Newspaper Page Text
clippings for the curious,
The C*sr of Russia receives the largest
salary of any ruler, $10,000,000 annu
Emil Mancke, % famous German
wrestler, wdghi 441 pounds and is 5
feet 11 inches tall.
During the r.ign of Augu« ,*»,
Rome, It is calculated, had k population
of about 2,500,000.
Mary Queen of Scots was 45 yearn of
age when executed in Potherin?:iy
Castle. Queen Elizabeth, who f gn ■ l
her death warrant, was at that tim
(1587) / 1 K(ITV 54 KA . years old. 1,1
The highest spot inhabited by hurran
of bei^s Hanie, is said Thibet, to be where the Buddhist 21 priests cloiste, 3m
f at an altitude of 16,000 feet
The reign of Sonnacherih (751-681 B.
C.) ... was the ., golden ,. uge of , Assyrian . art;
and in 62-5 B. C., a little more than half
a century later, Assyria foil, never to
riso again, by the hand of Cyaxarcs, the
Median conqueror.
A young man of Montreal is moon
hm, „„o,«i. a.
ing. Ho contracted tho blindness a
fow years ago by sleeping on the deck of
» ship in the foil glare of a tropical 1
moon. Such „ , cases, while very rare, are
not unknown. I
m „. .«
given to tho body called under Crom¬
well's direction, and which, after a short
sitting, resigned its power to its head,
bestowing upon him the title of
"Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.”
This parliament won its name from the
fact that a London currier named Barc
bonc was a prominent member of it.
Professor Proctor, in his new book on
•‘Chance and Luck,” undertakes to tell
,h. rf S .,,b 8 „.„l, o, UIU In
tossing a penny. If you toss an hour,
•‘heads” will not exceed "tails" ratio’than or
"tails” "heads” in a greater
twenty-one to twenty. ,, If you toss for |
a day the inequality will not be grenter
than 101 to 100.
Ivuoue . Y Island, exchange,
says an was i
the last of the original thirteen States to !
ratify the national Constitution, and it
wv-o* was rvwTw on y upon n the passage of r a i bill ... * by
trie national Senate, prohibiting com
mcrce with that State, that Little Ithody i
at length gave in her adherence, thus
completing again the union of the
thirteen. This was accomplished in
Marvel of Photography.
It is a curious fact, perhaps not known
to the general reader, that tho exposure 1
- photographic , , .... plate makes ,
o a no ap
prec table change in its appearance. It
is a creamy white, semi-transparent piece
of glass R when it goes b into the camera.
It presents precisely . , the ,
same appearance
after the sun has stamped the picture
upon it. The most powerful microscope
most expert photographer in tho world
'would be unable to decide whether or no
a plate has been exposed.
Yet v„, he picture is there. T It , only re
quires development” to bring it out.
Aud that is what this "dark room” is for
The least ray of natural light would
*nnil p the nlnio pate. But u„( n„i, light f strained c( • ,
through ruby or yellow-colored screens ;
of translucent paper or glass is deprived
at ,.l the ray, time which arc so j
sam S so fatal to photographic ,
Tho operator places his plate in ono of
the '‘developing pane,” „ »
certain combination of chemicals, and,
lol a marvelous metamorphosis begins, j
The white surface darkens, and as the
chemical continues its action, the pic- |
turc grows on tho plate before his eyes,
until the sceno or object on which the
lens was turned is as accurately re pro
J f '
ouced aa though caught and held m a
magic mirror*—[Boston Transcript.
An Observant Toad.
A young nv.m in New Hampshire has
a brood of chickens which have the run
of a portion of tho yard, the old hen
being shut up. The chickens are fed
«Uh wttn maisi moistened i meal * • m saucers,and . when ,
the dough gets a little sour, it attracts
flies, which swarm about it in largo
An observant toad has evidently J
noticed this, anci every day toward even
ing he makc9 his appearance in thevard j »
. hops to . Climbs in, and rolls
a saucer,
over __ and _ over __ .„,.*, until , he is • covered ^ , with ...
meal, having done which, he awaits de¬
velopments—and the coming of his prey.
Tho flies, enticed by the smell soon !
swarm around the scheming batracliian
»nd whenever one passes within two !
inches or so of his nose, his tongue darts
out, and the fly disappears; and this
plan works so well that the toad has
taken it up as a regular business.
—[Youth’s Companion.
Sparrow Against Ra'.
A rat and a cock sparrow bad a
pitched battle in Oil City tho other day.
The sparrow was tho aggressor, and at
tackod tho rat viciously, striking at it
very much in the stylo of a game cock
and then flying down and pecking at it.
Once it struck the rat in the eye, and
the rat spun around and around before
it could get its hearings. In the end,
however, the rat got the best of the
battle, and the sparrow flew away, hav¬
ing lost many feathers.
prom the stage to the pulpit.
Frank ft. imcky, Once an Actor,
Nose a Divinity Student, Telia His
(Prom the NtW Haven New*. /
Prank R. Lucky, an ex-actor, who
recently abandoned the stage to «*udy
story of his life to an interested audi
e»06 at the city m\®ion on Meadow
“‘wg the early years of my life,'*said
the speaker, "the idea that I would like
to enter the dramatic profession
ever P re f ea ^ to mv mind. R was my
one great ambition \a be an actor. My f
i(lea of stage was a high one .
thought 1 would restore the broketi
,£?S? SfriJSedtoflS
end. I went lb a university to educate
myself, ‘with and all my studies were followed
i’P this object in view. I graduated
from the university in 1882, and in the
fall I went upon the Stage, playing at
the Grand Opera House in New- York,
a time it began to grow on me that
‘he vurrountiing influences were oper
ii ting on me and were gradually pervert
iug me, and this feeling Continued to
m ?' I began to feel a dislike—
laminated lamily atmospliere, and was never con
to a great extent by evil influ
ences of the stage. I do not intend to
discuss the morals of the stage here, us I
have not the time, nor could I do them
justice. But they are rotten-. No man
s gs S
it is a fact, lion cannot lead a consistent
Christian life and be a member of the
dramatic profession. I could feel the
perverting ally insinuating influences Of this life gradu¬
themselves into me. I
even got so that I didn’tmind going into
barrooms, for actors spend most of their
time in barrooms.
“I did not leave the stage because I
was a failure. No, I put all my soul
into my stage work, as I would into the
,ni ? i stl 7 or into anything I undertake,
5S? T
the best companies in the country-. But
this is how I came to give it up. One
while I was playing in the Union
Square Theatre I went home to bed.
i was in good health, and there was
nothing tho matter with my digestion,
Well, I went to sleep and slept soundly,
But in the middle of the night I was
awakened by the voice of God saying to
me : ‘If you should die to-night what
would become Of your soul V I answer
ecu Lost., and then I went to sleep
again . It was no dr ani) th „„gh you, if
von were there, might not have heard
the voice. I heard it and knew it was
the voice of God. I sat up in bed,
and know that I was awake. This voice
kept coming to me day after day. and
night from after night, it. until pursued I couldn’t get
away It mo like a
Nemesis, and I had to find nn answer.
Finally of I said to myself bock that by the
grace God, after I come with the
«m V my, I will never set my foot on the
stage again, I was a poor man. I had
no f, paved any money. Actors are great
spendthrifts, and are said to be very
charitable, but it is the wrong kind of
oharit y- J 4 » °’ a4 that S ives without
sense or discrimination.
“But 1 knew the Lord would take care
of me. And the next week I had a letter
frora il0me > telling how a friend of my
lie busy during the summer, offered me
a there place I had at Nautasket Beach. While
but little to do but commune
with God, and this communion shaped
my life . Then j wote to President
Dwight, and, as I fortunately had a col
legiate logical education, I came to the tlieo
school. While searching among
my papers the other day I found an old
phrenological chart. I do not believe
altogether in phrenology, although there
18 muc ^ ln it I think woi’thv of attention.
me: ‘Your place is in the ministry.’ At
that time I had no thought of the min
istr y ; my whole ambition tended toward
^SEe. is story. Si. I told ^3™.^ it only for the les
son that can bo drawn from it.
"In forming my plans I didn't take
God into consideration or I could not
have gone on the stage. I want to bring
out the foot that character is born from
the choice of a good or bad aim. Tho
evil elements of the stage were forming
forme a wrong character from a wrong
December, 1880 , wrote O. I,. Hathaway, Fall
liver. Mass-, "Wasgreatly afflicted with rlien
miiti-ui; tried St. Jacobs Oil; all pain left me.”
• i tober 1!). l.HfiB, lie writes: “Have not been
r.mbled with rheumatism since.”
Th«sol® surviving representative of the rev
olutiomu y war is Abigail S. Tilton, of North
Wood bridge, N. H. Mrs. Tilton is now a trifle
mor® than one hundred years old. Her hus
“«?""• partlcipated in ,Ue
•'ames Mel iI j.t, ! <r; Huron. Mu h-, u rilrvn.
severe pa n ;n side. After taking Red
; tar Cough Cme I he pains ceased entirely."
Pries twenty-five cents. At druggists.
Bishop Will in m Taylor, whose s©lf-support
mg missions on tho Congo attract, great and
widespread vviili piercing attention, is a sp'endid looking
man, eyes and a very bright
countenance. Hi*beard is of silky texture*
and is long ami spreading and of pure white.
Woman'* Fact*.
‘What, furniture can give snc!» finish to a
room, as n tender woman’s face/” asks George
:■ liiott. N >( any, we are happy to answer, pro*
v.clel thego« of health tempers tie tender
expression. The pale, anxio' a b! odl &s face
of the consumptive, or the evident bufferings
of the dyspeptic, induce ieeliriRSo so. row and
trrisf on our part and compel us to tell them of
f)r. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery,’* the
sovereign of remedy the espiratory for c onsumption aud other
diftea-es system, woU as
dysjtpsia and other digestive troubles, fcojd
Queen Victoria lias a fair prospect of living
twenty years more. Her physician died not
long ago.
Detroit. Mich., is noted for its healthy.hand
and popularity of Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonic,
pelled People who tell th« yum* ought, to be* com¬
to take ont a special lie-cense.
Daughter*, Wire* and .llniher*.
Send for Pam ph'.eton Female Didetses, free.
securely seateil . Dr. J. B. Mnrchisi, Utica. N. Y
if afflicted with sore ryes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬
son's Eye- water. Druggists sell at 25c per bot tle
Plso’* Remedy for Catarrh is agreeable to
use. It is not u liquid or a snuff. fiOr.
A ionoma Eagle.
The Santa Bo&a Republican says; A
nectHiar atotr p fold tfSH eagle which
Bad been watoied for thirteen conaecu T
live years by the residents of a quiet
valley earfe not many miles for that* this cit+, The
same has the above named
period and there of years built her nest in a cave
reared her young unmolested.
She -will regularly in the spring oome
from some nnkn ywn place, lay her eggs
and hatch her yuifcc. After the young
ate old enough to take dare of themselvefi
she leaves them ih the valley aid flies
hanayv and is hot seen again in that
neighborhood until the following spring
has come. Where she goes to and
where she comes from no one is able to
tell. The youhg Seldom folio* her o$
but Stay in the valley and are shot or
stray away. In the spring, when she
comes to build her nest, she will fly di¬
the rectly meaning over the cave for several days;
of this hobody is able to
tell; but the supposition is that it is to
find out whether the cave is occupied by
varmints or birds of her own nature.
Each day she can be notioed low oring
down toward the ground, until at ! last
she reaches the cave. After this, per¬
haps, she she is not again seen for a week)
when will come out in search of
Man Want* a Tonic
When there i* a lack of elastic energy In the
system, shown by a sensation of larxoor and
unrest in the morning, frequent yawning dur¬
ing the day and disturbed deep at night, Hos
tetter’s Stomach Bitters infuses nnWonted «n
ergy into the enfeebled And nervous, endowing
them with mnscular energy, an ability to ret
pose healthfully and digest without inconven¬
ience. Nervousness, headache, biliousness;
impaired nppeti * and a feebl*, troublesome
stbmach, are All and speedily set right by this
matchless eral regulator and invigorani The min¬
poisons, among them strychnia and nux
vomica, are never safe tonics, even in infini¬
tesimal doses. The Bitters answers the pnrpo e
more effectually, and can be reifed upon as
perfectly kidney safe by the most prudent. Fever and
agn , troubles and rheumatism yield
to it.
A Rochester baby has two tongues. Of
course it is a girl.
la General Debility, Emnolatlon, Can
tamptlatt. and Wasting id Children,
Scott’S Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with
Hypopho phltes, is a most valuable fond and
medicine. It creates an appetite for food,
strengthens the nervous system And builds up
the body- Please read: *'I tried S'.Ott’s Emul¬
sion on a young man whom Physicians at
times cave up hope. Since he began using tii i
Emulsion his Cough has ceased, gal ed fles'i
and strength, and from all appearan-e* his Ilfo
will be prolonged many years.”— John Scli.l
vAn, Hospital Steward, Morgans*. Pa.
There is one consistent thine about a bach*
elor.~He rips what he sews.
Food makes Blood and Blood mnkes Beauty.
duces Improper b, d blood, ilige-ition resulting of food in do feeling essarilv of full¬ pro
ness headach in 'hestomacn, and acidity, dyspeptic heartburn, sick
', other symptoms. A
closely Siipatlon, cin’iu.A biliousness life causes indigesiio i, con
and loss of appetite. To
remove these trmbles there ia no remedy
equal tried and to Prickly Ash B Here. It has been
proven to be a specific
Many walking talk the loudest and against sin when devil. they
are arm nrm with the
Best Good* are Put In Nmalle*t Parcel*.
Ti e old proverb is certainly true in the cate
ot Ur. Fierce’* ‘‘Pleasant Purgative Pellet#,’’
which are lit tic sugar-w rapped parcels, scarce*
iy lnrger than mustard seeds, containing as
much calhuritc power as ia done up in the oi«
geet, big pills, most however, repulsive-looking tney mild pill. Unlike the
operation—do are and pleasant
in ,heir not pro luce griping
pains, nor lender llu bowels costive after
it is time for a man to swear off when li®
mistakes a lamp post for a perpendicular beil
Delicate diseases of either sex, howsver in¬
duced, in radically book. cured. World’s Address,, with JO cents
stamps Association, lor Buffalo, Dispensary Medi¬
cal N, Y.
The general Impression is that Tennyson'*
last ode is decidedly ode-ious.
l mD or,nn,«. All
who are willing to wok for the reward of sue
oe-s. Hallett & Co.. Portland, Maine, will
rTlllrwx‘Toung ^oldl’can^ara day, and Uve liorre, wati
of from *5 they toJ25per located. All at do Ih,
wherever are ear.
rvi.utaray u- Grand^oc^ and ab^lutllfsure°:
Writ© at once see.
Satt cation,sympathetic heart trouble—Dr.
Ocean-Weed Klinger's
regulates, correctsand cures.
: mw$/ [
VM m /
This Ktttnuard preparation has t>y no pecul ai
merit and Its wonderful cures won the confi¬
dence of the peopl® and is to-day the most popular
!H. B blood purifier and spring medicine,
■ If you have made up your mind to
huy Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to tak®
*ny other. p,e sure to get Hood’s Harsaparllla,
which if. peculiar to Itself,
Hood’s Sur , p.;r.lla sold by druggists, ft; six for
$5. Prepared i»y C. I. HOOD A OO., Lowell, Han.
IOO Doses One Dollar
ELY’S Qatar h 8 -
'he 7 was second cured bottle before of BpiM fegsl
Ely's Cream Balm
was troubled catarrh, exhausted. with gathering chronic I u>a> in jHWFEVER§JJ^ Wi
breathing head, difficulty and. dis¬ tn 4 l y
charges from my %■
cars. — C. J. Corbin, USA.
!)2S Philadelphia. Chestnut Street j— HAY-fc^VER
PriOBftoconts A p.rtiele is applisd Dnyrai^ta; into eaoh b* mail, nostril and is nsr^etbl®.
Oirculsrsfree. at El,Y BROS.. Druggists, registered, Ovregu, J’ otg. V.
2': 5:12;“:
PENSIONS S E. H. UEL8TON & CO., W.mhingtoa, D. C
AF to 88u day. Sample* worth tl.Ki KREa
j*®** “ ot .Uhder^thB^horee'i^fee t, Addroa,
WW Holly Utuh
5*1 fli
Best emits vmt« au tut faTis.
Gooch Syrup. irold Tasted good. Use
ln time, by druuglstA
' 2.5 _*~.:: t'T-ii“
The beet rarest Bm*4y *w Cm* of
all caused by mjt derragstewto*
the Um, Sidneys, Stowe* sad Bowel*.
Dyspepsia Pick Headache, Constipation,
xJllltjaS CoMlafaita and H*l»ri*of sQ kinds
yield readily to the iaflnoKadf
tt U geewt* the tarts, ton** ap the
system, restores will pttmmn
It la purely Vegetable, and cailWI fall to
prove beneficial, both to old and youn|.
a a Blood Purifier It la auperiar to all
otker*. Bold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle.
I—ai^, l^e Qheft Achw Railatr>tDfc
5 C apcinE
of imitation*
imgm PLasteR * Bonndlng X5 rn6<*n’* name*. Till Ark fo» WM r» |
f axd
I thebestinxhe^rld]
OR. KILMER’S One of every five wo
meet has Some form of
k ldbn Heart Disonso, and isincon
S»WS . stant Shock danger Sudden of Apoplexy, tfeath 1
.l-AaMr This ltdmcay regulates, re¬
lieves, corrects an 3 cures.
JFL ___ WPrepnred at Dr. Kilmer's
Price 6for, ■ disi-k> bettersoflnquhyanswtrwl. saut Blnghunton, M. Y.
V Guide to HenlHi (Sent Free).
ti 1 00 ta OO ° Hold by Urngsllts.
V *
nilliViiiynvi ARKANSAS fiafwsfiiiK ducts i low ph'ces!
DFNSIGNS VllW, 21 years' practice. Successor
I pe fe®. Writ® for circulars and now laws
• McCarailck Sc 8oo % Washi ngton.D.c.
yiHHV I The Corrcftpondont. an S-poae
mniira > f paper, devoted to marriage, oontams
About 600 requests advertising. in each Mailed issue f<*r correspondent#.
No oharge for 4 months for 10c.
diver. Address, The Correspondent, Cincinnati, O.
hA P#\ VBMVfi | Bit I 3 Obtained. Inventors’ Quid*. Bead *taaqp L Bin*. for
■ sis. Patent lawyer. Wnuhlnittcn. D. C.
Liver AND Disease liver sStSSSSS heart trouble, female weak
disease, I advised ana Dr. Pieroe*
„ Heart Trouble. _ ness. was to use
and four of the of ‘ Pleasant the ‘Prescription,’ Purgative Pellets.’ five of My the health ‘Discov¬ be¬
ery, to improve under the of medicine, and strength
gan use all your disappeared. my hard
came back. walk My four difficulties five miles have day, and stand it 1 well; can work and when
all day, or or a
I began using tho medicine X could scarcely walk across the room,
most of tho time, and X did not think I could ever feel well again.
I have a little baby and girl eight months she is old. healthy. Although I she is a little
delicate in size appearanoe, I other give y our reme
dies all the credit for curing me, as took no trcati ment after
beginning their use. I am very grateful for your kindness, and
thank God and thank you that X am as well as I am after years
of suffering.” ^Mrs.I. V^WEBBER^of^orkshfre, Cattaraugus Co.,
I I Liver I j of Purgative your ‘ Golden Pellets.’ Medical For Disoovery five ’ and** previous Pleasant to
Disease, taking them X sufferer; years had
pain in was right a great side continually; 1 a
severe my was
unable to do my own work. I am happy to say
I am now well and strong, thanks to your medicines.”
Chronic Diarrhea Cured.—D. Lazarre, Esq., tit and ail
Decatur the ‘Golden Strut, Medioal New Orleans, Discovery, La., writes: and it has “ 1 used throe bottles of
bowels cured me of chronic
diarrhea. My are now regular.”
Thoroughly cieanse the blood, whioh is the fountain of health, by using Dr. Pieroe’a Golden Medical Discovery, and good
digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vigor will be established.
Golden Medical Discovery cures ail humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, Hip-joint to the worst Scrofula, or blood- Sores
poison. Especially has it proven its efficacy In curing Salt-rheum or Tetter, Fever-sores, Disease, Scrofulous
and Swellings, Enlarged Glands, and Eating Ulcere.
Indigestion Rev. F. Asbury Howell, Pastor of the M. H.
Church, tlicted of SUvcrton, N. J., says: “I was af
Boils, with catarrh and indigestion. Boils and
blotches began to arise on the surface of the
Blotches. skin, dullness. and 1 I experienced began the a tired Dr. feeling and
use of Pierce's
Golden Medical Disoovery aa directed by
■jj ■ •iimmmbm h i like m for guuh complaints, and in one week's
time I began to feel a new man, and am now i sound and well.
The * headache, Pleasant Purgative tightness Pellets about ’ are tho the chest, best remedy and bad for bilious or
sick have or taste in the
mouth, that I began ever used. My wife ‘ Golden could Medical not walk across the
floor when she to take your Discovery.’
Now she can walk quite a little wayB, and do some light work."
HlP* JOINT | Mrs. Ida M. Strong, of Ainsworth, Ind., writes:
had iieen^troubicd with hip-joint
UlaCBuC. niqciQC * use Pellets,’ of your he ‘(jolden confined Medical to his Discovery’ bed, and could and
........................ not bo moved without suffering great pain. But
now, thanks to your ‘ Discovery,’ he is able to be up all the time,
^ anf Golden lt Medical DiscovERY^cures^Ccmsumption^wWcb P kt "a remedy. P is^SCTofulaof 'curS*the the Lun^8)^by ita wonderful * Coughs^'t blood-purifyingimn^ora- f K A $8tom
kindred the affectionA blood. it sovereign Whiie it promptly severest strengtheM tbe
and It purifies rapidly builds up the system, and increases the flesh and weight of those reduced below the usual standard of health by
Consumption.— Mrs. Edward Newton, of Harrowsmith,
Ont., writes: in “ You will I ever be reduoed praised that by me for the remarka¬ all
ble cure my and case. 1 bad also was so given two my friends bad
given me up, been up by doctors. I then
went to the best doctor in these parts. He toid me that medicine
was only a punishment treat in He my said case, I and might would Cod not undertake to
liked, me. that tho only thing try liver oilif X
I 1 Given Up I 1 far far bly have advanced. advanced. as any curative was I I tried tried power the the Cod Cod over liver liver that consumption could oil oil possi¬ last last so
to Die. I I as as a a
treatment, but was My husband, so weak could not keep it
on my stomach. not feeling satisfied
everything he to give advertised advertised mo up for for yet, though complaint, complaint, he had bought for me
saw aw my my procured procured a q uan
tity of your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’ I took only four boi ttles,
and, to tho surprise of everybody, am to-day doing my own own work, wo
and am entirely free free from from that that terrible terrible cough cough which which ha h&rrassed me
night and day. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for a number
of of years, years, ana and now feel so much better that I believe, with a con¬
tinuation of your * Golden Medical Disoovery,’ I will be restored
that to perfect terrible health. I would say to those who are I falling a prey to
disease consumption, do not do as did, take every¬
thing early else first: but disease, take tho * Golden thereby Medioal Disoovery’ of in the
fering stages of tho and at save a Any great deal suf¬
and be restored to health onoe. person who is
etill in doubt, need but write me, inclosing foregoing a stamped, seif
addressed envelope for reply, when the statement will
be fully substantiated by me."
Hockiand Ulcer Cored.—I Y■ saac O.Box E. Downs, 28), writes: Esq., “The of ‘Golden Spring Valiev, Medl
Co., N. IP.
Golden Medical Discovery Is Sold by Druggists. Price $1.00 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5.00.
No. 66s Hal** Street, BUFFALO, K. V.
25 NH
XfVILLA, W. Va., 1886. )
Nov. 17, )
Recently I bought He a
young horse. was
taken very ill with Pneu¬
monia. I tried to think
of something to relieve
him. Concluded what
was good for man would
be good for the horse.
So I got a bottle of Piso’s
Cure and gave him half
of it through the nos¬
trils This continued helped him,
and I giving
same doses night I and
morning until had
used two bottles. The
horse has become per¬
fectly sound. I can re¬
commend Piso’s Cure for
the horse as well aa for
N. S. J. Strimul
'~ 25 US;
Price* Sfi m ted.
Hreut Okie.
Pensions SS®
ft D111U Habit Cured. Trcam ent sent ri* trial
||> llllrl humane Remedy Co.,L aFayettci, 1»A
ATNTu..... ......... ................Seventeen. >87
OURESWHERE ALL Tastes good. Dsd
I I Debility. General 1 } Lockport, chills, Mrs. throat, nervous Parhelia N. and Y- and writes: my Brundaqe, general mouth “ debility, I was of was let badly troubled with Lock cankered. frequent, Street, with
sore and I suffered much frow
My liver was inactive, pleased that Golden
dyspepsia. I am to say your
Medical Discovery’ and ‘Pellets’ have cured me of all these
ailment* and I cannot say enough in their praisq. I must also
say a word in referenceto excellent your ’Favorite medicine Prescription, for weak females. as it
has proven itself a most excellent result*.”
It has been used in my family with
Dyspepsia,—J ares L. Colby, Esq., of Yucatan, Houston Co..,
Minn., writes: “I was troubled with indigestion, and would eat
heartily and grow poor at the some time. I experienced heartburn,
sour stomacn, ana many other disorder. disagreeable X commenced symptoms taking common
ommmmmmBrmmmmmm to that Discovery' and ‘Pellets,’ your and
INVIGORATES ‘Golden Medical the dyspepsia, and
inuuu 1 am now entirely free from been for
SmPU am, in fact, healthier than I have
TUP l"t Viol CM. Axe years. I weigh one hundred and eeventy
on6 one-bait pounds, and have done as
much work the past summer as I have ever
done in the same length of time in my life. I never took a
medicine that seemed to tone up the muscles and invigorate
the whole system equal to your ‘Discovery ’ and ’ Pellet*.
Dyspepsia.— Thebesa A. Casa of Sprinafteid, Mo., writes:
“I was troubled one year with liver complaint, dyspepsia, cured and
sleeplessness, but your ‘Golden Medical Discovery me. t
and can walk with the help of crutches. He does not suffer anj
pain* and can eat and sleep as well as any one. It has only been
about three months since he commenced using: your modi cine. the
I benefit cannot he find has words received with through which to express my gratitude for
mmmommmmmmmrmmm of Skin Disease.—The “ Democrat “Mrs. and Hews,”' Eliza
A I Trnnimr I EnRIBLE Ann Cambridge, Poole, wife Maryland, Leonard says: Poole, of WO
peared first in her feet, extended to the knees,
covering the whole of the lower limbs from feet to knees, then
attacked the elbows and became so severe a* to prostrate her.
After being treated by several physicians for a year or two she
commenced the use of the medicine named above. She soon
began to mend and is now well and hearty. Mrs. Poole thinks
the medicine has saved her life and prolonged her days.”
Mr. T. A. Ayres, of East New Market, Dorchester County, Md.,
vouohes for the above facts.
procured three bottle* or your ‘ Discovery/ which healed it up
perfectly." Mr. Downs continues:
thank Consumption for the ^remarkable and Heart Disease.—‘‘I also wish to
you cure gou have effectedinqny case.
Ilfiavra rn hie disease, consumption, and heart disease.
tlASTUI TO Before skeleton; consulting could not you sleep I had wasted and away to
A • n oKELFTRN t a ime wished to die to be nor rest, many I un. s out of my misery. I
then consulted you, and you told roe you had
took five months’ hopes treatment of curing In all. me, The but first it would take time. I
two months I was
almost discouraged; could not perceive any favorable symptoms,
but the third month I began to pick up in flesh and strength. I
cannot now recite how, step by step, the signs and realities of
returning To-dayjr tig health the gradually but surely developed themselves.
scales at one hundred and sixty, and am well
Our principal reliance in curing Mr. Downs’ terrible disease
was the ‘‘Golden Medical Discovery.”
BLEEDINB write?r" My ”fo h?df?Si'u^t‘hl^jng’frera
. I the lungs before she commenced using your
PRON mum buirav. HIM ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ She has not
had any since its use. For some six months
she has been feeling so well that she has
discontinued it.”
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