Newspaper Page Text
A Short Sketch of the Evolu¬
tion of the Match.
How Matches Stand in the World as a
Factor of Economy.
In his address at thc opening session of
the British association, Prof. Lyon Play¬
fair, 31. P., the president, said: “Let
me take a single example of how even a
jietty manufacture, improved by the
teachings of science, affects the comforts
ar, d enlarges the resources of mankind.
When I was a boy the only way of ob¬
taining a light was by the tinder-box,
with its quadruple materials, flint and
steel, burnt rags or tinder, and a sulphur
match. If everything went well, if thc
box could be found, and the air was dry,
alight could be obtained in two minutes;
but very often the time occupied was
nniiili longer, and the process became a
great triul to the serenity of thc temper.
The consequence of this was that a fire or
burning lamp was kept alight through
thc day. Old Gerard, in his herbal,
tells us how certain fungi were used to
t arry fire from one part of the country to
the. other. The tinder box long held its
position ns a great discovery in the arts.
1 he pyxidicula igniaria of the Itomans
appears to have been much the same
implement, though a little ruder than the
Hint and steel which Philip thc Good put
into the collar of thc Golden Fleece, in
3 P-Mi, ns the representative of high knowl¬
edge in the progress of the arts. It con
tinued to prevail till 18:53. when phos¬
phorus matches were introduced, though
I have been amused to find that there arc
n few venerable ancients in London who
will .stick to the tinder-box, and for
whom a few shops keep a small supply.
Phosphorus was no new discovery, for it
had been obtained by an Arabian called
Bechtel in the eighth century, IIowcv
cr, it was forgotten, and it was rediscov¬
ered by Brandt, who made it out of very
stinking materials, in 1(1(59. Other di.s
coveries had, however, to be made before
it could be used for lucifer matches.
’1 he science of combustion was only de¬
veloped on the discovory of oxygen a
century later. Time had to elapse be¬
fore chemical analysis showed the kind
>>f bodies which could be added to
phosphorus to make it ignite readily. So
it was not till 183**} that matches became
a partial success. Intolerable they then
were, dangerously inflammable, horribly
poisonous to the makers, and injurious
to the lungs of consumers. It required
another discovery by Sehrottcrin 1845, to
change poisonous wax into innocuous red
brick phosphorus in order that these de¬
lects might bo remedied and to give us
the safety match of the present day.
Now, what have these successive discov¬
eries in science done for the nation in
this single manufacture by an economy
“f time? If, before 18;}:?, wo had made
the same demand for light that we now
do when wc daily consume eight match
c per head of the population, the tinder
box could have supplied the demand
under the most favorable conditions by
an expenditure of one quarter of an hour.
The lucifer match supplies a light in fif¬
teen seconds on each occasion, or in two
minutes for thc whole day. Putting
these differences into a year, the venera¬
ble ancient who still sticks to his tinder
box would require to spend ninety hours
yearly in the production of light, while
the user of lucifer matches spends twelve
hours; so that the latter has an economy
of seventy-eight, hours yearly, or about
ten working days. Measured by cost of
production at 1 shilling C pence daily,
the economy of time represented in inon
cy to our population is £26,000,000 annu¬
ally. This is a curious instance of the
manner in which science leads to econo¬
my of time and wealth, even in a small
Gates .Ajar.
The touching pathos of childhood is
shown in the following: The death of
a well-known gentleman had called forth
many expressions of sympathy from
friends, in the way of a profusion of
flowers, in beautiful designs. After they
had been placed around him as he lay in
the casket, his little daughter Alice, of
4 years, was led by her mamma into thc
room to look upon the face of her dead
papa. She was naturally attracted by
the flowers, and by the design of “Thc
Gates Ajar.” Iler mamma told her that
“the beautiful gate” had opened, and
papa had passed through and would
never come back to them again. The
child looked steadily at her papa’s face for
a few moments, then climbed up so she
could reach over and kiss his cold lips,
saying: “Papa, dear, speak to me and
say you will come to 'the beautiful gate’
and meet your little Alice some day.”—
Radon Courier.
A Judge’s Charge.
Tennessee’s distinguished historian
Judge Haywood, was once presiding
in a case where n woman was being tried
for some offense in which the evidence was
clearly against her. At thc close of the
trial the Judge, in giving the case to the
jury said : “Gentlemen, you have heard
tlut evidence and you know the law.”
Then, after a pause: “There is no punish¬
ment a man can inflict upon a woman and
still be a man.” The woman was acquitted
by the jugw without leaving the box.
“ As you love me, let not your tongue
give way to slang.”
Air and light are among thc best med¬
icines known to man.
A sneer is often the weak subterfuge
of imprudent ignorance.
The silent eye is often a more powerful
conquerer than thc noisy tongue.
In your homo study refinement and
comfort, but study economy also.
If a married couple avoid the first
quarrel they will never have a second.
No success in life can be so desirable
that man can afford to sell his integrity
for it.
Thc yoke a man creates for himself by
wrong-doing will breed hate in the kind¬
liest nature.
Nothing more clearly indicates the
true gentleman than a desire evinced to
oblige or accommodate.
There are three things in speech that
ought to be considered before they arc
spoken—the manner, the place and the
“Chin’s” Letter. *
«r.i “Chip,” • „ a Chinese r .i • i house-servant long
employed __, j . by one family , m . San _ Francisco, T , .
, having . accumulated , . a snug little ,, sum of
money, recently , determined , . to visit . .
pav ‘ : a
to his relatives in China. Desiring . to
correspond . with . , the family during his ab- ,
1 ■
sence, and , not , being , . able , , to write . . the ,
English language, he hit upon the follow
mg novel expedient: He applied to a
nent v ndgiior a joung la* y to
write from lus dictation, enclose and ad
dress , a , letter to ,. Ins mistress, . he taking t .
the same with him for the purpose of
niai ing roni ( nna - 010
lus departure the lady of the house
< l.imcf to go into (ups room, and
here saw lying upon the table a sealed
<tt<r at t i(ss<( to licrsOif. thinking its
presence there to be an oversight on the
part of Chip in not promptly delivering,
she opened the letter, and on reading it
discovered the true inwardness of the
same. Not wishing to have Chip know
that she had surprised his little secret,
she had a new envelope properly prepared
and addressed ... close imitation of the
original and left the letter where she had
found it. The letter graphically de
srribed t,lie trip from San Francisco to
Hongkong; it dwelt particularly upon a
terrible storm at sea, during which nearly
every one was seasick except the writer;
Chip’s arrival home was touched upon;
the joy of his mother and family was
feelingly described; finally the date of
liis intended return was given and a
answer requested. Chip, having secured
liis certlicatc, departed hence as arranged,
and, sure enough, the last China mail
brought the wonderful letter from Chip,
nnd, no doubt, when he receives the an¬
swer, which was promptly sent, liis heart
will swell with pride and gratification,
and his importance among thc circle of
liis acquaintance iu his native home bo
duly increased by his foreign correspond¬
ence .—San Francisco Argonaut. \
Tho Chinese Minister.
A Washington Letter to the Springfield
Republican says: The Chinese Minister
is a man of 60, who was a Governor of
one of the Provinces in China. After lie
had made his fortune the Emperor saw
that he was getting rich too fast, and,
much to his disgust, exiled him here on a
•siilary of $25,000 a year and all expenses
paid. For the Chinese Government is
liberal. If a dinner is given at the lega¬
tion the Government pays for it, and the
same if he travels or keeps a carriage,
while all thc expenses of the legation arc
defrayed from home. When he came
the Minister left his wives at home, but
after a while he had sent over from China
a little thing, not more than 18 years old,
and she is thc only woman at the lega¬
tion. She is kept very secluded, and
only allowed to visit the house of Sir.
Bartlett, formerly correspondent of the
Republican nnd now Secretary to tho
legation. About once a week she is
driven over and spends the afternoon
with the ladies of his family, but they
are not allowed to admit others to see
her. Then she trips back to her carriage,
if a woman on such little feet could be
said to trip, and is not seen out again for
another week. I have known ladies who
had an idea of the day she would visit
Mrs, Bartlett, to spend the whole after¬
noon in a neighboring window to get a
glimpse of her. When the Chinese want
to please people they send them some of
the finest ten, which comes direct to
them, not in the great boxes which you
see, but in small eases holding a few
pounds. This is the finest tea that ever
comes to this country, and those who are
lucky enough to receive a package prize
it very highly. It is n little stronger
than the tea you buy at thc stores, and
so much more fragrant and pleasant to
thc taste that it hardly seems like the
same plant. And I doubt very much
whether it is.
When He (Jots Round.
Wife—“ John, dear, I notiee that your
brother James never makes a friendly call
upon us unless he is intoxicated.”
Husband—“No, my dear, he doesn't
James reminds me of the moon.”
Wife—“Reminds you of the moon?"
Husband—“Yes, dear; he never gets
round till he’s full ,”—Boston Courier.
A. Slight Misunderstanding.
Ned goes to the circus with grandpa,
And sits on a nice cushioned seat,
Where be beams upon the performers
With a smile confiding and sweet
But after a while he grows restless,
And then he softly observes:
“ If these are preserve seats, grandpa,
Why don’t they pass the preserves?”
—Bessie Chandler, in St. Nicholas.
A Brave D runt mer tidy.
In 1861, while oa recruiting service in
a small town in the central part of Penn- !
sjlvunia, writ.. SM Kom, b tb
Philadelphia Xeu t, a fine-iookiag, open
faced, stout little fellow came up to me
one day and asked in a manly but be
seeching if I didn’t want drum- !
way a i
mer. “I atn t big enough for a soldier, i
but won’t you let me drum for you?” was
his anxious question. “Go home and j
h,V„ your ™.h.c .Ha, », , u„,c Shut
jou can go, and I will take you, I re
plied. “She can’t write, sir,” was his
response, and as he spoke he hung his
head, “but if you will ask her I know
she will let me dmrn , for . you,” „ and . as , he
raised his head his bright eyes flashed at , '
the thought,
Struck , , bv the . , lad’s ,, earnest manner I
went, . to . , his . , humble ,, , home, and , , big . . tears ,
i ”
rolled „ , from ,. lus mother’s . , she
i i eyes as f gave
;hcr , consent, , and patting him on the back ,
! of , the heud told him to be a good , boy, to
be , true to , his . . country, , , love his ,. mother,
^ ^ God How d the Uttle fcl l
Jqw , ookcd whcn clad in the arm w
lincl Ms blg dnlm hung about him. A
f rw months developed the strippling i and
he , ctcw stronger . and . taller. . ,, In our first .
ht j folmd him wilh the com at
fhc front illstcftd of the mar, where he
ought to have been, and when ordered
ba ,. k j no t ice(1 lli s reluctance logo. A
f,, w days afterward he begged permission
to cntcr the rnnks ftnd take a gun. “I
am big enough to fight, and I ought to,”
wfls , lis chivalroU8 r ,. mark ns a muskot
was laccd in his hand . A raonth after . |
W; * d thc drummcr distinguished himself
for coolnPSS and daring in the second
battlc of Bull Run . In cvcry e ra
mcn t he displayed the same conspicuous
ga n alltry . F o remost in eve ry charge,
among thc last to loave the ficld) thc
fiurost nnd most deliberate shot in the
whole compniiv, 1 always neat and tidv
" •
with . , gun and equipments bright , . , , and :
.d.innig, citct, tnn.ilj lcspectful, liq
was the type of thc good soldier.
tVceiy'i Mouse.
Baby Haynes little that he 1
was so
couldn’t drink very well. One morning
he spilled his mug of milk nil over his
“He must have a clean bib,” said
Mamma Haynes. “Will you bring me
one, Weezv, from iny bureau?”
“Yes’m,” said Weezy, running away
in high glee. She was always proud to
bn sent on Arands.
Next moment, she came flying back
mouth and eyes wide open.
“O mamma, mamma,” cried she,
“there’s a mousie in thc drawer ! there’s'
a inousie in thc drawer 1
“A mouse?” said mamma, quietly.
“Well wouldn’t he let my little girl have
baby’s bib ?’’
“O mamma, mamma ! I’m just as
seared 1” cried Weezy, still hopping up
and down.
“Afraid of a pretty little moasc ? Whrt
a silly Weezy !” said mamma. “Didn’t
he scamper away as fast ns he could ?”
“No, no, mamma! I shut him up
tight 1”
“You did? Oh, then, I think papt
must catch the poor little fellow,” said
She put the baby iD the cradle and
wei.l to call Papa Haynes.
Papa seized the tongs, and walked up
stairs. Behind him followed mammr,
with Weezy clinging to her dress. Be¬
hind Weezy tip-toed Phebe, the nurse
girl. Phebe wanted to do something to
help, so she brought the mouse-trap.
Last of all came Bridget, swinging the
“Open the drawer gently,” said papa
to mamma. “I’ll try to catch thc mouse
when He jumps.”
Mamma pulled out thc drawer a little.
Papa stood close by with the tongs, but
the mouse didn’t jump.
Then mamma pulled out thc drawer :
little farther.
“See 1 sec 1 papa. There’s the mouse!”
cried Weezy, pointing her little finger to¬
ward a corner of the drawer.
Papa thrust the tongs and drew out—
Well, what do you suppose ? Why, a
wee gray tassel ! Mamma must have
dropped it off her sleeve in taking baby’s
clean frock from the bureau.
“Dear, dear !” laughed papa. What
poor eyes our Weezy must have ? I’ve
a great mind to buy her a pair of spec¬
tacles. ”
After that, they all went down stairs,
—papa with the tongs, mamma with
Weezv, Bridget, with the rolling-pin, nnd
Phebe with the mouse-trap. And this
was the end of Wcczy's fright about the
mouse .—Penn Shirley.
Photography is advancing. Recently
thc volcano of Colima was caught by an
instantaneous photograph at tho very
moment of its most extreme violence.
Last summer a German photographer
\ hotograiihcd the lightning,
Supports for House Plants.
When we grow fuchsias, or other tall
slender plants, says the American Affri
culturist, some support becomes neces
sary. We are using as supports to h'l
plants of a slender spreading growth,
small Iron rods with holes punched
through wires, them. Through these all hoi 68 we
pass which reach out on aides,
and furnish support to all branches that
the need least. it, without When being painted, conspicuous in
hardly be noticed. Ibe branches they will
to stipport themselves, Of course, a
small rod of iron thrust into the ground
as one woilld a stick, will not remain
firm very long. To prevent this, we in
structed the blacksmith to weld two
S’S’SiaSTS.tiri i
each proa, thus formed out at right
angles to the rod j then to bend the
prongs down again at right angles. This
gives a very strong support to the rod,
when the three prongs are inserted in the
R „jj 0 f ; be pot. They brace against each
other, and the pot will tip over before
*he rod will. If vines are to be grown
about the bar, and through holes, as
may be necessary. The cost of such
supports is trifling compared with that
,re JJ’ 8e8 at Fee< ^ store s and imple
ment houses. They may be constructed
iu vaiiousdesigns, according to individ
ual taste, and are preferable in many
respects to the former.
Farmers Who Became Presidents.
It is noteworthy that most of the
Presidents of the United States were
reared on farms, or retired from active
life to spend the evening of their days
amid the quiet and retirement of rural
Jackson, scenes. Washington, Adams, Jefferson.
and so down through the list,
Grant and Garfield, were all at one lime
or another cultivators of the soil, and
fond of farm life or blooded stock.
Daniel Webster was never so happy as
when on his farm at 3farshfield, and' his
line oxen were the delight of his leisure
the'bS■ „ , , . “fA . . ^
out. what he doesn’t like, a nd then give b
him oceans of that very thing.
, , _. . .
1>ric0 ?1 W ^ UoUU ^' (w p nd^
' 5
' -
An Irshman wrote home to his friends
over the briny that in this blessed land
everybody be offered is so honest, a reward has to
for theives.
Do No* Re Alnrined
ut the raising of blood from the lungs. It Is on#
of } er ¥ earliest symptoms of consumption,
i' nd the healtliy efforts of the sys
!em to . throw off the scrofulous impurities of
»e blood which have resulted in ulceration of
!, >e lungs. Dr. Pierce’s "Golden Medical Ilis
at ‘overy”isapositivo this remedy for consumption
stage. If taken faithfully, it will
•lennse the blood, heal the ulcers in the lungs,
snd build up and renovate the whole system.
Bobers.— Anything in the nature of
ye will destroy the apple tree borer or
the young borers before they penetrate
the bark very far.
Beware of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones
Ketl Clover rorvic. The genuine cures head¬
ache, piles, dyspepsia, ague, malaria, and is a
perfect tonic and blood 00(1 purifier. purifier. Price Price 60 60 r rents.
Chattanooga Saw Works, of Chattanooga,
Tenn.. manufacture and sell all kindsof saws.
warranted first-class in every respect. They
repair all kinds of saws—griming thinner, re
tempering. hammering, etc. W rite for prices.
For DTspsestA, indkikstion, depression <>>
spirits, alsoasanreventiveagiiinst general debility in their various forms,
fever and ague and
other intermittent fevers,the “Ferro-Phosphor¬
ated Elixir of Calisaya," made by Caswell,Haz¬
ard & Co., New York.and sold by all Druggisl*.
is the best tonic; and for patients recovering
from fever or other sickness it has no equal.
Uemedy Best, easiest for Catarrh. to use By and druggists. ehcTpest, 60c. Piso's
TONICS, quickly and completely CLEANSES
the action of the Liver and Kidneys. Clears tho
complexion, makes tho skin smooth. It does not
injure tho teeth, cause headache, or produce con
Physicians and Druggists everywhere recommend it.
Mr. W. W. Manauan, Tuecumbia. Ala., with says: “ I
have been troubled from childhood impure
blood and eruption'! on my face. Two bottles of
Brown’s sposk Iron Bitters effected vnluable a perfect medicine.” cure. I can¬
not too highly of Harris, this 161 Charlton St.,Sa¬
Mr. James Aixken
vannah. Ga., says: ” I ased Brown’s Iron Biitors for
Blood Poisoning with great benefit. It cured a run
ning Mr. sore Wm. of Byrnb, more than 26 n .St- year’s Mary standing.” St New Orleoi
Bitters ,
La., says; Blood “ Brown's Poisoning Iron and I heartily relieved commend me in A
case of
to those needing a blood purifier.”
Miss Kate Everett, LW St. Cloud St., Now Or
leans, La., says. “ 1 had t ake n ho much arsenic for
an nsing eruption it. longer, of the i Brown’s skin that Iron my physician Bitters has forbid entirely my
cured me.”
Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red lines
on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
Rheumatism, Scratches,
Burns and Scalds, Sores and Galls.
Stines and Bites, Spavin, Cracks,
Cnts and Bruises, Screw Worm, Grab,
Sprains dfc Stitches, Foot Rot, Iloof All,
Contracted NInscles, I,nmeness,
Stiff Joints, Swlnny, Founders, f
Backache, Sprains, Strains,
Eruptions, Sore Feet,
Frost Bites, Stiffness,
and all external diseases, and every hurt or accident.
For general use In family, stable and stoek-ysrd, It Is
Tt> eradicate dandruff, and keep th# scalp
moist and clean, use Hall's Hair Renewer.
The lives of many children have been saved
by the timely nse of Aver’s Cherry Pectoral.
Stdall anil steauy gains give competency and
tranquil mind.
The use of Ely '9 Cream Balm, a cure for Ca¬
Hay With Fever and Cold in tnfc Head, is at.
which ban Be said nt) pain, annoyance other of dread:
liquid of no remedy. It is
a the finger: or a It snuff, affords but instant is easily relief applied
where doctors have fatted, All and
it Price SO cents. druggists
I have been bothered with catarrh for about
twenty yeare .3 could not tell how many differ¬
ent remedies I have tried, and none seemed
to reach my case like Ely’s Cream Balm, r
had lost my smell entirely for the last fifteen
years, and I had almost lost my hearing. My
thread were getting so dim 1 had to get some one
to well my needle. Now I have my hearing
as as I ever had, and I can see to thread
as fine a needle as ever I did, and my smell is
Klfl flffflt Y&5t,3S MWHE
ollmJfeT Tlllly
I’i'kyfnt piooked boots and blistered beels
by wearin g Lyon‘s Patent Heel Stiff eners.
There is no disease so dangerous as the want
of common sense,
It was an old oriental doctrine that women
have tbneedes no souls. that More they enlightened have purer; philosophy finch;
mbre exalted soiils than men. suffering But they are
too often contained in feeble, bodies,
which hamper and retard their full develop¬
ment. For all those painful ailments incident
to the sex, Dr.Pierce’s "Favorite Prescription"
is the best specific in the world, and is sold un¬
der a positive guarantee that it will do all that
is claimed for it. Price reduced to one dollar.
By druggists,____
The two ears of civilization—pion-ee r
front-ier. — Philadelphia Call.
Walking advertisements tor Dr. Sage's Ca¬
tarrh Uemedy are the thousands it has cured.
It is said that more money is needed to put
Bartholdi’ s statue on he r last legs.
A Positive Oentlfmntti gentleman? Cer¬
Which is the most positive
tain. Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet
Gum and Mullein is eettain to cure cough*,
colds and croupt It is pleasant and effective;
Inntnntly Relieved.
Mrs. Anto Lacour, of New Orleans. I*a., whites: “I
have a son who has been sick for two years; lie has
been attended by out leading physicians, but all to
no purpose. Tli is morning he had his usual spell of
coughing, and was sd greatly prostrated irt conse¬
quent that death shemed imminent. We had in thc
house a bottle of Dft Wm. Hall’s Balsam Pott thb
Lttnor, purchased by my husband, who noticed your
advertisement yesterday. We administered it Und
he was instantly relieved#’
so 9
o uss
The Sweet Gum from a tree of the flan.o
from tlfe MulfePh U |t' 0 y , t V lnC |d , fl t id?’ Wa( ] a
lest open (irnuelit nrrrHfrr in
V i, lie 1 world. No more gin lidn*e*»
urne d Troth engine Mpnrk*. Mold
on lar. giiarnutee. Write Tor Circu¬
T. T. WINDSOR illcdy iV TO., Nos.
23 A 2-i Wayne >t., 31 cvil le, On.
Scrofula of Lungs.
I am now 49 years old, and have fluff ere d for the
last fifteen years with a lung trouble. I have flpent
thousands of dollars to arrest thc march of this dls
frtsp; but. temporary relief was all that I obtained.
I was unfit for any manual labor for several years.
A friend strongly recommended the use of Swift’s
Specific (S. 8. S.), claiming that he himself had been
greatly benefltted by its use in some remarkable. lung troubles.
I resolved to try It. The results are My
c ough has left pounds me. my strength has returned, and I
weigh sixty more than I ever did ill my life.
It medicine, has been three years since I stopped of the the use di of the
but I have had no return seaso,
and there are no pains or weakness felt in my lungs.
I do the hardest kind’of work. T. J. Holt.
Montgomery, Ala., June 2 d, 1883.
Swift’s Nwirt’s S spee Ific is entire! v vegetable. Treatise on
Blood Blood and Ski 8 Diseaa ses mailed free,
Thk swift specific c Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga..
or 1ST W. 23d St, N. Y.
A Specialist for Eleven Years Past,
Ha« treatPi Dropsy and its complicatlono with tht
most wonderful 8uccen$; uses vegetable remedies,
entirely eight harmless. Removes all symptoms of dropsy
ill to twenty days.
Cures patients pronounced hopeless by the best of
phvsicians. From first
the dose the symptoms rapidly disip
poar, and in ten days at lea3t two-thirds of all symp¬
toms are removed.
Some, may cry humbug without knowing anythin"
about it,. Remember, it does not cost you anything
to realize the merits of my treatment for yourself.
In ten days the difficulty of breathing ia relieved!
the pulse regular, the urinary organs made to dis¬
charge their lull duty, sleep is restored, the swelling
all or nearly gono, the strength increased, and oppe
tiie made good. I am constantly curing cases of
long standing, cases that have been tapped a num¬
ber of times, and the patient declared unable to
live a week. Send for 10 days’ treatment.; directions
nd terms free. Give full history of case. Name
sex. is bowels how’long costive, afflicted, how badly swollen and dripped where
have legs bursted And
water. Send for free pamphlet, containing testi¬
monials, Ten days’ questions, etc.
treatment furnished free by mail.
wend 7 cents in si amps for postage ou medicins.
Epilepsy fits positively cured.
e If. II. GREEN. M. D*.
Mention .. this 55 Jones w Avenue, Atlanta? Ga.
CONSUMPTION. I have a positive veniedy for the above disease;
tiso.thousands of coses of the worst Kind and of by its
standlngharo been cured. strons long
In Its efficacy, that I will rnv faith
together send TWO BOTTLES FRRR
with a VALUABLETREATISK on this disease
to any sufferer. Give express nnd l* O. eddr-ss.
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 181 J\:arlSt., Now York.
I Aisi?
■ frtat convince* the most skeptical. Price 60 eta. and
■ ft 1.00, of Druggists or bv mail. Sample FREE for
Jstamp, HU. U. KCIUFFM AX> Mt. PnuL Mlnn.|
A lire experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial paok
agea. Send Stamp for sealed particulars. Address,
A Water an<i po Wheels, JiI/^M, NillstonesMM MILLS m
Prices A. A. DeLoaoi) wonderfu h lly Bro., low. Atlanta. Send Ga.f§ll| for
large catalogue. Mention this paper. Tfinffl
m " i sskm WM51OVF k
by thn Union Pub. Co., h V V
Newark.X.J. Send stainpafor poHt’g.
Blair’s Pills.r» E ™r e rr
Oval Box , £1.00} round, .50 ct».
OPIUM Kxmbdy solicited honestluveitigaton. Habit. If cured at and Qnlckly Company. home. Sr ee tria Cor: and Lafayette. Thb rreipoudence l of PatBleco* cure seat Ind.
Tie Best
Tho FISH BRAND SLICKER if warranted w*t»rproof, and will koep you dry !n
tbo hardest storm. The new POMMEL SLICKER is a perfect riding coat, and
cover* the entire saddle. Beware of Imitations. Kona genuine without tho “Fish
Brand” trade-mark. Illustrated Catalogue free. A. J. Tower, Boston, Mass.
5 a c 188ft,. j?
V. Q, £ : January nn
1 | > Taken M J m
Complete Discoverer of Dr. Kilmer's
Ladies' Female Remedy
Home Treatment R
all Complaints Diseases treatment for
Daughters, ana peculiar to
Eachpackage Wives and Mothers
Each contains 3 bottles.
kind is also sold separately:
Female Rentedy, (Blood and Syatrm 1 $ 1
Auttimn-LearExt.jfr.oonlTrcatm’t.S .
11 4c O,(Eatemol |.
“ ,50
C@~Or the three in one Packagefil.OO.
the “run-down}” bed-ridden' -
or “abandoned;" It Eliminates Humors
and Blood Impurities .that fcause Eerotula,
Cancer, Tumor, pimples And bibfehes.
The a£« Cor Pessaries and Exposhta* la Met.
Woman * Health and usefulneas again natoteif
Dr. Kilmer treats internal Tumor, Cancer.
1 on cantafford to neglect early symptoms.
I 5 f inquiry promptly answered, a
■ I Dr.KUmer'li Female Dispensary, Binghamton, K Y. 1 R
Invalids'Guide to Health” (Sent Free). I
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy r or ever.
IS» 3 fek RerodTf* Tun, fi«lh Pimple*,
PURIFIES- u ijfo. Freekle*. dh**nse*, ratehe?.
Ranh aftd Skift *ml
Beautifies every blemish on bf**nty.
“■8 defies dfWvtu<H. U hi**
LM W ABfii xgL'ctoori the tost r>{
to YFOTS AITtl in
3 7**0 DM ml ml RMS WE?
test** it to snr#
1 M»c pr**|*irati non i
fs iirofM r y
nmu»\ counterfeit A*VFp#
l no
of similar name,
the Dr.L,A.f-iayeT tlistjnKJixh
th- Wid haul * lady ton, *yt
(a patient): ladle* trill "As
you t hem, I
use rec
om mend ‘flour
WUChilwaiMBiiiH _________ 1 Hill j-PisorvA.y. aud’s Cream’ as
the lcaat hfcrtnfut month*, ot *0 It PWifi ptrimtatlonft,** flat. One bottle
will liuit ri* uninir €Vtfj Also rollrin*Sub¬
tile remove* *u perdu ou* ntffr wi tlurtti 49 injury to the skin.
Hrar. ft. ft. T. GOt'lUl'0, Sole Prep., Good* Dealer* St„ ftew in )«rb. the
For imle h>- Driimrist* Sftd Fancy Imitations.
U. 8., Canadas, KurObe. atfeti afid IW^vaire pPoof of of bate felling
51,000 Rpvrrtrd fot- arty one same.
Gdnsumpfiort Gan Ba Cured!
Hohi>(Ci»I*v- AaiImiir. Group, Urimlhin* Wl»ooi»liia tlr
Cough, find aoothrft ill: m-n-nae, nliil kiealft ol ihs t .'lem"*** ,,, 5.*
Sana, i! t
l»»w l.iing-, in linn©'! n' t1l« fl poisoned tfifthf mvrah #' fwe n**”
»nd prove ’in wTnc.ii ©oiwnojrtv
tigutnm li" To * nor nipt omm ion the i* rot eh at IncnPftblo »»»lndw
» u tin fOtt, even
IIAI,1>S BALSAM will core
thuuKli * I aid tntln.
and Intemperance, not instantly.
but effectually. The onlv scientific antb
dote for the AlcGfcol I'labft and the
bottles. only remedy iJjut. endorsed flftfW -W scud mod- trial
Highly br the
tigL It leal no vr profession d New York And preparoa phvtfldAOA by wolf- Rend
Address stamps fof circulars and REKKOY,” references
"9ALVO York
No, 2 West i4th B t. New
So Hops to Cut Ofi Horses’ Manes. VV
ftnd Combined^ cannot
be flipped by any horse. Sample 1
Halter to any part of U. S. free, on
receipt Hardware of $ 1 . sold Harness by all Saddlery- Doal^M-/^
Special discount to the Trade.
Send for Price-Ust. IsIGHTHOWS*,
J. C.
ttoc hcsti'r,
Free Farms iu Sunny
The most Wondc r/ul Agricultural hirk In America.
Surrounded by ptoAnerou* mining Magnificent and manufactur¬
raised ing towns. 1*35. Former Tlioitflnnda a J'firadis’’! of Govern¬ crops
In of Acre* and homestead.
ment for fin ml* subject to preemption
Land* Long Time. sale Park to Irrigated actual settlers by at #3.(X) canals. per Cheap Acre.
railroad rates. Every attention shown sett lers. For
maps, pamphlets, etc., d1 dress COLORADO LAND &
LOAN CO., Opera House Block, Denver, Col. BoxiXK*.
Ire it Oven, Fuel Retriai?*, ftrfttt
Tere Benin and Beam Bos* *
BlUCHAMTOK JON Price uid-ee IS List be JONES peyttbe meatlMi Cf OlHOHAMTOH, freluhl—fer thN fre«
XSioffbauiLon, N.V.
asrjtijjECv o cj j&r s ““ = : “
You are allowed a free trial of thirty days of tho use
of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated Voltaic Dolt with Electric Su»
pensory Appliances, for tho speedy relief and pcr<
xnanent Cure of A'ervov* Debility, loss of Vitality and
Manhood* and all kindred troubles. Also for many
other diseases. Complete restoration to Health, Vigor,
nnd Manhood guaranteed, tio risk ts Incurred. Iliu 9 »
tratorl pamphlet in sealed envelope mailed free, by ad*
dressing yOLTAIflnFLTira. IV[ich.
The Acme contains 114 American Of) XIS MHO RS
all WITH MUSIC, and is entirely
dillerent from any other collection. wwllUU
Also 100 Songs of the Day, including “ Wail
till Clouds Roll By,” “ Spring Time ana Robins
have Come,’’ ‘‘Climbing up do Golden Stairs,”
”Peek-a-Iioo!" ‘‘When lloUins Nest Again,”
"HI A wait My Love,” etc. Roth boohs, and cata¬
logues of music, novelties, etc., free, on receipt of 15c,
N, U. TKIITKT,408 Washington St., ISostoi),MftftB*
OR. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jefiarsan, Wisconsin.
sHEggp: For full i
, k FREE TO 1 F A.M. Fine Colored Engraving of the
Old Sun T rs«reru in Pliilntielpliin in urbich tho firat
lodge in i N, America «na organised sod held. Also
large illustrated Cntnlngun of Mnaonic books and
good* with bottom prices. Alan offer of firat-clssa
! -W \business to F. A, M, REDDING A CO.,
hlsssnic Publishers and Manuluclursrsjiil broad way. NewYork* •
pn /3 C ivory TOOTHPOWDER
Keeping Teefh Pei fert and Gnm» Healthy#
I) vr"* A T ■_* C IM 8 *jr ■ ® Q Obtained. Inventors’ Guide. Send stamp L. Binq- for
1 ham, Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C.
The Original nnd Only Genuine,
ftafa and always Reliable. Beware of worthless Imitations.
VSSZZuA bn A «S,'K^ S
(stamps) NAME to us for particulars in letter by return mail.
PAPER. 9818 Madison Chichester Chemical Co.,
bqsaro, Philala, Pa.
av •; Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is tbo BH
lest, .Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. M
A. Si, IT,.;..........«... ■ filltee n . ’86