Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
KING As CARTEU, Publiahera.
The Bate *t Which the Public
Debt is Being Deere sed
Correa pot) deuce of the Missouri
Few persons; perhaps who
read the frequently published
,reports of the fiscal operations
of tbe government give any
consideration to the vast ness
and significance of these opera
tions. We read of tbe hun¬
dreds of millions of gold and
silver in .the .treasury at Wash¬
ington, but how few persons
have any intelligent idea of
what is embraced in the nine
figu es required to describe lia¬
bilities and assets ot the gov¬
ernment. It is only when the
auriferous contents of the trea
sury vaults are weighed and
measured and placed by the
side of articles and commodi¬
ties that are daily handled by
the masses that an intelligent
comprehension can be obtained
by the people ot the financial
.streangtii.of the treasury and
the great extent of the govern¬
ment’s fiscal operations.
By reference to the latest
.published statement of tieasu
ry assets and liabilities it is
learned that among the assets
was $281,096,417 in gold and
nearly $950,000,000 in silver,
including $34,000 000 of trade
dollars and fractional coin.
'faking up this .$281,000,000 of
gold aud placing it on scales I
find that the gold held by the
ireasuly weighed 518 tons, and
it packed into ordinary carts,
one tou to each cart, it would
.make a pr cession two miles
Jong, allowing twenty feet of
space for the movement of each
horse pnd cart. The weight of
the silver produces much mote
interesting results. Running
this over the scales I find its
weight to be 7,390 .ous. Meas
living it in carts, as in the case
of the gold, the silver now held
by the treasury would require
the service o f 7,396 horses and
carts .to transport it, and would
make a procession over twenty
( one miles in length.
The surplus about which so
£nuch is said in the daily news¬
papers am unt to nearly $47,
$00,000, an inc.ease of $5,000,
.000 since July 1. Counted as
gold this surplus would weigh
86 £ tons. Counted as silver it
would weigh 1,385 tons. Each
million ot gold adds 3,685
pounds to the su pins and each
million of’ silver adds 58,930
pounds. Applying cubic meas¬
urement to the treasury gold
and silver and piling the two
metals on Pennsylvania avenue
09 co:c) wood is piled before de¬
livery to the purchaser, (he gold
would measure V] cords and Uie
silver 490 cuds, and .both would
(extend from the treasury depiut
Dient io Four-and a-lialf Greet, or
from the treasury lo the pension
office in a straight line, and form¬
ing a solid wait eight fuel high aDfl
ioui feet br. nd.
Ex ending those rr.lcn'alions and
comparisons lo tl e interest-bear
ing debt, tqually interesting results
are obtained The public debt
reached the highotl point in Au¬
gust, 1865— tw-i t.v two years ago
—when it was $2,381,530,295. The
geneiai reuder wilt belter appre¬
ciate the vasluese of tins sum when
ii formed that it repiescnts 70,156
ions of silver, which would make u
procession of carts hut would ex
lead Irons Richmond, Vt, to a point
twelve miles north of Philadelphia,
the distance it would thus cover be¬
ing 266 miles. The inter ;st bear
ing bebt is now (not including the
Pacific railroad booth) $1,001,9.76 ’•
>>60. showing that the sum -paid-ha*
been $1,379,663,546, oi ffiQie than
hall of the total amount, aud.rep
resiuting 40,637 tons of sil 7er dol¬
lars, which would extend 154 miles
it packed in catts.containing 1 ton
Reducing these figures to a basis
where they may be intelligently
comprehended, aqd that .the rapid¬
ity with which the government has
reduced its bonded debt may be
fully tealizjd by tbe general reader,
I find that the reduction has been
at the average rate of $62,706,075
each year, $5,225,681 each month,
$174186 each day, $7,258 each hour,
and $120 47 for .every minute oi
the entire 22 years.
Pursuing the calculation to the
smallest divisible space of time, the
bonded debt of tbe United Sides
has been decreased at the rate of
$2 07 for every second, or for every
swing of the pendulum, for tbe en¬
tire period from Aug. 81, 1865, to
July 81, 1887.
This is an exhibition of recupera¬
tion and material progress that is
without parallel in the world’s his¬
tory.—Savannah Morning News.
No paper t ap be published
without home patronage, and
every m’m is interested in keep¬
ing up a paper. If a railroad or
factoiy is wanted, the newspa¬
pers are expected to work for
it. If a pjbl.c meeting is wan
ted for any purpose the news
paper is called on tor a free no
tice. It the chinch or .chanta
ble societ es have a supper o.
eateitamment of any kind the
newspaper la always expected
to give all the necessary notice
and then puff it after it is over.
The newspaper milftt putt the
schools a , and , do v everything else i
to advance the interests of the
tmeiuesa me- of the place red
then give them a handsome no
tice when they ' go f to heaven (?)
and , yet of them . do J noth
ing to keep up a paper.—Ex.
maum mm ———■
Judge eTected T. J. Simmons, has
been to fill the vacancy
on the supreme bench, caused
by the death of Judge Samuel
H. Hall, and Judge Simmons’
vacancy, as Judge of the Stipe
:ior court, has been supplied by
tt Hon. /v Geo \ W. ir Gustin. Judge
Simmons and Judge Gustin are
both of Macon.
Out in the cyclone country it
is said women don’t wear bus¬
tles. We cou’t wonder that
western newspapers have a hard
time to live.—Ex.
T. B. Kirby, has retired from
the ETlijay Courier, after a term
of most eight years.
State of Gkoiiqja morray ooonTY:
W61 he sold before the court
house door in the town of Spring
Place, to jthe highest bidder at pub
lie out C:y be! Ween the legaf hums
Cf sa'eon the 1st Tuesday in October
ur-xt, the following described prop
trty to wit:
Forty acres of lot No 317. it the
9lb district mid 3rd section of said
county, being in the south west
corner of 3,tid lot and bounded on
the east and uoith by lands of H T
Stafford west by F M Kilgoie and
south by Tbps. W Ezzard. Levied
on as t he property ol Mrs. Elizabeth
Baynes to satisfy a justice count fi
fv lrom the 1291st district « m in
favor of Frank Vornberg vb, i.ob
ert L Baynes and Elizabeth Buynts.
Levy made and returned to me by
J fl Iiidley r. o
Also ore sixth interest of east
frni r of lot of land N i 301, in t he 27.
district and 2nd section ot said
county levied on as the property
of W A tl Johnson, by virtue of a
fi fa lrom tun justice couit of tbe
1011 district a. m. in l'avor of E A
Shields against W A U Johnson.
Levy made and returned lo rue by
W N Ba'cklav L. c.
This Scpleauber the Is! 1SS7,
CL TERRI, Sheriff.
m 0- r
The Great Southern Remedy fbr alt
Thera are growing very few who do not know of tbls
and little hills: bush put alongside few realize of onr tbe mountains fort, that
tbe little purple very berry, which of
bave eaten In most shape, so there mauy Is prin¬ us
ciple In It having every wonderful effect a the
a on
bowels. Dr. Bwer's Huckleberry Cordial Is
theQBBAT SOUTHERN XKHEOY that restores
the Dysentery little one and Cramp teething, Colic. and cures Diarrlicea
.wbenit Is considered that at this season of
the yoar sudden and dangerous attacks of the
deaths bowels are occurring so frequent, before and we physician hear of so many be
a ran
called In, It It important that every liousc
uold should provide themselves with some
speedy relief a dose of which will relieve tbe
pain and save much anxiety. Dr. Dinners’ which
Huckleberry Cordial Is a simple remedy
any Price, child SO Is pleased to bottle. take. Manufactured by
cents a
WALTER A, TAYLOR, Atlanta, G a.
i and i’aylor’s Mullein Cherokee will Itemeily Coughs, Croup of Sweet t and l luro
cure bottle. i
sumption. Price 25 cts. and tl a
When yon want a .good
B. F. JONES, the Barber.
Shop on Hamilton St. Dalton Ga.
Directory *
„ , .
0 N . ^ pg>cl#rk &weriorCo(l rt.
c. l. Terry, shorur.
w. h. R»m«#y, ordinary,
w. h. steed, Treasurer.
„ „ ^ T „
«. M . U , urd) county surveyor.
o. b. Holland, coronor.
Cowmtsaioneri, Dennis Johnson, John C
MoEntlre, S. ii. Trimtnier, John A. Berry
w.j. white.
Board of Education, M. R. Chnatnin, Pres.
a. Spruiii.
Town— 824th Diet., S a Carter, J. P., n
Heartiin, n. p.,Biy,piadaona.- 3 d JotmChn
Second Mond>y.
Eighth—984th Diet , W K Lackey J. P.,
•» h Kuhn n.p.,jm Eox and w naiiaii
CoNsUbluB - 6eo "? n Saturday -
Ira 0riffeth P ., j t epri U g#.u «d a r
Duucan, Constables. Fourth Saturday.
Tenth -87itb Diet., t j Bryant j. p., d c
Dunn and JP DunnConjtablos. Third Sat
urday '
Alaouba lOllfci? Dial., J ij Onoal J. P»
c c HowoI1Wiu Barclay ar , a L T
Moore Constables. Second Saturday.
(012th Dirt.. M W Cloer J. P., B F C
Loughridge N. P., W W Baber and W A
Beaver Conul-.bles. Firs Saturday.
Shuck Pcu Diet., E W Bond J. P.,
J V Poag.N. P ,J 6 bond and W M Rich
ards Constables. Seooud Saturday.
Bull Pan—1291tb Diet., J W Fiuoher, J P
V A Stewart N. P., W H Brown and J U.
Rid icy Conatablcp. Fourth Saturday.
Ball Ground—825th Hist. W V Hartaill
J. P„ II W Bagloy N. P. J M West and J
D Elrod Constables. Third Saturday,
Arrival and Departure ot' Mails*
Dalton—Departs 7a, m. daily,arives5 pm.
Talking Rook—Departs 7 a. m. Saturday,
arrives 6 p. m. Friday.
Ellijay—Departs 7a. m, Tuesiay, Thurs
day, Saturday; Arrives 5 p. m, Monday,
Wednesday, Friday.
Cassville-Departs « a m Monday, Wed
nesdny, Friday; arrives 6 p M. Tuesdey
Thursday, Saturday.
Connasauga—Departs 6 a. 7 hurstl a 1
arrives 7 Thursday.
To Replace Broken Cane*
Anybody can apply
Ho Mechanic needed.
SOI.Ik Hi'
Furniture &
In buying new Chaiig, a.-Is for thore
Har»ooi>'3 Ktd Leather I'iuuh tjoafo.
ucrer Tsre;..,? o'it-
‘uv1,‘; , _.
j»;- a.“ 7 * --vn\j\;_:‘:g 'fi‘.‘
= .
r“.;‘ r“ ' ‘
.f» m" ,«‘-~¢' ',‘.I 4‘ ,7- “
1,272.1“ " g ‘ , ‘ ‘ » :2‘
n. 2:32:34‘3'11. ,h, ' 3 K], -.
, QM
:~:-::¢ ‘11.-'"~:,." ", v,,-.. w ‘
,1 >534"; (1-1’:,_-V ”iv, :3} 0, .l._ , , ‘ 1
JFK“ ...\-, 51‘5“..." —~ _ .,
\- 52‘3“".h, "Mggr. _, .. , .
1870 1887
Premium Abt Gallery.
33X Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga.
When you visit the city call and
see my State Fair Exhibit, which
was awarded the only medal offer¬
ed, and five diplomas. fin
I shall continue to make my
e st Cabinets at $4 per dozen.
66^ Whitehall St., Over M, Bich *
Bro’d. Dry Goodn Store,
Atlanta, Georgia.
We give the best pictures .for
the least money. Children’s pict¬
ures taken ip one second. Strangers
fropi the country always welcome.
Call and examine specimens and
and Convey^
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
m Daiton, Ga. Also a wagon
Yard is kept in connection
therewith. The patronage of
the people * much desired, and
especially those from Murray
National Hotel,
J K HAYNES, Proprietor,
Everything new and
class. Location central on main
business Str. 130 feet west of
Depot. Opera House on op¬
posite comer. Rates $ 2.00
per day. Special rates to citi¬
zens of Mutray county.
®E. E. BROWN, St
The Jeweler.
Dalton, Georgii.
Watches, Clocks, Silver
Ware, Spectacles, &c.
Personal attention given to
repairing, bank. Store next door
Metropolitan Hotel.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Cornor of Alabama & Pryor Streets.
-- Rates Reasonable. -
R- P- KEITH, - - Proprietor.
[bate of Cannon House j
ELDER is I l.'cnu ifu! dapple grey, wei l>s
pounds. For particulars apply to
W. M. Haw & Co.
Dalton, Gfi.
Portable Corn Sills and Millstones.
I a; 1
r k
The Boot in the tsSSSSssssA World for making lino table
than BamjiIre^Moal any known (tone or bnhr.
rent on application.
Millinery Goods \»
Just Received at the MHlnerj Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Millnery and Straw Goods,eons!sting of Straw
Bonnetsaud Ladies’ and Children's Hats [trimmed and nntrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vtlvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silki, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ae. Onr goods
were bought of the largestand bestimportiag will Houses in Balti¬
more and New Tors, and be sold at very low
prioesfor cash.
from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I am selling all the output of the Georgia Manufacturing Co,
rom 25 -to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture,
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to order.
W. W. VanNess, Dalton, Ga., Next door to Cannons
Sorghum and Sugar Evap
orators, mills
Perp etua 1.
Tixe Clr.ea.poMt Svapoiatei Ira. t3a.e r..Carlcet, Tlxlsty Tears S-va.ece«n,
f-u-lly ixr. tlxe Lead, Tile
Simple, EPeolive ddc! Clicup. Tlie Vic'^vy Oarie Mil!, fhe best, stiong-r
cst and biinulfkt ill'll tor the momy mmia Wrii« i’r catalogne
giving Cull 4e«t'iipt.ion; a!ao iiee sample r' , py of t!ie Sorghum
Grovvi’s (iuule. We u!vo manufacture tl>o celebrated
Portable Lada Pbvvlaiu.
Prices from $35 to $80, Abdros CHAPMAN & CO
Madisjn, Indiana.
t ff, Mm mim
Tliit Magazine imrtmys Ameri¬
can liioueht and lii'o (Vevn ocenn to
ocean, is filled with pure tu-rh-class
literature, and can be sn!c':y wel.
corned in any family circle.
Subfile Cony cf current number nmllca upon re*
cc-pt of j cts.: bach numbers, 75 eta.
Premium List with cither.
F>. 7. S'JCH & SON, Fublishers,
lao «- nv Rc.-iH si., n. y.
y s j s u »j fa 3fJi“
.sa i Z' a
Commercial College
Cheapest Ifi ah wit Kan & Beat Business iCollege •„ the iferii
or *i.d ^rc**d Uftf*! •»*. i-r o.U -.tier Co'.lC'oa, u
Kx|»cr!i*«,». for 5»v -t 3 - ‘ - - ..
Vv-ORcral Biwm-m t ,-i jj v»in : t < *
Hui’*ncc.> loeludln? wTdwnw Tuition. fmplovjJ. .SiaOoi«cry C->.F ,»f F’ll 1k'-^c
8uort-5 and, TyptsWrifins a- i Ik - i.t-»?:'
ho A
> m'tw l . ti, tr.ler J?ow. C.: ? (. :... r-,; l f
For Ef»1»t*yl*.. \i . Sm!*'.
* " , ■ -
One Dollar
13 Weeks.
The Police Goz^te will be mail¬
securely wrapped to any addre 8
the United States for three
on recept of
Liberal discount allowed to j»osfc
agents and clubs. Bani
copieB mailed free. Address
ill orders to
Franklin Square. N Y
Disease Cored Wifiicaf Mcine.
A Valnafile Discovery for supplying Magnet!»» to ftoko*
BOD cysti-iii. Kle> trlti!y and Magnelfsiu (JUUted
M Sever Before for Healing the Sick*
fulness nishing la large ivutiwo desire to aid them In fur¬
honest physician auxiliary means occupies for curing high place the sick. public The
and deservedly a in
esteem so, too. While our Appli¬
ances are not a panacea for every ill, they are what
we claim for them and will afford ft speedy cure oft¬
entimes after medicines have failed to give relief.
Bend maqnetic aixa of shoo met 1 "wsasirja
worn. Send for droulars.
per MA8NETIC^«!«J,!:fI* pair. 8end of wrist. Sena ls f t 0 7» for eiroular. r fe’?fe
MAGNETIC ai&feir^TIc ;e for f 8 lame each. and Send weak size
of ankle. Send for circulars.
ness, circular. Catarrh, etc. Price 9$ by mail Sena for
hip MAGNETIC disease, teV7»'S*>t>fc?lU£S£;
leg at hip. Send etc. /rice for circulars. 93. Send size of waist ana
neuralgia MAGNETIC ^USFwi»«rJSS.eaS5
Price, 96 each. or catarrh, Send will give of hat relief immediately. Send for
droulars. size worn.
immediately. the swelling and restore to natural «l«e
knee. Price 92 each by mail. Send line of
Send for circulars.
lungs. MAGNETIC They WZTJJimZ!
neuralgia, pneumonia, prevent and throat cure cold, troubles rheumatism, and
tarrh. Price. §5. Send for circulars with testi¬
MAGNETIC benefit JSP'IAfflL-l
to elocutlonlata, public speaker* and ring
era. hoarseness. They strengthen Bend the vocal cords and prevent each by
mall. Bend sire for circular. Price 11
of neck.
varicose veins. Th ese legglns have acquired uni¬
versal , praise for their medical qualities, and for
the ease with which they are worn. Price 98 each
by Send mail. for circular. Send size of leg around calf and ankla.
SffllJeKnSlSSSS backaches peculiar to ladies, and imparts wonder¬
ful vigor to the whole body. Persons of sedentary
habits and impaired nervous power will find them
a valuable companion. Prico 92 each by mail post¬
paid. 8end for circulars.
H^ESS back, liead or limbs, ISSSFfiSt nervous debility, lumbago,
general sciatica, debility, diseases rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia,
inal emissions, of the kidneys, torpid liver, sem
sia, indigestion, impotency, hernia rupture, heart disease, piles, etc. dyspep¬ .Con¬
sultation or Magnetic In¬
soles, 910. fro©.. 8$nd measure Price of of Belt, waist with and size of shoo
worn. 8end for circulars.
EMXS pepsia with diseases of head¬
ache or the liver, kidneys,
or cold feet, lame back, falling of the womb,
lencorrhcea, abdominal belt chronio inflammation of the womb.*n
ies have ami a in pair of Magnetic Foot Batten,
these complaints. no superiors They tho relief and powerful cure of all
bbtic force to the seat or the carry disease. a Price of mag. Belt
with Magnetic Foot Batteries, 910. Bent by express
C. O. D., and examination allowed, or by mall on
MA ^deria*. moreure o*
chronio MAGNETIC rheumatism, m&MBSm gout, lumbago, paralysis,
which bro.Hchltis. balrie lung the skill disease, of and best other complaints,
$•30 each wi th insole. pur Send physicians. of chest Price
bust and waist. measure (Mr
not Persons living at a distance who
can consult ns in person should give a dear
The Magnetic Garments are adapted to all ages,
ere body worn like over the underclothes (not next to the
the many galva};ic and electric humbugs
advertised so extensively should be taken off
lM Pea, iwr. it, OMnwi 18