Newspaper Page Text
a n. sure. a B. CARTER.
North 6 wgiit Times
KHfG* CAlVs'S". Publisher*.
The Etowah Institute.
fro* the Cherokee Ai.rsrr* <•? Doe. - ird.
The TtU8tees of «. c
Institute we* last Monday and
te-ejoGted Prof, M. G. Bates
r prinwipal for an indefinite period
This is just what they
jbave done and meets the heat
* wi
patrons of the Lwfotnt&
Prof. Bates is a fine teacher,
good disciplinarian, and under
his able and gentlemanly man-- been
egement the School has
unite successful and accomplish
Sag ior tb. town M £* it
was intended that it sbould-i. o.
toeing. ** -w.
our children can be educated,
and ana attracting RAHRM-iug others uu c from ad
joining towns and counties to
this place. will
The next term open on
the first itf«nd»v Monday in in .Tanuarv januaiy
pext, and, Prof. Bates informs
«*. it row promises to bo the
most successful term of any ever
taught here. Several JT youug J:
men from Gilmer, .. Mur. u ay and
other counties, K^o.riaa besides *bna« tnose in in
different parts of this county,
b.vo already ™de m**
ments to attend, and it is now
evident w that the school will
with , an unusually ni large
attendance on next Monday
week—January J 2nd ’88
Bates will , be assisted . . j
Pl-ot. _ ,
this term by J his wife, who is a
fine „ teacher, , . in the T> Primal : 0 ,.^ y He
palfment; Prof. 8. T. b incher
jn : the Business Depaitment,
Rnd by Mrs. W. F. Wright, in
the Music cud Art Depart
ments. Other competent teach
am will be employed es the de
mauds requite.
Board for students can be
obtaine*i in ^cod families here
at fropa vh.OO to fS.OO per
moqtl), and the rates of tuition
are exceadingly moderate,
Tbe Etowah Institute is well
disciplined; provided with req*
uisite apparatus and a corps ot
competent teachers; and is situ¬
ated in one of the best and
healthiest towns in Geo-gift.
Many teachers go out from
this School every year to teach
three-njonth public school in
this and other counties in the
State. Thus the benefit deri*
ved from the Etowah Institute
is far reaching and uot confined
alone to Canton.
The Manley Manufacturing
C with Robt. Alanley, of Phil
Rbeiphia, as President, has pui«
phased sixty~five acres of laud
from the Crown Cotton Mill Co
oppomte tbe cotton factory on
pn the vest side of the W & A
fl R and are going to erect a
large Iron Manufacturing es¬
tablishment. W B Farrar of
Palton has the contract apd the
building is to be completed
ready for the machinery by
March the let, of this year.
This looks more like Dalton
was getting on a boom than
pny thing of recent ivpoifc
— U.3
There is a suit nuw pemlifig
In Macon, which ifjyolvns the
I^polfolk estate. The p inci
pal qqesfiou ji; the oaue id, (lid
(jspt. Wpolhtlk Jin b* lore bib
wile; if at) then the wiir’w beim
#t|-eett|tjr!tj to the property, ami
(he three uhilJreu by the first
mauiage, Mr*. Edwards, Sira.
(Coweii and Tom Woolfoik ye*
(cive nothing; but, it Capt.
Wool folk died List, then the
three persons named are enti*
tied to the property.
The Austrian and Rassisr
governments are shaking them¬
selves tor a little tussle, *ud
will have it if peace
1 interfere.
j Jtegolufcions are all right, iu
| j their way, but actions are more
to ^ int
j —:— .~_l ^
i Leqal Advertisements.
February sheriff's sales.
W»U be sold before the court
jnEt^XSEJiSS 0 «,«oi, between th.l.g.1 boaw
of sale on the .‘a t Tuesday in February
next, the following described prop
t*ty to wit:
North TweBty aores of ]and in tte
west corner of lot No. 24.
13 , all in the 9th Distnct and 3rd
n p of tf Justices court fi fa from the
1039th district, in favor of D O Me
Lain, Administrator of Isaac Mo
Lain, deceased, vs RX Beck. Levy
“ede and returned to me by J B
Bond L °*
^ ^gW-y . tfae acres of lot of laud No.
Q gth di8trict ^ 8rd sect
of said county, being the west half
fl fa from the %£$
1013th a districto justices court of the
Pteples m infavorofT J
vs S B and Isabella King, 6
• Als0 l0fc ° f 1 3 1 10 the . 8th
district and 3rd secti n of raid conn
*ZZt3&'£5&ff£ ty. Levied on as the property of
825th district a m in favor of Frank
Levy Vornberg vs the said H W Bagiev.
made and returned to me by
j d Elrod t o
Also one stock of merchandise
consisting <d dry goods boots shoes
furniture hard ware ^foceriee, drugs, stcre
roun&jjMn, to-witj 500 pounds flat
and 50 horse shoes, 35
yaids ^read, jeans, 40yards prints, 2 blohks
0 f 12 pair shoes, one lot of
queens ware, consisting of tea plates
and pitchers,one lot of tin ware
cong i a ^ n>? 0 f oqpb, buckets, puns
and oil cans. 325 pounds flour, 4
etc., One lot of show case goods,
coftee, 80 pounds of nails, 501bs.
8u 8 ar > 201bs. soda, sulphur, salts
etc-, one set of hame^ etc., 6 gal
ons of kerosene oil, sundries, show
case, trunk, scales, bats and being
all the contents of the store house
resides occupied by defendant, where he
brown in Murray horse, county, Also one
bay two cows and
calves, two young heiters and one
set of black smith tools complete,
All of said property levied on as
the property of S M Haggard to
satisfy M a superior court fifain favor
C & J F Kiser & Oo., vs 8 M
Al»o the M*t undivided half <■> value uf
lot of laud No 310 in the 26th district and
2nd Motion of laid comity. Levied on a. the
property of J A Wright and .object to the
pmehate non *7 note* given to A T Logon by
J A Wright by vinn# of and to sotirfy « J» .
tice eoui 1 1 1W from tha 1013i.h district O. M
in favt ofW A La lob v» J A Wright pritei
pal and W J Terry aeoori y.
AIbo lot of land No 222 in the
26th district and 2nd section ot
said county. Levied on as the
properly of George Correll admin
istrator of John Lowther by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
from the tax collectors ofice of soid
county, in favor of the stdte and
county vs George Oorroll adminis¬
trator of John Lowther. For the
year lj}y7.
Also lot of land number 82 in the 8 th dis
triet and 3rd aeotion of .aid conuty. Levied
on a. the property of Mr*. Rebecca Saxon,
by virtue of a d to Mtiafy a tax fi f» tanned
fro n the Tax Colleotor’i office of * aid cor nty
in favor of the State *nd County vs. Mrs. Re¬
becca Saxon. For the year 1887.
Ah o lot of land No 276 iu
25 th district &mi 2nd section ot
Murray countv. Levied on as the
prtperty < t b'runciK A Crow, by
virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi fa is
sued from the Tax colb 0 or’* »d!c-»
o» said comity in fa7c»r of die state
and count' vs Francis A Grow
For tbe year 1887.
Al.o that ortion of lot of land ST > f!i >5 Iv¬
in* North of Holly Crook and flHv rod. «#
the South side of lot of land No. 206 all in the
26 h di triotand 2 nd aection of m>itl eonHt.v
except three acre, more or l«s* off lot of
No 265 where the f.w-inill and gtn now rtomia
LovJcd on a* the property of W J Pevp'e',
nd i. fohjcct to (lower of M ri. I onl-a Hsu
l»r. All of the above described p*ope»tv la
in p«**ea*i«n of W J People. Levied on es
the proprr’j uf W J btepie. by viitu ol emi
C. L, fti HY, She) i
Georgia, M«n-y 0**aij j.
D M Peder Admtaii.?. tor of J W W»&-..
rcpre.cuts <o toe Coa*c ta his potl'lo*’ ‘•o!
filed end entered on reeeord, tkst Ue
fully administered J If Welter', a
Ibis i*therefore to eite ell person* c-o. cer- ei*
kindred end tiodVwi*. *o show c- rje, if * •>
*V,. 7 .;£
reeeiTc le.!«>■< of dtMuifaion on a# fir i Mo ,
d.y in Merck 1888 . W. H. B*a it.'
»*o. i«tle?.. O’-diitiiv
By virtue of an order of the court of OvR
nary of Murray county G*. will be lohi be¬
fore the Ccnrt Mouse door i» aaiu con u iy, 0 ..
the first Tuesday la February, naat, withiv
tha legat hoars of aale. Loti of ltnd ae...
her 138 and 2 ;.#, tad an nndirided hr if Ate
(•rest in lot Namber 219, all iu tha 9th Bis',
and Ird.saetlon of *r’d conu y, eon>.lnt»g»,
all four hundred acral more or la - soid n
soporato lot*, a. tin property of Wll,.-m
Jacxson, lata of arid County, and bi-iugiha
old Homoatoad of *rld d'.-«. ad on Roll..
Creek, excepting one half;sere on lot Mo.
238 where family graveyard a'alldi. I'trS
cash. This Januaiy 4lh 1636.
0 D Keith Adas.-, Wm Jtekson d-.cvi eeu
With will annexed.
Georgia, Murray c»ruty,
Whereas E E and Pci”lp lle^mtr Execu¬
tor. of tho estate ofJoha Be. mer dewaxed
represents to the court in their ptiitior dul;.
filed and entered on retord, Outluey have
iuMy administered John Beamer’s r.oate »c
eoriiing to hie will. This is tnrrel'oie to elt 3
all parsons concerned, k ndredsnd cD uicor.,
to show cau.e. if any ihay can why -viil iTy
eentors should not be disch.rgeu iroiu Utir
trust, and re: bit# letters of dismi.-ion o.< iiie
1st Monday in Apri. 1888, Tula J.n. sib
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
St.t* or OxoxeiA uuks.t ooou.t:
Whereas, Wm Lufimau Admiu
istiator of John O’Oouner repre¬
sents to the court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on rtocord
that he has fnlly administered John
0‘Conneris estate. This fo thye
fore to cite all perrons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why sa’d Ad¬
ministrator shonld not be dischar
ged from bis pdministration sud
receive letters of dismission on the
first Monday in April 1S8S, Tim
January 4th 18S8.'
W’. fl. Ramsey, Oidinatv.
Ststi or Oxoxou, Mnrr -y Conuty.
To all whom ’t may conce rt
Isaao W MeLain basin dac fu m appliei'
to me for perm.vent let's: '' of rdm jh.tirtio)'
on the estate of ofLiveniaC MoLurt l. ie of
said county decea-od, and I will pas: upon
the said application on the first Moixbj iu
February 1888.
Given under my t and and official sig.i. **.'i*«
thU 4thday January 1888. W H R. tos' V
Oi Jitt’ir*
Stive or Gaoaau, Murray County
Mackey McUamy wife of Isaac
McCamy, has applied for exemp
lien ot personalty and I will pans
upon tbe same at 12 o’clock m on
the 25th of Janary 1888 at my ofii
ee. W H Ramsey Ordinary.
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Daltcn, Georgia,
Gaarrantees good work and
che<sp rates
FUBBER ST \MP wiih your
ni’uiB in
Fancy Type, 25 Visiting Card*, amt IN D t A
INK to mark Lioan, only 25 ets. (*t»mp^..
Book of 2000 sty)as tree with each o.tlcr.
Agents wanted. Big Pay.
PerUfcl* Gent Kllli sal XUlitoBM.
* d
0 m
■ r
* 'pimYooD.i^mo.! H.q, 1
Premium Art Gallery.
**’» Whitehall 8 U, Atlau , ».
When yon vifiit t »18 City Cell
9* “ **
was awarded .oe DAr.v medal oft
ed, find five d.plom&B. fin'
I %baii oontinuH to make my
e«t Cabinets at $4 per dozen.
S 6 >f Whitehall St., Over M, I-lch *
fire’s. Dry Good. Store,
Atlanta, Georgia.
We give the best pictures lor
the least money. Children’s p»o*
ures taken in one second. Stranger;
from the country alwpya welcome.
Call and examine specimens amt
Livery ^Feed and
Sale Sttble
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. The patronage
the people emuch desired,
especially those from Murray
F.R. 0 LES,
Having located at the Legal
Tender mines, at Fort Moun¬
tain, is now prepared to assay
ores promptly and with all the
precision that the latest revelw'
tions in chemical science pei -
C. C. C. o
- ....... i :
Certain Chicken Cholera Gpre
This is the ot ly spec!So for chickens yet
discovered; every package guaranteed to stop
cholera among ehilkens in fifteen minutes, so
that no more will take the disease. I have
the indorsement of the Commissioner of Agri
culture of Ga. Call and get a package only
•:5cjs. For sale by T. J. OVB ST,
Spring Place Ga
Metropolitan Hotel.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Corner of Alabama St Pryor Streets,
-- Rates Reasonable. -
R. P- KEITH, - * Proprietor.
[f*te of Cannon House.]
Dalton, Georgia,
We have arranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or Ftr*
retypes made tot fifty ceuts.
Do not fail to call and exam¬
ine our work when in Dalton.
Pictures made on cloudy as
11 any other d.-ty.
kBusg rro cS“i2**"& st.' a. r.
oo:oo GasoBG.?*.
Newly Opened! Newly ! ur&Mud
Hirst-Class Accommodation. BEST MttAL .u »e
ior the MONEY. Rates $2. per day.
W. H. MURDOCH. Prop’r.
Millinery Goods, !
Jnat Received at the MUlnery Were ef
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street. i
Dalton, Georgs. ; i ,\
..« ■
A new and elegant assortment of MHinery »-•>, -U,. Pi.e> cou. tiag of fitro -
Bonnets slid Imdiss’arH Chlldrei’s Hu"' [trliomod »n> nntrim-aod]
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvei Dibbo"., >#el< Tie-. Bo»n#r, H'lh'. >3r*lns.
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Vos.tb*r.->.0t'vvn e«i* Ac. ■ Oi» good s
were borgbt of the targes) Yore, i-od and bertimvorting wU* bo Bo .*-, in Bnlti
more and Now sole’ at very low
prb'ihfor c'-.h.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
I am selling all the output ot tbe Georgia Ma nufacturing Co*
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to ot dev
W. W. VanNkss, Dalton, Ga., Next door to Cannons
Robiriton « Anderson,
’ &<# 1
• i- - . ■ -
Pr i cripiKiis r» dolly P.r:p ed
Bvery word we say we eon stand by.
i%@SPisE *26. The finest Hawn* nickel MADE for
the money. Handsome or imitation
rubber gold finish mountings. HAND'
HiibImI made from oak stock, Ifj^ySiXr tuwurpasrafifor
style and durabffity. «
tye will send you a sample fohHMthiMiec-
1 tion to show you what prognSwe have
§a 1 ^ made by making a SPECIALW and get¬
ting out over 800 setts each month. You
can than keep the here sample at only fao, $5 less
PENSE. price Can or return at OUR EX¬
we make a more liberal
offer? We shaB expect to hear from you
at Folded once saying YES send 00 your Harness.
or single strap style.
National Harness Co.,
Wholesale Msaufactarers,
A. ANDERSON, UtoH Wells St. Buffalo JT. Y.
Collar end Homes, HBxtssk Mo Breast Collar
• Double Style tor two horses, Pries, 3MB.
pan... ousgavaanu. ‘
B00: r 4 3, THREE ii CENTS EAC s a
Wenden *f the World, Natonal and Otbbb. Con¬
deaerlptlone end Ulostreitens of Uie tnnsi wonderful
Weeden of netur* end the of Se*. A Ter/ Interesting end inetractive.
of description of the many wonder¬
tad bMoitfnl Ablnge hi e d at the bottom ol tbe ocean, with
r ofhM tII qi trail on*.
“A Piemen EitrUea,’* and Other Bkctehra. By
Josiab All**’* Wiff*.” A collection of trteeletibly fanny
by the most popalsr bemoroa* writer of the day.
Tha “ Annt Kestah Pajpara, by Clasa 4oou*ta, eotbnr
The Rngg Oocaaeeata. M 4 most rfdlcnlomly fuauj book
every weyequlta “Widow B*dotl."
Chihtam her Htorlam charming by Camu Dicssn*. Contain* a
of the moet Chrlatm** storfoeet v«r written
tho g r e et set writer who ever lived. Section* t* complete.
B owndtha Ereelef Unp 4 book of*u>rt**,plctnrM,
itnN, for tb* little folka at home.
PteeUrHeelUtloB* and Dialogue^ homorons, drama¬
and pathetic, Including ell the latent, beet aud moat popular.
ThaSair.miade end Megrephla* Men of femoo* of Modern aelf-tned* Time*. American*, Contains from por- the
of Franklin to tb* present.
otntf one. Contelnlng tb* origin nod antbor
ase* frequently met tn reeding end converter
work of reforaace.
Mr LIN m xe«w York. A eerles of v|vM pen plctoroo
ring the Mark aid* of lire in the great city. lUtuiraied.
ha Seed to Wealth. Hot an advertising clrcol "i
nptfdpfoaghfy S 3 j&<may make practice! money, eeailr, work, rapidly pointing and nut honeslly a way
One Hand red Popnlar Song*, aentlflaenui.palbetle old.
oomlc, Including moat of the favorite*, new and
«!» Noel's Heir. Lifn. A Novel. Novel. By By Mr*. ManionHabland. Mat Aomm Fleming.
AiUld A Bartered Mm's Bew A ileo Novel. By Mrs. Atm 8.
with cloth back, tor #1.10. lhlrUtbcrreeteiit bargain in b.x>k< ever ullereil. l>u nut fell totaS, »d»»oU«»ortt,
First Premium and Gold Medal at
This Qitt rides as easy a# any Buggy, and It
positively free from Horse Motion.
,1.t>.'■ BWip, Uieb^Uria<i.nxuutBllins.
d / ° yf * CUARAMTEK. Wawtll tell
K\ S fcNJ___ ^__ - -*■ 1 iami«» « »” 0*aBBBM too Tai ■
iNklInMihyKl).ia on
MBir ttfy Tuu sad
ffltfrig f gBBiuW* Bud ittoridB
• _ hchb* motion “ eur to b*
»» ran no* u oar l s.r
\Nr^i V ^Hnot jurt u Mprawud, ntiua tons *S our
Af\ X/ °7 Send for agents Oiroutars WANTED A TeriiiMdltl*.
f A \ ^7 w , «very Tow* not A* ready taken.
D. F. SARGENT r & son,
Patentees. Gem ill.
The IS; sis For.-clllnf ttohloB. 31ml. Bf H. T- CilMB.
^Hollow ^ <
ChK/'u.'U iImT”* V*«fr r i, 1 uJirtSfcr cl" a
The Dlamonil Bracelet. A Novel. By Mr*.
Wood. Illustrated.
■r •
Dncnves." -;K
Between Two Nina. A Novel. By the o ith or of m Onb
Thorua.” Illustrated.
The Mnc of Hrwrta. A Novel. ByB. L.l*Vno»c Utimwi.
Porta's Fortum*. A Novel. By Piemanon
A Low »ui i htge. A Novel. By Wtiau*Co..M|fc Min Meeoca. VT ^
The Guilty Riven A Novel. Sty
The PoUn of Aten A Novel. By Flomocn
M ont Uranttv A Novel. By wt. Unit Wool
Forging A Pluywright** the Fetter*. Daughter, A Novel. Koval, By Mrs. By A Mrs. f i hMfc
Unit A 4KMh
FiWAHt.H, l rated.
rtil'A'lSlX. »w
Lnnrnater’A t ubln, 4 W By Mr*. M-T.Ttoeoh.
Illustrated. * '
Fiareace IrlnelBD'e fUnstrattd. a«Sb, AKbt. 1. I, In. Sin
. UKmmx. r
tU"t:rat*A. Tbe Wwu lleter. e »»«>. IrCrJ.a.InMw.
Tiie CeWhrnla CdMo. A Xowt- S, N. T. Giilm*.