Newspaper Page Text
Nor Mi tfeortfia Times
TMimwtMV traibJUiwT.
Labor and Prohibition
There are two powers which
are pretty certain to play an
important part, in the no*-t
President ml election. They
are Prt hibition ami I.ala>r.
Politicians are busy speculating
aboul the effect that they will
have up >n the two great poli¬
tical organization, the Demo*
cratie and K pu* liean parti*-.
Jr the e is a Ij’iW eandubite
and a Prohibition candidate
for President it will be tinpo-s
il»le to make any calculations
iesp*cting the result of the
contest that will be at all sat¬
isfactory. There will lie no
way to estimate approximately
the strength of either the Pro¬
hibition or the Labor vote.
The Pi< hibition vote has
grown steadily to Hlte»-u years.
In 1872 it was only a little over
6 , 000 , and eight yea a after¬
ward it had only about doubled.
In 1884, however, it took astid
den jump upward arid reached
151,0.20, and in 1886 it was
868 738. In neither 1884 nor
1886 liowevir, did it include
|no c thnn a fraction of ili>>se
who Hie P otiihiti* ni-ts. In
the 8 eutb in 1884 Piobiluti n
istM voted with the if nioc ats,
aud ttt the North hugely with
tin Kepublicaus. li is impos¬
sible to sh\, «>l course, whetner
in 1888 there will be a
bit ion party, or wlnther. i
there it-, it will p.-s.-i -s
Cieut influence 10 eonirol
g eater pa:t of the
I hcte is no satisfactory
and tlleie is not likely to l*e In *
fore the uxt Piesulen ial el c
ti< n, for rstminting ihestlength
of the Labt>r vote. II *ny
Geoige, tlu l.ab a candidate
for Mayi r of New Yo k a few
tnont. s ago. |ndl< d 68,000 votes
and }• else n, th«* Labor can* I id.
ate 161 Mat 01 of Chicago a tew
days ago, poll d 38,000 v» te*.
II th--se wo instai'ies ; l!ord
any indication of what >1 h> be
expeet«d in 1888 the Labor
vote will be a ve:} large one,
and it will bed awn piiueipnl
ly from the Unuoc a:;e p ity.
Time ate s ine gi< utnh- tor
thinking, hovvet-r, liai the la¬
bor * leinellt w ill liol : ft .1 lb -
pt i:d> id ly in the 1 * xt Pr. sid- tu
tilde- nt-st. It c;o Rot hop- lo
aeionqilish any thins.* ,-s lo.ig nn
the folk*tVels of the re<l flag
at* permitted t> play so con¬
spicuous a part iu its attain*.
It must get of the Anarchists
and Socinli-ts ainl to <!o that,
if it 1 an do it at all, wiliiequiie
III ie time than 1 her. 1 - ').*
twveu ti> * tv uni th- 11 xt nation¬
al election. I'm wlattv.i n.jtv
be file tit Velojiment- Ot 'in* } ,u
bn! and Piohihilloti lunvt uu nl*
ill the near fuiuiv, it is -• nail)
that they a c iiiteusting feat¬
ures in tile pohtieaf sit'iat'on t
present.—Savannah Moi mug
The Penns) Huh a Knights
of Lnbo »nc nakiigan * o. i
to. induct' the liirn cis .! tf ut
Stilt*- to vote with tli* rn. (*• n
♦*t:il Mdstci' oik man Dowd, i
ly S!1 ) s *b«t lh* uitHvsi * t tlu
fanp.t* s is idt utichl ui<h i h«t
of tl>* Knights of la I** r it i
bcli-v-.t hat Ids plan is t > mviit
*5 pai;t\ *•• .||iposed o! Kuiglits
f La hot and fti tiP't's, D he
s w c«i!>S In- W I |1 i five lit his
!.j*vU- )i «i iu! in i ion i nt v .‘I
* . rli' < it.fincfi. t* in iiu'•ft*
Liouig 1883.
lti«<it»ime*l ui Iowa »l i»t
< •M<' effect ol the prohibitory
law In that State* baa been to
divert a large quantity o) co n
from thr- rtnftilWv markets and
to send it to the public tbiough
«»tln i eliaiiti.'K It tl.isln- true
I**«« c ngratulfit** he -
self that elie bits a prolib to }
Gibw i. tbc a c county
n gr*' vyh»» h * just be^n c<>ti
vietv d of gambling and senten¬
ced to se ve twelve months in
♦ be ibaingang, was in one
* nee of the word a valuable
citizen. In the last few years
he paid in fines and penalties
$800 into the county treasury.
The ijar a d Union, corn
l> s*ul of students, ppeara to
tak great int rest in poiiti« al
qu«‘stion». At a recent meet,
iug President CFwland’s veto
ot the pauper pension bill was
discussed. The Union showed
its b use by sustaining the veto
by a vote of 81 to 15,
Minui“. Bond, a negro woman
123 y»ar. old, was buried at
Falls Church. V r a-. on April 13
Ot course she leiiiembered
(logo \Vii‘bitg r oi:, but she
deaerves a inouuuieiit because
she denied being one of his nu
merou in* ses.
he nights -d Lab r se nt
t<» be in earuest about strength¬
ening themselves for the polit¬
ical contest of tiers t yeui. It is
stated that they iuteud too’
gauize ns-erablies in the luial
districts throughout the
i L«l * .k i .......
Fifty c.uzeU* 01 Ma saehu
setts have signed a petition to
Dr. Mary Walkin'to 1 ecom a
candidate tor li e Vice Pr* Mdeii
cy, f»ut f*he will wait until her
pKtJ glows Hfronger.
Few •7T' I’M Ins 8,766
licensed dram .-hop)* and Brook*
ly i) 3 0i2 .\. it.ii r New Yoik
era uor Briiokly lull H ought to
f*u e. to “om ,'hing \o drink.
Fr.iuee and tier ■ any a*
again uiakiiLr laces at ewh oth*
hilt Iiellller S elJH to he
quit- l i*;td\ to knock the chip
off **f ttie i tlu r,t* should r.
There ar** j 000 convict* in
Sieg pit.- ui nd t takes
fWellty-olie bijr els o' fl. ||r to
make lu'-ad ♦*»» th"in eve y <t»y.
Tw. * Illplii\ e- j, J> .iji fed ill
1831 b\ A <1 i w dael son .‘lie
u tie Po-t.t! Dep.'irtment
The * }»•• win ol. rate the
'\nigliti* «»l Li .d ' -o
l-ehave theriDudves,
With o r rvlthont fatcnt lndea.
/Sfimi&OGtrt pBRMtt
kr‘- -r /. ** ATiHon Is inrfted to the foot that In pm*
■—j-i Ujo ikUen*. lasuo of this vrork, you got
A Dict ionary
r>rrf*i ir.oro wnrds and n*a*!- ~vsi more
»ilurt......uB than any other American i unioaary.
A -azetteer of the Y.’crld
eon Dining' oxer 2o,000Titicp,wlthtb^irprormnel*
«u«uf. aau ft t«st amount of oth e r ■a.-ra^*hioa #
( recently addodj ojl X
A Siofira phicrJ r Gtionary
lri'-> ’ y- *!.un, , > it'n of i nos and brl'f fa*t»
Of.; w ,n«r tabit rcat'.y gialus 10,(0 Soted infonnaUen. Pereoni*;
«■ ‘ >04 3 valuable
•P-.u»«Ar Ail iiiPno Book.
tiT,. oabr-ci.;- t 'ona»yIn wb#— Hi R
■ v 8tale8 by le»C -lictriiilnmeof Schooia l.iM
a;id ng Colleps Presidents of the
1 .Hc* sod .' It is Standard An.
tho rily *i! . t’>,o T-hiled States SlfpreroeCourt,
*ud in tli- o* vnrn. sent Printing Office. It has
recnselC' n-.i •n.v*;y ,. a re whereBtatePnrehases
. n;e Ion. :r*p. i - Brhnola, and lathe Diction
g-v apo M wm*. )i.«i-iya.l the school hook* are
Getthp It test a nd Best
----~'Hi>ini imawMi—w—
*t aod ■* an iiiraiuchio companion in every SchooL
teMiiaonir*.!.') at every Pireaida.. Specimen pane* and
sent preouii c»a ftftpiioftuoft.
VhSKlihad hy 0. K C. ipriodhatil, MEHBikM A CO.,
Uus., 0.1, A,
Na\ HIEnlr ► *» *> A ht*.
St*T* Of Q«01-01» MOSlAT.O.tDTV:
yV<)t be i-old th- bt--o»e the S;>rin«* i-oori
<ou«e d *or i.> town of
Pn e, ti> t**e highe-t thehgal bi*l ’er at pub
ic i.nt c y betwe**' honre
it -a e on* the l-t Tuesday iiij M *y
n*x', the following describe * prop
rtv to wit:
Lou of land Nos. 234 and 199,
*xcept titty wot-e It 'In south a-.
orner,©t lot N*». 199. tioth in the
9th dintru't fti'd 3>d -trciiou of 6«i«t
•iniruy. Lev ed mu ae f u« prbee-t Jti
i k of VV (J D Gordon and >**
'lord "*n by v rlue of and to Mti*h
i mortgage ti l* run the favor eflperior of
•o’tit i-f nai l c* un y tn tb*
■*fi >** Kntfl ’I'd '*< *t .air** v ecnri*v
company vs W C D Goidon and
Julia G idnn. c> ..u Ueieuioi.ic Hi
A o h* tin ea-ne time and )»1ae<
eighty acres of laud. being 'he
we'' bit’ ol lot N ■. 0' ^ i , i i.e 9. li
district end 3rd notion o< said
county. Lev<ed "ii **» me proper *'
tv cf Frank Smith by virtue
and to Hniislv a fi fa itened
(be Superior court, of said county
n favor ot (i W Hill vg iLe win :
Frank Smith. ^Defendant tup s
session. '
A‘so at tb«**wne time and Fine pjac
one Iiouho aodjUu in Spma tp
Ge being the place whui« »
Wab uow lives containing s^oui
one acie more dr Jess. Halil pfoj -
erry levied on »- the piopery of
Mih M A 'Vall»-»« ratisfy «nvx •
cation of the issued 824 from district the Ju ticeooart oi i<4
« « «.
enmity in favor of G W Oglesby v>
0 C Kiggins prnu'iptl end a<u
Mrs. M A *Va>i ewdors r.
Also by virtue ot six latte
court fi fas issued fron <h ,
court of the 824* U do'Me 0. a., v..
O F E Ufirris. Wall in P< favor 'V Burnt. of I, LCumpiiel Glid feii &
Curtis K li E fa Wii» favoi ( > r >< * of n, i T u J 8upe^ Uvb«\v
or court ill
ngsin t C E Wall. .icacibeil Being the a*ni skin- lev
properly ab >v.
ted on as the property of O fc Wa.ll
by vi‘ine oi sunl t. lio*. u lend
ads in posessu it*
Tins March 30 1887. r
C L TE» KV. SbunilF. *
BXKCtliUl.a NUl'ICBt
.* f:
s *
Geor pi a, smr ray «o«tvH
Mis. E A Le ••and ExeAutrix oi
A 4 Leo'Vfi, decease*. »eprtwoY.t
to ihe eon*t i». UHltimi d«fy
hwit 1|)i)l’■bhe'bn«- tnov adfiun’R
teiB-l ,4 -J Leonard’s eslate feo 'rtl
mi! ,0 bis will. This Is therefore
o'C'M "ll |)‘ 1 hou 8 concerned, kite
.hard nut oi'iditors u» sh »« ExectitT-X dwosj* .|
any v can, why sail!
idioald not he dismissed ft.mi her
..... , w .„nd rectivo am „(
(hsunsBioii on the first Monday m
J uiv I88L This Match 30. Ia s 7
vVHftamsev u u u.imsiy, Oniinarv wiainar.t
I rectory,
J. C. F-in,.lo.tga Supariur 0 nut.
C. N. KinK,Clark
C. L. Terry. Sberiff.
U . ll Ranee;, Of.lin»r,y.
tV. II Si,e.l, Tr«a,arer.
M,B. Bramblett, Tat Receiver.
M. SI, Wrlch, Thz Collector.
M. M. I.c ear,I, Conntj a, vey»r.
C. 8 Holland. Corotior.
CotnmiaaioBer,. Deonic Jobnaun, ohn C
MeRii l-o. S. L Triiumier, Job., t, Bnrrv
W. J. White.
Board of Rdiication, M. h, Chntialn. Pres.
S II. H-nry. -Seo’y and County Snhool Com
■liaiuner. -V. d. ILiR*. il. L. Pai^lo, J.ii.n
O. Spraill.
r )
Tfwe— SH S PI,*.. ; >1 Vrtcr, J. P H.
He riittl, X. P . B W 'Had.l if a d John Chit
i|.|> C, i, « It . Secou I M* - d >y.
BlKhth—mtk Pint , W K Lackey J. P.,
H Kuhn X. P., J M Poaend -V ll R licit
• oKiUhle,. Se »od Saliidny.
Doolittle—117'ln.l Dint., -V C U Gordon J P.
fra Hriffeih N. P.. J T Spriu<o»W nud A P
Doucau, Const!ble.n. Fourth atif lay.
Ta'tli—STltb Dim.. € .1 Bryant J. P., PC
Du n nud J P ou i Cooatah.e*. Third Sat.
urday. j
Alecn'sa—lllllth Disk, U jnealJ. P,
CC llonol! X I*., '-'in Rare'>y: and L T
M"'.ro0 ihlo< "*«!•<» I
OUth Dial.. -1 -V Oi .nr J. ;**., IT P C
: ou^HridKi- N. P. •' .. in,i * a
H av^i C U'tsk **. Fir i*. An ! urdiij
Sliui'ii Prn— IllSI.tfi ' v .4 1 .. r. ' K,.nd J.
‘ I’.mr. N P.J R .iu! \y ,| R.eb
i* Co Rlrthlp*, Se-i.n.i s i .iaj.. '
i, H ur
Bull Pen—UVIIh i».-t., J SHneh *f. .1 P
V \ »te«art V P., W II .Br. wf. end j H.
Ril'rv 0*»ij)At'»U ea. Vunrtii Sniui.hty.
B. Grnnn l-82iti lilnt. > j. ilarlitll
J. P , U ,) Bngiay X. C. I \J SV»« *u<t J
I> klrod I't iirfftbie^ I bird JiatUi*t»_?.
trriva'l and Departure of
Dalton—Dap*rti*'7 x, hi. daily,a«|ire* & p—.
T*lhing Knok—Depart* 7a. in, Satnftay ,
arrive.- A |<a to* Friii iy. •.
day 8 <tardeyt A ’rlrea $ P . «, J|„«d.,,
Wed'.e*<Uv, F'>4«v.
Caasvitle—Departs fi an Monday, Wed.
neit m: « p ft. Tuesday.
Tk, tn<ur, banwaay.
Conaaeaug»—Departs ( a. Thur*<Dj
•tHvm? Thursday.
Stock and Ccnvey*
♦ ;
•y ances
For hire <»r 8 jl«* at JEFSK
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept iu connection
therewith. The patronage ol
the people eiuucb desired, ami
especially those from Murray
P ssraBTrarnaBaas*** ECKITT’S
*■ Paris i» Pi 1,1 b
We ere Infroduoing
fiiii CeleliraM Enslisb Laundry Else
• >
Its Great Strength and Beautiful Coler
Bare aecnred for it the largeet ,aV of a» In bltntna
In the world. YV.e.want every hou«ho!d in*
lea to ki Kiw t he Eaftellmoe asd Economy of
Thia blseioa (rlrea clot bee abcantr of color tnek
as hu naror b en equalled by any other bloclnc.
cf Sample foar by cni>ea poet raffl' free lmt on appilcation.or to paefcan wash
loga,arnt save seven
for on reoe pt of 10 eta, vrtll Aak yonrprocer
Rock Ufa Bloc. Grocers be gh ea liberal
terms and ample eappiy of sample*.
Tho8. teeming4s Co., New York.
Solo Afeata for tailed State, aad Caamla.
••' SftitiiS Vf/;# ‘
■ a 7
'& ■' ■
m ■ m 1
OjureBlJlousnBt;: ^ c;-k
ihamwisetmuyou»«i,wn--•• ; : i
fe *®.^ .
ManuracijrAH.'i s, >,
Some people suffer from sick head
on BEANS ly tiy ono (one doe Beau) 3 cf they would BILE
say f eif- that This Tlothiiuf wonderful tvouUl afford them
pleasant, re harmless and alwnvs remedy effco- is
live. The price, £5 cents per bottle,
piakes all (imprests, it very popular. dealers iu For sale by
and medicines,
or sent by mail.
S ep, d-> net ijnik hiiterp c fi
st'inulsi'ts which a»e etilv ♦-•mp.
i-foy i»! their <ff ctS; they *vi! r i>
in.! cannot rive back to you di
el .slit) siei> au*l l-right .|.-toas o
l>f 'inn e of ynuih. Dr .1 ht \f«•
l on.*8 Uienutii.'iiinn c «r-1 11 • an
ntru.fl , m fi r i ’vh'.t -on -v*iit
Henry IC'.crt. Louin, No. 13tt N 16>!i
*|r#>t'. SI. 8‘-Vs: f cnFf** i.
'*» , l tun iIihI to- holli > ol '[y-v ;V.n.
t.un-r B# ! m 'iicli I b o jut. of
i« •!•« hen r» nv dy in t he w
for pr up, m- ittb tVir
old had u very had and «*
despairerf ot horiih*. but two don-s
made hor all rigiit
^E. F. BR 0 WX,®
The Jeweler.
Daltoi. Oeorgfti
Watches, Clocks, Suv<-1
Ware, Sjrctaclcs, &c.
Personal attention given to
store next floor
- <>»nk.
Y Of f'olIft-T OaII", Dr. .F 11 MpI.piiis
•iIohrIp *ID tj»fiiin**.vt lak-?* ftwav F vm
redtUN*» thf an*! benU »h» vopfo,
If »et» like a * charm VYnwb eaoh
ciewn %l one# ctery day, d»> oor rah
Dr. J II Met.e.u*. nom<mef««)h'e Liver
and !v,,i.i f Pilln). W'l 1 rvinoVc them pHr».
yitn, r..m the hewn), and thereby relieve
Cim.tlpntlriD. Pif.**,^ia, Hm l ti.di
and ail aiieh Cain^.i. co o 1 . .ilul*.
. From .7 H .Tliay*, Tottr* Bend Term*.
T*n* hf-.nur Isdy cu«tomcrr ha* been affl ...
tied fnr anmh’tbn* with In-r - disease, in
T „ Wlv> hec. .affecte* » earn;
piety our* -hioh it louked open hare as
r60u i 0 u,.
Robinson | Anden r
Dl LCf®, »:ei 1CDIS OILS, TaIKTS, cigaks, to-
1 M < o, # Icm T AKTH 1 L8f, 1 AMP;?, ETC.
f civile i e TiOflv Ily P i pr cd-_
new ami heautiTul designs in
Millinery Goods,
Jwi Bi i flud *t tli* Mlllurry S*«r* at
J. & J. 11 Gii/VFS, No. 85, Hamilton Afreet,
Dalton, Georgia.
A n»* and •lerantaMMttfkMtnf Mllln*r.v and fltnm (lopdr^ntlutlng #tSira*
Bon. ,t-and »* d C»llilr*n’, Hate [trimmed a d untrinim^d] Seek
and Sanb RUihont, Vll»*» Ribbon«, Se«k Tins, Bonnet Silk,, Satina,
Vnlrat, and Crapaa. Plnwar*, Knathara.Ornauienl, Ao. Oor i^ooda ! *
war* honuhi ol tha lar(|,atni:<l boat Hon,,, is Balli
B>or, and N** Yora, and will br .old ai r«ry low
|.rii**ati>T na,h.
Fnrnitpre firm 25 to 40 percent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I Sf'liug ill th<> ; obthe '»ia Manufacturing Co.
am output
from 25 to 40 p* j i cent below Cost of iiimiutactuie.
Parlor and Bedroom sett* made too d«r.
W. W. V..v\Xkss Du.i-ov <t Next door to‘Cannon.
'v? n .0 i III S~h feJ!S A , kJE Bolli.;, ,u ffi.*iJS!S 8m,, CMkel*
flaff ,wai XibuntniM. ClnlUug; or When
Is Jack Crises home Agjfu,' AoaM
I Luurle. Grsndm-''it Chair. A
i V. a:m;'rius Uvi 1. 1ft Ubft
IIMSLL •u CiOY.nluj*. ^nWe bAe)i lie
Ti»m %Joo4*bye, iSy How
* . * m i ’no. 1): fktu Faces. T* •
ill W*. McM.ifc vCfftrL Sl orft
lUw. i Oj.wa. My V»*vtn. .Wm
ONLY 20 »• - . lie > urn of the t Ui,-. nbeft
GTS. Fly. Vi ben Cl the IV.utM id VttiiA h«4Uoww »>own R^ncksisiifttft N»>u6tviir4 L»Wn
■ft •? Itsmcrab-r M -'.hvr st noma. r»!cV,-ihmm p^r . 1.1 bi-u-v. R.-ucVu J* j,*W A tm tli- •» L-wt Auoilft.
Ss.f 1 I,rf*',:i»a.!. l*» r mM f»Wi. |*(it, , W *' t^' Le.'vlJ-. ! p.t**. r A wav. W* o'l A oil VtiJ. V> Why.
**’»* IvK.fc; c.» M fv..«rnr,-w. \Vc\* F.cto-r o-;le -t *. er. <L»o !-?»> -. It* , (hen k.' GoM Uv*. ) he Bend of tfm
. fU sr. q fay A .It R-r.»-«n-w M-•. I fir. bail TV-l t !•* W
4 o » ! V f . M , ,uu,. l.rl 'de LreOFb Af*lO. » th#
be IV id|H <10 top .Id:. I b. id l sc-tu). t-vr>..y M »•* u > ci.* ,.f fltto. Th» (ifrl %kh it*‘ lislnabw*
Hat. Lf*. Tiici'w iH-l Fmo. Cr: H > r. Vli Wt Out fw You. Asm* #b«<. The iftHkr'i j»i*
■ftvvfHixteeit Yen O t. iT»« -.4Favioiv 1WH. - »d- *»..f *he V*\- ♦'ktuMInT J 'burt’-e ) <ti* F«ri-rr \>,
Si L r /, r *J. 4i\*i|-Vra. a V r***W»* M.- Bor. Thinft. fJ o-).h*fl* A Flow xru»t 1 i’vo \lor A A«s-1 *i bi'a.t MalVr'k M 'l'» li Crnro. Mjl llo'hyr." £ l.fMreig** Dt*m sr.l* K^o Ho .* wev itcr From fl«.4i<aft th*
,.T K f''"'' «y G»»« *«• IrbU Lv..t OhMi--. r J >m • Pi. Wcluor S«*a\ ’Xu i P^ir* nt.' V v>*t
m U<« « aa xbj?. 6^Wa ou
M«r# . 'our >'%,! fcvsr-fiffttr. Mftfy of the Wtt? if>>r. S'sr ofCs .PcUiVr tl.-i,. IVw WaJL
P-s>r, Bui a G«titleatixn Sfitt Forctve aut F.)r r' t i'l ft* Troutilwi You )Uv* MB, P.Yt'lnm
Uni* » Pm»t niosi»i«. When You've Got !>ut Pffiv C/Onts. )vf From M. ‘. 1*^1 HoiW's (irato. YbW
——H-.-a-r*' e> -
•V '•
Edda by iiar-vi‘md wry. co...
. :x ‘ vr-zticr;
To Keptaco Eeobea Cano.
Aujbcdjr can apply
ho Mechanic needed.
FflfllitnrB & i
Hardware m M
trades. A>/i&x ?:m£3*
lu bayirg new Cl^ai.g, ask fortboao with
Habwood o lied Leather Finish Scat*.
They never wear onh
0. 8T A Kit. ‘ ^MURLt.8T4»R
.CVhoqn, tfa Tf.rinj; F.aoe.i.a
\ » I A SI 1 K II
Attorneys at Law,
Ppi-iDpt Attention |iv«® t« all Ugftiht»«in*t4
t© «ny penen who will phow *t to their
h ituds atid tend n- ou? t»,.
telaiy $60 per Moirtii
t.nd cxfu zieea p*id tho- ♦ .vl o pre¬
fer eulary 10 comui>sior, aud their
pal ty rolae to
#75 pep Month ' .•
the* third, and * v.
the $166 peir arathh Ufontlii,
tilth n.nith 1 !*<•>• iis,.it lUey, ■
prove proficient ealtsaci.
Pull jnf rmntlnn -will be' g. nt voii : fr#d !
•hourwo k that yoncanfloand 11-t. at hoiie,
trom wherever #5 ) on are eitna cd, that ji, nufcber will pny von
to $10 per day. 'Botwiesrethall have
earned *,vtt $25. In a di». glife
agi*. the limn. The chmce pf liini HoV Ja ^
Fo tonne are abaoJnMlvaBrefor
the werknre. diva yonr Post «om«e-and ’
a pri-e t’Ja addrea*, adviitireuicntln. and atete wba* /dorrs!.. jporrr yun
«■« Silver Wad Co.,
C6 WaShinctojn it., :
* U OBTOy,*TfiASS.
n id
r LgingerJ JAMAICA I
C lue ivrappor and white label.)
An Immediate RoJiaf for
Craips, Colic, D^pjEMipsllo^
rut ’, nil htcuiadi ttU.eirdcn.
Powerful Stinalant Without EeacUoo.
Ub.:c 1 externally triil rtiitve
Ntuseu'ar nheumatlron. Neural*
gia, Toothache, MeacSaehe. *
ff« Mia by G:oa«a aad Drajji .tt evcryirtme,
Dr. L. U. H O
WiiSO Puc*, Ceobgu.
——: 0 :—*•
y H-'ir f.ropipU.v-tti) media
\it *j
After Forty jretnP
i experience preparation in tho
Fhan of more
’ ■ R TO £5% M *,--„ Thowaud- - One Hundred
jrtn»Hcat lonie for patents is
■I fcSi fiS S3 H hhe riep Ur..ced tiie pub Males ifihers end of Foreign the Scientific eoun
W . I American * .
4 cont.rue to act as solicitor*
outoa for patents, cp vests, trade-marks, copy
to bin m patenls ri^htb,etc., in Canada, forth* United England. Stales, France, and
Oer.n,'iny, and all ed other countries Their export¬
•nee passed. ii ur neqoa and HPRURRi their facilities are tsnenv
i and specifieatir,ns prepared and filed
In the > ..! eat office i.n a'.wvt no?Ice. Terms eery
Not U-» run lor er-:)i nation of model*
or drawings Art* ;ce by nt ,t) freb
jn.h. . P»w A nfst*bt > *ir.nd;f/ 0 .arenoticed
M UiiV f-’XC A 'It lifCAIV,which hae
the iappebt circr anon and is i '19 most influential
fier*Hpat>tjr of its kind mbliahr-d aollca in the -world.
■aderjtBuJa^** auo ^ * every patentee
SSfesjfifeswAssafe admitted to be tho be^t paper devoted to science^
mechanics, Intenilcnt,. e’-urmrerierr works, ana
ptuer departments of imiustriftl progress, pub
Iw e l 1 a ?.ny countrt-. i 6 contains the r.nines
all oatenteea andt'tto of every in vehf ion patented
So^db V )kU newf r months tor one dollar.
fclT'ro.^lwR If yon ha»*e ^ew #n^invention YorAmencesb to pe.tant writ# to
, ^
HaAdbooitebeut patent* naUsd fr«% j