Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Tillies
. .. ii.. ,- r---------~
In order to supply the de¬
mands tor the letter announcing
the candidacy of Mr Pleas Mc¬
Ghee, for Repieseutative by re
quest we repubhsh it in ibis
issue. The letter in full is as
I take this occasion to an¬
tiounce alysed as a candidate
for Representative of Murray
county. By the earnest and
continued solicitations of many
of my friends, I was brought
out two years ago, at a late
date in the race, and against
the convictions of my own
mind as to the propriety of the
action. Then a large number
of my friends had pledged
themselves, before I became a
candidate, in such a manner as
to render it inconsistent for
them to support me. And now
at their request, and the ap¬
peals of those who did support
me. I have consented, m time,
to give all a fair chance, as it
was too late before. I have
worked hard for my friends in
the past, aud I now offer to
them a very timely opportuni¬
ty to prove, to me, whether or
^tot they appreciated my ser
vjcPN. and I feel confident that
their action in the coming eloc¬
ution will be satisfactory tome.
Should I be so fortunate as to
be elected I have no prom¬
ts to make. I will not prom¬
ise it, y constituents that I will
ilia the legislature, l ut.I will
look after what 1 consider to
be the very best interest
my county, as a plain farmer
undjnot a professional man.
It. is often remarked that it
makes no difference whom we
send to the legislature they
don’t do any good any way.
My idea is that we, the people,
are to blame to a considerable
extent for this trouble. And
should I be elected to a seat in
the next general assembly of
Georgia, I shall request my
people, at all times, to advise
juu as to what they waut done,
and when I say my people, I
mean a majority of the
as near as can be come at, and
not a tew individuals; and when
sa advised I will act upon
questions regardless of my own
feelings. But when uninstruc
ted on any issue, then I shall
exercise my best judgment.
I will now define my posi¬
tions on some of the leading
questions which are likely to
come before the next legisla¬
ture, and how I shall vote with
the jjiescnt lights before me,
unless uistiucted differently by
a tnujority of the people
1 am opposed to the sale of
the state road, I am in favor
of releasing it for a term high¬ of,
say, twenty years to the
est, safest and best bidder, and
in a way as will be to the
best interest of the state.
I am in favor of the railroad
commission as it now stands.
I am iu favor of modifying
tbe present public school laws
jn such a way that the amount
of funds, paid by our county,
may be directly appropriated
to the expenses of schools with
in our county limits, without
so many official transfers,
I speak specially upon these
questions because they seem to
bo attracting most attention,
both among legislate. 8 and the
I'eople. On all looking to
• !
tIje relief of the people, if elect,
ed, I will id Ctie absence of in
structions be guided by wbat
I conceive to be tbejr best in¬
With the foregoing state¬
ment I respectfully submit my
claims to the voters of Muriay
county asking the hearty sup¬
port of all who can consistently
give it in the present race.
Very respectfully,
PiiEi.s McGhee.
We clip the following from
the Atlanta Evening Capitol,
of October 14, 1835, which will
give our readers some idea of
the standing, ability and influ¬
ence ot Hon. W. J. Peeples in
the last Legislature of Georgia:
One of the most popular
mem be's of the legislature, is
the Hon. W. J. Peeples. He
has a genial, sunny nature,
possesses a rare vein of good
humor and is liked by every¬
body. In advocating a meas¬
ure, he has always adopted the
wise policy of winning over ad¬
vocates to his side in a friendly
spirit, instead of denouncing all
those who did not agreo with
him. The progress of every
measure has been carefully
watched by him, and he has al¬
ways voted only after the most
mature deliberation, llis vote
was cencientiously cast against
the railroad bill, and according,
as he believed, to the wishes of
the people. Representative Pee¬
ples has been a useful member
to his and to his state.
To the Voters.
I will address the people on
the political is»uts of the com
ing campaign as a candidate
for Representative at the fol¬
lowing stilted times and places:
WoodJawu district on the
1st Saturday in August.
Eighth district on the 2nd
Saturday in August.
Tenth district on the 3rd
Saturday iu August.
Doolittle district on the 4th
in August.
Other appointments will be
when these are filled.
All competitive candidates
invited to participate in the
W. J. Peeples.
It is proposed to hold a re¬
union ot the Jones family in
Rhode Island. The idea that
there is room in Rhode Island
for the Jones family is a very
funny one.
The gubernatorial cod venlion
met in Atlanta last week.and Horn
muted Gen. John B Gordon. The
nomination was made unanimous
with the exception often votes.
The price ot stamped envelopes
lias been reduced. Tins will aff¬
ect the public more pleasantly and
due'’,sly than an tariff reduction
scheme yet outlined.
Judge McOay, of Atlanta, Judge
ot the TJ S Court for the northern
district <ff Georgia, died last wee ,.
Judce Janies Brown is spoken of
as his successor.
Conference committees in Wash
in'ton seem to agree quickly on
llieir differences as the hour for
adjournment approaches.
Hon. W H Felton has announced
himseli as an independent candi
date for Representative of Bartow
The Oleomargarine bill has
been signed by the presidnt
and is now a law.
The c op prospect in Georgia is
said to be quite flattering.
• • •
Texas and Mexico are about to
get on the war path.
The Gilmer pr bihition fight is
J. C. Fin, Judgj So perior Court.
C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court.
C. L. Terry. Sheriff.
W. H. Rinse;, Ordinary.
T. J. Ovbey, Treasurer.
M. H. Bramblett, Tax Receiver.
W. D. Gregory, Tax Collector.
M. M. Bates, County Surveyor.
C. B. Holland, Coronor.
Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, E. Water
house, Sr., 8.L. Trimmier, John A. Berry,
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. R, Chastain, Pres.
S. H. Henry, Seo’y and County School Com¬
missioner, W. G. Harris, H. L. Panglo, John
G. Spruill.
Eighth—»84th D'ut, W R Lack*; J. P.,
JHKuhuN. P., J M Pox and John logic
Doolittle—972nd Diet., W C D Gordon J P.
Ira Griffeth..N. P., J T SpriugSeld aud S P
Duucan, Constables.
Tenth—874th Dint., T J Bryant J. P„ D C
Dunn Constable.
Alaoulsa—1011th Dist., J U Oneal J. P,
J H Wilson N. P., J D Baxter and E S How¬
ell Constables.
1013th Dist., M W door J. P., B P C
Lougbridge N. P., E L Bates and G W
Swanson Constables.
Shuok Pen—1038th Dist., EW Bond J.P.,
J B Bond and and W M Richards Constables.
Bull Pen—1291th Dist., J W Fincher, J P.
B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn and W H
Brown Constables.
Arrival aud Departure of Mails,
Datten—Departs 7 a, in. daily,ariles& pm.
Talking Rock—Departs 7 a. m. Saturday,
arrives 6 p. in. Friday.
Ellijay—Departs 7 a. m, Tueslay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Cassvllle—Depatta 6 a m Monday, \Ved
nesday, Friday; arrWen 6 p M. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday,,^-.- # fidtXr '
Coima9Ruga— Departs 6 a. sday; s
arrives 7 Thursday.
Gempia, Murrey Oouiffy.
Spring By virtue Place of masonic authority loctx& Ctpnj/fhe ^will
be sold to the highest bidder in
Spring Place, Ga., on the firoi
Tuesday iu September next
ic ball property i said town. Pos
se-sion and use ot u, per story ol
bui ding reserved oil January 1
1887. Terms of sale one
cash and bulanco UrC 1, 1886
il piefenble to pure: asor time till
Dec. 1 will bjk tiven on ull am uni
with good s ueur itv. This Aug 4,
1886. MPFlTamniell Starr,
Ohm. of Coin.
Georgia, Murray „<>ur.t
Will be sold before the court
house door in the town of S
Place to the highest bolder nt
lie out cry between Hie legal
of sale on the first Tuesday in Sep
tern her next, the lo lowing
to wit:
Pi by acres of land on the west
side of lot No. 25 in the 9th dist
and 3t 1 1 sect,' f said county bound
ed on the south by G (’
on t he west bv W V Howell, on the
north by II T Beck and west In¬
land of Jiktry J Beck. Levied on
as the property of J C McEmire,
admr, of VV 3 Beck deceased. Lev
ied on bv virtue of ami i • sfy
a fi fa issued from the ,j s.icos
court of the 1013th dist. a a ol
sunt county in favor ol 11a; <is &
Davis \» J C McEniiie. id a r ot
VV J Beck deceased- Levy made
by VV M Richards n c and returned
tome. This An? 3 1886.
U. L. TERRY, Sheriff.
The Jewfler.
Dalton, Georgi -
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, &c.
Personal attention given to
repairing. Store next door
to bank.
Statu of Grorgia, Murray County.
Agreeably to an at der of the
court of Ordinary of said county,
will be sold at public out cry in
Spring Place, Ga. at t.'io utu ii
place of Sheriff’s sales of toticl
county, and wit bin the legal hours
ot sale on the 1st, Tuesday in Sep¬
tember next the following describ
ed property to wit: All that tract
or lot of laud No. 2^3 in the eighth
district and 3rd section sf said
county, containing IgO acres more
or less. !Sold as t he property of
Robt. G Morrow late of said conn
ty deceased. Terms of sale, one
third cash tbe remainder on time
till the 1st of Dec. next with good
notes and title to land letained till
ail of purchase money is paid.
This Aug. 4 1886. w 0 Marlin,
Adminisla'd ar.
State of Gfobqia mo beat ooddtt.
W’U b'-* sold before the coart
house door in the town of Spring
Place to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out cry between the legal hours
cl sale on the lirst Taesday in Sep¬
tember next one estrav taken up
by f D Terry, of the 1013th dial.
gm of said county and exhibited
before A T Logan and S A Greg'
ory, freeholders of said district who
give the following description white to
wit, a bay mate with small
specks white, over her belly, both hind
feet branded on (he right hip
thus "T 8’ ‘T 8,’ one above the olh
er. also bianded on t::e left fehoul
der hands with figures 701, fourteen
high, about freeholders ten years old
and valued by said to
be worth $40. 8aid animal sold as
an estray by virtue of the statutes
in such casep mado and provided.
This Aug. 4, eighteen hundred
and eighty six. O L Terry. Sheriff.
State of Geobqia Murbat County.
To all whom if may concern: 3 C
Henry ami J L Cole adm‘rs of J P
Cole, deed, bas in due form applied
to me for leave to sell an undivid
ed one fourth of the uadivi led one
half of all the mineral interest on
lot of land No 297 in the 26th dis¬
trict and 2nd section of said conn
ty, known as the ‘Legal Tender’
mine, and the said application wiil be
heard on 1st Monday in Sep¬
tember, next.
W H Iinmsey, Ordinary.
Stock and Convey
For hire at JESSE
HOLLAND’S^kry Dalton, Ga. Stable
in wagon
Yard is kept itwcOT^iection
therewith. The' , 1 ‘onage of
the people c-mneh crei sired, aud
especially those from Murray
Dr. II McLeau’8 Homoeopathic Livor
and Kid'i y Pillets will remove those par'
sites from the h<»we)« and thereby relieve
Constipation, Piles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
and all sueh painful comp aiut*.
M M IlowaP, “b^rtrer,” vs E Q Corbin, Sa¬
rah M Corbin an«I Artilsb M C«» bin.
Georgia, Murray Comity:
It appearing to th<? ourt by fhe petition of
M M Howell, ‘‘bearo ” that K a Corbin, Su¬
rah M Corbin and ArtiRssa M Cor jin on the
8th day of November 1883, executed aud de
livlivered to one Oliver Huckabaa and you:'
petitioner ia bearer, for h va uable oiinaidera
tion, a mortgage on lot of land No. throe
hundred and eleven, (311) in .lie 27.1, laud
district aud 2nd section ot said county, con
uining one huudred and sixty acres more or
less arcording to original survey. For tha
purpose of searing the payment of n . certain
promissory note tor the sum of $9i). 79 boaid^
interest at 8 per cent from maturity, made by
the said E G C< rbiu, Sarah M Corbin and Ar
ti isaa M Corbin, on tho 8th day of November
1883, and due on the 1st day of November,
1884, and payable to the said Oliver Hudia
b«a or bearer, and your petitioner is boarei
for valuable consideration, which said note
the said E G Corbin, Sarah M Corbin and Ar
tilissa M Corbin refuse to pay. It is there
foro ordered by the court that the said K G
Corbin, Sarah M Co bin and Artilispa M • or
bin pay on or before tho next term thereof,
the principle and interest duo thereon sari
note and the cost of this suit, or in defaut
thereof tho court will proceed as to
shall appertain. And it is further order,
that this rule ahal* be published ouce a mom
for four months in the North Gkoroia
n newspapor ; -iblished in the ctmuiy of Mu
ay, or served n the said E G Corbin, Sn: ••
M Corbin and Artilissn M Corbin, < r tnci
special agent or attorney, three months be
lure the next term ot this court.
J C FAIN, J S.C., C.< .
W Lifkman, plff's atty.
I hereby certify that tho above is a triv
coppy from the minutes of court. This M m.-ii
8, 1886. C N King, C. fe. C.
Saddle or Collar Galls. Dr. J II McLean
Volcanic Oil LiniraeNt takes a Wiiy Fever.
reduces the Swelling aud heals the sores,
It acta like a charm. Wash each Sore
clean at least once ever}' day, do not rub
fism Piano and op go.
Beautiful Near Up¬
right Piano, Rosewood
Case, for only $165.
Send for Descriptive
Itwitl pay you to ex¬
amine thie instrument
before paying double
our price for one not
nearly so good.
No Organa orPiauos
have met with the
popularity »*?>“«“** of these iu
aa is proven by the WOVDEUFT I.
hALES, Our increased facilities for the manu¬
facture of Pianos and Organs enable ua to offer in¬
struments of the HIGH¬
u 2.JB prices inferior EST GRADE than fa asked at lower for
ad few Write ones. ns and we will
take pleasure Information in giving desired aU
free of charge. AU our
Instruments are war
r } ranted for SIX YEARS
and are sent anywhere on
15 day's test trial.
ft Black Boyal Walnut Gom Organ, Case, Solid for
m. only Send 855. for Illustrated Cat¬
/ alogue.
, " Pleaso mention this
paper when you write.
Washington, Warren Co., N. J.,
v. a. a.
Wooten avr Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers ih
i -•
‘Sew and beautiful designs in
millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Mllluery Stare at
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of MiHnery and 8traw Goods.eonsieting of Straw
Bonnets ftii4 Ladies’ aud Children’s Hats [trimmed and nntrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins.
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our goods
were bought of the largestand best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Tors, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
Riding Corn HENCH’S and or Walking Fallow CULTIVATOR.
With drvuhje Paw Com Planter
and Fertiliser Aitoehnuoita com¬
plete in one Machine.
ill* Eecsiva-l sition, of her 'ii SING-oftiio -rit of Loui-vil!?. a; Kelal State the OvsattSoui Pairs and Kr. Highest in tnd Wn 1883-. s Expo¬ Awards nsra- •
tpr M //tffjfl /<$)& ft tion. Thousands l ; i»o damand iuuse Riving already entire tliis season sstisfa c
iMlik my [I <\ a/Jf tiiroo times as Urge as last year.
RELIABLE AGENTS wanted in all un
occupied territory.
^ Head for catalogue mailed free. Address,
HENCH & DROMCOLD, York, Pa. Name this paper.
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.i
Manufacturers of tbs Old
Reliable Brown Cotton Gina,
Feeders, and Condensers. All
the very latest improvements:
two brush belts, steel bearings,
improved roil box, patent wwp
l«Nl per, extra strong brush. New
perfected proof Feeder, enlarged dust
in Strong, durable and simple
construction. Gins fast, runs
light, and cleans the seed per¬
fectly. Send for Circular
and Prise
ll H #3 if f ($ ^ 5 G&EP4AD1
| ^
SaaidoonUitu-'/inclu!S3 JweU the t Jon * t all uimu.tiw, will dev«rior»t«
wl«tOT.Ht jgllBnTnn'wiirm?u^"‘w.^raS
Ulatnotocipigutlirecgfi pogmbli- livetrlitre
HIIbiHD Hi YD finirY ADTtS are used as dirtctsA
Send COn ® njfr ^ OT fb-astrons firm*are jsrevejitML
to efflci«n!i*
pamphlet* containing proofs of tho wonderful
of our CiVenados iu exiV.ntrnirihinif sctimi fire*. No Fun
House, Bam. t’rivife U«>Fidt>n<’n. Hotel, public build.
nut«,or BUtaa^^Addr*' Manufactory shoo ! i Do withouttlujir fhm protootknL Uuit4>2
**' »m*u f u r jigeutu in
407-409 liK'E'lwny, Kew York*
KULE Nlsd.
T A & .S E Harry and Wooten & Holmes vs
ON Vance, Rule Nisi to foreclose mortgage.
Gkorgia, Murray County.
It appearing to the court by the petition
of T A it S E Berry arul of Wooten & Holmes
thatC N Vance executed and delivered to
them on the 28th day of December 1885 a
mortgage on the following property to wit:
Part, of lot hud No. 200, in the 9th district
and 3rd section of Murray county, containing
three acres tu re or les-» commencing 5(1 fee?
from pine tree on N IV side ruuning hack 8
to W Bed’s line, thence with Red’s line to A
Melina's line, thonce with Melina's fine r*
mill lot, thence with mill lot road to Hauler
Mills rood, thence back 50 feet from pine
tree. Also 'ot of land No. 123 in the ^G?h
district and 3rd recti on ef Murray county,
Georgia, for the purpose of securing tho pny
meut of certain debts on ab account due T A
& S E Berry firm of $8.25 and u note due said
Wooten & Holmes firm of $79 15 besides in¬
terest and ten per cent attorneys fees, said
note bearing date May fi, 1385 and due sixty
days sfter date, which the said C N Vance
refuses to pay. Ttis therefore ordered by the
court that the said C N Vance pay into this
court on or before the next terra thereof the
principal and interest due on said debts and
the cost of this suit or in default thereof
the court will proceed as to justice shall ap¬
pertain, and if. is further ordered that this
rule bo published in the Noyth Georgia
Timfs, a paper published in said county of
Murray , once a month for four month c or
served en the said C N Vance, his agent or
attorney three months previous to the next
term of this court. J C Faik, j. s. c.,c.c.
S R M - onor, Petitioner's Att'y.
I certify that the above is a true extract
the minutes of Murray Sup'r Court. This
day of March, 1886. |
C N Rim, C. s, 0. I
f. QiW
Don’t Mm Worthless
Samuel J Tilden■
“Titden,’' tho only full blooded
Jersey bull in the county, will be
kept the present season at M R
Chastain's, about two miles north
of Spring Place, f or the sendee ot
the public. Fees two dollars.
‘Tiiden’ is from cow 'Bell’ now
owned , , by Col. T R Jones, of Dal¬
ton, and sired by Getty's celebra¬
ted bull ‘L’Allegro,’ and will be two
years old May 2. Cattle raising
could be made one of the most pay
mg industries of this section, pro
vided proper attention is given to
the grade of stock Propagated. So
take . . advantage . of this the first and
only chance to improve detrude of
cattle in the county.
tfMilii mm JIII||4
tomatic and Rotary Direct Movements, Au¬
Action, and Perfect
setting Needle, Cylinder PositiveFeed, Shuttie.Seif
No Springs, Few Parts, Mini¬
Noise, mum Weight, No Wear, No Friction, No Fatigue, No
No “Tantrums,” Capacity
Richly Unlimited, Ornamented, Always In Order,
plated Nickei~
and Gives Perfect
Send fi>r Circulars. *,
28 Union Square, New York.
Dr. E. H. HOPE,
Sdkixg Place, G EORGIA.
Will answer promptly all medis