North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, December 09, 1886, Image 3
North Georgia Times. I be OMetat Paper of the Coouty, Subscription Rates: Ja*y«ar,fl00 Six mouths, 50oents; Three woixhi, SSoente. PaVAhla 1D advance. ■ ■— 7 " Th% p beautiful enow. Rev. J A Sewell goes to Aurora next year. Hon- P McGhee was in town on Tuesday last. Miss Ida Bam-ey is vi siting in Spring Place. A full line of ladies bats at Mrs. Fannie Johnson's. Old Hymen is beginning to cut some winter capers. ’ mail carriers The were snow bound on Monday. Miss Nettie Edmondson is visit¬ ing in town this week. Many old buildings have been crushed by the snow. Snow balling is a popular sport among the small boys. The people are complaining of a scarcity of wood in town. Basiness haB been completely snowed under this week. We learn that the shed at Mur¬ ray camp ground has fallen. Some of the read commissioners arc about to get into trouble. A large girl—ten pounds—hap¬ py parents—at Walter Osborns, Rev. W T Hamby has been re turned to the Fairm mnt circuii. The candidates all say their prospects for election are flitter¬ ing. A fine lot of t-hoes of all kinds and styles now oa hand at W J Johnson's. Miss Sallie Bond, of Woodlawn, has been visiting in town for sev¬ eral days. The weather is cold and disa¬ greeable, but it grows candidates in a burry. The young Nimrods have been bringing in rabbits by the score this week. S E Field, of Tunnel Hill, spent a few days among his friends in towmthis week. Dr. E B Smith, after a stay of a months in Ttxas, has returned to this county. Qivte a large crowd was m town Tuesday considering the inclemen¬ cy of the weather. A painted spider on a bald head is said to be a very effective reme¬ dy to keep off flies. O Parrott expects to get up a boom in his merchandise trade this all at his old stand. Some of Ihe boys think the Bos¬ ton boxer Sullivan was waked up in tow n one night last week, - ----- 0 —« -«►- ♦--- A few couples enjoyed a pleas ant time at the sociable given at J D Temple's last Monday night. The roof of J P Kelly's barn toppled in, not being strong enough to withstand the snow pressure. A Gillian Rogers.%4erly ol this county, now of Texas, > visiting his mother, MrVi. Wooil Campbell, near town. Oapt. Dan Kenneir says that he is going on one hundred years old, and this i9 the deepest snow that he ever saw. Quite likely, TLe Spring Place circuit is to have two preacherp next year. E M Stanton and W B Austin have been giveij this work in charge. ' / For thA benefit of those who have np/i had occasion to investi¬ gate closely we will state that the recent snow was about 24 inches Jeep. Tfie elegant, supper given, last mjfai at Mr. J P Kelly's, was a ct feast to all present, being specimen of Mrs. Kelly's kkill in arranging a table, heavily loaded, with a numerous variety of eatables in splendid, attractive s Kf <u- Tha ivadt-rs uf the Times wil* no¬ tice that Ovbey & Bryant are mak¬ ing the shoe trade a specialty. Siop with them and leatn their piicte. Mrs. J L Edmondson Jr. is the champion huntress of the county, only four shots one dav la t week and she brought in two squirrels and a bird. Mr. Mu'lmax. on Holly creek, bad a fine mare killed and two or three mules crippled this week bv his barn heing crushed under the heavy weight of snow. Ovbey & Bryant are making shoes a specialty. All kincts kept on hand. Ladies sioes of all kinds and grades and special bargains guaranteed. Communications between here and Dalton have almost been cut off this week. Bence we were un¬ able to get the paper for the 1 hues which accounts for our de ley. Joseph E Jackson, of this coun¬ ty, and Miss Mollie Cox, of Whit¬ field, w<-re married at t he residence of the bride's father in Whitfie'd last Wednesday. Let pleasure and happiness be their constant at¬ tendants. Saddle and Harness Shop. O N Vance has j ist opened up a new saddle and hardesss shop in Sbring Place and solicits all kinds of work in this line, which will be done cheap and promptly. All persons who have bought guano from me in the past will p'ease come forward and settle within the next ten days or they will find their notes in the b inds of an attorney for collection. I havj to settle with the company. . T J Ovbky. Notice—A l^ persons who are in¬ debted to me either by note or ac¬ count will please come up and set tie by t"e 1st day of January, and on failing to do so will find my claims in the bands of an ctflcei. A word to the wise is sufficient W W Anderson. Notick—A ll persons who aiv in debted to tne in any way wid please come up wi h the money ai the earliest uossible date De¬ mands on ine are due and must be met, and I give notice to all tiiat I can not wait ou any one, and don’t want to be put off till the last. W J JoiiMSON To My Patrons. Having decided to leave Spring Place I have put my accounts and notes in the hands of W C Martin, who will receipt for all money paid loi me without extra cost up to Jan. 1st, 1887. After that, time he will torce collections. E H Hors. Notice. Georgia, Murray couuty. Where gates have been ant.hor iz 'd by the county comm'ssioneis court across any of the public roads of said c lunty. the same are lieieby declared under the super vision of the road commissioners of the several districts, and at any time when said gates are not con¬ sidered good clear swinging and self latching gateB. it shall be the duty -f 8 >id road commission, rs to order the same removed at once. By order of the county board Dec. 1, 1886. Dennis Johnson, Chm’n county board. Cannou bus just received an im¬ stock of fall and winter goods, cheaper than the cheapest. Look at the prices and see, that ws mesn what we say Cannon sells men's all wool sails from $6 to $10. '•V, Cannon sells men's satinet suits from $3 to $5. Cannon sells men's cotton worst ed suits from 12 75 to $3 75. Cannon sells boys and children's clothing from $160 to $2 Remember that Cannon's is bead quarters for clothing. Cannon sells the heaviest 4 4 do five and abttlfMftla. Cannon sells the heaviest 7 8 domestic at four and a half cents - Cannon sells good prints throe , at ,.„d«wi-«»t. , sella fruit of lco.ui bleed) ■ ed dom stiejat 7 cents. Cannon sells an all wool red flannel at 14 cents. Cannon sells an all wool red twill flannel at l9-Cents. Cannon sells *Georgi» checks, best |oods, at 6 «nd a halt cents. Cannon sells 10 and 11 pounds Bio coffee for one dollar. jeans Cannon at 29 sells cents. an all wool /oz. 'annon sells number 2^ Oliver chili plow at 39. Cannon selU number 10 Oliver chill plow at $6 75. Cannon sells number A 1 and 2 one horse Oliver chill plows at $4. Cannon sells everything at Rock bottom prices for cash only. A large stock of boots, shoes and hats at all prices, owing to quality, now on hand. Give him a call and saye money e» your purchases. cannon gives good bargains m clothing. • .« Batumi her that cjmnou makes a specialty of clothing. A good all wool o vet coat at c&a-r non‘s for $3 76 cannon sells choice Now Orleans molasses at 26 cents per gabon. cannon sells common New Or leuns molasses at 18 coats. cannon sells a good pair of iron bound harass at 25 cents, cannon sells the best trace chain at 25 cents cannon sells cheap for cash.» cannon says the quick uickle beats the slow dime. A beautiful line of boys ready made clothing just received at Ov¬ bey & Br/ai.fs new store. A large stock of shoes «*t Ovbey & Bryant's, and sold chuaper than elsewhere. The numerous n>.-ses on legal advi-rlisments in ihe past, compel ns to announce th u fees must be paid in advance. Ai.d constables rnuking levies ami returning to the slier.If i\iu please runember that the fee muni be paid beloie »hu advetiiBiua will be done. Tins means busii.ess. TheNyw ^tore N .lice l.iie speoinl imrgatnsat ihe new store ot Ovbey. Brvnul tfe Oo , A good wool hat for 60 cents. A got d fur l-at for $1 25. Wplendid double soled brogan bIiojm for $1 25. Gootl Jadie's shoes 90 cts. Uto coff e ten pounds lor one dol¬ lar. Special bargain in queen's ware of ail kinds EveryIhiag eise i < proportion. Stop, do not drink bitters a id stimulants which are only tempo¬ rary in their effects; they will not and cannot give back to jou the ehslio step and bright joyous ap pe -ranee of youth. Ur. J H Me I sari's strengthening cordi ti and hlood purilitr is what you want. AnrtGuaccmenfcs. We are authorized to announce the name ot A J LOVE at a caudi date for Tax < id lector. We are amh irized to announce the mme of WO GROVES as a emdidate for Su-rilf W« u re auth u ized to announce the linma of O L EtUiY as a cau¬ di. late tor Sheriff. We are authorize 1 to announce the name of J A ROBINSON as a candidate f ir Sheriff. We are authorized to announce the uarne ot W H Sl'EED as a c iu didate lor Oounty Treasurer. Wo are authorized to announce the name of \l vt »vEL JH as a cm didate lor fax Gol.ector. We are authorized to announce the name of W OOLE an a tuu diaate for Tax Golleaior. We are authorized to announce t.he name of 0 N KlNG as a candi¬ date for Superior Court Ulerk. . Dr. J. P- Fiiiin, v ; /.. y v Rksidxht Dmituit’; V’ DALTON... ......CtfioAGlA. ' Ali kin,Is,if me ml / ehabicaland Dentistry ' 1 /er ative ax ecu ted infirst-cl»»» atyle,aml Atreas Mm onable rates. The "Vf Celluloid Plate put up (o'* partial or full setfof tebtb at reason, hie rates. Teeth ex tra e to ■! without pain by the usjpoi; SwiibU*» j>u reSul phurie Ether ‘ The patrpoa*stho c itizens of Mq rray county U respectfully solicited, “,M*««*Gn'^*rth aVorgl.?* bx ny * QUICKEST TIME. —with— THROUGH PUUMAS DUFKETT ■m CAR. ' » VIA past ah Tepn.& galley Routes. Shenan i I.C^re . Y. EXPRESS, ROUTE. Macon, E T. V. AG.d.ily J 15 pm Leave Atlanta «< \ " 6 40 Arrive R. me 41 p“ Arrive Da.tou v » w Ar-ive Knoxville <r “ t 40 p in Arrive Briatol a “ 6 15 am Mrrive Roanoke N. t W. “ 1145am Arrive Shen. June. S.T. R. R. “ 8 38 pm Arrive Waahington B k 0 R R “ 1(1 30 p m Arrive Baltimore Bit KK “ l|30 j. m Arrive Phil’a Penn. R R ‘t 3 30 am Arrive New York “ 7 OU am Virginia Springe all open—At 1.-itet. Excursion rates lower than ever Fo further particulars write to or call upon J F Norris, Ticket Agent, Macon; Jack ta°;“oT r chas.'^ -i- i . KhSt, * . ,., i)i*,'ia ,, I asseugex Ageut, . . Atlanta. , , B. W.WRENN, General Passenger Agent, Knoxville, Tenn. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway! AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! The Betti Huuleto Louisvillo, Cincicinnati, Nashville. Itulianapolif, Chicago and llte North i» Via Tha Best Route to StLouis and the Went ia via MoKeuxie. The Beet ttottte to W*at Tenneaiee and Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex¬ es points is via MoKensio. Don’t Forget It. Be sme to buy your ucKeis ov N.. C. & St. L. lt’y. The liiex|)i ieiii‘i u IT awicr neud uui - auii.e, fewclungos are neceasitr,', such um Ukevuidnhleaiu uiadein Union Oo|>ui~, 1‘jA OJ UETtt KhA Atlanta ami Nualiville. Atluniu ainl.l.upuvil Nashvilla amt Ml.UitU via Uo-uuilms, Nuf 1 viilr'ituu LA«ui8vilia. Nasbvil'e ntui .Viouipi* Martin and at Louis, MoKuiiaui uaU Lid Kook, wlioro ooiili ctioli iauiaiSe witfi Tlirmiv gUcpom to all Texaa poiuit. Call ou oraililroaB J II LA l l.Vl j. K TniV A., Atlanta, G.. J H l'EKBLliij, T. A.Chattanooga,Toi W T K'lGKKo,!’. A., ouauano >u'i,T»;i' W L KAinLLY, G. t' A 1. A., A Na«liviilu, Tell* I urge •'vervbo.i)’ to take vriiu Dr. .1 * McLean’* Homoeopathic l’illet*, Dr. J ' McLean’* II »moeopatliic Liver and Kutn* Bid t wiii b will cure fever* and heal th Liver and Kidneys, and ^ivo strength an tone to the proper organ> of the body. Lew s House, Wttliin T.n Steps ot the Caa She I Dalton, Georgia. Every thing new and first class. A home for I'ommercial lraveiers anti Winter boaaders. Trausien rates $2 per day. Liberal rate by week or month. Special rates to people of Murray comity. J. Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietor. unamaker & Brown, OAK HALL PHILADELPHIA, PENN. The largest custom order and retail clothing house. S, M. D. THOMAS, Merchant Tailor; Dalton, Georgia, Guurrantee8 good wovk and chc«p rates.;. HURD & DELANO, >. : PHOTO G RAP II RS. Dalton, Georgia. We have arranged otir new to make ever,style pho¬ tographs and will guarantee to please those wanting pictures. Copies* and Enlargements a specialy. Four Gem pictures or made lot cents. not fail to call and exam ine PuV work when in Dalton. . .rtci»\, .wiy» w> n as aiiy other day. ■ m K' Ovbey, & “lit, ■t 'A i Wk ' , V ■ Have Opened A New Store In • : * Spring Place 5 Georgia., Anil the citizens of Murray County need no longer plough through theiuud to buy goods in Dalton. We will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept i in a gwirtal store, and will sell at the lowest cash prices. If you don’t believe it come and price our goods before you buy elsewhere. AT 4* F. H c in r y & C o V New Store, •S. S v > ou can get^gotxl bargains and ready , acconnnodations. , . A of *>""'> ««*«»•.Iadrumenta. Coffer, Sag ai , Oii^a.i-8, lobacco, Meat and 1) lour always on hand. SPUING PLACE GEORGIA, W. J. JOHNSON, DEALER IN ]> Groceries, Proyisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc. SPSING PLACE, GEORGIA. The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, CofiVe, ‘ New Orleans Syrup, Lcnoii’s Factory Tlircad atid a select stock of Summer Fats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold a? Rock bottom prices for cash ot barter. / trade: S.S.S. 2 #■ Vv t lX, An./ \ 0 interest¬ CANCER,^ ^ ing treatise in Blc^3 and ^ fl^n Dixeasea is mmk.jr e f mail) fs4 to all. Erl,,» Pi Promptly and most TEf effectively eradi¬ cated by tills A CESS wonderful f t remedy. # Permanently Cureday Try it. a m . v JP i v Kvfrn ■ ' Tiv'' O' •. i. ■ Cl; V. ■! .'! (vm. • i* .. i ti-iU;.'!;'.;; i. ?' i]>. UriM - ' ‘..l if n bii.i .-;i':«;t*ith>'ra t«<d jivtr. ('liii-li-'-t rjnoi'g t w* so ir;* i!\siicjisiii; l>ilioiir:u'&a, sick ];<*;ui!i.•.la; end Neuralgia. BILE 1JEAN.S will cure all of tfit«p, besiiii s nil miasmatic diseases. Lose: One lican. WORC^ jtCR-S Diet 1 ” •£0 | ■ :v m 5 m m SIP With StsltoTi'i Befttme* Index fcr76 eeste additlestL WORCESTER'S UNABRIDGED QUARTO DICTIONARY, THE LARGEST AN* MOST OOMPLETE DIOTIONARV OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. WITH A SUPPLEMENT, EMBRAOINO «04 ADDITIONAL PAGES, AND OVER II.SOO NEW WORDS AND A VOOABULARY OF SYNONYMES OF WORDS IN GENERAL USE. THE NEW EDITIO.l OF WORCESTER’S DICTIONARY CONTAINS TH^U SANDS OF WO<?OS NOT TO DE FOUND ID ANY OTHER DICTIONARY. Fully lllustraied, and contains Four Full-page Illuminated Plates. Library SheeJ, Marbled Edges, $10.00. BOvKSfLLW.R8, ■ba t OU WIU. B« B«H», OABUiAQt WON A*Ut BV Alf TRIE, ON HCOftPT OF THE PMfOC BY J. B. LippinooVt Company, Pubi ibhers, • nitMi-ft! Mi«ket St»-t, PMIadUphia. □ US FULOR □ AMD CLU3 HCUSE Bisri ® Pool Tabb WITH REGULAR IMPRCVEO, QUICK CUSKI0XS, CUARANTtvO PE.VKECT. w w <? I . THE GREATEST HOSE A’!USEMEf]TI lli*d «xtfulv«lr 1 1 I SilVATK CLUBS. Sizes: rnoM 2«x6 ft. to 3SixT rr. * sSi' o Complete Counters, outfits Chalk ol Tie*, T-Ae, Cues. Uvlls, ett.. selaliam ■ ■ S40 TO SI 23, Epual in all respects to the most oxpentlvo tab!:*. Thousands «olil on trial and r]Tra.T.RiT,«atisfao ftrn. of Koop Portable your hualmnd Parlor and tioys at huuie -,1U> one our Billiard Tables. Th^ aflord recreation for nilnd and body, and aro a laHctnation and pleasure to all. Send (or ILt.USTIt.TT3) CIRCULAR and PRIC* LIST. ARAM & SKINNER, 771 Broadway, New Yomc. A u |i L "A 22 Adams Street. Chlcaco. I; The News Shoe Shop. Yon can gel yonr work dcute^| u> I him at li e i ew st oe i the Cole cor.ier. S ine a:yd jH5!I ness made to ordtr, ; n I ail kinds of retailing done in first class .-lyie. Go and try tl enr . mk to 0no Slllousnest ,- preYDntChillsj dose rolls; iJnsjtn. CloerShsa ill i u:» , n.l Vigor to * I Price, - / thc.-r 2 SclS onoaaiidyl ol per ! wiWtT e &fomps^*p j ,J ’ F ''Rrs