Newspaper Page Text
O. N. "ING. 8. B. CABTEB.
North Georgia
KING A CARTER, Publishers.
To the Timbs:
In ray last article I stated
that a great deal of the ex
peDaes over and above local leg¬
islation was tor new and untried
projects to create otlicial posi¬
tions to be filled by graduates
of the State U Diversity, belong¬
ing to the wealthy class. Now
I challenge the authors of Re¬
formatory Hills, Juvenile Con¬
vict Bills, Penetentiary Bills,
Guano Bills and State Road
Bills, to slow where any good
or benefit all these hills ever
done for the general good.
But on the contrary much harm
has been tbe result out side of
the fact that the people had to
toot the bills to tune oi many
thousand dollais. Now reader
go back to the scenes of your
last ho.ise of representatives,
and take a casual view of lour
or five days at from one thou¬
sand, to twelve hundred dollars
per day that two men cost you,
and wiiat did you receive for
this? I say that you received
nothing but a disg aceful ha¬
rangue of billingsgate, black¬
guardism and vituperative ep ¬
ithets, that was sickening to a
decent man. At the end ot this
scene one of the participants, af¬
ter a final farewell to the Thing
that he claimed to be an attack
upon his better halt he again
jumps up to reply to the Thing
he had forever dismissed from
his high estimate ot himself and
had to be rapped down by the
speaker’s gavel.
W Luff man.
iTo be continued.]
bumach Dots.
Everything i.- lively around
Bumach n w.
Mr. James Bryant has moved
to the Spruili residence and has
opened a full store. Mr. Spru¬
ill is building near the Semina¬
ry ard promises to become one
of our permanent citizens. We
are glad to have sucb ineu set¬
tle among us. The school hete
opened Monday of last week
with seventy five students, new
ones are coming every day.
This promises to be a p ospei
ous year to Sumach.—:Vht, it
l»eso to all the schools lluougli
oat our beloved countv. The
greatest, iuterest of uuv people
is not political, but educational.
We are glad the people o
Spring Place are waking up on
the school question. L^c us
strive to make oui County wiiat
it aught to be.
We wish for the Tun s and
its readers a year of pleasant
labor and a rich reward.
1 UlilND.
An earthquake shock was
felr, on the 12th at Charleston
and Columbia, S C., Pabigli
anti Wilmington N. C. Savan¬
nah Ga , and various oth r pla¬
tes in the above til ntioued
states. No serious (lamarre
was done, but the people \ve e
very much e cited, as tln*\
f’eaied the shaky <Ja\s ol ]SSo.
vvete returning
The (ileieland and lUuk
fowu railroad is now being iv
surveyed, and we are mio me* 1
that jt will be built beyond
Hon. J G Carlisle,
speak in Macon ou the evening
s yl January 24th,
The We Ith cf t Home
Is dependent upon il,° b
therein. Ife’ckness is iheie, wiiat
a shadow tails. I’ofeiMs, you
should never neglect a slight con h
or cold, but give in time Tajlct'a
Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum
and Mullein.
A sad suicide took place «n
Oxford Ga., last week. Hersch
elJohnsoD, tired of fife, bnrlet!
a bullet through bis brain.
Astmuemers call attention,
that tbe moon will be totally
eclipsed between three and nine
o’clock p m January 2Stb.
Tbe people in the northwest
are suffering very much Horn
the recent bli/.zard.
Leqal Advertisements.
Will be sold before the court
house door iu the town of Spring
Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic ont ciy between the legal hours
of sale on the 1st Tuesday in February
next, the following described prop¬
erty to wit:
Twenty acres of land in tbe
North west corner of lot No. 24,
and twenty three acres more or less
in the south west corner of lot No.
13, all in the 9lh Distnot and 3rd
section of said county. Levied on
as the property ol R T Beck, by virt¬
ue of a Justices corn t fi fa from the
1039th district, in favor of D 0 Mc¬
Lain, Administrator of Isaac Mc¬
Lain, deceased, vs R T Beck. Levy
made and returned to me by J B
Bond l o.
Also lot ot land No 131 in the 8th
district and 3rd Becti n of said coon
ty. Levied on as the property of
H W Bagley justices by virtue of and to
satisfy a court fi fa of the
825th district a m in favor of Frank
Yornberg made vs the said H W Bagley.
Levy and returned to me bv
J D Elrod l c
Also one stock of merchandise
consisting of dry goods boots shoes
hardware groceries, drugs, store
furniture to-witj 500 pounds flat,
and round irou, j0 horse shoes, 85
yaids jeans, 40 yards prints, 2 blocks
of thread, 12 pair shoes, one lot of
queens and pitchers, ware, oonsi^ing of at tea plates
one lot tin ware
consisting of cuds, buckets, pans
and oil cans. 325 pounds flour, 4
sieves. OBe lot patent dings, con¬
sisting of paraeoric pills, laudanum
etc., One lot of show case goods,
lery, consisting of matches, thread, cut¬
spoons and etc,40 pounds
coflee, 80 pounds of nails, 501bs.
sugar, 201 bs. soda, sulphur, salts
etc., one set of hame-< etc., 8 gul
ons of kerosene oil, sundries, show
case, trunk, scales, hats and being
all the contents of the store house
occupied by Murray defendant, where he
resides in county, Also odc
brown bay horse, two cows and
calves, two young heifers and one
set of black smith tools complete.
All of said property levied on as
the property of S M Haggard to
satisfy M a superior F court fifa in favor
C & J Kiser & Co., vs S M
Also the 018 '. undivided half in valuo of
lot of laud No 310 in the 26th district and
2nd lection of said county. Levied on i>.» the
properly of J A Wright abd subject tolhe
pujeha :e moo oy notes given to A T Logan by
J A Wright by virluoof and to satisfy a Jus¬
tice court fi fa from the 1013th district G. M.
in favor of W A Latoh vs J A Wright pritci
pal and W J Terry seouvi y.
Also lot of land No 223 in tbe
26t,h district and 2nd section ot
said county. Levied on as tbe
properly of George Corral I admin
istrator of John Lowther by virtue
of and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
from (he tax collector’s oficeof said
county, in favor of the state and
county vs George Oorrell adminis
tiator of John Lowther. For the
year 1887.
A'io lot of lend number 82 in .bo 8 h di -
iriot and 3rd .'-c.iou of said oou -ty. Levied
on as I’m propertv of Mrs. Kebece.; Saxon,
by virtue of a d to satisfy a ta:; fi fa issned
fro the Tax Collet-- tr’s office of s -id co’ nty
in favor of the Sta , and County vs. Mrs. Re¬
becca Saxon. For e y> r fSS, .
Abo lot. of land No 275 in tlio
25 H. district iml 2nd seeti .n of
Murray coitnlv. on us I h“
property • ! Francis A Crow, t»y
virtue of and 10 satisfy a tax fi fa ]■«
! sued from tbe Tax colbc!or* ofle-'
ol said county in fa 7or of the slat,
and count vs Francis A Crow.
For tbe year 1887.
Also that portin', of lot of tavl If - ‘‘i.5*ly¬
ing North of Holly Creek and ufty rods ..1
the South side of lot oflanu No. 21,0 all i.i Ibu
Stiih di triet and °,.d see Ion of said coalite
except ftiiee acres more or lu.-.a of lot-nf land
No 267 where loo sew- nil I r ncl g. n now .nil.
Levied on a- the p o ci ir of W .1 T 'ot>, c ..
nd is minuet to dower ot Mi s. I oiii. a Hr -
ler. Alt of the above de cribed prop. 0.0 is
in posses .ion of W J Peepl-- Levied o>- si
the prop' 1 1 y of W J ’ bv veto ot 1 ci
to hu is y a li a 1001 « .!■ .e o t'tv 1 O'
Murray couoty in favor of W 0 Pcanlc v A
Bros, vs J H A W J -ee to .
This January 5th 1£38.
C. L. TELRY, ' Shell
Georgia, Mb* -ay County.
D M Ped«i> Administrator of J W Walker
represent! to the Court in his petition duly
filed end entered on reeeord, that he ha
Thu JSHSHtu /uI.
day in March 1886 w ‘ H -
Dec. lit 1887.
By virtue of an Oder of the oourt of Ordi¬
nary of Murray county Ga. will be told be¬
fore the Court Home door in laid county, <n
the fint Tuesday in February, next, within
the legal hours of lale. Loti of tind Num¬
bo* 2S8 andJSJ , and nn undivided half in¬
teract in lot Number 240, all in the 9th Diit.
and Ird section of laid couti'y, containing in
all fonr hundred acrei more or leu, sold in
■operate lots, ai the property of William
Jackson, late of laid County, and being tha
old Homutcid of said deceased on Holly
Creek, excepting one half ,»oi*~ on lot No.
238 where family grave yard itattdl. Terms
cash. This January 4th 1S88.
0 D Keith fidqt.. Wm Jackson deceased
with will annexed.
Georgia, Murray c aunty,
Whereas H R and Phillip Beamer Execu¬
tors of the estate of John Beamer deceased
represent! to the court in their petition dniy
filed and entered on record, that they have
fully administered John Beamer’s estate ae
oording to hil will. This is therefore to eite
all persona concerned, kindred and oreditors,
to show oause, if any they ean why said Ex¬
ecutors should not be discharged lrom their
trust, and receive letters of dismission on the
1st Monday in April 1888, This Jan. ith '888.
W H Ramsey, Ordinary.
Stats or Gsoroia mubiay oodutt:
Whereas, Win Luflman Admin¬
istrator of John O’Conner repre¬
sents to the court in his petition,
.duly filed and entered on r ocord
that he Las fully administered John
0‘Conner‘s estate. This is there
fore to cite all perrons concerned^
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said Ad¬
ministrator should not be dischar¬
ged from his ; dministration and
receive letters of dismission on the
first Monday in April 1888, Thjg
January 4th 18-8.
W, B, Rcysey. Ordinary.
Stats or Gkobgia, Murray County,
To all whom it may concern:
Isaac W Mo Lain basin due form applied
10 me for permanent letters of administration
on the estate of ofLavenin C McLain late of
said county deceased, ard I will pass upon
the said application on the first Monday in
February 1888.
Given under my band and official signature
this 4th day January 1888. W H Ramsey,
(Wo ■ i»WNV«V«>k» '*
Stats ovGuorgu, Murray County
Mackey McOatny wife of Isaac
McOamy. has applied for exemp
tiou ot personalty and I will pass
upon the same at 12 o’clock m on
the 25th of Janury 1888 at my offi
ce. W H Ramsey Ordinary.
Wanamaker & Brown,
The largest custom order and
retail clothing house.
Merchant Tailor;
Dalton, Gf.o no i a,
Guari'ftntees good work and
chen-n rates.
BDEEHR ST \MP with your
in 1 mo in
Fancy Type, 25 Visiting Cards, and IN > A
INK to mark Linen, only .*.» ct^. Stamps.
Book of 2000 styl.v* free with each o tier.
Agents wanted. Big Pay.
Portable Corn Hills and Xillitoneg.
Mu* m
I 1 20 INCH
The Best in the World for making line table
meal: for feed. grinding Corn, Oats, fibrous Bye, Barley or
any mixed It onto ail matter bettec
than any known atone or bnbr.
Banijplej^cf Moal sent on application.
1870 1887
j 1
j mx»i, «i»u «*■
was swarded the only mad'd offer
ed i £SZ.a. .y da.
est Cabinets at $4 per dozen.
56 'A Whitehall St., Over M, Rich &
Bro's. Dry Goods Store,
Atlanta, Georgia.
We give the beat pictures for
the least money. Children’s pict¬
ures taken in one second Strangers
from the country always welcome.
Call and examine specimens and
Livery Feed and
Sale Stf ble
For hire or sale at JESSE
HOLLAND’S Livery Stable
in Dalton, Ga. The patronage of
the people *nmch desired, and
especially those from Murray
Having located at the Legal
Tender mines, at Fort Moun¬
tain, is uow prepared to assay
ores promptly and with all the
precision that the latest revela¬
tions in chemical science per¬
c. w c. c. c
Certain Chicken Cholera Cure
iSS^Miis tithe ouly specific for chick ice yet
discovered; every package guarnritood to atop
cholera among chilkons in fifteen minutes, so
that no more will take the disease. I have
the indorsement of the Commissioner of Agri¬
culture of Ga. Call and got a package only
25cts. For sale by T. J. OVBEV,
Soring Place G
Metropolitan Hotel,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
Corunr of Alabama <fc Pryor Streets.
- -Hates Reasonable. -
R. P- KEITH, ■ • Proprietor.
[Late of Cannon House.]
Dalton, GKO KOI A,
We have, arranged our new
gallery to make ever style pho¬
tographs and will guarantee to
please those wanting pictures.
Copies and Enlargements a
Four Gem pictures or KVr*
retypes made tin fifty eenfs.
Do not tail t<> call and exam¬
ine our work w .-u -i Dali.mi.
Pictures made on cloudy os
we 11 ns ;m\' of t 11 »r ■ lav.
hsraSfcWCTfflOTIlIniiM W/S
GOODS and for Family and Dressmakers'
KRUSE M’FG CO., 124 E. 14th SL. N. Y.
Dalton, 00:00 G EORG T A.
u©wly Opened! Newly Fulimbed
Fira-Cta Accomraodatio,,. BEST MKAL io hbe STATE
the MONEY. Kates $2. per day.
w. H. MCBDOCH, Prop’r.
Millinery Goods,
duet Received at tbe MJUuery Store ol
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortmentof Miiinery and Straw Good*, eonsisttog of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’and Children’s Hats [trimmed aod entrimmed] Neels
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Nook Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins*
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ae. Our geeda
were bought of the largestand bestimporting Honseain Balti¬
more and New Yore, and will be sold at very low
prices for oash.
Furniture from 25 to 40 per cent Below
Cost of Manufacture.
am selling all the output ot the Georgia Manufacturing Co*
from 25 to 40 per cent below cost of manufacture.
Parlor and Bedroom setts made to order
W. W. VanNrsb, Dalton, G\., Next door to Cannons
Robinson § Anderson, \
Pr : cj jpilr v e *'a i« p • t-.» *•«?
Every -word we say we caa stand by.
Dear Sir : Do you want to see tbe
latest WONDER of ’87. ANSWER TO»
DAY. A $35 Single Harness redaced to
£f. 1'1 $25. The finest Harness MADE for
y ' the money. Handsome nickel or imitation
Fi SSi rubber gold finish mountings. ' HAND
5 &'f’ made from oak stock, unsurpassed for
ft style and durability. If you will allow us
3 we will send you a sample foryomt inspec¬
tion to show you what progress Ike have
made by waling a SPECIALTY and get¬
ting out over 800 setts each month. You
B ■tr can keep the sample at only $20, less
sEl r:, than price here or return at OUR EX
i I’ENSE. Can we make a more liberal
- offer? We shall expect to hear from you
p Folded at once saying single YES send on your Harness.
fm | National or strap Harness style. Co.,
Hi Wholesale Manufacturers*
A. ANDERSON, lAtoH Wells St. Buffalo JT. Y.
of Harness Manufacturers. Collar and Ilames, $2 Extra. No Breast Collar
Wholesale Manager Mfxs., of the —--—--- Double Style
Natiowal HARHiea Oo., • for two horses, Price, 35.00.
Ir“. llnr.6,’83,&Fob-6,’Oh
The followlxiff books Are published In neat pamphlet They form, printed from good readable type on food
paper, Jished and many of them handsomely and illustrated. the are withoet exception the chnapeet hooka ever pub*
In an/ land or language, rarniah to maaeea of the people an opportunity to aeeure the Deal
literature of the day at the moat trifling ouered. expense. In any other aeries these great works would eost man J
are here
Wonders of the World, Harcaai. and Ornaa. Coo
talus deacrlptiuua and illuatratioiia of tha moat wonderful
works of natara and of man. Vary iuteraatln* aud toatmctlva.
Wood era of the Ben. A deacrlptlon of the many wonder¬
ful and beautiful things found at tbs bottom of the ocean, with
profuse illuitrations. Exertion,** and Other Sketches. By
“A Pleasure Irresistibly
**.Tobiah Allen's Wire." 1 collection of funny
iketebea by tha most popular humorous writer Of tha day.
The Aunt Kcslah Papers, by Cl ana Auuosta, funny author
of M The Bugg Documents." A moat Bedott.*' ridiculously book
—Inevery way equal to "Widow
CkrliteMt Sto.tM, b, Cuun Dioun. CoaUI» .
number of the moat charming Christ® M stories ever writteu
by tbagreatast writer who aver lived. Each one !» complete.
Hound the Evenlrsf Lamp- A book of stories,pictures,
ponies end games, for toe little folk* at borne.
tic Popular Kecltatltms and Plologuea, latest, beet hnmorooe, drama¬
and pathetic, including all tbe and moil popular.
TheSelf.aade Men of Modem self-made T*ne«- Americans, Contains from por¬ tba
traits and biographies or pretent. famous
time of Franklin to tha
• Familiar Quotations. Containing the origin and author¬
ship of many phrases frequently met In reading and conversa¬
tion. A valuable work of reference.
Low Life la Kew Tnrk. A series of vivid pen pictures
Showing Snowing tba tba dark derx side side of or life me io 10 tbe me great city. JlluutraUd.
The The Road Road ta ta Wealth. Woalth. Not Not an an advertising ad circular. Ircular,
but a thoroughly practical work, work, point) pointing out a way w by
Which all may male oney, caa tally, rapidly sentimental,pat sod honestly hetlc
One Hundred Popular Nongra, old.
and comic, Including most of tbe favorites, favorites, new and
Sir Ir Noel's NoePs Heir. Heir. A Novel. ■vel. By By Mrs. Mrs. M Mat Au.nkb Flcmirs.
7 &:.r b.
S-rar Bsna,
Swre''’r.M?IJ«WTO»ts i iS»W*vv, «*»•«»' Murra^
First Premium and Geld. Medal at
Kew Orleans Exposition , 1838*
fjw Tuonscr^arodft ln it at Hie V. oiidVi \
J.or.fsvilU £
olftODtlke 1885, aod prouoiiDcttl it die brut m ihr worlds
1880, hiOusuiBl
and icceivtii L*igLu;tvt kitiuovL*
This Cart rides as eacy as ary Euggy, and Is
positively free from Horse Motion.
A a Urnf’vocri'nkatomovo in nniunn with thnho*M*t
sieipa&iiuu'.wayu Uui bui.y iu u U«>rtjuati4UiMk
J / -4-. /Siltj rfir r I |_i'' l - _|I 1 Ufeneseo We will on sell ra Turn •
j Dais Trial mad
guarunte* ittoride
IIorsr Motion easy and k> t»
aa Fita» from a* any bufyy.
If not just as rapreaontod, return to oa ai our
Send for Ciroulars & Testimonials.
D. F. every SARGENT not already taken.
& SON,
Patentees, Ceneseo. HI.
The ForoclIInl Rabies. A Kovel. By M. T. Caldou,
The Old Oukcn ( heat. A Kovel. By 8 tlvamos Cons, iu
The Pearl ol'the Ocean. A Novel. By Class Af« os*a»
Hollow Ash Hall. A Novel, By lUMuaffr Btoona,
TUuttratrd. ^
CUQ'e lions e. A Novel. By Etta W. rmaes. M MQ
Cadcr the Lilacs. A Novel. By tbs author of
The Diamond Bracelet. A KotsI. By Mrs.
Wood. Jduitratnf.
Tbe Lawyer’s Secret. A Kovel. By MiasM. B. BnaonOX,
The Strange Case of Dr. Jt^kyll aad Mr. Ryis» A
No oval. Bv K. T. Stkvknbon.
A Wicked Girl. A Novel. By Mast Cncit Mat. ^
Docnsaa." Lndy Valworth's Diamonds. A Novel. By
Between Tiro Bias. A Novel. By tbs suther st M DSth
tiorue." fllu*< rated.
The Nine of Hearts* A Kovel. BfB.LFiWMf,
Doris's ForfuiH*. A Novel. By Plobkncb'W asoss. IBlMt
A Low Murrlncf. A Novel. By Mias M 0 LOCK.
The Guilty Klver. A Novel. By WilkicCollins.
The Poison of Aaps. A Novel. By Floskncs MaMTAT,
Moat Ciranwe. A Novel. By Mrs. Hknrt Wood.
Foralna A Play wrljght’M the Fetter**. Daughter. A Novel. A Novel. By Mrs. By AaaxANoa^ Mrs. AaaUg
Ei’w.iat.8. Illustrated. but Palm. X Ho»el. By lb. .«lbor «f “DBS _
Tliorne.” Illustrated.
Lancaster** Cabin. A Novel. By Mrs. g.T.TiOfMi
Illustrated. Mrs. MA§¥
Florence Ivlnuton** Oath, A Novel. By
A. DCNiaON. IVu.-trated.
^Tfce Woman ISulcr. A Novel. By Dr,J.B.BOII»|Ols
Xbo‘ i.'ftltfonili4 Cabin. A Novel. By U. T. OtUMS.