Newspaper Page Text
‘North Georgia Times
On Widows.
When a fellow begins to mix
avound among tbe folks, just
for the purpose of noticing the
actions aud doings of the peo¬
ple, the first thing that pops
up most piominent to the view
of the curious observer, is
quite sure to be a widow, ei¬
ther young or old. It is pow¬
erful strange, yet invariably
true, that the sprightly little
woman can forget her devoted
so soon after he retires from
the scenes of this little old
world and enters other realms
about which there hangs a
cloud of mystery too thick
for me to attempt to peer
though. Why yes, before the
poor fellow has scarcely had
time to tune his harp and se¬
cure a place in tbe angelic
choir, his winning widow has
laid the mourning aside, donn¬
ed some dashing attire and the
boys are j jst having a jubilee.
Now that kind of a figure
looks mighty curious to a mod¬
est man, that is if he don’t
know much about widows,
and if he should happen to be
ignorant about them, if a right
beautiful one could get a fail
shake at him, iu a little time
she w uld make him believe
that the whole world was trans
formed into a single little wid
ow. The poet was very truly
impressed when he wrote the
following lines: “There is the
young widow, she is eager for
beaux, She will lick in a fellow
the first thing he knows, gk e
will take him up and give him
a rouud; And for to ma’ry Oh!
he is bound.” If a real sweet
young widow should tackle me
and I didn’t want to marry, I
would just flee for life—that is
if I found that I could not save
myself any other way, but 1
never did like to run. And
for fear that some of my young
readers might think that I con
fine myself strictly to young
widows, I will say that age af¬
fects no class ot the human fam¬
ily so little, as it does widows.
Because her head is as white
as the driven snow, that is no
sign she’s going to let you alone
my dear young friend; why
pshaw; I saw a widow one time
who didnt hav© but one tooth
m her mouth and as blind as a
bat in one eye and cross in the
other with scarcely a hair on
her head to indicate that she
had once been young, and I tell
you she would spark a fellow
so quick that it would make
your head swim. When a wid
ow gets a fellow strung in just
right, the only way to get out is
to marry out, and that’s a little
like jumpping outot tbe frying
pai. into the fi- e. If our young
ladies we e half so vigilant and
detrmiued about matrimony as
the widows are, old maids and
bachelors would not so common
in the country. I like to see
widows get off, but never did
like lie idea ot taking one, for
I dont exactly understand that
scriptural explanation about
whose wile she will be iu Hoav
i n, if we kuow each otbei up
there, it always seemed to me
t hat a ftllow aught to recognize
hisohjwymau audjustto avoid
disputes and a piobable law
suit, I dont want any claims off
my wife, but iny owil. in
the midst of a theolgical ques
tion I leave you to reflect.
Love to all the widows
Keat Muns,
Euclid Waterhouse, sr., de¬
parted this life the 16th of Dec.
last in Chattanooga, Tenn. He
died ot dropsy of the heart.
He was a member ot Sumach
Lodge No. 55 of Free and Ac
cepted Masons, At tbe last
meeting of the Lodge which
was immediately after his
death, a resolution exp -essing
entire expressing submission
to the Master's will in calling
our departed brother from this
temple made with bauds to
“one made with out hands, eter
ual in the heavens.” All the
resolutions ot similar occasion
were unanimously adopted and
the brethren recommended to
wear the usual badge of mourn¬
ing for the deceased tor thirty
days, Brother Waterhouse
as a citizen was o f first class,
laboring for peace and right*
eousness. As a member ot the
Cu overland Presbyterian
church he will be greatly miss¬
ed, as he had been a member
over a half century, “Mark
the perfect man and behold the
upright, for the end of that
man is peace.”
S H Henry, Com.
Thos. Lench,
A P Haggard,
Woodl wn Dots
Miss Lizzie Vining and her
brothel have gone to spend sev
eral weeks, visiting relatives in
Atlanta and Rutlege, Ga.
Mr H W Osborn and lady
are on a three weeks visit
among relatives near Harmony
Grove, Ga.
William Foster has moved
to Chattanooga, Tenn.
Mr Pel in has sold on t, and
will return to Tennessee.
Mr C N Stroud has sold hi
farm near here to Mr Will
Mr Rufus Williams I under
stand, has bought real estate
from Mr T B Vining.
James Haynes, ot this neigh
borhood, died of consumption
a few days ago.
W. R. D.
Fine Lands for S le.
I have a first class farm for ss’e
lying about four n iles noilheast
of Spring Place, in Mui ray coun¬
ty, ou Holly and Li tile R;.ck
creeks, containing four hundred
anu filty acres, two hundred and
fifty acres being first class bottom
land, the remainder splendid cot¬
ton and wheat land with fine wa
ter and useful waler power. Also
a good dwelling house, two good
barns and four tenant housas. And
will eell in parcels to suit buyers.
Terms ol sale 25 per cent paid
down, and Ihe remainder on one
two ..ud three years time at 8 per
cent interest. J F T UOKhR.
Negoti dions may be made
through Trammell Starr or W C
Martin, attorneys at law, Spring
Place, Ga.
All persons desiring to purchase
leather of any kind, kip, upper and
harness, we have it on hand, and
will sell as cheap as cm be boughl
anywhere else.
J 0 Henry & John L Cole,
Administrtor’s of J P Cole, decaas
Revenue Collector Tatum,
lormerly of Dmle county, has
moved his family to Dalton,
and will make that his future
A shooting g die y, with two
pretty girls to load the guns
and flirt with the boys, is a
popular re soft at Dalton.
One point we have mentioned
befoie should be kept in view
by the friends of the President
and of the Senate, the former
don’t want the latter to consent
to any bad appointmont. he
hopes the Senate will reject any
unfit man he has been misled
into naming. If tbe Senate shall
be as honest with the public
as the Presideut has shown
himself, they cannot have any
serious disagreement.
homestead Notice.
Wilson, Georgia, Murray county.
Mary A wife of John H
Wilson, has sppledfor will exemption
of personalty and I pass upon
the same at 12 o'clock at. on the
26th of januaiy 1886 at my office.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
Stati of Gao bo i a hubiat county.
To all whom it may concern:
Pleasant McGhee having in prop
erioim applied to me for perma¬
nent Jett'rs of administration on
tue estate of N A Megee, late of
said county, this is to cite all and
singular the creditors aud next of
kin of N A Megee to be and appear
at my office within the time allow¬
ed by law and show cause if any
they can, why permanent admin¬
istration should not be granted to
said applicant as applied for. Wit¬
ness my hand and official signs
tare this the 29th day of Dec. 1885.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
Stati or Oboioia, Murray County*
Robert Shields has applied for
exemption of personalty and set¬
ting apart and valuation of home
slead and I will pass upon the
same at 12 o’clock m. on the 6th of
Jan. 1886, at my office.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
Stop, do not drink bitters' a r ,d
stimulants which are only will tRmpo
rary in their effects; they , not
and cannot give back to you l^e
elastic step and bright joyoas ap¬
pearance of youth. Dr. J H Me
Lsan‘8 strengthening cordiat and
blood purifier is what you a ant.
Stati or Gioroi a Mukrat Cooktt.
Will be sold before court honse
door in the town of Spring Place
to the highest bidder at ptiblio out
cry bet ween the legal hours of sale
on the first Tuesday iu February
ucxt« the following described prop¬
erty to wit
Lot of land No one hundred and
seventy eight in the twenty sixth
district and second section of said
county. Levied on as the proper¬
ty of Mack Arnold by virtue of and
to satisfy a tax fi fa issued from
the tax collector's office of said
county in favor of the state ami
county vs said Arnold Levy made
and returned to me by A P Dun¬
can L O.
Also at the same time and place
lots of land Nos two hundred and
eight, and fifty nice, both in the
twenty sixth district and 2nd sec¬
tion of said county. Levied on as
the property of K ft Love by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi fa from
the tax collector's office of said
connty in favor of the state and
county vs said R R Love. Levy
made and returned to me by W T
Swanson L 0.
Also at the same time and place
sixty acres more or less off of the
sonth west corner of lot of land No
263 in the 26th diet and 2 Q d sect,
of Murray county Qa. Levied on
as the property of T A Henson justice by
virtue of and to satisfy a
court fi fa iu favor of S A Gregory
vs T A Henson. Levy made and
returned to me by W T Swanson L
C. This Dec. 30.1885
0 L TERRY, Sheriff.
On Five Years Time, at 8 per
cent, by Gorbin Banking Co,, of
New York, on improved farms in
Murray county, Application
must be made through
dee 7, tf. Tbammxu, Stabs.
Wright s Indian Vegetabu Pills
fob THM
And all Bilious Complaints
Bala to take
Hones.— >’ervs«s Debility, In* potency. Organ to
Weakness, tSonsrrksea, Hyp hill tic and Mercurial
Affections specially treated on scientific principles,
with safe and sure remedies. Cell er write for List of Ques¬
tions to be snswersd by those desiring should treatment Ibolr by address,^ uaU.
g Persons safTerisg from Rupture send
\and learn awartiring to tbolr advantage. It Is eol s trass.#
Address, DM. BUTTS, IS A. 8th BL, Bt. Louis, Ms.
The Atlanta Constitution
This great south?rD weekly should
be (akeo by everv la mer in the
state. Has all kinds of reading
matter, containing the productions
of three of the greatest humorists
of the day. Bill Arp, Betsy Hamil¬
ton and Uncle Remus. Send in
your name an J your m my end you
will be more than please).
/jffiirTUL x ONE a eertata TREATMENT. ear* tar Nervous
Debility, Impotence, Seminal eta Weak
The Saeipwuawl ness, in my Yractlce for 86Tsar*
and anTlluetrated book of 60 page* giving folTol
Read This.
If you ha rev t paid for your pa¬
per this year, don't forget that we
would like lo have tbe monev, and
will stop werk any time to wait up
on any who may be so thoughtful
as to ask the liberty of handin' us
their subscription.
Money will do everything but
keep a woman's tongue quiet.
I havo placed all my individ ml
notes and accounts in ihe hands of
W C Martin for collection to meet
pressing demands against me.
payment, must be made by the 14
day of Novamber next.
Dennis Johnson.
Will be Fold at Ihe late residence
of N A Megee, deceased, in Marrav
connty. Ga., on Friday the 8th day
of January, next, within the legal
hours of sale the lollowing proper¬ boss,
ty to-wil: One horse, cattle,
sheep. wagons, harness, farming furni¬
tools, household and kitchen
ture, corn, fodder wheat, oais and
other articles too tedious to men¬
tion. Said property belonging to
the estate of said decea-ed. Terms
For all sums ot five dollars and un
der cash. For all sums over five
dollars on lime till let Nov. 1886.
with no*e and approved security. Megee
P McGhee, tern adm'r N A
J. S. Harriett,
Agent for WALTER A.
WOOD’S Harvesting Machines,
Reapers, Mowers and Binders.
Also agent for FRICK & CO’S
EclipseJTi action and Plowing En
<> ... Up, Vibrating General Tin hue eshers, of Machinery. Cotton Gins, Grisly
Mills, Cane Mills, and a
W ooten AND Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Dalton, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
Jut Received at the Mlllnery Store el
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
4gE. E. BROWN,gh
The Jeweler.
Dal to a,
Watches, Clocks, Silver
War*, Spectacles, Ac.
Personal attention given to
repairing. bank. Store next do<>r
Henry Eber. No. 341 N 16<!>
street, St Louie., sa : f .•«!!»• it.
tell you that th I ot «• <»• Tar W in
Lung Balm wucb I ou> t of. you
is the be^t rum dy tb
for croup, mv lit i le rl l'o >r ear
old had a very t>:»d oia« k au i w>
despaired ot her life, but two do^e
made her all r.gbt.
Arrival and Departare of Malls.
Dalton—Depart* 7 a, m. daily,arives J pm.
TalkingBoek—Departa Ta. m. Saturday,
arrirea 0 |>. m. F i l»y.
Bllijay—Departs 7 a. m, Tneaiay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives ft p. aa, Monday,
Wtdneedav, Friday.
Casaville—Departa 0am Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives • p 11. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday.
Conuasauga—Departs ft a. raday;
arriraa 7 Thursday.
Saddle or Collar Galls. Dr. J II Meliesua
Voleanio Oil Liniment takes away Fever,
reduces the Swelling aud heals the sores.
It aota like a eharm. Wash aaeh Sora
clean at least ones ovary day, d>. not rub
CalhosftyGa* Sp/iogFiaoeyGa
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt atteatien given to all legalbuiiaesa
Flour for r ale
At tbe Spring Place flouring
mills, situated nine miles east
ot Spring Place, on the waters
of Holly creek; first ckss family
flour is always kebt on hand
at the lowest cash price..
A. T. Loo an.
All persons having demands a.
gainst the estate of James P Cole
late of Murray oounty deceased
are hereby notified to render In
their demands to the undersigned
flccord ng to lr w and all p >rsons
indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment. Thi»
June 17tb 1886.
Administrator*! *”£?&*&£ P Ooludsa’A
A new and elagaat assortment of Milinery and Straw Goads,eonaiating of Straw
Bonneta and Ladies’and Children's Hata [trimmed and untrimmed] Silka, Neek
and Saab Ribbona, Vilrot Ribbons, Meek Tiea, Bonnet Satina,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments &e. Oar good!
ware bought of the largest and beat importing Houaas in Balti¬
more and Mew Tore, and will be sold at vary lew
priceafor eaab.
The Cabbage for the South,
EtUxr for tn» a*a er for ablpmemt to Xonnsi Kiiurs,
TUf nlubla, as wall aa • full list of th* meat desirable
wn be found described la addreao ear Manual of - Irnniua ron Tin Ganna*," which will be seat to aaf
ou receipt ef aSampe [*e.J to eerer pottage.
Peter Henderson & Go. SEEDSMEN * GROWERS,
Si A *7 Cortlaadt SC,
Maccoboy Snuff.
Caution to C onsumers.
As many inferior imitations have
appeared upon tbe market in pack¬
ages so closely resembling ours as
to deceive the unwary, we would
request purchaser to see that the
red lithographed tin cans in which
it is packed always bear
Our Name and Trade-Mark.
In baying the inferior imitation yon pay
as much for an article as
the genuine costs.
Bn lira You Obtain Thu Genuine.
Red Tin-Tag Plug Tobacco.
The Fluaet Sweat Navy Chewing To¬
bacco Made.
Beware of Imitations.
Stock and Convey
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’8 Livery Stable
m Dalton, Ga, Also a wagon
Yard is kept is connection
therewith. The patronage of
tbe people tmueh desired, and
**P* ciall y tho## bom Murray
W . L.rfinaau. B. F. Carter.
Attorneys at Law.
Spring Place, Gigmu.
Office over 3 P Cole k Ct't.
Cpticianand Jeweler,
IThallite Wbftt.. Atlanta, Cn
Stati o» GiotetA, Murray Ceuaty:
Hanot Mo*tbs 1 Mnrrnp Superior Court,
vs ) f Marob adjourned term
Jab, R. C Moans 188S.
It appearing to the Court from the retara
of the Sheriff tbst tbe def’t dors net reside
in this eounty, and it further appearing that
she does notr- side in said state: Itiathan
fore ordered by the court that aervicebe per¬
fected by publication in the North Georgia
Tinas, a newspaper published in said county,
in terms of the law. March 2, 188ft.
The above J C FAIN, J.S. C., C.C.
is a true eztraet from the mla
utes of court. C. N. KING, Clerk.
with Bad Tin Tag) RwaUaf Flae SstOhaw
lag; Navy Clippings,aaft Blank, Brown and
Yellow SNUFFS araftWWst aai dbeapeet
• •» . i -4 ;