North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, January 19, 1888, Image 3
North Georgia Times. •a Official Vapor of tbe County, FC4Cf*HEO EVERY THURSDAY, .Blared ia the Post OSee at Spring Place <}■., »s aecoud el tea matter. Subscription Rate*: One to .r, Jt ot Six months, SOeent>;Throe ■*» be, IS eenti. Payable in Advance. Add-as- all communication! t) Thu Tikis, jSpr-ng Piece, _ LOGAL DOTTING S Houses tor rent are in demand 3a Spring Place. A full line of ladies hats at Mrs. Fannie Johnson’s. 2 am dosing out over-coats and ladled c.oaks at cost. T J Ovbey. A beautiful and tasty line of la¬ dies hats, just received at T J Ovbey’s. The trausfering of real estate has been lively in Murray for the past month. Good Stoves cheaper than can be bought any where, at T J Ovbey,8 Mrs. H Hesvtsil) has been quite sick lev a f»w days but ia better at this wri'icy Airs. Montgomery a very old lady of Coosa watt ee, this county, died on last Saturday. Miss Josia Stansbery is instruct ing a music class at her father’s res¬ idence in the villiage. A general line of Patent medi¬ cine at T J Ovbey’s, cheaper than can be bought anywhere. I sell the best grade of flour cheaper than any body. J. Davis. W. Miss Katie Peeples, a beautiful young lady of Murray is visiting her sister at Villanow Ga. Miss Georgia, daughter of Mr. William Petty, of Cisco, this coun tj, is attending school at this place. It Is feared, if the waive is not checked, there will be a famine in the matrimonial field at Spring Place. Gome at once and settle your ac¬ counts for 1£87—We mean business T A & S E Berry, Dalton Ga* A young American made his first appearance at G L Moore’s on last Monday morning—its an eleven pound boy. James R. Wnitecotton was in town Sunday, dancing to the music of an aching tooth. If you like it, Jim, stand up. Rev. Mr. Walton the Jr. preach¬ er on the M. E. church cirenit in this county has arrived and enter¬ ed his pastoral duties. Hon. W J Peeples and Mr. Henry Gravlev have purchased a new /saw mill and are planting it at the Hassler saw mill stand. Mrs C D Durham of the Ball ground district, took her departure ■on last Monday for a journey in the West to see ber children. Alaculsa iu.d the Tenth Justice courts have less lawing than any two districts in the county—This epeaks well for the boys of the up¬ per end. A Car load ol Wagons j cist receiv¬ ed a t T A & S E Berry's. L' all on Ga., and are for sale cheap, for .cash, or good paper at a low rate *of interest. It seems that Spring Place has ■decided to let the dead look after the dead, as tbe fence around the .graveyard vs down and nothing is being do lefor its erection. Tbe largest and most complete stock of goods that has been in Spring Place for years has just, been received and elegantly ar ranged at the 8'ore of T J Ovbey. A little daughter of Mr* F M Stewart, v bi'e skipping on the pi nzEa Isst Toesdiv fell end broke ber tiiigu. l)i W vtf Anderson re¬ set tne Lac'oi ad parts and left the .child doing well. W f Davis has purchas 'd the handsome stock of grocer¬ ies ot G W Cole ami is now lo** 43ated with his full stock of ■goods at the Henry corner op¬ posite T J Ovbey’s. Justice and law were dispensed at the 1039 Dist. court last Satur¬ day, by Esquires E W Bond and j M Foftg. Attorneys, Trammell fcSIurr and M B Harris were present and repiesei’tod tbe litigants pro aud con '1 his is one of tbs best corn's in tbe .county and has the beet cojan ry com t hoyse in the county. Take the TMESfor 1888-Why? Because this is the great election year both State and National, and the Times will keep you posted. We will give you the general and local news, and make it a welcome visitor to all who fesl an interest in their country—Only $1 per year. Business is business the world over, and we must ask our custom¬ ers to come up at once and settle their accounts or we will be com¬ pelled to use means that we dislike very much to use. Also the indi¬ vidual accounts of W W Anderson must be forthcoming at cnce. Robinson & Anderson. - » ■§ - If ihe ladies believes in protect¬ ive tariff, the wh£do they not take a.i v an 1 age ot lesp year—we hope Lhev aie only waiting till the birds begin to sing, and the flowers be¬ gin to bloom. A meeting of the citizens of Spring Place and the community at large is called for tonight (Thnrs day), to deliberate upon, and take decisive action in regard to build¬ ing an Academy at this plaoe. This is a matter of vital importance and we hope the people will turn out in mass and make the meet¬ ing one of good results. It is im¬ possible to tell what kind of a house, or where it should be located for the convenience of all, without tbe voice of the people. So if you can’t do anything but vote, please lend your presence, and aid in that way. The world is moving onward and if we desire to move with it, we must be up and doing, aud wide awake to our duty. mr. Carlisle’s great speech. To be delivered in Atlanta on Jan¬ uary 23, will be published in full in The Weekly Journal of January 26. A copy of this paper can be had by sending your name on a postal card to The Journal. Mr. Carlisle is the great leader in the movement of TARIFF RE¬ FORM, and his speech will be a clear and complete exposition of the arguments supporting the plat¬ form of the tariff reformers. In the question of cheap clothing and other necessaries of life against cheap whisky and tobacco, the peo¬ ple have a deep and abiding inter¬ est, and those who oannot hear the speech should read it. The price of the Weekly Journal is 50 cents a year in clubs. S mple copies free* Address The Journal, Atlanta, Ga, ENJOY LIFE. What a truly beautiful world we live irj Nature gives us grandeur ofmountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health, but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain sat isfactory proof, that Gbkkn’s Au¬ gust Flower, will make them free from disease, as when born. Dys peosiaand Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy-five percent, ofBiich maladies as Billiousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache. Cost iveness, Nervous Prostration, Diz¬ ziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, ami other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. Notice to Teachers. tinder the newly revised school law, the State School Commissioner, is required to fix a day or days for the purpose of examining all w*ho desire lo teach in the State. It now becomes tbe duty of the coun¬ ty School Commissioner to give notice of the time, when examina^ tions are to be had. Tne days fixed by the SlAte School Commissioner are the 26th 27th and 2Sth of this month- I hereby give notice that I will meet thp applicants of this county at Spring Place on Thurs¬ day and Friday? the 26tb and 27th ot this month, for tbe purpose of holding an examination for teach¬ ers license. All contracts formerly made are void and no one will be allowed to leach unless the above article is complied with and satisfactory evi deuce given of schola ship to enti¬ tle a teacher's license. S H Henry, 0. S. C. ™COUGHS,CROUP - UNO — CONSUMPTION USE T*pg JSiiV s§L f m w V mm ^ j. -SWEET CUM AND MULLEIN. The swoet gum, as gathered from a tree of the same name, growing along the small stroma* in the Southern States, contain* ft stimulating the phlegm ex¬ pectorant principle that loosens pro¬ ducing the early morning cough, ana stimulates the child to throwotfthe false membra ne in croup and whooping-cough. When combined with the healing plant of mucilaginous the old fields, principle presents In in the Taylor’S mullein Cheroker Remedy op sweet Gum Coughs, and mul¬ lein the finest known remedy for and Croup, pala Whooping-cough and pleased consumption: take JL Ask bo taole, any child is lo your Local Paragraphs Arklucks. Arklucks. Arklucks. Stop that headache by using Arklucks Indian Blood Pills. Arklucks Indian Blood Pills get there Ely— every box warranted - tr y th6 “ Per goods cheap, and big prices for country produce, L h Clark Fort Mountain, is the man to trade With. Arklucks Indian Blood Pills cure all „ derangements . , of the stom- , ache and bowels. Doctors Will pro scribe them. Money to Loan. Those who want money, and have first class real estate to secure it, apply through C N King. •Oh my! I am about to fall! what can I do for my Liver? Take one box of Aakiucks Indian Blood Pills and you will have no more trouble. When you go to Dalton take your meals at Buchholz, restaurant. He will feed ycu well and treat you well and charge you only twenty live cents per meal. If you have headache ask your merchant for a box ot Arklucks In¬ dian Blood Pills and they will sure¬ ly cure you. Don’t let anybody palm off any other kind for Arklucks are the best. Duelors and merchants will find it is to their interest to advise the use of Arklucks Iudian Blood Pills for there is no better remedy. Twenty Five cents paid for them will often save the patients life. See Me First. I ask thiough kindness, all who owe me, to’come up at once and settle your account; I need the mon ey and roust have It, so please do not leave me till the last. W J Johnson Hack Line. Simon Daly has purchased a new covered hack and is prepared to haul passengers between this place and dalton in comfort in any kind of weather. The hack leuveg this piece at 7 a, m. and Leaves Dalton at 1 p. in. daily. Want d - Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Go n, Baled Shucks, DeJournette & Co. Dalton Ga. —♦ -*♦ Supplies Fu nislied. G VV Oglesby at Kenner’s warehouse, Dalton (la., will furnish farmers of Whitfield and Munay comities wnh sup¬ plies, such as Bacon, Corn, Flour, Hay, Sugar, Coffee Syiup, Salt, Tobacco, etc., ou time till lall if they niake good notes, Professional Cards. Wm. C. Martin, Attorney at Law. Spring Place, Georgia. Immediate attention given to'all legal business._ O. E. STARR, TRAMMELL STIRS Calhoun, Ga, Spring Place,Ga STARR & STARR Attorneys at Law, Prompt attention given to alUegalbnilnea, M. B. Harris, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Spring Place, Gkoigia, Prompt attention given to all legal business. H. H. Anderson, Attorney at Law. SPRING PLACE, GEORGIA. Will attend punctually to all legal business. W. C. Glenn, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dalton, G EORGIA. Prompt attention given to all legal business. Dr. J. P. Farm. Rmidxnt Dmtist dalton.......... GEORGIA. chan! oa "a !ul°O je r" ,, iZliTsrToUsl style, and at rens S^uilw Pi'.'t.p«t /’■'&/ up in partial or » \ full setsof tooth at i* 1 IVTt reasonable rates. Teeth ex traote d without pain by the use of Squibb’, purcSui phuric Ether. Tho patronage «f the oitisens ot’ Murray *-gtii£fcantee otfunty is rospectfnlly do thorn good with that I will as work as they can get in North Georgia, and as cheap as they oan get it done by any first iasB deutistiu North Georgia. When you want a good ^ SHAVE OR HAIR (. UT GO TO B. F. JONES, the Barber. Shop on Hamilton St. Dalton Oa. [To be continued.] Disease Cnrei Witliont Mefllcinn. A MARVELOUS INVENTION FOU HEALING THE RICK AND CONQUER¬ ING PAIN. A Taloahlt Mufovftrv for supplying Hugnetlnm CtUhud to thn hu¬ man lyatoni. Electricity for and lieilUg Magnetism the Sick. Never Before rumens is largo nml we desire to aid them in fur¬ nishing honest physician auxiliary means occupies for curing high place the sick. in public Tho a esteem and not deservedly so, forevery too. While ill, they >>tir Appli¬ what ances claim are for them a panacea and will afford speedy are oft¬ we a cure entimes after medicinos have failed to give relief. GENUINE MAGNETIC APPLIANCES CUSS1FIED. MAGNETIC g? d d ~u Bend size of shoe worn. 8end for circulars. MAGNETIC pair. 8end Jff.l'pfLTnHITSrtL of wrist. Send for circular. per measure of MAGNETIC ankle. Send for GSMI.'fiSK'sandals. circulars. MAGNETIC Catarrh, 98 mall. Send for ness, etc. Price by j MAGNETIC SMS 9MC,!: and hip disease, etc. Price 95. Send size of waist leg at hip. Sond for circulars. neuralgia MAGIEIlGGSSS^GAS^LtSS or catarrh, will give relief immediately. Price circulars. #6 each, fioud sice of hat worn. Send for reduoe MAGNETIC tho HKAMMSIRIR and natural size Immediately. swelling Price 92 each restore by mail. to Bend size of knee. Sena for circulars. lungs. MAGNETIC They M. and cold, rheumatism, neuralgia, pneumonia, prevent cure troubles and Price throat ca¬ tarrh. 95. Send for circulars with test! monlals. benefit MAGNETIC to elocutionists, ZWm public JT'M.rT speakers and sl erg. They strengthen the vocal cords and prevent Si hoarseness. size Bend tor circular. Price 91 each by mall. Send of neck. ;■:*< • - varicose MAGNETIC veins. These IrSSfia^rfSSf'.SSrK legging have acquired uni¬ versal praise for their medical qualities, Price and for the ease with which they are worn. 93 each by mail. Send size of leg around oalf and ankle. Bend for circular. MAGNETIC and PJEKBPJMBGA.. P SBS: patlon, backaches kidney peculiar liver to ladles, trouble. and Quickly Imparts removes wonder¬ ful vigor to the whole body. Persons of sedentary habits and impaired nervous power will find them a valuable companion. Price 92 each by mail post¬ paid. 8end for.circulara. lowing MAGNETIC diseases SSHBrjSBbffJR without medicine: Pain In the back, head or limbs, nervous debility, neuralgia, lumbago, general sciatica, debility, diseases rheumatism,paralysis, of the kidneys, torpid liver, sem¬ inal emissions, impotency, heart disease, dyspep¬ sia, indigestion, hernia or rupture, pile*. etc. Con¬ sultation free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic In¬ soles, 910 . Send measure of waist and size of shoe worn. Send for olrculai MAGNETIC neuralgia, Mf OTafls, •JHSCT5& dys¬ rheumatism, nervous exhaustion, head¬ pepsia or with diseases of the liver, kidneys, ache or cold feet, iamo back, failing of the womo, leucorrhcea, abdominal belt chronicinflammation of the Foot womb, Batter¬ an ies have and a pair of Magnetic and of these complaints. no superiors They in the relief powerful cure all netic force to the sent of the carry disease. a Price of mag¬ Belt O. with O. D„ Magnetic and examination Foot Batteries, allowed, 910. Sent by by mail express or on waist receipt and of 1*0 price. of shoe. In ordering, send measure of $ MAGNETIC ftW’uKJ&SKS which b&me the skill of our best physicians. Price bust 990 each and waist. with insole. Send measure of Chester Persons living at a distance who can not consult us in person should give a clear statement of their difficulties by letter, and we will designate the kind of Appliances required In each case to effect a cure. Send your address for the ‘‘New Departure in Medical Treatment With¬ out Medicine,” with thousands of testimonials. The Magnetic Garments are adapted to all ages, body are worn like over the underclothes (not next to the the many galvanic and electric humbugs advertised so extensively) and should be taken off at night. at all They hold of their the power forever and are worn seasons year. HTOrder direct through your Druggist, Physician, General Store Dealer, or through tho publisher of this paper. THE MA6NETI0 APPLIANCE CO., 1*4 Btarhwn SC. Ollu«a m. D. R. Lovciiian GEORGIA. New Goods just received, stylish and at rock bottom prices. When in Dalton be sure and call, we will save you money. We are the Dalton leaders in Dry Goods Harr s & Day **• s, Woodlawn, - 00 : 00 - Georgia. -{ DEALERS IN' l ■ General Merchandise and Count y Produce. ZZ-. 1887 AVIUMN 1887 OHOLSTOI & DAILY, Leaders of Low Prices! Have come to the front With the most Complete and Varied Line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods! It has ever been their pleasure to offer the trade of this section* Their stock, consisting of the very best class of goods, has been carefully bought, mostly from first hands, which in¬ sures extremely low prices, and they ore now READY FOR THE FALL CAMPAIGN! They are offering IRRESISTIBLE INDUCEMENTS in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ladies' and Misses’ W;aps, Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Shoes, Hats,<fcc, Their Millinery Depart ment Is more attractive than ever before. The Autumn styles arc beautiful, and the prices lnwer than the lowest. Call and inspect this handsome stuok,and avail yourself of the extraordi¬ nary Inducements offered by this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT! GHOLSTON & BAILEY, Dalton, Ga., Hamilton, St. New Drug Store oo:oo S, J. McKnight, Druggist, Dalton, G EORGIA, ; Pure Dings, Paints Oils, Varnishes window-glass, at lowest i 1 prices. ; T. J. OT BE Y, Has Opened A New Store In Spring Place, Georgia. And the citizens of Murray County need no longer'plough through the mud to buy goods in Dalton. We will constantly keep on hand everything usuall kept in a general store, and will sell at the lowest cash prices. If you don’t believe it come and price our goods belore you buy elsewhere. W. J. JOHNSON 5 •{ DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc. SPRING PLACE, GEORGIA. The best East Tennessee Flour, Ihieon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup. Lenoii’s factory Thread and a select stock of Summer Huts of the latest st yles, all of which will |, e sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. Take Notice. You will find me under Trevitt Hall, mid I will save you from 10 to 20 per cent My stock consists of FURNITURE,. CLOOP8, PJ0TURE8, CORPUS, GASKETS, .fee. A nice lot ot Picture M uhlings, where you e.'in get IVaun-s nicely mid die ply made to order. Domestic Sewing Machines /it cost; 2 draws $27 50; 4 draws $;<;’> 00; mid 0 diawx $87 50. J L SMITH, Da ton, Ga K. K. it r o w n , - PATENT :n. Tiik Jeweler. fal on, Geo gia Keeps reliable goods ;it reliable price*. I u i>li to cal! espe ini attini i<m to my lim; of Speetncl s am I Eye Glasses. I y t'm ni<l of the Diop-i e Eye Meter l cm d.-Dct ifi «-hm»o oi uci'oti e vi-ion an ! t, 11 i-A.iet.b the km 1 ot Inis i »j ti i>m i o> co11n t it. NO Gil And J for testing your eym wliwt In-r yn buy ■or not. R. I\ i’nkvi e D: i^ Store; Diihon G;t.