Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
*., *. w . .,/ / i -
TliVRMIAF; ftivyiv •. !««•
The children of the Umt*?d
fetstea are- raid to lmve had
complete control of l he p^imy
circulation «»f the ; muntry l*y
reason of the, munetise mpidier
of pennie** hoarled tip in their
private savinsrs banks for
Chri»fcma.< Those bauk** are
insolvent now, an l the juMiiir*.
are circulating with great IV* v*
dom nyn’m
Some men r- always supt,?
lior to ci cuin?tauce«. A Ne¬
braska man was carried forty
miles by a cyclone and dropped,
in a widow's front yard. fie
married the widow aud reflfrii
ed home worth about $ 30,000
- more-than wlu*n he started.
--- - -
^jjj|Nnw. York judge is oppo
«sd:to hanging He says: “The
pitneipal objectiofi .to the pres
ent in* thml i* that i^ is priini-*
tive.ip its origin," It has been
.gent#* ly leceived that a club*
Was. th<t original instrument ot
violent .'eath.
I’lm* gr .|»1 y 3 m suggested as
a menu* of disclosing symptoms
ot disease before they a*v o'her
wis** j» fei ptible. fir enip*ive
disorders lt« use is particularly
/I When a 'ii.-nbeeom sftnjm
ronvi>HJ*nJ II I !w* i*'genius, it
is rli- n that t't ; »r slowiv.
<■> hir n *:,i f lit* b rtfiMi ■*•
his Housers lei
-. f
From the apjvarinc.* »>f the
Blaipe boom ii^4. we are obligrnl Iwfit to
infer that T ,t ' t I men e *■ out
' ' * X »
« exposeil
Moniewln-re over night
the I
To tlbwe wl»*i use it, tobacco
is n it a mere luxury, but as
ranch # 4ec^8it^ /is almost any
other article th^*y consume. " ’
The f,- -. jm old tjfmmm North a aaw—t— responds v>
the niw South with a proposi**
tion to return; tlwfc old ruflian,
Congei, to the Senate. Bah!
The _ . Croesus j——- of the . North
lias scattered some of his gi>Id
through the South. The scat¬
tering process is appreciated.
., Those who Itoiighr Central
stock at the highest, p *ii;t it
wicbed with the exp station ot
selling it at a good profit hard l v
teel as happy to as the y
woul l if their vxpet fatioli tail
been realize*!. . V: >
• * -The cold wave is » boimnz i
for thta Big Four co al combine
Coal has Vgope Tp." #j|,l the*
poor will go p» o
|>le can be fui»n.l^wiI lu softer
hearts than coal iiiom^iolistM
possess to take compassion »>n
_—— -
Roscoe Conkliug has l»ng en¬
joyed the -reputation ot being
the best amateur slugger before
the public. A Washington
professor says *ohu Logan was
the best amateur all roun l figh*
ter out.
■ —»l< -—
The New ^ oik Sftar thus
predicts the failure ot many
journals: ,! A1I the probabili¬
ties indicate that the wave of
‘sensationalism’ now afflicting
the press will be shoitlivrd and
that it will presently subside."
Are you as Ibu.t of iuj as
you were of your fi"st hus¬
band?" “Yes indee-1, and it
you were to die, John, I'd be
just as fond of,my third. I’m
not a woman to pare lor auy -
thing but love." ' b/ ' ? ‘Vi ■ f
It if a miglity poor bnsinew
■ for the.greaf sfat^of Ovw York
to be r liringing. Womfl'i while
her back strweta tbeiu tvith wor
male.gan IitUteV b’>r" 1 the slier
iff’* attenti rttu J ‘4 *
• -i * t :•
Some New Yorker claims to
have invented “tmue whiifkyi?"
Connoisseu s who have lihil it’
say that it is wa ered, mid r»*
quires about nim- round* lor a
knock out
Mrs. Logan is slu>a*L propO
Ke*l as the successo* of her hits,
band. It is held that there is
no special prohibition au»iu*t »
womanbeirga Renat'-r. ■-•
There seems to lie a gn-afc
. difference between taking up a
subscript u for and tmildiuga
Russia does net want war.
She will take anothtr slice of
territory aud try to keep the
Women may be .a puzxlpJ
but a mau is not willing to g:vt*'
her up.
The Chicago Anarchists are
skill sitting as a jury upon
their own cases. The chances
are thjs jury will lie hung. *
The old year went out with
tears, and the m-w one < a |nue
with a smile that was blight,
it a t rifle frigid.
May Labor ami Capital
ciw**U together itr unity in this
of im. v * 1 '
ye ir
. --- 1
□ ARAM’S PAlton □
Biara^PoolTaMe oUpSbvr-yMCimtiiisai,
wits Rtct/LAfc
euASAF-i& u rinner.
WB£$& P‘-!r'‘ ’
\ ■ - -v ...,wrP Sit -VriffiwflL ^ ,
THHcmst ■'ri*
4 -it«,i t«
•istc; reoa
W *10 Vo. *13^, V/
*f0«| thwMa«ii«M<».',:<v«ii4iuvnxF.aiykn«^ Id ill feip-c*'tc lbp f UAf^
«>• «f .rAj^ifc’tiVv >'eiiiiiri'riWii^'TMr
Sa*. ^ ^
•m* iir illustrate.) Circular ir*prics usf.
FFI Rmoiowrt. New Yeaa.
JsA a e .. s . km m ' fb . co ., §M a
a* «<tmi strew. Chtaw*.
...... ....... • --
The New Shoe Shop r
■. >
.You CM get your work done
.ny irnie st Ih. new shoe ^ .-,op OR
the Cole corner. Snoen end tier*
eel* usde to older, pud ell Idt-dp
oftoimmnsr done in fnt das*
W6ind.*ry Ibrm
; . Matioh
* r aanssw
fe'- 1 , • ’ al thl» mum
*;• «jr Jjm •? “'’"SiXSE-
111 rf*T
3Ai& <w>iu(tb«»rvM »ca .tfSrSSliJ”, iwihSZ
SomiKli; VCtIKA It tr».lO COTtOfAL I bulULjr CURES »pp.ilt^[ RZRVdUSkESS. **
—e-ryflim. cnBq iH- BtfBfa Mcki/cSw^S” nyrB wnertH
lu.d'li'Tt/■y° i.uo ; u t »tfui_..a m r t wutAs. 'yx• Bd mi nimi
a i^-luiMun*
5a»^fei55: '
aALTiHoas, mo., u.a.:*.
_■ Diroctory, < *
X. Cl F- Ib, JudyvaaiitHw.Ci-srl.
C. N. Kin«, Clerk SaysHBr t«art.
C. t. Tarry. Sharif, ,
W . II . Rn < i > y , OrtlinBry
T. J. Orbay,-Tr*»Nirrr.
N . tl . BraniKlctt , T <* F4ca ! rtr .
'Tr. Hr.-flflljprrjr.'- THn**si1lc v .|«r,
M. M. Bales, County Survejar.
& B . UpUabiI , Caroaar .
CwbiuiMtri, l^aji JxktM, K W.ur
hucit. S'S. U. TH»Wvar, Job* A. Barry,
W.J. Whita.
Board af Kdas itliM, 4t. tt, ChiMala, Pjraa.
S H.Hrtrj,Wj ai d County Srhoal Co>a
mi«*l<taar, W. «A. Ilirrii, U. L. P.afla, JwliM
U. Spruill.
A r * A»A»ici#ar"x."i *£?:.
Ti wr— 824 H Dhl. < G ifhr, J. P » H
Uo«r i <1, N. P.. D C K o'.oVsad Joba CS a
d it i -: .u » i «». • ; t* •
Hlgkth —*Mib Dill . W M Ln'eiaj j:
4 U kukttS. f., J M F.,« an-l Jihu lagir
oaolabiat. . -t 1 * b •. r-..
WCDdybdosJ,J.; ...
' Dnailctla—madDi<(.
Ira driffaib ». Pi, ,J T Fpriagaa-4 «|<#_S P’
Duuoan, Conrlaylc*. -i ‘
TOoth—S7*tn-D.t».,-T i Ary tot J.F.„DC
Dai a Coualabdtv « - fy 1 1 1*
Ai.ti. it —j rwa«ti *-T,
J II *Vllto« n. r.,J o BtillFU41*tt««
•IlCoBtltbltp ” "
UlJth nut., M w ClMf X. P., B F o
Ltagbridf* fiMtiATor N. >/, » *£-«SW« «■*>« W« "^'' '' ■ ■ •-*”* -
shaek fm— trwW^x. P.1
l BBd*dt«d«>dW H<«9k»r&i CMOtkUt'.
‘ Bull P.B-lMttk Wili.'XiW FfciBwi ir.
fcAHl ■
f v
>>*. ,,i y.a.-a»^»a. >lt;
Taiklag _ Book—Doporta . n . i
. 7a. m. Bolarday, J
orrlroo • p. w. Friday. f i
lliyoy D» par to fa. u.Taooloy.Tban
*»X. Saiordap; Arrivoo I p. ■, Moaday,
Wadaoodar, Friday. 1,
Caoafilta—Doparta Sou KoodaXi Wodr
Wilt;, Friday; arrival S f M. Tkoaday,
Tbarod j, Salarday. .,-*•• . -
UMUiu|i-fiiyiiu I •. ' ' "trtiyj
•rrirnT rhinliy, WK A
• * ~ i ^
fieorr is. * burrsy co inly.
Will bo m,> li] Uclore i|»^
honne dm r in the town u! 8;ir ny
Pise*-, to th<* b'*Ji.wit„t)i ld*B:ai imb
lie ou'crv h-t we oi lue l< i:»rhuniF
of sale on the To .dsy in
Feb. ii*hjb’fotfipieii g i*r.»p ■
erry in w*t.
ly e e> k, and li fv nnU oil' ^fce, die
•• nth., ,<n- !**. nf lj|f, No, ~e.clV^‘ 2B5. »»»
2« tads’ •* d 8 -4 j 'of euni
ciMinly .'^xef pliHjf rptal i-ivt-Ji To
ml>n rrf». t&^iiMSX^T
* iy* !" vt r:
ta nr? ff *• nfoto-o-X'4i*i BrydoV
*• iwiil PiMpleeAiiil n-oTr J U jfi iies lmo <*•
Fon-»o wo c»r«er ,'nivi
is.unbj’ et *• dower of Mm, L<>iu,s t
A.'.*tMi,i, (ilie Fame tune ’:::*'** Mf.itp.'sei- :
( he
tad ..S •*»* >',L,i68. p.
»y. levied oil *S Jhe 1 . 10^1 i
l M LGulJMftl »>y V.J In nf » \<i
from itaiM. Himii< r ot.iirk UiifilenVrii . t wVid
••<*nidy in isvor of It A
Leonaid ..•adsr.W.T.WMi. Pmp
eriy *u i>mi» aplun il Maid Lemnpl
A>o a ILe »»o e nine and.' nml Pi,leu
nm hun irnl a* e« of Iiek'-K
si v 2M r
29 •* «"*t .sil l anil re-uon v - ol ^ui
U< rtnty,*ill(f hbuuded as iUjloW’i '111
t hopji* H bv L hetia Pilule, of w j p. Hy epies
wept by routs Xa
in U egnry** esla'e. .»y»d.
^ bv '* Aiford and Taplny
proper*y »t two fi f;.« » ^ trow L i: gan nsnpeno^e. by, v-.ine
^ .jn
AX’’ KWrAtJ,i*vj.A '' * v “
LiitamOD ftrSifn
eighty »cr^erM'^rt*«> I 1 ” 1 *
. -r
die Wrt®
<i» ei.Dll ftaetw-eiy 8 Cl jo|| ,if ’'sT&L&Pirliu;*..<■ MAill 0 -HOW ?H»|.'l
m pt4.
L-Vli itftBM* tin , he r. v
<•’ Tied I • A
tor K8Am BodmeJi t» v wrlne of
t the. aslibly a JUU^vi rfh httee iasueu
(top Ill colleotoiv o<
and ! »nf'»-J»nniy in IMwrof f *aif »piil atste
feattrAtapiSf-s^sA eonnly againpt the Fred 'I
uoniweii, iwr wxes tor tn«, year
A »*» at tha samo time and place .
lot of land No 213 iii the twenty
aeventh diaiijet and.seeond aectioti
o * swid county . , 8aid proiicrry J«y
it'd on HP l he property of xofan olaV
Sii-ith by » ir < U # of-and to sat'afy a
». x A fa ._ i(wued from the tax o dtec
ti-rv olfiot . efeaid county in fsVt)T
,<»l the auita'and ooBn'.y va th * v »-
Sm.ith for SM»?nw^i»1^S: taxes of the year -
. • « -( CUUlil . Sai'l
< it as be proper * v
»: • ? «rt-e of HDll I'
it* r. ; -Vd I ' 1 "ill th.
‘ 1 . dot »f iihi e uirtt)
r ' coiintv V
K tjixe* foi
f . *. ff ,
YfWi^Nj t >a sam • me am! pNce
* 190 i '.hft
*{■ t ’!’ <l -*Vt *•«•! a-wftn't i twenr*j
i-' motion «>.
/-mitSii 'h- y. -.N»fW|A$t|*>;r'f-- *>»* Jffbs’
'* **• »*» P * .v Recke..
P -srer o«
* * i n-f - »-tx tl '»
! n *M v. ‘1in*0#MjkiAi«
to; '«* -Std TiWBiE;A^ftW«a*aLpOe
IHF0. ->■ ‘ wft'PfWioMaC tl*-d«*'-r».®
BEANa’foneUeair) g ffl -gg ft -jSaR wbuld gg
n * that nothin* would they afford never them
Jj ve Th 0 price, 25 cents per bottle,
makes all druswlsts, it very and poputsn dealers in For'sale medi ines, by
Sentlijf c
** Wi s il . n
. - ^ ,, e
Stop , (!•• not dhbk • bittrrF s •'
it mufe-ti Ml)irp »-(- oelv ii-mj "
fury > theii ,* tfe ^ l h ; 1 |»oy will i >< •
Mi'I esnn'if- fc.’ve I.hi J* M -Mi *h'
«{<-■• to unit !«*■ i l«l |ov b*. '■ o
nr r « nci ' of ■ »iiL f> .1 •
I ;i > *s I > ! I| » • , - 1- > ' i
btiio I .-niili.r,*.b,i y - >'
«E,J,BR 0 W. a • •
: ..
V **•)•• ’ "*F
*• " •
AT*.* 4* • i *■
I'lIK .1’KWM.l' K
V:m4:‘ •* i
-,V Urt ' ■*
Dalton, v - GeSrgV.
vv “jH ■* »•
Sfiur »|» A Jil H *«• f' : "i
. Kps**i»a1'«ltfeti(m ^w'
®r , .i -
-------11!__Ill ..... V,
1________ » i
«k» 8w inn* mi hoi. ih- w
M*h P»<.
etran «» l««*i «nc« mri dm, s„ ,.ni
Win; C. Marthi.
>• r.
Att^raay *tt f,.tvv
, -, :t :
SpuiNo I’ K, IfK • r
"‘Imner'I'am . , #«eu.w,fg.v«.i ,o .. t
; *
«toek -Rnd- Convey
* an uuts « |W 1* •
- T"i r rtiiv.« "jit J;*.*■&K
* U iS ^’ S [ ‘ lv *ry ** iw
Ufil aSr Tl I he-putioo *" (i .£ ‘*’ - 5
't—^— yWibAi •..upiUii.
,r T~“-
'’^P , ?;r ■•'UftlMW';*. w .-^wn. ■r-.RlJle.l
?•*< M’ l**n&tf,r i,It
I.Weir»f W.'fl 1
th * **<+ dy tlrW^iy-lil of yon
^ in ft»i
f «*| wWeiVlWtWiptrr- j veare
^M taad s very had atinek laml we
de*i»ii«r*d ot Tier life, bat two do*, a
'»?da h*f all right v.
• > *w. RANR,nE*D ninra -
uhatn /
1 * rfVl ™ I , hat applied
*>«; of personally tha , and ti ,
0°*^Mms thwHOlho at . 1.2
/ J « a , 18 § 7 .
«•*-’ ■"
‘ 1 „ „ Ordinary
~ —-----------
FVaw-xn m «» # , T » it »« n « n < T « Rn *,
* f *'» r ’»*y * Bttom«ra its , (,«•, k rti «-.
far iB *" wl*fc f « n ( i ,
~sstt£v^r -'.-..I-; , s:
uO ro
Wooteni AID Holmes
<■*& •■•’
4 4 • W holesale Dealers in
■f *>e- Olli,
; f.
CpJwq, t Georgia.
■ ^ ......- — ■ ; ------ .■ — ■ "L - .............. ....... * ! - ■' ■■ ~ ^
T«M*Ut*r*y Broil f
• .........
. twbaa* SBajpa
*• f^bk*«i. VH*jt H»>b«yo )f*rf Tlo». W»%*j Sk«»«j-j'“
'' - f 1 *' * 544 * 1^1 '<'«--*■•••
t ■ ainirr. n r uralhi..V CULTIVATOR.
t ; WUh Corn F h mt t f
. tiwl frrl-.Ufr d«t<* m*t lit Ml. '
r. I I ;; • •...- -tflrtf in »,«• HwAiM.
b WH ^pssas^i RiHriBd EiAirt
*.- ly L TheawuvJ . (iTinc *\r~3 wlln oltoH *'.
jL/jggQB^ui* f H -n. 1 y ihi. mmm b
W '
u* 1 * tiwl Wi1«ib i—iU«l (m
HENCH A DKOMCOLO, York, Fa. Mum Uti|«t*lv-.
............... ■ ■" " V,"i 1 r r
’- -IV «*<•>. —
^1 nPOPULAR W: . ; .,h-is: , ai s ® f -4iK : ^
* l Mf
->• i only
• r
- 1
’.;c- *.
a-; pM^naaBaai ' ' ' —
I RmmI Orenaf.
ahU. ana ob .
lUltUnl *•*>- jSSjr' 1
gwVjS RUl'i.lli ««.** S 1 :.: ^SBSb
kflHiPIrnl* ii
MkiWnalRi. wr.
«3 usnntx. 4
wt 3
i .SS^?^pa3u*SdBiSS M
3» s
ill' r ' ’ .
V ■ r'V
Zis£?a--Zrilt£ -A. J. • r ■M n
- .* • ■( : <r
: .. ; -i
tN” — "’ ■r V
'V «:
*■"/'■ -’Afl
i l*
" : '“- 5
. 4 .
Me Meet Perfe ct Iuifimrt «t Marti.
•?®« r ;»d LiF all Smincnt Arttoto.
7 'V
« * tj,
« •... r :
(* \;3, t ' vr
I, A : r*M
sjfjr .
.) »
' Wk
fttmual J Tllden.
“Tiidsn.’Mha onlV' full bloodad
fortev but] in (he coantY, *||] b«
kept (b* present neaRnn «t V ^
C*i-iptain‘p Bbnut two mils* nort A
-if Spriiip P!aci.f6r th« „
ths pntalta Ffss two dtilTar*.
“Tilcbn’ is fisvin 0 ow ‘Bell’ now
owue.l by t’ol.T R Jonwii G f
mn. ABd.pii-od. by G*t(y * cei,br»-
1 0-1 bell L t Uepr/?.’ and will be two
M >*>• "W»r
^ !<1 d ,rn P?r attfer tinn ip El Von to
’ '*e crade of atook rrb'PRwted
^ AVERy gmmrn^
*f t ^ . i ij n' :
' ' v 1 ji v- <:•*..•
%fcBSi Mi
and tomarlc Rotary Dirwct Movements, Au
and Perfect
g^y- P '^©-.NoRSfon.'l*,
■SRHfeef Unlimited, Always In Ordw^
fltt ;*j mm™!®*? .!!
■■■ NWRR R'R III iitiWfE
Dr. hi, H. HOPEr
Smie Puce, vr ,v Gxcaeu.
.*• ■. •
" A., r .> r
tVill pnawer promptly efi medb