Newspaper Page Text
Philosophical Phrases.
1 Wbe s von flisnntA /„„i v,„
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Teacher (to a class in chemistry):
■‘W hat doc3 sea water contain besides
the sodium-chloride that we have men
tioned?” Head boy: *‘Fish.”
When Mr. Emerson says that daring
slumber the animal in our nature prepon¬
derates, the “animal” referred to is pro¬
bably the night-mare.
A tall man having rallied a friend on
the shortness of his legs, the friend re¬
plied, “My legs cau reach the ground;
what more can yours do ?”
“Time heals all things,” wrote a phil¬
osopher. But, in a later edition, he
qualified the assertion by excepliug
shoes. “Time never heels them,” he
Faitii is sometimes personified as a
dret ched female clinging to h sea-wash
• d rock; but a better personification
would be a bald-headed man buying a
bottle of patent hair restorer. '
The happiness of your life depends
upon the quality of your thoughts;
thcrefore, guard accordingly, and take
care that you entertain no notion unsui
table to virtue and unreasonable to nature.
Jerome— Look out for that Miss Ber
keley. She knows a good deal. Most
ot us are rather afraid of her. Victor—
\ ou don’t say! I shall cultivate her,
after all my experience at Bar Harbor
and Saratoga.
A Fallen Foe.
After the battle was over at Shiloh, on
T uesday, I was detailed for picket duty,
1, with two of my comrades, was sent to
the right of the Purdy road, on the brow
of the hill near where the reserve was
stationed. The night was one of unusu
aily black darkness, and we had orders
to shoot on sight. I was slightly in ad
vancc of my two comrades, and in a
most Along solitary spot.
abou four o’clock I heard some
one time coming through the brush. I had no
to consult my comrades, for on he
I shouted “Halt!” My foe Stopped.
“Who comes there?” No reply, but on
lie came. I called again and then' fired.
I wns frightened, and my heart was in
my month. I heard something drop
heavily to tlie grou d, accompanied by a
groan equal to the signal of a fog horn.
My shot brought Lieutenant, Green, of
my company, to tho post, lie with my
comrades wanted to know what my shot
I said, “I have shot some one in that
thicket, for I beard him groan.”
With the nid of a lantern which the
Lieutenant had brought, we proceeded to
carefully investigate. We had not far to
go until wo came upon a dead mule, shot
as fairly between the eyes as you please.
’Hie Saving Power of B lil-ky.
General Stcedman was fontl of tilling
the following instanco of what liquor
would sometimes do.
The uivht after the bnttlc of Chicka
tnatiga, Stcedman was riding past a cabin
by the roadside. A woman at the fence
said to him: “There is a dead Union of.
fiicer in my house.” Stcedman dis
mounted and went in to see the dead
man. He found him lying in a corner
covered with a blanket, where the Kiir
gcon had abandoned him. He pulled the
covering off, stooped down, and by the
light of a cattle recognized liis old friend,
Colonel Dur un Ward. He was cold and
apparently and lifeless. Stcedman felt his
pulse, found a slight fluttering. Call
in g for his orderly, who carried a canteen
of whisky, he raised the dying man. and
putting the canteen to his mouth, poured
a liberal quantity of tho reviving fluid
down his throat. The reaction came, the
surgeons saved. were sent for, and Durbin Ward
was He never got done thanking
Stcedman, and lie never could listen with
patience to a temperance orator decrying
spirits thereafter. “I aut a living exam¬
ple,” he used to say, “of the saving pow¬
er of even commissary whisky.”
Tito Wrong Leg.
Mr. Smith had the rheumatism and
the doetor failed to cure it. One day a
friend asked leave to send a lady mind
eurer to his aid. The lady came, boasted
of her exploits in her science, and, sud¬
denly placing her hand on the patient’s
knee, cried:
“I fee! it—the sciatica is all centered
Mr. Smith eyed the lady, quizzically.
“Excuse me, maddam,” he said, “but
you’ve touched the wrong leg. The pain
is all in the other one.”
A Lover’s Motto.
“Funny motto to put on your coat
of-ttrms, IJigsbv !”
“What’s that t”
“So far, and no farther.”
“I don’t understand it.”
“It refers to my courtship, and its
happy and speedy termination was be¬
cause wc told the old man at the begin¬
ning that our principles were so-fn, and
no father.”
A Tonsorial Dentist.
“Razor pull, sir?”
“N—no. See here, barber, didn’t you
use to be a dentist ?”
“Not as I knows of.”
“You’d make a good one.”
“Why so, sir ?”
“If all my teeth were on the outside of
toy face you’d have them out in a min¬
T« Empress of Austria is full of patri
otic prejudice. Her health is failing,
but she declines to avail herself of aid at
the shrine of Lourdes bec ause of her dis¬
like to the French Government.
To Err 1. Human,
Uut it Is rosltively inexcusable to adminbt-r
i amnics or potent seffatives to relieve ntia.i
oui ily ot the nerves, the easily dbcoverablo Hostetters
•Sicmuch ifiruse of Hitters which is is the indiBestion. remedy indicated when
the nervou- s stem .s weak, amt consequen ly
HU;cr-scnsitive and nutiamiull. Braced and
ijti etedby Ihl- superlative- tonic, tiiuht, the dyspectic sy-tem
ohlai s needful repose at
. ona ins erase t > disturb (he stomach, and men¬
ial inquietude dnappe us. The hab t of body
bec< mes regular, toe liver and kidneys are
lieu thtully „t,initialed, and bo lily or menial
overturn ceases tr > e a weari-ome and d cu t
disorders, task. Neuralgia, kidney Rheumatism troubles, and ma'arial entirely
ami are
eiadicatod madica by this matchless invigorant and
Training for Work.
!$»T “D} 0 ^ £SlSdS“ ea °* education is to train the
abiding. storehouse In accomplishing this, the
becomes filled with knowledge
j useful Women’s and pleasurable, education
considered thorough was, at one time,
when her mind had
been trained to comprehend only the
sentimental part of life; of its practical
part she need not know anything.
All this is changed. In those days she
was not expected to study what her
brothers delved into, to its depths. Her
talents and aspirations were hedged about
by conventionalities, bounding her ambi¬
tions on every side. Now the willing¬
ness to give her opportunities increases,
and educational institutions invite her
patronage. Universities and colleges
prepare her for professional life; techni¬
cal and business schools fit her for busi
uess and the trades,
It is conscientious work the world
needs, and the more capable a woman is,
the more thoroughly she prepares herself,
the more desirable her work will be, and
T h e'voiId s fast hnding out that, * , be
? S c " tleness !U1<1 S ra00 possessed
J ^ theMS ar0 J ,lst as lar S & 8toro *
iness, success depends upon the value of
the work one can do, and it is beneath
the dignity of a true woman to appeal for
patronge, Fir-t simply because she is a woman,
fit yourself for wbat you would
undertake, then patiently demand it, and
you stand an equal chance with your
The higher a woman aspires the more
extensive should be her education. If
she expects to begin that long seige to
enter law schools a profession, the highest and best
are open to her; the faculties
of our finest medical colleges receive her
courteously; her technical institutions will
fit for lithographing, wood-carving,
architectural work and designing for
house decoration; business colleges will
te >ch her a knowledge of accounts,
j An education gained in either school
I Avill lay the foundation for an active, in¬
dependent life. Every girl should re¬
ceive mcli an education with the idea of
utilising ofl'er it, and then, if she ever accepts
an will for a quiet home partno ship, it
make her an active partner as well as
a helping AVe have one.
informed yet to losing learn of a spirited, well
estimation woman of the anything in the
world by the knowl¬
edge that renders her independent.
Women in Mar.
The suffragists are waging war in the
East. New York is the battlefield most
exciting at present. Kenridge, a name
familiar to Ledger readers, treats the
subject in most felicitous fashion in a
late issue of the New York Graphic.
! but She says: “They want the spoils of war,
not its dangers; for bow many do
you suppose would bo willing to do mili¬
tary service ? If forced to march against
tUe enemy, they would look with more
anxiety to the fit of their uniforms than
to the condi 1 ions of their swords and
muskets. If the opposing army had
they some might pretty forget good-looking men in front
to fire at them until
too late, or if the General came prancing
forward on his charger with a few mati¬
nee tickets the entire regiment would
surrender at discretion. But take the
most favorable view of the case—even
that has its horrors. Imagine our noble
band of suffrage infantry communing
with each other on a battlefield in this
“Oh, Julia, come help me load this
honied gun. Is there a trigger ? And
where shall I put it ? In the barrel—oh,
no, that’s where the bullets goes.”
“Nevermind leading up now,” says
Julia; the enemy's over two miles oif.
Here’s some caramels I found in my hav¬
“What nasty, shat]) swords these are,’
says a third; “I’ve a good mind to throw
mine away, and just use this sweet little
silver dagger Cousin George gave me for
a paper-knife.” “I believe
don’t our caps came from
Paris,’says a fourth; ‘they’re not the
very lastcst style for army use.’ At
which there is a shriek of disgust, and
the command to march being given, the
ladies meander off to meet the enemy,
feeling terribly depressed by this infor¬
mation ”
picture Kenridge is so feebly disgusted with her own
that she concludes: “De
•li'itdcd by such soldiers, this land of the
free and home of the brave wouldn’t be
worth living in.”
Too Hashfnl.
“Bridget, have breakfast you sit up so nine late that we
don’t till o’clock.”
“I’ll tliry and do better, mum.”
“I think it’s the beaux, Bridget.”
“Likely, mum.”
“And you’ll have to stop sitting up so
late nights in the kitchen with them.”
“Olt, thank ye, mum, blit they’d be so
bashful in the parlor, ye sec.”
Babv falls and bumps its head,
Babjpbawls, they tljink its dead.
Mamma gets ,St Jacobs Oil,
Hubs the baby, stops turraoiL
Garulous men aro commonly conceited, superficial and
th* y will generally bo found to be
ns well. They who are in a hurry to tell what
they do know, will be equally habit, inclined, from
the impu'so of provailing to tell what
they do not know.
A prominent farmer of Bowlins; Green,
Howard County, Md., Mr. J. T. Ridgely, said
bis four children were sick with soro throats
and coughs at the same time. Rod .Star Cough
Cure cured them in a w eek. No opiates.
A good old lady, a widow, on iieirig asked
bv a friend if she didn’t think her husband
shortened his da vs bv too much hard work,
^idon-tUrin^btolW. d ^near
j ua t. as Ions as otner people’s”
W. H. Worthington, editor of “ Patrons of
Husbandry,” Co’nminis, Mas?-., writes Feb. 23,
1882: ‘*Your grom remedy. Allen’s Lung Bal
sum, I Imvo uskI in niy family for fifteen years
for coughs and co ds, and know it to be tlie
best.” Price 25c., 50c. an l per bottle, at
400,000 Subscribers.
If we gave a column to the Ywth't Compan
inuAnnoun ement, wo could scarcely enume¬
rate the attractions it promises for its sixty-first
volume. We are n t surpi ised that ihe Com.
n provides something of interest for
every published member of tlio family. The Companion is
weekly, and fully illustrated. Its
subscription will price is $1.75 a yetr, which, January, if
sent now, pay lor the paper to
Bronchitis is cnrrnl by frequent small doses
of Piso’s Cure for Consumption.
When Cincinnati Tima-star.
cocaine was discovered thb metical
*®J when“to a f tU “} “thank u^'L^erted^om’tS!”
pe.ialty deadening
of pain for surgical operations, to
the stimulation and destruction of the human
body. Its first effects are soothing and cap¬
rible tivating, but the thra.dom is the most hor¬
J. slavery U Stephens, known to humanity.
SL D., of Lebanon, 0.,
was interviewed by our reporter yesterday
at the Grand Hotel, and during the conver¬
sation the doctor said: 41 The co wine habit
is a thousand times worse thau the morph,no
and opium habits, and you would be aston¬
ished.” he said, “if you knew how frightfully
the habit is increasing.”
“W hat are its ejects!”
“It is the worst constitution wrecker ever
known, it ruius tie liver and kidneys in
half a year, an l when this work is done, the
strongest “Do constitution soon succumbs.”
you know of Dr. Underhill’s cuso here
in Cincinnati ;”
victim “That of loading the cojaine physician habit! who became His a
Yes. case
was a very sad one, but tha habit can be
cured. I havo rescued many a man from a
worse condit.on.” ,
“AVhat, ‘•Indeed, worse than Dr. Underbill's?”
M., M. D., pres.dent sir, lar so. Justin M. Hall, A
of thjState Board of
Health of Iowa, and a famed pra titioner,
and Alexander Neil, M. D., professor of sur¬
gery in the Columbus Medical Colloge, and
president widoiy of the Rev. Academy W. of Uediciuo, a man
known, P. CiauCey-of Indi¬
ana olis, In 1., from personal exp l ienee in
opium of eating, form etc., can of tell you of wins, tlu kind
success our treat nent a >d
so can H. C. Wilson, formerly of Cin.inuati,
who is now associated with me.”
“Would you mind letting our readers into
the se ret of your methods.”
“Well, young man, you surely bavo agood
bit of assuran e to ask a man to give his bus¬
iness away to the public; but 1 won’t disap¬
tients. point you. In I have with treated over eminent 20,000 phy¬ pa¬
common many
sicians, I for yearn made a close study of tne
effe ts of the habits on the system and the
organs which they most severely attack. Dr.
Hall, Dr Neil and Mr. Wilson, whom 1 havo
mentioned, made and hundreds of others e jually
as export, many similar experiments
on thoir own behalf. Wo each found that
these drugs worked most destructively iu tne
kidneys them. and It liver; then in fact, finally destroyed
was apparent that no cure
could be effected until those organs eouid be
restored to health. We recently exhausted
the entire range of medical scion experi¬
menting with all known reined os for those
org ms, and as the result of these close inves¬
tigations we nil ub-tautially agreed, though
foil iwing different lines of in juiiy,
that the most reliable, scientific pivj a
ration, was Warner’s safe cure. This
w as the second p dnt in the discovery.
Toe third was our own private form of treat¬
ment, which, ol' course, we do not divul.; to
the public. Every case that we have treated
first with Warner s s ilo cure, thou with our
own again private with Warrior's treatment, and followed up
safe cure for a few
weeks, has bocu .successful These hah ts
i an’t. be cured without using it. because the
habit is nourishe 1 and sustained in the liver
and mode: kidneys. The habit can be kept up in
at ion, however, if free u o be also
made, at the same time, of that great
remedy.” “Yes, it is
a world famed and justly cole
brated specific! Liko many other physicians,
I used to deride the claims made for it, but I
know now for a la t (hat it is the world’s
greatest blessing, having sovereign j ower
over hitherto incurable diseases of tho
kidneys and iiver, 1 and when I have said
that, young man, have said nearly every¬
thing, for mo t diseases origina’o in, or are
aggravated kidneys.” by, a depraved condition of the
“i eople do not realize this, because, singu¬
lar as i; may seem, the kidneys n ay be in a
very advanced stage iif do .imposition, and
yet owing to the fact that there aro but few
nerves of sensation in them t.he subject will
not experien t: miich pain therein, On tliis
a'vouut tho sands of people dio every year
of kidney disease unknowingly. Th y have
so-called disorders of the head, of the heart
and lungs and stoma h. and treat 1hein in
vain, for the real cause of their mi-.rv is de¬
ranged health tho kidneys, disorders and they were res ored to
other would soon dis¬
appear. Dr. Stephens’s
firmed l experience, tlion-auds that can bo con¬
y many whom he has
treated, a Ids only more emphasis to tho ex¬
perience of many hundreds of thousands all
o- er the world, that tho remedy lie refers tc
is without any doubt tho most beneficent
discovery ever given to humanity.
Thackery, the during famous his Mrs. stay in Charles¬
ton, met King, dattgh
ter of James L. being Pettegrew, a great Un¬
ionist, who, on questioned aftci
the secession of the State as to what lit
intended doing, replied: devil, “Well, th<
State is going Mrs. to the King and I’m go¬
ing with it.” was at tlml
time one of the leaders of society.
Thackery re-tnrked, with rather more
brusquencss than elegance, on his intro¬
duction to her; “I understand, Mrs.
King, that you are verv fast,” whereupon
tho brilliant woman, whose forte was re¬
partee, replied; “Ah, Mr. Thackery, we
must not place for too much informed confidence in
what we near, I was that
you were a gentleman.” It. is said the
pi oud Englishman high spirited never forgot the re¬
tort of tlie Southern wo
This retort is quite equal to that of a
bright woman of the West the other day.
A tactless lady came eagerly up to het
and said: “My dear, allow mo to intro¬
duce Mr. .Tones to you. He says he met
you sometime ago and was not favorably
impressed with you. I wish him to know
you better, and tneu I am sure be will
like you.” stood flushing
Tlie luckless man a or
unblushing (as you wish to take it)
scrutiny. Then tlie bright woman re¬
plied : did not make favorable impres¬
“I a
sion? Ah! I am forced to say Mr. Jonei
made no impression on my mind what¬
Trade Topics.
“Anything new in the papers, Tom ?”
“Yes, here’s something about a pitched decline
in rolling stock—a cattle-train
down an embankment.”
“Anything about the cotton or woolen
market ?”
“Yes—a failure in the yarn trade.”
“Who’s failed ?”
“An unsuccessful author in New
A lady named Augustina Ahumada
has died in Santiago Talca at the Juana age Gatica of 115
years, ana at Mrs.
has died, aged loO years. aged The and hitter
leaves two sons, one 8S the
other 95.
be A by Great Reward
will secured those who write to Hu.le't
&Co., Portland Maine. Full Ini ormation ni l
be sent you, free, about woik that you can do
and live at home wherever y ru are s.tua el,
that will pay you from $5 to $?" and upwards u
day. A number have earned over §00 in a day.
Capital not needed: Halletr & Co will stal l
von- Both sexes; ad ares. The chance of a
lifetime. All is new. Now is the time. For¬
tunes aro absolutely sure for the workers.
Nr> lady should live In rerpelual fear, and
suffer from the more serious troubles that s<
often appear, when Dr. Kilmer’s Coni and pie ti
Female Remedy is certain to prevent cun
Tumor and C aucer there.
Weak Spots.
barbarious nations. Their fantasies,
however, are no more ridiculous than and
many prev iling among civilization, the wisest
of the present
The most judicious person you know
will, within an hour oL confidential chat,
surprise this you by disclosing something brilli¬ of
sort. One of Chicago’s most
ant ries members horse-chestnut of the bar—legal in his pocket. bar—car¬ He
is sure of its remedial properties for
A prominent Board of Trade man never
makes a sale on the thirteenth of a
month. He is certain it would be disas
trous for him to do so.
There are men and women among us
wlio have as much faith in charms and
amulets, lucky stones and magic spells,
as the African has in his fetich.
Science has its fantasies, theology and
metaphysics their inherited follies. A
lawyer is thrown in horror at the sight
of a plainly written, in good English,
will. The absence of wliereas-es and in
as-much-as-es, gives him a fit of indi¬
gestion. A physician who would be
compelled to write a prescription in plain
handwriting surely would expect his patient to
never recover.
Socrates firmly believed he was at one
time governed bv a devil. Martin Luther
threw his inkstand at His Satanic Majes¬
ty wlio he thought was paying him a too
familiar call. Blackstone, the great law
commentator, believed in witchcraft.
Superstition is a part of human nature.
It When comes to us with our imagina'ioti.
we feel a thing wo do not stop to
reason about it. For the moment wc
arc imaginations not logicians, wc arc creatures of i
only. been
The superstitions of nations have
the cause of horrible suffering and have
added much misery to our race. But
comparatively few now exist, and among
them only the least harmful. Yet harm
less as they are the sooner we abandon
them the better.
“Learning,” says a disciple of the
Concord school of philosophy, “learning
is of course a good thing. We have
nothing to say against it learning; but we
venture give to suggest that hardly pays to
a five-thousatld dollar education to
a five-doliar boy.”
Every strain or nearly cold attacks that weak back
and prostrates you.
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Munufacturers of and Dealers in
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Will not soil the clothing nor stain the skin.
^“Ayeris Pills eured"m?of stomach and liver
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A Delicate Sense.
“That man has a sub-lime occupation. ”
“What is that ?”
“He’s a plasterer. You’d think his
sense of touch would be very fine. Since
he’s been sick, he says, it’s all left him.’’
“That’s funny!”
“Yes, but it’s” a deceased surety that
it’s so. He says he don’t feel well.
Lyon’s Patent Metallic Ileal Stiffeners keep
new boots ami shoes from running over. Sold
by sbtje and hardware dealers.
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get these shoes postal £?/, _
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j-otr-eiid I njtfniug. For good wr.rkmnn*hip, Lock, PutePI
®/i hard ,nd •booting, convenience of
or nnixt], il this on ' Gun ha* equal ftnd durability, challenge* and beauty
Thousands of no tho world.
tbeaa Guns have boen sold, and tho demand for
them u rapidly Increasing. We would most respectfully re¬
commend all parties Intruding to purchase * single breech
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oeiore purchasing ona of another pattern.
“■ Bead 6c. IfftS SXtt'HKZilto!!! Jo IS"; *!»;!!»
in stamps for large catalogue of Roller SLaU*.
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On the EASY PA Y HI ENT «ywfcm, from S3 .2 5
per mouth up. 10U styled, $'2 to bend for Cat¬
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E*.r, ?ko^ ( r
|LErf'S|unGpALSA|*t' tit DRUGSTORE
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All that you wish to use during the year,
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Containing combinius; Stories, Poems, and Scientific, other Literary and Honse- at¬
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Each number contains an order, entitling tha
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We also propose to give considerable attention to
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Send twenty cents for the current number with
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It will pay you to writo to th©
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V7c send tlie Delightful Story, Tressv’s Ciiristma*. address Is
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Tlie bent ftlngazineii are Babyland, 50 cts.
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