Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia
The bHftciat Paper or the County,
Subscription Rates:
Ooe year,$100 Si* months, 50eents;
months, 2ocent». Payable in advance.
Mrs. J D Temple spent several
days in Cleveland last week.
Will McGhee, from Pine Chapel
school, visited home Sunday.
Ladies go to Mrs. Fannie John¬
son for any style hat you desire.
Gents straw hats to sun any com
plexion at Mrs. Fannie Johnson's.
Mrs. Fannie Johnson has a fall
line of neat, new straw goods on
Mr. J P Kelly is engaged in
buiding, reparing and reseting his
You can get tbree goose necked
hoes at Ovbey & Bryant's for one
A neat and full line of new s nnv
goods now on hand at Ovbey &
A large stock of shoes at Ovbey
& Bryant's, and sold cheaper than
Lone Cherry was blessed with
an all day singing and .1 b g crowd,
last Sunday.
Rev. M W Arnold preached a
fine sermon at the Methodist
chr :ch last Sunday,
A choice Easter dinner was giv
en at the residence of Col. d m
Luffman last Sunday.
Quite a number of families are
suffering with measels in the lower
portion of the county.
The wood-land air is now redo
leut with the spicy perfume ot the
full blown honeysuckle.
We have been requested to ask
the following question: Wh at .3 it
that that is , Iways tired?
Dr, B B Biown dipped'a fine
fish out of Comiasauga, with his
bateau a few days -ago
Justices Brown and Fincher
transacted considerable business in
Bull pen court Saturday.
A beautiful line of boys ready
made clothing just received at Ov
bey & Brrant's new store.
Col. Tibbs, of Dalton passed
through Monday, taking a drove
of cattle to the mountains.
An interesting Sunday school
his been organized at the Bill
Ground church, in this county.
Ton can give a correct estimate
of a .ierchant‘8 trade by the a
mount of advertising he does.^
Mr. Welden Durham, of Rock
creek, has the premium field of
clover, we think, in the county.
Dr. J P Fann, of Dalton, will be
in town on the next first Tuesday
and will attend to dental work.
Wm. Martin will give special at¬
tention to the collection of notes,
accounts and claims of all kinds..
A select stock of ready made
clothing just opened out at Ovbey
& Bryant's. Prices to suit the
-— -» •*««■>-
Miss Aggie Ramsev spent Sun
day at home, trom Pleasant Val¬
ley where she has a flourishing
Most all the county bridges,
where the abutments v. ere washed
off by the late freshet have been
We were compelled to leave out
out some of our communications
this week on account of the nuiner
ous legal ads.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan at 8 per cent se
cuied by real estaie. Apply
through C N King.
Murray people are doing more
trade at home this season than ev¬
er before. And this is right, keep
the money in the county and iimc.-s
will soon get better.
A lady preacher, by the name of
Haskins,.preached at casey camp
ground and Hipps chapel last week.
Her talks were full of sound ecs c -
interesting and instructive.
- . - L "-. ■ WL “J‘u»
Every u< tij Uas gone will over
fiebing to-day.
Mr. W L Tibbs, of Dalton, says
that he caught twenty five trout at
Tilton a tews days ago in two hours
and a half and his minnows gave
out or he would have caught more.
Mis. Fannie Johnson has just re¬
ceived a beautiful line ot all kinds
of millinery goods, and solicits all
persons to call and examine be.
lore buying elsewhere.
Corn for Sale —We have the
Waterhouse reni corn to sell for
fifty cash or sixty cents on time till
Novi 1st, with 8 per cent interest.
Note and approved security re Apply to T J Bryant or
J T Water home.
Buy your guano from J 3 Bar¬
nett, in Dalton, agent for the At
tanta guano company. Their acid
phosphates are imported and not
made of some woithless rock, now
being the best and most popular
fertilizers on the market.
The New Shoe Shop.
You can got your work done at
any time at the new shoe shop on
the Cole corner. Shoes and bar
ness made to order, and all kinds
of repairing done in first class
style, Go and try them'
Something New.
W J Johnson has just received
a new line of fi. s f clsss staple dry
goods, boots, shoes, hats etc. Also
a full line of groceries and hard
ware, all of which will be sold at
rock bot tom prices for cash or pro
j duce, Call and examine before go
; ng elsewhere.
The Now Store
Notice the special bargains at the
new store ot Ovbey. Bryant & Co.,
A good wool hat for 50 cents. A
good fur hat for §1 25. Splendid
double soled brogan shoes for
$1 25. Good ladie's shoes 90 cts.
Rio coffee ten pounds for one dol¬
lar. Special bargains in queen's
ware of all kinds Everything else
in proportion. ,
Mr. EE Ethere.lge showed us a
novelty in the way of a chicken the
other day. It was a soft shelled
egg in the form of a young chicken
having the head, nick, bill, eyes
and comb all perfectly outlined,
and by pressing the body the head
and neck would move as if the
nervous system was complete and
active. Setting hens and eating
eggs may yet be a thing of the
The most flowery phenomenon
we have seen this seasan is in Mr
F Vorn berg's yards, From the
small roots of a lilac bush, which
has just shed its blooms, there are
putting forth out. of the g.onnd
beautiful full bloown lilacs. This
shrub scarcely ever bio ms befoo
it is four or five years old, but
those blossoms contrary to the law
ot their genus came blooming Irom
the start without hush or branch.
Pay Attention
In order to meet some early and
demands upon me, I am
to make collections and
persons indebted to me in any
will find my books in the hands
C N King and IV O Marlin tor
settlement ar.d collection. My
books must be closed at once and
ai! who can't pay their accounts
will please come up and close them
up by notes immediately, 1
am also compelled to stop letting
out drugs on a credit, and in the
future my customers will please
not ask it of me. These request*
mean business aud all persons
whom Ihe} may concern will please
look at them in that light.
Dr. W W Andersou
Statk of Georgia, Murray County.
Will be sold before the court
lwuse door in the town of Spring
Place to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out crj’ bei ween the legk hour
ct sale on following the first Tuesday in Jun<
next, the ds- ermed prop
erly to wit:
Seventy five acres of land off
lot No 43 in the ninth dist, and 3rd
section of sui t < onu'y, b •eL- . as
follows: On the north by lands of
J F Smith, on the east bv Elisha
Wnrmack, south by Sam iel Brew
or and west oy land formerly own
ed by H P B ind and being across
ihe centre of said kv of land L’-v
, ' <1 on bv viriue of end to satisiy -
j fi ;... from U-o court ei
county in favor of A H Colquitt,
governor, for use of officers ofeourt
against Cicero Montgomery prin¬
cipal and N E Montgomery securi¬
ty. Levied on as the property of
N E Montgomery.
Also at the same lime and place
one town lot, containing about one
quarter of an acre of land, with a
one story dwelling house there on,
(ia.« lying in the town of Spring Place,
on the east side ot the street
running by the present residences
of J D Temple and Or. EHL Keis
ter, and being the properly where¬
on C E Wail now resides. Levied
on hy virtue of and to satisfy a jus¬
tice court ii fa issued from the
eight hunthed and twenty fourth
district <> m, said county, in favor cf
G tV Oglesby, bearer, against C C
Riggins principal and M A Wall
security. Levied on as the proper ¬
ty of M A Wall.,
Also at the same time and place
sixty acres of lot of land No 96 in
the eighth dist and third section of
said county, and being the portion
rt said lot ot land whereon Wm
Williamson now resides. Levied
on as the property of Wm William
son by virtue of and to satisf a fi
fa issued trow the justices court of
the eight hundr, d and twenty fifth
district o si in f > vor of John L Ed¬
mondson 3r. .• gainst said Wm,
Williamson. Levy made and re¬
turned to me by J M West to. *
Also at the same time and place
forty two and one hair acres cf land
off the west side of lot No 43 in ihe
9th dist and 3rd section of said
county. Levied on as the proper¬
ty of J 11 Smithey by virtue of a fi
fa from the justices court of the
1039t!> dist g m said county in fa¬
vor of Union National Bank against
J M Smithey, E F King. J 0 Wig¬
gins and H D Keith Levy made
and returned to me bv J B Bond
l c. This April 29, I8S6.
. 0 L TEJRRY, Shor.
Statk uf Gkurgia MURRAY OOUtlTY.
By , ii iue of an order issued irom
the c urt of Ordinary of said conn
ty, will be sold at public out cry on
the 1st Tuesday iu June next and
during the usual hours of 'sale in
tne town of Spring place Place, the Ga..
at the regular for
sales of said county, all of the in
solvent papers belonging to the es
late of J P Dole deed, consisting
of due promissory bil's, notes, judgements,
ap n accounts, etc.., a
mouuting to about thirteen of, cash. hun¬
dred dollars. 'Terms sale
This April 29ih, eighteen hundred
and e ighty six
James C IIinry,
John L Cole,
Administrator’s J P Dole dec’d
Saddle or Collar Galls. Dr. J H McLeans
Volcanic Oil LinimeNt takes away Fever,
reduces the Swelling aud heals the sores.
It acts like a charm. Wash each Sore
clean at least once every day, do not rub
G W Oglesby, at Ken
ner’s Ga., will warehouse^ furnish farmers Daltcn
of Whitfield in cl Mur¬
ray counties with sup¬
ples, such as Bacon,
Corn, Flour, Hay, Sugar
Coffee, Syrup, calt, To¬
bacco, etc, on time till
fa 1 if they make good
Will. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J II Mo Beau’s XIoraoeopathio Livor
and Kidney Pillats will remova those para¬
sites rorn the howols and thereby relieve
Constipation, Piles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
aNd all atteh painful oiruplaiuts.
From .1 II Dines, lotus Bend Temp,
One of our lady enslomers has been affile- |
ted fur sumo time with lung di.-vaso, in
fact was given up by ber pbysieirns as iu
eurablo three bottles of Dr. J II MoLoan’s
Tar Wiue Lung Balm have affected a com¬
plete cure which is looked upon here as mi¬
Dr. J. P. Fann
RKSIDV.ST Dviktibt
DALTON...... ......GEORGIA.
All kinds of me.*
•i--' C'rtC ~iC a n * ca ^ rt D ^ or
fpXCLk:. ^ sssasssK
‘ ■ n style, and at rea,
0 liable rates. The
. . Colluloitl Plate put
■ff-y rPwvr full h ” set«of in p ,,r,ifti teeth ot at
reason hie rates.
Teeth extracted
without pniii by the use of Squibb’* pure Sul¬
phuric Ether The patronage of the uHisen*
ot‘ Murray county is respectfully sot led,
with a guerantee that I will d them as &ood
work as they can get in North Georgia, and
as cheap as they can get it done by any first
lass dentis^jn North Georgia.
Dr. E. H. HOPE,
Spring Place, Georgia
--: O:-
Will answer promptly all medi¬
cal calls
Nashville, Chattanooga
& St. Louis Railway!
The Best Route to Louisville, Cinoicinnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago and the North is via
Tile llest Route to St Louis and tbej West
is via McKenzie.
The Best Route to West Tennessee and
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex¬
as points is via McKenzie.
Don’t Forget It.
Be sure to buy“your tickets over
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
Thu Inexprlenced Traveler need not go
amiss, few changes are nocessary, such as ere
unavoidable are made in Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
Nashville aud St Louis via Columbus, Nash¬
ville and Louisville, Nashville and Memphis,
Martin and St Louis, McKenzie aad Little
Rock, whore connection is mace with Through
Sleepers to all Texas points.
Call on or address
J H LATIMER Trav. A., Atlanta, Ga.,
J U PEEBLES, T. A.Chattanooga,Tonn
W T ROGERS,?. A„ Chattanooga,Tenn
WL DANLEY, G. V.&!'. A.,
Nashville, Teliu.
I urge everybody to take with D**. J II
McLean’s Homoeopathic I’iUots, Dr. J II
McLean’s Homoeopathic Liver aud Kidney
which wlil cur " ' everB > Hn<i he “ 1 ,l<6
‘‘ ivur 1111(1 Kidli8 V9 ’ ami e ,vo 8tren * th and
tone to the proper organs of the body.
L (mv i s II 0
W tthin Tbii Steps of the Caa She<i
Dalton 1 Georgia,
Every thing new and first class,
A home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boasters.
rates $2 per day. Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
people of Murray county.
W namaker & Brown,
The largest custom order aud
clothing house.
s. M. JL>. THOMAS,
Merchant Tailor;
Guarnmtees good work and
cheap rates
Dalton, Georgia
We have arranged our new
gallery to make ever style piio
tograj>hs and will guarantee I
please those wanting picture S.
Copies and Enlargements
Four Gem pictures or Ki
rotypes made toi fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam
iw ( Ui work when iuDalro.:
Pictures made on cloud’. :
well as any other day
o. v . air a > n, TRAMMEL!.
Calhoun, Ga. 1 in.' lace.*.
/ ttorney s at Lav,
Prompt attention given to o il
Ovbey, & Brpssf,
Have Opened A I*ew Store In
Spring Place, Georgia.
And the citizens of Murray County need no Unger plough
through the mud to buy goods in Dalton.
We will constantly keep on hand everything usual! kept in a
general store, and will sell at the lowest cash prices
It you don’t believe it come And price our goods before yon
buy elsewhere.
L. F. II e is i* y & C ©
Now Store,
You can get good bargains and ready accommodations, A
full line of Family Groceries, Musical Instruments, Coffee, Sug
at, Cigars, Tobacco, Meat and Flouralvvayson hand.
Hughes & Law,
HATTERS and gents furnishers.
No. 9 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga
Give us a call when in the city, Wecansuit you in style
I and price.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The Rest East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
s n i if* oi n & in
w. Bs£B UMi
wm mm 18
The Most Perfect Instrument & Wort}
used Exclusively at the
"Grand Conservatory of music,”
by ad Eminent Artists.
Warerooms, 58W. 23d New
HHH 1 f b n
iPi H
I mm 91111
m If*
Are tie fct ii fte f oil I
Thega Extracts never vary.
Made from Belzoted Fruits aid Bpioen
Insist on having Bastlne's Flavors
4! Warren St., Now York.
pwawaas-E jpasar:":
^ —- 4
j£§\ «
V ‘'Nsf * * 5O tr
sffll ^
(f# Esbliing! No Bftchch*! No Sere Fingers!
Warranted not to Injure the Clothe*.
Aaltyour Crocor forlt. if he cannot «up,
nine-colored “ Chremo w with three bar*. Deal*
ere and Grocers should write for particulars.
Billiard ^ Pool Table
W m 1 : -ii
l’«ed extensively by i .llVATK CLUBS.
Sizes: FROM 2k'*S FT. TO a.VxT FT.
O Compic'io outiiUi s! Tnbie, Cues, sold Balls, from ■
Counters. Ci.slk lips, elc., V# m
$40 TO $125,
Equal In all rcsaocts to ibo most expensive tables.
Thouwamla sold on Mai r,nd always give Ratiafaa
tinn. Keep > ■ ut hnaliam? buys at home wit lx
on» of our Portable Parlor Billiard Tables. Tbejr
afford m-rortion for ml ml sud body, aud are %
faaciaatluii and ph*aeu,e lo sit.
77 I Bboadlvay, New York,
22 Adams Street, Ghloaflo.