Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
To the Voters.
I will a’d css the people on
the political issuts of the com¬
ing campaign as a candidate
for Representative at the fol¬
lowing stated times aud places:
Woodlawn district ou tin
1 st Saturday in August.
Eighth district on the 2nd
Saturday in August.
Tenth district on the 3rd
Saturday in August.
Doolittle district ou the 4th
Saturday in August.
Other appointments will be
made wheu these are filled.
All competitive candidates
ate invited to participate in the
W. J. Peeplks.
Congress is hustling busi¬
ness in older to adjourn next
week. President Cleveland
has announced that he will ex¬
amine the appropriation bills
closely before be signs them.
This determination may hold
the houses together for three
or four days longer than was
Prof. W F Crussell, of the
N. G. A. college at Dahlonega,
nud Miss Mary Lewis, daugh
ter of the late Hon, D vV Lew¬
is, and principal of the female
department ot the institution,
were joined in matrimony on
the loth iust.
A . .. little 4 . girl . , at V emon, Ala., A1
is creating the biggest sensa
lion in the history of the world
V>y claiming to be) a returned
angel. The country is wild
over her and multitudes flock
to hear her!
An Englishman who recent¬
ly tried to shake hands with
the ]ifilice of Wales, has been
arrested aud ordered to keep
the peace. No wondor Ireland
wants to break loose from that
k r;l "g
Massachusetts is kicking up
a great low over a colored dri
ver of a street cat. Massachu
setts is evidently one of the
doctors that d esn't like to
take her own medicine.
It is remarked that Mrs.
Cleveland prefers the society
of old men to young ones. Her
prelereiice would doubtless
change should the president
drop off.
The president has referred
the oleomargarine bill to At—
. -Wuneral fy 1 / iTUrLtllU i 1 i tor c Ills
. . . . .
opinion 1 as to Its constitutional
Thm-^Mit-'ins to Le a general
gratification felt all over [ |j ( »
country at tins thought that
Congress will adjourn soon.
lion. Dupont Guerry was
yesterday appointed district
atto ney tor the .southern dis
t.-W 11 It t «>l ,,1'lLnhri.i ureoigiu.
____ _ ____
A girl baby at Akron, O.,
ha* \lA ■ars un its lower law
It is i"' 0 ' ,abl,J that s,, " !
will marry.
Ich civam, cucumbers and
watt rimdoiis are doubling up a
good many people this sum¬
<' •!. W C Glenn is likely to
l.c »(** successful c.indithite for
! 'T *S; •nr t'ive in Whitfield,
-----»-• -4---
('..ikliill the pros cut ing at
t. ii. v iu the Guileau trial is
The canvass for representa¬
tives is getting pretty well
opened up throughout the
The gubernatorial conven¬
tion met yesterday.
Dr. J H MnT.eau’s Horaoeopathio Livor
anil Kidney Fillets will remove those para¬
sites from tbe b'.wels and thereby relieve
Constipation. Piles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
and all aueh painful oomplaiuts.
Georgia, Murray County.
Will be sold before the co.>rt
house door in the town of Soring
Place to the highest bidder at pub
lie outcry between tbe legal hours
of sale on the first Tuesday in Au
gust next, the ioilowing property
to wit:
Lot of land No. one hundred and
ninety two in the tenth dist and
third section of Murray county, Ga
Levied on as the property of W A
Whatley et al by vir ue of and to
satisfy two superior court McLain fi fas
both in favor of Isaac vs
^ said W A Whatley et al.
Also at the enme time and place
east half of lot No. 303 in the twen
tv sixth diet and second section of
Murray county Ga., containing
eighty acres more or less. Levied
on as the property of W A Swan
son by virtue of and to satisfy two
justice court fi las issued from the
justice's court of the one thousand
and thirteenth dist a m, one in fa
vor of Jesse Holland and one in
favor of LV J Johnson Ex. ot J A W
Johnson, both vs W A Swanson.
Also at the same time and place
lots of land Nos. 46 and 47 in the
9th dist and 3rd section of Murray prof)
county. Ga. Levied on as the
ertyofTM McLain to satisfy a
justice court fi fa issued from the
1039th ili-to m in favor of a S Vin
ing vs T M McLain. Levy made
and returned to oie by W M Rich
ards l c.
Also at the same time aud
pl.,,e lot ot laud No 197 in tin,
13th (list, and 3rd section ot
said county. Levied on by vir
f ue of and to satisfy a fi fa is
sued from the Justice's court
ot the 894th dist. g m of said
county in favor W L Brown &
Son vs. P H Howell. Proper-
1 ty iu of said How
««• “ ,ld rctumel1
to me by J M box L. C.
Also at the same time and
place 50 acres ot land on tin
west side of lot of land No 25
in the 9th dist and 3rd section
of Murray county, Ga. bound¬
ed ou the south by G C Me
Lain, west by W V Howell,
north by RT Beck, ttntl on tin
east by lands of Mary I Beck.
Levied on as tbe property
defendant to satisfy a justice
oourt fi fa issued from the jus
tices court of the 1039th
j o. in. iu favor of A 8 Vining
J C McEntire, adm’r of W J
Beck uee’d. Levy made
returned to me by W M
ards l. c. This June 29, 1886.
flan Piaqo and on oo.
j right Caw*, Beautiful Piano. for only ItoHCWood New Up¬ mM
Bend for Descriptive
Catalogue. It^mpayyoutorx
amine thia inutrument
, beforo paying double
■ our price for oue not
Dearly ho good. gggi§ii
No Organa or Pianos
have met with tho
popularity of these in
etrumenta, aa ia proven by the WONDERFUL
SALES. Our increased facilities for tho manu¬
facture of Pianos and Organs enable us to offer in¬
struments of tho HIGH
KST GRADE at lower
prices than ia asked for
inferior ones.
Write us and wo will
take pleasure in giving all
tbe information doaired
freo of charge. All our
Instruments aro war¬
j ranted for SIX YEARS
«.<i«rosent. 0V w here on
' 15 day's test trial.
j : «p.gSs WiT J|®T pa Black Royal Walnut Gem Organ, Case, Solid for
j; °sLdXixrmtnti»tedCat
< 1,u ' as8 m8ntton «*>•
™ • paper when you write. .
Washington, Warren Co., N.J,
TJ. S. A.
WI1.I) LAM).
State or Gkoroia, Murray County:
Will 6e srild before the rourl
honee door in tho town of Spring
Pbiee, to tb>- highest hi if'er at pub
lie outcry between |ue legal hours
of sale on tho first Tuesday in
August next tho following proper¬
ty to wit:
Lot of land No. 65 in the twenty
district and second section of
county. Levied on by virtue
and to satisfy a tax fi ia issued
the tax collector's office of
said county in favor of the state
county against said lot of land
for tax-6 for the year 1885
Also at the same time and place
lot of land No. 218 in the twenty
seventh dist and second section of
said county. Levied on by virtue
and to satisfy a tax fi la issued
from the tax collector's office of
said county in favor of the state and
cuonty against said lot of land fur
taxes for the year 1885,
Also at the same time and place
ot land No 267 in the twenty
dist and second section of
county. Levied on by virtue
and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
collector's office of
d county in favor of the state
and county against said lot ot land
or *- ases l° r the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
of land No 282 in the twenty
> th di st a nd SeC ° nd sect °£ 8a1 ^
T Levied . on by virtue . ot and
8atlsI y a ta * d la issued from
l f x collectors office of said
. ? °J ,^ tate and
* m & \ or e «
against said lot of land for
taxes * or tbe year 1885.
A* 80 at M>e same time and place
* ct °I | a *i d No 288 in the twenty
v enth d ‘ st and 8ec « nd 8e ct»on of
sald . , ouaty levied by virtue
c \ on
f andt0 1 satlsf y a ^ ax fa If™,
the tax collector's office ol
8ttld coun ' v 111 lav or of the state
a « d county against t said lot ol land
of taxes ^ or {I 1 * 1 y ear 1885.
Also at the same time and place
let ot land No 58 in the twenty
sixth dist and second section ot
8aid county. Levied on by virtue
and to satisfy a tax fi fa trom
tlle tax collectors office of said
t . lav of th 8t ud
coun >' ln « r e ale a
county , against said , lot , f ot land , 1 tor 4
laxes ,or lile y ear 1885 '
Also at the same time and place
lot ol land No 118 in the tweniy
sixth dist and second section of
said county. Levied on by virtue
and ^ ,<> satisfy a tax ii la issued
from the tax collector's office
said county in tavor ot the state
dred and
Also ot the same time and place
lot of land No 121 in the tweniy
8ixldl dist aud second section ol
rfi'uo'Jatistyli U.x'Vffi Us^d
hom the tax collector's office ol
said county in favor of ihe slate
aud (:olln ty against s-ud lot of land
A ,bo at the same timeand place
lot oi land No 120 in the twenty
siztlidbt and second section of
said county. Levied on by virtue
ol and to satisfy a tax 11 la issued
from the tux collectors office ol
said couuty in favor of the state
and county against said lot of land
lor taxes for the year eighteen
hundted and eighty live.
Alsoottlio Paine time and place lotofland
No 122 in the 26th dist and 2nd section of
said county. Levied on by virtue of and to
satisfy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Col¬
lector’s office of s aid county in favor of the
State and county ag ainst said lot of land for
taxes for the year 1885.
Also at the rame timo and place iotof land
No 128 in the 26lh dist and 2nd section of said
county. Levied on hy virtue of and to satis¬
fy a ta* fi fuissuued from tho Tax Collootoi’s
office of said County in favor of the state and
county against said lot of laud for taxes for
the y ur 1885.
Also at the same time ahd place lot of land
No. 131 in the ‘.J6th dist and 2nd section of
said county. Levied on by virtue of and to
satisfy a tax ti fa issued from the Tax Col¬
lector’s ofiice of said couuty in favor of the
state aud county vs said iot of land f .r tuxes
for tho year 1885.
Al-o at the same time and place lo.‘ of land
No. 132 in the 20th dist and section of said
county. Levied on by virtue of and to satis¬
fy a tax fif i issued from the Tax Collector’s
office of said county in favor of Die state and
county against said lot of land for taxes for
the year 1885.
Also at the some time and plnci lot of land
No. 130 iu the 26th dist and 2nd sect of said
county. Levied on by virtue of and to satis¬
fy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Collector’s
office ofsaid County in lavor of tho state and
county vs said lot of land for taxes for the
year 1885.
Also at tho sumo time and place lot
land So 149 iu the 26th dist and 2nd sect
of said county. Levied cn by virtue of and
to satisfy a tax fi f « issued from tho Tax
Collector’s office of said county in favor of
tho state and county vs said lotofland for taxes
for the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place lot of land
No. 150 in the 2Gth diet and 2nd section of
said county. Leviedon by virtue of and to
satisfy a Ux fi fa issued from the Tax Collec¬
tor’s office of said coun ty in favor of the state
and county yssaid lotofland for taxes for tho
year 1885.
Also at tho sumo time iind).lace lotofland
No 151 in tho 26th (list a»d 2nd sectioa of
said couuty. Levied on by virtue of and to
satisfy a tax fi :a from the Tax Collector’s
etficeotsaid cour.ty in favor ofthe state and
couuty vs said lot of land for taxes for the
year 1885
Also at tho same time and place lot of land
No 155in the 2fith dist und 2nd section of
said county. Levied on by virtue of and
to satisfy a ta* fi fa issued from the Tax
Collector's office of said county iu favor of
too state and county vs said lotof luudfjr
taxes for tho year 1885.
Also at the same time and (ilaoe lotoflnntj
No 157 in the 26th dist and 2nd section of
said county. Levied on byvrtneof and to
satisfy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Col¬
lector’s office of said county in favor of the
state and county vs said lot of land for
taxes for the year 1885.
AIbo at the same time and place let of land
No 200 in (lie 26>h distaad 2nd section of
said county. Levied on by virtue of and to
saiiffy a tax fi fa Issued from the Tax Coll c
toi’s office of said county in favor of the
state and county vs said lot of land for taxes
for the year 1885.
Also at the same time and place lot of land
No 222 iu the 26th dial and 2nd sect of said
county. Levied on by virtue of and to sat¬
isfy a tax fi fa issued from the Tax Collec¬
tor's office of said county in favor of the state
and county vs said lot of land for taxes for
the year 1885.
Also al the same time and place
sixty acres more or less of lot of
land No 217 in the eighth district
and third seel ion of said county.
Levied on by virtue of and to satis¬
fy a tax fi fa issued from the tax
collectors office of said scounty in
favor of the state and county vs
said lot of land for taxes for the
five. year eighteen hundred and eighty
Also at the same time and place
lot of land No 77 in the twenty
fifth dist and second section of said
county. Levied on bv virtue of
and to satisfy a tax ii fa issued
from the tax collectors office
said county in l^vor of the state
and county vs said lot of laid for
taxes for the.vear 1885.
Also at the same time and place
lot of laud No 119 in the twenty
filth uist and second section
said county. Levied on by virtue
and to satisfy a tax li fa
from the tux collector's office
said county m lavor of the
and county against said lot of
for tuxes tor the ;• ear 1885.
Also at the same time and
ot of land No 151 in the t
tilth dist ahd second sect ot
county. Levied on by virtue .
and to satisfy a tax li fa issued
the tax collectors of said
in favor of the slate and county
said lot of land for taxes for
year 1885.
Also at the same time and place
lot of laud No lift it. the twenty
seventh (listand second section ot
said county. Levied un by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi ta issued
from the tax collector's office <d
said county in favor ot the slat <
and county vs said hr of land tV
taxes for tue year 1885.
Also at the same tun * and plae
lot of land No 172 iu tin t v n y
seventh dist and second sect of km
county. Levied on by virtue ol
and to satisfy a tax li .a from tin
tax collector's office of said county
in favor ot the state and county v«
said lot ol land for t-tXdo for tin
year 18S5.
Also at the sain time and place
lot of land No 220 in the twenty
seventh dial and second section ot
said county. Levied on by virtu
. f and to satisfy a lax li la issue
from I lie tux collector's office it
said comity m favor of t.lie state
anti county v« said lot of land foi
taxes for the year 1885.
A so at the same time and place
eighty acres more or less of lot id
land No two hundred and eighteen
[Jn the eighth dist and third sec.
of . aid county. Levied on by vii
tue of ur:d to satiety a iax fi la
issued Irom ho tax collector's i t
said county in lavor of the slate
and county agimst said lot ot lari
for taxes tor the year eighteen
hundred and eighty five. Till.'
April 29 18s(5. (J L Terrv.
III! 1.1', MSI.
M M IIowoll, “b‘i«r«r,” vs E G Corbin, Sa
r.ih M Ctrbin and Anils* M Corbin.
Georgia, Murray County:
It Appearing to tho court by tho petition
M M Howell, “bettror” that, E G Corbin,
rah M Corbin and ArtiUana M Corbin on
8th day of November 1883, executed and
iivlivei’ed to one Oliver lluckabaa and
petitioner is bearer, for a va liable oommlera
tion, a niovtgago on lot of land No. three
hundred and eleven, (311) id the 27th
district and 2nd section of said county,
twining one huudred and sixty j»cre« more
less a cording to original survoy. For
purpose of so uring the payment of a certain
promissory note for the sum of $90. 79
iutorest at 8 per cent from maturity, made by
the said E (3 Corbiu, Sarah M Corbin and
ti issa M Corbin, on the 8th day of
1883, and duo on the 1st day of
1884, and payable to tho said Oliver liu'ho
baa or bearer, ami your petitioner is
for valuable consideration, which said n
tho said E G Corbin, Sarah M Corbin and Ar
tilissa M Corbin refuse to pay. It is there¬
fore ordered by th a court that the said E (j
Corbin, Sarah M Co bin and Artilista M For
hin pay on or before tho next term thereof,
tho principle and interest due thereon said
note and the cost of this suit, or in default
thereof tho court will proceed as to justice
shall Appertain. And it is further ordered
that this rule shaD be published ouce a month
for four months in the North Gkoroia Timks,
a newspapor published iu tho county of Alur*
ay, or served on the said E G Corbin, Sarah
M Corbin and Artilissa M Corbin, or their
special agent or attorney, three months be¬
fore the next term of this court.
J C FAIN, J. S.C., C. C.
W Lufeman, plfi’s atty.
I hereby certify that the above is a true
coppy from the minutes of court. This March
8, 1886. C N Ki.vo, C. S. C.
Saddle or Collar Galls. Dr. J II McLeans
Volcanic Oil Linimest takes away Fever,
reduces the Swelling aud heals the sores,
tt acts like a charm. Wash each Sore
clean at least once every day, do not rub
Wooten AND Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Dalton, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the MiUnery Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment nf Milinery and Straw Goods, consisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’a"d Children’s Ilats [trimmed ard nntrimmed] Neck
and 8asb Ribbons, Vitvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers.Ornaments &o. Our goods
were bought of the largest and best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Tors, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
Riding Corn HENCH’S and or Walking Fallow CULT B
With double Jiow Com J'tnnter
m and Fertilizer 2 >letc in out Attaehnicnt# Machine, com
—Jm l I ti' la a Thousands RELIABLE ice ii. times T ■ ‘ demand us in large AGENTS use sb giving already last year. wanted entir t'.na © Buaaou in Bfltisf all un- %
occupied territory.
oend for catalogue mailed free. Address,
HENCH & DROi&CGLU, York, Pa. Name this paper.
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
i T iS®; Manufacturers of th. Old
Reliable Brown Cotton Gins,
Feeders, and Condensers. All
the very latest improvements;
V- - two brush belts, steel bearings,
' improved roll box, patent whip¬
A pet, extra strong brush. New
perfected Feeder, enlarged dust
proof Strong, Condenser.
‘a " l «!. durable and simple
-J sj in construction. Gins fast, runs
l_ | light, fectly. and cleans the seed per
Send for Circular and Price
ll« Ill* VP S l* A V. A ■:> u c:< H&WD -/./Made
Bout HadiI <lv*n F o il'l'.t - ever produoed.
Reliable, «i hi• do. r<i i ii- ,i> 1 freeze nr burst,
Resist* tue acit.iu t-j /, b ■- ,i| n"t umeriorato
with Easily •
a*je. b* -V ■*(:. c i > ! i •: 't^l r.y any one. Tho
navna oonUir.mi in u mi*i s 1 m ni.■!«-*•« to flesh and
fobrio. Everythin* i: t :* t 1 ertm • i ri re. proof, for
Whatever it fulls t.;»»onvili •• • f horn. *V e do nut claim
lo extinguisli cnnii'. vntit• <’ <nrt> the placeoccu*
pteG by the ) ire D< t..-u mv« emphatically hold
uut neuicjpisuliiio cul pusiubly live wu»i«
Wo vraat Viie. ■ it**.,' ui,u toragoatsin the United
Bl ““' A ' ,dr ' ,M
hatoa it n **■ a :v vnr. ■va de co^
407-409 Vi •• av, YorCc*
hlTljK \ >1.
T A Sc S E Berry an l Woo to' .t TIolincs vs
CN \ ance. Rule Nisi to foreclose
Urokgia, ^1 urray Comity.
Tt Appearing to tho e uirt bv the p*»titiun
*'f T A & 8 E Berry and of Wooten Sc
’b»r 0 N Vance executed and delivered :<
them on the 28th d»y of December 1885 a
tnortgags <»n the foHowing property to
Part of L»t laud No. 200, in the Orh dirlrii
nnd 3rd section of Murray county, contain!-,...
tiiioe acres m re or less comuiencin«r 50
from pil e tree on N W rimning back v
to Vv bed’s line, thence witli Red’s line tu .4
McIIati’s Hue, tho non with SI.-Han's Hue I '
mill lot, thence with mill lot rmid to l!uss!ei
Mills road, thence hack 50 feet from pn»e
tree. Also lot. of land No. 123 io r;jr 2 i:h
district and 3rd section ef Murray county,
Georgia, for the purpose of securing the pay¬
ment of certain debts on ah acceunt due T A
Sc S K Berry firm of $8.25 and a note due said
Wooten »t Holmes firm of $79 15 besides in¬
terest and ten per cent attorneys fees, said
note bearing date May 6, 1885 and due sixty
days after date, which the said C N Vance
refuses to pay. It is therefore ordered by the
oourt that the said C N Vance pay into this
court on or before the next term thereof the
principal and interest due on said debts and
the cost of this suitor in default thereof
the court will proceed ns to justice shall np
pertain, and it is further ordered that this
rule ho published in tho Noyth Gkoroia
T ixrs, a paper published in said county of
Murray, once a month for four month, or
served en the said C N Vance, his agent or
attorney three months prer ions to too next
term or ibis court. •J C Fain, J. s. C.,C.C.
SP Maddox, Petitioner's Att'y.
I certily that tho above is n true extract
from the minutes of Murray Sup’r Court. This
lfith day of March, 18S6.
C N Kino, c. s. c.
J.-- 1C"
w. M 5
1 u
Don’t Patch use Worthless
Will answer promptly al] medi¬
cal calls
Samuel J Tilden
Tiiden,’ the onlv full blooded.
Jersey bull in the comity, will be
kept tbe present, season nt M R
Chastain's, about two miles north
of Spring Place, for the service of
the public. Fees two doll ars.
‘Tilden’ is from cow -Bell’ now
owned by Col. T R Jones, of Dal¬
ton. and sired by Getty's celebra¬
ted bull ‘L’Allegro,’ and will be two
years old May 2. Cattle raising
could be made one of the most pay
ing industries of this section, pro¬
vided proper attention is given to
Hie grade of stock propagated. So
take advantage of this the first and
only chance to improve the irade of
cattle in the county.
O' . ’ £■’
AK 0^
Action, CylincJBr ^ d J >e *l e Sf :
setting Needle, Positive^eed, Shuttl© t S©lf
No Springs, Few Parts, Mini
Noise, mum Weight, No Wear, No Friction, No No
No “Tantrums,” Capacity Fatigue,
Richly Unlimited, Always in Order,
plated Ornamented, and Gives Nickel
Satisfaction. Perfect
Send for Circulars.
28 Union Square, New York.
Dr. E. M. HOPE,
Place, Georgia.