Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
Augusta and Chatta
noo a
<Angnsta Chronicle Jane 2, 1887 )
Our readers in Augusta, as
well as those along the entire
line, will be pleased to learn
that the Directors of the Au¬
gusta and Chattanooga railroad
hold a most harmonious meet¬
ing at the company’s office, on
Reynolds street, yesterday.
The following mem be. s of
the Hoard were present and
participated in the proceedings:
Pres dent C A Evans, Sec¬
retary W B Young, Directors
Duncan C. Hill, of Wilkes coun¬
ty; Robt.P.Sibley Jas. P. Ver¬
dery, T. D. Caswell, Alfred Ba¬
ker. W. N. Mercier, W. H.Tutt,
Patric Waleh aud W. A. Lati¬
The resiguation of Mr. Z.
McCord, as Director, was ten¬
dered and accepted.
The acception of the Execu¬
tive Committee in awarding the
contract for building the road
was approved of and confirmed
by the Boaid. The work will
soon be pushed to rapid com¬
pletion. The people along the
Ime of the road now need no
1 nger have any fear of not soon
hearing the sounds of the whis¬
tle fiom the Cbatfcatroga rail¬
road echo over the hills of Co¬
lumbia, Lincoln, Wilks, and oth¬
er countiea
The following circular letter
is addressed by the dirctoas to
the stockholders of the Augus
ta and Chattanoog railroad.
We think it is proper to give
you the information conveyed
to us by the Executive Com¬
mittee, that a contract has been
made for the building and
equipping of your road Augus
ta to Chattanooga. The details
ot this contract have been read
in our presence, and show that
the contractors have agreed to
carry out the contract already
made with W B Lowe & Co.
and also to equip the road.
The contract js that the road
shall be bjilt fiist class stand¬
ard gauge with 56 pounds steel
rails, finst olas 9 bridges, termi¬
nal depots a Augusta aud Chat
tanooga, and ample depots all
along the line. The equipment
will be first class in every 7 re
speet, and the specifications par
ticulariy point out what the
equipment s’ all be. The con¬
tract appears to be better for
the road than any that has
been o’ered, aud furnishes a
reasonable, belief that this gi eat
ly need <1 road will be built;
and, as the contract with W B
Lowe <fc Co. calls for rapid con
struction, it is our expectation
that the toad will be built
without needles delay.
Under these gratifying circum
blanccp, we feel at liberty to assure
you of our united interests in the
road, and fixed purpose to continue
all our efforts to stcuio its coinple
We also take the liberty ni say¬
ing lo you, as stockholders, that
your subscriptions should be paid
in without delay, according to the
call that has been made, Your
prefei red stock still stands as it
was. bearing 4 per cent, interest,
anil holding its place as second to
the first mortgage bonds It i
on'v just to all concerned that ev*
cry Fl< ck holder shoufit at one
hti’i- * i< share o| the c«.mroon obli¬
We beg leave lo repeat to you
our desire for the speedy commer¬
cial intercourse of all counties along
the line, end our hope* that rapid
increase of prosperity will take
place in the entire section between
Augusta and Chattanooga.
Very respectfully,
Clihkst A Evans.
• President.
T D Caswell,
WN Mercier,
Duncan C Hill,
Jas P Verdery,
Alfred Baker,
W H Tutt.
W B Young,
W A Latimer,
Patrick Walsh,
The Augusta & O: a ta
nooga Failrof of.
No more impo:tant enter¬
prise has ever been projected
in this State than the Augusta
and Chattanooga Railroad. It
reaches from the mountains to
the ocean, traverses one of the
detest sections on the conti¬
nent, and promises to be of in¬
estimable benefit to all the
counties through which it will
iuu. The people of Murray
do not seem to realize what this
road is going to do tor them.
So far as we know the monied
men of our county have mani¬
fested no concern whatever in
the fate of the enterprise. Some
weeks ago, when a meeting was
held at the Court House at
Spring Place for the purpose of
enlisting the active aid and
sympathy of oui capitalist in
promoting the success of the A.
& C. R. R. but very few of our
enterprising monied men took
the trouble even to attend the
meeting. Considering the ef¬
forts that we do not make to
help ourselves, Murray is be¬
yond all comparison the county
that will be benefited the most
of any county on the line of load.
But railroads connot be con¬
structed with goud wishes
alone. It takes money to grade
a roadbed, to buy crossties, to
purchase iron, to secure rolling
stock; to build railroads. It is
true that we have superior nat¬
ural advantages, but we are
doing nothing th help ourselves,
while other places are up with
the lark and haid at work Dy¬
ing to overcome the obstacles
which nature has placed in their
way. If Atlanta had contented
itself with the fact that it was
situated on Peachtiee creek, 1
and with the idea I ihat trade
was compelled to come to it,
Atlanta w. uld have been Mar
thaville until this day and until
the end of time. But the
mountain did not go to Mahom¬
et, and so Mahomet very sensi¬
went to the mountain.
There is no doubt but what
this road will be built. But
it should not be built without
some aid from Murray county,
ft' they cannot do any more, the
capitalast and moueyed men of
our county should at least hold
a meeting and pass resolutions
that they have herd with satis¬
faction that the road is going
to be built, and that they will
welcome to Murray any results
of that new spi it of enterprise
which they themselves do not
possess, but which they are
pleased to recognize in others.
The most of us are poor, but
we can at least pass resolutions.
Wo cannot boast greatly of our
own achievements, but we can,
at least, express our thanks for
what we a:e about to receive
I rum oihers.
ai woikmau in a vineyanl m
Napa valley, Cal., oonnniltwl
suicidt* tlm othar day Ly jump¬
ing into a cask <>f wino ami
J. C. Fslo, Judge Superior Court.
C. H. King, Clerk Superior Court.
C. I». Tarry. Sheriff.
W. H. Ramsey, Ordinary.
W. H. Steed, Treasurer.
M. H. Br&mblett, Tax Receiver.
If. M, Welch, Tax Collector.
M. M. lie.-nard, County Surveyor*
C. B. Holland, Coronor.
Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, John C
McEntire, S. L. Trimmier, John A. Berry
W. J. White.
Board of Education, M. R, Chastain, Pres.
S. H. Henry, Sec’y and County School Com¬
missioner, W. G. Harris, H. L. Pangte, John
G. Spruill.
Town—824th DUt., 8 G Carter, J. P., H.
Heartall, N. P., B W Gladden and John Chtl
d< r» Constable. Second Monday.
Eighth—984th DUt., W R Lackey J. P.,
J H Kuhn N. P., J M Fox and W fl R Hall
CoNstablos. Second Saturday.
Doolittle—972nd DUt., W C D Gordon J P.
Ira Griffeth N. P., J T Springfield aud"A P
Dnuoan, Constables. Fourth Saturday.
Tenth—874th DUt., T J Bryant J. P., D 0
Dunn and J P Dunn Constables. Third Sat¬
Alaoulsa—1011th DUt., J H Oneal J. P,
C C Howell N. P., Will BarclAy and L T
Mooro Constables. Second Saturday.
1013th Dlst, M W Cloer J. P., B F C
Longhridge N. P., W W Baber and W A
Beaver Constables. Firs Saturday.
Shuok Pen—1039th DUt., E WBond J. P.,
J M Poag.N. P ,J B Bond and W M Rich¬
ards Constables. Seoond Saturday.
Bull Pen—1291th DUt., J W Finobar, J P
V A Stewart N. P., W H Brown and J H.
Ridley Constables. Fourth Saturday.
Ball Ground—825th DUt. W D HartslU
J. P„ II W Bagley N. P. J M West and J
D Elrod Constables, Third Saturday.
Arrival and Departure of Malls.
Dalton—Departed a, m. daily, arives 6 pm.
Talking Rook—Dsparts 7 a. m. Saturday,
arrives 6 p. m. Friday.
Ellijay—Departs 7 a. m, Toes lay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives i p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Fridav.
Cassville—Departs Bam Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives 8 p M. Tuesday
Thursday, Saturday.
Connasauga—Reparts 8 a. Thursday
arrives 7 Thursday.
Georgia, Murray cmnty,
Whereas J C Henry and J L
Cole AAdministrators of, J P Oole
deceH& represents l p the court in
tlieirwtition, duly filed and enter¬
ed on rfcimrd that they have fully
admir iste'ired J P Cole’s estate.
This is therefore to cite all persons
concerned, kindred ami creditors
to show cause, if any they can, why
said Administrators should not be
discharged from their administra¬
tion, aud receive letters of dismiss
ion on the first, Monday in August
1887. This May the 4th 1887,
W. H. .Ramsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, Murray county.
Mis. E A Leonard Executrix of
A J Leonard, deceased, represents
to the court in her petition July
filed, that she lias fully ad muds
l.ered A J Leonard’s estate accord¬
ing io his will. This is therefore
locileall persons concerned, kin
Jred and creditors to show cause if
any they can, why said Executrix
ahould not be dismissed from her
said trust, and receive letters of
dismission on the first Monday in
July 1887. This March 30, 1887.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
Southern Remedy for ail
There are very few who do not know of this
Ndie bush crowing alongside of our mountains
bills; but very few realize the fbot, Hint
the little purple berry, which so many of us
have eaten in most every shape, there in ir-pi In
ciplc bowels. in It Dr. having ft wonderful effect on the
theoHKAT Digger’s Huckleberry that Cordial Is
routhK it>r ltKMKDY ve.storen
the little one teething, and cures Uinrrlwea
Dysentery When and Cramp Colic.
It I.t considered (I at at tills Season of
the year rjdclen and dangerous nitacka of tlie*
bowels are so frequent, and we hear of so inn
deaths occurring before a physician can
called in, P i Important tiiat every liouvo
..old .should provide themselves with some
speedy oftin and rebel a dose of which will relieve the
Huckleberry save much anxiety. Ur. lifaaerH’
child Cordial in ruduiplOremedy which
any JW&J5J is pleased to take.
W ALTER rpnts TAY’LOli, a bottle. Manufactured by
A. Atlanta, On.
and l avlor'n .vfuUetn Cnrrokee Remedy"or felw<«t Hum
will cure Coughs, Croup and Con¬
sumption. Price 25cis. and tl a bottle.
1870 1887
Premium Art Gallery.
33*4 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga.
When yon visit the city call and
see my State Fair Exhibit, which
was awarded the only medal offer*
ed, and five diplomas.
I shall continue to make my fin¬
est Cabinets at $4 per dozen.
56}* Whitehall St., Over M, Blah &
Bro’s. Dry Goods Store,
Atlanta, Georgia.
We give the best pictures for
the least money. Children’s pict¬
ures taken in one seoond Strangers
from the country always welcome.
Call and examine specimens and
pi ices.
Stock and Convey¬
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people .much desired, and
especially those from Murray
National Hotel,
J K HAYNES, Proprietor,
Dalton, Georgia.
Everything new and first
class. Location central on main
business Str. 130 feet west of
Depot. Opera House on op¬
posite co ner. Pates $ 2.00
per day. Special rates to citi¬
zens of Mu-ray county.
The Jeweler.
Daltoa, Georgia.
Ware, Watches, Clocks, Silver
Sp* ctacles, &c.
Personal attention given to
repairing. to bank. Store next door
ft t
Rg*AMSl BMW/ fi
One h dt)so ^ usn raliov63 °M S; Hcuralgia. In 4 ftyjM
They cure &r*(
pri.-i In .t.mps, postoai.^to_anv add.-o-s.
Kanufactumra anc Sole Crops., C r.’ LOUIS, f.l(V
With or without Patent Index.
Tour Attention is invited to tho foot that in run
chasing tho latest issue of this work, you get
A Dictionary
contain Ini* sooo more words and nearly 2000 more
JiJti.«frat-f :na than Any other American Dictionary,
A Gazetteer of the World
con linin'; over 25,000Titles, with their pronnnc£
Ai'.ion and a vast amount or other imorination,
( recently added,) and
A Biographical Dictionary
giving concerning pronunciation nearly of names and brief facia
Various tubles 10,000 Noted Persons; also
giving valuable information.
Ail in One Book.
Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary is recommend¬
ed by the State Superintendents of Schools in35
States, United and by leading College Presidents of t!io
Status and Canada. It is Standard Au¬
and thority with the United States Supreme Court,
in the Government Printing Office. It has
been selected in every ease where State Purel iasoa
hath been mado for Schools, and is tho Diction
tuy upon which nearly all the echool books am
Get the Latest and Best.
It is an invaluable companion in every School,
and at every Fireside. Specimen pages and
testimonials sent prepaid on application.
PuhllsiMd by G. & C. HER SIAM & CO.,
■ gjirlnyflsld, Mass., U. S. A.
Robinson g Anderson,
Pi€i criptic ss C ai efully Prepai ed.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Mlliuery Store of
J, & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment and of Mlllnery and Straw Goods, eon sis ting of Straw
Bonnets and ladies* Children's Hats [trimmed 'and untrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vltvet Ribbons, Neok Ties, Bonnet Silks, Setins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ao. Our goods
wore bought of the New iergestand and best will importing Houses in Balti¬
more and Torx, be sold at very lew
prices for oasb.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent
Cost of Manufacture.
I am selling all the output of the Georgia Manufacturing Co.
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Pai lor and Bedroom setts made to order.
W. W. VanNess, Dalton, Ga., Next door to Cannon.
POPULAR iyrssswsMifa Goes. A Bolling
Stouc Gather*
No Mobs. Willow, Tit-wlUow.
Warrior Bold. ISLuu Alsatian
Mount.tintt. Sbtfjlug; or When
Jack Comes Home Again, Annie
Ltturio. Ctiandinutbor'* Chair. A
Wandering Take Min* tret I. In the
£T4 Cikiwianig. Goud-byc, Buck the Heart
IMP U 9 CQ 3 n Hw* Gbvcn*. My Hon
Basssammamsam t^ssutssssnst KSAtS
OKLY 2 0 CTS.afr gcaa
Shop. Sweet Komember Poor forward Mother at Home. Don't Twickenham Ferrr. Leh-Hnn-i Kill amor. month the Low-TLaujhefl Roof A$;«in.
Geranium*, Watch. Take tie Ri.o-l. Far Aw>v. You Tell 5fe Why,
Bobin! K&'htocu Mavourutjeu. Wett Letter H.-to n We-*.. ISnsvl-iTvf, Stt'-ethenrt,’ Good bvo. The Ceiad of the
River. Then You’ll Rcuv mlier Me. 1 L'r« anit Th-t i r>v it |., .M>i»bto Halls. |,»<t Me Droum J
Leaves Bogin to Fade. The old Sexton. JKvi*rvbf«ty U«« t. Trouble of His Own. Tho (Jlrl w '
Hat. Luna. The Hear 01J Farm. !>{»<•*t Gry, Kl tor, 1*11 L<*v’c Oufcfor You. Anna Sons.
Song, 'flw hut Above the "1." T ho JMuck Tulip. L.1:tie Kate Kirbv. LittkOnvi Atone.
Raxu Beneath the Hal-tied. W here Bomifc.Uiuv S*.,;i. crow. Vt'h-n our DarUnie Kn.vl in
nwoct Sixteen Tears Old. Thu Old I-actor? Urll. T Kim* and th«- Gray. We Couldn't Bring the l.lllfc BnrJuy To.
Irrcdoll. <i'H)i|-Uye, My Boy. Good-bye. Tru'l th'! Bov Whovc Mott-; ij “ My Mother." iX-*y ^ Kcof» Atviiv Trom tho
s H Fnntiv Thins- A Flower From M*• A npel Mother'* Gravo. I Left Trelau l nud Mother itomutso
We Were Poor. Give nn Honeit Irish Ln-1 r. Chsn*-Not Bo fore Pa. We Xet«r Speak as Pass Bv. You Oct
More Like \oor Dad Bverr Day. Mary of the WiM Moor. Parmer's Boy. Hiuch-r iloy. O^r tlm Garden Wall,
Fooy, But a Gentleman Still* Forgive And Kori'ct all the Trouble* You Have M“t. Hweet Kvclfna, |*nl!«t of Straw.
OnFV n Pansy IMoasom. When You've Got But Pi fly Cents. Loaf of lw From Mv \nrol Mother's Grave. Thia
5f«\**rfin*^o GAKUbiS,” our u pap-r^aiue kplcndii houtehold «f*« m sheet monthly, miisfo, for Given only with 80 a cents. sfv month's Stamps aatwijriptfon taken. Order t*> tho ** FA KM Add ANI»
CHILD BROS, i CO.. No. 723 FILBERT STREET, a copy now. rote, '
£ §
E9 § H
m O 13
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J3 123
■u O
To Replace Broken Cane.
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Fmtm &
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many persona
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euuY “-‘
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