Newspaper Page Text
No Gitteo-gia Times.
.• i OflcIM Paper or the County,
e us s-'.s-.ed in ike Post OSoe at Spring Place
C ,, t .1 second <rfj*a matter.
SUMirlpiiM Bates!
. r, pi M SVx months, bficentuXlHve
?5n«a.(s. Pi«aHala adranea.
- — --»-*H-«ommnaie*tions t) Taa Time,
V i P act, 6a.
W J iouil&.i) ini .outkd 1>*8 pup.
A foil line of ladies hats at Urs.
Yanme JoliVQ flf., ,
SI . M.^ o*' d E? sbi*s been
•vis''- ng i town *' *8 w«vk.
Jtti VvCO't" Vs. % i.i d’Si' ict OOD
. (to d.'ys tt> t week.
Jeme A IVckson isvVring in
Chat '*. * county xh's week.
1 am doeing oat over-costs and
liidVv <■ teaks at oost. T J Ovbey.
A beauiiial and tasty line of la~
<i;«s hats, just received atT J Ovbey’s.
Rev. Mr. WaHon wi l preach at
SioCaa x s Cjape' on next Saturday
mud Sunday.
Good Stoves cheaper than can
he bought any where, at T J
Ovbey .s
|H |im Net-’e Edmondson of At*
Unto p. 4 Place a Hying
visit this w-ek.
We direct attention to the new¬
ly arranged csrd of 8 E Browa in
this inane.
Mr. T J Owbay wqnt to Atlanta
on last Tuesday to pat chase a new
Rtook of good*.
Mr. and Mrs. G T Qglatree, oi
of Atlanta ate visiting at Mr. J P
Kelly*i in town,
_ lr-.s . . Leap y - tear and , if f any .
the ladies want* to marry,
thair ikae-to say L
Wb fesr that some ot the
Sieve soiled the 6' «t page of their
Hew TdH.A reCOrd.
I sell the beet grade of flour
•Cheaper than any body. J. Davia.
A general line of Patent medi¬
cine at T J Ovbey’s, cheaper than
<can be bowqht anywhere.
ftecstur Me-sree Who has been in
Tasks several ye?rs has returned
<un a visit ; u th ; s couniv.
Rev. J R Speck will fill his regu
'*<• r H)»u(mei«t fit Haseler's Chap
«* (*. next 8«tnrdav and Sunday.
The National flo'e! in Dalton, is
sio moro the National, but the ele¬
gantly arranged Murdoch H'Xwe,
Gome at once and sett’e your »c
eounss for I;87—Wo mwin bupioMsu
T A‘ & S E Bern?. Daltoe Ga
’ ♦M < ? ■ -
F«v. W M o sb <>f Cohntis,
tenifted ahrmi’iege li
«entic to Judge Bsmsey ; ast week
P-*rag.>,esef this c« untv who
lia<s <H«eo ititvibiog in )tecnem*» for
npi’t mi is at home takings
Re,. _ Taylor hi!ed his appoint
•nent at : ho F' - est»v'e;isa church
oti kt tlafid. y und Sunday night.
wit»nf bid »uteres t
.' h
Mi-* J ones, who lived
uaesv town died on last. Monday
night at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Jones
leeves&n .vifpot oa’y thiee days old
’r|feea(in«e ■p
Mr ftodgers ot Cleva
l»n.rT»w a qh’lsnt young man
bun eOMwV l; « binself with the
younj; Qtto'f'a of ihe V'llage this
J S Keister aqd Miss Belle Pea
pies of bis place, were maniedfit t*m
Murdoch H«uee. in Dalton on last
Thuraday—Justice I/>ngley ofBpia
Three couples of Spring Place’s
youog peop’e were married in a dn
ration, of four dayu of last week—
If you know of a parallel case,
plea ho say I.
Turning Night Into Day.
W h .v i* the sun like people of
fashion? It tnrns ntght into day—
the tim 1 pen le « tch cold, which.
i '' pot attended to in time, will in.
duos consnniption. Taka in time
V. Tier's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet
Gum and Mullein-
MissLo s daughter of Capt,. W.
J. Waite is aUcndiog school in
Calfcooti Ga.
A Car load ol Wagons just receiv¬
ed at T A & S i£ Berne,e‘ Dali on
Ga., and are fot-ssle cheap, for
cash, ot good taper at a low rate
cf interest.
Bob Robinsou and Miss Alice
Walton «f town, were joined in mat¬
rimony on i?st Sunday night. Judge
W H Ramsey administering the
Bacred vows.
Tuesday, the 31st ot this month
is retu rn day for Murray Superior
«»nvt. All who jhinfeto file suit,
wiH yrieaflB take notice.
0 N Kikg, Clerk S. 0.
The largest and most oomplete
H‘o«k of goods that has been in
Bp-log Place for years has just
Wn received and elegantly ar¬
ranged at the Store of T J Ovbey.
A mad dog created a considera¬
ble excitement in Dalton on last
Fridav. Sever?! dogs and hogs
were bitted and had to be killed.
The mad puppy was slain and the
treirement abated,
Jo Henry and Miss Mattie Pee¬
ples. Uo.b of Spring Place, were
quietly married at the residence of
M and Mrs. J L Cole’s on last
Sunday night. Rev- J 0 Linn per¬
formed the ceremony.
W J Davis has purchased
t.he handsome stock of grocer¬
ies of G W Cole and is now lo*
rated with his full stock of
goods at the Ovbey’s. Henry eornar op¬
posite T J
The eleotion for town Council
place on last Saturday and
reunited in the electien of the fol
lowing persons: Ool. Trammell
tan, Dr. W W Anderson, Dr. J F
Hums Jamef»X Henry and 0 N
Business is business the world
over, and we must ask our custom
eis to come up at once and settle
tWir accounts or we will be ootn
pc* ed to use means that we dislike
▼ci v much to use. Also the indi¬
vidual accounts of W W Anderson
must be forthcoming at cnce.
Robinson & Anderson,
Murray county Georgia
Ordinary's office Jan. 12. ’83.
This is to notify all Administra¬
tors. 4 xeentors *hnd Guardians of
said county, that they must make
their annual return and final settle
mem* as is required by law, other¬
wise they will be held responsible
for derelict of duty as required by
law. Witness my hand and official
signature. W H Ramsey, Ordy.
It is the duly of every person
w m> has used Boschbe's German
Svkup to let its wonderful qualities
be Pnowh to their friends in curing
•V Kuropfion, severe Goughs, Croup,
A/i'iuv. Pneumonia, and in fact all
,Vi-I at and lung diseases. No per-
8oii can use it without immediate re
W ’J hree doses will relieve any
case, and we consider it the duty of
all Druggists to recommend it to
'>« poor, dying ensumptive, at least
t<* fry o le bottle, as 80«000 dozen
boitlns were sold last year, and no
case where it failed was reported.
‘non a medicine as the German Syr
tin cannot be too widely known.
Awk your druggist about it. Sam«
bottles to try, sold at 10 cents.
v-^ular size, 75 cents. Sold by all
D« legists and Dealers, in the Uni¬
(6 d States aud Canada,
Notice to Teachers.
C rder the newly revised school
he State School Commissioner,
^ tvqu-ied to fix a day or days lor
purpose ot examining all who
acMire to leach in the State. It
now become* the dmy of the coun
> School Commissioner to give
in.iic® of the time, when examine
lions are to be bad. Toe days fixed
by (he Slate School Couuniggioutr
ur« the .6th 27th and 28th of this
month Ikareby give notice that
I will meet the applicants of this
cuuntv at Spring Flace on ’Jburs
day atid Frida.*, the 36^ and 27th
ot this mouth, fqr the purpose of
holding an examination for teach¬
ers license.
A'l cootracU formerly made are
vofo and no c-oe wiil be allowed U
leach euu-68 th - uhove nrU^fej
oomiMiMl wuh an-! bHlisfimtoi'y f-vi
Uaime giveu of schola ehtp- to enU
Uo u teacher's hoense. ..Vriei'
s u HEM**, a s. c.
- ARC -
v W:
The kwoet rum, as gatherci*. from a tree of the
aauie name, growing along the small streams In
toe Southern States, contains loosens a stimulating phlegm ex¬
pectorant ducing principle that the pro¬
ohiM the early morning cough, ana stimulates
the to throwoffthefalae When membrane combined with in cronp the
and heeling whooping-cough. mucilaginous principle In the mullein
plant of the ol5 fields, presents in TAYLOR’* MUt
LMN the finest known remedy and Croup. pela
■Whooplng-ooughandoonsumptloni taole. child It pleased to take It. Ask eo your
Local Paragraphs
Arklncks. Arklncks. Arklucks.
Stop that headache by using
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills.
Arklncks Indian Blood Pills get
there Ely— every box warranted
—try them.
For goods cheap, and big prices
for country produce, L F Clark
Fort Mountain, is the man to trade
Arklucks Indian Blood Pills
core all derangements of the atom
ache and bowels. Doctors will pre¬
scribe them.
Money to Loan.
Those who want money, and have
first class real estate to secure it,
apply through C N King. J ''"TV
Oh my 11 am about to fall! what
can T do for my Liver? Take one
box of Aaklucks Indian Blood Fills
»nd you will have no more trouble.
When yon go to Dalton take your
meals at Buchholz, restaurant
He will feed you well and treat
vou well and charge you only
»wenty five cents per meal.
If you have headache ask your
merchant for a box ot Arklucks In¬
dian Blood Pills and they will sare
lv cure yon. Don't let anybody
palm off any other kind for Arklncks
are the host
Doctors and raorchants will find
it is to their interest to advise the
use of Arkineks Indian Blood Pills
for there is no better remedy.
Twenty Five ceuts paid for them
w’ll often save the patients life.
See Me First
I ask tht ough kindness, all who
settle owe me. to account; come up I need at once the and J
your mon >
ey and must have it, so please do
not leave me till the last.
W J Johnson
hack Line.
Simon Daly has purchased a new
covered hack and is prepared to
haul passengers between this place
aod dallon in comfort in any kind
of weather. The hack leaves tni3
place at 7 a. m. and Leaves Dalton
at 1 p. in. daily- *
Want d
Irish Potatoes,
Sweet Potatoes,
Co n, /
Baled Shucks,
DeJournette <fe Co.
Dalton Ga.
Supplies Fa nisaed.
G W Ogleshy at Kenner’s
warehouse, Dalton (Jn ,, will
furnish farmeri of Whitfield
M)<1 'Vilh sup-1
, sarH d Jkfi Corn,
time.-.tiJ-Iufk'ff tuey make gum! j
Professional Cards.
Wm, C. Martin,
Attorney at Law.
Spring Place, Georgia.
Immediate attention given to*all
legal business.
O.K. FTillS, TBi SKILL STi hi
C»lboun,Q». Spring Pl»ee,G»
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to al 1 legalbniinea,
M. B. Harris,
Spring Place, GEorau,
Prompt attention given to
p J legal business.
H. H. Anderson,
Attorney at Law.
Wi',1 attend punctually to all legal business.
W. C. Glenn,
Da&ton, Georgia.
Prompt attention given to all
legal business.
Dr. J. P. Fann.
Ribidsst Dsktut
DALTON, ..........GEORGIA.
All kindaof mc
g. ohanioaland Opar
JK. ative Dentistry ex
Bp. fcS aoutsd (tyle, and iofint-claii at
Bptonabl* reai
-> rates. The
Celluloid Plate put
op in partial or
IT fall eoteof teeth at
y reasonable rates.
Teeth extracted
without Ethef. pain by The the ose of Squibb's pureSul
pbuvic patronage respectfully of the eitWeni
of Murray county is
with a guarantee that I will do them as good
work as they can get iu North Georgia, and
»>< cheap deutistin as they can got Georgia. It done by any first
l*..* North
When you want a good
B. F. JONES, the Barber.
Shop on Hamilton St. Dalton Ga
[To be eeotinned.]
DM M f twit Meta
roa BXAiaxa the sick and conccer
M Sever Before (or MmUr| the Uek.
Is larxe .no we desire to eld them In fur*
nuuna .< 1 x 111.17 mesne for oaring high the elek. pnbllo The
honest phytiol.ii deierredly occupies a While In Appli¬
esteem and to, too. 111, our
ance. are not. panacea for every they are what
we claim for them and will afford a epeedy cure oft
anttoo after medicines have failed to gt re relief.
MAfiNETIC Send for ciroulais.
fiend tise of shoe worn.
MAfiNETIC pair. Send SRSaMI9fiE5S«sat of wrist. Bend for circular.
per measure
for lame and weak
•fleacb. BendslM
MMIETIC Catarrh, Price SS by malt fiend for
Ben, OlroUIAT. eto.
Ma‘S,V MAfiNETIC ,W fflw*e«h SII&WUBNRSfllRA e *hfe. WaUfr
knee. Send for olrculara.
SgWglSiSSSSKSS sagsh .-sa sntssmfta
mff g |at |
MAfiNETIC puhHc^pexker^.Dil^ili^ MMA
SSw senewf e^MutlonUts, ^ fd‘for^eegu£u-. C prlce‘‘fil SnoPb,
vnrleone veins. These legxins n&ve acquired, unl
by ma4h Send tise of lee around calf end ankle.
patlon, MAa«WcraPeT.18.“,®?n« kidney and liver trouble.. Quickly removes
habits end Impaired nervous power will fin? thsm
a paid. Twraable Send companion. for.clroulars. Price Reach by mail post¬
ppuBntfis^ back, Arad or limbs, nervous debility, neural^a, lumbago,
general debility, rheumatism, paralyaia, vestas
m STSFOSfcSbife of waist and tise of shoe
or cold
tlnal belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot
complaints. uperlors They in the relief tf and powerful cure of all
orce to the seat of the carry disease. Price of mag- Belt
nffipsrhbs&wans t of prfeifc fn ordering, send meuure of
U NcvnawB jjMera“V^ , ?ther 0 ramiH.'Jn'!5:
Ul of our brat phyticlxM, chest Price
wti. fiend mmmire of or
can Mpns » fa Mffsonsliou livlofi.ot c ld dietonoe giro n clear who
Of MUitter, and we
ts toBe
mlvonlo underclothes and (not ric sort humbugs
elect off
ITsly) and should forsrsr be taken and
___jpdgr«r are
D. R. Loveman
New Goods just received, stylish and at rock bottom prices.
When in Dalton be sure and call, we will save you money.
We are the Dalton leaders in Dry Goods
& BA 1 LY,
Leaders of Low Prices!
come to the front With the most Complete and Varied
Line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods!
It ha« ever been their pleasure to offer the trade of tbie lection. Their (took, ooneliting
the vary belt dan of goodi, hae boen e»refully bought, mostly from first Hands, which In¬
sures extremely low prices, and they are now READY FOR THE FALL CAMPAIGN!
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ladies’ and Misses’ Wraps, Men’s
and Boys’ Clothing, Shoes, Hats,&c,
Their Millinery Depart'
Is more attraotive than ever before* The Autumn styles are beautiful, and the prieee lower
than the lowest. Call and inspect this handsome stock, and avail yourself of the extraordi¬
nary Inducements offered fry tht^ POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT!
GHOLSTON & BAILEY, Dalton, Ga., Hamilton, St
New Drug Store
S. J. McKnight, Druggist,
Dalton, Georgia,
Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, window-glass, at lowest
T. J. O y B E Y,
Has Opened A Kew Store In
Spring Place, Georgia.
| And the citizens of^JVlurray County need no longer] plough
through ‘W’e the mud to buy goods in Dalton.
will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept in a
gene:al store, and willed! at the lowest cash prices.
buy If elsewhere. you don’t believe it come and price our goods belore you
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Take Notice • .
You will find me under Trevitt Hall, and
I will save you from 10 to 20 per cent
Bo suit* to come > ml si-.e nv>. before buying elsewhere.
My stock consists of FURNITURE, CLOCFS, PICTURES,
CO <FINS, CASKETS, &c. A nice lot of Picture M uMings, f
where you can get frames nicely aud cheaply made to order.
Domestic Sewing Machines at cost; 2 draws $27 50; 4 draws
$33 00; and 6 draws $37 50.
J Is SMITH, Da ton, Ga.
E. E. Brown,
TaD on, Geo gi»
Keep* reliable »«!>< at rehahl** priiN-s.
I w ish to cal! fhpo >al att*-nrioii to my line of Sj-eeiuel- s and
Eje Glasnaa*
Ty t m aid of the-.)M<-|><! e Eye Meter I can <l< t. .-i, ih ra'i-,.*
ot u ii-eii7t» vi-iion an ! l»*!« ic'.i\ (in- kin 1 ol ). nNr ^ Iin*d
(-.OVivct W toj— it. —P ■msmsminiPiMp.,
NO CH A RG1I ler tenting\ey.r e-.Worth r y-u L«y .*r poi.
R. FTT/akfli I)ju- f-toic, Dakou. b.i