Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The Official Baper of the County,
Subscription Rate.:
On. year,$l #• Six mouths, Moents; Three
months, J5 cents. Payable >» advance.
o W Cole has returned from
Hon. P McGhee was in town one
day last week.
Judge Bryant is spending a few
days in Dalton.
A full line of ladies hats at Mrs.
Fannie Johnson's.
O Parrott says he is right at the
front with his trade.
Soring Place, was out on a fish¬
ing tour last Tuesday.
(V|rs J O Henry reports the first
Irlshpotatoes this season.
Judge J D Temple has gone to
•Cleveland Tenn. this week.
MrB O C Goins had english peas
for dinner on the first Sunday in
this month.
Call and see T J Ovbey‘s new
stock of ladies hats. Cheaper than
hhe cheapest.
A beautiful line of boys ready
made clothing just received at T
J Ovbey's new store.
Col. L F Henry, after a few
weeks, stay in Florida, is again at
his home in the village.
We are glad to note, that Dr
William Anderson, is again able to
walk about his premises.
Go to Cartwright Bros., Dalton.
Ga., for dry goods of all kinds.
Cheaper than the cheapest.
T A & S E Berry are headquar¬
ters for plows, hoes and spring
hardware, and dont you forget it.
For goods cheap, and big prices
for feountry produce, L F Clark
Fort Mountain, is the man to trade
T A & S E Berry are receiving
a fine assortment of buggies, har¬
ness etc. Cheap tor cash or ou
Dr J F Harris was quite glad
sick last week' but we are
to note, tbat he is able for duty
Spring Place, is still on the ad¬
vance—Jones & Roberts are put¬
ting up a corn mill at the King &
Kelly factory.
Uncle Tbos. Hill and family of
the Tenth district, received a se¬
vere shock from lightning during
the recent stoim.
Alonzo Morgan, son of Mr Will¬
iam Morgan, of Bull Pen district,
has been quite siok. But we learn
is improving slowly.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Edmondson
accompanied by one of his brother
deputies, has gone to Albany N Y.
in charge of three prisoners.
Spring, is here; the flowers are
in bloom; chickens are frying size,
and the young ladies are always
ready So, whv not have a picnic?
For bargains in boots and shoes
go to Cartwright Bros, next to
O'Neil’s corner, Dalton, Ga. They
sell cheaper than any house in the
The readers of the Times will no¬
tice that T J Ovbey is mak¬
ing the shoe trade a specialty.
StopVitb them and learn their
When you go to purchase your
summer suit call on Cartwright
and get ..... their
Bros., Dalton, Ga.,
prices. Gents elegant suits from
$6 to $10
Cols Starr and Martin are out
the A. & O It- K, „
taking stock for
We hope the people will give them
an attentive ear, and a liberal sub
T J Ovbey is making
shoes a specialty- All kinds kept
on hand. Ladies shoes ot all kinds
and grades and special bargains
We learn that during the recent
rains, the farming lands of Alacul
sr were badly damaged by wnt r
spouts; there being as high as
Seven spouts on one farm.
Mrs W H Staples, was reported
a few days since as being at the
point of death; but with ber great
resolution to assist her she is again
visiting relatives in town.
— ----- --
Wheu you go to Dalton take your
meals at Buchholz, restaurant.
He will feed you well and treat
you well and charge you only
twenty five cents per meal.
Cartwright Bros., Dalton, Ga.,
have just received the finest as¬
sortment of spring and summer
goods to be found in the citv. Give
them a call aud be convinced.
Cartwright Bros., Dalton, Ga,
invite the citizens of Muriay coun
ly to come and see them when in
town. They will furnish anything
kept in a first class store, cheap.
Rev. — Taylor has been called
as our spiritual instructor at the
Presbyterian church during the
next year. The field is broad, and,
we wish for him, an abundant
Mr rf A Wilkins, of Chattanoo¬
ga, has been in the village a few
days. Will, is one of our most
worthy and congenial young men,
and, always receives a hearty wel¬
come in our midst.
—» ......
The New Store
Notice the special bargains at the
new store ot T J Ovbey.
A good wool hat for 50 cents. A
good fur hat for $125. Gocd
stoves, cheaper than can be bought
Mr G L Moore is making some
valuable improvements to his dwell¬
ing. That’s right George, fix up,
the railroan may come right
through your yard—but don't for¬
get to take stock, liberally. It
might not come.
Jud Galt, Col, was arraigned be
foie Esqrs. Heartsill and Carter, a
few days ago, for creating a riot on
the corner of Cole and Temple St.,
and, failing to give the bond re¬
quired was placed in the county
for safe keeping.
All who are indebted to the
t please make
Times office will
all future settlements for the
year 1887 with King and
Carter. Mr Hix having retir¬
ed from anv further connection
with the paper.
Fish will be more plentiful in
the water courses near Spring
Place, next year, as Capt. Keu
ner will have to lay his tackle in
the shade. We trust, as the Capt
is a gallant and gay gentleman,
that he will make an accommoda¬
ting post master.
Wool Carding.
Parties leaving their wool at
Coffey, More & Co’s, can have it
carded and rolls returned on short
notice. I have the best machine
of the age, have 38 years experi¬
ence, and will guarantee better
work than any body.
H H James & Co. Cleo, Tenn.
Farmers report crops very flat¬
tering so far. Our farmers are not
planting so much cotton, nor buy¬
ing as much guanno as usual. But
raisiug more hog and hominy, and
the result will be that we will be
healthier and feel better in the fall
and meet our demand for supplies
—and, pay promptly our subscrip¬
tion for the Times.
School Notice —All parties ex¬
pecting to engage m teaching pub
lie schools in this county, this year,
are hereby notified to be in Spring
Place on Tuesday and Wednesday,
the 7th and 8th insts, in June, pre¬
pared to undergo an examination
as requined by law, and meet all
other legal obligations.
S. H- Senby, C. S. C.
Mr. W N Willingham, of Atlan¬
ta, who is canvassing our county
with Geo. F Cram’s map of the Uui
ted States, called at our office and
exhibited the map, which is by far
the best and most complete map
we have ever seen. Mi. Willing
ham will be in the county about
six weeks and we would advise our
readers to subscribe while he is
here. He will deliver the map be
tween the first aud liftecnth of
November next, at which time the
money will have to be paid. He is
also selling a very line bible which
wifi be delivered at the same time,
The numerous losses on legal
advertisments in the past compel
us to announce that fees must be
paid in advance. And constables
making levies%nd returning to the
sheriff will please remember that
the fee must he paid before the
advertising will be done, Tab
means business.
Hack Line. t
Simon Daly has purchasen a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton in comfort in any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. And Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Mineral Land.
The subscribers, mining engin¬
eers and chemists, will explore
mineral lands aud make analysis
of ore without any cash outlay Irom
present owners. Send descriptions
of land, lot numbers, etc., and sam
pies of ore and we wiil write you
of our requirements and conditions.
Sears, Guild & Co.,
118 E. Seventh Street,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Land for Sale
I will sell all or a part of my farm ly¬
ing two miles north ofSpring Place.
One hundred and seven acres are
cleaiedand improved with good
buildings, good orchards, and well
watered with three good wells.
About one hundred and thirty acres
in good woodland. Call on or ad
dress J M Luffman, Spring Place,
Having located at the Legal
Tender mines, at Fort Moun¬
tain, is now prepared to assay
ores promptly and with all the
precision that the latest revela¬
tions in chemical science per¬
Supplies Furnished
G W Oglesby, at Kenner’s
warehouse, Dalion Ga., will
furnish farmers of WhH%l$
and Murray counties with sup¬
plies, such as Bacon, Corn,
Flour, Hay, Sugar, Coffee,
Syrup, Salt, Tobacco, etc, on
time till fall if they make good
One Dollar
13 Weeks.
The Police Gpzette will be mail¬
ed securely wrapped to any addriK^
in the United States for three
months on recept of
Liberal discount allowed to post¬
masters, agents and clubs. Sam¬
ple copies mailed free. Address
all orders to
Franklin Square, N. Y.
M. B. Harris,
Spring Place, Geoigia,
Prompt attention given to
all legal business.
Win. C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to'ull
legal business.
Dr. J- P- Fann,
RxalDBNT Dk»TI8T',
DALTON.......... ..GEORGIA.
jssSI@ All kiudsof raa
k chanicaland Oper¬
ative Dentistry ox
JJ eouted infirat-elass
style, and at rcas
Sigiouable rates. The
lH Celluloid Plateput
WjF • up in partial or
/ rexaoiiHble full setsof teeth rates. at
Teeth ex tra c t e d
without pain by the use ot Squibb s purebul
phurie Ether The patrouage of the citizen*
ot Murray county is respectfully them solicited; good
with a guarantee that I will do as
work as they can getia North Georgia, and
as cheap as they oao get it done by any first'
l&sa deatistiq tfqrtb Georgia.
East Tenn & Shenando
ah Valley Routes.
Leave Macon, E. T. V. & G. daily 2 15 p in
Leave Atlanta n “ 5 40 p m
Arrive Rome it " 8 35 p in
Arrive Dalton n « 9 50 p in
Arrive Knoxville it “ 140 pm
Arrive Bristol a « 6 15 a m
Mrrive Roanoke N. & W. « 11 45 a m
Arrive Skon. Juno. S. V. R. R. “ 8 38 p m
Arrive Washington B & O R R “ 10 30 p m
Arrive Baltimore B & P R R “ 1130 p m
Arrive Phil’a Ponn.R R « 3 30 am
Arrive New York H “ 7 00 am
virginix Springs aii open—At low rAtes.
Excursion rates lower than ever
For further particulars write
to or call upon J F Norris,
Ticket Agent, Macon; Jack
Johnson, Ticket Agent, Atlan
ta; or Chas. N. Kight, District
Passenger Agent, Atlanta.
General Passenger Agent,
Knoxville, Tenn.
Nashville, ’ hattanooga
& St. Louis Railway!
Tlie Best Route to Louisville, Cinoieinnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago and the North is via
Nashville. and the West
Tlio Best Route to St Louis
is via McKeniie. and
The Best Route to West Tennessee
Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tex
as points is via McKomie.
Don’t Forget It.
Be sure to buy your tickets ov
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The Inexprienced Traveler need not go
amiss, few changes are necessary, suoh asere
uuavoidableare made in Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville.
Nashville and StLouisvia Columbus, Nash¬
ville and Louisville, Nashville and Memphis,
Martin and St Louis, MoKenxie aad Little
Rock, whore oolllleotiou is muee with Through
Sleepers to all Texas poiuts.
Call ou or address On.,
J 11 LATIMER Tbxv. A., Atlanta,
J H PEEBLES, T. A. Chattanooga,Tenn
WTT'KOGEBSTF. A., CttattatioogA, Ttnm
Nashville, Tenn.
I urge everybody to take with Dr. J II
MoLcan’s Homoeopathic Pillots, Dr. J II
MoLean’s Ilomooopathio Liver aud Kidney
Balm, which will cure feveri, and heal the
Liver and Kidneys, and give strength aud
tone to the propor organs of the body.
Lewis House,
Wttliin Ten Steps of the Caa Shed
Dalton, Georgia.
Every thing new and first class.
A home for Commercial Travelers
and Winter boaaders. Transient
rates $2 per day. Liberal rate by
week or month. Special rates to
people of Murray county.
J. Q. A. LEWIS, Proprietor.
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Georgia,
Guarantees good work and
cheap rates.
Dalton, Georgia.
We have arranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
specialty. Fer¬
Four Gem pictures or
rotypes made for fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam¬
ine ouv work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
we” as any other day.
Have just received their Spring and Summer Goods, which
they are offering at
Astonishingly Low Prices
Double Width Dress Goods at 25 cts. Clothing the Cheap¬
est in town. Shoes, every kind, custom male, at all prices.
Milinery! Mflmery f f
• •
We are certainly headquarters for Bonnets, Hats, Ribbon,
Featheis, Flowers. We most respectfully invite the ladies of
Murray county to call and see us and save 25 per cent. We
have a beautiful line of hats and Miss Gholston can certainly
please the most f .stidious. We abo have J 110 . R Tai ver con
nected with us who will be pleased to see his friends and give
them bargains. GHOLSTON & BAILY, Dalton Ga.
Y. Y. Richardson,
Dalton, Georgia.
Patronage Ol* tho people of Mut ray county, respectfully solicited.
Has Opened A New Store In
Spring Place vji Georgia.
And the citizens of Murray County need no longer’ plough
through the imul to huy goods in Dalton.
We will constantly keep on hand everything usual 1 kept in a
cnw!a ^ store, and will sell at the lowest cash
If you don’t believe it come, and price our goods beiove you
buy elsewhere.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The beet East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, L< noil’s factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices tor cash or barter.
Take Notice.
You will find me under Trevitt Hall, and
I will save you from 10 to 20 per cent
Be sure to come Mid see me before baying elsewhere.
COFFINS, CASKETS, «fcc. a nice lot of Picture Mouldings,
where you can get frames nicely and cheaply made to order.
Dorn •st,ie. Sewing Machines aL cost; 2 draws $.27 50; I draws
$33 00; and (5 draws S.'S7 50.
J L SMITH, Da ton, Ga,
GenUwnen|-It is dne yon truwy thaU think I am entirely well of^eesemaafhsr having
A? the beainningof cold weather hist fall it made a alight appearance, bat went away ami
hae never returned. 8. S. IS. no doubt broke it np; at least it put my system in good condition
mad I got well. breaking It also benefited my wife greatly in ease of sick headache, and made a perfect
core of a out on my little, three year old daughter list summer.
L_ WatkinsviUe, Ga., Feb. 13,1886. U*v. JAMES V. M. MORRIS.
Treatise ou Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.
Tun Swirr Snoino Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.