Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The official Paper af the County.
Safcacrlptlcn Rate*!
On* year, $100 Six monthi, 50e«nt«; Threa
monthi, SSeeaU. Payahleia advanoe.
A full line of ladies.hats at Mrs.
Fannie Johnson's.
One plug Tobacco 12 inches
for 10 cts, at J M Be rry’s.
Notice the card of W T Kuhn,
photographer in this issue.
Mrs. Brown, of Tilton, is visiting
her many friends at this place,
Flour, meat, corn, sugar, coffee
etc, at lowest price at J M Berry’s.
Prof. Humphreys school at Su¬
mach, begins on first Monday in
The measles is proving quite
fatal among the children on Holly
Mrs. L L Campbell, is spending
a few weeks with relatives in the
James F Edmondson passed
through towu Monday en rout to
Call opj M Berry and get your
Shoes, Hats, and Drygoods, at bot¬
tom prices.
Croquet Sets, Base Balls, Toys,
Books. Music etc.-Gudger’s Book
Store, Dalton.
Call and see T J Ovbey's new
stock of ladies hats. Cheaper than
the cheapest.
Mr. ft R Bates has, harvested four
hundred dozen of wheat off of ten
aores of ground.
Go to J M Berry’s Talton Ga.,
and get 16 pounds N. O Granu¬
lated sugar for $1,
A beautiful hue of boys ready
made clothing just received at T
* new store.
crop very fine in his section.
]|ev — Austin, filled the appoint
meat of Rev. Stonton at this place
last Saturday and Sunday.
Nobody blames Mr. L F Peeples
for smliing this week—It is the de¬
but of another girl at his house.
T A & S E Berry are headquar¬
ters for plows, hoes and spring
hardware, and dont you forget it.
When you ate in Atlanta, stop at
the Metripolitan, Hotel and you
will get good meals and cheap rates.
Frank Noland reports a Duck
that is not yet a year old that has
laid one hundred and nineteen eggs
T A & S E Berry are receiving
a fine assortment of baggies, har¬
ness etc. Cheap for cash or on
We call attention to the card of
Edwards & Son, photographers,
that appears in another column of
this issue.
There is an excursion party be¬
ing made up at Dalton to the Cum
berland Island some time in the
near future.
Rev. E M Stanton, has a sub¬
scription of most three hundred
dollars, for building a new M. E.
church at Spring Place.
JsipH Money to Loan.
Those who want money, and have,
first class real estate to secure it,
apply through C N King.
All farmers wanting good heart
pine shingles can get them at J f
Montgomery's, in the lower end of
ti/ Amnty. Terms reasonable.
j rs. A K Ramsey, who has been
abending a few weeks with rela¬
tives and friends in Atlanta, has
returned to her home in this county.
^The readers of the Times will no
- J f Ovbey is mak
> trade a specialty,
eui and learn their
prices, ’
tor Safe*
Three young cows with young
calves. Five imperial Pekin ducks,
pare breed: anil one two seat one
horse spring wagon, with or witout
Dole. Cheap for cash, or for good
paper payable 1st November. Ap
ply to yi. (J. 'Alton.
T J . Obey is making
shoes a specialty. All kinds kept
on hand. Ladies shoes of all kinds
and grades and special bargains
Notice— All persons interested
In mining in Murray county are
requested to meet at Anderson's
drugstore, in Spring Place, Satur¬
day, June 11,1887, at 8 o'clock p.
m. By request of mining engi¬
Oapt W W (ilddens, formerly oj
this county, but now of James coun¬
ty, Tenn., has a fine crop and is
working it with the same handB ihat
he used to handle so nicely, the code
of law at Sprinp Place.
I use it Myself.
Jno. E. Jones. Fort Valley, Ga.,
one of the leading druggists there,
states that he commends Dr. Big
gers’ Huckleberry Cordial because
he uses it himself, and knows of
what value it is for bowel troubles.
Every one buying a glass of
Soda Water at Gud er’s Soda
Fount gets a guess at the number
of Peas in a pot. The lucky guess
er, gets -a Set of Croquet or box
Cigars—try it when in Dalton.
Hollman Will Hang
The Governor relumed to commute
the sentence of Hollman, but gave
him a respite of thirty days in which
to make preparation for that great
Hollman made a confession last
week, to killing a negro in cold
murder, near Chattanooga, several
years ago, and stated that was giv¬
ing him more trouble than the kill¬
ing of Matilda Gudger. This con¬
fession, is thought to have had a
great bearing with the Governor
with noncommutation of his death
Doolittle District is becoming
quite famous for having big law
suits. On last Thursday the dis¬
trict came swarming in town like a
hive of beeB that had lost its bueen,
but Justice Heartsiu, soon got
them settled and the case was
sounded: The State vs. John Watts,
larceny after trust Col. Trammell
Starr represented the prosecutor
and Hon. W J Peeples the accused.
The witnesses were almost as nu¬
merous as the sands of the sea,
and at consumed a considerable
time in getting the evidence before
th i court. The counsel then dis¬
cussed the various phases of the
case, and the court bound Mr. Watts
over to the Superior court in a
bond of one hundred dollars.
The Piedmont Exposition.
The Piedmont exposition opens
an Oct. 10th and closes Oct. 22ad
cf this year and promises to wear
as fine colors and float under as
rich a flug, as any exposition of the
past. The officers will be designa¬
ted by the following colors: The
President will wear a white batton
rosette; each of the Vice Presidents,
pink; each of the Directors, blue;
the Secretary, red; the Treasurer,
green, each’ of the^ Assistant Su
perintendants, yellow; the Geneial
Superintendent, a red sash.
Now. what eolor is Murray going
to be represented in? Are we go¬
ing to be like the flower that was
•‘born to blush unseen,” or are we
going to come to the front with our
fine horses, cows, hogs, wheat,
oats and ccrn, besides the many
minerals that are cropping out of
the mountains in the eastern por¬
tion of the county? • W? hope that
our people will become enthused
in this, a goodly- opportunity to
exhibit their many resources and
will take action at once in regard
to this, an important matter to our
Mr. W N Willingham, of Atlan
ta, who is canvassing our county
with Geo. F Cram’s map of’the Uni¬
ted States, called at our office and
exhibited the map, which is by far
the best and most complete map
we have ever seen. Mi. Willing¬
ham will be in the county about
six weeks and we would advise our
readers to subscribe while l.s is
here. He will deliver the map be
tween the first and fiftee nth of
November next, at which time the
monty will have to be paid. He .6
also selling a very fine bible which
wifi be delivered at the same time,
O Parrott says be is right at the
front with his trade.
For goods cheap, and big prices
for country produce, L F Olaik
Fort .Mountain, is]the man to trade
The New Store
Notice the special bargains at the
new store of T J Ovbey.
A good wool hat for 60 cents. A
good fur hat for $125. Gocd
stoves, cheaper than can be bought
The numerous losses on legal
advertisments in the past compel
ns to announce that fees must be
paid in advance. And constables
making levies and returning to the
sheriff will please remember that
the fee must be paid before the
advertising will be done. Tnis
means business.
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Land for Sale.
I will sell all or a part of my farm ly¬
ing two miles north of Spring Place.
One hundred and seven acres are
cleaiedand improved with good
buildings, good orchards, and well
watered with three good wells.
About one hundred and thirty aores
in good woodland. Call on or ad¬
dress J M Luffman, Spring Place,
Wool Wool
We again invite your attention
and guarantee satisfaction, j We
have the best machine ol the age
and have it in the best condition
possible. Those leaving wool with
our agents; Coffey Moore & Vo.
Spring Place, Harris & Davis or
A S Vining, Woodlawn, Payne’s
store, Sumach, Harris & Morton,
Loughridge. will .find their rollB
returned without extra charge.
H H. James & Co. Cleo, Tenn.
Nashville, hatfcanooga
& St. Louis Railway!
The Best Route to Louisville, Cinoicinnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago and the North is via
Nashville. the
The Beat Route to St Louis and West
ie via MoKemie.
The Best Route to West Tennessee and
Kentuoky, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tox
a> points is via McKenxie.
Don’t Forget It.
Be sure to buy your tickets ov
N.. C. & St. L. R’y.
The Inexprieuced Traveler need not go
amiss, few change* are necessary, such as ere
unavoidable are made in Union Depots,
Atlanta and Nashville, Atlanta and Louisville,
NaBhville and St Loui* via Columbus, Nash¬
ville and Louisville, Nashville and Memphis, Little
Martin and St Louis, McKentie aid
Rook, where connection is maee With Through
Sleeper* to all Texas points.
Call ou oraddres* Ga.,
J B LATIMER Tsav. A., Atlanta,
J H PEEBLES, T. A. Chattanooga,Tenn
W T ROGERS, P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn
Nashville, Tenn.
quickest time.
East Tenn & Shenando¬
ah Valley Routes.
Laave Macon, E T. V. &G. daily 2 15 pm
Leave Atlanta “ 6 40 pm
Arrive Rome “ 8 35 p m
Arrive Daiton “ 9 50 p m
Arrive Knoxville “ \ 40 p m
Arrive Bristol “ 6 15 a in
Mrrive Roanoke N.ilf. “ 11 45 a in
Arrive Sben. June# S. V. R. R. ** 8 38 p ra
Arrive Washington BAOKR “ 10 30 p m
Arrive Baltimore B&PRR “ 1130 pm
Arrive Phil’a Penn.R R « 3 30 a m
Arrive New York “ 7 00 am
Virginia Springs al". apen—at low rate*.
Excursion rjt®8 lower than ever
For further particulars write
to or call upon J F Norris,
Ticket Ageut, Macon; J ack
Johnson, Ticket Agent, Atlan¬
ta; or Chas. N. Right, District
Passenger Agent Atlanta,
General Passenger Agent,
Knoxville, Tenu.
Professional Cards.
Wm. C. Martin,
• Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to’all
legal business.
Calhoun, Ga. 8pring Place ,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legalbusiness
M. B. Harris,
Spring Place, Geoigia,
Prompt attention given to
all legal business.
W. €. Glenn,
Dalton, G EORGIA.
Prompt attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J. P. Fann,
—- All kind*of me
, j; r ahanic&land er
Jk ative Dentistry ex
-ESgj Sy x g eented style, and in first-class at
ip Eg*??! Hgt* Celluloid enable rates. The
Plato put
ggS ”9' ‘ U| Jsetsof in partial teotli or at
i ViV + & ionable
,1th rates.
libh’s extra o te d
without pain by the use of pureSul
phuric Ether. The patrona ,/of the oitizena
of with Murray county that is LwlH respectfully do them solicited, good
a guarantee 1 /North Georgia, as and
work as they oan get first
aa cheap as they oan get itdoneby any
|au dentiatin North Georgia.
Having located at the Legal
Tender mines, at Fort Moun¬
tain, is now prepared to assay
ores promptly and with all the
precision y that the latest revela
tion8 in chemical science per¬
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and !
retail clothing house. !
S. M. D. THOMAS, -
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Georgia,
Gaarrantees good work and
cheap rates.
Dalton, Georgia,
We have arranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
specialty. Fur*
Four Gem pictures or
rotypes made toi fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam¬
ine our work wbefi in Dalton.
Pictu!;cs made on cloudy as
we 11 as any other day.
GHOL.STON & BA1LY, .# .« « i *•*
j.« a
Have just received their Spring and Summer Goods which
they ari offering at
Astonishingly Low Prices
Double Width Dress Goods at 25 cts. Clothing the Cheap¬
est in town. Shoes, every kind, custom made, at all prices.
Milinery! Milinery!!
We are certainly headquarteis for Bonnets, Hats, Ribbon.
Featheis, Flowers. We most respectfully invite the ladies of
Murray county to call and see us and save 25 per cent. vVe
have a beautiful line of hats and Miss Giiolston can certainly
please the most f stidicus. We abo have Jno. R Taiver con¬
nected with us who will be pleased to see his friends and give
them bargains. GHOLVTON & BAILY, Dalton Ga.
•' >f j.' . A J »«
T. V. Richardson,
Patronage oi the people of Murray county, respectfully solicited.
Has Opened A New Store In
Spring Place, Georgia.
And the citizens of Murray County need no longer" plough
through the mud to buy goods in Dalton. .. .
We will constantly keep ou baud everything usuall kept in a
general store, and will sell at the lowest cash prices.
If you don’t believe it come and price our goods belore you
buy elsewhere.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
^ ew Orleans Syrup, Lmoii’s I actory Thread and a select stock
°f Summer Hats et the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices tor cash or bailer.
Take Notice.
You will find me under TrevittHall, and
I will save you from 10 to 20 per cent
Be sure to come and see mo before baying elsewhere.
My stock consists of FURNITURE, CLOCFS, PICTURES,
COFFINS, CASKETS, <fce. A nice lot of Picture Mouldings,
where you can get frames nicely and cheaply made to order.
Domestic Sewing Machines at cost; 2 draws $27 50; 4 draws
$33 00; and 6 draws $37 50'.
J. L SMITH, Da ton, Ga.
- /
S.S. m
ear* WatkinsvUle, of * breaking Ga., out Feb. on my IS, little 1886. three year old daughter last summer.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.
Taa SwtVT Spnomo Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.