge¬
ments against a number of parties
that wil be executed immediately
if not attended to. J, T. Henry.
la. F. H e it r y & Co’s,
Ne>v Store,
You can get good bargains and ready accommodations, A
full line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
ar, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flour always on band.
Hughes & Law,
No. 9 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga
Give us a call when in the city, Wecausuit you in sty lh
and price.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
FORT MOUNTAIN, • • Georgia.
General Merchandise 1
Keeps constantly on hand READY a complete MADE stock of
and a good assortment cf Wollen Goods. Also, Sugar, Coffee,
Hardware, and in fact, everything cash, usually kept in a First-class
general store. Cheap for or barter. [jan 8, ly
_. I, . H
Al “ A W " 1 1 S ft U 11 II S 3 A 1/ . ,
Wtthin Ten Steps of the Caa Shed
Dalton, Georgia.
Every thing new and first class,
A home for Commercial Travelers ,
and Winter boaaders. Transient
rates $2 per day. Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
people of Murray county.
^_Q ^- LEWIS, Pr oprieto r ,
Notice to County Officers.
From this date all legal adver
Using must positively be paid or
pioperly vouched /or in advance.
Considerable loss in the past com
pels us to make this unvarying rule.
The rates are fixed by law.
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
D ALTON, Georgia,
Guarantees good work and
cheap rates.
Real Estate Agents,
Plx.ce, Georgia.
Will buy and sell lands, and
after titles of lands
by non residents.
____ ___________
W. Oglesby, DaltOn ,
supply farmers Ot
and Murray
with Bacon,
corn, flour and provi
skms, on time, payable
in the fall^ if they make
satisfactory notes.
Dalton, Georgia.
We have ai ranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wantiug pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Fer¬
rotypes made to j fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam
i ne our work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
well as .any other day.