Newspaper Page Text
Nor t ^Georgia Times.
The OUclat J*ai*3r of t!ie County,
Subscription Bates:
One year,$1 On Six months, SOcents; Three
months, 25 cents. Payable in advance.
lace Robinson—a fine eon.
Mrs. A J Love is very sick.
At Han Robiusoifs-a big bov
W J Johnson continues to build.
Base ball season has about pass
Business has begun to pick up a
Sam B Carter has moved to
Go to Mi s. W A Anderson*s sale
to day.
cannon sella every thing cheap
lor cash.
Com is selling at 40 cent s per
A big stock of Oliver chill plows
at Cannon's.
Sheriff Terry seem proud of his
princely son,
Cannon is selling goods cheaper
than ever before.
Cannon sells 4 boxes of axle
grease for 25 cents.
Cannon has just received his
fall and winter goods*
The largest stock of clothing iu
North Georgia at Canuon's,
Justice's court of the town dis
trict convened last Monday.
Cannon has the largest slock of
bo.ts and shoes iu the city.
ET Moss and family visited
relatives in Tennessee last week.
W H Bagiev, of the Ball Ground,
has the finest pears that we have
The protracted meeting at the
Baptist church closed Monday
We saw near one hundred stacks
of pea hay at Dr. E 0 Stafford's
last week.
Arrangements are being made to
manufacture chairs at May Hill
factory soon.
Mrs McCall accompanied her
husband, Rev. W C McCall, to our
town last week.
Mrs, Tennie Harris spent sever¬
al days in town this week with her
father, John King.
Will McGhee and Ed. Johnson
came cn a visit from Pine Chapel
school last Saturday.
gheriff Terry took Mack Jackson
the negro convicted of lunacy, to
the asylum last week.
Justice's court held at the eighth
district last Saturday, Justices
Kuhn and Lackey presiding.
Edmondson St Carter sold about
$10,000 worHi of goods at May
Hill up to the 1st of October.
Relatives should be careful not
to have a row over the property of
those who are now in the grave.
It is said by farmers that tlie
cotton crop will fall short about
one third from what was expected.
Rev. J S Hillhonse, pastor of the
Presbterian church, filled his reg¬
ular appontment at this place last
Bring out your old stoves anc
buy plenty ol wood for icicled
winter will soon be here if we may
judge from the present weather.
The pastor of the Methodist
church, assisted by Rev. T J Sim¬
mons, has beeu conducting quite
an inteiesting meeting at Mount
Zion during the past week.
Dr. G A Loftin, of Dalton, as¬
sisted Rev. McCall, pastor of the
Baptist church at this place, in con
ducting a series of meetings last
week. Dr. Loflin is an able, elo
qu^nt minister, attracted large
crowds, apd, we think, the meet
ing did a g feat deal of good. We
would be glad to see him back
Rev. Torn Simmons preached a
number of very interesting sermons
at Mt Zion last week. He will
preacn at Harrison chapel the 4th
Sunday in this month at 11 a. m.
Mr. Charley McEntire and Miss
Julia Montgomery, of the Ball
Ground, were married last Sunday.
We hope for them one eternal
least of happiness.
A list ofletters remaining in the
Post Office at Spring Place, which
if not called for in thirty days will
be sent to the dead letter office*
Andrew T Harris, J W Harris,
David Holder, Parlee Leadford,
Harriet Mathis, Ida Sims.
Wm. Anderson.
A road overseer said the other
day in a very egotistical manner:
“I occupy a higher, a more lordly
position than any other man in this
country. Not long since while
working the road I had as subor¬
dinates two bate-foot preachers.
• “Niggers,” Irishmen and preach¬
ers have more to bear than any
class mentionable.
The Careful Whisky Drinker.
This cognomen is rather uew to
us, but we understand it to mean
one who takes his customary am¬
ount of liquor at regular intervals,
always being careful not to over
load himself, keeping the balanc¬
ing line within the base He is
better knewn to the world as the
“moderate drinker.’ - Much of the
literature of our day teems with
articles, lectures, essays and ora¬
tions picturing in the most revolt¬
ing manner the awful curse—in¬
temperance. This will do great
good in working the reformation
oi many who may be awakened to
their dangerous, downward flight.
But we want to say right here “an
ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure.” The danger lies
in contracting the habit of drink
ing. No man ever began dram
drinking with the expectation of
makiug a drunkard, Yet multi¬
plied thousands have descended
from the morning dram to the
drunkards misery and wretched¬
ness to the drunkards grave and
the drunkard.- hell. The careful
drinker boasts of his strength of
purpose, his firmness, his sound
judgement, his marvelous discre¬
tion. Hear him when he looks up
ou some poor unfortunate: ‘It I
could not drink red liquor without
making a dog of myselt I should
never, never touch another drop. 1
The longer you patronize the hab¬
it, the stronger and more arbitrary
it becomes. The careful drinker
gradually increases the amount
taken at one time, and soon finds
ii.8 disordered system calls for the
more frequent use of the fug. We
are ready to acknowledge that some
men are found who drink moder¬
ately through life. This is the ex¬
ception and not. the rule. Though
it must be confessed his influence
is of the most dangerous character.
He stands up the synonym of man¬
liness, egotistical in his descrip¬
tion of his own indomitable will.
Other men less strong take him as
then* exemplar, thinking surely “I
too can be a careful drinker. I too
control, my appetite. I shall never
be a drunkard,* And thus the mod¬
erate drinker's influence curses
bus fellow man. Look at the young
m an who considers bimselt able to
from drinking too much, he
takes one diink after another, all
the while thirst for the horrid
stuff growing stonger, but still the
heartless foe is so subtle in his ap¬
proach that the young man seems
unaware that the iron chains of
senseless habit are binding him
securely in a vile prison of the most
abject slavery. You see him in
his downward career—ah, the
heart chilling picture^-health un¬
dermined, friends gone, premature
old age bis unwelcome heritage,
mother's heart crushed, hopes
blighted, intellect ruined, and re
morse bordering on despair his por
lion. Moderate drinker think about
your influence. Thousands begin
life under as bright auspices as
you, but in a vain effort to pass
through life a careful drinker, have
sunk into a drunkard’s grave, “up
wept, unhonored and unsung.**
And if you could lift the veil and
hear their bitter experiences and
listen to them tell the cause
all their min yon would beobhg
ed to think, for the words that
would strike your ear would be:
‘Moderate drinking, moderate
Best seed wheat lor sale by
P tiregory.
Cannon sells a good plain
flanel all wool at 16 cents.
Cannon sells a good all wool
scarlet undei shirt at 75 cents.
Cannon sells a good white shirt,
linen bosom for 40 cts.
Cannon sells 10 lbs choice
coffee for SI.
Gannon sells 4 lbs bast English
soda foi 25 cts.
Cannon gives more for a dollar
than any house in town.
Cannon sells heavy 4 4 domestic
at five and three fourths cents per
A large stock of ladies, Misses &
childrens cloaks at cannon’s.
A large stock of carpets & rugs
at cannon’s.
A large stock of hats & caps at
A good line of hardware at
A large stock of trunks & va
lices at cannon's.
A large stock of saddles,,bridles
and harness at cannon’s.
Cannon sells sells standard prints
at three and one half cents,
Cannon sells a good heavy twill
flanel all wool at twenty cents.
Wm. Martin will give special at¬
tention to the collection of notes,
accounts and claims of all kinds.
During cotton ginning time you
can get corn ground any day ex¬
cept Sun lay at Steel & Co’s mill.
J C Barksdale, miller.
Notice. —All persons desiring
boot and shoe work done will find it
their interest to call on 0 E Wall,
at his residence in Spring Place,
Any person desiring to purchase
a first class farm lying on Sugar
Creek, in the southern portion of
Murray county, cau obtain a bar¬
gain by applying to vV D Heart
sill, Coosawattee, Ga.
I have placed all my individual
notes and accounts in the hands of
W C Martin for collection to meet
pressing demands against me.
payment must be made by the 1st
day of November next.
Dennis Johnson.
W J Johnson has just moved in
to his new brick store on the Ken¬
ner corner which is now complete
and convenient, where he wails
and welcomes his former custom¬
ers as well as the public at large
to call in, examine, price and buy
before going elsewhere, as he now
has a first class stock of gcods on
land aud will not be undersold.
Read This.
If you haven't pa ; d fur your pa¬
per this‘year, don't forget that we
would like to have the monev, and
will slop work any time to wait up
on any who may be so thoughtful
as to ask.the liberty of haudi.ig us
Money will do everything but
keep a woman's tongue quiet..
A Bargain for A||
Will be sold, at public outcry,
on the third Taurs iav, the 15th
day of October next, at my iesi
dence, about two miles northeast
of Bprin*. Ptace, all of my person
al property, consisting of horses,
cattle, hogs, household plunder,
etc. etc. Terms mostly cash. This
Sept, 23,18S5.
Mn. W A AnJe.son.
State of Gkobgia MtiaEAY Cocntv,
Will be sold before the oourt house doorix
the town of Spring 1’lace, to tho highest bid¬
der atpublio the oulcry, Tuesday between the legal Nov. hours
of sale on first in next
the following described property to-wit:
Lois of land Nos. 9 and 75 in the
8th disk and 3 1 se-*t of said onunty
Levied oh as tffe properly of Us
bnm McGinnis by virtue of all fa
fiom the Superior oourt of Forsyth
county in favor of Josiah P Dough
ertv vs Osborn McGinnis principal
and Ltwrenee M Yaiuy security.
Also at the same time and place
the south half of lot oi land No
227 in the 9th dist. and 3rd section
ot said county. Levied on as
property of 0 N Vance by virt ue
ot a mortgage fi fa from tlie Supe¬
rior court Vanes of Murray county ir- fa¬
vor of & Kirby vs O N Wince
Properly in norsession of William
Campbell. This L TERRY, Oct. 1 1885.
C Sheriff.
Georgia Murray County.
To all whom itmay concern:
*V D Gregory having in prop¬
er form applied to me for perma
nent letters of administration on
the estate of Jathau Gregory late ot
said county, This is to cite all
and singular the creditors and
next of kin of Jathan Gregory, de¬
ceased, to be and appear at my of¬
fice within the time allowed by law
ax'd show cause, if any they can,
why permanent administration
sh in’d not De granted to said ap¬
plicant on the 1st Monday and in Nov.
inext Witness my hand offi
cial s g nature, this Oct. 1. 1885.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
When not Professionally absent,
can be found at his residence at all
hours, day or night. Prompt and
careful attention given to all cases.
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
entrusted to him. fmar ft ly.
Win. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J. P. Fann,
Rksiduxt Dsxtist
DALTON....... .........GEORGIA.
~^gtt All kinds of rae
chanioaiand Oj er~
mm ative Dentistry ex
eouted in first-class
style, and at reas¬
Hi if B onable Celluloid rates. Plateput The
mm “ vjj S py S U full P i sots l pai'i* of teeth 1 or
%S at
V\\-r-' reasonable rates.
Teeth ex traote d
witboutpain by the use of Squibb’* pureSul
pliuric Ether. The patronage of the citixens
of Murray county is respectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do them ae good
work as they can get in North Georgia, and
as cheap deutistin as they can get itdone by any first
lass North Georgia.
Nashville, Chattanooga
& St. Louis Railway!
The Best Routeto Louisville, Cinolcinnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago and the North is via
The BestRoute to StLouis and the West
is via MoKenxie.
TlieBest Route to West Tennessee and
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex¬
as points is via McKenxio.
Don’t Forget It.
Be sure to buy your tickets over
X.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The Inexprlenced Traveler need not go I
amiss, few changes are neoessary, suoh as ere I
unavoidable are made in Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
Nashville and StLouis via Columbus, Nash¬
ville and Louisville, Nashville and Memphis,
Martin and St Louis, MoKeniie aAd Little
Rock, where connection is maee with Through
Sleepers to all Texas points.
Call on or address
A B WRENN.Trav. A., Atlanta, Ga.,
J H PEEBLES, T. A. Chattanooga,Tenn
W T ROGERS,!’. A., Chattanooga, Tenn
WIi DANLEY.G. p.&t.a., Teun.
“Palace Shoe and Hat Store’.
McKeldcn & Carlton,
35 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, Ga.
Wright s Indian Vegetable Pills
And all Bilious Complaints
Sale to take, Brice being purely vegetable; All Druggists. no grip¬
ing. 25 ets.
A Business Notice.
All oersons indebted tome either
by note or account will please-come
forward and settle at once nr I
will be compelled to pnt them out
lor collection. I also have judge¬
ments against a number of parlies
lhat wil be executed immediately
if not attended to. J. T. Heki y.
L. F. Henry & Co’s,
New Store,
You can get good bargains and read}* accommodations. A
full line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Bug
ar, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat aiul Flouralwayson band.
Hughes & Law,
No. 9 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga
Give us a call when in tlie city, We can suit you in style
and price.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup, Leiioii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for casli or barter.
- { DEALER IN }-
General Merchandise,
Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of
and a good assortment cf Wollcn Goods. Also, Sugar, Coffee,
Hardware, and Cheap in fact, everything usually kept in a First-class
general store. for cash, or barter. [Jan 8, ly
Lew s House,
Wtthln Ten Steps of tlie Caa Shed
Dalton, Georgia,
Every thing new and first class.
A home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boaaders. Transient
rales $2 per da v. Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
pepple of Murray county.
J. Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietor.
Notice to County Officers.
From this date all legal adver¬
tising must positively bo paid or
pioperly vouched for in advance.
Considerable loss in the past com
pels us to make this unvarying rule.
The rates are fixed by Jaw,
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
D ALTON, Georgia,
Guarrantees good work and
cheap rates.
Kenner &Hix,
Real Estate Agents,
Spring Pla.ce, Georgia.
Will buy and sell lands, and.
loook i after titles of lands
owned by non residents.
Please Take Notice
j All persons who are indebted to
the estate of J P Co e, deceased,
arR enrnp8U v requested to make
payment, by the first day of Novem •
her 1885. If all claims are not
paid by that ti...e they will be
placed in t he hands of an attorna y
for collection. This notice means
nothing offensive, we do not want
to give trouble but we must col¬
lect. J 0 Henry,
J L Cole, Admr’s
of J P CFle dic’d.
Dalton, Georgia.
We have ai ranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and u’il) guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Fit*
rotypes made foi fifty cents.
Do not fail to cal] and exam¬
ine our work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
well as any other day.