Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Time*
To the voters of Murray: I
ftavt* been a citizen and lax
payer of Murray for nearly 30
years. My motto is and has
been to build up our noted
county iu morality, in finance,
and all good interests that will
p omote the happtuess of our
people. I am not a candidate
tor any office ami do uot ex¬
pect to be. But I am opposed
to political conventions and
nominations. It is not right
for a few to govern the many.
By what authority do they
meet and say who shall be can
didates for the various offices
in our beloved state? They do
nit take it from the Bible I
know; and is there any law in
our statute book for such con
duet? It is a hobby horse to
ride into office by many of the
office seekers With some it
matters not how they get the
office, so they are elected; if it
takes it takes fraud they will
use that or any means to suc¬
ceed. Away with parties aud
your politics and let us have
good laws; and to do this we
must elect the best and wisest
men we have as officers. First
a man should possess a good
moral character and then have
the capacity and necessary
qualifications for the office he
seeks. To illustrate,
tw : men equal in
should apply to any of us to
build a house; one had
used carpenter's tools in
way, the other a skilled
man, now which man
Wt* employ? The same
should govern us in
our officers. It is our duty
interest to be careful how
cast our votes, and never vote
for a man simplv because he is
a relative, neighbor or f.mid,
but because, be is the man tor
the place. Any man that will
run for an office when his friends
say it will not do, ought to
voted down. Let it be
stood that the people, of Mur
ray will not vote lor incompe
tent men and we will soon get
rid of a certain class of candi
dates. We live in a govern
ment free for any to run and
best of all to vote for whom
we please. If democracy is
government by the people,
then we are all democrats aud
free, then why talk about our
safety Being in a certain organ¬
ized party; we him only safe
when governed l»y pure, good
and wise men. Let us sink
this troublesome nominee falla¬
cy into oblivion and bury it low
and yet a lower deep and cov¬
er it with a rock so tk’ek and
bioad that all the dynamite in
America cannot resurrect its
bead again in a government
which was purchased by the
blood of our forefather’s which
made us free and self govern¬
ing. It is the du*y of the well
informed to council truthfully
with those who are careless
and indifferent as to how they
vete, but never say you must
vote for the nominee of t he
party, but for tile man best
qualified for tiie place. I learu
we have a number of men
wanting a seat in our iegisla
tine ami congress, perhaps all
running might fill the place
with credit to themselves and
their constituents. Now for a
tow men to say who of them
shall run, is unfair, unjust, anti
uot iu keeping with the princi¬
ples of our government. Let
us settle this matter next fall
the polls, and those who art
can only say the peo¬
uid it fairly, and not a par¬
ty who think move of self than
wellfare of the people at
Will the chairman of
so called party in our con¬
district tell us how
was elected and his te* m of
But I reckon it is for
as I learn we have some in
county who have been in
for over 15 years. These
seem to have the power to
a convention when the la¬
class are busiest with
work. I am glad to know
people are disregarding
proceeding, like some we
have just had. I hope no can
will be controlled by
any convention, but wait pa¬
tiently the decision of all the
voters next fall on the day set
apart by the laws of Georgia.
The above is written in love
and due respect to all, and we
trust that peace and harmony
may prevail during the contest
and that we may not fo r get
that we are a free people.
W. D. Petty.
To the Voters.
I will address the people on
the political issues of the com¬
ing campaign as a candidate
for Representative at the fol¬
lowing stated times and places:
Eighth district on the 2nd
Saturday in August.
Tenth district on the 3rd
Saturday in August.
Doolittle district on the 4th
in August.
Other appointments will
made when these are filled.
All competitive candidates
are invited to participate in the
W. J. Peeples.
^ ^nt a small war
tm en thrt lI,lit(Hl States and
Mex,co 18 ‘nevitabk Mexico
bas anTsted ’ fc! led and » entenc '
ed a c * t ’ zen the Uuited States
name of Cutting, for
offences emitted in Texas.
Mwc,co bas been askt;d % our
government to discharge Cut
t ’ D S> bu ^ persistently ro
(usef? do so - D' ^he United
States pretends to give piotec
tion to her citizens she ought
to mak « Mexic0 come to tim «
Mr. Tilden's will has;been
read. lie provides handsome
ly for his kindred and gives
large amounts to public chari¬
ties. Among the items pro¬
vision is made for three public
libraries—in New York city,
Yonkers, .and New Lebanon.
“P ohibition,” says the De¬
troit Free Press, ; ‘is exciting
so much attention in the South
erri States that the question
a liquid South is displacing
that of a solid South.”
So general is the (bought in
that the insurance
are cancelling insur¬
policies on mills and lum¬
ber along the rail toad lines.
Secretary Manning's private
Mr. Brennan, reports
former ‘almost entire re.
Tobe Jackson, the Carters
dynamiter, has been sen¬
to the chain gang for
The cotton crop of Western
promises to be larger
year than ever before.
J. C. Fin, Ju lg, Su perior Court.
C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court.
C. h. Terry. Sheriff.
W, H. Rrnsey, Ordinary.
T. J. Orbey, Treasurer.
M. H. Bramblett, Tax Receiver.
W. D. Gregory, Tax Collector.
M. M. Bates, County Surreyor.
C. B. Holland, Coronor.
Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, E. Water
house, Sr., S. B. Trimmier, John A. Berr«,
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. R, Chastain, Pres.
S. H. Henry, Sec’y and County School Com¬
missioner, W. G. Harris, H. B. Pangle, John
G. Spruill.
Eighth—984th Dist, W K Lackey J, P.,
J H KuhnN. P., J M Fox aud John Ingla
Doolittle—972nd Diet., W C D Gordon J P.
Ira Griffeth N. P., J T Spriugfield aud S P
Duuoan, Constables.
Tenth—874th Dist., T J Bryant J. P., D C
Dunn Constable.
Alaculsa—1011th Dist., J H Oneal J. P,
J H Wilson N. P., J D Baxter and E S How¬
ell Constables.
1013th Dist., M W Cloer J. P„ B F C
Loughridge N. P., E L Bates and G W
Swanson Constables.
Shuok Pen—1039th Dist., E W Bond J. P.,
J B Bond and and W M Richards Constables.
Bull Pen—1291th Dist., J W Fincher, J P.
B B Brown N. P., A T Osborn and \Y H
Brown Constables.
Arrival and Departure of Malls,
Dalton—Departs 7 a, m. daily, arives 5 pm.
Talking Rock—Departs 7a. m.
arrives 8 p. m. Friday.
Ellijay—Departs 7 a. m, Tueslay,
day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m,
Wednesday, Friday.
Cassville—Departs 4 s m Monday,
nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesday
Thursdsy, Saturday.
Connasauga—Departs « a.
arrive. 7 Thursday.
Georgia, Murrey County.
By virtue of authority from
Spring Place masonic lodge will
be sold to the highest bidder in
Sprint: Place, Ga., on the
Tuesday in September next mason¬
ic hall property i» said town.
session and use ol upper story
building reserved till January 1,
1887. Terms of sale oho
cash and balance Dec. 1, 188©
if preferable to purchaser time till
Dec. 1 will bo given on ull amount
wjlit good security. Tins Aug 4,
1886 Tiammell Starr,
Chin, of Com.
Georgia, Murray County.
Will be sold before tbe court
bouse door in the town of S
Place to tho highest bidder nt
lie outcry between the legal
of sale on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember next, tbe loilowing
erty to wit:
Fifty acres of land on the
side ol lot No. 25 in the 9th dist¬
and 3rd sect of said county bound
ed on the souIh by G T
ou the west by W V Howell, on
north by R T Beck and west
land of Mary J Beck. Levied on
as tbe property of J O
adrnr, of W J Beck deceased. Lev¬
ied on by virtue of and to satisfy
a fi fa issued from the
court ol the 1013th dist. a. m
said county in iavor of Harris &
Davis vs J O McEntire. adurr oi
VV J iieck deceased. Levy made
by tV M Riohurds l o arm returned
to me. This Aug 3 1886,
’ C. L. TERRY, Sheriff.
ifiE. E. BROWN,gt
Tub: Jewkler.
Dalton, Georgi .
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, &c.
Personal attention given to
repairing. bank. Store next door
State of Georgia, Murray County.
Agreeably to tin aider of
court of Ordinary of said
will be sold at public out cry in
Spring Place, Ga. at t’ie usual
place of Sheriff's sales of said
county, and within the legal hours
of sale on the 1st Tuesday in Sep¬
tember next tire following descrio
ed property to wit: All that tract
or lot of land No. 263 in I he eighth
district aud 3rd section of said
county, containing ]ff0 acres more
• >r less. Saidas the property of
Robk G Morrow" late of said conn
ty deceased. Terms of sale, one
third car!} the remainder on time
till the 1st of Dec. n<-x1 with good
notes and title to land leiained lil|
ail of purchase niuttev is naid..
This Aug. 4 1886. W o Martin,
Adimnists itur
Statu ok Giorgia mubxay cobott.
Will bo sold before the court
house door ia the town of Spring
to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out cry between the legal hours
cf sale on the lirat Tuesday in Sep¬
tember next one estray taken up
by I D Terry, of the 1013th dist
o m of said county and exhibited
before A T Logan and S A Greg
ory, freeholders of said district who
give the following description Lo
wit, a bay maie with small white
specks over her belly, both hind
feet white, branded on lhe right hip
thus *T 8’ ‘T 8,’ one above the oth¬
er. also branded on tbe left shou)
der with figures 701, fourteen
hands high, about ten years old
and valued by said treeholders to
be worth $40. Said animal sold as
an iu such estray by virtue of the statutes
cases mad.* and provided.
This Aug 4, eighteen hundred
and eighty six. O L Terry
Statx or Gsnt«HA Murray County.
# To all whom it may concern: J C
Henry anil J L Cole adm'rs of J P
Cole, dee d, bas in due form applied
to me for leave to sell an undivid
ed one fourth ol the undivided one
half of all the mineral interest on
lot of land No 297 in tbe 26th dis¬
trict and 2nd section of said coun
ty, known and as the application ‘Legal
mine, said will
heard on the 1st Monday in
tember, next.
VV H llamsey, Ordinary.
Stock and Convey
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
id Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage ol
the people e-much desired, and
especially those from Murray
Dr. J H McLoau’s Homoeopathic Livor
and Kidney Pilletd will remove those para¬
sites from the bowels and thereby relieve
Constipation, Piles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
nNi all such painful complaints.
M M Howell,“bearer,” vs E ft Corbin, Sa¬
rah M Corbin and Arfilss M Corbin.
Georgia, Murray County:
It a ippearing to the <ourt by the petition of
M M Howell, “bearor” that E G Corbin, Sa
rah M Corbin and ArtiUssa M Corbin on the
8th day of November 1888, executed and do
livlivered fco one Oliver Huckubita and your
petitioner is bearer, for a va uable considera¬
tion, a mortgage on lot of land No. three
hundred and eleven, (311) in tbe 27th land
district and Snd section of said county, cou
tttining one huudred and sixty acres more or
less according to original survoy. For the
purpose of securing the payment of a certain
promissory note for the sum of $90. 79 beside
iuterest at 8 per cent from maturity, made by
the said E O Oorbiu, Sarah >f Corbin and Ar
ti issa M Oorbin, on the 8th day ef November
1883, aud due on the 1st day of November,
1884, and payable to the said Oliver Uucha
bna or bearer, and your petitioner is boar-er
for valuable consideration, which said note
the said E G Corbin, Sarah M Corbin and Ar
tilissa M Corbin refuse to pay. It is there
fore ordered by the court that the said E G
Corbin, Sarah M Co: bin and Artilisba Ml or
bin pay on or before the next term
tbe principle and Interest due thereon said
note and the cost of this suit, or in
thereof the court will proceed as to
.hall appertain. AnJ it is further ordered
that this rule shat 1 be published ’ mice a month
tor four months in the Noliril Gkoboia Iimks.
a newspaper „ published iu the cimuty . of ... Mur
ay, or served on the said EG Corbin, Sarah
A1 Corbin and Artilissa M Corbin, or their
special agent or attorney, three months be¬
fore tho next term of this court^.
J C FAIN, J. aS.C., C.C.
W Ldbruan, plfl’s atty.
I hereby certify that the abovo is a true
coppy from the minutes of ccurt. This March
8, 18S6. C N Kino, C. S. C.
Saddle or Collnr Galls. Dr. J II McLeans
Volcanic Oil LiuimcNt takes away Fever,
reduces the Swelling aud heals the sores.
It acts like a charm. Wash eArh Sore
clean at least once every day, do not rub
68 i Piano aim organ no.
Beautiful New Up¬
right Piano, Rosewood $105. Wt*
Case, for only ■
Send for Descriptive
Catalogue. Ifwill
pay you to ex- L i
amine this instrument
before paying doable |
nearly our price good. for one not j
No Organs or Pianos A
have met with tho j w
popularity of those in- •
■truments, SALES. as ia proven by the WONDERFUL
Our increased facilities for the manu¬
facture of Pianos aud Organs enable us to offer in¬
struments of the HIGH¬
EST GRADE at lower
inferior prices than is asked for
Write us and we will
take pleasure in giving all
the information desired
free of charge. All our
Instruments are war
r* ranted for SIX YEARS
B and are sent anywhere on
y ? 15 day’® test trial.
Eoyal Walnut Gem Organ, Solid
Black Case, for
only $55.
; Send tor Illustrated Cat¬
a Please mention this
paper when you write.
Warren Co., N. J, f
V. S. A.
Wooten asv Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Balwn, Georgia,
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Mlllnerj- Store oI
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new sBd elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goods,consisting and of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’a«d Children’s Hats [trimmed Ties, Bonnet untrimmed] Silks, Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neok Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flower*, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our goods
were bought of the largest and best importing Houses in Haiti¬
more an d New Yorx, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
Riding Corn HENCH’S and or Walking Fallow CULTIVATOR.
With liowUs /foie Com Planter
and Fertilizer .1 tiurh tnents com¬
plete in one Oluehine
Hi Received of Merit Metal the Great snd Highest Boot hern txpo- Awards
m sirien. ber of Louisville, State Fairs Ky. in snd 1883-t. a num¬
Thousands in use (fivin* entire eatwfac
ti«*n. Tne demand already this season is
/ three times as Urge as last year.
Sffc RELIABLE AQENTS wanted in all tin
, occupied territory.
Head for catalogue mailed free. Address,
HENCH A DROMCOLD, York, Pa. Name this paper.
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
Manufacturers of the Old
Reliable Brown Cotton Gina,
Feeders, and Condensers. All
the very latest improvements;
two brush belts, steel bearings,
improved roll box, patent whip
McflnroHtf* 1 per, extra strong brash. New
■ py perfected Feeder, enlarged dust
proof Strong, Condenser. durable
in construction. Gina and fast, simple
light, fectly. and cleans the seed per¬
Send for Circular and Price
*■ *'’'’’InjrilNher nrn<Joet(L
BwiU the mc.- ii' jmi»:^, 1. «■.#! uot tr„■./.* r.i-bunt.
»cUui) of p»! will not detorioiwM
■quid oontaine<l Easily in I*r k»>n, cun ''*• by any on«. The
it in linmilnss to flesh *ad
nono. Everything itb.iudH** biwnnie* tire-proof, fat
it fallg upon will not hum. We do not oUini
weu ■® **5*11^11 by tbe ih Fire cnnthigrM D^iHtrlnientn. ions or bin t o usurp empheUoelly the pl&ce oooa* hold
Hut loctpieot we
no lire o+n jHiMiitily live where
Ex'rmemsmss mm
pMipnleti J?, n * " ,r particoims aurl on. of our Mi
enofaumur proof, of t/mwnnrlerful.fflolMW I i
or our(lrv.n«<t.'B ,r. n.t:neni K li!n K .Cln«l tirw. No rim I
bailor Houw. Bam Munuf.etnry Privsla ids,old ll.jsidenca, l.««-ithouujielrprotMUal Hotel, Publio bndZ
havwaiui runn grenade co^ !
<07*400 Kritaliw*,. 5cw York,
T A Sc S E Berry urnl Wooteu & Holmes vs
CUT Vanoe. Rule Nisi to foreclose
(’Borgia, Murray
ft appearing to toe court by the petition
of T A&8 E Berry and of IVooten d:
thatC N Vanoe executed and delivered
them on the 28th day of December J8S5
mortgage on the following property to wit:
Part of lot laud No. 200, in the 9th diftric'
nud 3rd section of Murray county, containing
three acres mere or less commencing 50 feet
from pine tree on N W side running back 8
to W Bed’s line, thenoe with Bed s lino to A
Mcllan’s line, thonco with Motion's lino n
mill lot, thence with mill lot road to Ilasslei
Mills road, thenoe back 50 feet from pine
tree. Also lot of laud No. 123 in the 2tilb
district and 3rd section cf Murray county,
Georgia, f r tbe purpose of securing the pay
tneutof certain debts on ah Rcceunt duo T A
& S E Berry firm of $8,25 and a note due said
Wooten &. Ilolmes firm of $79.15 hosides in¬
terest and ten per cent attorneys fees, said
note bearing date May 6, 1885 and duo sixty
days after date, which the said 0 N Vance
refuses to pay. It is therefor, ordered by the
conrt that the said C N Vance pay into this
court on or before the next term thereof the
principal and interest due on said dobts and
the cost of this suit or in default thereof
the court will proceed as to justico shall ap¬
pertain, and it is further ordered that this
rule bo published in the Noyth Gborgj.
Tiurs, a paper published in said county of
Murray, once a month for four month- or
served ex the sa d C N Vanee,his agent or
attorney three months previous to the next
of this omirt. J c Fain, j. s. c.,c.c.
P Manno*, Petitioner's Att’y.
I certil.i ihstthuahovo is a true extraot
the minutos of Murray Sup’r Court. This
day of March, 1884. ;
c n Krirc, o. s. c.
jj&yjji'li j
(( l
# 1 ' *
Don't thuo Worthless
Dr. E. H. HOPE,
Spring Place, Georgia,
Will answer promptly all medi¬
cal calls
Samuel JTitden
“Tiiden,” the only full blooded
Jersey bull in the county, will be
kept the present season at M R
Chastain's, about two miles north
of Spring Place, for the service of
the public. Fees two dollars.
‘Tilden’ is from cow ’Bell’' now
owned by Col. T U Joues, of Dal¬
ton, and sired by Getty's celebra¬
ted bull ‘L’AIlegro,’ and will be two
years old May 2. Cattle raising
could be made one of the most pay¬
ing industries of this section, pro
vided proper attention is given to
the grade of stock propagated. So
take advantage of this the first and
only chance to improve the j. rade of
cattle in
and tomatic Rotary Direct Movements, Au¬
and Perfect
Action, setting Cylinder Shuttle.Self
No Needle, Few PositiveFeed,
Springs, Weight, No Parts, Friction, Mini¬
Noise, mum No No
No “ Tantrums,” Wear, No Capacity Fatigue,
Richly Unlimited, Ornamented, Always in Order, y
plated Satisfaction. and Gives Perfect
Send for Circular*.
28 Union Square, New York.