Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Tiiires
” 5 TM IHHT.
Mrs alextin Suiei :e.
A dispatch fiom Adairsville
on th* 20th of J uly giv ea the
following pa* ticul&rs of the sui¬
cide of Mrs, William Alexan¬
der of that place.
“A sad occurence, made hor¬
rible tb otigh sell destruction
happened iu a bed Mr.
Wfbiam Alexander’s residence,
of TO is place, this morning at
seven o’clock, by the instant
death of his wife at her own
hands who had been in feeble
health lor some time—almost
an invalid No treatment ot
any kind seemed to allviate her
sufferings, though being watch
ed over by tender hands. No
• evidence of weak mental facul
ties showed itself by any of her
actions, until in the past few
days symptoms were presented
that made the family, consist,
mg of father and two daugh
teri^. somewhat uneasy, This
morning having dressed herself,
she walked aboutNHbe house
very eamlyifc Her daughteis,
who weie itr the t dining room,
requested their mother to lie
down—that she would feel bet
ter. She went to her bed. At
terming there a few moments,
she got up very quietly and
.procured a loaded shot gun,
tied it by the breech to the bed
post, then running a string
flora the trigger to that place
and pulled the hammer back.
Then taking a seat in a chair
she put the muzzle to her eyes
and pushed the barrel of the
gun backwards, thus pulling
the trigger, which sent the con¬
tents of a heavily loaded gun
crashing through her head, tak¬
ing the euDre. top away, scat¬
tering blood and brains ovir
the floor and walls. Father
and daughters were in the
room in a m meut only to be
prost. ated by the awful sight
that met them. The wails and
piteous cries of father and
daughters lying prone upon the
floor over the headless body of
their mother the surroundings
painted in her own blood, mak¬
ing a picture that would turn
the gaze of any one.
The Piedmont Exposi¬
Opens on Oct. loth, and i ifc
flourishing like the green Bay
tree. Each day, as it draws
nearer, we are more thoiough
iy convinced, that no fair in
the annals of our gland old re¬
public, was more interesting,
and showed more of the coun
tiy's resources, tending to the
upbuilding, and developing of
the J arts and sciences, than (Lis
one promises to be.
The counties are falling into
line with their exhibits rapid
ly, and each striving to si tr¬
pass ill the coin modi
ties. Now we think it is high
time that Murray was
beiitig with many counties!
that havt fallen into ranks. It
is useless for us to cnuinei ate
the many eupeiior advantages
we have over any county in
Noith Georgia; for they are
standing out boldly in large
letters tippeil with gold and
silver, to every thinking citizen
of five county, 'I he extreme
low rates on (In* railroads will
induce liuuUieds of our citizens
to attend the exposition, and
now in the name of piide, Ut
OR go to wo.k, aud . we will
nchieve a victory; one that will
b.- hu houor to <>or couutj^lBf
us occupy h place m thisgraud
fair that we will not be aahaui
of, a square that we can
our friends to see, and
feel proud of the name of Mur
ray. We await the further
decision of the people, and let
us hope tbaj^ action will be
taken at once. We are ready
to do anything akatis leasona
hle through the Times.
The Legislature.
Mr. McCleskey has introduc¬
ed a bill prohibiting any i ail -
road or steamboat company
from . . .
running any excursion or
picnic train, boat, or vessel ot
any kind >n the Sabbath day.
Air. Smith, of Crawfords—A
TO providing that physicians
and surgeons shall not be allow
ed to disclose any information
whit# may have been acquired
in visiting a patient in a pro¬
fessional character, and which
information was necessary to
enable him to prescribe tor the
patient, whether it be disclos¬
ed by the patient or discover¬
ed by the surgeon or physician
on examination.
Mr. Denny.—A bill amend¬
ing and revising the public
school law of Georgia.
Mr. West, of Ilahfflpham,—
To amend section 2040 of the
Code (adding one yake of ox¬
en, when there is no horse, to
property exempt from levy and
execution.) General Judiciary.
Mr Way of Liberty.—To
amend section 708 qf the Code,
by striking out the clause re¬
quiring the slacking of speed
ot railroad trains when ap¬
proaching crossings, General
Mr. Sims, of Lincoln.—To
provide for the pay of excused
jurors.. 4
♦ A.
Judge Baud, sitting in ihe Uni¬
ted Stales District Court in Balti¬
more recently, decided that Thom¬
as Wiggins, known all over the
world as ‘Blind Tom,' the pianist,
shall be delivered on or before
August 16, into the custody of Mrs
Rethuue, who represents Charity
Wiggins, mother of Blind Tom, and
that James W Bethune, who 1ms
charge of h m, shall at the same
time pay over to Mrs. Bethune the
sum oi $7,C/h: tor past services.
The case has been in the courts for
several years, and has attracted
considerable attention from the
fact that Tom has been held ns a
chattel by the Bethunes ever since
his musical genius made him valu¬
able. The suit was brought in the
interest ot his mother to regain
possession of him.—Macon Telegraph.
Your writer while in Atlan¬
ta recently, heard it intimated
by a representative that if the
weather continued at its pres¬
ent. heat, there would probably
be a bid introduced allowing
the senators and representa¬
tives to wear white mother
huh bards. It this bill should
pass, we think U at an agency
to sell photo? of the group
would he a profitable business.
Macon haa a weather p oph
t t whose ]>roguostications have
met with many verifications.
Here-is the latest: About the
7th of August lookout tor a
terrific rain There will be a
hot spell from the 11th to the
20th and about the 27th the
Cemulgee will be all over the
swamps. Paste this on your
Jock and watch the result.
A bo PjiilHpps cob made some
Givislly wounds on ttie person ot
Ji n lifir.mlcw, on last Saturday in
Cathouu w rich me thouglit, will
prove fatal, and if so, it is feared
that (he mol' law will take effect
at once.
Fii i Traverse Jur
August term 1S87, are as fo*f
lows: ReubinT Beck, V E Win
banks, J I) Fincher, J W Lea
mon, J M "Wilson, HFTuckeri
J M Campbell, W A Plemons>
II R Bevel, J Y Baynes, R J
Causby, J L Hampton, T A
berjy, M 8 Harbin, Wc Head¬
rick Jr. I W McLain, Cicero
Stuart and J T Cooper.
Reunion 18th Ga Regiment
The survivors of this old re gi
men! will hold their sixth amiuai
re union at Acworlh Oa.. on Fri
day the 20th of Augiiat. Parties
in tending to & Uend will furnish oae
wilh their name and address at orile
to as8ist me in seeing iwtfoaui
tion of rates over variousfcs
Bring your familes. *
^ eu - W Maddox, See’ly,
Oarte e»
The loss ot farmers ‘ on ac
count of the recent high waters,
in the central poi tion of Gtor
gia, is estimated to be not less
$1,500,000. ■
Judge H E W Paltrier. As
siscant United States Attorney,
tendered his resignation, winch
took effect August 1st. r\
Directory, i
J. C. Fain, Judge Superior Court.
C. N. King, Clork Superior Court.
C. L. Torry. Sheriff.
W. 11. Ramsey, Ordinary.
Vf. H. Steed, Treasurer.
M. H. ErnmbleU, Tax Receiver.
M. M, Welch, Tax Collector. >
M. M. I.c.nard, County Surveyor.
C. D. Holland, Coronor.
Commissioners, Dennis Johnson, John C
McKntiro, S. L. * Trimioior, John A. lie
W.J. White.
Board of Bdncation, M. R, Chastain, Pres.
K. 11. llenry, Soc’y and County School Com¬
missioner, W. (j. Harris, II. L. Bangle, John
(3. Spruill.
Town—824th Dist., S O Caitor, J. P., II.
Hoartiill, N. P,, B W GU# B uana John Chll
dfra Constable,. Sooond Monday.
Eighth—V841K Dist , W R Lackey J. P.,
J II Kuhn N. P., J M Fox and W H R Hall
Cosstahlos. Second Satnrday.
Ir.-’llriffat .pc,Q5iUtc,r972nd Dist., W C f) (Jordon J
N. p., J T Sprtugficld aud A P
Dniicao, C nstables. Fourth"Sa(urday,
Tenth—S74th Dist.. T J Bryant J. P., D C
Dunn and J P Dunn Constables. Third Sat¬
AlaouUa—1011th Dist., J II Oncal J. P,
C C Howell N. P., Will Barclay and h T
Mooro Constables. Second Saturday.
1013th Dist., M W Cloor J. P., B F C
Loughridgo N. P., W W Baber and W A
Beaver Constables. Firs Saturday.
Shuck Pen—]0S»th Dist., £ W Bond J. P.,
J .V Pong, N. P ,J B Bond and W M Rich¬
ards Constables. Second Saturday.
Bull Pen—J201th Dist., J W Fincher, J P
V A Stewart N. P., W H Brown and J H.
Ridley Constables. Fourth Saturday.
Ball (Jrouud—825th Dist. W D llartsill
J. P., U W Bagley N. V. J M West and J
D Elrod Constables. Third Saturday.
Arrival and Departure o! Mails.
Dalton—Departs/! a, in. daily, arives 5 pm.
Talking Rock—Departs 7 a. m. Saturday,
arrives 6 p. m. Friday.
Ellijny—Departs 7 a. in, Tuesiay, Thurs¬
day, Saturday; Arrives 6 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Cassville—Departs 6am Monday, Wed¬
nesday, Friday; arrives fi p M. Tuesday
Thursday, Saturday.
Connasauga—Departs 6 a. Ihursdft v
arrive? 7 Thursday.
Notice is hereby given,
that the commissioners of Roatis anJ Ueve
mte for 'he counties of Whitfield and Mur¬
ray, propose on the 31st day of August
1887, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4
1’. M. at the site of the old bridge near the
town of Tilton, Georgia, to let out to the
lowest bidder, the contract for building a
highway bridgo across Connasauga river.
Said blidge will consist of olic span across
the tutiiu current of the river 90 feet long
and 12 foot wide, built upon cylindrical iron
piers, with an approach on the eas‘ end gg
foot, alld one on .lie west end 72 feet long.
The approaches to be on wooden trestl.*s
placed is feet apart.
The long or main span is to be of wrought
iroa, ora eotnbinatioii of wood and iron, in
acordance with specifications and drawings,
oa file for inspection in the Ordinary’s office
of either county. Separate bids will be re¬
ceived on a contract for all iron, and for a
combination of iron and wood, for the main
span separately. After Which the commiss,
ioners will determine which kind they will
adopt, aud will then award the contract to the
lowest responsible bidder on tne kind adopt¬
ed, or else reject all bids, in their discretion.
First class material and workmanship wilt be
required. Said bridge to be paid for, ouo
half,' by each county, when completed accord -
iog to contract, wrich must be finished by
the first day of December next. The con¬
tractor will bo requi recto give the bond re¬
quired by law for the faithful performance of
tbe contract.
W J WafrK Chrm. Pro to aOo. Corns. M. Co.
J P Fkslmas Chub. Co. Corns. W. Co.
Premium Art Gallery,
a Z'A WhiteHail St., Attauta, Ga.
When you visit the city call and
see toy State Fair Exhibit, which
was awarded the only medal offer-*
ed, and five diplomas.
I shall continue to make my fra
est Cabinets at per dozen.
Whitehall St,, over M, Rich &
lira’- Pry Goods Store,
Atlanta, Georgia.
We* give the best pictures for
the least money. Children’s pict¬
ures taken in one second. Strangers
from the country always welcome.
Call and examine specimens and
Stock and Convey
For hire or sale at J ESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people s much desired, and
especially those from Murray
National Hotel,
J K HAYNES, Proprietor,
Dalton, Georgia.
Everything new and first
class. Location central on main
business Su\ 130 feet west of
Depot. Oj|pra House on op¬
posite corner. Rates, $2.00
per day. Special rates to citi¬
zens of Mui ray county.
-*E. E. DISOWN ,m
Tiie Jeweler.
Dalton, Georgia.
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, &c.
Personal attention given to
repairing. bank. Store next door
Metropolitan Hotel.
Allanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Cornor of Alabama Pryor Streets.
-- Hates Reasonable.
R. P- KEITH, Proprietor.
[ I,Ale of Cannon
Dr. ms
"-R 'R p ■ >AR
Vo ’* A««w
’M. 5^
The Great Southern Remedy for all
There are very Vow who do r.ot know of
little bush in<>\v;ng jtlongs!do of our it. -ui .iti: Pin *
t\h l hill«: hot verv few roii've tin .,i* feel, ihut
Iho little purple burry, v. hi( h bis ft:it ilty of Us
have oaten in most eve v shi’pe. is a prib
triple in !t having a wonderful HT»<t on Un*
boweis. Hr. Higgiw'.i!e)>crrv l < mlul is
tiiouuiGvT aoprii kmn lit m>:j> V U;yl ‘i-:-* i i ;
tho little one b othoi r, end < urea liiurr.Ua.-a
l»vsentcry ft is ami conshlorei! Cramp Colic.
when that ol this sens FOP Of
tbe.year . Jtlilcn unit daeqfereins «niu K> of the*
bowels are so frequent. :;iui we hoar vf so n > Uly
deaths udeurriug imooj before, a physician cun <->•
tailed in, P i li.nt thatC!vt*ry<b,u»s{**
t .old shoulc ptovuie t here selves with n;.:: e
feja'ody relic 1 ateor vJiiclt Will Julie to »ito
pain liucklulMfirry und save mil' ll ur.xjbt asinipU* Dr.
f'iirdial is rt-rnifdy wiihdi
any child its pK'ftHtui to lake*.
'I'aylor N <lhVrokce Hcmcfly of sweet bum
n«d Mullein w!H cure Coughs, Croup and Con
ftinipt ion. . Price 2T>ctft, and m ft lx»niv*.
Mw 1
Mill! a ff Cr §
n *
• •
Just Received at the Mllinery Store ot
J. & J*B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
* now *n.-i elegaut‘aseortmont of MiUnory and Straw aool3,eonsisting of Straw
Bonnots and Ladies and Children'* Hats [trimmed^and untnmmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Viivet Ribbons, heck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Onr goods
wore bought of the largestand best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Tors, BDd will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I am selling all the output ot the Georgia Manufacturing Go.
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to order. _
W. W. VanNess, Dalton, Ga., Next door to Cannons
Sorghum and Sugar Erap
orators, mills
Perpcfu a 1 .
TJae Cheapest Svaporat t Lrx tlvc “Z’OG.xa 3 accsssj
f-ally isk. tlxa Lead, TL- C-elf SicI=XKXXLi23.2r
j: VAPOR A Toil
Simple, Elective »>nd Uht-.ip The. V-co-iy Oiio* '•’.hi. ill • b«s.\ -trong—
est and aimnWt nidi !• >" Ihe m any made. . Write, I r cutatoaue
givnii; luj! iWnptii ii; a|a<( tt« cypy cl t'u- S nghmn
Ci’ (dtiide. Weabo tao; lliw eciebniivd
J'ortublt tdJu A hr alula.
Prices from $35 to $80. Abduls CHATMAN A CO,
Madis ;n,'Iudiaha.
□Sin 31 N
Thi); portrays Am;>ri
■'ini thought and life from oeeiin to
"a, is filled with pme higli-eluss
li(era'i:Te, and can be salely wej»
.'•jiujd la nay family circle.
rSTt -5C. GS $.3 A YSA3 3f MAIL.
Cany nf fmtrent m<mber /?'sifted upon rs~
< ■ > (■*> ; numbers, 15 cis.
i-V«wj;uKj K.-rr* either.
T. l-TYl & 30iT. rttMishm,
130 .«• tar; cenr! Su, R. Y.
4 wm- :
ComnieFfiiafCollege PHI __| dSSfS :
H!eh<s«f Cheapest & Best Business Coi'cyo m the iv ■ I i
Tfoiio. an6 <Jo?d rib:.XX- >m i.l! X • -
Woneral CSASb,,,,,..... Kdoeaiim*. ••a-a. ■ i-rnn -
t'o«r-c. in<l«fJint 'fiiHiftn. A
f'U-. '
Miort-tf,:■- •f.'rr -u
Hcatton. >.nu*r . r.-it i>
«« » N-mv. Orcduf.*- -i G • r ■
Fur oiroqhu Kniimfin iV. '-a-« '*
It. S««.f
Owe Dollar
13 Weeks.
Tlie Police Qozelfe will be mail¬
ed securely wrapped to any addio-s
i in the United States for three
I months on recept ot
Liberr.l discount allowed to post
masters, agents and clubs, Sam
pie copies mailed free, Address
ill orders to
Franklin Square, N. Y.
Georgia, Murray county.
A her thirty days my wife Nan¬
cy M Haggard will become a free
dealer, duly 13lh 1887. SMHaggard.
Disease CereS float Mefliciae.
imi pain*
1 Valnabln Y»|<a*o Terr f«r Htipnlvlng 9Tnt;n<>(lBia to the ho*
mao h fitcui. Klfflrlcltj- nn«i I’l.iguctbra Utilised
as Never Before for ilcaliug thc bick.
We wftare no varfaro agafnBt physicians or the
medical fulness is fraternity lurae and generally. desire Their to aid sphere them of use¬
nishing auxiliary wo for in fur¬
honest physician means occupies curing high place the sick. in public The
esteem and deservedly so, too. While our Appli¬
ances are not c panacea lor alfoiAa every ill, they are what
we claim for them and will speed v cure oft¬
entimes after medicines have failed to give relief.
por MAfiNETIC Bond of wrist.
pair. rocat uto Send for circular.
of ankle.^lend for circulurs.
cHci’il i>ricu ^ mail. Send for
hip MAGNETIC dlseana. mPiS.
leg at hip. etc. Price ^5. Bend tizo of waist ana
Semi for ciixnlarn.
neuralgia MAflljETiC or catarrh, R^J^rXfSSsaK will give relief un mad lately.
cfrcuJ ° acl ‘' fccnt * worn. Send for
Mnkws'tl^ ara.
2 J »CW?vK hc Unco. OAPfernbcumatism peMtive It will In
reduevi the Vf rc-fore a cure.
inimediaui ly. swelling Ib l 32 n;id by to natural buo
knee. Send v each mail, bend six© of
for circulars.
iungi*. MAfiNETiC» They prevent, aud wgssrap^a
neuralgia, euro eoM. rhcutnatlsm.
mos^a.l'^ pneumonia, turoat trouble:; am ca
r C ° circulars with tCAti
©rn. SI|JL^ItSSo*!Sffi They strengthen Vho vocal cords and prevent s 3
moesi #aobi,y
varicose MAGNETIC veins. These h^g/nlSV^f^’sowm legging have acquired rheuma- uni¬ and
versal praise for their medical qualities, and for
the ease with which they are worn. Price $3 eadh
Send MAfiNETI^**allS7liSa for circular* 0 around calf and ankle.
N |n^iT Ti!n. P ”SSt
pation, kidney and liver trouble. 6
backaches peculiar to ladies, and Ouickly imparts removes
ful vigor to the whole bodj\ Persons wonder¬
habits and Impaired of sedentary
a nervous rtCC power will find them
paiA 8end C fS®culars by mail post*
hack, head limbs, In the
general debility, or rheumatism, nervous paralysis, debility, neuralgia, lumbago,
sciatica, diseases of tho kidneys, torpid liver, sem¬
inal emissions, ini potency, heart disease. dy*>pep
s»a, sultaTion indigestion, free. hernia Price or rupture, with piles, etc. Con
of licit, Magnetic In¬
soles, «10. Send measure of wau»l and size of shoe
worn. Send for circulars.
rheumatism, pepsia with neuralgia, diseases nervous exhaustion, dys¬
or of the liver, kidneys, head
ocho or cold feet, lamo back, falling of the womb,
ieucorrbo&a, abdominal belt chronic inflammation of the womb, an
ies Lave und a fn pair of Magnetic* Foot Hatter
these complaints. no superiors They the relief and cure of all
netic force to tho scat of the carry disease. a powerful I'rlce of mast
with Magnetic Foot Batteries, $ 10 fient by Bert
G. it. 1)., and examination allowed, , by mail express
vSdLXJXX or on
l n ob a ' r,ng - BC,ld mua,,ure of
bust and with insole, bond measure of chest or
waist. Persons living at a distance who
will designate the kind of Anjdlances required in
each case to effect a cure. Bend your address for
the “ New Departure in Medical Treatment With
out I ho Mojlieino,” Magnebe with Garments thousands are adapted of testimonials. to all ages,
are worn over the underclothes (not next U> the
Dotiy like the many galvanic and electric humbugs
advertised so extensively) and should be taken off
at night. at all They hold of their power forever and are
worn seasons the year.
_ fSTOrdef direct through your 'Amgpist. Physician,
‘ " f'erai Store Denier, or througudhe publisher of this
181 Dearborn St,, €hlea«ro» 111*