Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
- —=r=a=^n---=-—
Jelect '^Jbo\ Bob Tennessee, Taj lor, Governor who has
been in Washington several
days taking observations, ex¬
presses the opinion that what
the Democratic party wants
a little more harmony and
hominy. A little mo e homi¬
ny in the shape of offices might
result in a little mote harmony
—Macon Telegraph.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
thinks that * English divom
cases should be tried with
closed doors. It is to He
hoped, for the sake of humani¬
ty, that in this event the judge
and jury will be allowed to sit
with their heads out of the
The Secretary of War in
-sists upon provision being
made for an Assistant Secreta¬
ry of War. In view of the
fact that the Secretary is fre
qmfitly absent from Washing¬
ton such an officer would seem
to be necessary.
Mr. McGhee has introduced
a bill in the House prohibit¬
ing me:chants or landlords from
charging more than 15 per
cent profit for the necessaries
of life, such as flour, meat, corn,
bacon and coffee, which is re¬
ceiving considerable comment
in the papers.
Senator Beck is reported as
saying that the President’s po
sition on the tariff’ question, as
declared in his message, is -Rt
.isfactory to tariff reformers, of
Lvhom Beck is one of the most
I The president’s messag*. to
congress is a lengthy, abl •
paper, in which, among many
other things, he complains par¬
ticularly of the vast unnecessary
accumulation ot money in the
The committee appointed by
the legislature to investigate
t^i: charges against Ex-Senatoi
Rankin and Judge P'atn. have
not found any truth in the idle
gations against these gentlemen
as yet.
A gentleman remarked yes¬
terday that the south was
made for hospitality and not
lor Netv England weatliei.
The truth is, the south Las
bad a good deal of trouble
during the past twenty years.
“Yes,” said the proud fa’lie-,
“I have high expectations of
that boy. lie hasn't been go¬
ing to school but throe weeks,
and yet he can read all the beer
signs in this neighborhood”
Grading on the Augusta <fe
Chattanooga railroad has Keen
completed about fifteen miles,
and an additional force of about
two hundred convicts was set
to work on the line a few days
The patent men have loaded
the White House with cures
for M r. Cleveland’s rheumatism.
When Garfield was shot there
was liquor enough sent in to
run a prohibition town.
Many a man who thinks is
going to set the world afire
fitids to bis sorrow that some
body has turned the hose on
Chiverins, the Richmond
ill irdttrer, will have tt) die lit j
last. j
CommM*i.n*ra, ba«»»a JoLoson, E. Water
house,Sr., s. L. -Trlmmier, John A. Berry,
w.J. White.
Board of Education,, Chastain, Pres.
S. U. Henry, Seo’y -and Count; School Com
m - lt ^ auari G . uarru, u. i>. Paogu, John
a. Spruill. '
. justices.
Town _ F24 . b Di<t ., s G j. p„ h.
Hear nil, X. p.,»cE wtrmi JohnChil
Eighth—981th Dist , W K Lackey J. P.,
JBKnbnN. p., j m Vox »o<i jobuingi#
The Chat tautmua •" T ime-t not
long since charged Lev. Joe T
Jones with USlDg vulgar and
, , . tlie pulpit, i •
onscene lnnguagr* in
near Ringgold. 355 But since that
the , i Times r - i 1ms taken . , „ j
thing back ami 1 esides, Mr.
Jones has been strongly vindi
cHtedliy the papers throughout
Vo th iu Georgia VI.
The Atlant t Constitution
looks bl ight an 1 beautiful ill
its new dress and still holds a
prominent place in the iretit
‘ *
rauk ol’southet _ ll dailies.
The weather just now, IS
not conduciie to pe sorial com
tort. Its nature is somewhat
that of a fractious woman: there
is n» counting «,« its mo, ,1
i few hou's ahead.
The chief of a tribe of Dig¬
ger Indians worships a stone
church as his god. The poor
unsophisticated heathen imag¬
ines it to be a mammoth jug.
The bill introduced by Sen¬
ator J A McKamy. relative^to
the old judgement law of
Georgia has been read the first
time aud lost.
Prof. E. Stone Wiggins in¬
sist! that the earth has an in
visible moon. He will be in*
sisting after a while that he
can see it. ,
Blaine is now quite busy
trying to keep (he Republican
party in the notion to renomi¬
nate him tor the presidency in
Governor Gordon occasion¬
ally casts a ray of pleasan ness
«vbout the executive mansion
by giving a brillian leception.
\ The legislator adjourned a
f\w days this week, fearing the
lopf of the old capital would
beVrushe l in by tin- snow.
Talking about bossism, i
there any variety wo'se than
that under which labor socie¬
ties exist?
Henry Ward Beecher says;
“We have Socialism in our
midst.” Does not Henry mean
free love?
Trains street cars, telegraph
and telephone lines have not
been working very regularly
ibis week.
Prophet Foster struck the
“blizzard” tl*-ad center in his
recent predictions on the
The Western & Atlantic
railroad is the safest and most
reliable road in the state.
The Savannah Morning News
ranks among the ablest news¬
papers of the south.
The Atlanta council has tak¬
en steps to suppress the wine
traffic in that city.
The 50th national congress
convened in Washington last
Candidates who don’t an
nounce will certainly be de
Some people suffer from sick head¬
ache all their lives, dragging out a
iriiser-thlo existence. If tliev would
BEANS only tiy one does Bean) of thev SMITH would S BILK
that (one nothing would r afford never them
refeif. say This wonderful remedy is
pleasant, harmless and always effec¬
tive. The price, 25 cents per bottle,
makes it very popular. For sale by
all druggists, by mail. aud dealers iu medicines,
or sent
J. C. Fain, Judge Superior Court.
C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court.
C. L. Terry. Sheriff.
W. 11 , Rmsey, Ordinary.
T. J. Ovbey, Treasurer.,
M. II. Brainblett, Tax Receiver.
w D 0r#r>ry> T „ Collwlw .
M. M. Bstss, Coiinty Surveyor,
C. B Holland, Coronor.
n I he Sl oth by t he vVt gg ns J»nd,
nn Black-s, east by a road running the'Sands by M s
on the west bv
Ol Major Dunn. L» vh d a* proppcrlj’
nfh VV an ■ W K B ack, by Virli’6
of ued and to satisfy justic* an execution ie
, from the court of the
824th Dietlict <4 M of said countv
in favor ot Tr«mm»H Starr bearer
atrainst the eaid KW and w It
Zde Ld'rtwnfd *tnme by
£) an Kmuer n. c- This Dec the
l.,t 1886
C. L TERRY, SIT ft*.
Di.t., W.C D Gordon J P.
Ira Griffeth N. P., J X Spriuj-ijeld and 6 P
Duuc *"’ CuasUble9 -
Tenth—8Tlto Hist., T J Bryant J. P., D C
Dunn Constable.
Alacnlsa—1911th Dist., J II Oneal S. P,
J H Wilson N. P.,JD Baxter aud E S Hotr
0,1 Constables,
Loaghridge N . P ( E L Bates » nd G w
Swanson Con* tables.
, KLSST.IS‘I tSllt
Ball Pen—1291th DUt., J W Fincher, J P.
B B Brown N.P., A T Oaborn and VV H
Brown Constables.
Arrival and Departure ef Malta*
Dalton—Depart! 7a, in. daily, arires b pm.
Talking Rock—Departs 7 a. ra. Saturday,
arrives 6 p. m. Frida}'.
Ellijay—Departs 7 a. m, Taos lay, Thars
day, Saturday; Arrives i p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Cassville—Departs Sam Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives 6 p M, Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday.
Connssanga—Deports 6 a. rsday;
arrives 7 Thursday.
Statu «p GROBQia Murray Couhty.
Will be .old be ore the court house iloor in
the town of Spring Place t‘> the bighes bid.
derat public outcry between the legal hours
of sale on the first Tuesday in Jr unry
next, the following descrihod property to
T e west It If of lot of Ian I No. 310 a the
2tith dis* »n>l 2nd seo ion >l s%id c uc ty eon
ni » : ei * */ hc ptmoie o le^a. Lev e*i
on » tbo fi*• pony of Phil! p Hwnnaett by vir¬
tue of ini to m inly lv\o xe luti ns iaai ed
from the .lusti e^s court of did Iu 15th
G. M •f said o my. u f vor of G \V Ogles
Viy vtt tbe said 111 ill p t *‘wiun on. .ovy tnadu
by DC K duo L C. amt retuned o in«.
A'hh al In- i-Rtne lime an ' pktev
one E'gtillt nndividet!>t!
intertSi III lot of lat)(i No 2!t7, ili
Hie 26 l» I JitOrict ami 2 d neetioo
oi -aid 't niily. he>ng the l* t • :
!vi 11 ■ t whereon thu Ij mil — t-iolei
Mine is located. LeVred ■ shio
properiy an the property f Jatne
1' H' nrv and W SV Anderson, l>\
virtue of ami to satisfy an eXeou
lion issue l from tin Snpepio (
Court of said County, in lav. ro
W S Stephenson avamst lie -aid
James T Henry and W " Anderson.
Also at the same time aud piac
i ne huud ed ih-m s more or less o
o| lot 1 1 land N 212 in llie V6 It
District and second section of
Comity. Said property levied on
as h property of W B Spear- oy
virtue ol and to satisfy an ixecii
tion issued from the .justice tin
of the 1013 li District g. m i -.tid
thnintv. in I a vor of G VV Cglesby
C L Terry nearer against the aai
W B -pears an I M VV Cloer.
Also at 'he same fine aud place
one sorrel mire about nine years
old, and one mouse colored in "
mule about thirteen .-ears old al¬
one red and white spotted inilni
cow and young call', also one r<
and white spotted dry cow, also
ne two horse wagon and harness
said properly levied on as the prop;
erty ot l,evi Branham, by virtue or
and to eattsly an execution issued
the Suoenor Court oi Mid
Couutv iu fa v .r of George W Uib
against the said Levi Brunnam,
Also at the same time and place
one hnt tired nrl twenty five acres
of lot of land No two hundred and
twernv fave iu the 9th District aui
3rd section of said County, being
the property on which J VV Patr c
now lesides. Said property levied
on as the properly of J W Pfttric by
virtue of and to satisfy au execu¬
tion issued from the Superio
Court of said County, in favor of
J'heC MeEntire against John H
Peoples at d said .1 W Patric
Also at the some time and place
lot of land No two hundred and five
in the 9th District and 3*'J section
of said county, containing > ne hun¬
dred and sixty acres more or i< as.
Saul property levied on ns the
property of D F McMahan, he d by
him und< r bond for title from J. J.
c McMahan, by virtue of aud lo
satisfy five sxecutions issued from
the Justice’s court ot the Eight
hundred find twen y fourth District
o. m. of said county, in favor of 1
W McLain W B Loughredge bearea.
W 0 Martain, E M Bates, J W
Wilson and dark cove Uuano com
pany all against the Rai 1 D F Mc
Alah w Levies made and returned
to me by Dau Kenner L. c.
Also at »he s.tma time and place
Eight acres of land being in the
south west corner ot lot of land No
in tbo 10th Dist. and 8 rd sect
of said county,and bounded on
the north by the Tennessee line,
igE. E. BROWN,
The Jeweler.
Dalton, Georgi .
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Wal’e, Spectacles, &c.
Personal attention given to
repairing, banM. store next door
Saddle or Collar Galls. Dr. J H MoLeans
Volcanic Oil Liniineat takes away Fever,
reduces the Swelling and heals the sores.
It acta like a ebara. Wash each Ser^
clean at least onoe evgry day, do not rub
Wm. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
SpfciNG Place, Georgia.
Immedintentlenticin given to all
k'gul buaiuess.
Stock and Convey¬
For hi tv or s.-tlo at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery >i«l.]e
in Daiton, (Li. Also a wagon
Vartt is kt pt in cnnrnctiui
llierewMh. The jiationage oi
the people t-much tlesireil, ant i
espi cially those tiom Alunaj
Dr. ,r II McLenu'i Homoeopathic Livor
nnri Kidney Pidets will remove thosrn parn-
8iteH from the boweM and fherehy relieve
i oustip/itifin. Piles, !Veur«lgiA,
fiNtl aiieh p.-iioful f* Ii.
Georgia Murray County.
Wln iva-J.W.'l iickei' Atlm’i
of C. B. Tucker decM ivpri
si-nts to the Court in his petit i mi
< 1 11 1 v filed and eiifeted on record,
tluft he Irs fully admini-tered
C. B. I'ucke’s estate, this i
thfcietoie to cite all persons con
reined, kindred and creditors to
slum- cause, il any they can
why said Administrator should
not he discharged from liia ad¬
ministration, and receive let¬
ters of dismission on the first
Monti if in J mu ary 1887. This
Se;u. 29, H 1886.
W Ramsey, Ordinary.
J'TATK <»«■' Gbohqia MCTRRA vr county.
Agreeiiblv f<» hd order fmm the of
Ortiinary of Murray ooutny I wi l '*-) 1 a *
public-><i ry be-’oie the con t bouse dour o
s.tid covMity on 11 e 1st X lestluy in Jnuiary
nexi, w ibin ti»« le^al hours of .sale J»e iol
low pv ueiqy t«» wit: Ninety nercs more t r
less oft’ of I t laml N 263 in the 20.h
dis . et and r u so o( said oou ty,
known a s be P.iog emill p o er’y. told as
tbe roj/oriv bo'ou in^ t > the estate ofJa
t at\ (Gregory, latiufsaid county tie.’ease •
Terms of situ one half vash, tbe other ha f
Jn ti e fjr fwelve moa hs with iutoreit at 7
erc^ 't. Titles o rop rfy rat-iii ed till
pu ebasa money : s p id. Fb s Dec. 2, ISSfl,
W DjHtEGORY, Adui nist.-afor.
Henry Ebert. No 13H N. lGtli
street, St Louis, aivs; t catlH.I to
tell you that the bot.l le of T ir Win"
Lung Balm which I bought, of you
is the best remedy in t he world
for croup, mv little girl fo >r 'ears
old had a very bad attack and we
despaired of her tile, but two doses
made her all right.
8tatk os Ororoia, Murray County :
Samuel M Haggard has applied
for exemption of personalty, and I
will pass upon the sa...e at 12
Oclock it on the 3Ls^t of Dec. 1886.
at mv office
W H Ramsev, Ordinary
From F . 7n n Hm-s, Tottys T , Bend „ Tenu ,
One ef our lady customers has keen affile
ted for eomo time with lung disease, in
fact was given «|> by her physieirus as in
Durable three bottles of Dr. J H McLean's
Tar Wine Lung Bairn have affected a com¬
plete cure which is looked open here ai n&i
Wooten il M V Holmes,
Wholesale Dealers in
Lalton, Georgia.
Millinery Goods,
4u«t Received at the Wlllnery Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES; No. 85 , Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia. -t
A new and eleeant assortment of Milinerjr and Straw Goc*?,consisting of Straw
Boneetsand Ladles’»-d Children’s Hats [trimmed a-d untrimmodl Neck
and Sash Bibhons. Vilvet Pihhons. Nech Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Vel-rets and Crspes. Flowers, Pesthers.Ornnmants Jlo. Our good*
were bought ef the largest and hest tmportinjr Houses in Balti¬
more and New Tor*, and nil! he aold at very low
nrtoesfor eoefi.
Riding Corn HJENCR'S and or Walking Fallow CULTIVMTOR EB
A /hd. With dot #ftle Jtow Corn Plantar
.// >rh aiul lortilizrr Attachment* eotn
B jilcte in one Machine,
wemmfmmi at txa&ir
Tto KISfieftti COBX-FiELB.
\ i ylSC riffoT)ion*priia Kt iit'ii. *i- denVOud in use pivin* »lr*‘.iny entire ibia sntisfac- ;s
■ r il \fi 8ea»uH
Lt7 4 three times as 1* rr.o **» last your.
RELIABLE AGENTS wanted in *11 un
occupied territory.
’ iJend for catalogue nnuL*^ tree. Address*
HENCH & OHOfWCOLO, York, Pa. Name this paper.
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
3 STEW XaOISmOlsr, Conn.
Manufftctnrars of tlia Old
Heliable Brown Cotton Gini,
Feeders, and Condenser*. Ail
the very latest improvements:
two brush belts, steel., bearings,
improved roilbox, «M%. patjmt whip¬
C01TW * pet-, extra strong ’ New
y aKUM* *g* psrfeoted proof Condenser. Feeder, efl|pfftedduat
! in Strong, durable Gins and simnle
eonstruetion. fast,
I light, fectly. and cleans the seed par
. Send for Circular and Fries
lest. • ^ ^ V-
.* ' »D
t.. i ADE
Beat Hand Oruv.f. • *ro<1u©«Kl,
Jwllahh*, ■MiatHthe aimpio,. '■■z* c tiurH.
ncti. • t deteriorate
Ban Wltha^a. id E«Mf* CW&hUS
fabric. oonUtncn
What«v#*rit Everytid.i, faliau. • « nr* proof,
Wa dt> not olalni
J4«d by emit • t» tlie place ooco
th* Eire U • »niiiltaUoaUy huM
Hut uoiuvipwuttir* c:.
f wiTw.aa itito bspum
How.Bim, h",’*i!.*!,,,., h*l rai&
BArwA&n ti.wD CRU3TAOE co, 1
407-4O!) Ilrosiwa,, New York.
i .S, ST AB l tpakb cli. btare
Calhoun, Li. -> ng
Attorneys at Law,
Prouptatteotion given to all legalbusines.
t « .1. ..4/'is4.*,
.UVBOdiVW j> v i fat 51
U '
/•- - ;
1 W W
r-'. :
Tfes Has ; Tsri Pi -J & for]
Used -j -.xc'. - -itvo'y nttbo
‘‘Q. Uf orj,’- r f „,-----II vOfT-'^ C '
Eodora—l' hy k.l Enilnorit Artlete
JbOJT r,*U'! S: j;j tt V TVJtMH!
AliatfSTliSJ^^&CO , H’FGS. |
W.55 C,- Zl N '
y \
Ck-'-'&r J \ > k i %
jS- •y
'/M &jji -VflBj >10
Dom mum WWI
Dr. E. *. hOPE,
SpriXG Pt a py Geobgul.
•: 0 :-—
fVill miswer promptly all meffi- 1
cal calls.
• 4 .
Scmuel JTffden
“Tilclen,’’ the onlv fall blooded
Jersey bull in the county, will be •
kept tbe present season at M R
Cha8tain‘s about two miles north
f.f Spring Place* fop tbe Berries et
the public. Fees two dollars.
‘Tilden’is from oo\v ; Bell’ DOW
owned by Gol.T R Jones, of Dal¬
ton, and sired by Getty's celebra¬
ted bull ‘L’Allegro,’ and will be two
years old May 1. Cattle rairijg
could be made one of the most
ing industries of this sectioa, |i <
vided proper attention is giver , ■
the grade of stock propagated. ww«
take advantage of this
only chance to improve fb# grade 6$
cattle io tbe couaty.,^ * *
ni SWIFT m S!
siMPtE m
new mechanical principles
and Rotary Movements, Au
tomatic Direct and Perfect
Action, Cylinder Shuttle.Self
No Springs, Few Parts, Mini
Dium Weight, No Friction, NO
N No Noise, '~ Tantrums, No Wear, No Capacity Fatigue,
Richly Unlimited, Ornamented, Always in Order,
plated Satisfaction. and Gives Perfect
Send for Circulars.
28 Union Square, New York.