Newspaper Page Text
*»v» lour Ashes.
An Indiana farmer says: A ton of wood
**foes contains a larger proportion of
mineral matter than many may suppose.
Every 100 pounds of wood ashes contain
at least seven pounds of pure potash and
thirty-two pounds of lime in the very
best possible condition for the soiL It is
deficient in nothing but nitrogen, which
substance is lost during thc combustion.
There are about two pounds of phospho¬
ric ashes in wood ashes, in thc shape of
a finely powdered phosphate of lime, and
soda is also present, as well as over four
]K)iuids of magnesia In making this
estimate, I will state that the correctness
of thc figures depends partly upon the
kind of wood from which the ashes are
derived, but are as near the ax act pro¬
portions as can be estimated. If I esti¬
mate for a ton, I find 040 pounds of lime,
140 pounds of potash, 80 pounds mag¬
nesia, and 40 pounds phosphoric acid,
making thc ashes far more valuable than
som* commercial fertilizers. Cora cobs
contain about 25 per cent of potnsli, or
500 pounds of potash per toil of ash, and
they should threfore, bo carefully
Mnnnrlnir Vine. In the Hill.
There is sound reason in the old prac¬
tice of putting a shovelful of manure in
tho hills for melons and cucumbers.
The manure should be finely rotted and
thoroughly mixed with the poil. If left
in a heap it will firefung in a dry season
and do more harm than good. If it is to
be mixed with the soil why not have the
manure distributed through thc whole
surface t One reason against this is not
generally appreciated. What we want
on vines is not merely exuberant foliage
but fruit. If length of vine only were
desired, make all tho ground a bed of
manure. When the manure is concen¬
trated in a hill, ns soon ns vine roots
reach poorer soil outside their growth is
checked and tho energies of the vino arc
turned to producing fruit. This is one
reason why the host and earliest melons
are grown on sandy soil, which is nearly
always sterile unless recently manured.
In a very dry season lack of moisture
chocks the exuberance of the vines, so
that good crops are grown on the richest
land. But with plenty of moisture vines
often grow and grow, without propor¬
tionate show of fruit, and thc better thc
soil the greater danger from this evil.—
Improve the llunllly of Seed Corn.
A bulletin from Dr. Sturtcvaut reports
that trials made with the kiln drying of
seed corn resulted, as similar trials have
previously done, in increasing greatly
its value and certainty for .seed purposes.
Theso trials havo also indicated tho
greater vigor of-the plant which is grown
from thc kiln dried seed. Dr. Sturtcvaut
feels, therefore, justified in advising
farmers to select their seed corn by tak¬
ing the best cars, and, after shelling it,
to puf it iu a warm place and allow it to
thoroughly dry before using.
Seed corn when planted too early is of¬
ten destroyed in the ground. This des¬
truction does not come from the cold, as
often assumed, but from other condi¬
tions, the most important of which is the
slow germination of (he seed and a vi¬
tality which cannot endure this circum¬
stance, and also the action of mould,
which grows rapidly at a lower tempera
lure than will suffice for the corn. It,
therefore, holds good in practice that to
those who plant early anil the very best
of seed is of great importance, and what
adds value to this reflection is that early
planted com will usually yield a larger
crop than will the same variety planted
at a late period .—Afeio York World.
Paris Green fur ( lulling Worm.
It lias now been several years since we
have used Paris green for spraying bear¬
ing apple trees early in summer for de¬
stroying the codling worm with marked
success. The last report of the New
York Experiment Station reports, with
tho additional accuracy of countingthe
trials made with this poison on several
trees, alternate trees being left unsprayed
to observe the difference. Some thou¬
sands in all of the apples were counted,
and it was found that on the sprayed
trees the average per cent, of wormy
specimens was thirteen and a half, and
on the unsprayed trees thirty-five per
cent. It appears that only one effective
spraying was given, the first having been
done with an imperfect instrument. The
fruit was about the size of cherries when
thc work was performed. We prefer at
least three good sprayings. The ope¬
ration may have deterred to some extent
the moths from laying their eggs, and,
being used on adjacent trees, may have
driven them from all alike to other
orchards. Whatever may have been the
cause, we have found a much larger pro¬
portion of wormy specimens in orchards
where no spraying was given. Spraying
with kerosene emulsion dill no good. At
the rate saved by the Paris green, ono
hundred barrels picked from the sprayed
trees would have given twenty-two bar¬
rels more of sound fruit than unsprayed
ones. — Country Gentleman.
Preserving Fodder.
Mr. L. T. Hazon, Hazun’s Mills, N. H.,
informs the New England Farmer that he
has been very successful in putting in and
keeping corn ensilage for his large herd
of dairy stock, some 120 in number, fed
for butter-making. His figures sn<J esti¬
mates show about 500 tons of green
corn grown last year, 350 of which was
put in the silo, the remainder being fed
in the fall while in the fresh state.
Th, «,« tusila-o r i„,o
the silo and weighed down was a fraction
less than 75 cents per ton. He has fed
cngilagc in connection with dry fodder,
c,c,.b,„„ir,«d„ b e i; , e
half hay and half green oats cured for
hay. For this crop the seed was sown
at the rate of five bushels of oats per
acre, giving f a fine soft quality 1 of fodder, I
fully . equal to . ordinary , hay. A , . larger
silo will l>3 built the present beason, the
supply of ensilage having been exhausted
some weeks ago. The relative value of
the ensilage as compared to dry fodder,
was illustrated by tbe yield of butter be
fore and after the change wa3 made t*
dry feed. The ensilage was exhausted
at the end of a week. Monday and
Wednesday following, five good Jerseys
were added to the herd of fifty-six which
were in milk, hut notwithstanding this
increase of the herd, the butter yield ‘
, t wdvU . P ounds j thc ,, firsfc „ , w< **’ ,
it hilo thc . ensilage lasted, it saved the
feeding of 150 tons of hay, which in Mr,
Hazcn’s locality is worth $13 per ton,
or $1,800. H, hi. Ilo *»■,, M
the contents acquire a high degree of
heat, and thinks lie has as good a quality
of ensilage as he has ever seen. Before
building his silo he bought and read aU
thc best authorities ... on ensilage.
statement was rcceutly made in these
columns that the American Pomological
Society since its organization had ruled
out some six hundred varieties of fruit as
, being . unworthy Mr of place , ....... the list of
a m
fruits desirable for cultivation. The list
might he reduced still more, but the un
profitable trees would still remain to bear
occasional „ . , crops of , inferior . , . fruit, , unless ,
owners saw fit to abide by the
of thc fruit committee, and
their trees by regrafting to bet
T wasted or foolishly Tr spent iu rT* grafting old
trees. It is often better to cut down or
dig out and begin anew on fresh land
and with young trees of the most desir¬
able sorts. But there arc many young
healthy trees recently come into bearing
which are not true to the namo given
them by the nurserymen or their agents,
and which it may pay to graft over to
bettor varities. Any thrifty, vigorous
tree that is not too large will pay for
grafting if thc present variety is unwor
thy of cultivation, ’ and the tree is want
oil at all. Our advice is to dig out every
worthless old fruit tree on the
farm or in tho garden, and convert
it into fire wood. If allowed to stand
it is sure to make a breeding
ground for injurious insects whoso pro
geny will prey upon the fruits of better
(roes. In these days of harmful insects,
never let a tree stand because it is not
thought worth rutting . down. It is
worth destroying, if for no other object
than to check the increase of borers, cater
‘ and other creeping \ and flying
things. . 1T Having . cleaned , out everything
not worthy of keeping, then graft tho
inferior varieties to the best kinds
Grafting is a very simple operation for
person with mechanical ingenuity
to whittle a cider tap that will
a smooth, round hole, or who can
, a jack-knife . , , to . good , edge. ,
tools needed are a fine saw, a strong
and hammer for splitting thcstock,
keen-edged knife for shaping the cions,
some grafting wax for covering the
surfaces to keep out air and water
the parts have had time to unite and
, I' there probably ,
over. or wax is
better than that recently rccom
by Dr. Shuttle!!, the formula*
4 1-2 pounds white resin, ono
pure beeswax and one pint linseed
all to be melted together, and after
in cold water, to be worked to a
consistency. -N. E. Farmer.
Ifoit a© hold llhitfi.
If meat bakes too fast cover with but
Unslacked lime near meat preserves it
keeping the air dry.
A cup of strong coflcc will remove the
odor of onions from the breath.
Ilam , r dries .. less , quickly ....... if it remains . in .
water in which it is boiled until
Parboil old potatoes, putting them on
their skins in salted boiling water for
minutes, and then finish them by
taking in a hot ovon —O.
or until they show mealy when
is broken apart.
Breakfast l”l-2 Rolls Without Soda —Two
w, cupfuls.of sweet milk, .
of salt, and flour enough to
make a thick batter. These must be
baked iu an iron gem pan to bo a success,
and a quick oven is desirable.
Beef Soup Take a shank of beef with
plenty of beef upon it, put over in cold
grease, put the jelly in soup kettle, and
one hour before serving 6 add turnips, 1 ’ car
rots, onions, cabbago and potatoes,
chopped fine, in quantity dssired; a few
tomatoes and a little celery improve it.
Season with salt and pepper, and drop in
a few noodles.
Heos rad Humorists.
A certain chord of sympathy exists
between these two species, the ben and the
humorist Columns of laughable arti
cleshave been written by the latter upon
when the price of her commodity was go
ing up. the But beneath the wit and sar
casm observing reader will have
g^t, of the American hen in endeavor
fit- ing-tobull Then, or bear the market as she saw
hatching again, door when her attempts at
brownstone oat fronts knobs, fire brick, and
have been referred to, ’
tb<!ro is the ^ undertone indicativ
0 f the writer’s respect for the patience
of that hen.
That humorists love hens there is no
best ^plc. of his genius To^cTmhe^devoTcd Se
to his Henery, and he
carries his love so far that he will never
taste chicken soup until he has been as
*** at fo ^' 1 of which it is com
in Kuafiion the . matter B^^urdettfis^peSitmus of hens. To
see a pure
white hen, jmts like inspiration upon Bob,
audit is said that “ The Rise and Fall
of the Mustache ” was evolved on that
day when a white hen strayed into his
kitchen. A jet black rooster is his Ne
mesis, and no power on earth could
mal « him start on a journey or ascend
^X!r"L,, one
rou „ h Bill Nye jg the evcrlasting friend
of the hen. He owes his start in life to
a P tt ’ r °t barnyard fowls whom he caught
U P * ia £ arde “ “ sas8 -” Th!s
made Bill mad. Swearing a plaintive .
swear, and seizing his double-barreled
P ers « ader . he got a bead on them; but
ere he fired his educated eye caught the
glimpse the spot of something he discarded bright. that Approach
ing the fowls
had laid bare a soil with gold dust.
to eternity al )y ° by ne the wishing wild a Western through humor ticket
routc hlld b( / tter gpeak digparaging)y of
the hen in the presence of Bill Nye. O.
Whitaker, it is said, saves all the tid bits
from his table for a superannuated lien
which has made her home in his back
yard> Mftrk Twain poiflts with ide to
the portrait of a hen, now dead, which
he captured in the act of scratching up
the resting-place of seven sleepers. And
his brethern with a pet lien which sleeps
on the headboard of his bed, and will
never go to roost until its master lias
come home. We admire while we pity
that hen.
These and many more cases that could
be cited, prove the assertion that humor¬
ists love hens. Now let us see what
there is in common between them. A
hen is very tender and fresh when first
hatched. So is the humorist; but they
both become hardened and toughened
with age and experience. Hens scratch
for their living; where is thc humorist
^! at that? has The had hen to pecks; scr ? tch the f , ml > humorist ht y h, ' rd is ’
very often henpecked. A hen watches
over her brood with a mother’s eye. A
humorist with fatherly pride, watches
his young as they are wafted about
through the columns of friendly publi¬
cations, and it makes him sad and weary
to passed see one oil of his original most promising the creations
ns by Grab-all
Gazette. The hen cackles when she has
laid an egg. The humorist cries out. in
ecstasy when lie lias written an article
which meets with public favor, liens
lay. writings Humorists lie. Whoever has read
the of Eli Perkins will bear the
witer out in this statement. Finally
hens die unrrcgcttea, ana their memory is
shrouded in oblivion. Has not this been
the case in a great many instances with
the humorist ?—Chicago Ledger.
rape an „ an s cr.
Open-air concerts played out.
Kitchen scene a maid, a can, tho fire
^ cl ° seIie '
Go to the bottom of the well and bore
andy0 uwiU know the end from the
The dog has better sensethan the man.
When they both go into the saloon to
gethcr, ^ vc,d he conics out as rich and as sober
as 1C ' > n -
Wc hav « figured out clearly that we
have , saved enough by not using tobacco
pay our de ijts, but we cannot draw tbe
money and don’t know where it is.
The anarchists claim the right to take
what they need. The most of them need
a ^ ,udl ^ rsd; ad -
Lawyers dis are employed to settle dis
l 1utes > or P utc spttlcin, nts '
^ P 1 ^ f 'f tobacw turned aside the
bullet , aimed to destroy a man’s life. Has
this fact a moral ?
Two things never eaten for supper—
breakfast and dinner.
How to raise a cyclone: No married
men need telling and no other should be
told. There are a few tilings which
0,1 b' dl c married should know.
A correspondent inquires if freckles
Are cured by kissing. We’d raise uoob
jection to a trial if some girl will bring
the freckles—none in our family.
The season of circuses lias come again,
and thc small boy stands on his head and
wonders when lia will become a festive
setter.” “How’s that?” “Why, he
tears around for bones and sets to gnaw
Thc ]atest craze amon " wlndo w S ar
, 1
Restful Nights* Days Frc© From TorttiT©*
ly demonstrated. It also enjoys tho advantapro
or to
,ho " la tnke a y )', iac By 1 ™ <> r , VI ' 0 of the i« tiers
as the soon above sa (MMsible sficr incurring SI risk risk from
causes, as this super protective
effectually ©ITectually nullifies nullifies the the hurtful hurtful in influence. For
the functional derangements which accom¬
pany ach, rheumatism, such as colic, spasms in the
itorn digestion, ition, palpitation th© Bitters of the also heart, imperfect useful
®c., is a most,
reined 7 . It is only necessary in obstinate cases
to use it with persistency.
Condensed Wisdom la B.
Be just, but trust not every one.
Be timely wise, rather than wise in
Beware of bosom sins.
Betray no trust; divulge no secret.
Bounty is more commended than im¬
Bear your misfortunes with fortitude.
Be always at leisure to do good.
Business is the salt of life.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Better to live well than long.
Be not too hasty to outbid another.
dear Building is a pastime that men pay
Be watchful of the geese when the fox
preaches. fish
Better a small than an empty dish.
Business neglected is business lost.
Be active, for idleness is the rust of
the mind.
By doing nothing we learn to do ill.
Better to slip with the foot than the
Be very vigilant well but late never suspicious.
Better to do than never.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Bacchus has drowned more than Nep¬
Beggars have no right to be choosers.
“Bear and forbear” is good philoso¬
Better to be alone than in bad company.
Better be untaught than ill-taught.
Bad books are the public fountain of
Books alone can never teach the use of
Bear in mind, blame not what you can¬
not Beware change. of him who
reputation. regards not his
Believe after trial, and judge before
friendship. Be friends
as just to as to foes.
By your acts prove your faith.
During a visit to the seaside, Sarah
Bernhardt saw a madwoman daily casting
pieces of bread upon the waves. The
feeding poor creature the explained that she was
fishes so that they would not
in their hunger devour the body of her
son. who lmu been drowned at. sea. The
actress made a'note of the case, and has
now illustrated it in a marble group.
Double the world’s pleasures and
“ thank you ” is often forgotten, but at¬
tempt a division of your sorrows with it,
and the world will get hot in a second—
make a fool of itself and you too.
Tho pain-banisher is a name applied to St.
Jacobs Oil, by the millions who have been cured
of rheumatism and neuralgia by its use.
Japanese An important part of the ceremony at a
of beer wedding is the drinking of saki, a
sort made from rice. The newly mar¬
ried couple imbibe it from a sort of double
spouted pair teapot simultaneously, very much as
a of rural lovers would do with a gloss of
lemonade and two straws.
The proprietor of tho Great Western Poultry
Yard, Mr. James M-Uoodkey, St. Louis, Mo.,
is enthusiastic in his praise of Red Slur Cough
Cure, which cured him aft r all other reme¬
dies failed. He says it neither constipates the
bowels nor causes sick headache.
Princess Isabella, heir to the throne of Bra¬
zil, is extremely religious, and sometimes the
astonished subjects of her royal father havo
beheld her sweeping the floor of the church
clad in the habiliment of a coarse gown and
manifesting great humility of spirit.
Advice to Consumptive**
On the appearance of of the first symptoms, pallor, chil Sirs
gonerat debility, followed loss by appetite, night-sweats
sensations, cough, of relief should ai be
taken. prompt Consumption measures is scrofulous disease of
the lungs; therefore, use the grc*;it anti-scrofu¬
lous or blood-purifier Medical ar»«i strength-restorer. Discovery.** Su¬
Dr. Pierce's “(iolden and
perior to cod liver oil as a nutritive, un¬
surpassed as a pectoral. For weak lungs,
spitting of blood and kindred affections, it has
no equal. Sold by druggists. For Dr. P erce's
treatise on consumption, send ten cents in
stamps. World’s Dispensary Medical Associ¬
ation, 0G3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Learn to think grand thoughts, as you
would seek the best company.
IF You are Out of JLiiiplo.vmrnt,
Don’t fail to read t he ad vertisement headed
‘•Money Made Easily, in anothercolumn.
For dyspepsia, indigestion, depression of
spirits,general also preventive debility in tlieir various forms,
as a mruinst fever and ague and
other intermittent, fevers.t liH“Ferro-Pliospbor
ated Elixir of Cali snya .'’’made by Caswell, Haz¬
ard & Co., New York,and sold by all druggists,
is the best tonic ; and for patients recovering
from fever or other sickness it has no equal.
Beware of him who thinks lie thinks and
does not.
Youthful Indulgence
In pernicious practices pursued in soulltude, general is
a most startling cause of nervous and
debility,lack of self-confidence de-pondency, and will-power, her
impaired memory, and ot at¬
tendants of wrecked manhood, Sufferers
should address, with ten cents in stamps, for
large illustrated treatise, pointing out unfail¬
Medical ing moans Association, of perfect cure. CUB Main World’s Street, Dispensary Buffalo,
One argument in favor of the devil’s success
is that he never gets discouraged.
Ths Ullions,
dripfptlc. In constipated, should address, with
ten cents stamps for treatise. World's Dis¬
pensary Medical Association, 00a Main Street,
Buffalo. N. Y.
The hard work a young man is capable of
demonstrates his capacity for laurels.
"Bi* Money In It For Us.”
Among tlm 150 kinds of Cloth Bound Dollar
Volumes given away by tho Rochester (N. Y.)
American Rural Home for every $1 subscrip¬ oid
tion to that Great S page, 48 col., 16 year
weekly, (all 5x7 inches, from 301) to 900 pagos
hound in cloth) are
Raw Without Lawyers. Danelsou’s (Medical
Family Cyclopedia. Counselor.
Farm Cyclopedia. Boys’ Useful Pastimes.
Farmers’ and Stock- Five Years Before the
breeders’ Guido. Mast.
Common Sense in Peoples’ Ilistory of
World Poultry Cyclopedia. Yard. Universal United States. Ilistory
What Every One All Nations.
Should Know. Popular (both History sides). Civil
Any one book and paper one year, postpaid,
$1.15 only! Hon. C. Satisfaction Parsons, guaranteed. Mayor Rochester. Refer¬
ence : R.
Samples 2c. Rubai, Hour Co., Ltd., Roches¬
ter, N. Y.
Thc profit of good-breeding is evidenced by
outwar d refinement.
Lyons’ Patent Metalic Heel Stiffeners keen
new bools and shoes from running over. Sold
by shoe and hardware dealers.
A Cure of Pneumonia.
"hich terminated with pneumonia, and
sa'ldcnc^uld^ve Lnt a f^ hour, a^osf. Ihe
w as In this condition when a friend recomond
Till- Brown Cotlon Gin i„ “A No. 1.”
" D is simply perfect.” Has all thc latest
improvements and is delivered free of all
charges at any accessible point. Send to Com
pally at New London, C’t., for catalogue or ask
your merchant to order one for vou.
The best cough medicine is Piso’s Cure for
Consumption. Sold every wliere. 25c.
Mali's Hair Kenewer Itching eruptions. is cooling to the scalp
and cores all internment, break-bon*
For ague, bilious, Ayer's Ague
and swamp fevers, use Cure.
Courtesy is the unquestionable passport the
World ever.
Croup. If you Cankered-throat. have a Cold, Cough, Catarrh (dry-hacking) Dropping
causing coilgh-Dr. Kilmer’s Indian CoUgh Cute
(Consumption* and Price Oil) will 50c. relieve and instantly—heals $1.
cures. 25c.,
itrkin or cold uttacks that weak hack
aid atari; prostrates jou.
firs B 1
ml o
=na mi
fc Pi
iiHii= 0 -' aiiinmiHiHiHI U BEST TONIC f^ 8 2 3
Strengthen* the Muaclee,
Steadies the nerves, Vigor*
Enriches the Dlood, Gives New
Da ,T. I,. Mr*M_Fiiirfield. lh>ri Bitters is Iowa, ears: medicine I .
"Browh’B the best Iron I found
have known m tftjr 30 years’ practice. have
it specially beneficial all dehilitatinK in hOtvonis ailtmmts or physical that exhaus- !>ear
tion, and in oifrii fataHy." so
heavily on the system. Use it freely in my
Qemiine has trade mark and crossed red lines CU
wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
Ladies' Hand Book— nsefnl and attractive, con¬
taining list of prizes for recipes, information About
coin*, etc., given away by all dealers in medicine, or
mailed to any address on receipt of 2o. stamp.
Cleanses tbe Head. FLY’S,
Allays Inflammat Ion.
Heals the Sores. Re¬
stores tbe Senses of -/EVER
Taste, Smell. Hearing.
Cream Balm
w pcwcd
into »cr«wvblBtou«>. o.oh nostril j no pain Ilnl f •Kj'tJfR I
Price fioc. by mail or at drugfcmt. Send for circula*’
ELY BROTHERS. DnnrjriNtB. Owwro, N. Y
---------------- ---------
DR. u i\. KILMER’S r\ii-mc. n. » s to f P that Cold, Cough,
an<1 , T cklin?ln tho Th roat.
Arrest that Catarrh,Bron
chitist or Asthma. This
[i] Wk Remedy Cure* relieves quickly, ft
[»] [:)■ prevent* permanently, Decline, Nlgbt-Swcata
m n and death from Consumption.
riH Gr prepared Binghamton, at ml kilmkr’s N. Y.
Wfi DisrKNSART. answered.
"25' Let tor* of inquiry
Guide to Health ( Sent Free).
SAVES YOU* LIFE. gold by I>ru<rrl*t*.
Money Made Easily and Rapidly
We want 100 men who have energy and grit. Wo will
give thorn situations in which they can make money
rapidly—the round. labor Requires being light, capital and employment education. all tile
year Home salesmen no or great Young
of our best ore country boys.
men or old will do. Remuuerntion iB quick and sure.
Wo have need for 100 men withiu tbe neat 30 davs. I):i
not. waste time. t>o not wait, till to-morrow. Write to
HUDGINS * TALTV, 26 S. Brood St., Atlanta, Ga.
Host open ilmnghr. arrester in
the Yvnrhl. No more sin liiiiisen
burned lr»m engine epitrks. Sold
on Inr. gnarnntee. T. Write for Cirru
T. WINDSOR Seville, & GO., Nos.
23 S 36 Wsyne f- 1 ., 1>I i lied Gn.
Responsible Agents minted for sale of Arrester.
The Heat and Che«pe*t Press
# f orer made. other Costa presses. leas than Hundreds shelter
3 in actual uito nt both steam
II 3 and horse power KinB. Bales
fev. faster than any Kin can pick.
- Address Roanokk Ikon and
IS*.- BP” Wood Works, Chattanoogu,
I Pimples. Blotch.*, Scaly or Oily Skin,
I Blemishes and all Skin Diseasos Curoil
5 45cents old by Druggists by WM. or DREYBOPPKL, sent by mall on Mnnu-I g
facturer, 208 Nor,h From St., PhUa de.phia, Pa
w»d Intemperance, not Instsntlv,
<P only d2|c?o?ihS‘^' remedy that P o h h <mres 0 Tiiabit to send
« •gL bottles. H Wily endorsed by the med
leal profcHHion and prepared by well
known Kevr York physicians. Send
1 When CURE FITS! merely to stop liiom tot
1 pa* euro i in) u««i maun aradl*
©time ami then bave them return a^nln, of FITS, I mean EPILEPSY
ea’. cure. 1 havo made the dlpoaso
or FALLIN0810KNK3S a life-long otudy. I warrant mj
remedy to euro tho worst cases. Beeauoo ottiora have
failed fo no reaoon for not now receiving a cure. InfalUbla Eondat
Once for a treatlsa and a Fr»e Bottta of my
remedy. Give Expreee and Pn«t Offlco. It oosta joa
Qothlnc XddrtM tor atrial, and I will cure you. NOWlodb
l>r. U. U. ROOT. IIS Pearl 8k,
A life experieacc. Remarkable and quick enroa. Trial paoke
■geo. Consultation an d Books by mail FREE. Address
d I S nOU.AT1S each for AY w and tffdA
H # W,o.nt,rt l'erftct SEWINU M AC111NKS. H9KT LMm
fir. v«r,.S.nlon trim!If.l-
■ fts.lrpd. Huy direr! aid mti * 1., In ,;< 6 fiet'SycrvWj
Ore.n,,ivrnM . -W/Tl
cnUr premium,. WHlr forFRKErlr- AqAylA
with K3I0 l.,tI iiio.i i.l* .nun rv-r v , ,ii'.
ULO. PAYNE A to. 44 n.SoiirorSI.,1 l.lnw,.
Blair’s Oval Pills f Great HbeumatlC D English Remedy. Gout and
Box round* .50 cts*
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■ ■ A first class Dictionary gotten oat at small
M Language. Price to encourage the study of the Herman
It gives tinglish words with the
German equivalents, and German words with English
Jcflnbjpns. BOOK PUB. A very HOUSE, cheap 134 book. Leonard Send $1.00 tit., N. to
Y. C it y, an d g et one of t hese books by return mail.
Kmt e grnuino tiniest Don’t waste your money on a gum or robber coat TheFISII BRAND SLICKER
-ifaujj'O't vit.'i ths above is absolutely vnur and tetrid pROor, and will keep you dry in th© hardest eioriii
TRAD* MARK. Ask lor the “FISH BRAND” SLicavaand take no oilier. If your storekeeper «b>ct
otl»avoiho“n«n BRAN mmmmmsmmmnmmmmmm d”. send for descriptive eitaloguo to A. .T. wuir: TOWER. JOTUmmotM St.. Bo«tou. y,
BW" ihhi.wiww! i "W i »jj
MARIilKT Magazine Rifle.
For large or small gam#—all tins. absolutely The strongest rifle shooting rifle made. Perfect
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Illustrated Catalogue. MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO. Nsw Haven, Conn,
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est, and cheapest eonfeot'
running sold. prcoo
ever A
trial guaraa
tee* satls/ar
— lion. Four otsco
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Oertffumption HALL’S Can Be Cy»rea I
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li; Co'^Biontldn *9 BALSAM h ntt wlllcnra in mn
(bough it Alai ©selonal aid fnllo. you, ©sen
p f ;vt
fiatirt enrt Lace. Hoys Douglas’ »ek
for ttlK W. t. fruie .lyTe. 'Mrs
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the $3.00 Shoe. esnnot / 8
set these shoes from po.ul desK V
era, stud eddreM U on Dougin. S'K/
card to W. ,S 7
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-*i!»«™“ 8 rOBBEAO ANDHNAET.
B v John B - Gough. ,
Ttio lut and «fownl»it life -ork, brim foil of thrtUjtf* i rift lnl«- ct
humor .nd palho,. Bright, pure, and goad,
liushtcr and tear*.” fir. ft tttt* at iiglt to aU. To It in oddap
Life and Death of Gcmgh, by Rev. and Wo-men. LI MAN | A 103 Ilf
lOOO Agenu made. Wanted,-Men Q^PVUtanco ktndrance wa (
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awarded FIRST EXPOSITION. New Osl.jnk.
Scftle«. etc. Important patented 1M • If«»
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with nur amav'Uf ex* ,
III la SB perlence rt*<iulred, ©v©yy bUAdrte thing soldremly
for us-©. home.or It pays big with hou other to house affords «, In stood Ktore*.
shops, work; «t 300 i rorn e | profit. W«’ r
pays H n flu percent all «tyh?a ami l
also copy and eu- MB larxct
grade* of Por traits. Work ^Daran
toed. no risk, par ticulars free, or Photo
book,“J/oic to Make Photographs ,” vent and Sample postpaid, tot
made b yJCmpire AmateurCamera AilfM
12 cts. Write today, name this III
paper and address hmpire Photo VMM VV H W | MB III P HtT
Equipment Co.. 3S1 Canal St.. N.Y.
a# 4 IBCTTCR l«3T«0MENT».
WRITE, Plan.
Stamp for - &fe»
Full Particulars. 4 &P
NEWARK, N. J.___
No Rope to Cut 0ft Horses’ Manes.
Celebrated ‘KCLII’Sl<’ HAf.TEIt
and H1MUI.K Sample cannot
be Slipped by any horse. i
Halter to any part of U. S. free, on
receipt of $1. Sold by all Saddlery.
Hardware and Harness Dealer*, j
Special discount to tho Trade, U r
Bend for Price-List.
J. Rochester. C. IsIfSHTIIOITSE, N. Y.
^pp^SSJSS!^ cr'nL n'orenmq'w la'ki'cpl^’ponG
Application. WILSON HIIOS., Kit.lon,--- r«*
iieeplns T©elb Perfect and Gam© llealthyv
IBKMARRIED HSInSliniCU j; , ' r80n y’’ 0U ld i oUl th. n. w.
»l/w MutualEnrtowuient married. | Circulars Hoclety free,
w nml receive when
1*. O. Box M(i> Minneapolis* Miun.
^ Pension oAMis^i *n«iN Sandstam*
m wmur
W9l OESTIOH. Address ■k M
SHELLY. Charlotte. c
~G3 and W = SKY HABITS cared
at home without iiaiu. llook of
if. particulars »ent Free,
! M. WOOLLEY, M. D., Atlanta, G*
25 cts. BUYS A HORSE aad
l)ook telling you how to DR I'KOT
CUliffi DISEASE in thl* valuable ani¬
mal. Do not run the rDk of losing your lioi eo for
want of Knowledge to cure him. when iS5c. wil Jpav
for a Treatise. Buy one ana inform yourself. showing
Remedies for all Tlorsc Diseases. Plates
how to Tell the Age of liorees. J?ent postpaid tot
85 cents in stamps.
134 Leonard St., N, Y. City.
« h.Vi taken the lead In
the sales of that class of
■F - Cures In remedies, and has given
f 1 TO 6 DAY8.1 almost universal saiisUc
Guaranteed not 10 tiun.
cause Stricture. MURPHY BROS..
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If Td oolj by the has won the favor of
Irani Chi&lcil Co. the public and now ranks
Bmon*y tbe leading Medi¬
Clnxinn.ti.BBB cines of the oildom.
. k A. L. SMITH.
Ohio. Bratlford, Fa.
Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use
i* In time. Sold by dniggrista.
^ •t: .■
A • U............. —....Th irty.’86