Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
THURSDAY, MIY2T, l**b*6.
Letter From Hon. J. C. Clements
To the People of tiie 7tii Con
In pursuance of the kind so
Imitations of many ot you I am
a candidate for nomination for
Representative in the next Con
gl’eSS. Should I be the choice
of the democracy ot the district
I would appreciate the honor,
otherwise I would neither ex
pect nor desir-e it. My apolo¬
gy for taking the libe ty of ad
dressing you this kilter is, that
owing to tiie unusually early
date of the convention this year
and consequently early county
nuttings WLile congress, it will
be out of my yowe* to see ma
py of you personally, as I would
be gjad to do, and as other can
didates are doing, even if the
duties of the trust with which
you have honored me should
prnnit me to visit the district
at this time.
The triumph of the principles
of democracy are far more im¬
portant to the country and to
each voter than are the aspira¬
tions of any candidate, The
success of these principles nec¬
essarily depends upon the in¬
tegrity of the paity devoted to
them. Such integrity can only
be preserved by fair and just
methods of organization, where
by the choice of the masses of
the people can be fully and de
liberatiy recorded and respect
For some reason July 8th
a date five or six weeks earlier
than has been usual m this or
other disiiiets of the state, has
been fixed for the convention.
The county meetings to select
dele"flt‘b p moist tbuyet^r^, of
necessity, ) J beheld in the midst
of the busiest . ol , the
year, instead of the usual and
time . ot the L . , latter part , ol ,.
July or first of August. Meet¬
ings in several of the counties
including Catoosa, Mu’ray, Got*
don. and Polk have been called
for the first day of June.
Mr. Waddell, chairman of
the executive committee ot the
district, in reply to some criti¬
cism of the press upon its ac¬
tion in fixing so early a date,
offers the remarkable explana¬
tion that the courts begin on
the second Monday in July,
and tiie time was therefore fix¬
ed prior to that date for the
convenience of the “lawyers, lit¬
igants, and witnesses,” and
while he admits the date to be
early, he tries to justify it with
the statement that “Col. Clem¬
ents was at one time liomina.
ted on tii • fourth of July.”
This -v.iteiuent is eironeous.
J have been twice nominated
between the 25th and last of
August and never earlier than
the 8th ot August. But how
many “litigants and witnesses”
are likely to attend the conven¬
tion? There are perhaps two
hundred times as many voters
of other classes in the district
as there are lawyers. The lat¬
ter live in the towns where the
meetings will be held; the far¬
mer live mainly in the country
In addition to t lie short notice
given, no more inconvenient
time tor thr honest, toiling far¬
mer.- tit) ! ItvLorers of the couu
Coul«i have been Selected than
this, the most pressing and Lus
y pea-on of tiie year.
The la m irs must cither lose a
day tr-m their pi easing work
pr leave the selection (>1 dele-
gates to ’^present them in this
irap«>rtJii 4 t convention to others
But the <lay lias been fixed.
Meeting must soon be held in
some manner in all counties to
9elect your delegates wW:
action in convention assembler
we must all abide. I respect
fully protest that should be se
leeled by the whole democratic
people of the • espective coun¬
ties of the district, to represent
their will and to nominate then
choice for congress, whoevei
that may lie.
Therefore, for tin 1 good name
of the party, tile integrity of
its organization, and the tri¬
umph of its principals, I eart
ly appeal to each and all ol you
who may lead tins letter, to
watch to the appointments f<»l
county or primary meetings,
and urge others to do so, and
to see that the will of the ma
jo.ity, which is the spirit ot
democracy prevails.
Allow me in conclusion to
say that whatever of personal
inte’est I have in the contest 11
leave it in the hands of a peo
pie who have honored me with
their confidence in this past,
whom I have endeavored to
serve to the best of my ability
whose sense of justice and fair*
neess may always be trusted,
and to whose will none will
bow with moie reverence than;
your obedient iervant and fel¬
low citizen, J. C. Clements.
Dr. H. HOPE,
Spring Flack, Georgia.
Will answer promptly all modi
cal calls
AY n o LAM).
i Statk of (IsyaoiA, Murray County :
bo sold before the couii
house , door the town ol bpring „
pi ace , to the highest, bidder at pub
lie outcry between tue legal home
of sale on the first itusday in
Au ,_ mtt , lext ,| l0 follow ing |»r..per
ty to wit:
Lot of l.inff No. 65 in the tw> mv
(ill h dist rict and h,- c n m ct :on 01
snid county. Leviedonby vi.'iae
of and to satisfy a tux ff la issued
lrorn the tax collectoi'a office ot
said county in favor of the stale
and county against said lot of land
for taxes for the year 188-7.
Also at the sarao t UI« ami place
lot of land No 77 in tllO tweiltl’
fifth dist and second Section of said
county. Li vied on by virtue .j.*
ami to satisfy a lax li ft issued the tax col (tutors office ol
said county in five r 11 • 1 he state
and county vs said Id of laid IVr
taxes for i he ye ir 1885.
Also at the same time and p'«ce
lot of land No i 19 in I lie twenty
filth uist and second section of
said county. Levied on try viriueol
and to satisfy a lax fi fa issued
from the tux collector’s tdlice of
said county in favor of the sta'e
and county against sai i lot of land
lor taxes lor th© year 18S5.
Also at the same time and p ace
lot of land No 151 in the twenty
filth disl and second s> ct ol said
county. Levied on by virtue i
and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued from
the lux collector's of said county
in favor of the state and county vs
said lot. if ia nd for tuxes for the
year 13^5.
Alsu at the same time and place
lot of land No 1114 in the twenty
seventh disl and second section ol
said coumy. Levied on by viriue
of and to satisly a tax li ia issuetl
from ilie lax collector’s office ol
said county in favor ot the state
and county vs said lot of land for
iaxes for the year 1855
Also at the same time and place
lot of land No 172 in the twenty
Seventh (list and second sect of suid
county, levied on by viriueol
and to satisfy a lax fi a from Uu
lax colliotor’s office of said county
in favor of the Mute and county vs
said lot ol land for t .Xes lor (he
year 18 5
Also at th* same time and place
lot of land No 220 in the twenty
seventh disl andtecond section ot
said county. Levied on by virtue
f anil to satisly a tux li In issue*!
from 'ho tax collector's office >f
s-'id-eounty in favor of the state
and county vs said lot of luu;l for
u*xes for the year IS So.
ff Iso at the same lime and place
lot of land No. 218 in tho tweiwy
seventh diet and second sec don oi
-aid county. Levied on by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
from the tax col lector‘8 "fficehii
said count y in favor of the state and
cuoiiiy ftgain-t said lot of land for
taxes for the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
lot ol land No 267 in the twenty
seventh diet and second secti.m ol
Slid county. Levied on by virtu
ot and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
from the tux collectors office of
said county in favor of the stale
and county against said lot of land
lor taxes for the year 1885.
Also at ilie same time and place
.ot of land No 2£2 in the twenty
-(-v .nth - *ist and »• cood sect of said
county- Levied on by virtue of and
ir. satisfy a tax fi fa issued from
die lax collectors office of said
con >ty in favor oi the state amt
county against said lot of laud for
tax.-s for the year 1S85.
Also at the same limeand place
let of land No 288 in the twenty
seventh dist and second section of
said county. Levied on by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax li fa issued
from the tax collector's office ol
suiil countv in <avor ol the state
anil couniy against said lot of land
lur taxes for the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
lot of land No 58 in the twenty
sixth disc and second section ol
said county. Levied on by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax li fa from
the tax collector’s office of said
coumy in Javor of the state and
county against said lot of laud for
taxes for the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
lot oi 1 irui No 118 in the twenty
six!li dist and second section ol
said county. Leviedonby viilue
of and to satiety a lax li fa issued
from the tax collectors office of
saul county ia tavor of the state
and county against said lot of land
for taxes lor the year eighteen huu
died and eighty live.
Also nt ilie suine lime and pi :ce
lot of huni No 121 in the tu t |ii y
sixtti diet Mini second •lion . i
s.-iid c aii iy. la vn d on V.| ! u •
ot mnl to siitislj a lux li ,fi' i GPU U
In in tiie li.x o ittcloin/ 1 &■ <-. oi
said cornu m ftvor U the stale
mid cmnly again.-1 s lid lyt ol land
lor taxes for the year eiybto n
hundred and eighty live.
Also nt the same lime and place
lot o. 1 nd No 1:0 in the twenty'cmioiy" Lcv.ed".!,, bf virtu'!
0 f and to satisfy a ux|$ la issued
H - " m the t.- x codeiAoi fnvV s nlliee o:
aid e umy m of, ;ta, ,, ,,<■
and county ^dusCM* lot of la mi
lor UiXes for the war elghfeeu
Handle I and u,h;y five
Also t tho same time and place lot of (and
No lid m the 26tlt di.slri.nd 2nd 81‘OtioLi nf
sui«i county Leviedon by viilue of und to
satisfy u tux li fu issued Irom Ihe Tax C »i
leotor’a office of s iid county in fuvop of tho
htate aod tounty iigaiust said )ut of 1 ml for
tuxos for th yea 1885.
Also at the .same time a ri place iot of land
.No 128 in the 26th dibt a nd }£d sociion ufbaid
county. Ltved oh by virtue >d ami to sa ti.s
! iy tt tax fi fit. issued In-m ihe Tax Oolleeto.’s
office of said cuely in favor of the stale ami
county «gain.wt n.tid ioi ol in d toi taxed t
tho 1885.
Also at the sun • ‘iiuo and pi ice lot • f land
No. 131 in the *26th dial ami X’d Sertion nf
s " i, .‘ cuu,,! >- bev,«.l oil I.y vi ol «„u to
S " tlsl-Va “ ,xl ‘ •* iseucl item tiie T.ix Pol
! leCt,,r ’ B ,0lu, '- v *“ n ‘ Vur <•«' da
^Dilo and Ctiii.ty vssait: .ot td laud f r taxes*
for tli-s year 1885.
A1 o ai t hi* Milne time am j . ■ a v« i*«t vi an I
Nu ' 182 t! “' * li ' 11 d,sl •Uld S'Vll-.G 1 .-.’iti
County. Lt»\ ie l < n b; \ irtuu ot ai.d
t y *i lux ti i .i i ue fi l < it, iu(* i, * x v.'* i e l th¬
oflioo of no id county m tuvoi ».♦ i:,u tit 11: ii lid
crunty bguiubt **1 lot ol la d for wxeo fot
the year 1885.
AL.> at ihe same time ai.d plaei lot of land
No. 136 in tbe 38th disl und 2 nd sect of said
county. Levied on by virtuo of and to satis¬
ly a tnx fl fa issued from tho Tax Collector's
office of a aid County in avoid the stateand
county va said lot of land for taxes for
year 1885.
Also at the Banjo time and place lot of
land \o 149 in Ute2(ith dist and 2nd sect
of said county. Levied cn by virtue of and
to satisly a tax li t issued from the Tax
Collector’s office of said county in favor of
the stale and county vs Raid lot of land for taxes
for the year 1885.
Also at the mime titavund phca lot of (end
No 150 in the 2Gih uist and l .-eviionof
snid county. Levied on by virtue of and to
satisfy a tax fi f.i issued from tbe Tax Collec¬
tor’s ofli«e of said county in favor oi the state
und county yssffid iotof land for taxes tor the
year 1885.
Also nt the sumo time and place lotofland
No 151 in the 26th dist and 2nd seetiou of
said county. Levied on by virtue of and to
satisfy ft tax fi a from the Tax Collector's
office ot said cour. ty in favor of the state and
couuly vs said lot ot land for taxes for the
year 1885.
Also at the sairo time and place lot of land
No 153 in the 20th dist a nd Sod section of
said county. Levied on by virtue of and
to satisfy a tax fi fa issued from tho Tax
Collector's office of said county iu favor of
tho state and county vs said lotof iaudf.r
taxes for the year 1885.
Also at the saw i time and place lotofland
No 157 iu the 26th dist and 2nd section of
said county. Levied on by v rtuo of and to
satisfy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Col¬
lector’s office of said county in favor of the
stateand county vs said lotof land for
taxes for tbe year 1885.
Also at the same time and place lot of Sand
No 200 in tho 26th dist and 2nd seotion of
said county. Levied oj by virtu j of aid to
satisfy a taxfi fa issue;! from the Tax ColFc
tor’s office of said coun y in faroi of (be
state and county vs said lot of land for taxes
for the year 1885.
Altoat tbe same time and place lot of land
No 222 in the 26tb diet and 2nd feet of said
county. Levied on by virtue of and to sat¬
isfy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Collec¬
tor’s office of said couoty in favor of the state
and ctunty vs said lot of land for taxes for
the year 1885.
Also a! the same time and place
sixty acres more or less of lot oi
laud No 217 in tile eighth di-tricl
and third section ot said county.
Levied on by virtue of and to satis¬
fy a tax li fa issued from t lie tax
collectors office of said scounly ia
tavorofthe state and county vr
said lot of land for taxes for the
s ear eighteen hundred and eighty
A so at the same time and place
eighty acres more or less of lot cl
land No two hundred and eighteen
Jn the eight li (list and third sect
of t aid ct unty. Leva d on by vir
t ue of ai d to satiety a tax fi fa
issued trotn tire tax collector’s ot
saidccuntyin favor of the state
and county against said lot ol lan.l
for taxws lor the year eighteen
hundred snd eighty five. Tine
April 29. 1886. (J L i'errv.
State nr Giobgia murbay coudty.
By ?j. tue of an order issued from
the court of Ordinary of said conn
ty, will be sold at public out cry o i
ttie' Ist Tiiesffyy is: June next and
during the usual hours of sale in
tne town of Spring Place, Ga., and
at the regular place for the sheriff’s
sales of said county, all of the in¬
solvent pa pet s belonging to the cs
’ate ol J P Oelo deed, consisting
ofpromissoiy notes, judgements,
due bibs, op u accounts, etc., a
•inonntitig to about, thirteen hun¬
dred dollars. Terms of sale cash.
! lus April 29th, eighteen hundred
and u glily six.
J >h L
' J W’ ■ -le
• W J ,les jy, > i.x 0 i'
ner’s wu*a.iT is 5 .J tit.n
Ga., will tmnuh farmars
of Whitfield, na Mar
ray counties with »up
; pies SUctl ?IS BaCJU,
| Gorr b FloUr , 'Su^ar
i CoffcJ0, 8yrUp, t, ! To
u. lfl „ n GtO rx Oil , 1 tUHa +;,i tLil
fit 1 if tlldj H2.i llO gOOd
| UObbb- « ft f ao
M M Howell, “b«*rer, M vs B G*Corb n, b.t
rah AI Corbin and A riits. M C - b»a.
Goo gin, Murray Chum :
11 Hpjtearing to oun by the petition ■ t
M M iiowt’L, '‘bi’iror” that i'j A Cbi'bin,
lab M Coibin and AitiLtsa M C- ibiu on tbe
8th day ot November 1883, executed ami de- i
livlivt red toon, Oliver liuek.ihaa ami yom
I |,0titi0,,er i * b ' J iter, for .1 v i uabte oonaidera-
1 ion -a mortgage o.t 1 »t f laud No. 1 lire
huudf'd and o i veo, l) ia the 27t!i ian-i
uitstricL and lh i secc-iii ot Ktid county. V 1
Waning t»ae ban I red 11 ud u»* ro (.
h' Ss A Col ding tu original survey. For li.
I- r|«.»e of*e Ui-i-g-he puj-m.-m of a eeria
|>rouils«<>ry i.nto ft.,- the su.u of $9tf 79 besid
! iuler, ,t at 8 peroe .t I. imturi y, m;o! by
! the said E H Corbin, Sarah M cIgu and Ar
I li i-‘i M vb-vbin, u the 8tii <hty • • f N•
: 18S3. iiitfi (Die tt .it Is: fiav ot" vov
* ..
i88 I a pay a b * 1 tilt} Mii*i » s v u
i. t lie ; , *1 i; • Z
*1 Vo tilth e - 8* --, t: i u
| I. t! S . I 11 . t } v ’* 1 . b It M .
I - u rt-f. t -o to pay. I I l.i ( .U’T*
j lort‘ ordered by f)i coir i the s «i»j E 1/
I 1 Ourbiu, Faivih M Co bin uud Artilisbij, M * t)r
; i bin pay on or before the next term thereof,
the principle and luterc i dm thereon said
note and the cost of this suit, or in
thereof tho court will proceed as to justice
shall appertain. And it is further ordered
that this rule ahaD be published ouce a month
! lor four months in the North Gkorgia Times,
a newspaper published in the county of jVIur
uy, or served on the said E G Corbin, Sarah
M Corbin and Artilissa M Corbin, or their
special ageut or attorney, throe months be¬
fore the uext term of this court.
J C FAIN, J S.C., C.C.
vV Lufeman, plff’a ntty.
I her by certify that too above is a true
coppy from the minutes of court. This March
8, 1886. C N King, C. fc>. C.
Smp, do not drink bit tore and
f*titmii/n*t,s which are only tempo
vary in f.hmr tllectSj they will 110 c
and cannot giv*. back to you Ilie
t’l.siie step mid bright joyous ip L Dr. J 1:1 Me
blood an‘s strengthening cordial and
puriti r u what you want.
Henry Ebert, No. 1344 N 16t.h
?tv. td,!St Louis, says: I called to
tell yon that, the bottle of Tar Wine
Lung Balm \>mcli 1 bought of you
is die beG tiie world
lor cr up, mv lit tie giji iQor years
old had a very bad attack and we
despaired oi her li le. but two do;es
made her all right.
Georgia, Murray County.
Lydia S Brackett wife of Jehn Brackett has
applied for exemption of personalty and set¬
ting apart and valuation of homestead and I
will pass upon the same at j2 o’clock M* on
the 4th clay of May 1886. at my office.
W ll RamSkv.
Wooten AND Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Balton, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Millueiy Store ot
J. <fe J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elepant assortment of Mitinery and Straw Good;,consisting of Straw
Bonrets and Ladies’ a-d Children’s ITats [trimmed at d nntrimmed] Neck
and Sasli Ribbons, Vilvet Bihbnns. Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crspes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments A-c. Our goods
were bought of the largest and best importing- Houses in Balti¬
more nnd New Tone, and will be sold at very low
prices for cn sb.
Riding or Wattling
Corn and Fallow
Ml With double !'o>e CJ rtmivr
and Fertilizer corn
r \ ' \ / - t j <y\ pletc in ons J
L — j oi f! !
car ■ ’
Vi : : . aii-FiBLB. 1
i ;! >t f.He’s in «80 giving entire snlb'UV.c
t‘- •• '• »b*v! v..l iklro i!y this soaxon is
ti.v v; tl.nes as Lirys as l;n-i year.
m: M .& 1 R£Uf:£LE AGENTS wanted in all tin
occupies! to.'rAnry.
• osad lor catalogue mailed free. Address,
HEWCH & DROMGOLD, York, Fa. Name this paper.
pi < ...........Aft 'Am
m I fes, 5 >* "li •. tiELmate,
kmMAA -1 durable. a
m r ! 1 @o» I
Send for Catalogue and Price List.
nxrrz*!$mr.'Z‘ r . vf.
WEBKss^^xaiassftieAxtYcscss r.«
P. r? : D
U t - :*SADB
s ,
Bert pr'tdiiood.
Keicihic, to r burst.
Haslets tho a ■ i u t d tnriorata
Withiice. . v i.::y one. Th*
Uauid euntftu: ••: ”■ to lleshnnd
fabric, tvvoi yi •« a. i <ir«.proof, fo» !
Whatever it. tiili,. \v - do not claim
toextiiAgtiibbc.,,, . "f'tJiopi/iceoocn
piert by tho b in*, ii , t v - nirdialioally hold
that uo iaciyioul hit- v.. u !> livo wiief*
the HAYWtrm i. * • ” ft TO used .. directed
nnd thusi *!.i" > i rtjiws
Send to us t -
J'xmphb ts r$SSs
our (>ir
llotis**. Barn. ,,.,..iv:c'S‘Ss it -re
out \
>Vo IVAl.t . I
htatoti. Add. -
HAW/a . :> .. . r, Glt^rTADE CO, #
407*40;) u-. ’iiAT* New York*
T \ Si S E B *rrvi’nd Wooten & !lV:nes v
C N Vance. Rule Nisi foreclose mortpair^.
Gborgia, Marray Court!y.
T‘ appearing to tne court by the p**titi"!i
«>f T A .t S Vi Berry and of Wooten it H
tbit 0 N T Va.oco executed and delivered
the in on the 28ih d y of December .1885 *'■
mortgngs on tl.o following properly to w.:.
I*.::-. *.f i«t hua No.-sub, iu tho 9th
»i:d 3rd sect ion «• I Murray county, c *ntnmr
three acres ui re or less comm cue ing 56 L oi
n-um piaotrooon N WstUe ha,;!; s
to \V Bed’s line, thence with Red’s line to /.
MrllanV line, thonce with Mcllan’s lino i'
mil! lot., then -e with mill lot road to Ha.-.- <
Mills rtuui, thence back 50 feet from
tree. Also lot of land No. 123 in ths
di.-tricl and 3rd section cf Murray couruy,
Georgia, for the purpose of securing tbe ;my
ineut of certain deb s on ah uoeeunt due T A
•fc S E Berry firm of $8 25 and a note duo said
Wooten tfc Holmes firm of $79 15 besides in¬
terest and ten per cent attorneys fees, said
note bearing date May 6, 1885 and duo sixty
days after date, which the said 0 N Vance
refuses to pay. It is therefore ordered by the
court that the said C N Vance pay into this
court on or before the next term thereof the
principal and interest duo on said debts and
the cost of this suitor in default thereof
the court will proceed as to justice shall ap¬
pertain, and it is further ordered that this
rule bo published in the Novth Georgia
Timps, a paper oublished in said county of
Murray, ouce a month for four month* or
served en the said C N Vance, his, agent or
attorney three mo nibs previous to tne next
term of this court. J c Fxi», j. s. c.,c.c.
S P Maddox, Petitioner's Att’y.
I certify tkut the above is a true extract
from Ihe minutes of Murray Sup’r Court.
16th day of Maroh,188ll.
c N, c. s. c.
X" '
/ ! /
' -
.- -rtree r - zmxszss&za. pxssc ^ . v. .ttORsonrann
- ■ f • ■ / / \ \ •' " t t " m
Si mMm paint
@ mm WETHERIIL’S you examine should
C J, A. 7 Jj/ Artistic Old-Faahioned Designs
shades of
Iw J'atlasuuJPaint
#?^s^ a Y!!»sssas and showing the
contents If your dealer r has A". not
of ercry if I 1 got scud our to portfolio, ua for one. ask him You
°>ti '-Ohr >)
ATLAS act I 1. sgt can then see exactly will how
\ pA tr. I your house appear
READY- Wl when, finished.
MIXED \ M m M >I Co ibis and use “AHas”
fT „ ' our Guarantee.
Sic\ IP feoMeMISCo.
5G North Front St.
_A e %^yp? PlBLAD’A, PA.
Stock and Convey¬
Fur hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery J Stable
-v i)fiiton, x v Ga. n Also
in a wagon
kept ill COnnCCtioll
•Flt’ . f 1 _ ii<3
J >‘Tt I'OUiMgU of
the }>•:; >ple t-nmeb desired, and
•. ntcially tliose flora Murray
Don’t Purchase Worthless
Samuel J Tilden
“Tjulen,’' the only full blooded
Jersey bull in Ihe county, will be
kept the present season at M R
Ohastain‘8. about two miles north
of Spring Place,for the service of
the public. Fees two dollars.
'Tiiden’ is from c >w ’Bell’ now
owned by Ool.T It Jones, of Dal-,
ton, and sired by Get'y'e celebra¬
ted bull^ old ‘L’Allegro,’ and will be two.
years May 2. Cattle raising
could be made one of the most pay
ing industries of tbis section, pro
vidf d proper attention is given to
the grade of stock propagated. So
Ink- advantage of this the first and
only chance to improve the grade of
eat lie in the county.