Newspaper Page Text
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- X* .£ . •? 4 ■* rs^.« .:•* €«•'»• - V:.
n» oaetat Paper t eC tl«
. ' .7*'''”' .
* *;*
-4 .* •
" subMriptlttU ItaOSt
fee jeer,II •• Six laoBths, »»m»W 1 Three
weutke, ** eeeU. P»T*W« *» •*»»*•••
i t ;
The politienl furor has settled
The offiosrs elect bre perfectly
happy. ,
Hon. W O Carter was ia town
Spring Pl*«c waa fall of people
Inst Tuesday-' '■ **'' ■ H; ■*■; j
A full Ime of ladie* bats at Mm:'
Fannie Johnson s,
convene nextjMondoy.
ndJDtoihploMhhMrnuiB.^. U j:
c^eHkejfry^edneednyeiffct. ■
Holly creek was entirely frosen
over ddtittf the recent cold snap.
~ T
Fnraers ohouldt>egin ^ w • making ..
f^n^ention for^the"coming crop.
j J W Rtephenson, of Chattsnoo-' baei
m, wm in town Tnesday on,
nJees., f ~' - ’
T ■ » ■ all ? ■
; A fin* luA of'fboef ,of kinds
•hdatjles .bow on -hnwl At W J
^ohnnsn ^. ,^ ^ ^
Mr.:ifobrs, ^
of Mormtosn, Tenn.
is Visiting'Jbiw son, U L M'jpre. «i
Vswii^£SS this plmcMs. ‘ '$4- { $■
^i^i(«|*S to.iinto wu. 3 p ^ , H rt,uion " a,
B«.awa.r.,MThp»«MAh. t^^lIto
■ to1i»;»iliu« to to,.<»» .
Af-t^waatju. ......- *. u ; *.\*h -i-t -. ■'-> .• • v* /:.* 1
'^r-.T-S- ; tv -.e
* ........
iaiwit hours of night.
MA|Sc6hee,.|whole-al* spent day «*f
merchant of Rome, a
two indowta thin ipreek._ : •
The weatlrtr dmii'g the pi*i
week would convince the most:
x^Abiinl that winter Is WS*- hert.
.,- .> ‘- ■ ’* • ' 14 ' A I
Slobby >0 lssn sooitred by real
estate, no lotn under five huudred
dollars- Apply thioW^C NJfeinp.
jBo far ss we cah Ufsirn modi 4« Jl
thb constables , t^oughi ut S^uc- h>
county VHUW re elected Iasi
. -r ,, f
Barry Gladden and J^lkn Chil
ders were ^legted. constabli*; of
Spring Plaoii distrUt fust Sartur
- day.. ' V- •»»• * » ».
. . Come, in ajad pisylfour eat^crip
liOnToiftlfe TintJvwe wo. ld^Hkt
’8e;'at:i>cee.-. -v- a i
- -?c
1.';^Slt*5 I**» :. f
.'-V' .•«>. ItlT J .—*---
be^n abundant one. - We hop.
Ptes^y®^ r
jug the. nboAi. trade a specialty.
Slop with them and ieaia
t: J > -it *.
i We learn that tli« Christmas tree
was henvil So
a things anditigbty: tnjoyed by t»
^IBSOBt > • wj». ► •*
Brys^t r
.... Ovbey A are maWng
.shoes a sp^altr. , . Ail kinds kept
•n-band. , tflios,show of all kiodv
’... ../ and, grades apd special barrios,
goarsnteed. ? •* i .
ly.ib* yfrftdn—Arpl-eaft-on As«emWy will be G^cw* mad
General of
M s’is-wow th sessf. n f< r the jn;iH
atefalaw to be entil Vd ii'n
. V '■.. IV.A t.ho X«pat T nrral
Jgmcmto ^npanv of Miithv eo„. .
■t„. »n.V s fir ,
— Mr*. J LOajt. iif Tt-xas. ^Jjy IniR
*»' **» visiting at her faibem, H*n.
P McGhee, for seveia* months. re
tumid home this week accoiupi
nied bj her suter. Mi* Florence
Swldlt•ltd Harness Shop.
ON Varce ! a* j st opened np «
new 8-rdiJlo and hard sm niiup in
Hbriftfc Price au<) t-nlicits nil binds
of work iu tuis line, which will be
dout cLtap and promptly.
The comity eomaiiBMOBflrc
they wijt have funds enough after
p.ying for the neo eoort house to
oned oil the oouutrt indebted'
ueee, Tb.t.,„|U the. b. (root
Ij redneed and thu little grand,.
ling among w.. .1 tho pMgle
agaiaot the eonatj hurt WUte ;
W« 4 ne« 4 ay'i CNotlmt.
a. '*■*'■***1
Wtoje of Wednet,
dhy** election sUn<P*s4HOw. t >
i £S^ 0 4
Vl£M,1|; ?^;Ta* OJItecUw M M
^ » Vn,i 397. t * Ov
bey T HipiyfW7
Jssksoii %T.~■<* M* k Iieuji«rd was
elected Surveyor y ai.d^stt Hpliaii f f
4 i
and qnietiy »iih ui anv hnlrnh o
jubilva, the cmididuu« *«•!•
hretrisM oilOuiisand Ibrre m*« »•
wlHt W o getuiw rwerrt ill. th.y
all Ci.tlhl lint be eiett d A; •! m
Wtf IjMVt* II Ikllhliid »i | |#|' (iltic |h
Mild W. fliiiik affai'i* 1
wiii be perleci ya^ ftlMirif b • ila. ■
Ujsnppoinliy* i t is u ri plassu.i. «* »
44*1 vfitlr tbe d. I'esi.d
1 ^.'* rt !'?T“ .....
4 Down wit ^ s "» al Po *
' - W loaru iha- H i> ; JU >upi ich.
iij »::e fitilnli lUit-, about,
two miles troni M».v\ Ui(l f.*eii»ry
R Severe -CHSii >f eU’< II po*.
-----*** ^ : »f«irr.<f<ye ago
^nee^uk;sp k ^l)r D .laid,
dVirfiiUA «»*ek- *« *»n,d ‘
niter n cjiwe.ox^niiiiMiiidi prm>- ito
ceil the disiase em-ll |m« 0.1
nary IV it ttsuiiiey liw »ei»p, t *
pvrieiiced phy u- an w .O Wjtil mak >
a i borons I* disK 1 *•
and r- port at once hia iipii^j' n I
the final iitveeiigatiiAi.-vbwes tbo
disease to really i*o , ftoi^i p *,
Vri at caution sliouid lie.' .jl to s- d
t* pievent it Iroui spte»>ti.i « uur
the eoiiniiy. Siiicr be^meing this
piece we 1 ,*tn IUh* a siste^ ** B t>
1 otspeii h i* m1h«> very ill. with i h«
tstno disease. H iweyi f. |e no|w
that nit are mistaken aiiij ^h.t
contagion will pr-»ve to j> ^otl-in^
mhre than chicken por or «omr
disease not fatal.
•* TS
1 ■ < Ml
juur forty v«»«*
18 »PPlfcntiohn-for patenU in
V the United RUtp^‘^•?2!? I (EJS5S;
. fe,^ ltt^rrl5rtjSaS«»tt 0 »\S&5fw2^V^ :
I < » l hott^t ilT^
«> -t • <’
Btavb #r Oaneeie, Uarrej Cevetj.
By virtue or an o^dOr ith^.
coil ft. id'’O' (Hoary be of Murray conn
V* .Gh... will Stild at public out
cryyat,tb« eeprt helst jifflKsiUoor of said
{Bounty on f Tiites Jav in i-'cb
miry next within W l?g«I .h/iqrx
^-eirie ait dtM oW^o
Nolle® I foi*y £•&«,($'a)# and leapt eiu i- v Ot.
»ih*£idfcunii twenf.v. screi j
Adi s Action
& ns id c u» y, e*n-.» dniiig U 3 L v «Jf
81^acroe.niiire }4 ltr-K or l^vand $Hfr k icw 5
<A In in. e, 3
Att*IV'ttfSl.l CS* eky-.Sld-l f
"t j
t! „i..| T.-i»AvA,- K «h T i< i >
%> m ^teAjid1*11* arid
nunmrT? ^Following ; a / |i.,i of letters re
in thisoflice "ifeif 4 if
not called for in 30 .dnyv will be
p«; t to be ilead letter office:
Mi Tboiaae L cy, A 0 Gilbert.
4 * V ‘ U ' r '
Jfotics—AH persons wbo are in¬
debted to me by note or account
will pleat.? come unJ settle liy the
1st of January, aud on failure to do
so they will certainly find their
claims in the bands of an attorney
for collection
W J Johuoi
"«!« „ Ill poroouo who are
<•“«»»• •"••Hher'T MU erne,
" p “ 4 ' e ‘
*• »•*toyef JuM>r. „d
““t"***’ * .“2,““f k "*f no will tod a,,
», ? ordtotho wt«l..nOe,Mt.
« W W Anderson.
U All person* who Imre bone it
friMu too in the ^ast will
ifaij* come forward and eettle
.wjltyn jjjfe n$irt ien day* pr Ihvy,
^ ;« ||
^ “**
M Wl “•* B **>
v. - ^ lr ®°* 1
'■■ l '^ * 1
**.Uumt Aiier that tnu^he
*•**'*«* kk 'Ji
’.. u
, du» iin-* . oi VI o.ty* i«H,|y>> '
,K '“‘*
«w»H* «i*»|-uipg *'*' : |a t.reOci.vwe* #*£■,. *(, 0^ F |
■<*■) *
A rg v etock -f slip t <Kb. ,v ;
& ‘ fp rt H^ ou 4|A?r »tl
*'- i
T.i -mi tier tii- i.* mu leant;
,iOV. Iti 111 ills III lb/ Ofi'tljlt fi
Uh •< .••■ti.illlMie tllili ft) >B ill tie de l
111 «.ivawB«t,r A.nd
luaking 1 ? vies itiul ft'.ui uiu^ to
e«M iii pio •(>•< I', UleUlbttr liiKt !
lll-bcnt'lM Or) p41U Oeloiu ! *
ativeriisius *m tie don,. ^
meant. MMrtreaa. V;.
ThvNtw -tor*
NstlSN •^peci
|itf A Btoio ul U«buj. Br%ts&ji ‘ «k' - ?y
«««M«!•«»* '“’‘I 1 )? 1
Ul.', eoff e l -u pv.uuIU |or '«tn« -Id. ,
ier. Spofentl ourgaiiie et**
,wH«,or r eu,.,s
1 . propo nuro.,, ■
f WW.*::? 'i,.
. AllMIXKHUWft 1
Ge wninT'rav cVitn'V
I n all Whom i may cmcern:
pin-.i to hie for |*erm"liW|i u Iterers
< f., t min.stra. ion on the estate o*'
J a. w.tiker. brie of said e»..ui»U
'U « II. HU 4 w*ti PUIS II Hull “Hit
sppiiealitonM.ithe'ist rrbl*' 7 Uiv^ii M itiiliy W ' in
untie mv
an im ...«i..,♦! w H U. i.«ev. l his^Dc-JJ err unary
AOMi it i»Tft a rottn n U.B.
Georgia, nuiray oounty.
Am .ably lo >m nler of tile
reini. of Or .inary vf s im, e unljl
will Be solo nt auction at the coiirf
• oiu>« door in ssid cuU it v mi ine'
1-1 l iitsday in .'ebiuny neii h
• •I J P Uote dod’il. Sola as tiie
proper > of J if < ole, Ante of said
Couuiy d> r <l.. , l eno. Cash this
l>. e. 5o 1^8®. I 0 Honey and i Lt
r.o e, axfnri'x. ••• ■■■’■! ;
t ! —
<A*n>rgiae;iMijirraF«idailm-. £W‘&
By.'mi. # of hurray oouuG
m urtof will rrdAuary iiiKueeA^fib
Gh. be sold lo lbs
: Lown-oiSptmg let ,Tnesd» lf(9biimry Rpp^jK..- ,iK*t a* With- .MW
<n ibe l««*t hoors,vfi -»Me. . tot •*
ia„d'*-m, the saul 8:b ooiiniy, '*}***
and 3fds«eti«;ti ol coo*
dainniK »•« bnnUtwl uni sixty seres
more or'essi sold as the property
f wite) Dudley^ bte of s^-id -c.oonty
(teed. Aerins cash. This D>•'•. rindl
(ggd , J H I’JuUips. a lin
w,tluy>iDodloy decFd. --
... fss«i!gnf'f »*Jnk5' ,ii•* .
: >;« »AilWt»'t'?iS.t*SW»..«* , * ‘ '
w i
• f Fjg
' r IS fSilSS'S
A" E m@m
,. oMwjfAwoio. •
wiUrt>**p'Sl«*kwfN»i «>«< Sir
. .^T’Variiairw dddfu
*e-m m-r* 101
»i'elr«ip si tbflv nen irvi Hftna
‘4w4«ttturi4 soith flftifgvei i
a • i* T1 jib.
— wmi —
* C Vli
East Tenn & Shenan i
ah Valley Routes.
Leave Mucus, K. T. V. AO. tlslly III (in
true Attests l< “ » 4 « p m
Arrtvu R ue M « s se ft io
Arrive Deitoe • # 4i " tJ¥ pm
Arrive KeaxvUte *« “ Ml |>B
Arrive Briitol U r “ t aA k at
K. A W. •< -It «s s »
Arrive Shea. Jsro. 8. V. R. R '■ M It p
Arrive WeaSiuften M A O K K “ lttls put
Arrive Beltiaisve BAR ILK .‘MIS% p u>
Arrive Rhii’e fees. H R « I S* a is
Arrive #ef ,Terk.^ .J: “ v ' f'e* mm
VirgiiU ^ Springa aU ope*—Alto* fAUt.
- '» -V . 4 . »** 'tr " - >*
llttMiH r^ej-l^rer Aha? ever
*J(v 'M-riw
! S°T**
ta; or Chas. >. Kjgut;
KM.WKfdNK, ,
Know illc, l**tiii.
V’idiv OUdt o'»T AliOOgd »Ao-w
. e .
ooMt'KiTi’^aa. , v
w in' *■*•«■>
«’tt’- , l .vti».«ui*Tt»liuu.otrn.., ci,it bjiii.w;'
njnjwjj...., e .....,,...,,- VJ K •I* *
•- ‘ u ' " “
il. m odU4iv •»•*»
' *****
i/UAi'i A! 01*6«fc * 4s
u *“* *.‘y •»*
,*r . V*> * , . ^ ** O ,
’ $ * •
v .
1-vlr In'-w..,a«i>»« ._• i.c«tt ■• •'.M
OIvIaH IBAU« (ii tfb.n V ,"V
U All* « • • « «
i X
Jj(' + •t'Vff '
i‘e M .
UW*i>* iiUiXJH'd IsuatrVt ,
SttiiuvuV# m jUi»*Mv * s6
; ■«*£ ;W Tj "* “* ^
v - - i.'. rei...
m.l. w. i*i.i.:r; Dto J H
Huiici*it', Z i|,,aee«|>athia eit.'L» I, vui etid Bitla-tj
', y.« a h.Wre'tat ........
***?' *“ M
Id © W I 8 II 0 U ^ 0
' -“V’
wttiiia Te'a n.epe •• the M« “Uei,
DaltOM, " •. '
, * .....■
• & ifii|i*.ijn# and first clas?.
' Travelers
A B - 41V _ * r i ommercial
1 frit' Winter i t.,- Doailera. Trarteiltlt iransion.
iiu,tl .
“ 1 ' ! .:■
* . ..
day- Ubernl .. rate , by .
rules *2 per
^pmofMlrrny w V,k or tn'on.b. - Special. county/ pMt to
' "
* •• .
' j ’ r> v *‘ a UJWIt>. ■" Proprietor.
- ‘‘ AA UAl* A if ''Ur'A Ja.A’nAld ¥ : T
! • 1 ’ * 4 Ji
PilllvADEbPUlAy *« -Phl^JS,
*-*• ■>"-■■■’■
:*TW lg(ig ? t y, t
-‘W’^ •>•>4 Y- a*?«' ifihu*
”’k’IJV59. *** *THOJ*ASf„:.t # i .>> ,wi:t
‘ ''' 1
f « TwMq/* ..... '’i' .... -
D MAiaMKp ”^_;;»*;•./• ,. ■ »'«>)' ^" if :i -;, eko»s(A.
^‘<*abm»teos good"' ^ wfi nod
; work
. *
. •. . ..... • ... >
- ; ^ ' **• *■■ • ' i f W*?’
■ (iy.ok**i
- *— a.
t ••«/-•
v WeTmve,:AAT^t.>nr'. '-ithk.*- nvw
•*=•$ OTW-atyle
5i -'- ";,::iT>nisii i,iitei4 r
pVtsute 1 tlioMO wuriiilif Jiii-till**'*.
- '’irt
1-eH »..l rXiUii
As :-*••.*• h'Bi™ - ; .- V t \ ,
t*»; ! ' •
to, tod.. .,, ft* I:.
Ovfoej, & Bryant,
Have Opened A New Store In
Spring Place * Georgia.
A till thn.citizi ua ui Mutiny Comity no longer, plough
through the to !#tiy goods in Dalton.
Wo will oonstamly k?<-{» on hniul everything u*unl) kept ill n
gt'linlal store, anil will sell at the lowest C ! <sh ju ices.
If you don’t believe it coiuo .iu.1 jiriee our goo is belore you
riuy elsew here.,
w. j. joHNSOir »
* t ' . •
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci
rti ' gars, Hats. Etc
v . . * ^
, fl ; , .,
^yriijv. H!m,r.. Bacon. La«l, Sugar, Co&e.
,\ t >u. Qi;|«»ana I,»itoii’s r ;i< t«.iy 'Miivad and n select siwk
Of* **• ithjtrt^r f 1 «»<fdt vlh Ww sill «»t will l.e eolil.
j(l Pi i, r; , s1 *! . s
? , •>' *
Lj" G cc h < t S.S.S.1I Ab
; >• «> 'intoreet
CANCER, f leg trestise
on Blood'And
PVin Dltcasee )■
ECZEMA,/ f mailed free to all.
m j'y. - 1 x' ^ *• r r
St *. ■ r- » : ?' W f=Hj r y 4> , JR -7
BOOKS, Jr-tu**form theeegents eacc. n»
*" t<*«*»* •«*. j..n, »rhwau^iJ ijiArtkeea .ii«v
-saisw&rsWtJRrsai-mv«-. 'SV^T^feSrvSfe. srs^^e-to
’*i* , efeMtt**aT"i*■* > ’ 1 - r * l,lll *""' ,l ‘"*-’- w,-y.i.-.— e :»-•.! Heart- a Not. 1 . Bj Aaihnrof 11 D»f. TtwuM.
.ajj- SAJSStTlS r^grtST? "TT *^ 1^7 muBaw W
.‘f4a‘ull«toi Tb™ f .fsVf'»VV tSi ' •u'^% K *T"tt.'iil'Tl..wu. ■■
^ r! *“^ “
J»^S&j*J8s+*r* x%ttnL
g»w«*i!lirnlanjrfournf*Vv»l>oreb»iil!il,riTi»i‘tpo*t!,ii.iii|.iirni'.^). »orli»™i»J*Wlur«e.t'e»U| Ilia vntira Hut (lOhui.K.) t"i 1.. I'rlil.'t tjimnij Hw-I* t; -o, P*'vRV't i. ; f »iy in im f *» •
j SSIMnlai WlIh jUck.r„ Thw.«Ki»therh«,a|»-iii.w,»".w:,■ !-m t>uliyii-.' > »«ris- .•vwt.ii.i-. .
, 11Jlh r SatttfiietionnuaranUidlcrpimi-iLr/fv. i'i,.iitiv-i"..iiiii. -! ,ni'-:i'M'«ut tiv~-f
Binnav ailcl futtiiein. i.i-.i, a
nc^» w~e.
!■' •£&■ ' .«* a‘v; !
'• i- i i'’. „ ? v : i.
•* •. .r
woiice Diet*
>' >U
"•Ay — ..
. f’i
jj *VN»4 i "- ,i " %
:*• >
f ; ; V1 ^ ?»;,
"-' " Ik.
•< a •
mnarn .mtmu.
'VMS #sm*-mo*t oob-pmo* worKmeiw
, WlTH
• '"^^ilsWssovWAasemiisamA.iiss. vomawaSw Vf*
r t
*. -r. V VftE NEW RDITIO.4 OS
Wattftitod, and contains : Four
FuH} Ilfui^inut*id tyf.
• .Fail-pug*.
Library Sheepv Marble*!/Edges, ? 0.0t».
' ’ ' r ■ ■ • . T' ^ ‘
WOT Beet rv AAV •ViM*rU*R9. 04 mti. *1 I
■ r^ ' n^Bfint vC# 9r*gfwiu;i.t
arss^’srxJ^. v
' t
j stfiido
i -^wBBwosaewi^ His ;V|
i ii.'San*Vlfferfctl,6itr),-.. mMffMXSxSsS^^. CM?.5:0:...
V\‘ tewrmgp*-.s3A; mrag^r -*" -, 1
1 lUaiifhciii*U artu JAt'FripSi, tiviOUlS. XK
f ■ (?)', :. ’ ■-.f •'jt j v • -ary,
.v;,h I ■ ; .... Mcary,
, /i..' ’... :■ . • * 1 ' ’•
I And t> y :■ • v. ■■■/ Strfc
! of SlUi.iH IV i i v s: •'
: ft MO’- *' • I :i r. •' iuhlo,
I'but I .to I-;' > •(*</ :••]■ -»i:i- . '•‘ > \viu able;
i < WSa r.o m •
Took I ju-i! .w.f.iosi-.. ***;•! ny:-! r>'Si rrars;
Soundly nii-iu I -l-.t sunire.
lta»l illy. 11 s i t.-M-njai't*:
i j JSScei’i : - ’• 4;' •." •i-urrHx
*V* *.• I
t ; i! * ri»or 1 1 ’ ! >*' < f
■ V !•' ,V '-'At • • ' ••i.'O ' S* *• - e i
W nn r
\t 5l8,.i-W
Maliti lt!! ver -’ mention of it Is a
nightmsjy; Gils I \ : Los ruKorrd from
••'.oreaa LHcht:.!j'i.i.'-eaae und knows Low it what a
tha*E^'.3.--LEANS almost Jr reoBsibliito cmdicato it lrofii
?• VS41 most xnrofv destroy the resens u
Kt‘A? T< EKZ* Ii