Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
The A. & G. R. R.
The outlook for the building,
at an early date, of the, Augus¬
ta and Chattanooga railroad is
now tnoore flattering than ever
before. Men of brain money
influence and enterprise now
have their eyes fixed upon this
contemplated line of road, and
regard it as one of the most iiu
portaut now being p-ejected in
the south. Various opinions
are enteUained as to the exact
g ound over which the road is
to be built; of course, most
every man, living in the differ¬
ent counties through which it is
to run. thinks it will, or ought
to pass right by his door, and
each one of the towns m those
counties feel certain that tins
great artery of trade can’t be
built without coming within
its corporate limits. And this
is natural for every perspn to
look to the interest ot home.
The most probable course for a
road, between Augusta and
Chatanooga, is through Gains
ville. Jasper or Ellijay, Spring
Place and Coliutta Junction.
On this route thci'e would be
but few curves in the road, and
none of them very material.
It is said that the main object
of the load is to get a shorter
connection between the Atlaii 1 -
tic sea board and the great rail
way systums of the west.
1 orming as it will this mipoit
ant connecting .ink and passing
through a section of country
which ... can scarcely , . be excelled, . u ;
on the continent, tor its agii
cultural cuitmat and atm natural nmutai resources lestuiccs,
un estimation ot the work it
w.uld do can hardly be made
too large. And \v hile this toad
may miss some of the older
towns and thereby .larken their
future it will j>ass through
some and build them up. 1
t he road should pass thiough
Spring Place, which if built it
will surely be, would .
most we
then have the two things essem
tial , - i to . the .. building 1 i.lLlinrr up „n of of a •» tin ihviv iv
jng town, a fine country and
rnilroad facilities- But it’ to
secui'e tin* passage of the. road
through Spring Place, any in¬
ducements are necessary we
would ask the citizens not to
hesitate in offering them, lor
property would be increased m
value ten fold and but few in¬
vestments pay such an enor¬
mous per cent.
To John IL Kuhn, Sth l)is>
i net; C D Durham Ball
Ground district; Dr. B IJ
Brown. 1291st district; A K
Ramsey, Doolittle district; w J
Peeples, 1013th district, W G
Harris, 1036th district; James
Coffey, 10th district; J R Har
j is, 1011 th district; Democratic
Executive Gommittie tor Mur¬
ray County Ga.
You aie respectfully reques¬
ted to meet in Spring Plrce on
t e 1st Tuesday in May next
to transact important business.
This April 24, 1886.
W. Huffman, Chairman.
(t is said that Jay Gould
wept, when delivering ins test¬
imony before the congressional
committee. This is a news
paper lie. Jay Gould never
weens until he has lost seventy
five tvnts in Wall street.
Cleveland has submitted a
message to congress containing
ti proposed plan to settle troub¬
le between capito] and labor.
Tliefle seems to be about
twenty five aspirants for the
governorship of Ga., and pe T -
haps several hundred who
would like to lie georgia’s
It is understood that Mr.
Cleveland has raked a news¬
paper leporter over the coals
on account of the rumor that he
is to take Miss Folsom to wife.
A well known Chicago poli¬
tical! drinks two gall us of i a
ter a dav and is very healthy.
This is a pointer for the politi¬
cians of Louisville Ky.
The old Indian mounds
about Cartersville, are receiv¬
ing some attention from per
suns vvlio are delighted with
the curious.
Mure people are expeote in
Atlanta, at the un veiling of the
Hill Statue, on next Saturday,
than have ever been there
The preachers are denounc¬
ing the Sunday papers. Maybe
it is the Monday papers they
are afte”.
England predicts that it will
strain American statesmanship
to stop the Western strikes.
Bacon and Simmons are
keeping about even in the gub¬
ernatorial canvass.
David B. Ilill G vernor of
New York, is the coming man
of the c ountry.
Sam Jones is firing hot shot
at t ] ie citizens of Columbus,
. Booth engaged
Ml*. has to
P :| y -1 tug 1 " lu ' x .. sea80P> .
auuiist siiehii f s sale
„ IU} LAliiK
„ ,, „
Will be sold before tlie coun
house door in tbe town ol Sprint
of sale on tha first Tuesday in
August nextthe following proper
ty to wit:
Lot of bllld No. G5 in the twenty
fifth district anti S.- con I Rtction o,
ooUIlly. Levied O ' bv VI (Ut
of a ,„J to satisfy a t«\ fi ia issuu]
from the tax collector's offic >
Said CoOUty iu luVor of tbe still
an( j county against said lot oflan
i for taxes for tbe year 1885
Also at. the same i me and place
lot, of land No 77 in the twcnl v
fifth dist and second section of said
county. Ltvied on bv virtue .f
and to satisfy a collectors tax fi fa office issued
bom the tax o;
said county in favor of the slate
and county vs said lot of lard for
taxes for the year 1885,
Also at the same time and phtce
lot of land No 119 iu the twenty
filth uist and second section oi
said county. Levied on by virtue oi
and to satisfy a tax li fa issued
from the tux collector's office of
said couuty in favor of the sta'e
and county against sai i lot of land
for raxes ror the ; ear 1885.
Also at the same time and p ace
lot of land No 151 in ihe twenty
filth dist and second sect ol said
county. Levied on by virtue 1
and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued from
the tax collector's of said county
in favor of tho state and county vs
said lot of land for taxes for the
year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
lot of land No 134 in the twouty
seventh dist and second section ot
said county. Levied on by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi ta issuer!
from ilmiax collector's office ol
said county in favor ot tbe state
and county vs said lot of laud for
taxes for the year 1885.
Also at the same tune and place
iot of land No 172 iu the twenty
seventh dist and second sect of M»iu
county, levied ou by virtue of
md to satisfy a tax fi a from the
lax collector's office oi said county
in favor ol tbe state ami county v,
said lot ol land for t.Xe. tor the
year 18 5
Also at thi sain, tone and place
iot of land No 220 in the t wenty
seventh dist and < econd section ol
sanl county Levied on by virtue
A and to satisfy tax u ia issue.)
from ihe tax collector's office if
said county in favor of the siu!e
and county v« said lot «,f lanu lot
taxes for i lie year 1885.
r\ Igo ni ih -snm- ume and pi ce
lot of land No. 218 iu tiro twenty
s ;vei\th dist and second section of
said county. Levied on by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi fa issutd
from the tax collector‘3 office of
said county in favor of the state pad
cuonty against said lot of laud lV>r
raxes for the year 1885.
Also at tbe same time and place
iot of land No 207 in the twenty
seventh dist and second sectim of
said county. Levied on by virtue
ot and lo satisfy a tax fi fa issued
from the lax collectors office of
said county in i'avor of the state
and county against said lot of land
lor taxes for the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
lot of laud No 2o2 in the twenty
soVanth (iisl and s cond sect of said
county Levied j by virtue of and
it. satisfy a tax fi fa issued fr m
rhe tax co 1 lectors office of said
cou ty in favor o; the state and
county against said lot of laud for
tuxes for the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
let of land No 288 in the twenty
seven lb distand second section of
said county. Levied ou by virtue
of and to satisfy tax li fa issued
from the tax coilector‘8 office of
said county in avor of the state
and county against said lot ot igml
for taxes lor the year 1885.
Also ,1 the same time and place
lot. of land No 58 iu the twenty
sixth dist and second section ol
said county. Levied on by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi fa from
the tax collectors office of said
couDty in favor of the state and
county against said lot of land for
taxes for tha year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
Iot of land No 118 iu the twenty
sixth dist and second section of
said connty. Levied on by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
from tbe tax collectors office of
said cou ty in favor of the state
and county against said lot of land
for . taxes lor the . year eighteen.huu ,, ,
dred and eighty five.
Also i t the a me time and pi ice
lot ol land No 121 in the twenty j
sixth dist and second section of
said county. Levied on by
ot end to satisfy n I x <i I t .
it'ioi) tbe ix cult* <d IT :
JJ*of,mu L !u>\, ,t . i •. > • t >1 i' aJ
! m ' ' aX t U \‘ "i \" u
A , su al lhe „; m8 um- auj ,, ace
into l»ml No 1 JO m ihe i«n,nt>
sizth dirt mid -ee nd seeion <f
said couny Levied on bv virtue
oi and m satisfy n tux li (a nwiwl
from the tax cot lector ot
coomy iu lyvor of the Mate
and oounty against said lot ot land
lor luxes for lie vt at^'VgyMeen
iiumlt e i nnd ei bi v ti ve
Alsoi'tthe Fame time and plaoe
No 122 in the 26th di^t awd 2n<l sedti(-n < f
Ftiid county. Ueviedoti by virtue of «n<l f<»
satisfy a tax fi fa is.- ued from ilu T x Col¬
lector's office of suit! cou h{v in fovot of the
county Mgam.t said lot cf l t ti for
Also ttt the a me iau' . .1 |i' nf lun-l
0 ' ii'the 26t|j dirt .. I. 'I 2 d re.'t u.n (,!
<,ou,lt y. Levied on »*, virtue of « II. haUb
tIIX Ta. isasue<t I .in to,, l'.x . Oil re
off,oe ofstttl Connty in (»vor nf^tbe state and
g .i».t.»ia t..iofi.nd ».r ,«» ior
,hey arl88j -
AUo»tti.ea...n« u..., . ,.i „u,,. , n.«i
Nh 131 iu tllc ' i(l h ! l is, »“'* ~ d 8«' t»n t
sai,iC0U " ,J '- ' :,i "" lj v Vl, ‘ u n » .....I I
a “ £isf - t “ “ ,x/i i ,n m u '* Ux Af
»wW. «ffiveof»»,.i c«umy in i,v„, tits.
state and c.iHiity vs mi . i o . U l r ;ax. s
for tha year 1885.
A Ho at the same time a ■s o iot and
No. 13 *jJ in tho 26th dist .-inti section <d said
county. Lev ied ou by virtue of m d ui satis
fy a tax fi fa issued fiom the Tux Collector’s
office of sitij county in favor of the mate and
county njaiust said lot of U d for taxes f
the year 1SS5.
Also at the samo titno and plant lot of land
No. 1U6 in the 2(ilh dist and 2nd sect of said
connty. Levied on by virtueofand to sstis
fy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax C elector t
office of aaitl Cou., ty in avor of the stuteand
county vb said lot of laud for taxes for the
year 1885.
Also at the same time and place lot of
land No Hi) in thc2fith dist and 2nd sect
of said county. Levied cn by virtue ofand
to satisly a tax II f- issued from the Tax
Collector's office of said cotlnty in favor of
the state and county vs said lot of lund for taxes
for the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place lot of land
No 150 i . tbe 2t>!h diat and 2nd seetionof
said connty. Levied on by virtue of and to
satisfy a tux the Tax Collec¬
tor’s office of said county in favor of the state
and cuaty yssaid lotof land for taxes tortile
year 1885.
Also at the s.iuiotiuie and place lotoflaml
No 151 in the 2fith dirt and 2nd sectiou of,
said county. Levied on by virtue of aud to
satisfy a tax ft a from the Tax Collector’s
office ol said coun ty In favor ofthe state and
couuty vs said lot o; land fur taxes for the
year 1885
Also at the same time and plscclot of land
No]53in the 26th dist aud 2nd section of
said county. Levied on by virtue of and
to satisfy a tax ti fa issued from the Tax
Collector's office of said county iu favor of
the state and county vs said lotof land for
taxes fur the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place lotofland
No 157 in the 26th dist and 2nd section of
said county. Levied on by v rtue of and to
satisfy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Col¬
lector’s office of said county in favorofthe
state and county vs said lotof laud for
taxes for the year 1885.
Also at tbe same time mi place let of land
No util) iu the J6’h distaad 2nd suction of
■aid oouuty. Levioi on by virtusofand to
satisfy# tax & fa Istoed from the Tax Colbo
tor’s office of said county in favar of tbe
state aad»county vs said lot of lead for taxes
for the year 1885.
Al-o at tbe same time and place lot of land
So 222 iu tbe 26th dial and 2nd sect of laid
county. Levied on by virtue of and to sat¬
isfy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Collec¬
tor's office of said county in favor of the state
and coanty vs said lot of land for taxes for
tbe year 1885.
Also a! the game time nnd place
sixty acres mure ur less of lot of
land No 217 iu the eighth di-trict
and third section ot said county.
Levied on by virtue of and to satis
fy a tax fi ta issued from lhe lax
collector's office of said scounly id
favor of the sl-tte and county vs
said lot of land for taxes for the
t ear eighteen hundred and eighty
A so at the same time and place
eighty acre* omre or less of lot of
land No two hundred and eighteen
Jn the eighth'dist and third sect
of -aid county. Levied on by va¬
lue of ard to satiety a tax fi ta
issued Horn the lax collector's of
said ecunfy in favor of the state
and county against, said lot of lan
for taxes tor the year eighteen
hundred and eighty five. Tins
April 29.18SC. U L Terrv.
State op Georgia Mubeat County.
Will be sold before court hou,-e
door in tbe town of Sprang Place
to ibe highest biddet at public out
cry between iff- legal hours of sale
on tbe fir t, Tuesday iu May
next, the following described prop¬
erty to wit
One tenth inteiest in lot of land
No. 32 in the 8t,b district and 3rd
section of said county. Said inter
est being about sixteen acres more
or less of said lot of land. Levied
on as the property <>i Mrs. M It
Baynes by virtue of an 1 to sati-fy
a ius , ic , court li t issued from the
twelve hundred and n^neiv tirst
dist o m of said county in favor of
jatid a W Ilarle agt. igninst s ud
M li and j A Bavu s L vy m de
ret-un ed t ■ m. by j DStaffed
\ - * - ji h same time, and
hds t .mid N- h. ' w j hundred nnd
x*y i i tw • mmdred nnd eighty
• ii't- lu ibe well y sev'nth distant
St. i. n of said counly. Levied < n
as ibe ;>■ perty ol Willinni Stafford
by vir n of and to satisfy t v > jus¬
tice nour li fas from the ii
di i g m nf id cop.niy, one in 1 ivor
oi Ft nk . Dav: & G i. vs Will
mu -t illard nd un in favor i f
\\ M I I . v 1) VS ‘V in. Stafford.
Lev. Hi ide t'V E L B i I.'B L C iliid
5 *
M M UoWeh, “bearer,” vs K G Corbin, oil
rah M C«-ri>in nu<i ArMls ,\1 t, bin
Ueoigi i, Murray Couh' v;
It ajtpearing to b oun by ho jictilion ot
M M lioweii, “be . i.r” i i ij » Got bin, S,.
i-ah M Corbin --I Artil'snn M .rbio on tlus
8th <1 ,y of November 1HSS, < .VO ted ft ltd d<
livlivrred tu tut Oliver lluokttba.i and voni
(lOtiiioiior is b> ; .1 •v.itii.itda oonsitlera
«, u0 .» mon g .* on , .f !.. • : No. thr. •
bundr V ,Gl),n Uw 27lb I.m-I
4l ' trw ' - od '•'* • •" ui :\ , '’••fi
i lying tie tliui i 1 n i i.vt iimro
1 ■- < c r - mg i. lit \ <1 \
j *A I JMI5U r »\ ai e or
11 o 1 • 1. : 3 .
tut OS t .IS
tIi .i « fi G ».’■ <v '/ta . rl
11 l -; i M 1 • i < , t I s ) 1.11 * i 51 • f.\ i V•, a,
1888, and due on th day ol NovcuiU
j 1884 and puytib e l«> ihe s;ii i ‘Civet' S l u * It • -
, «>r bearer, and v tn petitioner is 1>
. .
for viiiu ible oorisiderafi <n, which said •
j ( .said r) G Corbin, Surah M Corbin aim \ i
ti ssa M Corbin refuse to pay. It is i « ro
fore ordered by th court that th** t>. id K «;
Corbin, Sarah M Co-biu au»i Artilisui M or
bin pay on or before the next term thereof,
the principle and interest due thereon said
note and the coat of this auit, or in default
thereof the court will proceed as to justice
shall appertain. Audit is further ordered
that this rule shall i*e published ouce a month
for four months in the Nokth Utconot* Tucks,
a newspaper published iu the county of Mur
ay, or served on the said E 0 Corbin, Sarah
M Corbin and ArtilUaa 51 Corbin, or their
special agent or attorney, three mouths be
fore the uoxt term ofthis court.
J C FAIN, J S.C., C.C.
W Lukkman, p'ff’s atty.
I her by certify that the above is a true
coppy from the minutes of cjurt. This March
8, 1886. C N Kino, C. 8. C.
Stop, do not drink bitters and
stimulants which are only tempo
rary IU their effects; they Will not
aud cannot gtv.1 back to you the
elastic Sl(*p Dlul ought joyoos up—
pearance of youth. Dr. J 11 Me
Lean's strengthening cordial and
blood pmili r is what, you want.
Henry Ebert, No. 1344 N lGtli
‘-■irtct, St Louis, pays: I called to
led you that the bott le of Tar Wine
Lung Balm watch l bought of you
is the best r medy in the world
for cr. up, mv lit tie girl four years
old had a very bail attack and we
despaired ot her lile, but two dotes
made her al! right.
Geokgia, Murray County.
Lydia S Brackett wife of John Brackett has
applied for exemption of personalty and set¬
ting apart and valuation of homestead and I
will pass upon tfic same at 12 o’clock M. on
the 4th day of May 1886, at my office.
W ooten K S Holmes 9
Wholesale Dealers in
Baiton, Georgia
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Mlliuery Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goo^fl,consisting of Straw
Bonnets slid Ladies'a«d Children’s Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck
end Sash RibhonJ, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ao. Our goods
were bought of the largest and best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New YorK, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
Riding or Walking
Corn and Fallow
/|\ With double 9*ow Corn Planter
and Fertilizer Jttachments com¬
plete in one Machine.
J 1 /f tel i v J L d t titles an largo as hist year,
IF mfoy Htfj-;! i;»- !VAi \ oeeutdedterribw. RELIABLE AGENTS wanted in All un
J mailed free. Adduesa,
ifetiwcfe'i *'eiui for catalogue
HENCH & DROMCOL^, York, Pa. Namethupaper.
j tJ
m Sill DURABLE. i
ii WorcGStsr GfganCo,, Worcester, Mass ! I
Send for Catalogue and Price List. !
nr ■AO*
Ha no ' ' iiiced,
ta the burnt.
with i-. i u.-v • inorat#
liauid ok o. • .MJV O te Tha
o ontt. i ileth and
fabric. 1 v > H.proo(. for
whatever i t AO. not claim
ioMtiiwn. lit - > rd ice coco
pied *bAtaob.tft.. by tlh- Airily hold
th« HiTW* " ~5SS
nnd thus t
Rond t<» ns r
pamphlets of < 3SSS
our Goo
Houbo. Hi- j±sem
mas.or fit- •
j 40T-I y, Kciv York.
| j T A S E Berry a t 1 Wooten k Holme ■ vs
C N Vance. Rule Nisi to foreclose movt •:
' Georgia, Murray f’..
: !< appearing to the court by the n o “
i of T A AS E Berry and of Wooten & !!■•: CS
that C N Vance executed and deliver.-.! to
them on the 2Sth day of December 1:i
i mortgage on the following ptoperty to - '
Fart of lot laud No. 2Q 0, i the 9th u • ‘
and 3rd action of Murray couuty, conGi;
three acres tu ro or less commencing 5d
IVotn pine treo i n N W side running I: S
to W Rod’s li.e, thence with Red’s .....
.'•t ■ ltaa’s line, thonee with Mctlau’s ■ .
« M iii 8 road, thence back so fuct u-.-m
! tree. Also lot of land No. 123 in t MSUi
district and 3rd section ef Murray
Georgia, for the purpose of securing the
meut of certain debts o. ah aceeunt due V A
& 8 K Berry firm of $8.25 and a note due said
Wooten i HolineS firm of f79.15 besides in
tercst and ten per cent attorneys fees, said
note bearing date May 6, 1885 and due sixty
days after date, which the said 0 N Vance
refuses to pay. It is therefore ordered by the
court that the said c N Vance pay into this
court on or before the next term thereof the
principal and interest duo on said debts and
tho cost of this suitor in default thereof
tho court will proceed ns to justice shall up
pertain, and it is further ordered thnt this
rnle bo published in the Noyth Geukoia
Tims, a paper published in said county of
Murray, once a month for four months or or
served cn the said C N Vance, his agent or
attorney three months previous to toe next
term of this court. J c Fain, j. s. c.,c.c.
SP Maduox, Petitioner's Att’y.
I certify that the above is a true extract
from the minutes of Murray Sup’r Court. This
16th day of March, 1886. <
c N Kino, o. s. 0. ■
/ /
Don’t Purchalo Worthless
m g|||||||jypRE w
0 yon should
0 f examine
Portfolio of
Artistic Designs
IToitsef,, Queen Suburban Anns
Residences, Cottag<>s, .col¬
f'.-j ored to match
M3&8 V shades of
ii'CV -- --- —and showing the
nf' . SZ~ V ) latest and most ef
:, — * K t f furtive combination
sss; of colors in house
oootenU fivo--—*y/ jRSNGSr^'Ty painting, If dealer has not
of every 1 vfcsrtlfti' i pot your portfolio, ask him
package -•i i'JP S our
ofour K ' to send to us for one. You
>ATi "Jrr? sed '■ : 1 ? can then house see will exactly how
READY- l \ ,-A your finished. appear
\ ff\ H when
MIXED \*M Do this and use "Atlas”
tssaratS PAINT \ i Ready-Mixed Paint and! in
I f Ts sssas er.
Sr-i Si? y If| mrsstssisr[ wiMtttt
56 North Front Si.
— f PHILAD'A, PA. d
Btcck suid Convey
Fur hire or sale at JESSE
io.fLLAND’S Livery Stable
111 I»;litOH, Ga. Also 81 WH2011 *7
V ...1 1S • 1 . .. . 1U • CODMFClKtn
! li<“l'vwitll. Tilt} p.Ttt»llM‘'tl of
e ^ nrac » desired, 811(1
opcciaily those from MlllT.’lV
^ OamUGl ■ J . _. Tllden. j
"Tilden,’' , tho onlv full blooded
Jersey bull in Ihe COlinty, Will be
kept ‘ the present pl^ent cctsnk season ot at 51 M K R
GliaSlam , 8. a bOUt two miles north
Spring Place, for the service ot
the public. *8 Fees two dollars,
‘Tilden’ from COW ’Bell’ DOW UUW
0Wnei l ^ i ’y rx Lol.TR t m tv JoilCS, t ol Dal
ton, and sired by Getty's celebra
ted bull ‘L’AHegrO,’ and will be two
years old May 2. Cattle raising ®
could \ l u be made 3 one of „ the ., most
ing pay
industries of this section, pro
vided proper attention ia given to*
the grade of stock propagated. So
lake advantage of this tbe first and;
only chance to improve the «.rade ot>
catlle in the county.