Newspaper Page Text
Iforfch Georgia Times.
Official paper or the County,
... --;t
Subscription Rates:
Ooo year,SI >10 Six months, 50eenU;Three
months, 15 cents. Payable tn advanc*.
Address all communications t i Thu Tikis,
Spring Plant, Ga.
ihe sickness of the county is
A fall line of ladies hats at Mrs.
Fannie Johnson's.
Bay>yom* young males from J B
Brown, 8th district—terms easy.
The blazing snn continues to shine
with much force in this section.
The grape and muscadine crop
the county, is reported to be good.
It yon want to buy a good mars
and colt, cheap, apply to 0 N King.
A beautiful and tasty line of la¬
dies hats, just received at T J Ovbey’s.
Mrs- Bessie Smith, of Blue
Springs, Tenn., is visiting in the
The Justices’ court of this Dis¬
trict consumed the entire day last
Monday. -:—*-*-»--—
Go to VVhitecottons for anythin g
in the grocery line—as cheap as the
Fine shoes, ft all grades and
kinds, a specialty at J Herron <fe
Son’s Dalton.
We hear that they are going to
:,get married, but can’t vouch for
-the truth of it
Go to N B Whitecotton's for meat,
•meal, flour. sugar and coffee, cheap
for ca6h or produce.
George Baggett and Miss Mary
Childers, of this district were mar¬
ried on lust Sunday.
Mrs. John Oatis, who has been
quite sick for several weeks, we are
glad to hear is better.
Remember the North Georgia
Association, at Piney Grove, in
,Whitfield, next Sunday,
"W J Johnson has a full line of
school books adopted for the pub¬
lic schools for this year.
Hon. P. McGhee, has introduced
a resolption in the House, to ad¬
journ on the 28th, sine die.
A general line of Patent medi¬
cine at T J Ovbey’s^ cheaper than
,can:be bought anywhere.
*People who want town lo f s in
^Spring Place, bad better get them
soon if they don’t want to pay City
prices for them.
Bid s! Hides! Hides!
Patterson & Johnson will pay six
cents cash, for green beef hides, at
their store, Dennis Ga.
The readers of the Times wril no¬
tice that - T J Ovbey is mak¬
ing the -shoe trade a specialty.
Stop With them and learn their
Ladies, buy.your dress goods,
notions and underwear at J Herron
A Son’s Del ton. A splendid as¬
sortment always on hand at bob
4am prices.
Don’t forget it—Gepera! prayer
meeting on Wednesday night: Ladies
prayer meeting on Thursday night
and the yonng men's prayer meet¬
ing on Friday night.
Rev. E 21 Stanton and wife, lost
their only (Child last Thursday.
They have had five children, and
they have all gone home to heaven.
May God help them, in their hours
of berievement.
(Subscribers who .promised to
pay their subscription in wood, will
oblige ns g reatly by complying at
this time. Winter is approaching
ami -we went to "prepare for war in
the lime of peace”.
The youni: men’s prayer-meeting
of the village, is one of the most
iteresting nature. L»n last Friday
night, there were present, twenty
eight boys and young men, from
the a »e of 12 years np to 28- and
twenty five of the uumber took a
part in the exercises, and there was
a great manifestation of the pres
<nce of the Holy spirt in the mee
J Herron & Son, Dalton* will, on
September 20th open oat their new
Stock of Fall and Winter goods,
which will be uneffualed in beanty
and variety by anything ever
brought to the city.
Rev. — Tavlor, begnn a protrac¬
ted meeting at the Presbyterian
church, on last Saturday, and dos¬
ed on Monday night on account of
the people being so wearied from
the two weeks meeting jnst past.
Extraordinary but nevertheless
true. We reier to the announce¬
ment of B F Johnson & Co., of Rich¬
mond, in which they propose to
show working and energetic men
how to make from #100 to $300 a
month over and above expenses.
Some people are gifted to preach;
some, to pray aud others to the va¬
rious avocations of life; bnt we think
if there is one, who is gifted with
talents to sing, it is brother Wilson,
who conducted the singing at this
place, during the two weeks revi¬
val, just past.
The effect of warm days and
cool nights
;A. leading physician writes that
he has noticed warm days and cool
nights always affect the bowels,
and suggests some preventative
remedy. Dr. Biggers’ Huck’.ebery
Cordial is the oue.
The unprecedented sale of Bos
chee's German Syrup within a few
years, has astonished the world.
It is without dcubt (he safest and
best remedy ever discovered for
the speedy and effectual cure of
Goughs, Colds and the severest
Lung troubles. It acts ou au an-*
lively different principle from the
usual prescriptions given by I’liy
sicans as it does not dry up a
Cough aud leave the disease still in
the system, tut on the contrary re¬
moves thecaaseof the trouble, heals
Ihe parts affected and leaves them
in a purely healthy condition. A
bottle kept in the house for use
when the disease make their appear
anoe, will save doctor's bills and a
long spell of serious illness. A tn
al will convince you of these facto.
It is positively sold by all druggiss
and general dealers in the land.
75 *cts., large bottles,
-- # « .. . ,.
Extensive preparations are be¬
ing made ,for the camp meeting,
which begins tomorrow night.
The A & 0 Through Murr y.
The survey of the Augusta &
Qhattanoqga Railroad reached the
line of Murray throngb what is
known as Carter and Talking Rock
gap, crossing Coosawattee river
near Col. Carter’s mill and tannery:
thence with the general direction
ol the Old Federal Road to near
Capfc. A K Ramsey's and thenm
with the general direction of the
Spring Place road, that intersects
with* the Federal road at Capt. A K
Ramsey’s, to Spring Place. The
survey passes through Spring Place,
between T J Ramsey's aud the
parsonage, and being about two
hundred and fifty yards east ot the
Court House. From Spring Place,
the survey is on nearly a direct
with the old Chattanooga
to the Lo.lar bluff, on the
river. The survey will
probab.y reaett Chattanooga this
week. We are informed that aa
soon as the survey is .completed,
there will be a large force of hands
pat to work at each end of Ihe road,
and will go right on to completion.
So, ere the distant fat are, we hope,
that Murray, the banner comity of'
Georgia will hear the rumb¬
of the mighty locomotives over
bills, aud through her valleys,,
and we can then share with our
counties the many
priviiagesof such auselul enter¬
prise, and can develop the valuable
of our county, that have
so long been neglected, for the
want of developing power.
Now let our people remember
that it takes "faith to remove moun¬
tains” and money to bu.ld railroads,
in* this case it is expected ol
people, to show their anxiety
ior the road, by tbeir liberality with
money. Let us show the
that we don’t want some¬
thing for nothing, but that we want
a railroad and are willing to help
pay tor it.
Arklncks, Arklncks. Arklucks.
Stop that headache by using
Arklncks Indian Blood Pills.
Arklncks Indian Blood Pills get
there Ely—every box warranted
—try them.
For goods cheap, and big prices
for country produce, L F Clark
Fort Mountain, is the man to trade
Arklncks Indian Blood Pills
cure all derangements of the atom*
aohe and bowels, JDoctors will pre¬
scribe them.
Money to Loan.
Those who want money, and have
first class real estate to secure it,
apply through C N King.
Gh mv! I am about to fall! what
can I do for my Liver? Take one
box of Aaklucks Indian Blood Pills
aud you will have no more trouble.
When you go to Dalton take your
meals at Bnchholz, restaurant..
He will feed ycu well and treat
yon well and charge you only
twenty five cents per meal.
Doctors and merchants will find
it is to their interest to advise the
use of Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
for there is no better remedy.
Twenty Five cents paid for them
will often save the patients life.
If you have headache ask your
merchant for a box ot Arklucks In¬
dian Blood Pills and they will sure¬
ly cure you. Don't let anybody
palm off any other kind for Arklncks
are the best.
The New Store
Notice the special bargains at the
new store ot T J Ovbey.
A good wool hat for 50 cents. A
good fur hat for $125. Good
stoves, cheaper than can be bought
anywhere, ,
$lOO to $300 A MONTH oan bo
made wo king for
ua. Agollta preferred who oan furnish their
own horses and give their whole time to the
bd sines... Spare moments may be profitably
employed also. A few vacancies in towns
and cities. B. F. JOHNSON.* CO., 1013
Main St, Richmond, Va.
To Farmers.
I wish to rent my farm lying on
Mill Craok miles north of .Spring
Place, Ga. About ISS acres up¬
land and 85 acres of bottom open
for caltivation, all good productive
land, nice orchard, a high and heal¬
thy location, hoass, bams &c.
Two fine wells of water, just the
place (or some live tenant. I wish
several acres seeded. Will rent for
third and fourth, or standing rent
For further information apply to
John W Green, 30£ Marietta St.,
Atlanta Ga.
Hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
and dalton in oomfort m any kind
of weather. The hack leaves this
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. m-
Land for Sale
I will sell all or a part of my farm ly¬
ing two miles north .of Spring Plaoe.
One hundred and seven acres are
cleaiedaad improved with good
buildings, good orchaids, and well
watered with three good wells.
About one hundred and thirty acres
in good woodland. CaU on or ad
dress III Luffman, Spring Place,
Wool Wool
We again invite your attention
and guaiautee satisfaction. We
have the best machine ol the age
and have it in the best condition
possible. Tiiose leaving wool with
our agents; Coffey Moore & Co.
Spring Place, Harris & Davis or
A S Vining, Woodlawu, Poyne's
store. Sumach, Harris & Morton,
Longhridge. will find then rolls
returned without extra charge.
H. H. JameB & Co. Cleo, Teun.
c. c. c. c.
Certain Chicken Cholera Cure.
This is the o r Jy specifio for chick ans yot
discovered; every package guaranteed to stop
oholera among chilkens in fifteen minutes, so
that no more will take the disease. I liave
the indorsement of the Commissioner of Agri
cnltnre of Ga. Call and get a package only
25cts. For sale by T, J. 0VBEV,
Spr ng Plane Ga
Professional Cards.
Wm, C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
■Sprang Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given Jo’all
legal business.
Calhoun,'Qa. 8pring Place, Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to alllegalbusiness
M. B. Harris,
Spuing Place, Geoygia,
Prompt attention given to
all legal business.
W. C. Glenn,
Dalton, C EORGIA.
Prompt attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J. P. Fann,
Risidknt Dbutibt
AU kinds of me¬
^jggggjg , . chanical and Ojer
SpSk j)}*.; ecutod ativo Dentistry in first-class ex
* lg» §g|g!l enable style, and rates. at reaa- The
'VZZ-'.. jsSSp gjggl Celluloid in partial Platoput
full up or
sotsof teoth at
reasonable rates.
Teeth ex trao t e d
.Without pain by the use of Squibb the 1 ! pure Sul¬
phuric Ether. The patronage of oitiiens
Of Murray county is respectfully solicited,
with a guarantee that I will do.them as good
work as they oan get in North Georgia, and
as eheap ait they oan get it done by any first
iaM dentistin North Georgia.
F. R.0LES,
Having located at the Legal
Tender mines, at Fort Moun¬
tain, is now prepared to assay
ores promptly and with all the
precision that the latest revela*
tions in chemieal science per¬
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Georgia,
Guarrantees good work and
cheap rates.
Dalton, Georgia.
We baye arranged our new
gallei) to make ever tyle^ pho
tographs and will guaran ee
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Ftr
rotypes made for fifty cents.
Do not fail to call and exam
ine our work wheu in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
we 1 ’ as any other day.
RoImiimhi | Anderson,
PrCfcripticrs C arefully Prcpai ed.
Have just received their Spring and Summer Goods, which
they are offering at
Astonishingly Low Prices
Double Width Dress Goods at 25 eta.* Clothing the Cheaps
est in town. Shoes, every kind, custom made, at all prices.
miinery! Hilinery!!
We are certainly iheadquartets for Bonnets, Hats, Ribbon,
Feathcis, Flowers. We most respectfully invite the ladies of
Mu: ray county to call and see us and save 25 per cent. We
have a beautiful liue of hats and Miss Gholston can certainly
please the most f stidicus. We al-o have Jno. R Taiver con¬
nected with us who will be pleased to see his friends and give
them bargains. GHOLSTON & DAILY, Dalton Ga.
Y. Y. Richardson,
Patronage of the people of Murray county, respectfully solicited.
T. J. OT BE Y,
Has Opened A New Store la
Spring Place, Georgia.
And t4ie citizens of Murray County need no longer* plough
through the raud to buy goods in Dalton.
We -will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept in a
general stoi»e, and will sell at the lowest cash prices.
If you don’t believe it come and price our goods before you
buy elsewhere.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Leuob’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of t he latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. *
Take Notice.
You will find me under Treyitt Hall, and
I will save yon from 10 to 20 per cent
Be sure to come t.nd see me before buying elsewhere.
My stock consists of FURNITURE, CLOCKS, PICTURES,
COFFINS, CASKETS, &c. A nice lot ot Picture Mouldings,
where you can got frames nicely and cheaply made to order.
Domestic Sewing Machines at cost; 2 draws $27 50; 4 draws
$33 00; and <6 draws $37 50.
J I, SMITH, Da ton, Ga.
1887. 1887
- oo:oo
King & Carter, Prop’rs.
published weekly at Spring Place, Murray County, Georgia,
j t j s to tb© moral and material advancement of the pec»
pj e Q f tbis section, aud will always be found arrayed upon the
side of right and justice, an i against wrong and oppression
1111 11 111 *
We intend to keep a full corps of correspoi,dents in difS-renfe
portions posted of to the the county social and who religious will keep doings ou ot readers this section thoroughly Not
only subscribe for it yourself/but get your neighbor to do so.
KING & CARTER, Publishers.