Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
The Official Paper of the County,
Subscription Rates:
One year, $1 00 Six months, 50cents;Three
months, 20 oonts. Payable in advance.
Address all communications t j The Tim* 8,
Spring Place, Ga.
Sale day was well attended,
A full line of ladies hats at Mrs.
Fannie Johnson's.
Hon. P McGhee was up from At¬
lanta on last Sunday.
Geo. W Oglesby, of Dalton, was
in town Tuesday.
Quite an interesting revival is
being carried on at Mount Zion.
Dr. Win. Anderson is still alive,
with very little change either way.
Call on Sampson at the Robin¬
son coiner, for ice cold soda water.
The ladies can put their beds
out'to sun—Marvin Smith says the
rain is ov er.
Oar congenial drummer, John
Young oi Knoxville was in the vil¬
lage this week.
A beautiful line of boys ready
made clothing just received at T
J Ovbey's new store’
W J Johnson has a full line of
school books adopted for the pub¬
lic schools lor this year.
A general line of Patent medi¬
cine at T J Ovbey’s, cheaper than
can be bought anywhere.
Hon. W 0 Carter, is out at Rock
Springs, his father’s country home
rusticating for a few days.
Don’t forget that the Superior
court of this county meets on the
3rd Monday in this month.
George Summey, who lives near
Joseph Morris’ lost a 12 months
old child on the 31 st ultimo.
The public schools of this dis.
trict are reported to be well organ¬
ized and in good working order.
Murray campmeeting will em
brace the 3rd Sunday in Septem¬
ber, beginning Duirsday before.
James Ellis, near town, killed an
owl this week that measured fifty
three inches from tip to tip of wings..
Murray county, should tender
Capt. W J White many thanks for
fixing the public pump at this place.
.■ — ■ <m » ......
Mr. Gus Hill, after several
months illness with a cut limb,
we are glad to say. is able to be up
Lee Cox, of the 10th district, de
nies the charge of having killed
anybody, as was reported here re¬
Fruit is very high in this section
the present season; there being
none except high up on the moun¬
tain’s side.
_.—.—,- *
If you are suffering with heat, it
is your own fault, for Johnny
Leatherwood has plenty of ice cold
soda water.
As we go to press the city Mar¬
shall is drilling his force of hands
preparatory to the usual road work
ing before court.
- *
John Holland, who has been vis¬
iting his . relatives and friends in
this county, took his departure on
last Sunday for his western home.
The Horticultural society of
Whitfield, met in Dalton on the 3rd
inst. and will last until the 6th
and promises to be an enjoyable
James McGhee and wife are hap¬
py in the idea, that they are recov
eiing from their recent sickness,
and are able to go to house keeping
John P Gregory, reports his
wheat crop to aggregate 1468 bush
ele; 1200 of this amount growing
on fifty acres; all number one white
T J Qvbey is making
shoes a specialty. All kinds ktept
on hand. Ladies shoas of all kinds
and grades and Special bargains
Gol. W H Tibbs is the blue rib¬
bon farmer. He reports 300 acres
of ’corn that will average some
where between 40 and 50 bushels
the acre.—Dalton Argus
The readers of the Times will no¬
tice that T J Ovbey is mak¬
ing the shoe trade a specialty.
Siop with them and ieam their
Loss of sleep sustained from
anxiety spent over the little one
so- slowly and pitifully wasting
away from the effect of teething,
unfit you for business, why not try
Dr. Diggers’ Huckleberry Cordial.
Mrs. J B Dudley, who lives about
three miles west of town killed a
snake in her yard the other day
which measured six feet and two
inches ;long. It had pursued a
brood ot young chickens to the
’house from the woods.
On page 25 of the AgiieuJtural
list of the Piedmont Exposition
Catalogue appears the following:
Maddox, Rucker & Co., Bankers
and Cotton Factors, Atlanta, Ga.,
offer for the best bale Upland Cot¬
ton, $100 in gold; 2nd best $80;
3rd best $00. The bales to weigh
not less than 450 pounds, and to
be exhibited in the name of the
The skimramg is the most diffi¬
cult and slavish part of syrup mak¬
ing, and any machine that will raa
terialy assist that work is a boom
to the syrup manufacturers. We
know of nothin# that accomplishes
this better than the Self Skimming
Evaporator made by the old house
of Chapman & Co., Madison, Ind.,
and advertised elsewhere in this
paper. It is cheap, simple and
fcdiieient. This firm has been man¬
ufacturing Mills and Evaporators
for 30 years and know just what is
If you hear a keen* shrill noise in
the near future, don’t be impressed
with a sense of danger; it will only
be a signal that the locomotive on
the A & C, will soon be in. Col.
J D Temple received a letter from
Col. Pollard, last week, stating
that the corps of surveyors were in
the mountains, near Jasper, and
would be at Spring Plabe soon
He also stated in his letter that the
road would certainly come through
this place. We hope that the fi¬
nance committee and the people at
large will renew their energy in
the interest of this enterprise. Let
us receive the surveyors with a
hearty welcome.
The Methodist in Dalton
The annual session, of the Dal¬
ton District Conference, of the
M. E. Church South, was held in
Dalton, last week. Rev. W F Quil
lian occupied the chair, and all
questions, which came before the
the body, were disposed of in a rap
id, business like manner. The va¬
rious circuits, ot the district, were
represented by a full quoto of dele¬
gates and preachers, and judging
from the very favorable reports
from all sections, we believe that
Methodism, in the Dalton district,
is in a more prosperous, progress¬
ive condition than at any time in
the past. The people ol Dalton, en¬
tertained the members of the corn
ferenee, in the most pleasant, cour¬
teous style possible, and we think,
no one who attended, can speak of
the meeting, except in the most
complimentary way.
Die unpreeedent bale of Bos
chee's German Syrup within a few
years, has astonished the world.
It is without dcubt the safest and
best remedy ever discovered for
the speedy and effectual cure of
Goughs, Golds and the severest
Lung troubles. It acts on an en¬
tirely different principle from the
usual prescriptions given by Phy
sicans as_ it does not dry up a
Cougli and leave the disease still in
the system, but on the contrary re¬
moves the cause of the trouble, heals
the parts affected and leaves them
in a purely healthy condition. A
bottle kept in the house for use
when the disease make their appear
ance, will save doctor's bills and a
long spell of serious illness. A tri¬
al will convince you of these facts.
It is positively sold by all druggiss
nnd general dealers in the land.
Price, 75 cts., large bottles.
Arklucks. Arklucks. Arklucks.:
0 Parrott says he is right at the
front with his trade.
Stop that headache by using
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills.
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills get
there Ely — every box warranted
—try them.
For goods cheap, and big prices
lor country produce, L F Clark
Fort Mountain, is the man to trade
Arklucks Indian Blood Fills
cure all derangements of the atom
ache and bowels. Doctors will pre
scribe them.
Money to Loan. •
- .s~*%
Those who want money, and have
first class real estate to secure it,
apply through C N King.
Oh my! I am about to fall! whatr
can I do for my Liver? Take one
box of Aakiucks Indian Blood Pills
and you will have no more trouble:
When you go to Dalton take your
meals at Buchholz, restaurant.
He will, feed ycu well and treat
you well and charge you only
twenty five cents per. meal.
Doclorsand merchants will find,
it is to their iuterest to advise the
use of Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
for there is no better remedy.
Twenty Five cents paid lor them
will often save the patients life.
If you have headache ask your
merchant for a box ot Arklucks In¬
dian Blood Fills and they will sure¬
ly cure you. Don't let anybody
palm off any other kind for Arklucks
are the best.
The New Store
Notice the special bargains at the
new store ot T J„ Ovbey.
A good wool hat for 50 cents. A
good fur hat for $125. Good
stoves, cheaper than can be bought
The numerous' losses on legal
advertismeifts in the past compel
to that tees , must , ,
US announce
paid in advance. And constables
making levies and returning to the
sheriff will please remombor that
the fee must be paid before • the
advertising will be done. This
means business.
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dallon in comfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m. daily.
Land for Sale
I will sell all or a part of my farm ly
ing two miles north of Spring Place.
One hundred and seven acres are
cleaiedand improved with good
buildings, goc-d orchaids. and well
watered with three good wells.
About one hundred and thirty acres
in good woodland. Gall on or ad
dress J M Luffman, 3p ing Place,
e. c. c. c.
Certain Chicken Cholera Cure.
This is the o I? speoifio for chick jus yet
discovered; evory package guaranteed to stop
cholera among chilkens in fifteen minutes, so
that no more will take the disease. X havt^
the indorsement of tho Commissioner of Agri¬
culture of Ga. Call and get a package only
25cts. For sale by T. J. OVBEY,
Spring Place Gu
ELDER is a beautiful dapple grey, weighs
1,500 pouuds.*For particulars apply to
YY\ M. IIaig & Co.
Dalton, Ga,
Profess io n al Ca rds.
Win, C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to’all
legal business.
Calhoun, Ga. Spring Place,Oa
S T .4 KK * - 1 A K B
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legalbusinoss
M. B. Harris,
String Place, Geoigia,
Prompt attention given to
rdl legal business.
W. C. Glenn,
Dalton, Geokgia.
Prompt, attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J. P. Fann.
All kinds of mo
’•>» chaniealand O, er
S' -D^yrl VAA- • rTliUykS iff £h- a t'vc Dentistry in*m-ela»s ox
TM '*70 Oolliilold in partial Plate put
/hr »l» or
full seteof teeth at
reasonable rates.
Teeth ox tra e t o d
without pain by the use of Squibb’* pureSul
if phuric Ethor. The patronage of the citinona
Murray county is respectfully solicited,
With a guarantee that I will uo them as good
ohoap as they can got in North Ugprgia, bjj and
as as they can got it dono any firat
jasa (lontistin North Georgia.
Having located at the Legal
Tender mines, at Fort Moun¬
tain, is now prepared to assay
ores promptly and with all the
precision that the latest revela*
tions in chemical science per¬
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
DA.LTON, Geokgia,
Guarantees good WOfk and
Dalton, Geokgia, !
We have arranged our new
to make ever style pho
arid will guarantee to
those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Fer¬
rotypes made for fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam
ine our work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
we 1 ' as any other day.
Robinson j Anderson,
Prf i criptic ns C ai efully Pirepai ed
Have just received their Spring and Summer Goods, which
they ars offering at
Astonishingly Low Prices
Double Width Dress Goods a; :.v> ets. Clothing the Cheap*
in town. Shoes, every kind custom made, at all prices.
Miliiiery! Mil litery M
• ©
We are certainly headquarters for Bonnets, Hats, Ribbon,
Flowers. We most respectfully invite the ladies ot’
county'to call and see us and save 25 per cent. We
a beautiful line of hats and Miss Gjiolston can certainly
the most f .stidious. We aUo have Jno. It Taiver con¬
nected with us who will be pleased to see his friends and give
them bargains. GIIOLSTON A BAILY, Dalton Ga.
Y. Y. Iticlmrdsoii,
Dalton, Georgia.
Patronage of the people of Murray county, respectfully solicited.
T. J. © V B E Y,
Has Opened A New Store In
Spring Place, Georgia.
And Mie citizens of Murray County need no longer plough
through the mud to buy goods in Dalton.
We will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept in a.
general store, anti will* sell at the lowest cash prices:
If yoi| don’t believe it come and price our goods before you
buy elsewhere.
m _________________________ .
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
Orleans Hats Syrup, Lelioii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
Summer ol the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at- Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Take Notice.
You will find me under Trevitt Hall, and
I will save you from 10 to 20 per cent
Be sure to come and see me before buying elsewhe e.
My Stock consists of FURNITURE.. CLOCKS, PICTURES,
CASKETS, etc. A nice lot ot Picture Mouldings,
where you can get frames nicely' and cheaply made to order.
Domestic Sewing Machines at cost; 2 draws $27 50; 4 draws
$33 00; and 6 draws $37 50,
J. L SMITH, Da ton, Ga.
p» i &
A' iutcrest
& mg treatise
011 Blood and
„ A Skin Diseases is
w mailed free to ali.
Promptly and most TETTER
effectively eradi¬ &
cated by this A ULCERS
wonderful A
remedy, f V AT Permanently Cured by
Try it. I ■H -
KA i P