Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
Wood lawn Dots.
We have been having nice
rains and corn and cotton arc
comming up finely.
'J be A & C Railroad has not
reached here yet. and if the peo.
pie of Murray county do not
show a little more interest in
the enterprise it ought to leave
Mu ray gloriously out in the
cold, and it will do it.
I have talked with a great
many land owners on the sub¬
ject, and a very few of them
will agree to give even a light
of way through their fanns.
They are expecting no doubt
that the company will pay them
about as much for a right of
way as the whole farm is worth,
but if this be wbat they are
expecting they will be greatly
disappointed for the damage
would simply be assessed by
impartial judges who would at
the same time take into con¬
sideration the enhanced value
of the property iu consequence
of the building of the roads,
pud genet ally about make a set
off. Mr Warner Tyson shot
and killed an owl, a few uights
ago, measuring four feet seven
and a half inches ftom tip to
The floods are awful now in
Texas. They say the water is
DOW ten inches deep all over
the state. Mr Gatewood, get
you a little boat and sail for
Murray, the land ot Viooms,
blossoms anil prosperity, wiiere
drouths and floods raiely come,
and chinch bugs are forever
unknown. W. R. 1).
As an evidence ot the sin
e nt ity of tbe incoj poratftrs of
The Augusta & Chattanooga
K. R. and Banking company,
we aie authorised to say to the
people of the county, that the
stock that our people may take
in said road, will not be requir¬
ed ot us until tbe road is graded
to our county line, either from
tbe direction of Chattanooga or
Augusia. This strips and re¬
moves all doubts of tbe ulti¬
mate construction of the road to
be located as nea ly on an air
line, as practicable, through the
county of Murray. These terms
being so liberal on the part of
the incorporators, we will, with
sanguine- hope look to a speedy
taking of the amount of stock
in 9aid company, by tbe peo¬
ple of our county, to secure the
success of tbe enterprise. Fel
lew citizens, this is our golden
opportun ty for a road, and let
us feel that now is the time to
act. Improve this opportuni¬
ty, and the road will be surely
built, and we can then share
the boom of our sister towns
that now enjoy railroad facili¬
ties that have opened up, and
developed their dormant wealth
nud hidden treasuries.
Daniel Webster, says an ex¬
change, was once asked what
was the greatest thought that
ever occupied his mind, ilis
face became strious as he re¬
plied, ‘The greatest thought
I ever had was the sence of my
responsibility to God.” If men
would duly consider this respon¬
sibility as involved iu the good
or evil influence they exert on
their 1 How men, they would
hesitate to pursue auy ^business
or perioral any act which might
lead to the moral injury of
oth rs.
tVneral C A Fvans and Hon.
Patrick Walsb have been talk¬
ing up the proposed Chattanoo¬
ga and Augusta railroad to the
people of Chattanooga. General
Rvans is president of the com¬
pany, and the prospects tor the
construction ot the line are
Building a rail oad is a ques¬
tion of dollars and cents, and
when you touch the pocket
book of some pepple they
shake their heads a#d say,
“give me solitude and seclusioD.”
Road Notice
Georgia, Murray Couuty
J D Love, J T Hemphill and
others have made application to
change the lower Dalton road for
the purpose of better location and
convenience, to the location as now
located and worked on said road,
between where said road leaves the
Federal road and Holly creek
bridge near C D Durhams, which
has been marked out by commiss¬
ioners and a report thereof made
on Oath by them. All persons are
notified that said change in said
road will be granted if no cause be
shown to the contrary, on the 1st
Tuesday in June next. By order
county co mmissioners. May the 3rd
1887. Dennis Johnson,
VV H Ramsey, Chairman.
Georgia, Murray county,
Whereas J C Henry and J L
Cole Administrators of J P Cole
deceased represents to the court in
their potition, duly tiled and enter¬
ed on record that they have fully
administered J P Cole’s estate.
This is therefore to cife all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors
to show cause, if any they can, why
said Administrators should not be
discharged from their administra¬
tion, and receive letters of dismiss¬
ion on the first Monday in August
1887. Tlu < May the 4th 18S7,
W. H. ltamsey, Oi din ary.
Georgia, Murray county.
To all whom it may concern;
D M Peden Adminislrator of J W
Walker deceased, has in due form
applied to me for leave to sell the
lands belonging to the estate of
said deceased and said application
will be heard on the first Monday in
June next. This the 3 f d day of
May 1887. W r II Ramsay Ord’y.
State of Georgia hurray counTY:
Wih be sold before the court
house door in tho town of Spring
Place, to tbe highest bidder at pub¬
lic out ciy between the legal hours
of sa e on the 1st Tuesday in June
next, the following described prop¬
erty to wit:
Lots of land Nos. Ill and 172, in
the 8th district and 3rd section of
said county. Levied on as the
property of J M Fox by virtue of
a fi fa from the Superior court of
said county in favor of R J McCa
my against J M Fox Defendant in
Also two town lots in Spring
Place, lying North and East of the
jail house and bounded on the
North by Ellijay road, East by lot
on which T J Ramsey lives and
South by Ogletree’s land, and West
by the Jail lot. Properly in pos
session of I R Hix. Levied on as
the property of G Jackson by virt¬
ue of a justice court fi fa in favor
of the Wrought Iron Rainge Co.
against G. and S J Jackson and J J
Smith stayer. Property pointed
out. by G Jackson.
Also 59 acres of lot of land No 7
in the 8th district and 3rd section
of said countj' to satisfy two justice
court fi fas issued from the 1291st
eistrict a sn One m favor of Frank
Yornberg vs R L Baynes and Elisa¬
beth Baynes and one in favor of
W R Greer vs R L Baynes Boun¬
ded on t he South by lands of Jabn
Shannon, East l)y lands of T W
Kzzard, North by lands of Elisobeth
Watu,West by lands of Jenes
Fincher. Levy made and return¬
ed iiy R L Brown, n c.
Also that portion of lot. ot land
No. 'j 63 lyiug north ol Holly creek
and finy rods on tbe south side of
lot of land No. 266, all in the twen¬
ty sixth district and second sec¬
tion of said county. Levied on as
the property of W J Peeples and ft
snbject Haaater, to All dower the of said Mrs. Louisa
of property
above described is in possession of
W J Peeples. Levied on as the
property of W J Peeples by virtue
of and to satisfy a fi fa from the
Superior court of Murray comity
in favor of W O Peeples & Bros, vs
J H and W J Peeples,
Also the mineral interest in lots
of land Nos 199 and 200 Tenth
district and 3rd section containing
128 acres more or less lying on
the South side of said lots. Levied
on as the property of j H Wilson
to satiety a justice court fi fa in
favor of Press Parker vt> said Wil¬
son. Levy made and returned to
me by W N Barclay l o.
Also one 50 saw gin, Winship
make, as the property ot J O King
to satisfy a superior court fi fain
favor of S M Walker vs j P Kelly,
j 0 King and j A McEntire.
This May 4,1887.
CL TERRY, Sheriff.
Georgia, Murray county.
Mrs. E A Leonard Executrix of
A J Leonard, deceased, represents
to the court in her fully petition dtfly
filed, that she has adminis¬
tered A J Leonard’s estate accord
ing to his will. This is therefore
to cite all persons concerned, kin¬
dred and creditors to show cause, it
any they can, why said Executrix
should not bo dismissed from her
said trust, and receive letters of
dismission on the first Mondayrin
July 1887. This March 30, 1887.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary
With or without Patent Index.
-gWEBSTE/% WmabwcsA library
Tour Attention is ihvited to tho fact that in pur¬
chasing tho latest issue of this work, you g<st t
A Dictionary
enntnin ing 3000 more words and nearly 2000 more
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containing ■&tig>n and over vast 20,000 amount Titles, of other with their informati^Q^ pronuf c£
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A Biographical Dictionary
giving pronunciation of names and brief faota
concerning nearly 10,000 Noted Persons; also
various tables giving valuable information*
All in One Book.
"Webster's Unabridged Dictionary is recommend¬
ed by tho State leading Superintendents of Schools in.'MI
States, and by College Presidents of tho
tJni ted States and Canada, it is Standard Au¬
thority with the United States Supremo Office. Court, It has
and been in solected the Government Printing where State Purel
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Get the Latest and Best.
It is an invaluable companion Specimen in every School, and
and at every Fireside. pages
testimonials sent prepaid on application.
Published by C. & C. Springfield, MERRlAM & Hass., CO., U. S. L
Directory, -
J. C. Fain, Judge Superior Court.
C. N. King, Clerk Superior Court.
C. L. Terry. Sheriff.
W. H. Karasoy, Ordinary.
W. II. Steed, Treasurer.
M. II. Bramblett, Tax Receiver.
HI. M, Welch, Tax Collector.
M. M. I,e>navd, County Surveyor.
C. B. Holland, Coroner.
Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, John C
McEntire, S. L. Trimmier, John A. Borry
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. R, Chastain, Pres.
S. II. Henry, Sec’y and County School Com¬
missioner, W. G. Harris, II. L. Pangie, John
O. Spruill.
Town—824th Dist., S O Cartor, J. P,, II.
neartiill, N. P., B W Gladden and John Chii
ders Constahle,. Second Monday.
Eighth—984th Dist, W R Lackey J. P.,
J H Kuhn N. P., J M Fox and W H R Hall
CoNstables. Second Saturday.
Doolittle—972nd Dist., W C D Gordon J P,
Ira Griffeth N. P., J T Spriugfield aud A P
Duuoan, Constablos. Fourth Saturday.
Tenth—874th Dist.. T J Bryant J. P., D C
Dunn and J P Dunn Constables. Third Sat¬
Alaculsa—1011th Dist., J n Oneai J. P,
C C Howell N. P., Will Barclay and L T
Moore Constables. Second Saturday.
1013th Dist., M W Cloer J. P., B F C
Loughridgo N. P., W W Baber and W A
Beaver Constables. Firs Saturday.
Shuok Pen—1039th Dist., E W Bond J. P.,
J M Poag, N. P. ,J B Bond and W M Rich¬
ards Constables. SecoDd Saturday.
Bull Pen—1291th Dist., J W Fincher, J P
V A Stowart N. P., W H Brown and J H.
Ridiey Constablos. Fourth Saturday.
Ball Ground—825th Dial. W D Hartsill
J. P., U W Bagloy N. P. J M West aud J
D Elrod Constables. Third Saturday.
Arrival aud Departure of Malle.
Dalton—DepartsJ7a, m. dally, arivea5pn.
Talking Rock— Depart* 7 a. m. Saturday,
arrives « p. m. Friday.
Kllijay—peparti 7 a. m, Tuesjay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. in, Monday,
Wednesday Friday.
Cassville—Departs Sam Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives I p M. Tuesday
Thursday, Saturday.
Connasauga—Departs * a. Thursday
arrives 7 Thursday.
Stock and Convey¬
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people .smuch desired, and
especially those from Murray
This Magazine portrays Ameri¬
can thought and life from ocean to
ocean, is filled with pure high-class
literature, and can be safely wel¬
comed in any family circle.
Sample Copy of current number mailed upon re¬
ceipt of 25 etc.; back numbers, 15 cts.
Premium Lilt with either.
E. T. BUSS ft SOU, Publishers,
130 & 132 Pearl St., N. Y.
m "3m
(Ofuro Onodoso Biliousness; rollavos Sick Neuralgia. Hsadacho They in 4 hsi:rs. arid
prevent Chills.* Fever, Sour Stnmacli*’ Ba j
Breaih. ClearlhoSkin,Tonei'.ieServes,aiu !31 js
l.l!o and Vigor to iho fysiem. Dose: OU'G fc,"Art.
Try Prlco, them 2S once c:s and botile. you will never Sold by bo ilr-ag'-rsls without l-em. "'.1
F.lotiicii’.e T eaiors per gonordiy, Sard
jiTlco la Mampn. poslr.a\d, lo aildTCBS. on receipt c!
k. any
.j. siutii a cf».,
Bar.ulacturnrs and Solo Praps., 61. LCUiC, Mil
Some people suffer from sick head¬
ache all their lives, dragging out a
miserable existence. If they would
only try one does of SMITH’S BILE
BEANS (one Bean) they would never
say that nothing would afford them
releif. This wonderful remedy is
pleasant, live. Tiro harmless price, 2-5 and cents' always bottle, effec
makes it popular. For per sale by
all druggists, very and dealers in medicines,
or sent by mail.
Stop, d<> not drink fitters
stimulants which are only
rary in their effects; they will
and cannot give back to yon”
elastic step ami bright joyous
pe nance of youth. Dr. J H Me
I .:an‘s strengthening cordial
blood purifier is what you want.
Ilenry Ebert, No. 1341 N.
street, St. Louis, says: I called
loll you that the bottle of Tar
Lung Balm winch I bought
is (he best remedy in the
for croup, had my little girl four
old a very bad attack and
despaired ot her file, but two
made her all right.
-*E. E. BROWN,®
The Jeweler.
Dalton, Georgia.
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, &c.
Personal attention given to
repairing. bank. Store next door
tt> l
laddie or Collar Galls. Dr. J II McLeans
Vi icanio Oil LinimoNt takes away Fever,
rei uces the Swelling aud heals the sores.
It act» like a charm. Wash each S«re
clebn at least once every day, do not rub
SOI is.
] ir. J H MoLcau’s Homoeopathic Livor
an Kidney Fillets will remove those para
sit 8 from the bowels and thoroby relieve
Co stipation. Piles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
as all sueh painful oomp'aiuts.
roin J II nines, Tottys Rend Term',
On of onr lady customers has been afflic¬
ted for some time with lung disease, in
fao was given up by her physicirns as in
eur bio three bottles of Dr. J II McLean’s
Tat 'Vino Lung Bairn have affeoted a com
plel cure which is looked upon here as mi
raoi cm.
Robinson | Anderson,
Picj cripiic rs Ca3 eftilly Pi epaied.
Millinery Roods,
Just Received at the Miliuery Store »1
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw floods, consisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’ and Children’s Hats [trimmed and nntrimrned] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments JEo. Onr goods
were bought of the largestnnd best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New YorK, and will be sold at very lew
prices for oash.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I am selling all the output of the Georgia Manufacturing Go.
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to older.
W. W. VanNess, Dalton, (ta., Next door to Cannou.
IMM Mountain*. Goes. N-» \» arrior Mow*. A Bold; Rclting Willow. !4la« fctono &*it-wH4o«r. Alsatian Gather*
Y£1 Como* Home KaiHiig: .Jgala. or * hen
Joolt Atari*’
Laurie. 4krardiuoift«r’<i Choi?. A
Wandering Gionnriug. Take Mlu-trol Cook 1. l*»e In tb*
. Heart
Wf'jft P PK SW M £75* w rn « Thou Oavast. Good-bye. ftlt Hflitt
i J esssa^ tiViir. •sa.2ss£rigx w4l ‘
HTTLlT <-'»nrie Vhn Lane.
O ‘OakJ tjP'Va zlz a • , Uome*' l<o«vn the
Shop. I{Miu*mbcr Poor Mother nr Home. Twie\*' riiitm v» Ferrv. KiMariru'. !| meat.'i ta tho rlio Jiow-Thjtmhod - Root Again,
Sweet Geranium*. |,:ir ><v 4 rt Watch. *toiil Tait.- P<: I L.-fl-JI •;■{ r>”iid. Far r Aau.V. A nay. Won’t Tou 7dl JTe Why,
Robin? l>a*hiiiiu Mat u-.-eu. \YwVL IWtirr le a ■ tiood-byc, £w.-i theart, 0/»'d bye. ’i ha *f Bh*
River. Then You'll :u'»vr M- • 3 I>r-M :it T : mt l ll.ylt i ii Mai'do llnlls. S.i t Mu krwim Again. ttf* When tb*
Leaves Begin to Fude. Tin: • »M Scxtim. Everybody H*m a Tr« nil*!-., of His Own. Tbo Girl Girl with with th* GolneU«r»
Hat. Luna. The Dear t»Ll Farm. |»ou't Cry, Lif.l: Sv-i’r. I ll Li)'. « \ Out for Yon. Auna Song. The ilUWr’* Jolly
Son ng. The Dm Above tlu; "1." Thu Black Tni'p. I.itrie U.:tc Kirby. Kirby. Little Li Ones Alone. R:>oy Buy. Jtfurtmr
UetU UiMtu Ben Rcnoath tbo Haides. Whets Roc ale R!uu Bells ero T*’li a Our DarllnM Kneel K’nr’id in i-i Pi Pi ien. in rt. Rhe (the'* a Jn»« .In*
Swei’t Sixi teen Ye? Old. Tfic Old PactOCv Roll. Tb Rb un>\ tbv t.ray. W*- Couldn't lUiug the l.ivtla t’avkvy To.'
lrredell. Onod-ln •e. Mv Rov. Gnod-hyo. ’!'n: it t’t • Rev Y.'hov: M - 1 r.> is •* .M v Mother." 1. * K p ep Av.'n'y Prwn Rh*
Girl*: Lo ove's a Very Vuiinv nv Thing. A Pl«\rer .Mv Any;! Mulher’s Ornve. I Left Trvfanf uud Methcr Reenutf*
We Were •<r. <iivo au H LrGb La<t a Chan Not K-’fi>re Pu. 1V« '-ever cu "A'e Puvs Rv. V flU -GA
Merc Like Vo nr f*ed Evrr llav. 3f :, ry of the IV’ild M'wir. Farmer's Boy. Uuloli T Boy. Over th£ (ranlou Wait,
Poor, But a Gentl tlemau Still- iPorcivc nod Forget al! the Trouble* You Have Met. Mwe.-t Kvulin*. i*itR«4wf I
Only Univ a a Pan i'an c c y y illo dlossom. When Ymt've Got Rui Fifty Oeut«. Leaf of Ivy Fr«uu .subscription Mv tn#el MotJuar'* FA HUM AH9 This
book is prlnU’d on paper samo nine a-sheet music, Given with a six month’s to the *•
GARIJl'iN’,*’onr ^idcndid bou-ehjld monthly, fur only lit) oeuta. Staiou* taken. Order a copy n*ir. Addr***
i H |" o r rf
; H. * W
i 1 H
1 Eh a 3
j c
E« O U1
rt mm h
S3: cq
Kir Pm
i-S a
To Replace Broken Cane.
Anybody can apply
No Mechanic needed.
Fnrnitnre SOI.0 BV & m •Vy
In buying new Chairs, ask for tlioro with
Harwood’s lied Leather Finish Seats.
They never wear Onto
Calhoun, Ga. SpringPlaoe,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all logo UmsineEjj
to any person who will show it to their
friends and send ns orders.
salary $©© per Month
and expenses paid tho re who pre¬
fer ewlary to commission, and their
salary raise i to
$7*5 per Moat-la
tho third, a;nl
$!©$> per Month
theeixth month they arc with U3, If they
prove proficient Bnicsincn.
Fltil information will lie sent yon free
aboutwoikthat youcandoand live at liome.
from whereveryou #6 arc, that will p.'iyyou
to $lt) per day. A number have
earned over $25 in a day. Both tcxi-s, all
ages. The chance of a life time. Now Is
the time. Fortunes aro absolutely sure for
tho workers. Give yonr Post Office and
Evpresa address, and fitsto who* paper you
saw thhi advertisementiu. Addrees,
Standard SilverWare Co., I
8Q Washington St.,
at this season
s A •uffer from
, -s either
Giiaifi / Hemdaeke,
VS Neuralgia,
Paine in the
X / Zinibe, Back and
\y Sides, Bad Blood,
Xalaria, h'dii'e*?hyn,Dyspepsia,
Const I pat <on,t Kidney troubles.
Bud Blood «nrt Kidmy Troublw, by clvotuini; th«
blood of iu 1 iid lmpuritief, stvengthenlng all part*
Neuralgia, Pains in tho Limbs, Back and hr
toning tbe nerves and strengthening tbe nmuqlq*
Indigestion and Constipation, braidingiheamtm
llattng of the Food through the proper agtltm Of tht
stoniucb ; it creates a healthy uppefite.
luij I)ppre«ion toning of spirits nnd V/eakness, by enliven*
uiul the system.
and Uni!cate Women, Puny and Sickly Children.
It is delightful nnd nutritious as a gooevAl Tonic.
Volina Almanao and ^'rrrT mrimi ■■
for 18S7. A handM ormv eoiu
and u.eof‘ 1 ! Hook, toiling how to cV'KK _
s,t UoMii in n pleuf-unt, natural way*
Mailed on receipt of a 2 c. J<08bige yutzup. Addron
Dr. E. H. HOPE,
Spring Place, Georgia,
--: 0 :-
Will answer promptlyjall media
cal calls.
u •££{TVS-
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SfKASfeeiw you an invention to patent write in
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