Newspaper Page Text
J^ortfcfteorgift Times.
TX* (MSeUl Paper <rr the County,
. %.*
fWtocrtptlou Rates:
®a*y.*r,>io* si* month*. 50cenU; Thrw
MOBthl, 25 tests. Payable is advance.
Now i* the time to subscribe tor
the Tones for the new year.
The psrty excitement seems to
be gradually subsiding.
Subscribe for fbe Tates «t once
and begin-with t be mew year.
Merchants say business be h<-«m
rather dull for the past t«o weeks.
•v Q 1 V Johnson, of <he Ball Cronnd.
' " is selling r*ady made clothing at
persons Indebted to T A &
S ® B«ry are requested to settle
without delay.
Since the recent freeze ai d thaw
tits roads between ,h ie and I)al
iot are almost impassable.
It is thought, that the cold weath
sv has done ccnsi ier&ble damage
to the wheat crop in this county.
Iha liqBor reformation continues
t« wax warm. Wwji. aii «e n»v.
M «,y
High prices seemed to be the
roain chaiacteiatic ot' the circ;:s
.how in l..t M ona„
Qnjte a betw wind aw.-rt
through the vaciuity or J A McEn
«w,onS.rg« ««» 1-si fr>'i»r
If you want a nice nvot s n't of
clothes go to S M D Tbom rs, in
Dftlton. and !/#!•' have him to order
j The Fall Groqpd iuRticeg court
lield forth in full force last Rstur
and B.g
, «■ "A*/* i rr ■ ■
Wf roqoested to aBr^rn’-'e
: tbat^Rev. J 3f Stone wifi pro ch
at the Baptist ehurob in this place
on ths 3rd Sunday of next month.
-• Jjdmond Oterk, ooWfid wan >»r
re 8 f ed aw t brougbk before Tnstioe
H Oea tsifl, last Monday, charged
with kidnapping. Suit was dis¬
missed and Clark dismissed.
Z 'E-tplevelanrl as « full lin<» of
groceries, flour, meat, "off^c. Sug¬
ar, tobacco, syrup e<c.. on h«nd
the Herry building, and will sell
as cheap as can be bought else
vhere. Step and trade with him.
^rdiffary W H Ramaoy‘s books
show th* utimber of marriage li¬
cense umuefl lor the year of 18 5 5
t<|be 99. Wlv didn't another
<?triple fix it up? At the present
rate ’86 will go to one hundred and
fifty. ..
“ • o s
* _ _
Marriage ^ i. ' g licenses issued .
this week to the following parties. -
Jesse WillbankB to M * 98 Partbenta
Brown. J R Keith and Miss Minnie
Bseplss, Walter Osborn and Mi s
V B Jackson. Also Benjatnin Mc
Satire, col, and Rhoda Loody*
AH persons indebted to me by
Account will please come forward
end settle by money or note before
the l»t Tuesday Sn February or,
they will find their accounts in
the hands of an officer for collec
tion after that) time. T J Ovbey.
Mat Spruii| v .ol the Ball Ground
who has beeif'iil for quite a lung
time died on J»si. Thursday night,
and wus buried’at the Ball Ground
Ohurch Saturday, We extend our
tenderest synjpathies to the rela¬
tive* and frieflds.
It will be repiembered by all
who jy feel is interested, the time announced that next Sat
the teachers of the county to meet
for the purpose of organizing
teachers institute. We look upon
this as hying a move in the right
v "direction, and if alt the iriends
education will unite their streiiglh
and compare opinions at this meet
ing the time will be well spent,
\r* t jhhe teachers intelligent,
ere ,as
well informed men as they
be,'a coming together of them * 11
would be pleasant-if v nothing
be accon?pii3hed. dbfi^ So
you are a t«ao Ue'r ’f3‘4 et
Wm. Martin wjll give special at¬
tention to the collection o! notes,
aacocnts and claims of all kinds.
Notios—T he board of stewards
of stewards of Spnig Place c.rcuit
will please meet me at Spring
on the first Tuesday in Feb
mary Matters of importance
concerning the circuit demand the
| immediate attention of the slew
ards. Please, brethren me. t me.
\V B Aknomd
Read This.
Ifyiu htvrtiet ,»i a ibr y me p i¬
per t his year, dent forget that we
would like o have the monev. and
will s op work ttn^ tim<; to wait up
on-any whom'y b.- s.. thoughtful
as to ask th • liberty • f baodi * us
Uieir Mibacripticti.
Money will . everything but
keep a » omun tongue q net
Speoiai Notice.
D C Tilling began a six months
term of 6 choo! at Woodlft ati last
mouday. Will teach all branches
iii mathematics and the English
language. Tuition one dollar per
sch 'tUr per mo. |h. Special at¬
tention will be given t> the prepa
lation of students who may desire
to take a more extensive course.
For further pTicuars address
D 0 Viuing.'Wo d awn. Ga
fa W Oglesby, at Ken*
ner’s warehouse. ’formers Dal ten
6a ., wffl tarnish
of Whitfield and Mlir
C0Un, ? eB W!th SUp
pi 6 S { SUCu as B&COQy
corn, Flour, Hay, Sugar
iwocofeto SyrUP, Edit, TO
, 0 it -time tUl
fa 1 if they make good
notes, I
In order to meet son^e eaj[ly and
prtssing demauds u'ppp^mej I-awl.
ctmpeiled to m ke’colli ctions and
»!i i>w'soi >8 indebted tome bv note
or pccouoi will please come for'
ward and eU,le without ’ de-lav. I
am also compelletl. to stop letting
out drugs ou a credit, and in the
lutaittny customers will please
not ask it of ms. These requests
mean business and all persons
whom they may concern w ill please
iook at tfeem in that light. .1
Da. W if Aahaasen
A Twenty Dollar Bible Prize*
The publisher c t Rutledges
Monthly offer twelve valuable re¬
wards in their Monthly for Fehru
arv, among which is tin* fcMowing:
We will give $20.00 to »he per
son telling us which is the longest
verse in the Old Testament Scrip¬
tures (not the revised edition), by
Feb 10.1886 Shoud two or more
correct answers be received, the
Reward will he divided. The inou
ey will be forwarded to the winner
Feb. 15,1886, Persons trying for
the reward must send 20 cents in
Biiver or postal notes, (no postage
stamps .taken) with their answer
tor whit hi they will receive the
Monthly lor’Maroh, in which the
name and address of the winder ot
the reward and theconect answer
will be published, and in which sev
eral more v iluable rewards will be
offered. Address Rutledge Pub¬
lishing Company, Easton. Pa.
Fort Mountain Ripples.
Owing to the recent freeze, we
were deprived of several mails to
and from Eliijay.
Our esteemed friend O N Vance
has sold his property at this place
and will, we understand, start to
Orlando, Florida, to day, where he
expects to settle. Thus Ft. Mqun
tain loses a good citizen.
A debating society has recently
been organized at this place, which
meets every Thursday night. A
kind invitation is extended to ev~
ery body,
: Several mariiages are expected
soou in -which some of the village
J boys Jhe will dog embark, (concerning which
mention has been made) was a very
rich affair. Col. O D Keith repre
senting-the plaintiff, Col.
frn ex-miner, the defendant.
would have been quite a treat
the most prpfbnud student, lo
B^ebpre’sent, and tasted one
■ott''of glass 1 , rich in ambrosia
!'at"the - fount ot thought
by these abl e »! toriieys. We, up
pore it would be jud to add
1 Co 1 . Wiukley earrried thei day
1 L.
Any person desiring to purchase
a first class farm lying on Sugar
Creek, in the southern portion of
Murray county, can obtain t> a bat"
gain by applying to tV Heart*
sol, oi l Cooe awattec, Ga.
All persons who bought guano
from Ovbey & Martin will remem
‘".“““■t” and must he paid promptly. •»»»• 1 We “
have to make payments to the com
pan? and cm n >t wait on any one.
On Five Tears Tune, at 8 per
cent, by Corbin Banking Co,, of
NewYoik.on improved farms in
Murray county. Application
must lie made through
dec 7, tf. Tbammeu. Stake.
3014.103 COLLGGK.
The sixteenth year of tnis in
si imtion will open January the 4th
1886. Instruction thorough.
Classic, Scientific, Business.
This instiiution is chartered un..
der the laws of Georgia and appro
priate degrees will be conferred on
those who pass satisfactory exam
inaHous in the respective courses.
Tuition from one to two dollars
per month, one half pavablejin ad
vacce the,reiaainc|er at. the .e^pi"
ration of the first half term. XI e
greatest educitional advantages
with the least cost to the student
has always been the motto of this
school. Sumach has sent forth
hundreds of young men who are
rising to eminence and power, and
is destined to send forth many
huudredir nioref; v .
Young gentleman and ladies of
Murray and adjoining counties to
you her doors staud open wide
You will find a welcome within
her halls. For further particulars
send for catalogue. Address Prof.
jBHT'Hfuuipareys, President of Fac
ulty. Sumach, Ga,, or Dr. M Quinn,
President of Board, Nortons, Ga.
J. C. I'aiu, Judg«6up«rior Court.
C. N. King, Clark Superior Court,
0. {.. Tarry. Sheriff.
W. Ii. Hamej, OrJiuar/.
T. J. Orbey, Treasurer.
X. H. BrambWtt, T« Stsstlnr.
W. D. Gregory, Tax OolleeUr.
U. M. Bates, Count; Surreyer«
C. B Holland, Coronor.
Commiasloneri, Dennis Johnson, >. Water
house, Sr., S. L. Trimuiler, Jehn A. Berry,
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. U, Chastain, Pres,
S H.Henry, Sec’, and County School Com¬
missioner, W. G, Harris, H. L. Pang'e, John
G. Spruill.
Spring Place—824th Dlst., 8 G Carter J. P.
B Hesrtsill N. P., D C Kenner and John
Childers Constables.
Ball Ground—82bth Dist., JW D Hnrtsili
J. P., H W Bagiey N. P., J M West and An¬
derson Black Constables
Eighth—984th Dist, W R Lackey J. P.,
J H Kuhn N. P., J M Fox and John Ingle
Doolittle—972nd Dist., W C I) Gordon J P- !
Ira Orifftith N. P. t J T SprDjgacVd aud S*P j
Duucan, Constables. r
. |
Teoth—874th Dist., T J Bryant J. P„ D C
Dunn Constable. |
Alaculsa—1011th Dist,, J 11 Oncal J. P, ;
J II Wilson N. P., J D Baxter and .E,S How¬
ell Constables.
1013th Hist., M W Cloer J. P., B F C j
Iioaghridge N. P., E L Bates and G W
SwuasOn Constables.
Shuolt Pen—1039th Diet., K W Eond J. P., i
J B Bcndand and W M Richards Constables, t
.... i
Ball Pen— 1291 th Dist., J W Fincher, J P. |
B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn and W fi j
Brows Constables.
a 1 WM) m [ I you PAI F4BB PTRTnfna should 1 WP
*m: __WETHURILL** wm) -■
■ Portfolio Ot
f ^ e;; ,c |w Artistic DtslfM
i ^ Old-Fashtooed
Restdeaoes,et&VCOl- ^ ^
/ it m, n J EL*tl«ll"^PlIllt k tir 's hades of
v nud showing the
^rlatest fective combination and most ef
fipu- of colors in bonsv
asto*ibt painting. if dealer hs* . not .
nteato your
I N can then see exactly bow
jJjjJoy’lM ^ntehd 4MK
mixed y
' 6fi0D WfitSstUlACO.
j MANyFACTuasRS, ^
Ouohqia Murray County.
\\ m. Luffman having in prop
fer term applied to me for penna
letters of administr ?tion on
the estate of John O'Connor late ol
se ;. t coanty , This' is to cite all
and singular the creditors and
of kin of John O'Connor, de
^C b L“?,„ a f [
acd show if -
why canee< any tbey oaDf
permanent administration
should not be granted to said ap
•plicant on the 1 st Monday in Jan.
n* it rtun ts my hand and offi¬
cial bgnatm e. this Dec 3 1885.
Vv H. Ramsey, Onlinarv,
---: 0 :
When not Professionally absent,
c <n be found at his residence at all | I
hours, day or night. Prompt and
careful attention given to all cases,;
’Medical,Surgical and Obstetrical,’
entrusted to him. f mar 6 ly- j
Will. C. Martin,
\ at Law.
String Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J. P- Fann,
R*3ID*HT DaHTiat
• i
DALTON, ......GE0HG1A.
S?3 All kinds of me
.* chanicaland O, or
eJ ativo Pontistry os -
ecuted infirst olnss
style, and at reas
enable rates. The
(lellnloid Plateput
Iglr^S full up in sotsofteeth "partial or
V reasonable oatas.
Teeth ex tra e t e d
phurie Hithoutpain by the use of Squibb's pureriui
Kther The patronage of the citizens
of Murray county is respectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do them as good
work as they can get in North Georgia, and
as ohetp dentistiu as they can get it done by any first
lass North Georgia.
Dr. J II McLeau’s Hotnocopathio Li "0 r
aftd Kidney 1’ilJets will rum ,Ve thhse para -
Sites r ram the bowels and thereby relier : e
-jP*n«tJpatlpn. Piles, Meurnigia, Hheum atlsui
and all sash painful eemplal nti.
Nashville, Chattanooga
Sc St. Louis Railway!
The BeatRouteto Loalivllls, Cinalolnnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago and the North is via
The Beat Rowte to StLonis and the' West
is via MoKemie.
The Beit Route to West Tennessee and
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex
as points is viaMcKensie.
Don’t Forget It.
Bn sure to buy your tickets over
He. C. & St. L. R y.
The luexprienced Traveler need not go
amiss, few changes are necessary, such as ere
unavoidable,re inadein Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
Nashville and St Louis via Columbus, Nash
ville and Louisville, Nashville and Memphis,
Martin and St Louis, McKenzie aad Little
Roek; whero connection is maee with Through
Sleepers to all TexaB points.
Call ou or address
J H LATIMER Taav. A., Atlanta, Ga.,
' .J,H PEEBLES, T. A.Chattanooga,Tenn
W T ROGERS,?. A., Chattanooga,Tenu
’ Nashville, Teun.
I urge everybody to uks witli Dr. j M
Met ' e ‘ ta ' a iii’mctopathia Diiietsv Dr. ,xii
Liver and Kidneys, and give strength and
, tone to the proper organs of the body.
From .T 11 Hints, Tnttys Bend Tonic ;
f|no t,f our. lady customers has boon
ted for scituo time'with lung disease, iu
la" t was given ui> by her physieirnv ho in
tL hot'.lee of lie. .1 !1 .Mc-i.oau’s
1 llr Wine Lung Balm have affected a cone
plete cure which is looked upc» a»n *i mi
! A Business Notice.
AH Dersoua indebted tomes
b'v note or account will please come
j forward and settle at once «n J
w ‘‘‘ ^ compelled t >put Ihem out.
tor collection. ! also have judge
nieBts agains: a ..u urn bar of 'parties
’ :£L{ t ' t> t ‘* e, ' ute ff immediately
if net attenuwd -to. i. r. H Kir Ft
. .a. .
If. Heury & Co’*,
New Store,
r <
You can got good bargains ami ready accommodations. ^ A
full line of Family ■Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
at, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flour always on Land.
~ ZZl..:
Hughes & Lau,
No. 9 Pjcachtree St., Atj.anta, G a
Give us a call when in the city, We can suit you in style
ami price.
' 1>:E A LKR IN }»
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci
gars>Hats, Etc.
' i’
The best East Tennessee Flyur, Bacon, Lard, Sugar; Collee,
New of Orleans Hats Syrup, the Lenoir's Factory Thread.and a select stock
{Summer of latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices f<5v cash or barter. - - .
.■>#r ■ :.w t .
General Merchandise y
Keeps constantly on liaml a complete stbck of c'
Hardware, and a good and assortment fact, cf everything Wollcn Goods. usually Also, Sugar, Coffee,
general Cheap in for cash, barter. kept hi a First-class
store. or [jan 8,1 y
Lewis House,
Wtthiii Tan Step* of tlic Caa Shed
Dalton, Georgia.
Every thing new and first class.
A home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter bounders. Transient
rates $2 per day: Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
people of Murray county.
J. Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietor,
Notice to County Officers,
j From this date all legal adver
fining must positively b'e paid
piopcriy vouched for in advance,
pda US to lllflkfi Ulis Hit Varying tuh>.
The rates are fixed by 51 law.
i Wanamaker & Brown,
T!i«larpwst cuFitom.oi-tler and
! retail elwthing liotwe.
„ S M n<r n V rpomur THOMAS, a u
i - - -
I •
j Merchant latlor:
-• e
j DAL’D, X. G KOKGiA-,
| c.««w«, tout 4»rV
I rat**.
Kenner &Hix,
Real Estate Agents,
Spring PLaCic, Georgia.
Will buy and sell lands, and
loook after titles of lands
owned by non residents.
Please Take Notice
All persons who are indebted to
die estate of J F Coe, deceased,
arp TO ™ esU v " quested to make
payment by the first day of Novem •
ber 1885< If all claims are not
paid by that tbey will b«
placed in the hands of an attorney
for collection. This notice means
nothing offensive, w» do not want
to give trouble but we roust col
ltd. J 0 Henry.
: J L Cole, Admr's
Of J P Oi l* dcc’d.
i —
j i ii
■ D align.-; (JKOBGU.
. \V\: pare ,'r: ranged our
to.roj»fee oversale plro
tqL'i'Bj»bs m>ijV',\vi']] guarantee to
pjca^'those ivanting’picture*.
.Cotuea dmf'AiKnlnrgaments a
<]p-ci*lL . l > A« f .
gui: G.em*pictures nr Fa-
1'OtypcH‘imule thi fifty cents.
Do nut fail to-.cft.13 and
im* cur \v<n-k'.\t'fien in Dal toft.
S'* a« 0 any "* otii«r •*&»> day; '&>«»**