Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
frww-ir—jfc afcrufc s rrsz
it doesn’t look as if Mr.
James P. Harrison was getting
the worst of it in the invtstiga
tionol tlio Marietta and North
Gtoigia railroad and theeapitol
marble business. It would not
h; surprising, however, it some
body should get a little
smirched by tin time the in
vestigati u is iiniahed.—Si van
nth News.
T’te Rev Dr. Tailing-? twml
in a late interview: ‘‘The sum
ma*y ol the whole thing is that
this is a grand old world, and
I want to stay in it as long u*
I can. I would n-»t. want !<>
get out of it at all il I did r.ot
believe that there was a g at d
er one. This is a good enough
one lor me foe a long time \et.”
It is said that Senator Ed
.rounds is preparing to make a
speech on Presi*!* lit Cievi -
land’s administration. He will
pioliably abuse the 1 resident
roundly and tli- ti offer to shake
hands wiiii him the first turn
lie meets him.
The president li t- named I i
country place Oak view. But
he is too late. The correspond¬
ents in Washington have al
ready named his place Red Top,
because the roof of the house
is red headed, so to speak.
The Austrian government
has ptohibited the American
game of poker. The United
States might retaliate by re
iusing to issue licenses to for¬
eign peddlers.
Ex-President Wheeler is not
a complete wreck. lie is only
paying for the privilege of
having bet it Vice-President to
a fraud l>v the name of Ilayes.
The Prohibition candidate
* uever has to “set’em up.” Is
this the reason why we have so
many Prohibition candidates
abroad in the land?
Ei'jrht O million umbrellas arc
made in this country tverv
year, but the stealing still goes
on. It would go on if sixty
millions wer made.
The Brooklyn Union thinks
the treasury surplus indicates
a crisis. Very well. Tins is
the sort of crisis the country
can stand.
A socivty paper says that.
Mrs. Langtry is “upset with
ninkria.” vV’ell, New Yotk nm
Inna must be n veiy muscular
President Cleveland assures
Senator Voothees that he is
going to give the people a dent
ocratic administration.
Miss Violet Cattie'on lias
fled to England. Miss Violet
finds this country too cold for
Violets of her vainy.
“No mercy for traitors” is
the way the New Yotk World
heads the President’s letter to
District Attorney Stone.
The presidential 1 m nm that
sprouts too soon gets nipped i’
the bub by jack f ost.’, „.„ tK
is valued at between $200,000
aud §4000,000.
The favo'i'.e song about the
Spanish coui t now is, “Baby’s
Got a Tooth.”
Two things may be relied up
pn-tuxes tmd mine disasters.
Statk or Georgia Murray Covxyy.
Will lie foi l be or» the court house do« io
the town of Spring Pl»ce to the higbet l>W
<ter »t public outrry bo’ween the legal lo urs
of sale on the firet 'T«e* Inf in Ju u»ry
next, the following described property tu
T e west h If of lot f t Ian l No. 310 o ihe
20th (list an I 2u«i »ee tort j( said o u ty *»»o
ai i * t\ 1 »jf ao **s ie o le*a, Lev ed
on a the property « f Phill p S*an<*en by vir-
1 io of nd to a*iety xo t t ns 8< ml
from JuMi t‘s court of H * l(*t ih 4 Ft
O. a "T aaid - o tify, « f to of 0 W Og as¬
hy va the xaiti Hliill p 'waoon. ,.evy uintle
by DC K- duo L C. and rotur *cd o me
A'so at the same time an ‘ place
one Eighth undivi nd nii**erai
interest in lot of land No 237 . it*
-be 26 ‘h Disirict and 2 '*d section
of said County, t-e-tig the lot of
land whereon the L gal Tender
dine is located. L’ vied on said
properiy as the property of J me
1 'H-my and W W Andeisun, ny
virtue 1*1 and It* satisfy an execu
ion issue I In m the Supepioi
0 -mrt of said ( onnly, in fav r <*'
iV S 'tephei.son mrainstihe said
I im- s T Beury and VV \V AikIocsou.
\Iso at the same time and piac
-tie hundred sens more or lesi m
al lot < t land N 212 in tint 26 h
[)i*.ttict and b«-t*. ud section of said
Couu-y. Said property levied on
as It pr->pert,\ ot VV B Spenra by
virtue «>t and to satisfy an execu¬
tion issued from the justice court
f I be 1013 h Llistric o m. of-aid
t'oiiolv, hi lavor of (1 VV Oglesby.
C L ferry hearer against fan sai
B an i M VV Cl* er.
Also al 'he same tune and place
me son el m ire about nine years
dtl. one mouse colored m ire
mule about thirteen ’ecs old, a!s
in- r?-l and while spotted ini oh
, i>w and voting calf, also red
•Mid white snoLied dry «ow. also
■no two h- r»« wagon and harness
said property levied on as the prop
eri v of Levi Braiiliain. by v r;iie o'
nml to satisfy an exectlliou issued
from the Superior Court oi sai I
Count.v in fa v^r of Geo-g-t VV Hih
the said Levi Branham,
Also ut tlio same time and place
one honlred m-i twenty fiveacias
of lot of land N-j two hundred and
twenty live in the 9 lli Bistrioi an
3 rd section of said County, being
t tto property on which J VV Patric
now -esulcs. Said oi property levied
on as the property J W Fair c by
virtue of and to satisfy {be ur« Superio execu ■
lion isHued imm
Court of -mid County, in t»ver of
J-.he C McEntire against John H
i'toples ai d said .1 VV i’atric
Also it tlm .-pruo time aud phee
lot of 1 tud No t wo bundle I and five
in the Dili Distri. t and 3 ‘d section
of said county, containing oue ban an I s xty act s more or 1 <ss
Sad pr per y levied on ns ilie
property of t) F Me.Muh by
iiiin under bond for titie bom • J
c Mc.Vlaiian, by virtue of and o
Haiisfy live sx-jcutiou; maned from
the nislicea coni ol liie Eigh
h mdre -1 aud twemy four li l)i-*ric
o m i.fsitid county, iu t'wor of i
VV McLain vV li L -ugliredge beare-i,
W C Mu tain. EM Bates, J W
WilsonAud dark cove Uuann o ill
pmy all i-*uiiisL the sai I D F Me
\I .b n L ivies in i (j n.»d rut-imed
to me by Dan K tiuer L. c.
Ai-o at 'he sime dm-i and place
Eight a-res of lan i lioiug hi Ihe
south wis corner ot lot of iand N *
3 >7 in ihe 10 h Dial, an I 3 rd sect
toil ol said county,and bounded on
Ihe north bv i!m l'ennes-ee line,
tn the smith by I bo Aigg-ns laud,
oil e tst l-y 4 toad running by hi s
Black’s, o i tti - 1 west, bv tin- mods
of .Major Dunn L vi.d aspinpp rty
of t W au W li B!a<k by virtue
ot ami b' “alls v an <x cuiiou is
-netl f m In* Judic* court of tie
tS 2 -itb b i ict it M if said coun-y
in tavor oi Tr mm«*li Shut l>e»r* r
a -aimt the said It and w It
Black aud F V rnurg endorser.
L vy nmdo and ,etiun.-il t -me by >
i>Hii K mier l c- 'J'Jiis Dec li e
It 1886
c :L TERRY, Sh’ff.
Georgia, M rr vcuu y.
Will tie sold before the conn
house door in lli i town of Spring
PI ice, to the tvghesl bid i-r at pul)
tic outcrv b -tween tne legal hunts
of sale «m Ud lir>t Tu ml-iy in
Dect-ipbe* next the following prop
bily to wit.
A so at tlio siuu'j t'lne md pl*ie*
limi of -aid comity ttountlu*l a- foI
lowg: Ba.giiitiin-' -«t t!ie i-orih wi.-t
corner of raid lot oi land and tun
nugsastsixiv four rod*, thucc
south 1 0 rods. di-me
ivfst sixty four rods, ihcnce north
to the beginning. Sai-1 l«n I levied
on as the pn-p'T’y < f r’ohu^SJint
tis.I.nsteeforESBdtis and chi'
fJron. i>y vir ue o: Ana sulisly ai.
8u.itb Treadwell vs tin-- aid Joint
^ E S H tllBttU<f
d.udren '
A.fio . „ at. the . lioi” .. and , p'ac ,
pame ■
I’ighly acres dll'ot tb-* wist, hide of
lot otiaml No 67 in the 9ih disf
and 3rd section of said countv.
Said tan I lowed on as.tho property
to .Jcrvuimh Suuthjt by viruiM ot saiisty an executicn issued
)rt >m ibo. Justicea couit of tfie
872 ud due gm Whitfield county,
G<v, in lavor «*f L P Gadier v> the
said J.-remi , 1 . Smithy. L'-vy made
ami relumed to m-j by i B Bond
lc. *
Alroat the same time pndptace two mare
muter, old. one bay Leviol and ih^f ther black, the about fire of
jom rears M. Ellis on »» ptopert, the
by atrtue of a Ufa fiom
ft'iperior Court »f said county iu favor of O
W. ll-lt s.aiust John M. l£lll«, i'tin and K. It
A Eiiis, Security.
At*o hi »h“ i»rm' timr and place
lot of sand N i. 132 in the 10 b ti n
net nnd 3 rd section , of Murray
county. G*. Sail 1 ml 1 * vied on
hs the property ol VV A Whatley
■ t al by virtue o and to sdisfy an
execution issued from lh«* superio of
court of said county in favor I
SV McLain vs the said W A VV hat
ley et al.
Also at the same time and pine*
»he store house and lot in ihe
town of Spriug Flare, G<t., brine:
in the south east corner of the pul*
lie square and including barn and
vtables and about one aeie of laud,
being 'he proberty now tn posses
»ion oi N Vance. * Sa ; d property
l* v ed on a the properly of Janus
T Henry by virtue of and to satis¬
fy an execution issued from the
superior court of aaie county in im
vor of Cullen & Newman vs the
said JT Henry.
Also at the same ti»re and place
two wot k mules one an iron gray
the i tlifi a black, both horse .runlet
an i b.-tb about nine years old. Al¬
so u good t wo horse wagon S od
oroperty levied on as the propei
i v ol James 1 ' MoOun by virtue o!
,'nd to satisfy an execution issued
In m the superior court of said
c iun y in lavor ol Job i Bryant vs
raxl J T McQune »M»'l M S and Mar
Ilia M’cnno principals and S H
Leonard indorser and S E Field
security. This Nov. 4 * 1 SS 6 -
‘ CL TERRY, Sheiitt.
3. C. Vain, JudgRSuperior Court.
C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court.
C. L. Terr;. Sheriff.
W. II, Kuraev, "r-tleery.
T. J. Ovhey, Treaourer.
M. H. Brambtett, Tax Reeelrar.
W. O. Gregory, Tax Colleotor.
M. St. Batei, County Surreyor.
C. B. Holland, Coronor.
Commisalonera, Deonia Johnion, B. Water
houio.Sr., S. L. Trimraier, John A. Berry,
W. J. White.
Board of Rduoation, M. H, Chartain, Pres.
S, H. Henry, Seo’y and County Schqet Com
miuioner, W O. Marria, II. L. Panglo, John
G. Spruill. *
Ttirn— Ft4 h D,(t.. J tl ?t ^er, J. P , It
Hear i-:t, X. P„ it C Kocrerand John Chil
d ra i osr.a > -a.
Eighth—y84lb Diet , W K Laokoy J. P.,
J II KulinN. P., J M Kui uud John Ingle
CoNatablea. • a
Doolittle—072n*t Diet., W C IIGordon J P.
Ira Urifielh ,V. 1*., .1 1’ b'priu s -deld aud S P
Duuoan, Conetablee.
To th—874tu Diet.. X J Bryant i. P., D C
Du mi Couetable. '.W,
Ataou e »—101 |tb Dist., J 11 Oaeal J. P,
J II Wileon N. P.,J D Baxter ainl .E S llow
ell Conatablee.
1013th Diet., M W Cloer J. P., B F C
Loughridge N. I*., K L Betee aud G \V
Swunemi U ,UKtal*'e-i.
Shuok Pen—103»ih Diet., K "' Bond* J. P.,
J B U-iiidHiid uud W M Kiriiardi Cuuaublee
Bull Pen—IJSUli Diet., J W Kiuoher, J P.
B B Br-.wii N P., A X Oeb.rn nnj W 11
Georgia Murray County.
Wli* reasj. W. Tucker A<lm’i
of C. B. Tucker dt-c’d repre¬
sents to tile Court in liis petition
duly filed and elite;ed on record,
that he Ii ,; m fully administered
C. B. Tucke ’s estate, this is
therefore to cite all persons con¬
cerned, kindred and creditors to
show cause, it any they can.
why said Administrator .'should
ministration, not he discharged and from his ad¬
receive let¬
ters of dismission on the first.
Monday in January 1887. This
Sept. W 29, H 1886. Ramsey, Ordinary.
ADMi nistrtors sale.
Murray Go.mty.
B^ vilture of at) order of the
Cou:fc ot Otilinary of Murray
County Ga, will be sold to tile
, ...» j, fc ]m fc t] e c
Gouse door , . ill tfie rn lown ol
Spring Place Ga on the first
Tuesday vvi(bi in December next,
„ tJ)e ] e 5 g„} hrUIlS of Rule
r A l . v . fn tr
tl'ict and 3rd section of said
UuUUty, containing one bundl ed
and sixty •! acres more or Jess,
, , * 1 tile pvopertv . ot . Wilt*}’
deceased. Dudley, late of said cash. County
Terms This
^ov 4th 1886.
T ,, D ,. nillips, n . Aflfflr . ol ,
, Wiley tT , Dudley deceawu.
Win. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spuing Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to nil
legal business.
Stock aud Convey
For hire or sale atJE^SL
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage oi
the people rinucb desired, and
especially those from Murray
Dr. J II McTxeau’a Homoeopathic Livor
and Kidaey PilleU will remove those para¬
sites from the bowels and thereby relieve
Constipation, Piles, Veuralgin, Rheumatism
and all sueh painful comp alnrs.
i- * «
Oeorgio, Murray Ci-unty:
To all whom it nmy concern;
I.uctnda Cox, and H. R. Bevel
Administrator’s of Thomas Cox
(’n ceased, have, in due form ap
plied to me for leave to p-j 11 'hr
lands belonging tu the estate of
said deceased, tint! said appiea-
tion will be heard on the first
This Monday No in December next.
ov, 1st 1886.
W. H. Rnnsey, Ordinary.
By Georgia, Murray from county.
virtue ot -n order the
court of Ordia iry of Hill county,
Ga., wifi be bo!i 1 before the court
lionee door in Gainesville Hall
county, Ga, witniu Ihe leftal hours
of sale on the first Tuesday in tja
cember next, the following inter
esta in lots of land belonging to the
estate of Mrs. Martha B oinks.
late of Hall coiinty deceased, to
wit: The undivided one thud in
terr 8 t in lot No 275 in the twenty
seventb district and second sect in
oi Mu rid y county, the Bum) i:on
tainiug one hutdrjd and b- xiy
acres. Sold for the purpose oi
paying thedibts and for diatnbu
lion among the heits The origi¬
nal grant c hi be seen at t h i m
fioeol H LI Berry. atlorr:ey.’(>*un»>
vilie, Ga. Tt-rtne ca^h
«imland H Prior. adm‘r etc.
Georgia. Mu-ray county
Bv v itue ot an order of tin
court of Ordinary of Murray < 4 Ull
ty. (in., will be soi l i i tue ti-gb- -i
bidder -it, 'be court bon to *'o r h
ibe town of spring I’Iho *. G-t 1 )
the first Tues l*»y in D •e.uiit h 1
next witliiu tlie 1 ga! b-*ura oi >,*:•
tlin following property to T<
bo sold in tlnee p ncels ns follows:
f jgl ty acres ni ro or loss oft tti*
roillll llrtll of lot (if liin -1 No 2 g i*i
tho 9 !h district and 3 rd soctton of
raid county, about tw.-nty five
acies of which is in culiivauou
Also 15 acres more or lest of w; o-i
land on lot of Ian I No 27 in tu
S)ifi dist and 3 r 1 section, Jyiui*
north of the pub ic road leudi'iv
Iroiu 'A oo-ilawn io Dalt-'ii-ao-l 115
-icres more t-j less ol s-irl lot N
27 in the 9 th diet and 3 rd st-ctim*
containing good * 1 -veiling bou»('
and out bouses. Said propei ty sul -1
a - ibe property of N A Megea late
1 1 said county dec 1 i. 'i'< rms *)n
b-ilf cash, balance on twelve mo itb
litne with ii*ieres*i at 8 per cent
from date of sa e. Titles made
when all purchase money is [ aid
'ih s Nov 4 , 1836 .
P McGhee, adin uistralor ol N A
McGhee, d c‘d.
Statr or Grgkou, Murray County :
J-ts T Henry lias applied to m ; tu
supplement bis homestead, upprov
eil Aug. twenty fifth 1887 , ami I
will para upon the at. 10
Ocloek am on the 29 thof Nov 1886 .
at my office
W H Ramsey, Ordinary,
From J M Uinea, Totti* Bend Tenn‘,
One «,f onr lady ruatoineni h»a beoi afflio
tad for aoino titno with lung diaaaae, in
fact wa« given up by her |*hy.ieirna oh in
eurahle three bottles of Dr. J 11 Mo Leon’s
Tar Wine Lung Balm have nffented a c»m
plete cure which i* looked upon here as mi
Stat« or Gkoruia, Murray County.
Agreeably to an order of die
court of Ordinary of said couptv.
will he sold at public out cry in
Spring Place, Ga. at the usual
p ace of Sheriff’s tales of sai-l
county, and within the legal hours
ol sale on the 1st, Tuesday in De¬
cember n< xt one eighth o i the mi
divided mii: *ral interest in lot of
laud No. 297 in 26*h district and
second section «»f said countv
known as the‘legal J’ende’ mine
lot. Sold as the property of J p
Cole dec’d. Terras cash. This Nov
41886 ,
J jp Henry and J L Cole,
adm’t« J F Cole, dec’d.
Wooten AMD Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
drugs, oils, paints, window glass, cigars
I a Ivon, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
JurI Received at the Milltter> Store ot
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and decent assortment of Millnery and Srrnw G«pdfconsl?Hnp of Straw
Bnnvet* and T.ndW* A***! Children's Hats ftrtwmod a d untrintmedl N<*f*k
and f*«Rb Fibhnop, Vihv»t Ribbon®, Nonfc Tie*, Hornet Pilks, Satina,
Velvet* and frnpe*. Flower*. Feather*.Ornument* Ac. 0«r j?node
wem bonirbt of ♦be l»rf?e*t and bn«t importing Ifauses in Balti
tnore and New Vera, and w»il be *old at very low
v*-Wc fot ^a«b.
Riding Vorn MUNCH’S and or Walking Fallow CULTtVKTOR.
W 'Uh ilmthle How Com Planter
Hlfl and Fertilizer .lltnehtnents com
jUctc in one Muchinco
Bfcsiv*il of iVterit Great find Highest boo hers Lrpo- Awards
a*, i i
mMr **;ion, • of Lowisrllle, rkira Ky in aid 18 C s 3 naa
rer S'.sw -,
Thousands in use giving entire aatiafac*
ti< n. T.m duin.'inil alre dy this season is
litre® times as largo ns labt year.
am' W tnKKKtHKHKKWff —[ii;|it~ li occupied t^end RELIABLE for territory. catalogue AGENTS mailed wanted free. Address, in all un¬
. .
HENCH & DftOMICOLb, York, Pa. SR m .thiR W «.
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
NEW Xd 02 ST 3 D 0 i>F. Conn.
m Manufaetnrera of the Old
7 Reliable Brorrc Cotton Gina,
Feeder*, anil Condensers. All
the very latest 'improvement*:
two brush belts, Bteel bearings,
iaprored extra roll box, brush. patent whip
\ par, perfected Foeder, strong- enlarged New
T, proof Strong, Condenser. durable ' and simple
V,j. in oouatructiou. Gins fast, tons
* \ light, and sleana tha sued per¬
i fectly. Send for
Circular and Pries
iff: ■}. HAND elAOE
Beet Hard fer*mn* • x.-n-.’t-*. «vMf ^rodnoe<L
1 fr»-.>z*> -r btuvk
fiswsku^ivr-i-. i l w. t d -i-rioret*
■■ *-■ • I v nay i.'iie. The
- . i tclH.-K to finah mm
•hetawr ft Yalte'u *.. w- tire.pruof/nE d<»
•eeitiOKumh r.*»nfl ■ Til luisvat e not ctaiNi
fiM by tin* .«* r . • -?«r|» i
Fire J>**f»,irD: 1*0 Mill
«m» uo »*.ci*nout in* Cel | •• Mhwxe
Exmomsm mu
th« WATWATm If 1*11 mtty»nr.n ore used u —tii_
end thus conll’Wht -ottu or d 'sastnam fire* are provent*2
Minphleta Jf* containing for full (lAfftorilar* oi th% and wonderfulotlteieMV one of our mmm
of onr tvrenadee in «*xtuV|>niHUtfig pr<M3:*
Hnaan, ltsrn. Privalo |L>MidH»ce. actual tire*. No lijja Fane
lnm,er Mnnnfsct,ory aliouS'i Hotel. Publie
W# l»e without tneir prnteetkNN
want ii»». Mtb*, rMixhn »•* lur kgsuu in Utg UkiNe
407*4011 iirottduar. New York*
G. ft . STARR, TRAMMKM. 8 Tmi
Calhoun,Ga. '‘l»r»ngP»aoe,GB
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legathusint!
€E. E. BROW ) ft
The Jewfler.
Dalton, • Georgi .
Watches, Clocks, Silver
War**. Spcticlt s, &c.
Personal attention given t< i
to repairing. bank. Store next door
PuSdie^r Cnitxr o«ii,. Dr. J n MoLmu,
v-imum oh linimnt alt* «»«t f-wt
rtdue** the Swelling an -1 hnnln thu **or*j
r * * ct? ,ik * a *’ , * rm * w **’' M,,h
“ '* ,et eoe * ,T,ry do Bot "«»i
/• 4
t y : -% f
(; i^/!\
Don't mum Vortma
Dr. E. jb. HOPE,
Sprixo Placx, Georgic
Wifi answer promptly all media
cal calls.
Samuel J Tifden
“Tilden,’’ the onlv full blooded
Terser bull in the county, will be
kept the present se|J»dh.,gt M R
Chasiain‘8. about twrt mHffS north
<*f Spring Place, for the service *% »
the public. Frae two dollars. .*•
*Tilden ? is from caw -Bell’ now’
owned by Col. T R'Jones; of Dal¬
ton. anil sired by Getty's celebra
•e-l hi ll ‘VAficgro,’ and will be two
vrars old Way 1. Cattle raising
<” utd h* made one of the most pay
r g industries hf this section, pro*
vid* d ‘ > r °pe” attention is given to
it*e» grade of stock propagated. So
tnk* sdvantage'of this the first and
3 > - -« t"- -Jtppro ve theVradeq* #
- n mmm ^11 sure SS jra®
and tomatic Rotary Direct Movements, Au¬
and Perfect
Action, setting Needle, Cylinder Posit.veFeed, Shuttle,Self<
No Springs, Few Parts, Mini¬
Noise, mum Weight, No Wear, No Friction, No Fatigue, No
No “ Tantrums,” Capacity
Unlimited, Richly Always In Order,
plated Ornamented, and Gives Perfect Nickel
Send for Circular!.
as Union Square^ New York.