Newspaper Page Text
North Oeorgia Times.
Tin »’Seia« »»a*r or the Coaaty,
Sahecrlptloa Rate*:
•ae year,Si 0S Six monthi, Ofsenti; Three
Months, ISoent*. Payable ia advance.
Cannon sells a good calf boot at
12 .
Gannon sella a prime calf boot
at $1 75
Cannon sella Oliver points at
33£ cents.
Cannon is agent tor Oliver
chill plovV*.
Gannon sells a fine kid button
■hoe at$l IE,
Cannon sells a good suit of
clothes for $5.
Cannon «nlD aa<M from
$2 50 up to $8.
Gannon ael’s the best grtin but¬
ton shoe at $1 Id
Mr. J J Bute* and wife have re
turned to ChernW,
Gannon sells the best French
calf boot at $3-
Gannon sells the best standard
prints at 5 cents.
But little cotton Tt-mains in the
county to be sold.
Cannon veils 11 pounds best
Rio coffee for $1.
Cannon sells fleiman plow
stocks for 90 cents.
Cannon sells good prints at three
and one half cents.
Cannon sella an all woo) scar
let shirt at 50 cents.
Cannon sells an all wool blue
over shirt tor 65 cents.
Cannon sells a good ltnnen
white shirt for 50 cen**».
Cannon sells the beat calf shoe,
womans, at one dollar.
Gannon sells the best split leath
er boot made at$165.
Gannon sells tbe best whole leath
er boot made at $190.
Mrr. F W Rembert visited M 1 ’
Lee Bond’s last week.
Cannon sells a good set of
sb^ggy harness for $6 50
Cannon sells bull tongue and
scooters at 10 cents each.
Gannon sells a good split polk
woman's, at sixty five cents.
Cannon sells a No. 1 eastern
"bYogati shoe at ninety ephts.
The whe*t-*rop is hot. looking
very flattering jufil now.
Now is the time th. subscribe for
the Times for the new Tear.
Gannon sells the best whole leath
«r woman's shoe at one <?i>llar.
Subscribe for the Tima , at - ones
and begin with the new mr.
Mr. J P Kelly has gone on * trip
to Walton county this week.
Gannon sells the bent split polfc^,
woman’s, at, seventy five cents.
c,«.« .ell. th7h,.™«t 4 4 do
mestic . at five an d , , one half . ,, cents. .
Doolittle [nstice's court conven
ed Saturday with a full attendance
G W Johnson, of the Ball Ground.
is selling ready made clothing at
Gannon sells the heaviest Geor
gia checks at ax and one fourth
Mr. W O Carter, of Atlanta,
spent several days at May Hill last
We regret to learn that Mr. John
Sprnill. of the Ball Ground, is
quite ill,
Deputy Marshall Edmondson
still Continues to capture the whis¬
ky violators, *
AH persons indebted to T A 4
8 Berry are requested to settle
without delay.
8 T Cleveland has a full line of
grocoriMtjHoar. meat, coffee, Sug
av,' tchaceo, svrnp, etc,, on hand at
the Harry building, and will «e!
•s cheap aa can. be bonght else
w hot*. Stop and trade with him.
f Cannon 8ells ^ best caif
gress or mce aho*. mens, at
dollars wor' li 1 or.
Rev. W B Ar-oid preached an
inteiesting serin n at the Metho¬
dist church last Sunday.
The liquor question is in a fer
ment * D d there is no telling what
person it may sour upon.
Wm. Vl*rtin will give special at¬
tention to the collection of notes,
accounts and claims of all kinds.
Look it i iion‘s do ing oat
«ale. A sweeping reduction in all
lines at the leader ot low prices.
If you *..nt a mcu. neat suit of
clothes go to S d D Thomas, in
Dalton, and iuve hira to order
it for y >u
Rev. G A Lofi > >, of Dalton,
ina mi « >!»>, interesting talk at
etiig *ii last Wed¬
nesday nignt
The time is fast approaching
wh n farmers sit u 1 have alt things
in readiness for a crop daring the
present year.
Kbrtlie benefit l .» fe w who are
n it profound stndeuta of the alma
nac we will state Hi > nex< Satur¬
day is the filth.
We are glult to icarn fhat Pine
Chap-1 tchoo! is uo.v In a prosper¬
ous condit bn. „itb a tegular at¬
tendance of 102 sehollars,
We ha Vi been requested to an
ntunce that Rev. M ■ W Shields
will preach at Piee Hope on ti.e
lot Sunday in nox< month.
The toWn has flooded with
drummers for the past few days,
and a» usual they are all wordy
with compliments upon the Tem¬
ple horse.
Thomas Caragan, a half witted
fellow who was at work for Mr.
Qideon Jackson, near town myste¬
riously disappeared a few days ago,
and nothing has been heard of him
Any person desiring to purchase
a first class farm lying on Sugar
Creek, in tbe southern portion of
Murray county, can obtain a bar¬
gain by applying to W D Heart
sill, Coosawattee, Ga..
All persons who bonght guano
from Ovbey & Martin will remem¬
ber that their notes ate now due
and must be paid promptly. We
have to make payments to the com
pany and can not wait on any one.
All persons indebted to me by
account will please come forward
and settle by money or note before
the 1st Tuesday in February or
they will iiud their accounts in
the hands of an officer for collec¬
tion after that time. T J Ovbey.
Read This.
If you haven't pa : d for your pa¬
per this year, don’t forget that we
would like * o have th6 money, and
will stop work any time to wait np
on any who may be so thoughtful
as to ask the liberty of handing us
their subscription.
Money will <>o everything but
keep a woman's tongue quiet.
In order to meet some early and
pressing demands upon me, I am
to make collections and
Af^l*4j*to< or s^jonut ^ will please , »-. come for
war dge , tle wilholjt delay . 1
am«lso compelled to stop letting
out drugs on k credit, and in the
customers will please
ot f - mq. These requests
mean business 'slid all persons
whom they may cbncvcn will please
look at them in that
Db. W rf i , bjsuo m
A . — Twenty 1 r." Dollar >■ Bible Frlze
The publisher ot Rutledge's
Monthly ofler twelve valuable re
wards m tbeir Monthly for Febru
arv, among which is the following:
We will give $20.00 to the per
son telling us which is the longest
,OT. m lb. Old Testament Serip
tures (not *he revised edition), by
Feb 10 . 1886 . Shoud two or more
correct answers be received, tbe
Reward will be divided. The raon
ey will be forwarded to the winner
Feb. 15,1886, Persons trying for
the reward must send 20 cents in
silver or postal notes, (no postage
stamps taken) with their answer
lor whit h they will receive the
Monthly for March, in which the
r . ,u.d addra. of ,h. .inee, „l
th® reward and the corject *nb\ypr
w m b. ^ubiwbej, a „d in which
eml ok re vnuable rewards will
offered. Address Km.edge Pub¬
lishing Company, Easton, Pa.
On Widnerday night of last
week, after the se- vioes of
meeting were over at the Baptist
chuioh. Mr. Walter L Osborn,
Bristol, i'enn.. and Miss Victoria
B Jackson, ci mis county, marched
into the church, both elegantly
dressed in splendid wedding attire,
and Rev <tk A Li ftin, who had been
invited over from Dalton, 'or the
special purpose of of tying the
nuptial knot, b ng present, instant
ly arose and pei iormed the mar
r.age ceremony in the most beanti
fal and effective style. After which
the happy, ponple accompanied by
a number of IriendB, left for Mr.
Gideon Jackson’s, the heme of the
bride’B father, not iai away in the
country. Mr,Osbornisoonnected
li ith the Wrought Iron Stove and
Range company, of St. Louis, and
appears to be a you g man ot splen
did business qualifications. As for
Miss Vic it Is not necessary to say.
* word lor Ae is known and foxed
by all thrughoat the county as be
mg almost a perfect model and
awoiiuj lady in every respect
May ibeir happiness daily increase
as up lie hill of lib they go,
S :7!A. fl COLLEGE.
The sixteenth year of tni m*
stitution wilt open January the 4th
1886. 1* .t,ruction thorough.
Classic, Bcientific, Busiuess.
Tais inst^ ution is chartered un¬
der t.he laws of Georgia and appro¬
priate decrees will be cmfrrred on
those who pass satisfactory exam¬
inations in the respective courses.
Tuition from one to two dollars
per month, one half payable|in ad
vance the remainder at the expi¬
ration of the first half term. The
greatest educational advantages
with the least cost to fbe student
has always been the motto of this
school. Snmach has sent forth
hundreds of young men who are
rising to eminence and power, end
is destined to send torih many
hundreds more.
Young gentleman and ladies of
Murray and^djoining
yon her doori stand open wide
Yon will find a welcome within
her halls. For further particniars
send for catalogue. Address Prof.
C H Hump’areys, President of Fac
nlty. Sumach, Ga., or Dr. M Quinn,
President of Board, Nortons, Ga.
O W Oglesby, at Ken*
ner’s warehouse, Dalton
Ga. t will furnish farmers
of Whitfield and Mur¬
ray counties with sup¬
ples, such as Bacon,
Corn, FJpur, Syrup, Hay, Sugar
Coffee, Salt, To¬
bacco, dtb., ou time till
fal if they make good
notes. T
Wm. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J. P. Faun.
i Euiiixt dhtut
/ j daltox ................OEonou.
- .bmi!iih."«,r*|W
etire l)*i. fietry ex
?>. «»t eim
*Z&r SSB&RB£RF o U »bi**r" «e-. T Vhi
, j ceUnidUi.t’mie t .ut
fuii»et.*ui i«c.h *t
^i5.t!fySi”^ / ^v - T.Vth «* ue'Ve d
r T u, * ofS< s ,,ibh, ''i> iir *Siii
’<.» *Murr«j «mtj P u r ,°e“ peotfuiu-* o!s 'l
»» cWp’a*tiiej o»i t etiNonebv «..> irst
i as * etwgu.
Dr."J ( U l^^Lel^'i Horaoenpiilh!* Wm r
and Kilney *t|| remove time < r« -
lit#* frqai the vh°V|| end therelij riliev*
Oomtipktion, Pitei. v «, 4r il g i», Kheu.tfk lima
•xd elliiueh peinfut Sin pi-in
Froinj T H illnea,- 1 ( rtT* B«n<t fr-M',
Oni nf- ur lady c>i«‘<»> rl , h*,1.««n jtlQi..
t.ed fof lorao lt*V liaeaeo, in
tact rurobii w|i thru gtren boitiq* up bj bw-phyiioirae»« o4. ff M«^e«b'i in.
^ r . j
- :o:
When not Professionally absent,
.can be found at his residence at all
hours, day or night. Prompt and
careful attention given to ah cases.
Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical,
intrusted to him. [mar 6 1?
Nashville, Chattanooga
j* & St, Louis Railway!
Jahead of all competitors!
The Beit Route to Louisville, Oiaolslnnati,
Indianapolis, Nashville. Chicago and thi North it via
Tho Beit Route to St Louii and tb#| WmI
il via McKensie.
The Beit Route to Wait Tennessee and
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkaniai and T.x
ai painti ii via MoKensie.
Don’t Forget It.
; Be t-uie to buy“your tickets over
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The luexprtenced Traveler mid not go
imiii, few change! aro neooiai-y, itieh noro
un avoidable ara made in Union Japoti,
Atlanta nd Hmfcvi Atlinti .id Louisville,
Nashville, sad St Lu iivia Columbui, Nath
villi ind Louisville, Nashville md Memphis,
Mortis »nd 8t I.ouil, MoKensie »*d Little
Rook, whir.eolin.etioli ismseewUhTsr.tgh
Sleepers Call to ill Torn poiuti.
ob or address
J H LA.lMl it Tiiav A., Atliuts, Gi.,
J It PEEBLES, T. A.Chsttitiiiogi.Tonu
W T R0UEK8.P. A., CbiUtn.ogt.Tenn
Niiuriili, Tina.
T urg* .nryboty to taki with D>. J II'i Iloinopopi.tbla Pilliti, Dr. J U
MaLiao’i Homoeopathti Livir aud Kidney
Balm, which will awn ferin, and heal the
Liver lid Kidney*, end gire itrenglh «»d
tone to the proper urgani of the body.
Lewis House,
wtthu Tm stapi ,r th« da th«d
D ALTOS, Gkokgia.
Every thing new and first class.
A home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boanders. Transien
rates $2 per day. Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
people of Murray county.
J. Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietoi.
W. namaker & Brown.
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
S, M. D. THOMAS, 1
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Georgia, ;
Gnarrantees good work and
cb***p rales :
Dalton Georgia.
We bare arranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Fer¬
rotypes made tot fifty eents.
Do not fail to call and exam¬
ine our work when ia Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy m
well aa any other daw.
Notice to County Officers.
From this date all legal adver¬
tising must ponitivelv bo paid or
pioperly vouched for in advance.
Considerable loss in the past, com
p«ls ub to make this unvarying roL\
The rates are fixed by law.
Ovbey, Bryant & Co.
Have Opened A Iv'ew Store In
Spring Place, Georgia.
And the citizens of Murray County Deed no longer plough
through the mad to buy goods in Dalton.
We will constantly kiep on hand everything usual! kept in a
gener.l stole, and will sell at the lowest cash prices.
It you don’t believe it cou.o and price our goods before you
buy else win re.
la. F. II e ii r y & Co’s,
New Store,
v r
ou can get good bargains and ready accommodations. - A
lull line ot f amily Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
at, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flour always on hand.
Hughes & Law;
No. 9 Pkacutbks St. Atlanta, <Ja
Give us a call when in the city, Wecansuit you in style
and price. 1 : f>
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup. Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select slock
of Hummer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock boH-im prices fo» cash or barter.
mm o
fit ISlt PlllfeCt IUtTIfflllt tu VOllf.
tlM< Rxeluelveljp at the
Grand Conservatory of music , 11
Indirwtf by all Kmlnent Artiste.
in«sm WME.Miisew^stS«*.!,
CbV‘ STW 6:1" .’
Aaslmm PURE
<“”‘?§5D_R\“" QRAS" ‘9
Ara the Finest in {me Worll
8P»! ut
\ w
<0^ i
f p \
I* Bibbing! Nt BackarW ! It Sera fitgtn!
w.rr»» <W i wt u. x^ut, «• c mm.
tikrnteiMer p>7 Iwli. imumbmu** uncMgi
*»“, «ne nke win be mulled
o.*„ 8houdy *»um.
Billiard»Pool Table
Tied ratHHlrrl/ hr PHI l ATS CJ.i SO.
Sixes: prom a'i*s rr. to 3X*t rr.
B C'impleti ouffiti Chalk ol table, Cum, BiMi,
■ W Caunlers. Tipa,eiC.,ioWliom ■ ■
$40 to *130, W
Equal In Ml rwpqcts to fl«e molt expensive toWa*.
Thoowiodi *tM on trlni and mttatH,
tlon. of IxMp yfflir bnaband Parlor and Billiard boye at b<eM jMth Thar
«»no our Portable Table*.
afford recreation tor mind aad body, and bra a
fuaclnaUcB and pleaou: o to all.
771 BnoADWAy, N» vw*
it ! MJk aU, AKAM MT6. G
IS Adeato Street, CMwsp.